"Cheryl, the child is important. You go home immediately and take Gemma to Gotham Cathedral. I will help you find John first, and I will meet you at the church later."

After telling Sister Kang to send her away, Harley immediately took out her cell phone and dialed the "Paradise Mountain Special Line".

"Hey, Richie, do you know where Constantine is? His father passed away the night before yesterday, and his sister called him back to attend the funeral."

"His father passed away? There was no news before..." Richie said hesitantly.

"What news do you want? A seventy-year-old man goes to the hospital every now and then. It's not surprising when he leaves." Harley said disapprovingly.

"I sent John to the hospital." Rich's voice was filled with embarrassment and guilt.

"Uh, what's going on?"

"I broke into the Crusade headquarters for that bastard and destroyed my body. What did he do to me? He pulled out my wires! Shouldn't I take revenge and go back?" Richie said excitedly.

"What did you do?" Harley asked.

"That guy was also cautious enough. He didn't even use a Nokia, let alone the Internet. It took me a long time to find his location.

Then I unplugged his cord too.

When he was crossing the road, the traffic light failed and he was hit by a car, breaking two legs and one hand.

I just wanted to punish him for being unloyal, but I didn't expect that his father passed away at this time and I never saw him for the last time. "Richie said in a complicated tone.

"Which hospital is he in? Send him a message, you can't miss the funeral.

In addition, no matter what you do in the world next time, except visiting your children, wife and mother, you must report to me first. "

At the end of the sentence, Harley's tone gradually became harsh.

"Oh, I understand..." Ricino said.

Harley took the Archimedes airship and arrived at the cathedral an hour earlier than Sister Kang.

In the ashram, she unexpectedly saw Christine praying devoutly to Our Lady.

Well, it's the "right foot of the Holy Light" that was pulled into hell earlier and steamed and gnawed off by the devil.

"Today is not the weekend, nor is it time to get off work. What are you doing here? You are still wearing a nun's uniform." Harley asked curiously.

"Ah, Miss Quinn -" Christine quickly saluted her respectfully, "I changed my job and am not as busy as I was at the National Bank. I have a lot of free time, so I came here to do volunteer work.

Well, free exorcisms are sometimes offered to citizens in trouble. "

Harley glanced at her right foot, which was wearing low-heeled black leather shoes and white socks. It looked no different from ordinary people, but it could kick an ordinary devil to death...

"If you have free time at work, you won't be able to make much money. Are you and your fiancé still together?"

In the beginning, Christine refused to give the Gypsy Black Witch a third repayment extension in order to get a promotion and a salary increase to match her fiancé's family background.

"I help the Dalton family (her boyfriend's family) manage the charity fund, and my income is not low. We got married in the new year in this church, and Father Carlisle has agreed to officiate our wedding.

It would be a great honor for Miss Quinn to come. "Christine said with a happy face.

"Well, it depends on the time. I may take a long trip in a few days."

Afterwards, Harley asked Holy Light about the feeling of his right foot in detail.

She didn't let Kristine leave until Carlisle came over.

"The Holy Light's right foot seems to be continuing to strengthen her physique." Harley said thoughtfully.

"Is this weird? The Holy Light comes from the Archangel Zauliel, and his power is more powerful than most gods." Carlisle said matter-of-factly.

Harley said: "I have a friend, Reina, whose calf was broken by Zod that day. I am hesitating about what kind of leg to replace for her."

"Did you send her to Quinn Biological Laboratory?" Carlisle asked doubtfully.

"Currently, Earth's technology for regenerating severed limbs is not yet mature, but with the help of magic, it is possible to replant severed limbs or fuse cells," Harley said.

Carlisle's heart moved, "Are you going to give Reina a magic leg?"

"Anyway, if you want to change legs, of course you have to choose the strongest one. Genetic adjustment is being carried out now. It depends on her own choice. Relatively speaking, the Holy Light Leg has the lowest side effects."

The two didn't chat for long before Sister Kang walked over quickly holding Gemma who looked gloomy.

“When I went back, I found that she was awake, but listless and in worse condition than before going to bed.

Miss Quinn, show her what's going on. "Sister Kang said anxiously.

"My dear, it's Mr. Constantine!"

As soon as Gemma entered the door, Carlisle's expression changed slightly. After getting closer, he finally exclaimed: "It's not a devil, your father's ghost is wandering in the world, eyeing little Gemma, hanging on her back like a garter bear. .”

"What, my father?!" Sister Kang was shocked, "Why doesn't he want to go to heaven?"

Harry opened his mouth and almost complained: Can he go?

She did not have a natural spiritual eye, nor did she develop a magical spiritual eye. She could only rely on her mental power to detect that Gemma was surrounded by a group of evil spirits with no malicious intent.

Well, although Dad Kang pestered his granddaughter, it was probably not his original intention.

"He didn't mean any harm, otherwise Gemma would have gone crazy." Harley said.

Carlisle nodded, "Indeed, Mr. Constantine's expression... is one of numb pain.

He seems to be suffering from black magic and is unable to leave this world.

Harley, do you feel it?

The breath of black magic was very weak, but it seemed to penetrate deep into his soul. "

Harry's thoughts moved slightly, and the Duke of Paradise Mountain's armor "clicked" covering the body... The whole process was very similar to Iron Man activating the nano-steel suit.

The Holy Light Armor allows her to see clearly the life of her soul.

She saw old Constantine.

He was like a monkey trapped in a cage, dry and thin, ugly and disgusting.

He was naked, as if he had just crawled out of a funeral home freezer, and he had an identification tag tied to his thumb.

He looked numb, but his face was set in pain, confusion, and frustration.

There is always just this complicated expression.

"Uh-huh-huh~~" The holy clothes were shining brightly, and ordinary people would only feel comfortable and peaceful, but Kang Dad's whole body was filled with black gas, like a pile of dried shit fried in a hot pot.

Dad Kang is going to hell!

Harley and Carlisle looked at each other and confirmed this conclusion, but neither one said it in front of Sister Kang.

"It's black magic. It's not complicated. Just find the caster and kill it." Harley said.

"Who used black magic to harm my father? It must have been John who caused the trouble again!" Sister Kang said angrily.

"It's probably to attract John to show up. He's been busy with a big event recently, and many people want to find him." Harley guessed.

The winter solstice is coming, and it's almost time for Zha Kang to implement whatever plans he has.

Moreover, no matter what his plan, he could not please both heaven and hell.

The interests of the two sides are opposed. Whichever side Zha Kang takes, the other side will be attacked.

To deal with him, you have to force him to show up first.

"What's the big deal? Where is he now? I shouldn't have dissuaded him in the first place. I just asked my father to break his legs for secretly drawing the pentagram. There won't be so many things happening now." Sister Kang asked excitedly.

"He has broken his leg..." Harley complained, and then explained: "I don't know what he is up to, because I don't want to get involved in those bad things.

Just now, after you left the manor, I found his admission record at Eldford Public Hospital in London.

He accidentally crossed the road and was hit by a car more than ten meters away at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour. Both of his legs were broken. "

"Ah~~" Sister Kang, who had gritted her teeth before, immediately showed a worried look and asked eagerly: "Is anyone taking care of him? How is he now?"

"Chas is in London and went to visit him."

In fact, Richie locked the position of Zha Kang through Chas.

The "Constantine Team" back then had used information advantages to ambush the wizard group countless times. Zha Kang was very alert and had the ability to resist tracking.

"He is a mage. He was injured a week ago and has left the hospital. I called Chas and he promised to get the message through."

"Now, what should Gemma and my father do?" Sister Kang asked.

"Carlisle, try using normal exorcism techniques to get the old gentleman back to where he belongs," said Harry.

The priest held up the "Book of Light" with his left hand and recited the magic mantra in his mouth. The pages of the book moved automatically without any wind, "Clatter!"

"In the name of the Holy Father, the divine light obeys my command and drives away the filth from innocent people!"

A small and delicate golden phoenix rushed out of the pages of the magic book. With a clear cry, it rushed into Jima's forehead.

In an instant, Jima's skin and muscles became transparent, and the holy light filled the prayer room.

"Ouch~~~" Dad Kang wailed like cotton wool in the fire, turning into ashes.

Well, the black mist on the body of the undead disappeared in the holy light, leaving only the ethereal and transparent soul.

The holy light spread from Jima's body like ocean waves, forcefully pushing Kang's illusory spirit body far away.

"Huh~" Carlisle breathed a long sigh of relief and said with a smile: "At least Gemma doesn't have to suffer anymore."

Seeing the splendid magic effect and confirming that her daughter's face quickly became rosy and full of vitality, Sister Kang said happily: "My father went to heaven?"

"Well, he hasn't left yet, I'll see him off." Carlisle said vaguely.

"Rest in peace, you who are dead, for the light of our Lord the Lord will carry you to the kingdom of death."

The soft holy light was like an endless breeze, swirling around Kang's soul.

Gradually, a whirlpool of light visible to the naked eye appeared in the prayer room.

"No, he seems to be rooted in the world of the living, and he can't be sent away no matter how hard he tries."

Harry's thoughts were united, and the mental power that fell on Kang's father's soul was as sharp as ever...

"Ah, he's not dead at all!" She said in surprise: "I sensed a faint breath of living people in the fluctuations of his soul. It's such a weird black magic."

"It turns out that 'Return of the Dead' can only have an effect on the dead."

Gemma stayed at the church for the next two days and did not come home.

Because wherever she goes, her grandfather's soul follows her unconsciously.

Sister Kang said that Dad Kang loved Gemma the most when he was alive.

Getting closer to Gemma seemed to relieve him of some pain.

This is not surprising. Like Zha Kang, Gemma is born with spiritual eyes and has a powerful talent as a witch.

On the third day, Constantine rushed to Gotham carrying a bag stained with mud.

He had an unkempt beard, a wrinkled windbreaker, a cigarette in his mouth, and a sour smell on his body. His image and condition were both very bad.

"Why did it take so long?" Harley frowned.

Two days ago, Zha Kang called to ask about Gemma's situation.

He was in London at the time, a few hours' flight across the Atlantic.

"I originally planned to rush over immediately..." Constantine hesitated for a moment and shook the bag in front of her. "After hearing you tell me about Gemma and my father's situation, I went back to my hometown in Liverpool. It was dug out from under my mother’s tombstone.”

"What is it?" Harley asked curiously.

"a cat."

Constantine attended the final burial ceremony. When all the guests were gone, he sent his sister and brother-in-law away, leaving Gemma and Kang's dad alone behind her.

"Sorry~~" Constantine spit out the cigarette butt, but took out the cigarette case and lighter, lit another one for himself, and looked at his father with a complicated expression - he was born with spiritual eyes.

Kang's father showed no reaction and looked numb.

Zha Kang sighed and took out the bag he brought from Liverpool.

The bag is not the point.

Zha Kang looked complicated and took out a glass bottle stained with mud.

The yellow liquid in the bottle was filled with a cat.

The moment she saw the cat, Harley exclaimed: "It's you, you killed your father!"

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