I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 371 Yaoshou, I have been neighbors with Dr. Manhattan for ten years without knowing it.

The young male mage is fashionably dressed, handsome in appearance and free and uninhibited in temperament.

If Kang is the Keanu Reeves of the wizarding world, this Giles is the Leonardo DiCaprio of the "Romeo and Juliet" era.

As Joseph's legal advisor, when he saw his boss, he didn't even say hello. He just lay on the sofa, folded his feet in alligator boots on the tempered glass table, and drank a glass of brandy lazily.

"Tsk, tsk, Joseph, it's really not easy for you to be able to come out of the 'eight point five levels of hell' alive." He said teasingly.

"Eight point five hells?" Joseph pushed his feet off the table. There was no disgust or dissatisfaction in his expression, but a sense of casualness and intimacy facing his friends.

"You don't even know what Quinn Manor is, and you dare to come and go at will. You are really an ignorant person and fearless!" Giles smiled, but his eyes were constantly sizing up Harley.

Harley was also frowning and staring at him, as if there was something about him that confused her.

"You think so, Quinn Manor is hell? It has beautiful scenery and is quiet in the middle of the hustle and bustle. It is definitely one of the top villas in the world." Joseph also poured himself and Harry a glass of wine.

"Hey, Satan's throne is also very beautiful. Do you dare to go?" Giles said.

"Uh, as for that?"

Harley opened her eyes wide and said suddenly: "Oh, I understand, you are a bastard!"


The world outside her seemed to have been pressed on the pause button. Joseph's movements were stiff and his expression was confused. Giles' face was ugly and his eyes were filled with anger.

"Aren't you a cross between an angel and a demon?"

Harley seemed unaware of the condensed atmosphere in the cabin and continued to stare at him, "I felt strange as soon as I saw you. There is abundant power of holy light surging in your body, and that power has an extreme of filth and depravity, if not."

If she hadn't used hellfire to ignite the wings of a holy archangel and experienced the evil of his being defiled, she would have almost failed to recognize his true nature.

"Your devil father raped your angel mother?"

Giles clenched his fists, arcs of magic energy jumped in his arms, his expression was ferocious, and he could hardly help but take action.

"However, your parents don't seem to be very good. They are minor characters in heaven and hell."

Harry smiled easily and naturally, taking the brandy from Joseph's hand and taking a sip.

These words stung the handsome mage's sensitive heart, and at the same time brought him back to reason: The person in front of him was the witch Harley! His parents were just minor characters to her.

Giles took a deep breath, slowly relaxed his body, and gritted his teeth and said: "You really guessed it right, I am just a bastard. The purpose of you and Joseph coming here is not to humiliate me, right?"

"Don't get me wrong, this is the first time I see a being like you, and I'm just a little surprised. By the way, where do you usually hang out?" Harley asked curiously.

This was the first time she had seen the hybrid of heaven and hell, but it was not the first time she had heard of it.

She was indeed surprised when she first heard about it.

But considering that heaven and hell are two alien planets, angels and demons are aliens, and aliens are equivalent to foreigners, she accepted it as a matter of course.

It's not like she doesn't know what the 'bastards' are doing.

The reason why the world rarely sees them or even hears about them is because someone is managing them.

The King of Angels on Earth, Gabriel.

Angels and demons, angels and humans, angels and supernatural gods, angels and black magicians... can all have children, and the birth of every child represents a huge scandal in heaven.

Therefore, Gabriel made strict rules to restrict them to areas that could be controlled by him, making it difficult for ordinary people to see them.

It was precisely because he knew that 'bastards' were almost all Gabriel's subjects that Harry made provocative remarks after recognizing Giles' identity.

If Giles has a bad temper and disregards the overall situation, there must be no one behind him.

If Giles would bear with it.

Harley will have to be careful.

Either he is also doing it for the 'power of the hydrogen bomb'; or he is taking orders from others and does not dare to do as he pleases.

If he takes orders and gets involved, Dr. Manhattan's situation will be too muddy.

Moreover, when Joseph came to see her, was Giles instigating him behind his back?

"Harry, let's sign the contract first. We can discuss other small matters later," Joseph said.

Harley looked at him deeply and nodded slightly.

Before, she was still doubting that Joseph still believed in the 'oath' despite her already being famous. Now that Giles appeared, the contract must be a magical contract.

Well, Harley never felt like she wasn't keeping her word.

The key is that too many people slandered her and made her infamous.

Joseph winked at Giles, who carefully took out a mahogany box the size of a ruler from the inner pocket of his woolen coat.

The box was opened, and an ancient and thick sacred aura spread out in the cabin.

It was a roll of parchment.

Pages have a light yellow color due to age, with irregular corner wear.

"What is this?" Harley asked curiously.

"The Book of Jacob." Giles carefully took out the scroll, opened it only to the width of his hand, folded it, and cut it off with sharp nails.

"Which Jacob?" Harley asked.

"Saint James, brother of Jesus."

Giles put the parchment roll into the small box again, locked it and stuffed it into the inner pocket.

"Most of the twelve disciples of Jesus had books, but Jacob seems to have left no words." Harry said.

Of course Jesus had brothers.

He has a mother, Mary, and a father, Joseph. They are both normal men and women in their prime. Isn't it normal for him to have a younger brother?

"It is the blank book, the parchment that Jacob tanned himself in order to copy the holy words of Christ."

Giles gave her a meaningful look, "The contract was written in the Book of Jacob and protected by the power of heaven. Even Michael, the King of Angels, could not violate it."

Harley looked at the paper with regretful eyes and sighed: "With my reputation as the 'Sister of Integrity', why should I waste it like this?"

"Harry, your reputation is indeed resounding. Even I, a person who doesn't understand magic, know about your great feat of destroying the wizarding group.

Moreover, the contract is binding on both parties, so you can get peace of mind, right? "Congressman Joseph said.

"How to draw up the terms?" Harley asked.

"It takes several hours to fly from the east coast to the west coast. We have enough time to discuss it in detail."

It took two hours for Harley to get the contract with Joseph.

Article 1: Harley must not leak or destroy the Seventh Knights' "Power of Hydrogen Bomb" stealing plan by any means.

Article 2: Harley must tell the Seventh Knight her analysis of Dr. Manhattan without any secrets.

Article 3: Harley was the first to receive the infusion of the ‘power of the hydrogen bomb’, and after making sure she was safe, she handed the Paradise Card to Joseph.

Article 4: Joseph must tell Harley all the theft plan and all the information about Dr. Manhattan collected in recent years without reservation.

Article 5: No matter during the planning process or in the future when all members of the Seventh Knights become 'Blue Manhattan', the Knights are not allowed to burn bridges and take action against 'Manhattan Harley'.

There are five articles in total, more than a thousand words, handwritten with ink mixed with holy water on the Book of James.

Judging from the content, this is a relatively fair contract.

At least both parties are satisfied with the above terms, and neither of them followed the devil's example and played tricks on the terms of the contract.

Before officially signing, Joseph asked to verify the Paradise Card.

Harley glanced at Giles, reached to her neck, and pulled out a necklace from her woolen sweater. A thin piece of green emerald hung underneath the chain.

She crushed the emerald with her hands, and divine light immediately emerged from between her fingers.

Spreading their hands, a card with gold characters on a black background appeared in front of them.

"Can we pass?" Giles asked.

Harley put the card on the table for them to look at.

Even angels can't tell the authenticity of the high-end goods exchanged for fifty thousand meritorious deeds.

After deceiving Admiral Mark last time, Harley specially prepared for a similar scene.

As for where the real paradise card is?

After Duoduo got seriously ill a few years ago, she hung it under the dog's neck to serve as its dog tag.

Therefore, even though it was getting older and death was approaching, Harley never showed any sad expression.

"It's true." Giles reluctantly handed the card back.

Harley said: "Of course it's true, I never lie.

Maybe I've tricked demons and dark wizards, but that was to save the multiverse.

For the sake of human justice, I sacrificed my personal credibility.

Haven't you heard my story with Falcone?

Back then, I went up to the sword and into the sea of ​​fire for him, and I served him loyally and loyally in the hail of bullets.

It has been almost eight years since he retired.

But during the holidays, no matter it’s windy or raining, I always send greetings on time.

Over the years, his children have prospered in Gotham, and I have been taking care of them from behind.

You can go to any city in the United States and ask the Taoist priest who doesn't know the name of "Sister Yi Bo Yuntian Harley". "

Giles and Joseph had sarcastic expressions at first, but after hearing Falcone's story, their expressions immediately became serious, and they looked at Harry with more respect and admiration.

They knew she was telling the truth.

In today's world where younger brothers want to replace the older ones, people like Harley who are loyal and trustworthy are really rare.

"Harley, your "Red Manhattan" is almost a prophecy of Blue Manhattan"

After signing, Joseph became much friendlier towards Harley and began to talk about Dr. Manhattan's current situation.

——In 1992, Dr. Manhattan transformed into a black man named Carl, came to the town of Tulsa in Salta City, and married a black female police officer named Angela.

Harley was surprised. She was also born in Tulsa in 1992.

Moreover, she also knew Angela and Carl because they were neighbors.

Not next door, but on a residential street.

Without Harley knowing anything about it, she and Dr. Manhattan have been neighbors for ten years!

Is this a coincidence, or...

On the airplane sofa, Harley trembled a few times and couldn't help but pull the collar of her coat.

It was a bit cold. Even though the heater was on on the plane.

Originally, the life of Carl and his wife was peaceful and happy. Even Harley did not doubt his identity, and no one else could guess that Dr. Manhattan was living in seclusion in an ordinary small town in the United States.

The accident occurred ten years ago, in 2003, the day Harley's little friend Barbara was shot dead at school by her grandfather.

On that day, a major event occurred in the town of Tulsa, the White Night Incident: white supremacists wearing masks spread out across the city in an organized and disciplined manner, clearing out black people in each block according to a list that had been made long ago.

Dr. Manhattan, who transforms into Carl, is a black man.

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