I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 23 The American guy who can enjoy everything

Angela's words still had a certain impact on Harry.

Addicts, pharmacies.

Reina was probably doing something illegal, and she even had some idea of ​​what they were doing.

So, should she stop them?

Why would she stop them?

Can she stop it?

Just like Angela said, Raina will live here until she is eighteen, but she may leave within a week.

If we can stop it today, what about a week from now?

"Oh, let's go take a look. Do the things in front of you first, and leave tomorrow's things to tomorrow!"

After pulling her hair for a while, Harry gritted his teeth and made a decision in his mind.

The main building of St. John's is composed of seven buildings in the shape of a "mouth". Except for the entire cathedral on the front, there are two buildings on the other three sides, leaving a spacious stone path in the middle.

The fifth sub-building is directly behind the main building.

There were often students, teachers, and monks coming and going in the courtyard, and Harry guessed that Reina would not dare to sneak into the pharmacy from the front.

So, she also circled half a circle, ready to take a look behind.

Life is always full of surprises

Harry looked around, tiptoed around the corner of the 5th sub-building, and came face to face with the one-eyed guard captain.

"You-" Hesitation flashed in his one eye.

"I didn't, it's not me." Harley was also startled by this unexpected turn of events. She panicked and her performance fell into disgrace.

But she was not an ordinary person after all. She only panicked and calmed down quickly.

At the same time, she was also secretly alarmed. The guard captain was very alert.

He was able to make eye contact with her just as she passed the corner, simply because he noticed her as soon as she approached the corner.

maybe footsteps

"Captain Hercules, no matter what they have done, I am not the same as them. My classmates told me that Barbara was called away by Reyna and was about to worship the Eucharist, so I walked around and came Find them."

Hercules is not the only one here, his hounds, Barbara and Raina are all here.

The thin and small Barbara stood in front of the one-eyed captain, holding her head against her head, as if she was being scolded. Reina and the other two girls were holding their necks, holding their heads in their hands, and kneeling under the wall a few meters away.

In addition, the guard captain also held several white medicine bottles in his black leather gloves.

With just one look, Harry knew that this was someone who had stolen something and had been caught red-handed.

That's why she hurriedly broke off the relationship.

The one-eyed guard glanced at Harley and stuffed the medicine bottle in his leather jacket pocket, "Forget it this time, don't do it again next time."

After leaving this sentence, he took the dog and left from the other side.

"You passed the test so easily?" Harley was a little unbelievable.

Three big American girls who were kneeling on the ground stood up. One of them, a blond white girl named Goldie, cracked her knuckles and looked at Harley with evil intentions.

"This little bastard has ruined our business, do you want to teach her a lesson?" she said.

"What?" Harley didn't know what she meant. "I saved you, right? What happened?"

The eldest sister, Reina, twisted her caterpillar-like eyebrows a few times, looked at her and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Harry nodded to himself with his thumb, "Barbara, I will protect you. You took my little sister away and you asked me what I was doing here?"

At this moment, the expression on Reina's black face was very complicated, "Are you doing it for her?"

Her tone was a bit unbelievable, and her expression seemed to include admiration and sarcasm.

In fact, Reina's face is too dark, no matter what expression she makes - unless she grins and bares her teeth, it is not easy to distinguish.

"Rena, how many times did she punch you yesterday? Goldie and I happen to be here today. The three of us work together to beat her up?" Miranda with a garlic nose was eager to give it a try.

"Forget it, there are enough bad things today." Reina shook her head and pulled her two good friends away.

Only then did Harry turn his attention to the skinny little Barbara, "Are you okay?"

Her long black hair covered most of Barbara's face, but Harry could still see her gentle shaking of her head.

"What did they ask you to do?" Harley asked again.

Barbara seemed to glance at her through the black hair in front of her eyes, pointed to the vent on the back wall, and said: "I am small, I can climb directly into the pharmacy on the second floor."

There was indeed a lot of dust on Barbara's coat, especially around her knees and shoulders.

"What kind of medicine were you stealing?"

Barbara lowered her head, her long hair completely covering the inexplicable look in her eyes, and said in a low voice: "Little Green Pill."

In the end, she didn't explain clearly what the little green pills were. She only said that if someone was sick or couldn't sleep, they could get a few little green pills after being examined by Aunt Katie in the medical room.

Almost all the children in the orphanage have taken the little green pills.

Some people, like Reina, who eat too frequently, will develop an addictive state where they feel panicked if they don't eat for a day.

"Is it drugs? This is so crazy." Harley said in shock.

"It's definitely not Dupin. The trademark on the box says 'Wayne Pharmaceuticals', and it has been approved by the US Department of Health and Drug Administration. It is non-toxic and harmless," Barbara said.

Harley frowned and said, "Tell me again, what kind of medicine is that?"

"Benzodiazepine or something."

After dinner, during evening prayers, Reina took the initiative to sit next to Harry and whispered: "Harry, you are a good person."

"What?" Harley almost choked on her saliva.

Is this a good guy card? !

She tried to recall what she had done to cause this black girl to have such a terrible misunderstanding.

"If you were a 'bad guy' like me, you could get involved with Barbara. You're not, so you'd better stay away from her and never interfere in anything she does."

Harley breathed a sigh of relief, "Are you sowing discord?"

"Are you so stupid that you think I'm sowing discord?" Reina asked.

Of course, Harley is not stupid. From the beginning, she heard Raina hinting at one thing: Barbara is not innocent, at least the things she is involved in are very troublesome.

"Oh, she is obviously a thick black girl, but she speaks so unpleasantly." Harry sighed and asked directly: "What is the secret of this monastery?"

"This is not a place for you to stay for a long time. You don't need to know the rules of survival here. Knowing too much will not be good for you."

After a pause, Reina said in a low voice: "Have you ever thought about why in the backyard before, Miranda and Goldie said that you ruined our good things and wanted to beat you?

I can tell you clearly that if you don't come, we will get those little green pills at a certain price as usual.

You live like a little queen, but the monastery is not your castle, just like Gotham is not your kingdom. "

Harley frowned and fell silent.

She is not stupid, Reina hinted very clearly, the St. John's Monastery in her eyes is definitely not its true face.

But everyone here, orphans, teachers, monks and nuns, all know that she is just a visitor here. In a few weeks or a month, she will definitely be taken away by a family with good economic conditions.

Therefore, they were not prepared to interfere in her life, nor did they think of admitting her into a real church orphanage.

So how should Harley choose?

Sighing softly, she stopped asking Reina any questions.

She chose to compromise and protect herself wisely.

——She can deal with Reina and her few gangster friends, but she can't fight against the small society of St. John's Monastery.

After talking to Reina, Harley became much depressed, smiled less, and had little interest in talking to other people.

She didn't participate in the evening talk after lights out.

At around 10:30, she found Reina putting on her clothes and sneaking out of the dormitory quietly, without saying a word.

Barbara also asked her worriedly if she felt unwell.

Harry just excused himself from playing golf in the afternoon because he was too tired and wanted to go to bed early.

In the middle of the night, Harley was woken up by a scream.

"Help, nanny, monk, help, Reina can't survive~~~"

In the corridor outside the dormitory, there was a howl like a female ghost crying at night.

She is Raina's good friend, Goldie, one of the "three rough guys in the monastery".

Well, three thick girls are the nicknames Harley gave to those three thick girls.

With her life at stake, Harley "sit up in shock", immediately put on her slippers, and ran out before the other girls could react.

The corridor was dark and deep, with the light bulbs on the walls on both sides emitting a dull yellow candlelight, like a "broad road" leading to hell.

Goldie and Miranda also shouted more than once. At this moment, other bachelors and monks came out of the dormitory in a daze.

At the end of the corridor, in the innermost storage room, Harley saw Reyna, who was foaming at the mouth and twitching all over.

Uh, it's not foam, it's light blue bubbles.

A few bubbles flew out of his nostrils as he gasped, floating in the air.

"Did she eat washing powder?" Harry looked around and actually found a bottle of detergent lying on the ground in the corner. A box that was torn open not far away revealed bottles of the same detergent.

"Shit, Reina drinks detergent and wants to commit suicide?!" Her eyes widened with disbelief on her face.

This big black girl has such strong nerves, there’s no reason why she can’t think straight!

"It's not suicide!" Miranda glared at her, pointed at the detergent and said, "You see clearly, this is a Tongle brand!"

Harley glanced at it and saw that there was indeed a large "Tongle" logo on the label of the detergent, but she still didn't know why.

"Then what?"

"Spread out, all spread out, all go back to sleep, Rena will be taken care of by us." Mammy said with a dark face, clapped her hands and shouted.

"Harry, you don't understand anything," Angela muttered in a complicated tone after returning to the dormitory.

"What's so special about Tongle brand detergent?" Harley asked humbly.

Angela's bed was right next to hers. After listening to her words, the fat girl stretched out her head hard and almost reached Harley's pillow.

"You can get high by inhaling that detergent! Young people know that," she whispered.

"Are you sure?" Harley asked in shock.

Even detergent can be used as Du Ping. What the hell kind of country is this?

The fat girl nodded, "That thing is harmful to the body if you get too high. If there are other options, no one will touch it.

Reina just got too high. Whether she can save her life or not will be known tomorrow morning. "

Reina is worthy of being one of the "three roughs" in the monastery, with rough skin and thick flesh. During breakfast, they heard that Reina had woken up and could even get out of bed and walk around.

Behind the seven buildings of the monastery, there is a small hill 100 meters above sea level with an original forest on it.

Sometimes you can even see deer inside.

There was no class for Harry in the morning, so she did aerobics on the forest trail, that is, jogging at a steady pace. As a result, she met Barbara and Angela, two girls, carrying baskets and wandering around in the forest.

"What are you doing?" Harley kept running in place.

"Can't you see, we are picking mushrooms?" Angela said, shaking the basket.

"Why are there only a few of you?" Harley asked.

"Do you think grandma asked us to pick mushrooms and make mushroom soup?" Angela sneered.

"Isn't it?" Harley became more curious.

"Reina said that a small amount of detergent is not enough, but a large amount can kill people, so she asked us to help her pick mushrooms," Barbara said.

Now Harley understood.

Cleansers are relatively unsophisticated, and rich people won’t smoke them, but mushrooms.

Mushrooms are a best-seller in the United States. In Gotham High School, both grass and mushrooms appeared during classmates' parties.

Harley never touches them and even avoids them like snakes and scorpions, but in the "poisonous pit" of America, she has long been accustomed to them.

"Oh, this is the Lighthouse Country. I should get used to it." Harley shook her head and ran away.

(PS: The little green pill is what the heroine of "The Gambit" eats. It was very common in the United States for a period of time, just like the common cold medicine in our Chinese families. I am not making up the detergent. Mushrooms are just like it. It’s relatively famous.)

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