I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 37 Angels and Demons

"Holy shit!" Robert held the bullet with tweezers and shouted in disbelief: "This bullet is at least 9 mm in diameter and very big. It can blow the bull's head off with one shot. But why didn't you die?"

There wasn’t even a massive tear in the muscles, and it seemed like the bones weren’t cracked, but the bullets were deflated.”

He pointed the flashlight at the wound and examined it carefully. "There are really no cracks in the bones. How strange!"

"The distance is far, beyond the effective killing range." Harley prevaricated.

Robert shook his head repeatedly and muttered: "It's impossible, the bullets are all flat."

"Stop talking nonsense and help me stop the bleeding immediately!" Harley scolded.

Robert immediately shut up, dropped the bullet in the empty candy box, and began to clean her wound.

After working for about another quarter of an hour, Harley got up and started to get dressed.

Robert glanced at her secretly, as if she seemed a bit familiar.

As soon as this idea came to his mind, he lowered his head like a frightened rabbit.

——The more familiar it feels, the less able it is to look at or think about it.

“My mother, Mary, is 67 years old and lives alone in a small town in Kentucky. I have to send her living expenses every month.

If I died, she would be living on the streets immediately.

In fact, I am very honest. I have never had a fight in my life. I have never bullied my girlfriend when I was drunk. I have a master's degree in surgery. If you encounter any trouble in the future, I am willing to do my best. "

He talked nonchalantly, talking about whatever came to his mind.

Without saying a word, Harley zipped up her down jacket, put the hood on the back of her head, slowly picked up the syringe, and inhaled a full tube of anesthetic.

"Come here." She waved to him.

Robert's mouth was bitter, "There's no need for this"

"Come here!" Harley's voice turned cold.

"Let me do it by myself, okay? With such a large dose, someone could die if it's inserted in the wrong place." Robert begged.

Harley thought for a moment and handed him the syringe.

Robert got the syringe and hesitated again, "You have used this one before."


Do you dare to think that I am sick? !

Harley pulled out her Colt.

"OK, OK, I understand." Robert hurriedly injected an injection into his wrist, only slowly pushing in two-thirds of the liquid, and a huge black screen covered him.

In the darkness, Robert's consciousness was intermittent, like a radio with poor signal. He vaguely heard the blond girl laughing and saying - "This guy has a really strong desire to live, but I didn't think about killing anyone."

Then there was the sound of eating, drinking, and the clinking of cups and plates.

Well, after removing the bullet, Harley didn't leave immediately.

She ate and drank in Robert's living room, quickly repairing the wounds on her back with the nutrients she absorbed from the food.

Of course, besides replenishing energy, she has other purposes.

".Karak, you know, went to St. John's Abbey and they immediately sent me a cross." Harley's voice was loud, especially the emphasis on "cross".

"Oh, it's a church orphanage after all." Selina said without interest.

"I'm going to check to see if he's awake." Harley put down her chopsticks and walked to Robert's body lying in the corner for the nth time. She rolled his eyelids and deliberately aimed her mouth at his ear.

"That cross" was so loud that I almost shouted into my ears.

"I threw it away later." She turned to Selina, speaking in a normal voice, "Throwing it on the street, a homeless man named Kent saw it, picked it up and gave it back to me, and told me to fear God."

"Kent" was emphasized again.

Harley turned to Robert on the ground again, flipped him back and forth, and suddenly shouted into her ears: "Karak, Kent."

".Do you know her?" He turned to Selena and asked softly.

Clark, do you know Kent?

"There are so many homeless people, and I don't know them all."

"What about JFK on Hank Street? Old JFK." The first half was directed towards Selina, and the second half was shouted into Robert's ear.

"That's a bastard, you'd better stay away from him." Selina said sternly.

"Hey, there is danger everywhere in Gotham. Karak, do you want me to go to a small town to hide for a while?" The second half was shouted into Robert's ear again.

Batman's hometown is Gotham, and Diana's hometown is the Mediterranean paradise island.

So, where is Superman’s home planet, Earth?

Kansas, a small town called Smallville, the Smallville, and smallville means "small town".

It can be said that Superman's hometown is the "small town" and Smallwell is just a transliteration.

A town called a town.

Harley knows this thanks to watching an American TV series called "Smallville" in 2010.

I have almost forgotten the plot, but Smallville appears too frequently.

Even though it is a "small town", in addition to Superman, it is also Luthor's hometown, and Lois also lived there for a while.

"Gotham has a large and mixed population, which makes it easy to hide. The town has a simple population. It's impossible to say that all the residents in the town know each other. The sudden appearance of a stranger is too conspicuous." Selina whispered.

"Let's just say, going to a small town." Harley shouted to Robert again, "It's really not a good idea. Alas, speaking of it, the current predicament is all caused by the incident in Washington State last time."

"Washington State" was also forced into Robert's ears.

"Oh, no, that time in Washington was just one of Andy's countless mistakes. The first time I participated in a national competition was in Kansas. At that time, Andy asked me to fake the match."

Kansas, shouted into Robert's ear again.

Smallville is in Kansas!

Harley didn't really care if he could drag Chao into chaos. After all, it was just a few words and the cost was too low.

At least it can confuse things now.

Blonde girl and big man Clark are eating

He didn't know how long they had been eating, but Robert felt that a long time had passed.

They were chatting, and he was too exhausted and empty to hear what they were saying.

I don't know how much time passed, but Robert found that the darkness in front of him gradually became thinner, and the light filled the world again.

"Uh," groaned, and he struggled to sit up. There was nothing on the table, not even the blood-stained gauze and other sundries in the wastebasket.

Although the food was all eaten, the living room was also cleaned, which was pretty good.

Suddenly he felt something in his hand. He picked it up and looked at it. It turned out to be a wad of crumpled green banknotes, including ten yuan, twenty yuan, five yuan and one yuan.

He counted, one hundred and three dollars.

"She is a good person, maybe this is all she has." Robert raised the corners of his mouth and felt a little warm in his heart.

He looked at the clock and saw that it was not too late. He had only been confused for less than three hours at a quarter past two in the morning.

"Who is that girl?" Robert couldn't help but think about this question while sitting at the table, waiting for the cereal to be soaked in milk.

In fact, there is no need to think too much, he will inevitably see her face when performing shoulder surgery on her.

Once the smile queen, now the witch Harley, her father killed Mr. and Mrs. Wayne.

Even if he didn't know her originally, after the bombardment of various media in Gotham these days, he knew her "well".

"She doesn't seem to be a demon." Robert took a mouthful of the paste, and the taste of cold snot made him frown.

He was so hungry that he swallowed it.

His brows became tighter and tighter, and his thin face began to distort. Christ Jesus, she is worth 200,000 US dollars!

"Bang!" Robert's gray eyes were bloodshot. He pushed away the porcelain bowl and ran into the bedroom like the wind.

Turn on the computer, go to the official website of Gotham Birmingham Hospital, click on the email link, and reopen an email received three days ago.

The page has a cross watermark.

To the doctors at Birmingham Hospital: Witch Harley was shot in the back. She may seek help at Gotham Hospital or community clinic. If she encounters it, please be sure to notify the Gotham Cathedral. May God bless you!

Signed: Archbishop Marvin

The content of the letter is very simple, the key lies in the appendix file of the email.

A PDF document, which contains several photos of "Witch Harley", including photos of students and photos of someone in gymnastics uniform holding a trophy aloft.

In addition to Harley's photos and detailed information, there is also a list of rewards: Gotham Police Department, $5,000, Gotham Love Jesus Congregation, $5000, Sisters of the Light, $5,000, St. John's Monastery, $10,000, Archbishop Marvin Twenty thousand, Holy Advent Crusade 100,000.

There are many, adding up to more than 200,000.

"Gudong." Robert swallowed, his eyes bloodshot and his thin face flushed.

In addition to getting money, I can also make friends with so many church organizations.

Not to mention anything else, if Archbishop Marvin could praise him in public.

Maybe, he can become the personal doctor for the wealthy old people on the Upper East Side of Manhattan!

"But, I promised not to tell anyone about her." Robert put his right hand into his pants pocket and held the stack of banknotes tightly, the expression on his face was twisted and ferocious.

"Hey hey hey, I'm so stupid, what does she have to do with me?" Only three seconds passed before he made his decision.

"That Splasher ate a big meal by herself, but didn't leave even a piece of steak for me. Witch, she is a greedy witch. I'm going to Gotham Cathedral. I'm going to report her to God!"

He spoke louder and louder, and the expression on his face became more determined.

He succeeded in convincing himself.

Putting on his woolen coat, Robert ran downstairs.

He had to meet Archbishop Marvin in person, because he actually didn't know much information about the witch.

When you meet people, even if you don't get much reward in the end, you can still become familiar with them and build relationships with them.

He had to go now, for only then could he show his sincerity to the Archbishop.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuu, Uncle Robert" He was thinking about something in his mind, and Robert didn't pay attention to his surroundings. Inadvertently, his left leg was hugged by someone.

Lowering his head, he saw little Tommy's tear-filled face.

It's so late, why isn't he sleeping yet?

Oops, it's so late, Archbishop Marvin must be asleep. Will I disturb him if I rush over like this?


Archbishop Marvin must have subordinates who will decide whether to wake the archbishop.

And I hurried over in the middle of the night, and they must have been very moved when they saw it.

Then, Archbishop Marvin would ask me with concern: Will delaying so much time tonight affect my work tomorrow?

Christ Jesus, what a great opportunity!

How can I humbly and accurately express my difficulties at work——

"Uncle, my mother is lying on the ground, bleeding a lot, wuwuwu," the child cried helplessly.

"Go away, I'm busy!" Robert swung his legs irritably and threw little Tommy to the ground.

The child seemed to be greatly frightened. He sat there blankly with his eyes wide open, like a toy doll. He just stared at him blankly and stopped crying.

Robert was stunned for a moment, then walked downstairs, shouting as he walked: "Go find your dad, I'm not your dad. Little bastard, how annoying!"

When he gets the bounty, when he becomes the personal doctor of the Upper East Side boss, he will definitely move out of this garbage dump immediately.

A pile of garbage in the garbage dump, big garbage, small garbage.

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