I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 373 Returning to Hometown

In the end, Harley still couldn't say the words behind "and then".

"After Xiaobai and Laobai readers, they are probably traditional literature lovers. It is difficult to make a conclusion about their hobbies, and it is even harder for Dr. Manhattan to guess. Let's wait until we return to Tulsa and meet Carl in person."

After hearing this, Joseph immediately took out a paper document and handed it to her: "This is the execution log of the 'Cyclops Project'. It has specific plan content, as well as the execution process and results of each item."

Harley took the document, flipped through it, and asked, "Why is it called Cyclops?"

“Cyclops means powerful and invincible.

The Seventh Cavalry is an old organization that has existed for hundreds of years. Its purpose is to bring the United States back on track and make it great again.

After discovering Carl's true identity that year, we had a new goal.

New goals, of course, require new organizations.

The core members of the 7th Cavalry Regiment, plus some military and political officials in Washington, formed the new 'Cyclops'. "Joseph explained.

Harley nodded slightly. Admiral Mark was a black man, so he couldn't be allowed to join the 3K.

The Cyclops was a new community of interests that included blacks and whites of all political persuasions.

"Cyclops's name doesn't sound very auspicious. They are powerful. However, in mythology, they have always been the target of heroes to improve their performance."

Harley sighed and saw Admiral Mark's name in the Cyclops' organizational structure.

Mark holds the highest position and is the theoretical leader of the Cyclops.

This is so ironic that a black man became the leader of an organization with the KKK as its backbone.

However, this also explains why small local organizations at the town level can carry out large-scale operations to hunt down Dr. Manhattan.

Without Admiral Mark's full technical, financial and resource support, the Seventh Cavalry alone would not be able to develop a weapon capable of defeating Dr. Manhattan in ten thousand years.

Well, Cyclops is indeed very knowledgeable. In ten years, he developed the Tachyon Cannon, the Faraday-Manhattan Cage, and the Psychic Energy Converter, three weapons that range from science fiction to fantasy.

"Who invented these weapons? My cousin, who has a PhD in engineering from Gotham University, can't even understand the theoretical outline.

Many of the symbols in the formulas above are newly created. Are they reliable? "Harry pressed his temples with a doubtful expression.

"I can't understand it either, but I think it should be very reliable. More than 70% of these technologies and theories in quantum technology come from Dr. Manhattan.

When he was Jonathan Osterman, he was a nuclear physics scientist in the military.

Responsible for eigenfield experiments.

After becoming a postdoc in Manhattan, the U.S. government at that time spent huge sums of money to build a super laboratory specifically for him. "

Harley nodded slightly, Laurie had also said this.

During the twenty years when she was Dr. Manhattan's lover, Laurie actually lived in the military experimental base.

A laboratory equipped with a giant particle accelerator.

This is also the origin of Dr. Manhattan's nickname as the "Big Blue Eagle". Because the experimental instruments were so large, he had to transform into a giant to better operate them.

Well, Dr. Manhattan is purely scientific. He also needs to do experiments and experimental equipment. He cannot learn from the immortals and understand the rules of the world through meditation.

In addition, after breaking up with Dr. Manhattan, Laurie wanted to return to the "high-end laboratory villa" assigned by the military, but was kicked out by the "property management" with curses.

Because they just broke up, Dr. Manhattan left the earth and went to Mars to isolate himself.

The villa belonged to the military, and Laurie failed to complete the task that always became Dr. Manhattan's bond.

In short, Dr. Manhattan has served the military for decades. With his work efficiency, who knows how many scientific research results have fallen into the hands of the US government.

For example, the government does not have the first-generation quantum engine on the Harley blimp, but it has complete technologies and theories related to it.

Joseph continued: “The key is that Dr. Manhattan continues to study the intrinsic field experiment.

We all know that he was born from an accident in the intrinsic field (force field of existence) experiment.

It is obvious that no matter what technical achievements appear in the intrinsic field experiment, they must be closely related to Dr. Manhattan.

The Tachyon Cannon can turn Dr. Manhattan into chaotic energy again.

That is to eliminate Dr. Manhattan's intrinsic field.

The Faraday-Manhattan Cage isolates Dr. Manhattan's intrinsic field from the quantum space, completely reducing him to a mortal body.

The technological theories of these two weapons all come from the ‘Eigen Field Experiment Technology Library’.

Well, Dr. Manhattan's legacy. "

"This is really..." Harley didn't know what to say.

"Did Dr. Manhattan see today on the timeline when he was doing research?" Giles asked worriedly.

"Probably not, because in 1992, a major world fusion event that shook the entire multiverse occurred, and he did research 85 years ago." Harley was unsure.

Giles asked again: "Why does Dr. Manhattan need to engage in scientific research? He transcends time first. He in the future and he in the past belong to the same body, sharing memories and abilities.

He should be able to access all the knowledge he needs from the future.

Therefore, in theory, he is always as omniscient and omnipotent as God. "

Harley pondered and said: "Your words reminded me and made me clarify a question in my mind."

"What questions?"

"Why is Dr. Manhattan's research so obscure and difficult to understand?" Harley said.

"Uh, I don't quite understand."

Harley said: "You said that he can get all the knowledge he needs in the future. The question is, does that knowledge have a source?

Life-long learning.

It is impossible for mortals to study all knowledge.

If his need for knowledge goes beyond what mortals can research, who will fill in the rest? "

Giles suddenly said: “It can only be him.

He must and will only study knowledge that mortals cannot understand.

His present efforts are the cause; his omniscience of the future, present, and past is the effect.

He is completing his causal chain. "

Harley glanced at him in surprise. This bastard's understanding ability was quite strong. At least he could follow her thoughts.

She glanced back at Joseph.

He looked confused and couldn't understand it at all.

Harley became more and more certain that the two people were not in a 'master-servant' employment relationship, and Joseph could not control Giles.

So, who else is hiding behind Giles’ participation in the ‘Hydrogen Bomb Power Capture Plan’?

‘Snob’ Gabriel?

"Does this discussion have anything to do with dealing with Dr. Manhattan?" Joseph asked.

Harley shook her head, "It's useless except to prove that Dr. Manhattan is a 'scientific Manhattan'. You continue to explain the third weapon to me."

Joseph coughed slightly and said: "The technical theory of the psychic energy converter is 30% from Dr. Manhattan and 70% from the 'smartest man in the world', Pharaoh Wirth.

Adrian Veidt has proven himself.

Doesn't his giant alien octopus imitate Dr. Manhattan's psychic power? "

Harley typed the document and frowned: "I saw that the psychic energy converter is closely related to the Zhao Group, and many technologies come from Zhao Yu."

"Zhao Yu is an American-Vietnamese mixed-race, well-known female entrepreneur and scientist in Salta City. Her status in Salta City is the same as yours in Gotham," Joseph said.

“I was born in the town of Tulsa, so of course I know who Zhao Yu is. When I was in fifth grade, the school organized students to visit her ‘Millennium Bell’ Science and Technology Park in the city.

What I'm curious about is, why is she, a local entrepreneur, mastering advanced technologies related to the power of the mind? "

"Her assets are no less than yours. Almost all of Adrian's business empire was acquired by Zhao Yu." Joseph said.

"Well, it's not a question of more money or less. As a pure American, it's extremely difficult for me to enter the circle of Washington.

What a terrifying weapon the psychic octopus is. Why does the U.S. government allow foreigners to possess it? "

Only then did Joseph understand what Harley meant, and his expression immediately changed, "Do you suspect that she is a pawn of the military?"

Harley nodded slightly, "She probably has a military background and even knows about your plan, but you have no idea about it and have even been treating her as an ordinary scientist.

This is so inappropriate.

Admiral Mark once asked me for a Paradise Card, probably to prepare for the failure of his plan and to arrange an escape route for himself.

Are you really cooperating with him and planning to help him become a blue-black Manhattan? "

"Of course not!" Joseph immediately shook his head in denial, "I would rather let a white beggar on the street get the power of Manhattan than teach Nigelou to become God.

In fact, the 7th Cavalry has always been Watchmen's most loyal fans.

Rorschach, Doctor Manhattan, The Comedian, Night Owl, Pharaoh, Captain Washington, and even Silk Soul and Mothman, they are all white! "

"Watchmen is a great example of white supremacy!" Joseph became emotional, clenched his fists, and his face was slightly ferocious, "But Dr. Manhattan betrayed us, and he actually turned into a Nigelou.

Just for the sake of a woman named Nigelou, he settled for a corner and gave up his identity as the greatest white icon in the United States. "

Harley said: "How do you plan to counterattack Mark? He is a four-star general and the top boss in the military.

He is certainly not stupid. Knowing that you are a racist, does he not doubt your loyalty? "

"Haha, he must doubt me and must have plans, but I don't care. Harley, are you afraid that Admiral Mark will come to Gotham to cause trouble for you?"

Joseph smiled proudly and confidently.

"Gotham is my territory. Even a four-star general can still teach him to die in a mysterious way." Harley said thoughtfully.

Joseph nodded, pointed to the slowly approaching earth below, and said proudly: "Dr. Manhattan is in the town of Tulsa. This is our biggest trump card and advantage.

The entire city of Salta is the territory of the Seventh Cavalry Regiment.

Unless Mark sends an army to take over the city, let alone a general, the watchman will be useless. "

Harry's heart moved, "Watcher? What do you seem to be implying?"

"You'll find out later." Joseph smiled mysteriously, without saying anything clearly.

Soon after the plane landed, the three of them boarded the commercial car that had been waiting outside and went straight to an alloy equipment processing factory on the outskirts of Salta.

Tulsa is a town under the jurisdiction of Salta City. Although they are two place names, the two places are connected together, similar to Long Island to New York, and similar to Pudong to Shanghai.

"Shit, Laurie, why are you here?"

In an empty warehouse in the backyard of the factory, Harley saw the second generation of Watcher Silk Soul tied to a chair in the middle of the cement floor, under a lonely yellow light bulb.

"Uh, Harley, you're here to save-" Laurie looked up in confusion, caught a glimpse of Joseph and several burly hooded men next to Harley, and exclaimed: "You are in cahoots with them!"

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