I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 372 Characters in the book VS novel author

The White Night Incident was terrifying, but not an exaggeration.

Are there too many zero-dollar shopping incidents in the United States?

Zero-yuan purchases, vandalism, smashing and looting are a nationwide turmoil.

The White Night Incident only occurred in third-tier cities in "remote state capitals" and was considered a local unrest.

More people died in the latter than in the former, but the influence of the former and the harm it caused to American society far exceeded that of the latter.

The zero-dollar purchase was caused by black people, while the White Night Incident was caused by white people.

They are all caused by dissatisfaction with the current situation of American society.

When you come to the United States, the White Night Incident is no longer a thing. The various beautiful landscapes provoked by the United States are a combination of zero-dollar shopping and the White Night Incident.

The White Night Incident didn't cause much of a stir in the United States, but Harley was really frightened back then.

Harley was already an adult in her previous life, but the place she came from was so peaceful that she never even had close contact with a murder case.

A few days after the White Night incident, she took Andy and Tracy and ran away to Gotham.

Well, Andy and Trish were scared too.

As for the impact of the White Night incident on her.

This is a racial issue, not a security issue. It can only make her realize that the racial problem in the United States is serious and will be over sooner or later.

But the impact of the White Night incident on Dr. Manhattan was too great.

Because he was so immortal that he became a black man.

His third wife was also an unattractive black man.

Unfortunately, their family had a pretty good life, and they were in the upper middle class.

This makes rednecks jealous.

The White Night Incident was an organized and disciplined act of genocide.

The 7th Cavalry Regiment put on masks and divided into several teams, each with its own mission.

For example, Harley's grandfather Kasapa was chosen by lottery to attend Tulsa Elementary School.

Black teachers and students are their targets.

Carl and Angela are targeted by another team.

Being targeted by organized military forces, ordinary people have no luck.

Carl was headshot on the spot.

After police officer Angela resisted for a while, she was also captured by the numerically superior "Seventh Cavalry Regiment".

Carl the King Returns as the Cavalry pulls the trigger.

At that moment, he was not alone! !

Urban special forces, crooked-mouthed God of War, the richest man with a son-in-law, the urban immortal emperor who returned from time travel, and countless immortal king dads. Although I am awesome, I am still an ordinary person. I am a licking dog for mortals. I am bullied by mortals and then pretend to kill them. Countless gods and men who were forced to obtain incomparable speed and gratitude were with him.

Blue, black, Carl, Manhattan, the weak little husband of the policewoman goddess, with one look, he froze time and space, and with one finger, he atomized the 'little villain' who was about to shoot the 'goddess wife'.

Then, he did what countless "wireless male protagonists" would do - lay the groundwork for a bigger conflict next time (pretend).

It is commonly said that after beating the younger ones, come and beat the older ones. After beating the older ones, come to the organization (sect or family). After beating the small organization, come to the big organization.

Carl only used his power to save the goddess wife who was shot, and let the remaining masked men go.

The masked man has seen his blue appearance and extraordinary power, and more trouble will definitely come to his door later.

Well, this is foreshadowing.

"Cut the grass without eradicating the root, he is mentally retarded!" Reader Harley did not hesitate to give a negative review.

"He should have sealed his memory and just wants to be a simple ordinary person without any burden." Joseph said.

"Carl may have had his memory sealed by Manhattan, but after you blow up Carl's head, the one who appears again must be Manhattan himself. Well, the other side of the coin is Jonathan." Harley said.

"Perhaps he just woke up, his thinking is confused, and his lover is in danger, so he must save them first," Joseph said.

Harley shook her head, "He can stop time, so he still cares about that little time? Moreover, for Dr. Manhattan, killing one person is a waste of time and energy about the same as killing ten people."

Joseph frowned and said: "You really want him to kill us all? If he doesn't make a mistake, how can we know his secrets? Where is the opportunity to plan his power?"

"If you think about what you said carefully, have you found the problem?" Harley sighed.

Joseph was stunned and asked doubtfully: "What's the problem?"

Giles' expression changed slightly, "Even we know the series of serious consequences after he made a mistake. There is no reason why Dr. Manhattan doesn't know. He knows, but he still makes mistakes. What does it mean?"

Harley glanced at him appreciatively, "You have grasped the point. The point is not that I hope that all the people in the Cavalry Regiment will die, but that they should have died, but not all of them died."

"So?" Joseph had a worried look on his face.

Although he was asking, he already understood the worries of his two "companions".

"Could he have seen everything in the future on the timeline, and then chose the current reality among countless possibilities?" Giles looked at Harley and asked.

This is a very good question, she thought so.

She wanted more.

"Have you read the novel on Puppy Headlines?" Harley asked suddenly.

Giles shook his head, not understanding what she meant.

Joseph touched his nose, concealed the embarrassment on his face, and nodded lightly.

——The dignified senator, the man who is about to become Blue Joseph, actually reads Xiaobai’s cool articles, which seems a bit low.

"The style of Puppy Toutiao has improved a lot recently, so I downloaded Toutiao and clicked on the novel window that popped up." He defended his behavior.

The quality of Puppy Toutiao is indeed on the rise. In addition to the more professional and strict review, a number of famous journalists, including Clark and Louise, have opened columns on Toutiao.

Recently, the headlines have added a new ‘Planet Daily’ section, which has really attracted some middle-class intellectuals.

Well, rich people have already installed Watchdog and downloaded the software from Dog Technology Company.

“Since you’ve seen those wireless articles, Dr. Manhattan is put into the role of the protagonist, and those of us who want to murder him naturally become the villains.

So, if you think about it again, what will happen to the villains?

When he thought he was at the top of his life, he was killed by the protagonist. " Harley reminded.

"Don't scare yourself, Dr. Manhattan isn't that boring," Joseph murmured.

"This is not a question of whether it is boring or not. All of our lives are intertwined to form a novel with complex plots, diverse characters, and grand plots.

As long as it is a novel, there are protagonists and supporting characters.

We are in it and can only try to play our current role.

Whether he is the protagonist or not, no one knows until the end.

Dr. Manhattan can read the entire novel when he opens the title page.

Tell me, does he choose to be a protagonist in the novel, a supporting role, or a vicious passerby or a villain who attacks the streets? "

Harry turned his head and looked out the window. The golden sunset cast beautiful golden red on the white clouds like a thick quilt.

But her heart seemed to be covered with a thick layer of moist dark clouds.

Joseph shook a few times and said in a trembling voice: "Any fool will choose to be the protagonist."

"The details are different, but the routine is the same. Bring the plot where his identity was discovered by the cavalry regiment into an online novel. Think about it, what will happen next?" Harley said.

"According to the consistent routine in novels, we will be brutally destroyed when we are most proud of our lives."

Having said this, Joseph was stunned and said, "Harry, we seem to be reaching the pinnacle of life."

According to the normal plot, they are also about to be destroyed.

Harley complained: "When I appear at such a critical moment, I will undoubtedly be the villain BOSS."

Giles' eyes flashed slightly. You can only be considered a small boss in front of the stage at best, but a real big boss.

The big BOSS behind the scenes seems to have no happy ending!

Involuntarily, a look of worry appeared on his face, "In front of Dr. Manhattan, who transcends time, what we experienced is indeed very much like a novel, and each of us is the same as the character in the novel.

Witch Harley, as the ‘Manhattan expert’ specially hired by the 7th Cavalry Regiment, do you have any countermeasures? "

"Countermeasures." Harley fell into deep thought. She had two countermeasures: the fifth defense specialty and Laurie.

If she could raise the fifth defense specialty to the limit, Dr. Manhattan would never be able to do anything to her again.

If the plan to steal the power of the hydrogen bomb fails. If Dr. Manhattan jumps out and kills her halfway through, she can probably only save a small life by shouting "Huang Ama, do you remember Xia Yuhe by the Daming Lake?" .

Well, this shout will at least make Dr. Manhattan tremble and fall into the sweet and sour memories of Laurie. And this moment was enough for Harry to summon the Voice of Heaven and exchange his merits for teleportation to escape.

"We must get rid of our identity as people in books and jump out of books. Only readers can deal with readers." Harley said solemnly.

"Be specific." Joseph looked at her expectantly.

"The only thing Dr. Manhattan is better than us is his strength and information advantage. If we can guess his arrangement for the finale through wisdom, we can hope to defeat him.

For example, why did he choose to let the Cavalry discover the reality of his identity? "Harry said quietly.

"Why? I can't imagine how this would benefit him at all." Giles frowned.

"Well, for now, I don't see the 'benefits', but I have determined his purpose." Harley said with certainty.

"What purpose?"

"When will the hunting plan start?" Harley asked.

"Tonight, around 9 p.m., we'll get off the plane around 7:30."

Joseph didn't hesitate.

At this point, he just wished he could tell everything to the 'Manhattan expert' - a novelist who wrote Manhattan fan fiction - and let the expert find a solution to the problem.

"You guys are in such a hurry."

Harley's guess should have come true, and she should have been proud of it, but in this situation, she just wished she could spend a few more years studying it and analyzing it in detail.

"It's not that we are in a hurry, it's that we are in a hurry to find you." Joseph sighed: "It has been 11 years, almost 12 years, since the discovery of Karl's true identity. After twelve years of planning, are you still in a hurry?"

"The purpose of Dr. Manhattan's arrangement of the plot is tonight! Something of great significance to him will definitely happen tonight. Don't ask me anything, my knowledge is limited and I can't guess." Harley said.

"Is it because they are waiting for us to take action tonight and get a sense of satisfaction by killing us? Isn't it a bit low for cool novels to use this routine?" Joseph asked in surprise.

Harley shook her head and said: "It's not just cool novels that have cool points, almost all novels have cool moments.

It's just that cool points are divided into levels, and novels are also divided into levels.

There is no doubt that Dr. Manhattan surpasses the "old white reader". He is the kind of... Well, I don't know how to describe it. In short, he is the most qualified reader.

His enjoyment is definitely different from that of novice readers who read wireless articles.

Yi Mei's counter-attack pretense is Xiao Baiwen's favorite point, so he should rule it out first.

Then there is Lao Bai's writing. There is not much difference between Lao Bai and Xiao Bai. They both find pleasure in pretending to be funny, but Lao Bai's readers pay more attention to logic.

Pretending without logic is just feeding Xiang-flavored chocolate.

Since Dr. Manhattan has surpassed the old white readers, naturally, the logic aspect can probably be ignored.

And then."

Harley frowned slightly and stopped.

"What happens next?" Giles' voice was filled with urgency.

He was convinced.

He convinced the person who asked him to find a witch for theoretical guidance.

It is too far-sighted and understands the witch very well.

He is now also convinced by the witch.

I had only joined the Knights for a few hours, and after getting some superficial information, I had already made some guesses about Dr. Manhattan's status. The key was to find a way to truly deal with Dr. Manhattan.

This is particularly rare.

Because that person exists, he is stuck here and is stuck, so he doesn't dare to enter rashly.

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