I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 365 The Holy Son arrives, humans, gods and demons fight in chaos

"It's you!" The moment she saw the black cat's body in the bottle, Harley shouted in disbelief: "You are the one who cursed your father!?"

Constantine blew out a smoke ring and nodded sadly, "Yes, it's me. The summer of the millennium... It was probably that time. It was too long and I can't remember it clearly."

Because I organized a hymn recital that summoned demons, I was ordered by the school to call my parents. He came to school and took me away and yelled at me.

But I laughed heartily.

We are people from two different worlds. I regard magic as life, but he just wants a good son like ordinary people, not a freak who locks himself in a room with incense, magic books, and candles and listens to weird music.

He burned all my magic books and almost broke my legs - thanks to Cheryl (Sister Kang), I had the opportunity to open my legs and run away quickly after giving the middle finger to demons and angels.

It is best for ordinary people never to provoke a black mage, even if he is the black mage's father!

I killed a strong stray cat, a black cat, with a slingshot.

Arrange the cat's body in his likeness.

Well, a sympathetic spell.

As Black Cat's body rotted underground, he aged rapidly and began to fall ill.

All his energy and fighting spirit seemed to drain out of him.

The whole person was like a deflated rubber ball, quickly becoming shriveled up.

I have to admit that it was the first time in my life that I used black magic. After I succeeded, I was not panicked, but rather proud.

If home is a castle, after that day, the king in the castle will be changed.

I used to argue with him and I was afraid of him because his voice was like thunder.

At that time, I saw fear in his eyes, well, when I yelled at him hysterically. "

"You are such a bastard." Harley said.

"We are each other..." Constantine took out another cigarette while the butt and butt of the cigarette were still burning, and continued to light it.

Taking a deep breath of smoke, feeling the warmth spread in the empty and cold chest, he squinted his eyes comfortably, "Didn't you also use the most vicious black magic in the world on your father and turn him into a radar? You are a practitioner of black magic. No one is a good person."

Harry sneered: "Even if you feel guilty and regretful, don't even think about finding comfort in me.

You and I are really different. When he was alive, I always tolerated him even if he was not good in every way.

After he died, I successfully helped him get revenge.

At that time, the father-daughter love and the love between me and him were all wiped out.

I have a completely new relationship with Andy, the undead guy who escaped from hell.

We no longer have any responsibilities and obligations.

Even so, I gave him the opportunity to choose freely.

He would rather be a radar than go to hell. Who is to blame?

Moreover, he is now very happy doing radar. "

Constantine looked at her for a long time and sighed: "Yes, we are really different.

You are much colder than me.

At that time, I was in a rebellious stage, my thoughts were immature, and I had no idea what I was doing.

You are far more mature than me, you fully understand what you want and then do it.

I hurt him, but I always longed for his love.

You have fulfilled your responsibilities, but you only have responsibilities, without the love of a father and daughter. "

Harley sneered: "I really hope you have a son, and then you teach him to love you with a dark curse."

"My mother died in childbirth when she gave birth to me. He should have put all his resentment on me, but I am his son.

So, he faced me with indifference...

In short, my family’s situation is far more complicated than you might imagine.

If you don’t understand, you have no right to criticize me. "Constantine said bitterly.

"I'm too lazy to understand, and I don't want to judge anyone in your family - including you. Solve the matter quickly and get out of here as soon as possible." Harley said lightly.

"It's simple..." Constantine threw the glass bottle on the tombstone.

"Pa—" the bottle shattered, the yellow water flowed, and the black cat's body fell hard in front of the tombstone.

The stench of formalin and corpses spread in the cemetery.

"Why were the cat's bodies soaked in formalin?" Harley asked doubtfully.

"Well, that was the first time I used black magic. I wasn't even sure whether it would be successful or not, and I didn't remember the reversal spell at all.

The magic book was burned by him again. I don't want him to die. He is my father.

I wasn't sure whether I loved him or not, but at that moment, I panicked and cried.

I found that I wanted him to love me.

It's nonsense. I prayed to God very devoutly to save him...that bitch ignored me.

Fortunately, I was quick-thinking and stole a bottle of formalin from school.

My magic connected his life to the cat's corpse.

As long as the cat's body doesn't continue to rot, it can at least prevent him from continuing to weaken.

In order to prevent others from damaging the bottle, I also hid it under my mother's tombstone. "

Having said this, he smiled proudly at Harley, "I was only 12 years old that year, a complete novice.

Although his health was not improving, it was not deteriorating either.

If he hadn't encountered the Gotham Shootout, he would have no problem living to be a hundred years old. "

Harry's heart moved, "It's not a hundred years old. Before the cat corpse rots, he will probably never die.

What curse did you use originally?

If after completing the ritual, the 'sympathizer' is immediately thrown into formalin, wouldn't it indirectly achieve immortality? "

Constantine thought thoughtfully, "If it is slightly modified, it can indeed become a 'lich technique' that can help ordinary people live forever.

But it doesn't make much sense, the body will always rot.

Then, no matter whether the cursed person is a good person or a bad person, the soul will descend after death—"

His expression changed and his voice stopped abruptly.

He personally sent his father to hell.

"This is the price of magic..." He said with a sad expression.

Harley sighed and stopped teasing him.

Constantine squatted down, took out a bottle of gasoline from his bag, and poured it on the black cat's body.

Before lighting the lighter, he took one last look at Kang's father's soul and said, "Alas, I may have deprived you of your last chance to reunite with your mother."

"Wait," Harley stopped him, "Don't burn it yet, I'll go ask for you."

"What are you asking?" Constantine asked doubtfully.

Harry waved his hand, without further explanation, and immediately sent out a thought to communicate with the voice of the sky.

"How much merit does it take to save old Constantine from the punishment of hell?"

The last time I saved "Quantum Ghost Rich", the Voice of Heaven once said that ordinary people, good or bad, only need 500,000 merit to enter the bottom heaven.

If old Constantine was that kind of person and only went to hell because he was tricked by his son's black magic, the price to get him out of hell should be smaller.

Maybe tens of thousands of merit can be done.

Zha Kang mentioned Andy before, which touched Harley's heart. If the price is low...

"Twenty million meritorious deeds." Tianzhi said indifferently.

"What, twenty million?" Harry was shocked and said quickly: "There is no need to go to heaven, just let him die naturally in Limbo."

"That's 20 million." Heaven's Voice repeated.

"What did he commit?" Harley asked in surprise.

"This issue seriously involves personal privacy, 2 million meritorious service." Tian Zhisheng said.

Harley left the Voice of Heaven neatly.

When she found Zaulie, she got the same reply.

"If you can casually inquire about other people's deepest secrets, and then use those secrets to do evil, wouldn't heaven become an accomplice to evil?" Zha Laodao said.

Harry didn't mind spending 10,000 or 20,000 yuan on merit for Kang's father, but several million, tens of millions...

"Hey, light a fire and send your dad to hell. He deserves it." When her consciousness returned, she sighed to Zha Kang.

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Zha Kang became excited, "He may not be a good father, but he hasn't done any big bad things. Why do you say he deserves to go to hell?"

"Fuck, no wonder everyone says, 'It's hard for an upright official to deal with household chores.' Before, you were still shouting that he deserved to be cursed by black magic, and now you're acting like a loving father and a filial son in front of me..."

Harry waved his hand, turned around and walked out of the cemetery.

"Hey, wait a minute -" Zha Kang returned to his senses, chased after her and pulled her to ask: "Have you asked the Voice of the Sky, what did it say?"

Harley said nothing with a cold face.

Constantine sighed, "I apologize, but don't be petty. I just died of my father. And because of me, he went to hell. He is in a bad mood right now..."

"The Voice of Heaven said that your father's crimes were extremely heinous, but he did not explain the reason because it involved personal privacy. In short, Thomas (Kang's father's name) will go to hell with or without your black magic." Harley said.

Constantine's expression changed for a while, "I want to know the reason."

"I'm also curious, but Tian Zhi Sheng refuses to tell me." Harley said.

"A little magic trick will do. No need for that false god."

Zha Kang's eyes flashed and he caught a glimpse of Jima, who was looking at them curiously and confusedly. "Xiao Ji, you go to the car and wait for me. I'll finish it soon."

"But won't grandpa come with me?"

Gemma was also curious about what her grandfather had done to deserve to go to hell.

"Stay here and don't move!" Zha Kang yelled at Kang's father's soul.

"He won't harass you anymore for the time being..." He turned to Gemma and smiled.

Gemma turned back three times to leave. Kang's father only turned his head to look at her and stood there without moving.

"He's not completely unconscious" Harley mused.

"He was just tortured by pain and appeared numb, but of course he was conscious."

Zha Kang found a broken branch and drew a five-pointed star on his father's new grave.

He glanced sideways at the sun in the sky, frowned and said, "If you have anything to do, you can leave first. I have to wait until dark."

Harry said: "The days are short in winter, and the sun almost starts to set before five o'clock."

"You want to use black magic to summon the devil?" she asked again.

Constantine lit another cigarette, leaned against his father's tombstone, and said dullly: "Heaven is unreliable, so we can only ask for help from hell."

"What have you been busy with recently? Has there been any results from the arrival of the Son?" Hallie asked.

Constantine said with a numb expression: "They are all eyeing me. Maybe one of my decisions can change the future direction of the multiverse."

Harry was about to laugh at him for bragging, but suddenly remembered that the 'Virgin Mary' was his girlfriend.

With Zha Kang's cunning and scumbag character, it's really possible that he could affect the Crusaders' plans.

"From what you said, it seems that there are more people targeting you than just heaven and hell?"

"You are so smart, how come you don't think of the big forces on the other side?"

Constantine had a strange expression on his face, whether he was more sarcastic or self-deprecating.

"Humans?" Harley frowned: "Dr. Destiny is involved?"

"He is the big boss, just like God appointed Tongue of Fire, Satan appointed Nergal, Doctor Fate may be involved, maybe not, but the Parliament of Life does have something to do with him." Constantine sneered.

"Parliament of Life." Harley mused: "The three major branches of the Parliament of Life, Swamp Monster represents the green of all things.

The ‘God of Decline’ chosen by the Black of Decay is Abby, and she still refuses to return.

Animal Man, who is very popular on the West Coast recently, seems to be the same as Ivy. He is just an awakener of the red color of all living beings, not an 'animal god'.

Then, the only person who can participate in the coming of the Son is Swamp Thing.

Can swamp monsters have children with humans? "

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