I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 36 The First Defense Specialty—Food Department

Evolved Harley Quinn:

Character level - 12

Physical defense - 12

First resistance expertise (obtained when defense is 10 points), food resistance, level 0: The body develops a "benign defense" against junk food, that is, as long as it is non-toxic and harmless, the food eaten must be completely digested. Transformed into physical strength and recovery.

Well, Harley is level 12.

In the battle with the one-eyed dragon in the monastery, she broke through from level 8 to level 9. After being shot a few days ago, she jumped to level 10 in an instant.

The first time she was shot, she almost fainted from the pain.

It's not like what is said in novels and TV shows. It's like being bitten by a mosquito.

She felt like she was torn into two pieces in an instant.

Not just the pain, but the endless weakness that followed.

Before she was shot, she had sufficient physical strength, and her whole body was like a hard, swollen basketball. After being shot, the basketball had a hole, and the strength flowed out with the blood splashing "chichichichi", and the basketball deflated. .

At that time, Harley felt like she was finished.

The enemy was still chasing her, but she couldn't run or jump.

Then, things started to get weird.

"Gudong, gudong."

In the sea of ​​consciousness, red liquid representing experience values ​​kept coming out of the experience storage tank.

It was simply a blowout of experience points.

Just after she moaned and groaned in pain for a few breaths, she escalated again.

Well, bullets bring continuous pain, continuous pain, and continuous skyrocketing experience.

The experience tanks are all dyed red, and she is reaching level 11.

But at this time, an accident happened, and the experience bar was stuck at the full position and could not be moved.

Harley even yelled at that time: "You are just a magic weapon, there shouldn't be any system failure!"

After cursing, she immediately sank into the sea of ​​consciousness and sensed it carefully, and finally found out what the problem was - when her defense reached 10 points, she gained an additional defense specialty.

You can choose your own defense expertise: choose a type of energy to inhale into your body, allowing your body to undergo directional evolution, thus opening up a special defense against this energy.

Well, expertise from defense points can still only increase defense, but it becomes "special defense".

For example, "magic resistance", "fire resistance", "poison resistance", "paralysis immunity" and so on are often seen in the game.

If Harley could absorb enough pure magical power at that time, her body would evolve toward magic resistance and gain "magic resistance expertise."

For another example, if Harley's magic resistance expertise reaches level two and has 20% magic resistance, then a spell attack with 100 points of lethality will fall on her, leaving only 80 points of effective damage.

Only when defense expertise is turned on can Harley continue to upgrade.

But at that time, Harley was being chased and shot in the body. She was in urgent need of the defensive points brought by the upgrade and had no time to choose which defensive specialty.

Moreover, defense expertise also has requirements for "evolutionary energy": first, it must be pure enough, and second, it must be large in quantity.

Harley had no choice but to try to take out two bags of egg yolk pies from her backpack.

"Food energy extraction is successful, food defense expertise is activated."

The evolutionary treasure cannot speak. This is the message that Harley herself realized.


very hungry!

Extremely hungry!

The few pieces of bread I just ate seemed to be digested before they even landed in my stomach.

It was like pouring a glass of water on the desert at noon.

There was nothing to eat, and she was still running wildly on the street!

Fortunately, she ran into the street. There were still many pedestrians on the street, so the pursuers of the Holy Advent Crusaders did not continue to shoot.

They scattered, intent on outflanking her path.

According to normal human physiological activities, after starving, Harley began to burn fat. Finally, before Harley's beauty turned into a skeleton, the food energy reached the minimum requirement to activate her expertise.

Well, even now, Harley's food defense feat is at level zero.

She didn't dare to upgrade her expertise at all, as upgrading required too much energy.

However, after activating her expertise, she was finally able to increase her character level.

Level 11, 11 points of defense.

She is extraordinary.

In theory, she qualifies as a supercriminal.

My back no longer hurts so much, the holes in the basketball are blocked, and with the few pieces of bread I had before, I feel full of energy again.

"Bang!" When she was excited, she got punched.

"Xiao Bichi, let's see where you run now!" Two sweaty men in black suits stopped her, and one of them gave her a slap in the face.

"Gudong, gudong." The experience tank began to boil again.

The wound of the original bullet was still continuing, filling the experience tank more than half. The black suit was an elite Crusader soldier, and he also carried a strong hatred, and his malice was off the charts.

Experience = malice multiplied by attack

There was no ding-dong sound, and after being kicked, she was level 12.

At that moment, Harley laughed like a madman, because she suddenly remembered a magical game advertising slogan - 999 for one knife!

If she gets stabbed

Harley has no masochism.

She is a beautiful girl with both temperament and appearance, and she is not suitable to be used as a punching bag for others.

Moreover, there are more than two Holy Crusaders, and others are about to chase them.

So, Harley didn't get beaten on purpose.

She pretended to be weak, lying on the ground and pretending to be dead. When the two men in black suits approached, she got angry and kicked up from bottom to the sky, kicking one person's balls, and then holding a cross in her hand, she stabbed the other person's throat.

Movements are faster, more flexible, and more powerful than before.

She felt that her strength was not far from that of Senior Brother Duanshui Shui.

"You want a cross? Here it is!" At that moment, Harley's expression was a little ferocious.

The man in the suit knelt on the ground, holding the blood-spurting throat in his hands and making a sound. Her expression showed disbelief and deep horror.

Killing people in the street, pedestrians screaming and scattering, Harley pulled up her hood, blended into the crowd and disappeared.

Later, Harley discovered how perverted the "food defense expertise" was.

As long as she does not activate her specialty evolution, all the energy absorbed from food will be converted into physical strength and recovery.

This is simply the bug skill most desired by all sports athletes.


It doesn't matter, eat hard, don't worry about the high heat and salt, everything can be digested, and the excess nutrients for the body will be turned into the power to recover from the trauma.

To put it simply, any food, as long as it is non-toxic and harmless, can be a little red bottle (a medicine that adds blood in the game) to Harley.

Tired, exhausted?

No need to drink Red Bull.

Just eat, eat hard, hamburgers, fried chicken legs, French fries, spicy sticks, cola, eat and drink whatever you want, all the excess nutrients will be transformed into rejuvenating power.

Any food, as long as it is non-toxic and harmless, can be a "stamina potion" for Harley.

Harley will never gain weight and her figure will always be perfect, even if she eats and drinks every day.

As long as she has food, she won't get tired and recovers quickly from injuries.

This is the "food system defense expertise", which prevents obesity, nutrition loss and indigestion.

All food digestion problems that are harmful to ordinary people are not harmful to Harley.

Harmless is beneficial.

Why can Harley still be alive and kicking after she was obviously shot?

Just because she used 50 US dollars to buy 20 juicy and fat burgers at KFC.

Later, she didn't even dare to eat too much for fear that the wound would heal completely and the bullet would remain lodged in the bone.

At this time, Gotham doctor Robert rented an apartment.

Harley entered the "Character Interface" again, not to check her attributes and food expertise, but to stare at the experience jar - the light blue turtle man (a cartoon Harley wearing a turtle shell).

"Gudong, Gudong" The red liquid in the jar was bubbling, one after another, with high frequency but very small size.

Harley was relieved that Robert had no murderous intentions towards her.

Well, even though "Clarke" in Selena's disguise was watching from the side, Harley still didn't completely relax her vigilance - what if Robert went crazy and suddenly inserted a scalpel into her throat?

Experience value = malice * damage (attack)

Now Robert's knife attack on her body had an "attack effect."

Being attacked and damaged will increase your experience points.

At this time, the increment of the red liquid in the experience jar is almost zero, indicating that the increase in experience is very weak and can be ignored.

Then, Robert's malice towards her must not be high.

If you don’t have murderous intentions, you will naturally not get angry.

This is Harley's trump card that allows others to take bullets for herself.

If she hadn't met Selena today, sooner or later she would have found another female waif to perform surgery on her.

At that time, she would hold a gun in her hand and always pay attention to the changes in the other party's maliciousness.

However, Selina has never been confident in her "sword skills", and Harley is unwilling to take risks with "Doctor" Kemp.

In a flash of inspiration, Selina came up with a good idea: Since the surgery was not complicated, she might as well find a regular doctor.

Harley was also worried about wound infection, so she agreed to her suggestion.

At least for now, the restorative effects of eating can't kill germs.

She still has a fever!

To put it bluntly, all animals have the ability to restore physical strength and injuries through eating. The Food Defense feat simply reduces nutrient waste and forces nutrients to flow in a direction beneficial to the body.

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