I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 2075 Venerable Kang's Plan

"What's going on with your Heavenly Sword Bureau?" Tony said angrily.

"I want to ask you what's going on with the Avengers!" Ms. Marvel also looked unhappy and said in a stern tone, "Superheroes only have power beyond ordinary people, but they do not have the privilege to dominate all living beings.

Do you want to overthrow the current government and become king by attacking the leader, speaker, ministers, and members of Congress in public?

Moreover, there were also sages from the King of Martial God Sect present. Even though they looked like European and American white people, you would have thought that they were all from Earth.

Many of them are the children of powerful people from major higher civilizations, even from the royal family.

The recklessness and disrespect you displayed today will soon spread throughout the galaxy.

Galaxy TV even used that video to comment publicly.

Do you want Earth’s civilization to become famous in this way? "

Captain America was surprised and said, "I really thought they were all from Earth, the same group of Martial God King believers who escaped from Earth, just like Lord Grace."

Ms. Marvel sighed: "This is exactly what makes Grace so difficult. She knows the character of both you and the US government, and your reactions are all within the predictions of the King of Martial Gods.

If she returns with the Earth Lord, the government officials will be short-sighted and treat them as earthlings with contempt.

Regarding the King of Martial Arts Sect's request to release Kang, the commander was not only careless, but his efficiency was definitely extremely low.

On the contrary, if she brings over alien believers with status, as long as she introduces their identities, American politicians and dignitaries will definitely kneel down. "

She looked at Tony, who had a thoughtful look on his face, and said in a helpless tone: "When you see that the commander-in-chief and the others are so weak-minded, you may suspect that the Martial God King taught Xu to bribe them with huge profits.

Not really.

The entire negotiation process is under my supervision.

The Martial God King Sect did not use any small tricks. Every move, word and deed they made complied with the diplomatic etiquette and rules of interstellar civilization.

Grace just introduced herself, and then asked the alien sages around her to introduce themselves one by one.

Which civilization and family you come from, the location and scope of the civilization, and the general situation of the family. In interstellar diplomacy, introducing the identity is to show the attitude towards the event. The more noble the identity, the more important it is.

Even in diplomatic activities in various countries on the earth, the identities and positions of important personnel accompanying them will be introduced.

Then the bones of the commander and the others were taken away.

We can't blame them yet, those venerables, the most ordinary one, is also the former commander of the Candia civilization.

According to the galactic civilization rating standards, our earth can barely be considered a level 1 civilization, while Candia is an old level 5 civilization with more than 300 civilized planets.

The commander-in-chief and the others are just ordinary people, what do you want them to do?

Tony, you yourself are one of the richest people in the United States. How come your company employees and ordinary people you meet every day are so frightened and fawning over you? "

"The Commander-in-Chief is not an ordinary person. He represents the United States, the civilization of the earth, and all mankind! No matter how soft his bones are, he should stand up straight at this time and not be at the mercy of the King of Martial God." Tony Chen said vocal channel.

"Why do you think we are at the mercy of the Martial God King Sect? In other words, why do you think the Martial God King Church uses threats, intimidation, and other methods to manipulate us?"

Ms. Marvel smiled bitterly, "When a powerful person like you bullies ordinary people, will he show his teeth, speak harshly, and coldly intimidate?

You don't. You wear a suit and tie, followed by a group of professional managers and the best lawyers in the world.

You don't even want to communicate with ordinary people face to face.

You raised your chin slightly, your eyes wandered, and you said with an arrogant expression, "Talk to my lawyer if you have anything to say," and then entered the luxurious cocktail party with the enchanting world-famous model in your arms.

Throughout the whole process, you showed elegance, calmness and calmness. In many cases, you were even personable, like a gentleman, winning everyone's admiration and appreciation.

Ordinary people who are against you are afraid, work hard, sweat profusely, have facial features flying around, argue hurriedly, use all their strength, and endure all the embarrassment and misery they can endure in a lifetime, but in the end achieve nothing.

The key is that you were legal and reasonable throughout the entire process, and even public opinion was on your side. You gently scolded Fang Qiu, attracting applause from everyone. "

She glanced at Tony, who was stunned, and Captain America, who looked ugly, and said softly: "Nowadays, the celebrities and powerful people belong to the Martial God King Sect, and we on Earth are just the most ordinary ordinary people.

The entire diplomatic meeting only lasted half an hour. Venerable Grace only spoke for two minutes and left the rest to her galactic barrister.

Do you think she will only threaten us with naval guns?

Even if someone really gives the order to fire, it must be in compliance with the general laws of the galaxy. We made a mistake and deserved it - at least the galactic civilization will think so. "

Tony said unwillingly: "Even if she has a galactic lawyer, doesn't the lawyer need to be reasonable? Can the lawyer clear the name of the cult leader?"

Ms. Marvel had a strange expression, "But the Martial God King Sect is not a cult, and the Martial God King is not an evil god!

If you forcefully say that the King of Martial Gods is an evil god and the King of Martial Gods religion is a cult, even if Kang and Grace don't say anything, hundreds of millions of people in the universe will stand up and curse you loudly.

Major civilized countries will also issue formal diplomatic speeches to express their support for the Martial God King Sect and criticize those who slander the sacred ‘Saint Aunt of Heaven’.

In fact, I was left speechless and embarrassed by their criticism.

At the diplomatic conference, I said that it was completely legal and compliant for us to arrest Kang as a cult leader.

Then everyone except Grace glared at me and yelled at me. It was truly a shame.

At that time, the commander-in-chief was so frightened that he almost wet his crotch. "

"Even though the Martial God King Sect has a great reputation now, it was still true that Kang controlled demons and killed people as sacrifices!" Thor said.

Ms. Marvel said: "The galactic barrister asked us to prepare evidence and then find a third-party galactic court that has nothing to do with the Martial God King Sect or the Earth to sue Kang.

Completely in accordance with the formal laws of interstellar civilization.

Or, settle out of court and resolve privately.

We chose to resolve it privately and release Kang, who promised not to set foot on Earth again unless invited.

So, Kang is free now. "

"Why did you compromise so quickly? Even if we have to file a lawsuit, we don't lack evidence." Captain America shouted.

Ms. Marvel said: “Even if we have to fight a lawsuit, or even win the lawsuit, Kang must be released.

The Martial God King's Sect is famous all over the world, and it's easy to bail Kang out!

And we simply can’t afford to litigate.

Where did the spaceship to the court come from? Who pays for travel?

In real American society, we will all encounter the difficulties faced by ordinary people.

The universal law accepted by the civilization of the universe may be fair, and the Galactic Justice will not favor anyone in the face of conclusive evidence, but we cannot afford it.

In fact, the Earth Government is not willing to fight with the Martial God King Sect or offend the Martial God King Sect.

They unanimously passed the resolution to 'clear the misunderstanding and release Kang immediately'.

What are the benefits of confronting the Martial God King Sect?

Nothing good comes of it.

They also want to take advantage of the fact that the top leaders of the Martial God King Sect are all Americans to gain great benefits from interstellar contacts!

Not only do they gain private benefits, but the entire country and the planet benefit greatly.

Even if the Martial God King Sect does nothing, the earth will benefit from it.

The Martial God King Sect does not deny God. On the contrary, the Martial God King Sect has been promoting the doctrine of God.

The "Martial God King Bible" is an interpretation of God's teachings.

Do you understand what this means?

Today, there are thousands of believers in the Martial God King in the Milky Way, and they are all believers in God. They recognize God and Christ!

The earth is the birthplace of God’s teachings and the ‘Jerusalem’ in the eyes of alien believers.

The galactic believers who come for pilgrimage every year alone can make the earth's civilization instantly become interstellar and become a famous tourist planet in the galaxy.

You let the Earth government declare the Martial God King Sect as a cult, just like Jerusalem denies Christianity and Jesus. Who dares? "

Tony was stunned.

Captain America, Strange and others both found it absurd and fantastical and were speechless.

Ms. Marvel glanced at them and added: "It's not like you don't know the situation in the United States. Many politicians and Americans attach great importance to Christianity.

In their view, even the Martial God King Sect back then was only an extreme sect, not a complete heresy.

There are so many similar extremist sects in the United States.

Now that the Martial God King has become a saint, and the Martial God King's religion is so powerful that it has become an orthodox religion, it is a living miracle.

If you want to oppose the Martial God King Sect, they will not agree.

They knelt down to Kang and had a flattering look on their faces. This was not entirely out of character, but mostly related to their faith.

If you saw a living 'Jesus' or 'Saint Peter', would you be excited or kneel down? "

"They have never met Kang at all, and they only learned about the Martial God King Sect today, so why did they become a believer?" Tony did not hide the doubt on his face.

Ms. Marvel turned and looked out the window.

They were talking nonsense on the second floor of Avengers Headquarters, while Earth government representatives gathered around Venerable Kang on the lawn on the first floor to greet him.

At this time, Venerable Kang was walking out with the believers of the King of Martial Gods and representatives of the Earth government. The spacecraft in the sky had already cast a light blue tractor beam in front.

They would soon follow the tractor beam up to the ship.

"They are going back to the 'Divinity' mothership. If you have any questions, you can follow them and have a look. Boarding the 'Divinity', you will naturally understand why faith can be born in one person."

"Shit, Kang is going to run away!" Tony also glanced out the window, a little anxious, "We can't let him run away."

"Tony, calm down. I just explained so much, didn't you hear it? The diplomatic talks have ended, and the Earth government has jointly made a decision to release Kang. Are you going to go against the global government?" Ms. Marvel shouted.

"I'm not willing to accept it. Look, that guy is laughing at us." Tony pointed at Venerable Kang outside the window and cursed in a low voice.

Venerable Kang, who was walking towards the tractor beam, stopped and looked back towards the second floor, almost meeting their eyes. There was an obvious smile on Dahei's face.

"That's right, I'm laughing at you. Haha, is it like I said before, you are gritting your teeth and looking unwilling, but your government officials are nodding and bowing, bowing and shrinking, and seeing me off with a respectful look on their face?"

The voice of the Venerable Kang appeared very clearly in the minds of all the heroes.

"Fake!" Tony's face turned even uglier, and he wanted to explode, but the American team had already taken a step forward and held his shoulders.

"Kang, you are free today, but we will keep an eye on you. As long as you do something evil again, we will arrest you again. Next time the Avengers will imprison you personally, no one will be able to rescue you again." Captain America said solemnly.

"Don't be silly, you are just the 'vigilantes' of the Earth, how can you manage things outside the planet?" Venerable Kang smiled, waved to them, and said: "Come here, I will take you to the Divine to see the world. If you miss this time, I don't know when the next opportunity will be."

The heroes were originally persuaded by Ms. Marvel and planned to go to the Divine to take a look. Now that they received Kang's invitation, they had no intention of refusing.

"Oh my god! It's so spectacular, so many spaceships!"

As soon as they entered outer space, Spider-Man Peter Parker shouted excitedly.

Before, on the ground, they couldn't see it clearly, and could only see stars twinkling in the sky.

At this time, without the cover of clouds, the huge battleship seemed to be directly in front of them, truly covering the sky and the sun, and even the sun in the distance was blocked.

Even the smallest battleship is larger than the largest aircraft carrier on Earth.

The air-space aircraft carrier of SHIELD is like a simple and inferior toy in front of them.

Although the Avengers are earthlings, they are not natives who have never seen the world.

They had encountered the Chitauri fleet and boarded Thanos' mothership, but none of them shocked people as much as the fleet of the King of War.

Each warship is not only huge and sci-fi, but also extremely fantastic, with golden and silver brilliance all over, as if forged from a whole piece of glass, with a transparent and pure texture, and a dreamlike beauty.

The shape also has a sense of religious ritual and sacredness that cannot be described in words.

The sharp-eyed Spider-Man also saw many Christian engravings on the surface of the warship, angels flying with wings, Christ descending to the world with a halo on his back, and many religious pictures that he is familiar with.

"Holy shit, this, this is definitely a miracle!"

The ordinary spaceships have shocked them, and when they get close to the mothership, they are even more stunned, and they can hardly believe that everything they see is real.

The mothership is huge, there is no doubt about it, but the structure of the mothership is completely beyond the imagination of the heroes.

They saw a statue of the King of War shining with holy light.

The statue is definitely more than 10,000 meters from head to toe.

It looks exactly like the Martial God King who came to the world, and is also 80% similar to Harry.

His long hair falls to his hips, his expression is solemn and dignified, his eyes are compassionate, his hands are clasped together, holding a holy flame that never goes out, a pair of white angel wings spread out behind him, and a silver skirt armor on his body.

They landed at its feet.

At its feet, there is a ring with a diameter of more than 15 kilometers.

A ring plus the statue is the complete Divinity.

"Gudong." Strange swallowed his saliva and murmured, "This is the kingdom of the Martial God King, a human kingdom full of faith and power that can move freely. Approaching the kingdom of God and facing the statue is like seeing the god himself. No wonder those politicians fell in an instant.

As long as they are Christians, seeing this scene, they will think that it is the light of God manifesting in the world, and they will not doubt the holiness and greatness of the Martial God King."

The Martial God King Church venerables on the spacecraft all cast a surprised glance at him.

"You have some knowledge and can see the essence of my Lord's statue." Venerable Kang nodded.

From a distance, with the statue of the Martial God King as a reference, the ring belt under its feet is very small. If you don't look carefully, it is easy to ignore it.

But you can climb the ring belt, it is a huge city for ordinary people.

The city is built on the surface of the inner ring belt. The ring belt is one kilometer wide, the length is the circumference of the ring belt, and the surface area is close to 50 square kilometers.

The Avengers heroes even think it is a bit empty, many places are forests and grasslands, and there are no buildings.

"Welcome the Great Venerable to return!"

When the small airship carrying Kang landed in the center of the "Ring Belt City", shouts of thunder and sea came from all directions.

There were human voices and mental fluctuations.

Not only the Martial God King believers on the Divine were shouting, but the believers of the entire fleet of the Guardians shouted in unison.

Even if they didn't see the people shouting, they could feel the fanaticism and excitement of the believers just by hearing the voices (mental waves).

Kang walked out of the airship, slowly floated up to the sky, and bowed deeply to the magnificent statue, "Lord, I have returned!"

"Great Venerable Kang, Great Venerable Kang!" The believers below called excitedly.

"The Great Venerable has returned, and the War God King Church is flourishing!" The believers on the distant warship shouted loudly with mental waves.

"Fuck, Kang was imprisoned by us for eight years, and the War God King Church has only prospered in these eight years. Why does he have such a high prestige?

Why do other venerables obey him? Why don't they take credit for themselves?

Even the Man-King of Heaven in the novel has doubts and oppositions.

With the status and reputation of Aragorn (the Man-King in "The Lord of the Rings"), he must avoid the White City for decades. Kang has done nothing at all, just sleeping in prison." Tony couldn't believe it and couldn't understand it.

Ms. Marvel said with a complicated expression: "Because Kang is the apostle of the Martial God King and the representative of the Martial God King in the world. This is an identity recognized by the Martial God King himself.

Welcoming Kang's return is also an oracle issued by the Martial God King in the early years.

In other words, at this moment, it is like the prophecy in the Bible has become a reality.

Another oracle issued by the Martial God King is that Kang will lead the Martial God King Church to the true peak.

They are excited, not only because Kang has returned, but they also look forward to Kang leading them to dominate the multiverse.

It is not just one universe. They have set their sights on parallel universes outside the universe.

It is not a time and space, not just 'now', the future, present, past, the entire timeline is the prosperity of the Martial God King Cult. Kang is not from our time and space. "

Tony's eyes flickered, and he gritted his teeth and said: "To dominate the multiverse and all time, such a big ambition, this kind of person, this kind of sect, how can-woo woo woo~~"

He was going to say how this kind of person is not a villain, how this kind of sect is not a cult.

Unfortunately, seeing him sticking up his butt drum, Captain America knew what kind of shit he was going to pull.

Before Tony pulled out the "poop", Captain America quickly reached out and covered his mouth.

"This is the Divinity. Even for diplomatic etiquette, we can't slander Kang and the Martial God King Cult casually!" He leaned close to Tony's ear and whispered a warning.

The Venerable Kang saluted the giant statue, gave a brief speech, and then fell to the ground again.

"You can just walk around. I will come to you after I have a meeting with the venerables for about two hours. "He said to the heroes.

After that, he gave a look to the female Venerable Grace.

Grace said to a little nun who was about 14 or 15 years old beside her: "Xiao Ai, you can be their tour guide and take them around."

Divinity, the meeting room of the sanctuary.

"Great Venerable, just a few hours ago, we suddenly lost contact with the Lord."

In front of the believers, Grace's address was very formal, and she did not use nicknames directly.

"I know, I was praying to the Lord at that time, and the line of faith suddenly broke."

Venerable Kang nodded, glanced at the venerables who were staring at him, and said: "This is not surprising, my Lord is not in the universe, nor in the multiverse.

He is in the omnipotent universe, fighting against a creation god organization called the 'Giant Hand Clan'.

It is impossible for him to keep in touch with us.

In fact, it was not the Lord himself who responded to the prayers of believers like me in the past few years, but the faith connection network created by the Lord by dividing a part of himself.

Now the faith connection network has been affected by the war of transcendence and has temporarily disconnected from us. Don't be surprised. "

The solemnity on Grace's face dissipated a little, and she sighed: "I also said this to them. The Lord has explained his situation long ago.

But in the past few years, the church has flourished, adding millions of priests, and there are more than 10,000 venerables alone.

In the past, as long as you pray to the Lord and have a pious faith, even if you are not facing the statue, you can get an immediate response from the Lord.

When everyone encounters any difficulties, they are used to telling the Lord.

It seems that the Lord is by our side, always watching us and accompanying us.

It is because of this thought and feeling that all priests and venerables are brave and fearless, and their beliefs are firm. Even death cannot make us retreat a step.

Now that the connection with the Lord is suddenly interrupted, people in the church are panicking, and we need a definite news.

So we immediately came to the solar system to find you. "

She looked at Venerable Kang affectionately, "Originally, I followed the oracle and planned to take it slowly. I gave the earthlings a month so that they, who are in a remote area, have enough time to understand the current Wushenwang Church.

Captain Marvel has been investigating our news these days.

But this happened suddenly, I can't wait, we need to see you immediately. "

Venerable Kang's face was calm, and his tone was also calm, "After the line of faith was suddenly interrupted, the Lord knew that you would be panicked.

He conveyed the new oracle to me as soon as possible. "

The eyes of the venerables lit up, and they all showed expectations.

Grace said excitedly: "I knew that you are different, the great venerable, you are different from us, and your connection with the Lord transcends faith!"

These words touched Venerable Kang's heart, and he showed an obvious proud smile for the first time.

"The Lord told me that He and the Giant Hand Clan have officially started a war. At this time, the two sides are fighting hand to hand, and more than a dozen Giant Hand Clan giants are besieging Him.

Any Giant Hand Clan giant is thousands of times more powerful than the creator god who created the multiverse. "

"Hiss~~~~" All the venerables, including Grace, turned pale and took a breath of warm air - the conference room was very warm.

Venerable Kang still felt it was not enough, and continued: "I am not exaggerating, this is the original words of the Lord.

The Lord just killed two Creation Gods and captured an almighty universe clerk alive.

He clearly understands the gap between the Creation Gods and the giants of the Giant Hand Clan, and "a thousand times more powerful" is by no means an exaggeration. "

"Hiss~~~~" The venerables continued to take in "warm air".

"The two Creation Gods have been killed?" Grace was a little dazed, "That's the Creation God!"

Venerable Kang said indifferently: "For us cosmic people, the greatness and holiness of the Creation God is unimaginable, but what kind of existence is the Lord?

The Creation God is just a multiverse breeding machine cultivated by the Giant Hand Clan.

The Lord is fighting against the entire Giant Hand Clan alone, how could a mere Creation God make Him care? "

"Great is the Martial God King! "Grace shouted excitedly.

"Great is my Lord!" The other venerables were also excited and shouted.

After shouting for a while, Grace looked worried again, "The Giant Hand Tribe has no moral principles. Dozens of giants besieged my Lord. It's too shameless. Will my Lord..."

Venerable Kang shouted: "Don't think too much. My Lord is not only the 'Saint Lady', but also the invincible God of War in Heaven. He lets us develop with peace of mind. The Giant Hand Tribe will not bother Him for too long. "

"We can't just develop with peace of mind. We must work hard to find new power for my Lord!" Grace cheered up and shouted passionately: "The Lord has given us the power to protect ourselves and conquer evil. We can also accumulate sand into a tower and gather the supreme power for the Lord.

We work harder and find new higher strength. Even if the strength of the Lord increases even a little bit, it is our supreme glory. "

"Find new strength for the Lord, and use our blood and sacrifice to create the Lord's supreme glory!"

Hearing that the "Lord" needed their own strength and that they could help the "Lord", the venerables became even more excited.

If Tony were here and saw their expressions and eyes, he would definitely get goosebumps and curse, "It's still a cult after all."

"Now that the Great Venerable has returned, it is time for us to show off our grand ambitions. Great Venerable, please tell us what we should do next!"

Grace Baba looked at Venerable Kang with eyes as eager as two 50-watt flashlights.

Venerable Kang turned around and looked at the huge statue of Halli outside the window, and said slowly: "We are divided into two parts and three steps.

The so-called two parts are the ‘Belief Development Department’ and the ‘New Power Collection Department’.

Grace, you have taken good care of the church.

Faith is the foundation.

Next, you will still lead the venerables and continue to spread the teachings of the Martial God King in the universe according to the previous path, expand the belief of the Martial God King, and recruit and train more priests and venerables.

In short, we must try our best to gather as many believers and faith power for the Lord.

At present, our Lord's Kingdom of God is not complete and only has a barely four-dimensional structure.

While our universe may have eight dimensions, we must at least extrapolate the Kingdom of God to seven dimensions.

When the Kingdom of God reaches the seventh dimension, perhaps we can place it in the paradise of this world. "

Grace nodded thoughtfully, "I understand, I will continue to develop the church, and you are responsible for gathering new power."

Venerable Kangdao: "Then there are three steps. The first step is to solve the current cosmic crisis and spread the belief of the God of War into the Avengers. The second step is to find an opportunity to go to the paradise of our universe."

Venerable Kang subconsciously raised his hand and touched the center of his brow, "Only with the approval of heaven, the reincarnation seal left on my soul and yours by the Lord can take effect.

At that time, we really have no worries and can let go of our hands and feet to fight for higher power for the Lord.

The third step is to ‘The world is not healthy’!

The Council of Kang is the biggest cancer in the multiverse, and I will eliminate it for my Lord.

Each Kang is the overlord of the universe, and their treasures, wisdom, and power will all belong to our Lord. "

"Council Kang is almost the most powerful force in the multiverse." A look of worry appeared on Grace's face, but it quickly disappeared.

"No matter how strong they are, as long as they complete the second step and activate the reincarnation seal, their fate is destined."

"But, the first step. Are you still going to stay on Earth?" Grace asked.

The Venerable Kahn recounted the crisis of cosmic collision.

"I will take down the Avengers while solving the crisis in the universe. Although they are very insignificant compared to the hegemony of the universe, they are the protagonists of the world's story.

Capturing them will do us little good, but it will do our Lord great good. "

Grace said: "I already know the importance of the earth, but the Avengers heroes are unruly, so I'm afraid it will be difficult to win."

Venerable Kang smiled and said: "It's actually not difficult. I don't need to do anything special. As long as I truly demonstrate the divine majesty of the Lord, they will naturally kneel down. In fact, some people have already knelt down."


"Supreme Mage Stephen Strange, he is very talented and has mastered the Holy Fire Technique."

Venerable Kang thought for a while and then said: "Before leaving the solar system, prepare a set of "The Encyclopedia of Divine Arts of the God of War" and give it to me."

"You want to teach all the magic to the Supreme Mage? He has not yet joined the religion." Grace reminded.

Venerable Kangdao: "Entering Christianity is just a ritual. As long as you are interested in the Avengers, the ritual can be omitted.

I don't expect them to be normal priests who spread the teachings of the God of War.

As long as you can believe in and worship our Lord, it doesn’t matter if you can still be a superhero on weekdays. "

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