I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 21 A day in the life of a little nun

"Hello, everyone, I'm Harley, Harley Quinn!" Harley greeted her new roommates with a smile.

This is a room as big as the Gotham High School dance studio, over 150 square meters, rectangular.

From the bottom of the imitation porcelain wall, small sky blue tiles as tall as a person are pasted.

The wall near the walkway had no windows, and the wall outside to the courtyard had five old-fashioned shutters.

There are 20 beds, divided into two rows, one row of ten beds, single beds, about one meter apart, and a small wooden cabinet at the head of the bed.

Lunch had already been eaten at this time, around one o'clock in the afternoon, and under the supervision of the nuns, the girls all returned to the dormitory for a lunch break.

Counting Harley, there were only 14 girls, leaving six beds empty.

The girls are almost all white, there is only one big black girl, and there are no Asians or brown girls.

From the age of ten to Harley, two strong girls seemed to be over twenty?

Obviously, this is impossible.

You can leave the orphanage at the age of eighteen.

Then, there is only one possibility left. All the big girls in America look old.

"Hi, Harley, I'm Raven, born in 1995."

"I'm Angela, 15 years old."

"I am."

Under the glare of the nuns, the girls weakly greeted the newcomers one by one.

None of these girls had any distinctive looks (nothing that surprised Harley). Only a 13-year-old black-haired girl made an impression on Harley.

She is pretty cute and has a delicate, shy and lovable temperament, but these are not the main point.

Her name is "Barbara", she was also born in 1992, and she is also delicate and shy. Harley thought of her friend, the little black girl Barbara.

After a brief greeting, the other girls lay down on the bed and took a nap, while Harley came to her bunk, tidied up and bowed lightly.

Most of the items were taken away by conservators, stored and returned to her when she became an adult.

However, Harry also received new clothes and daily necessities at the monastery, such as two sets of white suits (white prayer robes), a brand new woolen sweater, a black velvet jacket, and a metal cross

The quilt had been laid out, and Harry put his belongings into the box and lay down on it.

She couldn't sleep looking at the gray cement ceiling.

She turned her head and found that several girls were also awake and peeking at her.

She smiled at them.

They laugh too.

Harry suddenly felt tired and a little sleepy.

Lunch at 12 o'clock, lunch break at 1 pm, and class starts at 2:30.

The course is ridiculously simple.

The purpose of church orphanages is not to help people become talented, but to help orphans escape from illiteracy.

Hallie was granted a special license and did not need to take basic cultural classes. She could go running and playing football on the playground, and she could also go to the fitness room to lift irons and the dance studio to masturbate. However, there was no professional gymnastics or table tennis teacher to teach her.

There are physical education teachers in the monastery, but they are just ordinary teachers.

Harley played tennis all afternoon, alone against the training wall.

St. John's Monastery is indeed old, but it occupies a vast area and has various sports facilities. There are even special training grounds for bow and arrow shooting, classical swordsmanship, kayaking and other courses.

After breaking out in a sweat and venting her excess energy and depression accumulated over the past few days, Harley felt much better.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the bell rang for the end of class, and Harley hurried to the public bathroom.

After taking a hot shower and putting on a loose nun's uniform, she jogged to the cathedral.

At 5:20, all teachers and students worshiped the Holy Eucharist together.

Counting gardeners, janitors and other handymen, there are about eighty teachers and students in their early three hundred years.

Under the leadership of Mother Teresa, all teachers and students knelt down in front of the bronze statue of the Passion of Christ.

To worship the Eucharist, of course you have to kneel.

“Dear Lord, Jesus, we thank you for allowing us to come to your throne room every night and spend this half hour with you.

Oh God! We are usually so busy with the world that even when we pray, we are distracted by family matters.

Now let us calm down, calm down, and listen to your teachings.

Oh God! You are in the shrine, right in front of our eyes. Let us worship you devoutly and praise you with songs. Let us sing "Worship the Lord at Dusk." "

It’s embarrassing. Harley traveled through time for more than ten years and followed the local customs. She has been a Christian for more than ten years, but she doesn’t remember the lyrics of “Worship the Lord” clearly.

In fact, there is more to Eucharistic Adoration than just one song.

She could only look solemn, open and close her mouth, open her ears, and try to memorize the lyrics sung by others while playing the yu.

"Worship you, worship you in the dusk, worship you, worship you in the early morning, worship you in the night watch, when no one is around. I want to praise you, I want to worship you Worship, worship makes me happy, worship makes my heart happy, worship”

No wonder it takes half an hour to worship the Eucharist each time. A complete process has nine steps, almost all of which are a scripture or a song.

"Worship the Lord at Dusk" is only the first song, the second is "Under the Loud Sound of the Waterfall", and the third is "My Soul Longs for You".

The fourth link involves singing psalms, with no fixed songs.

The fifth step is to listen to the old lady reciting the gospel.

The sixth step is to meditate on your own life from this day to this moment, which is probably similar to "a gentleman should examine himself three times."

However, this realm requires too much personal "wisdom", and most people are in a daze.

The seventh step is to express your heartfelt supplications to the Lord, which is a personal prayer session.

The eighth step is to repent. Regardless of whether you are guilty or not, first say "Jesus, I'm sorry, I'm guilty", blah blah blah, and then sing "Tears of Gratitude".

Finally, we tell the Lord that our prayers today are almost over, and then we praise the Lord again and end with the song "So Great".

Well, basically singing.

With a uniform "Amen", today's Eucharist worship service came to an end.

Harry was surprised to find that it was exactly five fifty, no more, no less, half an hour.

Dinner starts at six o'clock, and we gather together in small groups at seven o'clock for mass and evening prayers.

At half past nine, everyone goes to bed.

"Baby, little Ba!" After the lights were turned off, Hallie turned around like a little loach in the quilt. Her fluffy little head got to the end of the bed and called softly to the bed opposite.

"Harry?" A weak voice came from the other side, surprised and timid.

Then there was another "rustling", and a little black head looked "across the river" from Harley.

It's Barbara.

She pushed aside her black curly hair, revealing her fair and petite face, and asked doubtfully, "What's the matter?"

In just half a day, Harley became familiar with her.

Harley is lively and cheerful, loves to laugh, is good-looking, and has many skills to become a star student in the United States. She can easily get along with the people around her.

Except for Barbara, she was familiar with all the other 12 girls in the dormitory. Even the men and women in several other dormitories knew that someone like her was coming to the convent and had all greeted her.

"It's okay, I just can't sleep. I wanted to ask you about the situation in this monastery." Harry said.

In fact, as soon as the nun left, the sleeping session in the dormitory began, and Harry didn't seem out of place at all.

Barbara said nothing and seemed to acquiesce.

Harry asked: "Do I have to worship the Eucharist and say evening prayers every day?"

"This is a church orphanage, what do you think?" This is not Barbara, but Reina, the only black girl in the dormitory, who is three beds away from Harley.

Harley went on to ask Barbara, "How many years have you been here?"

"Oh, it's been almost eight years. I've been here since I was nine. In another year, I will be able to go out." Black girl Reina sighed.

Harley was speechless.

"Xiaoba, what about you?" she asked again.

"She came not long ago." Reina added.

Now Barbara spoke, "It's been a long time, almost seven months."

"Hmph -" the big black girl Reina snorted coldly, feeling very unhappy, "Harry, if you want to know more about this stinking pit, you have to ask me. I am older than many teachers here."

In the darkness, Harley frowned slightly.

She doesn't like this black girl, not because she is black - although she is indeed darker than other black girls, the kind who closes her eyes and mouth and can't see her facial features clearly in broad daylight - first of all, Reina's appearance is not pleasing, she is awesome. He is tall and tall, almost 1.9 meters tall, thick and strong, with a gorilla face and big buck teeth.

Harley has never denied that she is a beauty addict.

In addition to her bad looks, Raina also has a bad personality.

Harry had only been here for a day, and he had seen her bullying the little orphan several times.

For example, taking a shower in the bathroom at night, Reina squatted lazily on a chair. Barbara and another sister-in-law, Angela, suppressed her blush and helped rub her back. Angela complained, "My hands are so sore." She slapped him on the head.

Harley couldn't see it and said a few words.

Then the powder keg named "Rena" was ignited, and there was going to be a bloody boxing match with Harley on the spot.

As you can imagine, the big man Reina was knocked down by Harry in a few strokes, and two punches hit her lower abdomen, making her scream in pain.

Originally, Harry thought that she would avoid him from now on, but he didn't expect that only a few hours had passed before this cheeky guy took the initiative to strike up a conversation with her.

Seeing that Harley didn't answer, Reina changed the subject, "I know you, Harley. I've read about you in rugby magazines, because you have a nice smile, and because you often win, even Olympic athletes can." If you win, they call you smile queen."

"Yeah." Harley responded casually.

"Harry, I bet you won't be able to stay here for a month." Without looking at the expression on her face, you can hear Reina's envy just from her tone of voice.

"Why?" Harry asked.

"All families who are ready to adopt children will be the first to see you. You are a super-class product. Compared with you, we have no competition at all." Reina said sourly.

"Does anyone come here often? When was the last time a child was chosen?" Harley asked.

"On average, two or three times a week. Just three days ago, a pair of university professors from upstate picked Hans off."

Speaking of this, Reina sneered and said sarcastically towards Barbara's bed: "Originally, this good opportunity was left to this little Bichi by the old witch, but it turned out that she didn't think she was happy enough, so she took a fancy to playing on the court instead. Enter 'Happy' Hans playing basketball."

"Who are you talking about?" Harley frowned.

"What do you think?" Reina asked.

Could the old witch be referring to Mother Teresa, the Mother Superior?

Xiaobi Pond.

It seems that Reina looks tall and thick, but she is actually quite thoughtful.

If she dares to directly say that the dean is an old witch, she will probably be reported to the police; if she dares to scold Barbara Bitch in front of Harry, she will probably be beaten, this black Bitch.

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