I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 375 Seventy-Year Veteran vs. God on Earth

The cage is made of silver lithium alloy, has a frame as thick as a little finger, a thin layer of metal mesh, and hand-twisted burrs on the edge.

Not only does it not have the sense of high-tech sophistication, but it is very rough, like a handmade DIY work.

“Where are the engineers who built these instruments?”

Harley turned her head to look at the Psychic Power Converter again, her eyebrows tightening even more.

The Psychic Power Converter has such a fancy name, but its shape looks like a second-hand container picked up from the dock.

"They have all been dealt with. They are Admiral Mark's people." Joseph said.

"Kill him or imprison him?" Harley asked.

Joseph made a motion of wiping his neck.

"Shit, if you get rid of the engineer, who will operate these instruments?" Harley said with an ugly expression.

The 7th Cavalry Regiment looks more and more like a grassroots team. The plan is so grand, but the work is so rough.

Joseph pointed at "Tulsa Clark" standing beside him with a rifle on his back.

"Clark also graduated from the School of Electronic Engineering and learned how to operate these instruments early."

Clark gave a thumbs up and grinned at Harley, "Don't worry, Harley. The difficulty of operating these machines is not as difficult as tossing your grandfather's old Ford."

Harry's heart felt cold. Clark was as stupid as a pig in school. Even if he was admitted to a pheasant university, he would have just graduated two years ago.

Moreover, he actually compared the device used to steal Manhattan's supreme power with her grandfather's broken Ford.

"Where's Laurie? Bring her here." Harry began to retreat in his heart. He should at least take 'Xia Yuhe by Daming Lake' with him and plead for her at the critical moment.

After the two younger brothers went to escort Laurie, Harry personally inspected the warehouse inside and out.

There is no Axeman or Mission: Impossible.

There are no cameras, there is a video wall in the warehouse, but neither the cages nor the converters are connected to the internet.

No time bombs were planted.

There is no hidden magic circle.

Harley breathed a sigh of relief, "Joseph, immediately issue a call-up order to the Seventh Cavalry Regiment, asking them to carry all the strongest weapons they can carry.

With the warehouse as the center and a radius of five kilometers, at least three defense fronts were established. "

"Harry, the key to our actions tonight is to be quick and sudden, catching everyone off guard.

Making too much noise may attract the attention of the military or other forces. "Joseph frowned.

“If the plan succeeds, we will get the ‘power of the hydrogen bomb’ in Manhattan, and it will be useless for anyone to come.

Joseph, you must have the consciousness to break the boat. "Harry said solemnly.

"What if I fail? Harley, I hope that even if I fail and die, I will not damage the foundation of the Seventh Knights." Joseph said seriously.

Harley's expression was surprised, she didn't expect this guy to be so enlightened.

"How many of our people are there in the alloy equipment factory now?" she asked.

"There are forty-five knights in the factory, and there are thirty-two more outside Carl (Dr. Manhattan)'s house."

The person who answered the question was a leader named He-Man.

Not a Hallie alumnus, but he often went to her grandpa's bar to drink and party, and she and he knew each other.

"There are still a few people."

Harley walked to the wall, where an architectural diagram of the factory hung.

"Call at least fifty more gunners over. For the sake of the 'power of the hydrogen bomb,' we must bear the risk of a large number of casualties."

Seaman looked at Joseph.

Joseph hesitated.

Seeing this, Giles reminded him: "BOSS, Witch Harley is a five-ring general. She has defeated Kryptonians. You should trust her judgment."

"Seaman, call another fifty 'cavalry' over." Joseph gritted his teeth.

"Harry, you won't succeed. You understand this better than me. Stop it."

Laurie shouted loudly as soon as he was brought into the warehouse.

"Sister Laurie, just stay there, don't talk, don't make trouble, lest they gag you and lock your hands and feet.

Joseph and I signed a sacred contract, bound by the power of Christ, and can only go forward step by step! "

Laurie glared at her fiercely, and secretly decided in her heart: when Harley failed and was tortured by her ex-husband, she would beg for mercy later and teach her to suffer more.

Well, from the moment Harley called her over in a hurry, she understood what she was thinking, and also understood that Harley lacked confidence and the 7th Cavalry Regiment had little chance of winning.

Giles looked at his watch and reminded: "A quarter past nine, it's already a quarter of an hour overtime."

"Then let's take action!" Harley clenched her fists, looking a little nervous.

Joseph took out his mobile phone, dialed a number, and said in a deep voice: "Kasapa, take action."

"Hey, wait, Kasapa, which Kasapa?" Harry was surprised and quickly tried to dissuade him.

Before Joseph could answer, an old and powerful laugh came from the other side: "Harry, it's me! I'm so glad that we can fight side by side for the same purpose again."

The last time they fought side by side was 12 years ago, when they hunted bears in a forest 20 kilometers outside Tulsa.

Kasapa felt a deep sense of satisfaction and emotion in his heart.

"Shit, you let such a bad old man kidnap Dr. Manhattan?" Harley shouted at Joseph.

The emotion disappeared, and the bad old man said angrily: "Harley, I am your grandfather. I taught you the skills and strategies you use to gallop around Gotham and protect the earth."

Harry puffed up his face and asked Joseph, "Is this the reason why he became the 'Vanguard Commander' based on this incredible boast?"

“Didn’t he take you on a bear hunt, take you on a hike in the wilderness, hone your skills and body, sharpen your will and spirit?

Kasapa, who can train a person like you, must also be a peerless warrior. "Joseph said.

"BOSS, don't talk nonsense with that girl. She is prejudiced against me. It's time for me to take action?" shouted the 'Grandpa Fierce' from the other side.

Joseph still glanced at Harry.

Harley sighed: "You can do whatever you want."

Even the seventy-three-year-old Kasapa has become a fierce general, and she has no hope of victory.


LCD monitors hanging on the wall light up in rows, with a total of 32 screens.

Each cavalryman's helmet is equipped with a camera and a radio, which transmit the scene pictures and sounds to this "command center", a total of 32 people.

Joseph, Giles and others all gathered around nervously.

Harry also found two chairs and sat side by side with Laurie.

"Well, this was my home!" She said with a relaxed expression, pointing to the two-story villa passing by in the camera, and sighed: "If it weren't for the White Night incident, if there was no 7th Cavalry Regiment, life in Tulsa would be different. It’s actually quite pleasant.”

"Carl is Joan? I've met him and talked to him a few times." Laurie didn't look at her old house at all, her eyes kept staring at the garden villa surrounded by cavalry.

There is also a swimming pool in the front yard. The lights are on in the house, and the voices of several children can be vaguely heard coming from the second-floor window.

"What did it feel like?" Harley asked.

"I think he's very kind," Laurie murmured, "but he doesn't respond to me at all."

"He probably has lost his memory. The cavalry regiment's battle plan is to take advantage of his memory loss and forget his abilities, and then--"

"Bang!" A gunshot sounded, shocking everyone in the warehouse.

Harley was also stunned.

Because the gunfire came from inside the house.

It wasn’t the people inside the house who were shooting outside, but—

"Shit!" Harley and Laurie both exclaimed.

As soon as gunfire rang out in the house, the two cavalrymen closest to the door immediately kicked open the wooden door and broke in with guns in hand. They saw the black girl Angela holding a shotgun and squatting next to the black man Carl. Fucking around in my head.

"Dr. Manhattan was shot in the head by his wife? Domestic violence, or a change of heart."

Before everyone could recover from the shock, another change occurred.

Angela, wearing a black leather coat, took out a blood-stained hydrogen atom ring from Carl's broken watermelon-like head: a silver metal ring that resembled a hydrogen atom structure diagram.

The next moment, the black man Carl was like a blue light bulb that was powered on, his whole body emitting a blue shimmer, his broken head squirmed a few times like a mosaic, his injuries immediately recovered, and his body slowly floated up.

However, there was something wrong with his state, his expression was dull, and he murmured: "What time is it now, where am I, and what should I do?"

"Oh my God, it's really Joan!" Laurie covered her mouth and exclaimed, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Qiong, wake up quickly, we need you! They found out your identity, the Seventh Cavalry Regiment is here. And my grandfather and Zhao Yu, they also know about you."

Angela looked anxious and shouted towards Blue and Black Manhattan.

"She called him Joan, and she obviously woke him up on purpose. She always knew his identity!" Harley said in surprise.

The black aunt's shout also woke up the two cavalrymen who were stunned at the door.

They were so aggressive that they raised their rifles and started shooting.

Aunt Angela rolled to dodge, but the bullet hovered in front of Manhattan.

He nodded blankly in the direction where the bullet flew.

"Bo, wave!" Like a blood bubble being popped, the two knights splashed blood on the wooden steps in front of the door.

Even the rifle dissociated into atoms, leaving only two helmets that fell to the ground with a clang and rolled into the house.

"Fake, Noel and Jimmy are done. They all retreated and retreated outside the yard first, relying on cars to set up an attack formation."

Kasapa's curses were amplified by the speakers and sounded particularly loud.

Ordinary weapons cannot deal with Dr. Manhattan. The Cavalry Regiment prepared a tachyon cannon, but it was too heavy and bulky, so it was placed on a truck outside.

Their original plan was to kidnap 'ordinary man Carl', bring him to a cannon, and kill him with one cannon.

This is not impossible. If you forget that you have abilities, you will naturally not use them.

Ten years ago, Carl briefly awakened as Dr. Manhattan because he was shot.

If you don't provoke him, he will always be 'Honest Carl'.

The cavalry regiment retreated, but Dr. Manhattan in the room did not chase him out immediately.

There was something obviously wrong with him, like a robot loading a program, wandering around in circles in the living room.

"Oh, what a good opportunity, it would be great if he was confused on the street." Joseph sighed sadly.

They could still see part of the picture because there were two helmets with cameras in the living room.

"Joan, this is Tulsa, Oklahoma, December 22, 2013.

We ran into trouble that I couldn't solve, so I broke your head open and took out the memory blocking ring. "

The black girl Angela held up the blood-stained hydrogen atom ring and shouted to the 'blue black man'.

"I remember now."

After locking the time and location, the blue-black Manhattan, lost outside of time and space, immediately regained consciousness.

"The Seventh Cavalry is outside." Angela breathed a sigh of relief.

Laurie also breathed a sigh of relief.

Harley sighed, "It's over, I couldn't kill him while he lost his memory."

Joseph's forehead was dripping with sweat, his face turned pale, and he trembled: "There is still a chance, we still have tachyon cannons, we just need to lead him outside the house -"

"I know they are outside the house, and I also know that they have prepared a tachyon cannon. I will be forced into the range later and then be destroyed." The blue black man said calmly.

Joseph held his head and wailed: "It's over, he knows everything."

Laurie's expression changed drastically, "Impossible."

"What's impossible?" Harley just asked, and then her expression changed slightly, "What he said was a declarative sentence, describing what happened to him. Damn it, we succeeded?!"

She was not surprised, but her heart kept sinking.

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