I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 38 A mere farmer’s son

As expected, Archbishop Marvin had already fallen asleep.

Unexpectedly, the church's concern for the witch was beyond imagination. When the church guard learned of his intention, he immediately arranged for him to wait for Archbishop Marvin in the conference room.

Within ten minutes, Robert saw an old man with a familiar face and two strange middle-aged people.

The old man is Archbishop Marvin, who has appeared in public many times.

At this time, he was only wearing a white priest's robe, and it could be seen that he came out in a hurry.

The two middle-aged men are both tall and tall, with long arms and legs, and meticulous granite expressions.

Their monks' robes were very strange. There was a flaming cross on the sleeves of the black robes, and the round-faced monk was still carrying a briefcase.

"This is Brother Ferdinand and Brother Robbie. They are from the Holy Advent Crusade headquarters and are specifically responsible for the case of Witch Harley." Archbishop Marvin said nothing nonsense and directly stated who was the real person in charge.

"I'm Robert Stark, based in Birmingham -"

The hook-nosed Ferdinando raised his hand and said coldly: "Where is Harley Quinn?"

Robert wanted to be angry, but the other person had a special temperament that made him feel humble, humble, and despicable.

"I, I don't know." His throat was dry, and the eyes of the three people across from him were so sharp that they were murderous.

"Listen to me," Robert explained quickly, "I am a doctor. The witch came to my house with her companions and asked me to operate the knife to remove the bullet. After that, she gave me a dose of lidocaine."

"She has a companion? Who is it?" Hook-nosed asked.

"A big guy named Clark."

"Clark, this name is a bit common. What's his last name?"

Robert picked his head and said uncertainly: "Clark Kent, or Kennedy, or McCann. I can't remember clearly. I'm not even sure whether the witch called Clark's last name."

"Check, is there any information about Clark?" The hooked nose looked at the companion beside him.

Brother Robbie opened his briefcase and took out a laptop with a silver metal casing inlaid with a flaming cross.

After a moment, he held the open computer and said loudly: "In the fifth grade, the witch had a fight with a street gangster named Clark Tim because he said dirty words to her.

Apart from this, there are no recorded friends of ‘Clark’.

However, the information in the database cannot represent everything. I only have public information entered by government agencies. "

"That's all you know?" Fernando frowned.

Robert's palms were sweaty and he looked a little panicked.

The monk looked at him like he was looking at a useless bug. It shouldn't be like this, it couldn't be like this!

“I also heard some incomplete conversations, which seemed to mention ‘the cross’ and ‘going to a small town.’” He said nervously.

Fernando's eyes lit up and he said eagerly: "Let's be clear, is she going to the town by herself, or is it something else?"

Beads of sweat broke out on Robert's forehead, and his mind was working hard.

"Ah, I remember, she also mentioned Washington state, or Kansas? I can't remember exactly.

My guess is that she intended to give the cross to Clark to take to a small town in Washington state.

Or she and Clark took the cross and fled together to a small town in Washington or Kansas. "

Fernando then asked: "Washington State alone is so big, plus Kansas. Which small town is it?"

Robert shivered and said, "I don't know. I was injected with a large dose of anesthetic and my brain is dizzy. The two of them said a lot, but I only remember these few words."

"Hey, there really is a 'Smallville' in Kansas. It's not a small town, but the Smallville."

Brother Robbie did not have any purpose and was just bored. He casually entered "Washington State, Kansas" and "a small town (small town)". Unexpectedly, the Holy Advent Crusaders database gave a match.

Subconsciously, he then entered "Clark".

"Shit, so easy?!" Round-faced Robbie looked at his companions in disbelief, "Kansas, Smallville town, Clark Kent, less than twenty-one years old, he has a mother named 'Martha', and a father Jonathan just passed away last year.”

Fernando took a look at the screen and exclaimed: "Oh, what a majestic young man!"

"Come here and see if it's him." He waved to Robert.

Robert looked at him carefully for a long time and hesitated: "The body shape is about the same. I didn't see the face. But since his surname is Kent, it's probably him."

Yes, I am sure that the person I saw tonight is him. "

Towards the end, his tone became more and more firm.

Fernando raised his eyebrows and said, "How does this Clark Kent have anything to do with Harley Quinn?"

"I can't find it, but the Witch's hometown of Oklahoma is right next door to Kansas."

Round-faced Robbie shook his head and said helplessly: "With the help of Tongues of Fire, the Holy Crusaders have the strongest Internet firewall in the world, but it can't defend but not attack. It's far from the 'Skynet' in the movie." Full knowledge of network information.

In fact, the data in our database comes from the UK Public Cyber ​​Security Agency, and we only know what they know.

In the United States, even if MI6 specifically said hello, the FBI only shared the most basic resident information with us.

For example, this Clark Kent's information seems to be very simple, but based on my many years of experience as a 'quantum hacker', I have a vague feeling that his medical records have been modified.

Either he changed it himself, or the FBI manipulated it (ps).

Therefore, we cannot know all his information through the public network.

Maybe he and Harley Quinn are really good friends? "

"Call that old bitch Blake (Second Generation Silk Soul, Laurie Blake) and ask the FBI to provide us with more detailed data." Fernando said solemnly.

Robbie shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Forget it, Americans have always rejected us. You know, there have been too many conflicts between the Shadow Bureau and the church."

"Shadow Bureau" Fernando gritted his teeth, "Every existence there is the greatest blasphemy against God and humanity itself. One day, when we--"

Suddenly catching a glimpse of Robert's curious expression, the monk's words stopped abruptly.

After a pause, he said: "Notify the Gotham Police Department and ask them to help keep an eye on Greyhound buses and train stations, especially the train to Kansas.

There is also a strict inspection of every car on the highway leaving Gotham.

If we still can't find the witch in the next three days, we'll go to Smallville. "

"This" Robbie hesitated, "If my guess is correct, Clark is really being watched by the US government, and we are afraid that it will cause conflicts in the past."

"Then bring more people and let the degenerate Americans know our determination. Just a farmer's son, they know how to choose.

Well, since Clark appears in Gotham, we may not be able to find him at Kent Farm. First, capture Martha and control her to make sure nothing goes wrong. "Fernando said solemnly.

With that said, the two of them prepared to leave.

"Master Friar." Robert couldn't help shouting, "I——"

Ferrando was stunned and said, "Archbishop Marvin, give him thirty thousand dollars."

Marvin frowned and said, "He heard a lot of secrets. Do you want to deal with them?"

As he spoke, he made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Robert's eyes bulged, was he hallucinating?

Is this what the Archbishop should say?

But when he caught a glimpse of the sinister look in the old bishop's eyes, he became sober and frightened.

"Christ Jesus, no," he moaned weakly.

"What are you thinking about?" Brother Fernando looked at the archbishop in confusion, "He came to report to us, and he is considered a servant of God. How can he-"

Seeing the disapproval in the archbishop's eyes, he waved his hand and said, "Forget it, just give him money and let him leave. What we said before is not a secret at all among the top management in the United States."

After Archbishop Marvin left with Robert, Brother Robbie sighed: "Gotham is indeed a filthy place of Satan. The people here, even the Archbishop...

I saw absolutely no devotion to God in his eyes. "

Fernando said: “Americans are constantly falling, so the Lord decided to send the Holy Spirit for the second time.

Of course, our UK is also in a state of filth at this time, its glory is gone, and it is in urgent need of redemption.

Even the whole world is waiting for the coming of the Holy Son to cleanse it. "

His eyes seemed to be shining, and his face was full of piety, without a trace of doubt.

Robbie hesitated and said: "Speaking of it, the incident at St. John's Monastery——"

"Robbie, remember our purpose." Fernando said solemnly.

"Regardless of right and wrong, take back the holy relics as soon as possible, open the gate of heaven, and welcome the arrival of the second holy son. I understand." Robbie sighed.

Holding the check signed by the church to him, Robert didn't feel much satisfaction. Instead, he felt empty and inexplicably lost.

Especially when I returned to the apartment building, I saw two policemen carrying a body bag from the third floor, and I saw little Jimmy sitting alone on the corridor, his eyes swollen from crying.

"Oh my god, what have I done this day!" He covered his head and left the third floor as if he was running away.

(ps: Regarding whether the US government knows Clark’s identity at this time, I personally think that they know.

Whether in the comics or in the movies, Clark was shown to be extraordinary many times as a child.

The most classic incident: The Smallville Middle School bus going home crashed into a bridge and fell into the river. When the tragedy was about to happen, Clark directly lifted the bus to the shore.

Many people saw it at the time, and the child's parents even took their children to Kent's house to thank Clark.

Later, Lois used her identity as a reporter to find out Superman's identity, directly found Smallwell, and even interviewed Clark's old classmates.

Even Lois was able to pinpoint Clark's identity and hometown in just a few days based on the gossip she read in the newspaper. Isn't an FBI agent worse than a reporter?

In addition, in the events of The Death and Resurrection of Superman, Superman's identity was obviously completely exposed to the government, but the general public still didn't know who he was. Superman's mother even had to pay off the bank loan and had her house taken away. When I get older, I work as a waiter in a restaurant and live in a motel.

In the following article, the real attitude of the US government towards Clark and the reasons for this attitude will be explained through the mouth of the second generation Silk Soul.

In short, in this book, the US government is definitely not stupid.

In fact, in the Justice League comics, the government is shown to be very sophisticated.

Especially in "Watchmen", the president and government of the United States proved that they can sit in this position only because they are really capable. )

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