I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 2077 I am a sinner

The DC multiverse has a main universe, and Marvel also has a main universe.

DC's main universe is Earth-0, and Marvel's main universe is numbered 616 (the Avengers movie is at 616).

In the Earth-616 universe, Doctor Strange disappeared for five years when Thanos snapped his fingers, and the Master Supreme was replaced by Pharaoh.

However, Doctor Strange is still stationed in the Holy of Holies in New York after his return.

Today is a great day for his girlfriend Christine to get married, but unfortunately the groom is a tall and thick black man.

Strange felt very uncomfortable.

He saw the black man holding his ex-girlfriend's hand into the church, saw them exchanging rings, and saw him kiss her.

He endured it for a while, and finally grabbed his ex-girlfriend, who was now an adult, at the banquet and told her about his helplessness - he chose from more than 14 million possible futures in the Infinity Gauntlet War. , chose to turn into ashes for five years, and finally protected the world and Christine, but also lost her.

Kristen didn't want to hear it at all, so she dragged Strange to meet her current husband because he was a die-hard fan of "Doctor Strange."

The scene was not awkward because no one felt embarrassed.

The groom was very happy to see his idol. Christine was an adult. Since they were married, the psychological preparation had already been done. Strange was not embarrassed, only sad.

Suddenly, he frowned and turned to look out the window, "Sorry, Christine, and - shit, it's not an ordinary time and space invasion, it seems to span parallel universes."

Karma Taj has built sanctuaries in many cities around the world. Each sanctum is a magic network node. The combination of all sanctuaries basically has a similar effect to the DC Tower of Destiny next door.

The Supreme Mage did not establish a complete system of basic laws of the earth like Naboo and the Order God System, but like the Order God System, he was in charge of the monitoring and management of the earth dimension.

Whenever there is a large-scale time and space invasion, the local Holy of Holies must be alerted first, and then the Holy of Holies will transmit the magic information to the Supreme Mage.

The Holy of Holies in New York, where Strange is located, at least controls the time and space of the American continent.

At first, he only vaguely noticed someone opening a large space-time gate, and the energy fluctuations were very intense. Soon he discovered that the abnormal space fluctuations were not traveling across dimensions, but across parallel universes.

He immediately abandoned the personal relationship between his children and his daughter, and just said hello to the bride and groom, summoned the magic cloak, and transformed like a magical girl, from an upper-class elite in suits to a wizard in classical mage robes.

"Stab la la~~" He used the Xuan Ring to open a flash space door, and he stepped across it in one step.

"Here is it." Strange looked around. There was a strong aura of dark magic in the bedroom, which made him somewhat familiar. Then he saw photos of his "old teammates" Wanda and Vision.

"This is Wanda's home, what is she doing?"

Strange figured it out quickly.

He used the most basic time magic to go back in time and saw Wanda practicing the forbidden magic in the "Book of Darkness" with his own eyes. Suddenly, a five-pointed star space gate with white light appeared above Wanda's head.

It's still the 616 universe. Half a day later, the existing Avengers heroes gathered together.

"The person who opened the cross-time and space door was a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl, but the aura on her body was very strange." Strange's expression was tangled, "She makes me familiar and strange at the same time, like another me, but the aura, appearance It’s different.”

Little Spider Peter Parker shouted, "Oh my God, Stephen, you were a girl in another world!"

"It's possible. It's really weird." Strange scratched his head and sighed: "In addition to the girl who seems to be me - the cross-dimensional space door she opened, there are also a few old friends we are very familiar with. "

His expression became extremely complicated and he whispered: "I saw Tony."

"Tony." All the heroes changed their expressions, and Peter was even more confused.

"And Steve (Captain America)."

"Ah, and Steve." The heroes looked shocked again.

"And Natasha." Strange added.

Ant-Man murmured: "Their world is so happy, everyone is still there."

"Maybe they haven't experienced the Infinity Gauntlet crisis yet." Strange said.

"I hope they have overcome the crisis safely." Little Spider said softly.

The heroes nodded silently.

Strange coughed lightly and said, "I think Wanda is in danger. It's a very simple reason. The girl who opened the pentagonal space door came specifically to find Wanda.

They reunited and gathered together, and they were obviously prepared. They were not 100% sure that they would not open the space door.

Alas, Wanda is too reckless. "

"But you also said that they were surprised to see Wanda. And they are the Avengers and will not hurt Wanda." Ms. Marvel said.

Strange said helplessly: "Under normal circumstances, Wanda will not be in any danger even if she meets the Avengers in another world, but Wanda...she seems to be using black magic to do evil things, even threatening... The safety of another world, at that time I also heard that someone was going to kill Wanda directly.

Although the Avengers didn't agree at the time, Wanda was full of murderous intent and she really knew how to kill. With her ability, even if she was subdued by the Avengers, she would definitely cause heavy casualties to the opponent.

In that case, they couldn't hold back even if they wanted to.

Even in the best fantasy, if Wanda is not executed, she will lose her freedom and be imprisoned for the rest of her life. "

"We have to save Wanda." Banner looked around.

"Well, we have to save Wanda." Thor solemnly nodded.

"How do we travel across parallel universes?" asked the new hero Shang-Chi.

The first batch of heroes died and retired. In recent years, Avengers has also recruited many new heroes. Shang-Chi was the first young hero to enter the inner circle.

"Stephen, since you summoned us, there must be a way to travel through time, right?" Captain Marvel said.

Strange hesitated a little, but still nodded and said: "You guys should be aware of the earlier 'three spiders on the same stage incident'.

Because of Peter's many wishes and my recklessness, we used magic to tear apart the dimensional barrier.

It's like a hole opened in the house, allowing people from outside to come in.

The only ones who came in at first were the mortal enemies of Spider-Man from another world, and their arrival was related to magic spells.

They are all villains who know that 'Spider-Man is Peter Parker'.

Later, two more ‘adult Spider-Man’ came over.

I won’t go into details about the specific process. If you have any questions, you can ask Peter. I will only tell you the final result.

I restarted the magic teleportation and sent them all back to their respective worlds along the dimensional cracks. "

Peter had already realized something and said: "You said at the time that we had caused a big disaster. Cross-border travel caused the structure of the universe to become unstable and reality was destroyed. The wounds in this world not only cannot be healed, but also gradually increase the complexity of the other world. The joint opening of the space gate that tore apart the dimensions of time and space left a dimensional crack connecting the two universes, which we can get through. "

Strange said: "The girl who is suspected of being my peer has very special powers. The five-pointed star portal she opened did not harm our universe.

On the contrary, Wanda's black magic eroded a gap in the dimensional structure.

She has used dark magic on that universe many times. The corrupted magic of the "Dark God Book" plus her own chaos magic are like concentrated sulfuric acid, repeatedly seeping into the walls of the world.

Since the last "Three Spiders on the Stage", I have been studying the magic of cross-border travel.

I want to repair the dimensional gaps that were destroyed by us, and I have achieved some success so far.

Since it can be repaired, it is naturally easier to destroy.

I can tear open the corrosion of the world barrier, open a hole, and enter the parallel universe where Wanda is at this time. "

"Your actions will once again damage the reality structure of the universe." Ms. Marvel frowned.

"I know, but..." Strange looked bitter and helpless, "We can't give up on Wanda, right?"

Another universe.

Several giants from the Avengers were also called together by Strange.

"I have decided to accept Kang's invitation to become the 'venerable' of the Martial God King Sect on Earth. The Holy See in New York will be transformed into the Martial God King Sect's head church on Earth."

"Are you crazy?!" Not only the hero was shouting, but Lao Wang was also roaring.

"I'm not crazy. Please calm down and listen to me." Strange snapped his fingers calmly, and a circle of light golden ripples spread in all directions.

Everyone affected by the golden ripples spontaneously became quiet, and their heads were as cold as if they had just been taken out of the refrigerator.

"First of all, even if I don't become the 'Earth Lord', someone else will. Yesterday, the Grand Commander announced that he will promote the belief in the God of War across the country. He even wants to learn from Lord Candia (the alien Lord). ), after leaving the post of great commander, he joined the King of Martial God Sect, practiced devoutly, and became a Venerable.

Secondly, after my in-depth research over the past few days, I have determined that King Wushen is actually the most holy, great, benevolent and kind-hearted ‘righteous god’ in the world. "

Tony saw Strange's eyes shining, which reminded him of the Venerable Kang.

When talking about the King of Martial God, the expressions of the two people are not exactly the same, but at least three or four points similar.

"Stephen, cheer up, wake up, don't be bewitched by the magic of the God of War." He shouted.

"Tony, let me ask you, do you think the angels in heaven are evil gods or holy?" Doctor Strange asked calmly.

"The Martial God King comes from the Almighty Universe and is not an angel from the heaven of our universe." Tony said.

Doctor Strange said: "He is greater than the angels in our heaven. I have studied the complete set of Martial God King's magic skills and I am 100% sure that Kang did not lie. The heaven of our universe recognizes and respects Martial God King.

A few days ago, I was blessed by the statue of King Wushen on the Divinity. In addition to the divine power of faith, its divine power also includes the holy power from heaven.

I even vaguely found the location of heaven. "

His tone became excited, "Tony, and everyone, do you understand what this means?"

"Can you go to heaven?" Tony looked doubtful.

"Not only can I go to heaven, but I can also communicate with heaven and angels. Even Emperor Weishan, known as the ancestral court of white magic, can't help me reach heaven. King Wushen's magic can do it easily," Dr. Strange said excitedly.

Captain America said: "Then you just need to concentrate on studying the magic of the God of War. There is no need to build a church, and you still need to be the 'Earth Lord', right?"

I also think that the Martial God King Sect is not a cult, and the Martial God King is not evil, but it is always not good to get mixed up with the church. "

Strange said: "It's not enough to just study divine arts. The divine arts of the God of War are all-encompassing, including time, space, destiny, elements, exorcism, all types, everything is included.

I need more divine power and a higher realm.

Just like the magic of destiny divination, currently I can only deduce the past but cannot predict the future.

I need to build a temple and a statue of the God of War to attract the devout faith of believers from all over the world. You have seen the Divine Number. That huge statue is completely made up of the power of faith of all living beings.

If I transform the Holy of Holies into the headquarters of the King of Martial Gods on Earth, the power of faith will converge on the statue of the Holy of Holies. When encountering a cosmic crisis, I can ask the Lord, ahem, King of Martial God for instructions, and then allocate the power from the statue. Divine power against powerful enemies.

During this process, my belief in the King of Martial God will naturally undergo a qualitative change, my realm will be improved, my divinity will be stronger, and my divine grace will be greater. "

"Well, you've already fallen, why are you still talking to us?" Tony sighed.

"I hope you will also join the Martial God King Sect." Strange said a little embarrassed.

"Why do you want to recruit us to join the gang? If you 'fall' alone, we will still have a chance to save you in the future; but if we all join the religion and it turns out that the King of Martial God is not holy, we will have no chance to turn back." Captain America said .

"No, I have verified that King Martial God is actually an upright, benevolent and trustworthy god. He will never let us down."

Strange took his position first and then explained: “If it were God, even if we believed in God, God would not respond to us.

The piety of faith cannot affect God’s gifts to us, because without response, the gifts are zero.

King Seiya Wushen is different. He will truly affect the real life of believers.

That is, we can please Him.

If you can please Him, the divine favor you will receive will be extremely prosperous.

And King Wushen attaches great importance to world stories.

The earth is the center of the world's story, and you and I are the protagonists of the world's story.

The conversion of the protagonist of the world story can greatly please the King of Martial God. He will definitely send divine grace to me, the ‘Lord of the Earth’, and we can all benefit greatly. "

Tony's expression was a little distorted, "Before, I was worried that you would be led astray by the Martial God King Sect and eventually fall into evil ways.

Now I find that you are not worthy of the Martial God King. You are too snobbish and have no religious beliefs at all. You only want to flatter the Martial God King and gain benefits for yourself.

Kang once said that the realm of the Martial God King's priest is determined by the priest's devotion to the Martial God King and his own talent.

You are not lacking in talent, but you are lacking in piety. You cannot improve your realm, and you are also greedy for the magic of King Martial God. So you found us and wanted to sacrifice us as sacrifices to King Martial God. This is the proper way of a dark wizard! "

"It's not as exaggerated as you said." Strange blushed a little and was a little angry. "As long as you give me a few years, I will definitely improve my level. But do we have a few years to waste?"

He stretched out his hand and pointed at Little Spider, "Not to mention the current cosmic collision crisis. In the past, when you encountered extraordinary troubles, you came to me as soon as possible. How many times did I wipe your butt drum?"

"And you!" He pointed to Thor again, "You and your brother often get into trouble and often ask me for help."

"You, you, you." He pointed out the heroes one by one, even Lao Wang, "Whenever you encounter problems related to magic, you come to me. When have I not tried my best?

I was attacked by the power of the evil god before, and almost had an evil eye on my forehead. This was because I borrowed the power of the evil god to use dark magic too many times.

The power of the evil god penetrated deeply into my soul, and I was about to be harvested by the evil god.

But in the final analysis, I am not doing it for myself. The person I love married a black man!

I am still alone. What good has happened to me over the years?

Now we have finally encountered a sacred power with almost zero side effects. Please do me a small favor and not really sacrifice your souls to the King of Martial God.

Just believe in Him as you believe in God. "

The little spider asked weakly: "Can we still ask you for help in the future? If we use the Martial God King's magic, will there be no side effects?"

"Well, the Martial God King's magic is not all-encompassing. From now on, I will abandon the other taboo magic spells and exclusively use the Martial God King's magic. Or, adapt other magic spells into the Martial God King's magic."

He looked at Little Spider, "Don't you miss 'Uncle Ben' very much? In the past, you asked me to inquire about the fate of his soul, but I couldn't help you.

Because I used the power of the evil god to explore your uncle's soul. I know it, and the evil god also knows it.

The evil god knows you are a hero and will definitely use your uncle's soul to play with your life.

Just like when you were targeted by Mephisto in the early years, you made a deal with it in order to save Aunt May, and you lost something precious that you didn’t even know (ps).

Who do you think your lost things fell into? Mephisto!

You support me today, and I swear that similar helplessness and pain will never happen to you again.

King Wushen's holy healing skills are unparalleled in the world, and he can save even the dead.

If there is another demon targeting you, as long as you come to the Holy of Holies, which is the Temple of the God of War, even if Mephisto comes in person, he will not be able to do anything to you.

As I said just now, the Martial God King's magical arts are all-encompassing, including the Great Destiny Magic.

I can cast a spell to protect the fate of all of you, ensuring that no third party can secretly tamper with it. "

Little Spider grabbed Doctor Strange's arm and said excitedly: "Stephen, what have I lost? Tell me!"

"I haven't mastered the Great Destiny yet," Doctor Strange said.

"You're lying. You just said it clearly. You just can't predict the future, but you can predict the past. Predicting the past is an insight into the fate that should have happened in the past." Peter shouted.

Doctor Strange glanced at him in surprise, "You have a very sharp mind. Yes, King Wushen's Great Destiny Technique can observe destiny. It is difficult to observe the future, but it is easier to observe the destiny that has deviated from the past.

But I had just mastered this magical technique, and I could only barely glimpse my own tragic fate.

To observe your fate, we need to wait for a while. "

"Okay, I will follow your advice and convert to the Martial God King Church. My aunt and I will join the church together." Peter said straightforwardly.

The other heroes hesitated and did not speak.

After a long time, Tony asked, "What is your tragic fate? Can you tell us about it?"

Doctor Strange said with a complicated expression, "If there was no Martial God King, I would be dead now.

America found me, and I took her to escape, but was killed by Wanda's monster. The last picture I saw was my body and America passing through the pentagram space gate and falling into another parallel universe. "

"Even if there was no Kang, we alone, couldn't beat the dark monsters?" Thor said.

"At that time, there were only me and America."

"You know that America is important and that the monster is strong, why didn't you find us? "Thor asked.

Doctor Strange hesitated for a moment and said, "This is how the story of the world is arranged."

Thor waved his hand and said, "Don't talk about the world story. I don't believe in Kang's rhetoric at all."

"Hey, this is my fate, okay?" Doctor Strange sighed.

"I don't believe in fate either. My fate is in my own hands!" Thor said proudly.

"It's up to you. I've made up my mind. If you want to join the church, you can join. If you don't want to join, it doesn't matter."

Doctor Strange only took one day to decorate the Sanctum Sanctorum into the Temple of the Martial God King.

On the day of opening, it topped the global hot search news list.

Because the hottest news on Earth at this time is the Martial God King's fleet of religious protection, the Martial God King, the Martial God King Church, and the Venerable Kang.

Spider-Man fulfilled his promise and took Aunt May into the church.

Aunt May was still a little reluctant, but the temple was crowded with celebrities and dignitaries from all over the world. They all wanted to join the "First God of the Galaxy" and the "strongest branch of Christianity". Strange was still unwilling to join the church. Accept them!

That day, Strange was wearing a cardinal robe, holding the "War God King Bible" in his hand, and solemnly reading the Bible doctrine on the pulpit.

Suddenly, it seemed as if a curtain covered the blue sky and white sun at this time, the sky suddenly darkened, and there were crackling arcs wandering in the sky.

Strange noticed that the dimensional space was in violent turbulence, and reality was like a picture scroll being pulled hard, and a crack appeared with a "puff".

But before he could do anything, the vision in the sky suddenly disappeared.

"Damn it!" Strange cursed in a low voice, closed the "War God King Bible", told Father Lao Wang beside him, and then used the Xuan Ring to open the space door in public and jumped in.

"There is an invasion from another world, the Supreme Sorcerer. Ahem, Venerable Strange has gone to deal with it, don't worry. "Father Wang walked up to the pulpit and said loudly.

Since Strange has recruited the Avengers, how could he let go of the wizards of Kamar-Taj?

Compared to the heroes' hesitation, the more knowledgeable the wizards are, the faster and easier they will accept the faith of the God of War.

Because knowledgeable wizards know clearly that every spell they have practiced in the past has a huge price.

Compared with the dark power of the evil gods from other dimensions, the holy power of the God of War is so pure that they cannot resist it.

"Stupid, do you know what you have done? "

The Avengers of the 616 universe had just landed, and their heads were still a little dizzy. A sharp shout came from above their heads.

The voice was very familiar.

Spider-Man looked up and shouted, "Mr. Strange, it's you, the other you, not a girl, and looks exactly like you!"

Doctor Strange of the 616 universe took a vigilant posture, "Are you the 'Supreme Sorcerer' of this earth? Don't be nervous, we have no ill intentions. "

"Are you crazy? Tearing the veil of reality and breaking the dimensional barrier, even if you just come to take a look, you have already caused great harm to the world itself, and you have no ill intentions? "Strange said angrily.

616 Doctor Strange stared at him for a while, and wondered: "Your power is so strange that I can't even see through it. From which magic book did you learn it?"

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh~~" Several Avengers heroes fell from the sky in succession, surrounding the alien visitors on the street.

"You-" Iron Man just started to speak, and the Avengers on the opposite side exclaimed.


"Mr. Stark!"

Tony even heard the voice of Spider-Man from another world choking.

"Why did you invade our universe?" His tone was inexplicably softer.

"We are not invaders, we just want to save our companions, 'Scarlet Witch' Wanda. ”

616 Doctor Strange quickly recounted his discovery of Wanda jumping into the pentagram portal, his guess and purpose.

“Wanda.” Captain America sighed, put away the shield in his hand and hung it behind his back, and said: “Let’s talk somewhere else.”

“Go to the Avengers headquarters.” Tony winked at Strange.

Doctor Strange drew a “spark circle”, and both the alien visitors and the local Avengers walked in very skillfully.

In the Avengers Hall, the heroes of the two worlds stood opposite each other in two factions.

“Why are there only a few of you? Where are the others? For example, ‘I’ and Steve.” Tony asked curiously.

616 The heroes of the universe looked at each other, and the Hulk spoke: “A few years ago, Thanos wanted to use the Infinity Stones to eliminate half of the people in the universe. Tony and Natasha sacrificed themselves, and Steve and Hawkeye retired one after another.”

“Alas, ‘I’ actually sacrificed.” Tony felt strange.

616 Thor couldn't help but said: "You haven't met Thanos?"

"I met him. Like you, he is also collecting infinite stones." Tony said.

"Who sent Thanos away with a snap of his fingers?" 616 Thor asked.

Tony was surprised: "Could your universe be 'me'? I'm a mortal nearly fifty years old, and I'm not even healthy. How can you make me snap my fingers?"

The heroes of Universe 616 turned to look at their Doctor Strange.

Tony was even more surprised, "Don't tell me that sacrificing 'me' is the only feasible way."

"How did your universe defeat Thanos?" Doctor Strange from the 616 universe asked.

Tony raised his chin to Thor beside him, "This guy only had a little pain and no side effects at all."

The Avengers heroes of the 616 universe were confused. They looked at their own Doctor Strange with doubtful eyes: Why did we let Tony sacrifice when they were Thor snapping his fingers?

616 Doctor Strange was also confused, "How do you have the chance to let Thor get the Infinity Gauntlet? Thanos must be on guard! Only Tony is a mortal, but he didn't expect that Tony could steal the gems and sacrifice himself to snap his fingers."

Tony asked strangely: "Aren't you collecting gems and making your own new Infinity Gauntlet?"

He recounted his and others' experiences in detail.

The Avengers heroes of the 616 universe were suddenly enlightened and then puzzled.

"Why can you predict in advance that Thanos will travel through time and catch up to the 'now'?"

The biggest difference between them and them is that the 616 universe is unprepared for Thanos' pursuit, but the Avengers heroes in this world almost invite you to the urn.

As soon as Thanos traveled through time and came to the present, he saw Thor wearing the Infinity Gauntlet and gave him the middle finger.

This is also the last memory of Thanos.

"There is no Kang in your world? There is a super villain named Kang in our universe.

He travels through time and returns from the future to the present, and is even more difficult to deal with than Thanos.

However, we defeated Kang and took away his time-traveling mothership, which is now the headquarters of the Skyward Sword Bureau.

Kang's mothership has a space-time radar that monitors time fluctuations. We can give early warning to time travellers.

Also because of Kang's case, we are on guard against Thanos learning how to travel through time. "Tony said.

Strange added: "This is partly due to me. I have watched more than 14 million futures, and the only way I have found without sacrifice is to simply snap my fingers without hesitation."

"There is also Kang in our universe, Kang the Conqueror, but he has been trapped in the quantum dimension and has not had time to invade reality." 616 Ant-Man said regretfully.

The reunion of the 616 universe is silent.

Strange asked: "How did you travel to our universe?"

His counterpart from the 616 universe explained the method.

"Nonsense, it's just nonsense!" Strange was very angry. "I thought you didn't understand the dangers of time and space travel before, so I didn't expect that you knowingly did it and had seen the damage that time travel can do to reality and the structure of the universe. , still taking the initiative to destroy the dimensional barrier with a group of people."

"We have to save Wanda." 616 Strange said helplessly: "After the Infinity Gauntlet War, Wanda's mental state has been abnormal. She is sick and she is our teammate. How can we ignore her? "

Doctor Strange sneered: "If you really care about her, how could you not know about her research on the 'Dark Book of Darkness'?"

"We care about her, but she is also an adult and wants to hide it from us. How can we know?" 616 Strange sighed and asked: "What does Wanda want to do? What will you do to her?"

Doctor Strange said: "She wants to capture America, seize America's ability to travel across the world, and then go to the parallel universe to abduct other Wanda's children.

She felt that she should have two sons with Vision. It was a strange brain circuit. Since she had traveled through time to catch her son, why not catch a 'husband' who could make her pregnant?

Wouldn't it be more cordial to capture Vision himself and have a child with him?

After giving birth to a child, you can also send your ‘cheap husband’ back. "

Shaking his head, he comforted the Avengers of Universe 616 and said: "Actually, you don't have to worry about her, we won't hurt her, she is being treated by the venerables.

When she recovers, we will send her back to her original world. "

"Where to receive treatment, who is the venerable?" asked the Hulk.

Doctor Strange began to introduce them in detail to the Martial God King, the Martial God King's religion, and the "good man Kang" who turned around.

After wasting his efforts, he managed to convince them that he was not a cultist, and that the King of Martial God he believed in was even more sacred and majestic.

Doctor Strange was the only one who spoke there, while the other Avengers heroes were silent and indifferent.

But Doctor Strange tried his best to persuade 616 Avengers to give up their concerns about Wanda's safety.

"We must see Wanda with our own eyes. It's not that we don't believe you, but we don't believe Kang." Doctor Strange said in 616.

Seeing that Doctor Strange looked troubled, the Hulk from the 616 universe asked: "Where are Kang and Wanda now? Isn't it convenient to meet us?"

"It's indeed a bit troublesome." Doctor Strange told the story about the collision of universes again, "Now the guardian fleet I taught has left the solar system, and only the mothership 'Divinity' has entered the gap between the universe.

Kang wanted to locate the center of gravity and center of our universe and measure our universe's place in the overall structure of the multiverse.

Wanda is on the Divinity. To see her, you have to board the Divinity. "

"I have been to the Gap of the Universe. Although it is a chaotic dimension outside the universe, I am very familiar with it and can find the Divinity." Doctor Strange from the 616 universe said confidently.

Doctor Strange hesitated, "The cosmic gap in our universe is different from yours."

"We can't wait here forever. The longer we stay, the greater the damage will be to reality. You know this very well." Doctor Strange said in 616.

"Stephen, take them there." Captain America sighed.

"It may take a long time to find him, or maybe Kang just returns when we go."

Having said that, he still opened the dimensional door and led a group of Avengers heroes to the gap in the universe.

Unlike the DC universe where the gaps are filled with heavenly blood, Marvel does not have a realm of heavenly blood. The gap in the universe is a dimensional space higher than reality.

It was not empty inside, they saw many broken eaves, broken walls, and desolate stone islands.

"How come there are all these messy things outside the universe?" Tony wondered.

With the help of Doctor Strange, not only can they breathe freely, they can even sense gravity.

Except that the space is reversed and there is no distinction between left and right, up and down, there is no difference from the sky environment.

"I thought they were the remnants of ancient gods and wizards before, but now I have some doubts. They may be the remnants of the world that erupted after the collision." Doctor Strange sighed.

"Dr. Strange, will our universes collide?" the little spider from Universe 616 asked worriedly.

"Didn't you notice?" Doctor Strange turned his gaze to his peers.

"I didn't pay attention. Probably not yet." He said in an uncertain tone.

Doctor Strange is not too surprised. He first learned about the collision of universes, then came to the gap in the universe to search around, and finally found a huge shadow slowly approaching his universe.

"Hey, it's the Divine Number that's so lucky."

616 Doctor Strange looked around, and others also looked around.

"Where is it? Why didn't I see it?" None of them saw it.

"Hey, I am a 'venerable'. I don't see with my eyes, I use my heart to feel the Lord's holy light."

Doctor Strange smiled proudly and led them through time and space quickly.

About half a minute later, they were like a ray of light, falling directly on the ring of the Divinity.

"Oh my god, is this the God of War?!" Seeing the giant statue of the divine power of faith for the first time, the hero of Universe 616 was also shocked on the spot.

Doctor Strange found the little nun Xiao Ai and told him about the visitors from another world.

"The Great Master is taking Wanda to do morning lessons." Xiao Ai said.

"Can we go take a look?" 616 Little Spider asked.

"You can only watch from a distance. No noise is allowed, let alone harass others." Xiao Ai warned.

"We know."

Under the leadership of Xiao Ai, they soon arrived at the door of a tall and magnificent church.

Far away, I saw a group of venerable people surrounding Wanda.

Wanda put on pure white clothes and knelt on the ground, very honest.

"Crack!" Great Venerable Kang suddenly raised a thin, shining whip and struck Wanda hard on the back.

"I thank God." Great Venerable Kang shouted.

"I thank God." The surrounding venerables shouted in unison.

"I thank God," Wanda shouted at last.

"Crack!" Another whip.

"I thank Saint Aunt War God." Great Venerable Kang shouted again.

His Holiness and Wanda shouted.

"I am grateful to my parents." Great Venerable Kang You shouted.

"I am grateful to my parents." His Holiness and Wanda shouted.

"I am a sinner and I endanger the multiverse." Great Venerable Kang Zai shouted.

"I am a sinner, and I endanger the multiverse." Wanda was crying at this time, and those with sharp eyes saw tears streaming down her face.

"Shit" The Avengers heroes of both universes were stunned and had goosebumps on their bodies.

(ps: The story of Peter's deal with Mephisto is in "Only Days Remaining". Peter is old and miserable, and Tony is old and bad.

I will only give you a rough outline of the story. Tony and Captain America clashed over the issue of hero identity and the Hero Registration Act, which is the plot of "Civil War".

Of course, Little Spider sided with the "godfather". He revealed his identity and helped Tony hunt down heroes who refused to submit to the court, doing a lot of dirty work.

Little Spider has a bad conscience and quits his job, but his identity has been revealed and the villains are targeting him, accidentally injuring poor Aunt May while sniping him.

Spider-Man went to his godfather for help, but Tony told him to get out (actually, he asked Jarvis (his living butler) to help Aunt May pay for the medical bills in the VIP ward).

Spider-Man also went to Doctor Strange, but Doctor Strange couldn't help him.

In the end, Spidey made a deal with the demon Mephisto, Marvel's number one star.

Mephisto is as active in Marvel as the Inner Dragon is in DC. They both often cause trouble.

Mephisto took away Spider-Man's happiness - he had planned to marry Mary Jane, and Mary Jane was even pregnant. As a result, this reality was erased and everyone no longer remembered who Spider-Man was.

Is it similar to Holland's "Spider-Man No Home"? MJ forgot Peter, but Peter still remembered.

But in the movie, Peter brought it upon himself. As an audience, I didn't sympathize with him at all for losing Aunt May and MJ.

"Only Days Remains" is miserable because it's Mary Jane who really makes the deal with Mephisto!

Peter forgot and felt empty in his heart. Mary Jane remembers it all

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