I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 2076: Capturing Wanda

"Xiao Ai, you are not from Earth, are you?"

Without anyone else's instructions, "Black Widow" Natasha immediately approached the little nun, transformed into a warm and sweet confidant sister, spoke softly and spoke softly.

The girl who was arranged by Grace to be the reunion guide was about fourteen or fifteen years old and looked about the same size as America, which was the difference between a freshman and a sophomore in high school.

On the surface, she looks almost like a white girl, and she looks pretty sweet. She only has a black line under her eyelids, as if she was born with it.

Moreover, there is also a kind of "brutal" temperament that is difficult to see on earth.

She is sweet-looking and not too old. She is wearing a white nun's uniform, but she gives people the feeling that she comes from a primitive tribe, exuding a natural wildness.

"I'm not from Earth." Xiao Ai glanced at the Avengers heroes, "I've heard of Earth before, but this is my first time coming to Earth."

"Did Lord Grace tell you?" Natasha asked.

Xiao Ai wrinkled her nose and said, "Aren't you going to visit the Divine Ship?"

"We are visiting." Tony said.

In fact, there is not much to visit.

The Divine Number is just a giant statue and a ring. The giant statue is majestic and can be seen by looking up. The buildings in the ring can only be viewed from the outside and cannot be entered inside. Even if they can be entered, it is only a public place for priests to pray. After viewing several buildings in a row, they Very little interest.

"Can you tell us about this Divinity?" America was very happy to finally see a girl about her own age.

"Teacher Grace told me that the 'Divinity' was originally the name of an all-powerful space mothership owned by a powerful God of Creation.

Our Lord not only bestows upon us supreme divine power, but also bestows upon us wisdom and technology.

He hopes that we can also build a ‘Mothership of Creation’ that can sail in the almighty universe, so He gave us the name ‘Divinity’ as an encouragement. "

When talking about "my lord", Xiao Ai, like the Venerable Kang, was full of respect, her eyes were full of piety and attachment, and even her tone was raised twice.

"The Almighty Universe Mothership. Do you know the Almighty Universe outside the multiverse? What else is there outside the universe?" Natasha asked curiously.

"Well, our multiverse is like a house. The foundation on which the house is built is called 'Taixu'. There is nothing in Taixu, no matter, energy, time and space, not even laws.

The Almighty Universe is more nihilistic than Taixu. Let alone mortals, as powerful as gods, they will disappear in an instant if they fall into the Almighty Universe. "Xiao Ai said.

Natasha asked carefully about the concept of "actinic disappearance", and finally said with emotion: "Xiao Ai, you know so much."

"It's not that I know much, it's that my Lord is infinitely wise." Xiao Ai was young after all, and was surrounded by a group of Avengers heroes with surprised and shocked eyes, and a proud smile inevitably appeared on her little face.

America was moved in her heart and said: "You call Venerable Grace teacher, are you her disciple, or do you call her that as a little nun?"

Xiao Ai pondered: "In our church, although there are levels of positions, there is no hierarchy. Everyone can call the Venerable Teacher Grace, or 'Mom' (mammy).

However, I am indeed different from others. I am Teacher Grace’s attendant and her apprentice.

Like knowledge about the omnipotent universe.

Many sages don’t know that it was Teacher Grace who taught me alone.

It’s not that I want to hide it from His Holiness, but there is no need to know about matters that are out of reach at this stage.

If it were a secret, I wouldn't tell you.

It’s just that in the future, I will take over some of the ceremony hosting duties from Teacher Grace, and I need to know the relevant knowledge. "

"What kind of job requires knowledge of the omnipotent universe?" Natasha asked curiously.

Xiao Ai hesitated for a while and then said: "We will regularly sacrifice the knowledge, technology, magical objects, energy crystals and other sacrifices we have collected to the Lord.

Different people preside over the sacrificial ceremony, and the efficiency of energy and information transmission is different. I am very talented in this area. "

"The God of War is actually plundering the wisdom and power of our universe!" Tony screamed angrily.

If he hadn't been on the Divinity at this moment, he would have yelled, "It's really the evil god."

"The word 'plunder' is very bad. We are using sacrifices to please the Lord." Xiao Ai said seriously with a straight face.

Captain America gently touched Tony's back to signal him not to argue with a little girl.

Tony said: "Why can wisdom and strength please the Martial God King? It's not that he needs the knowledge and power of our universe. Little Ai, do you understand what this means? The Martial God King is not omniscient and omnipotent."

Captain America's expression changed slightly, and he was about to scold Tony loudly, but Xiao Ai said calmly: "Of course our Lord is not omniscient and omnipotent. The wisdom and power we sacrifice to Him will make Him wiser and stronger."

Now it was the Avengers heroes' turn to be surprised.

In the past, no matter what the sect, believers advocated the power of gods, and "omniscience and omnipotence" basically became the standard.

Why can this little nun frankly admit that her "lord" is not omnipotent and omniscient, and even needs the help of mortal believers to improve herself?

"You don't understand the Lord, that's why you have such a surprised and inexplicable expression on your face. If you read the "Martial God King Bible" carefully, you won't have any doubts," Xiao Ai said.

"I have read the Bible of the King of Martial Gods." Ms. Marvel said: "The Bible says that the King of Martial Gods was not born divine. In the beginning, she was just an ordinary human girl——"

"You have read the "God of War Bible" in vain." Xiao Ai interrupted her unceremoniously, "My Lord is born with knowledge. She came to the mortal world and exists as a mortal girl, but her spirit is extraordinary and transcendent.

Just like Jesus Christ, is he born in the mortal world and grew up as a mortal? Is he a mortal?"

"Okay, I don't read books seriously." Ms. Marvel didn't argue with her, "God of War's name is 'Harley Quinn', just like us, she was just an ordinary cosmic person at first.

She was blessed by God and became a saint in just a dozen years. Alas, if you want to know the details, you can read the "God of War Bible" yourself.

It contains His growth story, and the content is very exaggerated , novels dare not write like that, and if a movie is shot like that, the audience will definitely scold it as "the director is stupid and the plot is unreasonable".

In short, the War God King Harley Quinn directly admitted in the Bible that He is not an omniscient and omnipotent existence like God. "

"Hearing what you said, I really have a strong interest in the "War God King Bible". "Tony touched his chin and said to Xiao Ai: "I am very curious, since you all know that the War God King is not omniscient and omnipotent, why are you still so devout in your belief? Many gods are omniscient and omnipotent 'GOD'!"

Xiao Ai was silent for a while and said: "I didn't believe in the Lord originally. In my hometown, there is the 'GOD' you mentioned.

My people and I call Him 'Lapu'.

My father was particularly devout in Lapu.

Even when we encountered a planetary disaster and the entire civilization was in decline, and only my father and I were left, and we were almost starving and dying of thirst, he still firmly believed that Lapu would save us.

At that time, because so many people died on our planet, the breath of resentment and curse attracted the attention of the venerables of the church in the nearby galaxy, who was Venerable Kyle.

His soul left his body and traveled through the galaxy in the form of astral projection. He discovered the situation on our planet and quickly brought a batch of supplies to rescue the victims. Only my father and I were left.

I was saved by Venerable Kyle from the brink of death, but my father still did not abandon Lapu.

He refused to leave with Venerable Kyle, and even did not let Venerable Kyle leave. Take me away.

Finally, my father finally saw the miracle, Lapu came back.

He went to hunt down the owner of the "Black Death Sword" before-"

Thor exclaimed, "Are you sure it's the "Black Death Sword"? "

Xiao Ai stared at him, with holy golden light flashing in his eyes, "So you are also a "god". "

"I am Thor, the Thunder God of Asgard, Lapu. I seem to have some impression. "Thor straightened his chest and activated the power of thunder, and arcs of electricity jumped on the axe, "You must have heard of the name of "Odinson" (Odinson, the son of Odin, also the surname of Thor and Loki), right?"

"No, I haven't even heard of my Lord War God King before." Xiao Ai said.

"Alas, your planet is too remote." Thor's straight back relaxed.

"What kind of sword is the Black Death Sword? I seem to have heard of it, or seen it in an ancient book." Doctor Strange cast a puzzled look at Lao Wang.

The old king shook his head slightly, "I don't know."

Thor said: "The Black Death Sword is a sword that kills gods. It seeks people who hate gods as its master, specializing in killing gods and absorbing their power.

The 'God Realm' has issued an order that all gods are obliged to eradicate the owner of the Black Death Sword if they encounter him."

"God Realm? Where is it?" Tony asked.

Thor pondered and said: "You have seen the 'Norse Mythology'. My father and I are the protagonists of the myth.

In addition to Norse mythology, there are Greek mythology, Celtic mythology, Egyptian mythology, Indian mythology, and the legend of the Heavenly Palace in the Celestial Empire on Earth. They all exist in reality.

The gods, led by Zeus, united and used their divine power to create a divine domain independent of the universe, which was called the 'God Realm' by the gods.

My father rejected Zeus' invitation and did not move Asgard to the God Realm."

"When Thanos snapped his fingers to destroy half of the cosmic people, were the gods affected?" Tony asked.

Thor hesitated and said, "I'm not sure. Although the Rainbow Bridge can reach the God Realm, I haven't been there for many years.

If you expect the gods to help solve the cosmic crisis, forget it. The gods in the God Realm are cowards who dare not face the challenges of the real universe.

The purpose of their creation of the God Realm is to avoid disasters."

Tony said, "Let's not talk about the past Infinity Gauntlet crisis, just talk about the upcoming cosmic collision. The universe has been destroyed, and the God Realm will definitely be destroyed. Are they still indifferent?"

Thor raised his chin towards Xiao Ai, "It is Lapu, not the gods, who are chasing the owner of the Black Death Sword.

Do you know the ultimate goal of the Black Death Sword?

Kill into the God Realm and kill all the gods.

Even the Black Death Sword crisis that concerns their own lives, those guys ignored it. What does the cosmic collision have to do with them?"

"Xiao Ai, please continue." Tony wanted to reach out and touch the little nun's head, but she dodged it flexibly.

"Lapp is back, and the oasis is back too. My father found him with eager anticipation and told him about the demise of civilization and the extinction of the tribe, but Lapp just laughed.

He laughed at my father, saying that believers should suffer for the gods until death.

He doesn't care about the extinction of our tribe. If we die out, more believers will follow him.

My father longed for eternal grace, but Lapp continued to laugh, saying that there is no eternal grace at all, and called my father a "dog thing."

Xiao Ai looked up at Tony, "This is the 'GOD who claims to be omniscient and omnipotent' in your mouth.

Many people in the church come from civilizations that believe in gods. Why do everyone now firmly believe in the Lord? "

Tony thought for a while and said, "Tell me about the subsequent story of your father and Rapp."

Xiao Ai said: "My father was desperate and angry. He scolded Lapu, and Lapu wanted to crush him to death. Lapu had just killed the previous owner of the Black Death Sword, and the Black Death Sword became his trophy, and he took it with him. .

The Black Death Sword sensed my father's hatred for the gods and immediately chose him as its new master.

Lapp was unaware and was killed by my father. "

"Ah, where is your father now? He must have been shot to death by King Wushen, right?" Tony exclaimed.

Xiao Ai had a strange expression, "The Black Death Sword has a strong restraining effect on any god, but it can't break Lord Kyle's 'Saint Nun's Descending to Earth' at all.

It may also be related to the fact that my father had just obtained the Black Death Sword and was not deeply possessed by the devil.

Lord Kyle took the Black Death Sword and sealed it, and my father gradually regained his sanity.

He told my father that Lapp was known as the ‘God of Light’, but according to the standards of the King of War Cult, he was actually an evil god.

Rapp has seized the original power of the entire planet, just like the Earth in ancient times. Well, it should be the ancient Earth where our Lord Harley Quinn lives.

The old gods rule the earth, not only squeezing the earth's humans, but also seizing the power of the earth's basic laws. To put it simply, the gods replace the laws of the natural universe such as wind, rain, sun, oceans, rivers, and forests. "

She raised her finger and pointed at Thor, "Just like him, he is the God of Thunder, and Thunder is him.

Lapp is more greedy than the old gods of the earth. He is everything on our planet, including sunshine, rain, forests and grasslands.

When He took away all the original power and left the planet to pursue the Lord of the Black Death Sword, our planet lost its harmonious natural order, with disordered seasons, uneven droughts and floods, and human civilization became extinct.

Lord Kyle held a grand divine descending ceremony on our planet. The divine Lord rebalanced the natural power of our planet. We finally got rid of the slavery of the 'gods' and gained true freedom.

Unfortunately, His Holiness came too late, and my father and I were the only two people left on the entire planet. "

Ms. Marvel was surprised and said: "The "Martial God King Bible" also records the story of the Martial God King leading human heroes to expel gods and demons."

Xiao Ai said: "That is a story that happened in our Lord's multiverse, and it is also the reason why Lord is called the 'Martial God King'.

How can a mortal body stand up to the gods?

Our Lord created "Martial Arts" for mankind. Human beings became martial gods through martial arts training. Thousands of human martial arts gods succeeded one after another, and finally defeated the gods. The gods and demons could only escape from the earth and establish a "heaven realm" in a higher dimension.

Well, the heavenly realm is similar to the divine realm, and belongs to the gods—ah! "

While Xiao Ai was talking, a huge force suddenly came from the side, fell on her shoulders, and pushed her away.

"Be careful, the monster is here again!" Only then did Doctor Strange's exclamation reach everyone's ears.

"Buzz~~~" The other heroes were still at a loss. The air around America was rolling like boiling water, and the space was hazy and distorted.

A tentacle monster with big bathtub eyes roared and struggled towards America, but it seemed like its body was stuck in transparent glue, and its movement was severely delayed.

It was Strange. His reaction speed was extremely fast, and he had already used mirror space magic to block the monster's path.

But he could only block it for a moment. As the red-purple dark magic erupted from the monster, the transparent space barrier, like a guardrail on the side of the road, was suddenly smashed by a violent car.

"Hallelujah, Holy Fire Technique!"

Still Strange.

He had been protecting America for several days, and was already familiar with the monster's power. He knew that he could not completely restrain it, so he only slowed its movement slightly, and immediately used the holy fire technique he had just learned.

A white flame as big as a basin fell from the sky, and the next moment it was about to land on the tentacle monster's big eyeball.

"Photograph!" A low shout came from the distance, and the falling holy flame flickered for a few times and suddenly exploded into a firework.

Strange groaned and suffered a lot of magical backlash.

"Kang, what are you doing?" He turned back angrily and yelled at Venerable Kang who was dispelling the Holy Flame Technique.

Venerable Kang and Grace led a group of Venerables, their bodies flashed with a faint golden light, and in a few flashes they traveled through space and came to the monster.

Grace and more than a dozen venerables took action together and contained the monster with a golden divine power net bag.

At this time, Venerable Kang spoke and said: "Only by catching this monster can we find the dark wizard who summoned it. After all, you can only be a thief for a thousand days, but you cannot guard against a thief for a thousand days."

"Which dark wizard is it? How dare you kill someone in front of my Lord (the statue)." Grace said angrily.

His Holiness Kang said: “Soon we will know its identity.”

He turned to look at America, who was still in shock, and said, "I have a plan to uncover the dark wizard who is chasing you, but I need your cooperation."

"How?" America asked.

Venerable Kang muttered: "The other party should be in another parallel universe. If you want to catch it, you must go to its world.

I have explained to you the principle of cosmic collision. Ordinary cross-border travel will destroy the stable structure of the universe.

We want to solve crises, not create new and bigger ones. "

"Yeah, that's right." Captain America agreed very much and nodded repeatedly.

Venerable Kang looked at America and said, "Some people have special talents and can actively adjust their own frequencies so as not to harm the structure of the universe during the journey."

"Are you talking about me?" America was surprised and terrified, "But I can't control my own abilities."

"If you can't control it, let someone who can control it. You just cooperate honestly and don't resist. Let Grace or other venerables control your body." Venerable Kang said.

"Let others control my body?" America took two steps back, her expression alert and suspicious.

Venerable Kang said calmly, "If you don't believe us, you can let Strange do it."

Doctor Strange hesitated and said, "I can simply control her body to move, but I can't activate the power of blood and control it accurately."

Venerable Kang winked at Grace.

Grace turned around and whispered to an elderly venerable.

The old venerable floated back and disappeared from everyone's sight.

About two minutes later, the old venerable "flew" from a distance again, very fast, and came to the crowd with a few leaps like a dragonfly skimming the water.

He was holding a 13-inch wide and palm-thick wooden box in his arms.

He walked straight to Strange and handed the wooden box over.

"The divine arts book you want me to teach, this is it. The whole set of books is here, not only divine arts, but also martial arts." Grace said.

Doctor Strange hugged the wooden box tightly, with a flattered and embarrassed look on his face, "Are you really going to give me the divine arts book? What are the conditions?"

Grace said: "There are indeed two conditions. Don't teach the martial arts book to others casually. Divine arts don't matter. The martial arts book has no requirements for faith. The bad guys can also commit crimes with martial arts. In addition, don't persist in doing evil. If you use the power of my Lord to do bad things, you will be punished by heaven."

After that, she quietly used her mind to transmit the sound, and said in a complicated tone: "At the bottom of the wooden box, there is a hidden divine pattern. When you break through the realm of the divine priest, you will be able to teach it to others. You will understand the spell to open the divine pattern.

You can find a booklet inside, which is the first volume of the "Mind Sutra". It can train the power of the soul. When you reach the highest depth, the soul will be completely transformed into thought, and finally transcend this multiverse.

The concept of thinking is recorded in the booklet.

When you open it, you will naturally understand it.

Remember, no matter who you face, even if it is your teammates, or the Martial God King Church Venerables other than me and Kang, you must not reveal the secrets of the "Mind Sutra".

No god or demon can withstand the temptation of transcendence. "

"Why?" Strange asked in astonishment.

Both the "Mind Sutra" and the complete set of divine arts books shocked and puzzled him.

Venerable Kang said: "We will not stay on Earth for too long. When the cosmic collision crisis is resolved and the Martial God King Church continues to develop in the Milky Way, I may even leave this universe.

But Earth is where the world story takes place, and the power of the Lord must be involved.

In short, you are the representative of the Martial God King Church on Earth that I have chosen."

"I don't believe in the Martial God King." Strange's tone was not as firm as before.

"Faith is not kneeling and praying in front of the statue of God. Faith is to practice the Lord's teachings and promote the Lord's way in daily life." Venerable Kang said.

-If you really can't establish a pious belief in the Lord, the divine arts book is undoubtedly a piece of waste paper, and the "Thinking Sutra" is also a flower in the mirror and a moon in the water, which can never be touched.

He didn't say this directly, but he believed that Strange could understand.

"Don't you like to use the time gem to speed up your practice? You can open the divine arts book now and study the soul occupation skills in it. It's in "Divine Arts·Exorcism·Advanced Forbidden Spells". You can look for it yourself."

"Practice here?" Strange asked.

Old Wang was anxious and reminded him: "You are the 'Supreme Sorcerer' of Kamar-Taj!"

"Alas, the Supreme Sorcerer's advanced spells are almost all from gods and demons in other dimensions."

Strange sat down by the flower bed, pinched his hands, and the green power of time flashed, and the time and space around him began to twist and wrinkle.

In the eyes of ordinary people next to him, he looked like he was having an epileptic seizure, his whole body was twitching rhythmically.

The box containing the secret book of the Martial God King Church opened automatically, and the books inside flipped.

Tony watched for a while and felt bored. He asked the little nun next to him softly, "Occupying the soul and controlling the body sounds very evil. How can it be an exorcism spell?"

"This magic is prepared for demons that occupy human souls. Have you seen demons possessing people?

Not all demons can be detected by ordinary people.

If the demon targets you, wants to torture you, and take your soul. It will occupy your body and do whatever it wants, and directly perform all kinds of horrible, bloody, twisted and dark plots in front of outsiders.

This kind of exorcism incident is often easier to handle.

But some demons are very cunning. They quietly induce humans to make mistakes, and then secretly occupy their bodies, take their souls, read their memories, completely replace them, and live like normal people in the world.

The family and friends of the person whose body and soul were taken away can't find any abnormality at all.

In the process of fighting against demons, many venerables and priests have encountered similar cases.

The demon has completely occupied the human soul and cannot be expelled from the human body. It can only be burned with holy fire.

There was a female venerable named Noya. Her lover was possessed by a demon, and the demon laughed crazily at her - come on, kill me, send me to hell with holy flames, and I will take the person you love most with you. We went back to hell together. He was a good man who should have gone to heaven but ended up in hell. I didn’t even lose a single thing in the whole process and could continue to torture his soul.

Venerable Noya was angry and desperate. According to past practice, her lover was almost certain to die.

Not only must they die because their souls are polluted, but they must also fall into hell. "

Xiao Ai winked at Tony who was listening to the story attentively, "Then there is the forbidden exorcism technique of soul possession."

"Don't let it be unfinished! The process of developing the forbidden technique, the difficulty of saving your lover, and the final result must be explained clearly!" Tony said dissatisfied.

Xiao Ai smiled and said: "It's not as complicated as you think. Lord Noya prayed to the Lord, and the Lord combined the wisdom of all the Lords to create the forbidden technique of soul possession. The whole process did not take more than a day.

The demon was still laughing proudly in the cage when he was possessed by Lord Noya.

The Venerable completely takes over the soul of his lover, and then activates his holy power to burn every trace of dark power in the corner of the soul.

The holy flame makes the demon wail in pain and die miserably.

The souls of the Venerable and her lover felt no pain in the holy flames, but felt only warmth and purity.

The redemption process was uneventful and extremely smooth.

However, after Lord Noya rescued his lover, the follow-up story about the forbidden art of exorcism and soul possession was very exciting.

After careful investigation by our teacher, we discovered that several of the top alien leaders were demonic souls in human form, causing a big mess!

Those demons are so cunning that the clergy and extraordinary beings of advanced civilizations did not notice anything unusual. They still defended the demons, thinking that we were deceiving the public with our lies.

Hehe, it's a pity that my Lord is actually the devil's first nemesis.

No matter how perfect their disguise is, even if the gods are deceived, as long as a cup of ordinary holy water from our religion, their true colors will be revealed immediately.

When they drank the holy water and howled in their stomachs, they looked in disbelief and shouted, 'Impossible, I am a fallen angel, and no holy water is of any use to me', hahaha."

Recalling the funny scene at that time, Xiao Ai couldn't help but laugh happily.

Tony said thoughtfully: "No wonder your church has developed so fast. No matter how big the chaos was at the beginning, those higher civilizations will definitely be grateful to you afterwards and will vigorously support the King of Martial God Sect to prevent similar incidents from happening again.

Other churches cannot detect demons, but you can easily cut them off. No one else has you, and you are what they need! "

Xiao Ai shrugged, "Maybe, except for your Earth, I have never seen a civilization that refused to accept my religion.

Many civilization leaders even went to the main court in person and begged my teacher to send priests to build churches on their home planets. "


They were whispering beside each other when suddenly the sky was lit up by brilliant golden light.

Everyone looked up in astonishment and saw a flame falling from the "Immortal Holy Flame" held by the statue of the God of War in both hands. The flame was as big as a backpack. It traveled very fast. In the blink of an eye, it crossed a distance of more than ten kilometers and came to everyone. .

"Whoosh!" The holy flames converged into a line of light, which suddenly penetrated into Doctor Strange's eyebrows.

"Ah, what is going on?" All the heroes were surprised.

"Don't panic, your friend successfully changed his profession and became a priest. The holy flame just now is the pure power of martial arts." Xiao Ai said calmly.

Tony looked around. Except for Kang, who seemed to have a hint of surprise in his eyes, the other sages were just like Xiao Ai, with a calm look.

"Duplicitous guy," Venerable Kang muttered in a low voice.

Grace said: "We don't have much time to delay."

The big-eyed tentacle monster that just attacked America was suppressed by several venerables!

Venerable Kang coughed lightly and shouted: "Stephen Strange, don't be obsessed with practicing. First learn the magic of soul possession."

"Great Venerable Master, soul possession is a high-level forbidden technique. I'm afraid it will be difficult to learn it in a short time." Xiao Ai said.

"He has no shortage of time."

Half a minute later, the traces of space-time distortion around Strange disappeared, he no longer twitched like an epilepsy, and the magical books fell back into the wooden box.

"Stephen, how do you feel?" Captain America asked with concern.

"The martial arts of the God of War are indeed profound and profound." Doctor Strange said with emotion.

"Start quickly." Grace urged.

Doctor Strange looked at America and said: "Don't be afraid, soul possession is a dangerous forbidden technique, but the risk is for the person who casts the magic, not the one who is cast.

Come on, follow me and take a deep breath, relax, and stay calm. You will lose control of your body in a while. Don’t panic. Just ‘watch’ as a third party as I control your body. "

Even though Doctor Strange is considered a friend recognized by America, she is still very nervous and not willing to let him take over her body.

"How about we wait a few more days, you teach me meditation, and I practice hard to master my own powers?" she said.

"What did you do earlier?" Venerable Kang glared at her and shouted: "Everyone is ready now, you have no room to retreat. Don't forget, we are helping you!"

America had no choice but to stiffen her body, close her eyes, assume a "come on" posture, and shout: "Come on!"

Doctor Strange made a seal with his hands, and a transparent soul that exuded a faint holy light came out of his body, stepped out, entered America's body, and disappeared without a trace.

"Buzz~~buzz~~~~buzz, buzz buzz~~~"

The space around "America" ​​expanded for a while and contracted for a while. After trying it back and forth about seven or eight times, bright white light suddenly burst out behind her, and her eyes were also covered by white light.

"Let the monster go," "she" said.

Upon hearing this, the venerables immediately withdrew the magic chains that bound the tentacle monster.

"America" ​​quickly formed a seal with her left hand, and lightly patted the monster with her right hand.


A huge five-pointed star with white light appeared behind the monster.

The monster had no time to struggle and was sucked into the white light.

The next moment, the white light dispersed, revealing the two-meter-high five-pointed star space door, and a dull sound of landing came from the opposite side.

"You-" A woman in red sitting cross-legged opposite looked at them in surprise.

The monster was on the floor in front of her.

"Wanda?!" the Avengers heroes exclaimed in unison.

"Do it!" Venerable Kang shouted, first throwing the "Holy Judgment" towards Wanda behind the pentagram space door.


"America" ​​waved her hand, and another small five-pointed star space gate suddenly appeared, containing Kang's "Holy Judgment" and the attacks of the other sages - banished to another time and space.

"Don't be stupid, she is not your friend, she is the evil dark wizard who is chasing America." Venerable Kang said angrily.

"America" ​​had a tangled look on her face, "You can't kill people. Arrest her first and ask her clearly before we talk about anything else."

After saying that, "she" first threw the magic chain to Wanda.

"Arrest me? Have you made a mistake? I am the hunter and you are my prey! Who gave you the courage to come to me if you dare?"

Wanda recovered from the shock and saw America right in front of her. She immediately jumped up, took the initiative to pass through the space door, and came to the Divinity.

"Anyone who stands in my way will die!" She looked around and shouted coldly.

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