I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 363 Stone of Dreams

"Calliope, you are free."

There is no gorgeous magic, no complex magic circle. When Madoc said these words dejectedly under Harley's cold gaze, the curse was automatically lifted and Calliope was reborn.

Harley is actually very interested in the spell that binds Calliope.

Although Madoc knows there is magic in the world, he barely understands it. But Hitchlake, who captured the Muse in 1927, must have mastered a remarkable contract ritual.

He was dedicated to hunting the Muses on Mount Helicon.

The magic grass flower is a key prop, but it is not the core element of the ritual.

His rituals were dedicated to the Muses, somewhat like exclusive sacrificial rituals.

Well, Harley used Lucifer's exclusive ritual to "forcibly" summon him and reached a contract with him for the protection of the highest law.

Lucifer's exclusive sacrificial ritual was invented by himself, and it could only be forced to attract his attention - ignoring "the phone is turned off".

But the dominance has always been in Lucifer's hands. Unless he cheats, he will never be allowed to do what he doesn't want to do.

Almost every god has its own ritual of sacrifice.

The Muses certainly have one too.

However, Hitchlake gained complete dominance in "Exclusive Ceremony".

Harley guessed that someone should have received the Muse's exclusive sacrificial ritual and modified the ritual into an "anti-Muse exclusive ritual."

Harley is a little greedy. If she gets it, it will be very easy to kidnap the muse in the future.

However, Hitchlake died early, Madoc was a Muggle, and only Calliope knew the secret of the ritual.

In the end, Harley let Madoc go.

Well, I just kicked him a few times.

It wasn't because of the 'superhero rules', it was Calliope who dissuaded her.

"Letting him live is the biggest punishment for him." She said with hatred.

"Should he be asked to repent for the rest of his life?" Harley asked strangely.

Calliope shook her head, "They will never regret the evil they did to me, but they will regret having me for a time that is not eternity."

"What do you mean? They fell in love with you and can't live without you? Madoc was planning to give you away before!"

"What they need is not me, but inspiration. Maddock is my third master. The previous ones, Frye and Hitchlake, all committed suicide.

Inspiration is to writers what singing voice is to singers. Once they have had it, they cannot bear to lose it.

Whether or not God has mercy on my misfortune, He will punish anyone who commits suicide.

Foley and Hitchlake have gone to hell, and Maddock will be no different.

They are used to being bursting with inspiration when they have me, and the exhaustion of their ideas in the remaining years will be like a sharp knife, cutting into pieces of their souls.

When they couldn't bear the contrast between before and after, death seemed to be the final relief.

But death is just the beginning, they will receive eternal punishment in the "Forest of Suicides" in hell. said Calliope cheerfully.

It suddenly dawned on Harry that Calliope's inspiration was like spiritual opium for a writer who desperately wanted to create.

"So, George Martin still escaped?" Ivy said.

Even Madoc was let go, so naturally Harry wouldn't kill Fat Martin who didn't have time to make a mistake.

Moreover, if Ma Pang is eliminated, the finale of "Ice and Fire" will really never be seen.

“Although George Martin did not have time to hurt me, neither I nor all the Muses will bestow any more blessings on him.

The road to creation in the future will depend entirely on him, and it is destined to be extremely difficult. "Muse said indifferently.

Harley sighed secretly. In her last life, she didn't wait for the ending of "A Song of Ice and Fire". In this life, I'm afraid...well, not necessarily. Even if old Martin goes to hell, he can continue to create.

"Why would Madoc send you away at this time? Moreover, the spell is too simple, just one sentence." Harley asked curiously.

"All magic in this world comes with a price." Calliope obviously didn't want to talk more about the ritual that bound her, so she abruptly changed the subject and said, "How did you find me?"

"Hera, Harley is indeed a 'magical witch'. It only took one afternoon to find you." Cleo's face was filled with excitement, and her eyes when looking at Harley were filled with gratitude and admiration.

"Big data screening and keyword matching are much easier than expected." Harley said casually.

It's as simple as the reborn person looking for the reborn Wen Chao Gong.

Rick Maddock is too flamboyant.

The first person in serious literature, the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, the greatest poet after Byron, and the most talented director in Hollywood is nothing more than the reborn Wen Chai Gong.

He was the first on Ritchie's list of suspects.

Coincidentally, George Martin is also on the list.

Harley then arrested them both on the spot.

Back at Quinn Manor, after breakfast the next day, the two muses said goodbye to Harley.

Harry could see that Clio was reluctant to leave the prosperous world, while Calliope had been suffering in this world for decades and was almost suffering from a psychological shadow.

"Which way are you going back?" Harley asked.

“Mount Olympus in Greece and the Alps in Europe all have passages to the heavens.

It is more difficult to descend from heaven to earth because the passage is sealed from top to bottom.

But it would be very easy to return to the heavenly realm from the mortal world. "Clio explained.

"Okay, you guys have a nice trip," said Harley.

"Harry, you saved me. I am extremely grateful and want to repay you. I don't know what you need." Calliope said sincerely.

Harry glanced at Cleo beside him. If she was not there, she would definitely not mind the 'repeated charge' and let Calliope give her a few more golden apples.

Well, Cleo fulfilled her promise last night and handed over a golden apple. She also promised to cut off an apple branch when she goes back and give it to her next time she comes to Earth.

Harley gave a golden apple to Ivy, who was drooling next to her, and took a few sips. Then she stuffed it into her mouth, swallowed it, and spit out two apple seeds.

Food defense expertise increased from 95% at level 5 to 7% at level 6

Food Defense Specialty Level 6: 7%, Intermediate Rare Objects, in addition to any food, nutritional or magical objects can also be swallowed, for example, magical instruments below artifacts.

Harley finally discovered that the defensive expertise seemed to be very ordinary at a low level, but once it reached a high level (passed level 6), it immediately became abnormally powerful.

She can now chew magic weapons raw!

"No need, we are friends, what kind of reward do I need? Besides, Cleo gave me a golden apple." Harry pretended to be heroic and full of regret.

"When I was locked up in the attic, I stood by the window and made a wish to the gods and demons in the sky. Whoever could rescue me would give me my most precious treasure.

This is an oath and cannot be broken.

It’s just that the treasure I think is not necessarily what you want, so you should first tell me what you want. " Calliope said.

——Oh, it was too early to save you. If you were imprisoned for a few more decades, you would most likely make a wish and give all your treasures to your savior.

Harley thought sadly.

"It doesn't matter, just give me a gift and make it a souvenir for me."

She didn't ask for the golden apple.

The defense expertise's progress of a few hundred percent didn't help her obviously.

Calliope thought for a moment and took out a diamond necklace from the small pocket on her waist.

Silver silk chain, pink diamond the size of thumb belly.

“This is the dream stone given to me by my ex-husband, and it is also my most cherished necklace.

Wearing it, not only can you have sweet dreams in your arms every night, but you may also enter the kingdom of dreams..."

Calliope handed the necklace to Harry with a sad expression.

"Who is your ex-husband?"

The red diamond tentacles don't have any abnormal sensations, not even magical aura, and are no different from ordinary pink diamonds.

"Morpheus, Sandman."

Harley's almond-shaped eyes widened, "Is it the Sandman Morpheus from the Kingdom of Dreams?"

"Well, that's him." Calliope nodded.

Harley looked at her strangely.

Of the eight divine realms of Limbo, God alone occupies two of them, Heaven and Hell; Heaven and Hades, Apokolips and Creation Star, are also a pair each, but Heaven is a joint venture of the old gods, Apokolips and Creation Star They belong to Uncle Da and Heavenly Father respectively.

Only the realm of dreams and the realm of nightmares belong to the same person, Morpheus the Sandman.

Morpheus is also a member of the high-end Endless family.

Such a arrogant person has actually been cheated by mortals for decades...

However, Calliope's ability to marry Morpheus is considered a coax.

"Since it's a token of love from your husband, how dare I accept it?" Hallie said politely, but she held the necklace tightly in her hand.

Calliope said bitterly: "In the past eighty years, I have called him countless times in my dreams, begging him to help me, but he has never responded to me.

Since he is so heartless, there is no point in keeping the old token of love. "

"Calliope, you misunderstood Morpheus. He disappeared less than two years after you disappeared.

It seemed like I was trapped somewhere and couldn't help myself.

In recent decades, many dream creatures have taken advantage of the chaos to escape into the world, and the land of dreams is in chaos! "Clio said.

"Who can trap him?" Calliope said in shock.

"I don't know, prophecy magic is often ineffective against gods, not to mention he is not an ordinary god." Cleo shook his head.

"So, he is not desperate..."

Calliope was in a daze, and her eyes slowly fell on Harley's coat pocket.

In two words, she had already put the necklace into her pocket.

Harley changed the subject with a natural expression, "Would you like me to give you a ride on the airship?"

"No, no need."

Calliope sighed and left Quinn Manor with her sister.

The Dream Stone is stranger than Harley expected.

Wearing it, she seems to feel the beauty of the world more easily.

For example, rainy days often make people feel depressed. The Dream Stone makes Harley intoxicated by the melody of rain, and the dark and humid scenery also shows a unique charm in her eyes.

She felt that if she wore that thing for a long time, one day she would become a poet.

When meditating, you will feel more calm and calm, and your efficiency will increase several times.

When sleeping, she really only had sweet dreams - on the first day, she dreamed that Da Chao punched her, the experience jar turned into a fountain, and she suddenly rose to level 100. Da Chao looked horrified and shouted, "Why did I "I can't even break through the defenses"; the next day, she dreamed that she had become the leader of the Sky Eye Society and entered the treasure house to plunder; on the third day, all members of the Justice League gathered together just to escort President Quinn who was parading victoriously. ; On the fourth day, she seemed to feel other lives in her dream...

On the fifth day, Constantine's sister came over and asked about the whereabouts of Kang, because their father was hit in the head by a stray bullet and died while watching Batman fight bank robbers on the side of the road.

Sister Kang needs Zha Kang to go home immediately for the funeral.

"After Rich passed away last time, he never contacted me again..." Harley said hesitantly: "I will try my best to help you find the person. If the old gentleman's burial date is postponed for a longer time, he can't miss it."

It is now December 12, 2013, and December 25 is the winter solstice.

The day of the coming of the Son.

Zha Kang must have been very busy lately.

Sister Kang nodded, then looked embarrassed and said, "Miss Quinn, there is one more thing I would like to ask you for help with. My Gemma seems to have encountered something dirty again."

"When did it happen?" Harley's expression changed slightly. If something like this happened at this time, there would probably be another demon who would attack Zha Kang's relatives.

"About two days ago, she said she felt uncomfortable. It seemed like something was hanging on her back, which was cold and wet... Alas, my father had just passed away and she was too busy. I thought she had a fever in her head, so I fed her a few pills. I took her cold medicine and told her to go to sleep, and she didn't wake up even now, so I realized something was wrong."

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