I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 22 Harley in the sun, the world in the shadows

According to the rules of the monastery, students will get up at 6:30 in the morning and attend morning prayers at 7:00. Harry went to the playground to exercise at 5:30 an hour early.

After half an hour of jogging, half an hour of difficult yoga, and then a simple hot bath, I went to the chapel with the students.

Morning prayers last for half an hour, and then have breakfast at half past seven.

At 8:10, the girls followed their nanny in reciting the Rosary in front of the statue of Our Lady.

That is, the Psalm of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Another half hour later, at 8:40, they started class.

Harry passed the cultural class, but had to take the "Church History Class" and got off school at eleven.

End of morning.

From 11 to 12 o'clock, the nuns will lead the students to work, cleaning, mowing the lawn, washing and drying clothes and sheets in the washing machine, and even baking bread and French fries.

Basically, this hour is to teach students how to live.

Eat at twelve o'clock and one reincarnation is completed.

Big black girl Raina is right, Harley is more popular than the others.

In the afternoon, she was playing ball alone in front of the tennis wall again, and suddenly she heard exclamations such as "Oh my god", "It's so crazy", "It's wonderful", "She's as healthy as a foal in the pasture". .

She glanced back outside the venue and saw a middle-aged white couple shouting and yelling, accompanied by the dean's mother.

Harley ignored them and continued her training.

She is like a lively deer, with a unique rhythm, jumping back and forth briskly and flexibly on the court. She holds a racket in each hand, and the three balls fly back and forth between the racket and the wall, as fast as lightning.

This training method was indeed exaggerated and required too much talent and skills. The couple had probably never seen such a crazy "juggling" in their lives.

The couple came from a farm in the outskirts of New Jersey. They originally wanted to find a son to inherit the family business and share some of the farm work. They heard about Hallie's name and came to see her.

In the end, both of them returned empty-handed.

They feel inferior that their small farm cannot raise a female dragon like Harley.

If Harley knew what they were thinking, she would definitely say: The farm is the place with the most "correct values" in the United States. Otherwise, why would Superman be given to a simple and hard-working farmer?

Around 4:20 in the afternoon, after the volleyball class, the girls shared the bathroom.

Harley took off her vest, which was almost soaked with sweat, revealing her beautiful and fair body.

It was so dazzlingly white and so reflective that several girls nearby couldn't help but glue their eyes to it.

But she acted as if she hadn't seen him before, and while taking off her pants, she asked: "Angela, where has Xiao Ba gone?"

It took Angela a while to come back to her senses, swallowed, blushed and looked away from Harley, "I was called away by Reina."

"By the way, Raina is gone too, as well as Goldie and Miranda." Harry glanced around, and the three thick American girls disappeared together with Barbara.

She had a bad feeling.

"Where have they been and what are they doing?" she asked, holding Angela's wrist.

Angela wanted to break away, to run away.

She tilted her head, not daring to look into Harley's eyes.

"Don't worry, with me protecting you, Reina won't dare to touch you." Harley said softly.

Angela's fat face showed a look of disapproval, "You are different from us, Harley."

"Everyone is different," Harley said.

Angela shook her head slightly, and sarcasm crawled onto her cheeks like flies, almost covering all the dense freckles on her face.

"A week ago, the dean received a call and knew that a farmer would come here looking for his 'son' today.

Also a week ago, under the instructions of Grandma, the teachers worked hard to make Benson a good, honest and hard-working young man. "

Benson is a fifteen-year-old white boy, tall and strong, with oily hair and pink face, big white teeth and big eyes. He once watched Harley whistle with lustful eyes, and he is tens of thousands of kilometers away from the hard-working and honest man.

Angela continued: “Just this morning, when the farmer and his wife drove over, Benson was wearing clean old clothes and looking serious about tidying up the lawn.

He was meticulous and focused. When he raised his head to wipe the sweat, the sun shone on the sweat beads on his forehead, and it was so radiant. I swear, at that moment he could surpass Tom Hanks. "

Tom Hanks has a nice face and is a Hollywood superstar who is particularly good at playing honest people. "Forrest Gump" and "Private Ryan" are his masterpieces.

Harry was stunned: This Angela usually can't say anything for a long time, but now she can speak so well. Could it be that she is also stimulated?

"What do you want to say?" she asked directly.

Angela said excitedly: "Benson, who tried his best to promote himself, still lost to your carelessness.

You did nothing but played tennis on the tennis court across the lawn, and then the farm owner and his wife’s eyes were drawn away.

After they meet you and talk to you, they look at other people and they are so boring. They left, not taking you away, but they didn't take away Benson either. "

"Benson is your boyfriend?" Harley asked curiously.

Angela glared at her and said angrily: "Harry, don't act stupid!"

"I feel very smart, but you said this, I just can't figure it out, what does this have to do with Rena Barbara?" Harley sighed.

"Isn't it obvious?" Raven, who was rubbing soap next door, sneered: "Harry, you can leave here at any time, maybe tomorrow. How do you protect Angela from being beaten by Reina?"

"Uh" Harley let go of Angela's wrist, feeling a little embarrassed and confused.

It seems that the environment of this church orphanage is more complicated than Gotham High School.

In both lives, Harley came from a good background and was considered a strong person in society. Now, this is the first time she has had close contact with the bitterness and hardship of the "weak at the bottom".

Just when Harley was standing in the open space with her naked white and tender body in a daze, a big girl muttered: "Angela is not moral. Yesterday, Harley fought with Raina because of you."

Angela paused in the bathing action and said in a low voice: "Last night during mass, Reina secretly punched me, and today at noon she took away my steak."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Harley was a little angry.

That big black girl is so disgusting!

"Still the same question as before, how long can you stay here? Reina has stayed here for nine years, and I have stayed for four years. It is foreseeable that she and I will stay here until we are eighteen." Angela said dullly.

Harley sighed helplessly, walked to the shower room without saying a word, turned on the faucet, and raised her head to welcome the washing of warm water. It would be best to wash away the depression in her heart along with the sweat.

Ten minutes later, Harley was sitting in front of the outer wardrobe, drying her hair.

Almost everyone else had left, and Angela sneaked over and said quickly: "Reina is an addict. She is in the medicine room at No. 212, Building 5."

After saying that she wanted to run away.

Harry had quick eyes and hands and grabbed her, "You little traitor, what do you mean?"

"I'm not a traitor," Angela's fat face trembled, "Have you ever thought that everyone in the bathroom just now knew where Reina was?

You shouldn't have asked me to leak the secret in front of so many people.

Harley, remember, here, in any situation where outsiders are present, you must be careful about your words and deeds.

You are a competitor to anyone who wants to escape, and everyone here wants to escape. "

While Harley was dazed, she struggled hard and ran away.

"Is it necessary? Life in this orphanage is obviously very good!" Harley rubbed her blond hair in worry.

Explain the most frequently asked questions from readers.

First, Harley is not like a time traveler and is not smart enough.

The protagonists of most novels are smart and experienced, and immediately adapt to time-travel life. The Harley in this book is relatively inexperienced. Her life in her previous life was too simple and too happy.

This setting may not be pleasing - in that case, you might as well not travel through time - readers may say so.

The protagonist I gave her has no experience, but she can quickly adapt to the environment. This kind of sophistication requires that she cannot be an indigenous girl, but a 14-year-old girl.


2. Harley has watched the movie and knows the legend of Gotham's simple folk customs. Why does she behave so childishly? She is always shocked and unbelievable.

I personally think that this reaction is more real.

We all know that the bad guys are bad, but when we watch "In the Name of the People" and "Anti-Gangster", we are still shocked, instead of taking it for granted like a "protagonist".

Because badness is a very vague concept, and the bottom line and methods of bad people are difficult to accurately judge through vague concepts.

For example, it is bad for Xiao Ming to bully his female classmates in class; it is also bad for Xiao Ming's father to kidnap his female classmates.

It's obvious that the two are completely different in how bad they are.

Gotham, on the other hand, is dark but very shiny on the surface. After all, it is a modern, legal city.

The evil is so systematic that it is difficult for ordinary people to know.

If even Harley, a high school student, knows the detailed bad things done by the GCPD, then he shouldn't go to jail?

Just like in the movie, Batman relies on criminal evidence to bring criminals to justice.

The law is just being played with. It's not that there are no laws in Gotham. The evil is hidden in the shadows that are difficult for ordinary people to reach.

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