I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 2066 The Angry Giant Hand Clan

At the same time as receiving the transmission from the Eagle Judge's consciousness, Diana also felt the giant hand tribe outside the universe.

She seemed to see them directly. They were so close to the multiverse, so close that they were at the doorstep.

There were so many of them that she seemed to see seven or eight tall and magnificent figures.

Then her body and soul began to tremble.

Seeing them, she also strongly sensed their will: they were ready to wipe out all existence in the multiverse.

Not only was the multiverse to be wiped out, but even she, the "Second and Third Revelation", was on the list of those to be wiped out.

They did not hide their thoughts and will.

They surrounded the multiverse with their thoughts and will, and they could take action in the next second.

"Don't~~~" she subconsciously begged.

"Diana, you feel it."

The huge eagle in the center of her sea of ​​consciousness kept its wings spread and soaring, and the eagle's cry had a harsh, cold, yet just and solemn majesty.

"We came to this multiverse following the will of the Hand of Creation, and we are ready to destroy it completely at any time.

The universe, planets, civilizations, creatures, everything, will be transformed into the most primitive energy under the supreme power.

We will take away the energy and leave behind a void.

But we are not cold harvesters.

We are the administrators of the omnipotent universe, and our mission is to ensure the prosperity and justice of the omnipotent universe.

After the energy is recycled and reshaped by the Hand of Creation, it will evolve again into a force capable of creating the world.

Soon a new God of Creation will return here with the energy of creation. , create a new multiverse on the void left by your multiverse.

That new universe will inherit some of the story elements of your world.

Perhaps, you and your companions can start a new reincarnation in the new universe? "

"No, please, don't recycle our multiverse. We have been fighting against destruction, and we have won.

We defeated destruction under your guidance, and we should not face the final destruction.

If we defeat destruction, we still cannot avoid the end of destruction. What is the meaning of our struggle and belief, your enlightenment and help to us?" Diana shouted excitedly.

The Eagle was silent for a moment, and said: "We saw the whole process of you defeating the Laughing Bat.

To be honest, your spirit and belief moved us.

But your multiverse is dead, the story is over, the structure is broken, and the energy is leaking."

"You are the great God of Creation, you can restart the multiverse, especially you, the great Eagle Judge, you reshaped the negative basic force universe of Papetua into a normal universe.

Please help us again and reverse the universe that is falling apart into a healthy and vibrant universe.

This is just a piece of cake for you, please, mercy, pity~~~" Diana begged.

The Eagle Judge said: "There are two reasons why the multiverse could be reshaped. First, although the multiverse was created by the negative basic force, its overall structure is intact, but now the multiverse is dead.

Second, I could seal Papetua in the Origin Wall, let her and the Origin Wall become the heart of the multiverse, and forcibly extract her life and soul to maintain the healthy operation of the multiverse.

Now Papetua has been killed by the monster born in your universe.

Even if I have the ability to repair your multiverse, we will not do so.

The cost is too high and not worth it."

Without waiting for Diana to beg again, it immediately said: "However, we will not help you, which does not mean that your multiverse is completely hopeless. You can now skillfully control the anti-crisis force.

The anti-crisis force is the prototype of the power of creation. It can transform into the power of creation together with the crisis force, allowing your multiverse to complete a major restart."

"But I don't understand the anti-crisis force. In addition to fighting instinctively, I have not mastered the secret of the anti-crisis force, and the crisis force has fallen into the hands of the laughing bat." Diana said.

"Didn't you notice? When you hit the monster, the energy in its body is flowing into your body.

When you completely defeat it and suppress it, all its power will belong to you and can be used to restart the world.

The anti-crisis force and crisis force are both the prototypes of the power of connection. It is not difficult to use them. Under my guidance, you will be able to master them soon."

The tone of the Eagle Judge began to become gentle and amiable.

And just as He slowly taught Diana the skills of creating the world with the anti-crisis force, Harley couldn't sit still.

The Eagle Judge is now teaching Diana the skills of using the anti-crisis force to restart the world. Isn't it going to start the big restart of the multiverse immediately?

If it is a normal big restart of the universe, why "sneak"?

If they follow the revelation of the Eagle Judge, what price will they pay in the end?

Harley hesitated for 0.00001 seconds, and finally gave up the plan of "awakening" Diana and immediately going outside the second ring to actively welcome the giant hand tribe.

She focused her eyes on the laughing bat who was "being" beaten by Diana.

Telepathy can exchange countless information in an instant. As a "transcendent giant", the Eagle Judge has more sophisticated skills.

He is not communicating with the entire consciousness of Diana. He is calling on the part of Diana that is kind and just, like a "kind, just, obedient and respectful phantom."

When Harley used the consciousness hidden deep in Diana's soul to communicate with her, Diana was "completely" startled and began to be distracted in the battle because she was attracted by Harley.

The Eagle Judge used a telepathic communication technique that Harley could not understand, which only affected Diana's shallow consciousness.

Diana herself did not realize that she seemed to have a split personality. She was communicating with the Eagle Judge while fighting fiercely.

What's more amazing is that the "Diana's shallow consciousness" selected by the Eagle Judge was exactly the part of Diana that was the most gentle and kind, and the most easily moved and persuaded.

If Harley had not ambushed a wisp of consciousness at the bottom of Diana's heart spring - the core of her soul, she would not have noticed that the Eagle Judge's consciousness had quietly sneaked into the multiverse and entered Diana's sea of ​​consciousness to talk to her.

If Harley had not perfectly survived the nightmare demonization in her early years, she would not have discovered the Eagle Judge's trick: it seemed to separate Diana's "gentle and kind phantom" and communicate separately.

Even the Laughing Bat, who was fighting Diana, only noticed something unusual when Diana was distracted (Harley was talking to Diana).

He knew nothing about the Eagle Judge's little tricks.

"Laughing, listen to me, stay calm, gather your thoughts, and don't let any thoughts overflow." Harley whispered to Laughing.

Although her skills were not as good as the Eagle Judge, the first and second rings were her territory, and she also had the Eagle Judge's connection power defense expertise.

She was sure to communicate with Laughing secretly without telling anyone. The premise was that Laughing himself did not actively reveal any traces.

"Witch Harley? What do you want to do?" Laughing was a little surprised, and hatred and fatigue were still revealed in his mental fluctuations. "At this time, what conspiracy do you still want to do?"

He was very emotional, but he honestly followed Harley's reminder, gathered his thoughts, and never showed his feet on his face or in his mental fluctuations.

"Haven't you always wanted to cooperate with me? Now I'll give you a chance. Well, I'll suddenly use my God's Palm to slap you. Not only must you not struggle, but you must also throw yourself into my arms, let me crush you, and give me all your origins and wisdom. Forget about your own 'Laughing Wisdom', I respectfully refuse it.

I only want Papetua's memory. You are a smart person and you must understand what I want."

"I want to be beaten to death by you, and I still give you my origins and wisdom for nothing? Are you crazy, or am I crazy?" Crazy Laughing was unbelievable, and he almost laughed crazily again.

Harley said, "Don't be impatient, listen to me slowly. Since it is a cooperation, of course it won't be just you paying and me gaining.

I will definitely pay an equal and huge price.

I will send you away from this rotten cesspool that is about to become a battlefield of transcendence in advance.

You are transcendent, ascending in a different way, peaceful and happy, worry-free, and safe."

"How to leave? The Giant Hand Clan has surrounded the multiverse.

And why should I leave? If you really want to cooperate with me, then immediately pull this crazy woman away and fight with me against the Giant Hand Clan.

Our enemy has always been the Giant Hand Clan. It is you who don't know the big picture and want to fight with me." He laughed wildly.

"First of all, I didn't join hands with you to fight against the Giant Hand Clan because I have always looked down upon your fighting ability.

After seeing the transcendent battle between you and Diana, I have become more determined in my thoughts.

Your soul is the combination of Batman and the Joker. Batman and the Joker may have strong martial arts talents, but their characteristics have nothing to do with fighting. They are the "elites" of wisdom.

Batman represents the rationality of wisdom, and the Joker represents the crazy side of wisdom.

You are a combination of the two, and your characteristics should also be strategy.

So you can come up with a whole set of "Laughing Plans" 'plan'.

Before you face the Justice League and Diana today, you have been staying comfortably in your own plan.

Your plan is almost flawless.

But once you need to fight hard, you will be a slouch.

Taking you to fight the Giant Hand Clan will not increase my combat power. On the contrary, I will weaken my combat advantage in order to take care of you, a weak ally.

I need your strength. Give me your Manhattan Origin. I can add one and one to the square of two. "

"Secondly, you must leave. If you don't leave, there will be no hope.

I'm not kidding you. It's not me who killed your hope of survival.

You must have noticed that as Diana's fighting spirit became stronger, your fighting spirit gradually declined and you began to fear her. The Papetua Origin and Crisis Power in your body were rapidly lost.

You don't have to think about it, the Giant Hand Clan is right next to you!

Don't tell me that you don't know who the real owner of Papetua Origin, Crisis Power, and Anti-Crisis Power is.

The Eagle Judge can even use the destiny of billions of years ago to control the power of creation. Do you really think that the Origin of Creation you eat is yours?

The Eagle Judge has come in.

His body and power have not come in, only his thoughts and consciousness.

You didn't notice anything unusual, did you?

The real Judge's third revelation has nothing to do with the Essence Society. It was the Eagle Judge who personally came out and personally guided the 'Eagle Daughter' to go step by step.

If I hadn't reminded you, you would never have thought that Diana was learning from him how to kill you completely.

The Eagle Judge wants to use you as an energy battery to restart the multiverse. Your fate will be worse than that of Papetua back then. "

He laughed wildly and was shocked, and hurriedly looked carefully at the "Golden Diana" in front of him.

She is like a female war goddess, majestic, with a majestic expression, a rainbow of momentum, and every move is serious and sharp.

It was completely unlike him to be distracted from his conversation with the Eagle Judge.

Laughing wildly and wondering.

Harley sneered: "You can't even imagine the methods of the Eagle Judge. No matter how hard you try with the 'Laughing Project', one fact that cannot be changed is that in front of the Giant Hands, the almighty overlord of the universe, you and I are both frogs in the well. ”

Laughing silently.

Harley added: "I won't explain in detail why the Giant Hands must kill you. You are a smart person and you can figure it out yourself.

Killing you is just the beginning. After killing you and draining the crisis power and the connection power of Papetua in your body, the Eagle Judge will bewitch Diana to restart the multiverse.

In other words, if we want to restart the world according to the will of the Giant Hand Clan, we must first kill you and get back all the origin of creation and the power of story.

Your life has entered a countdown.

Only I can save you now, and I am fully capable of saving you.

Do you know the story of Hades?

I can convey stories outward.

The story that was transmitted to the outer universe was recorded in my mind, so what was transmitted was actually a piece of information written by thinking.

I can use my own mind to deliver messages, and I can use other people’s minds to write stories.

As long as you are willing to trust me and entrust your thinking to me.

At the beginning, Hades, the king of Hades, only practiced my "Thinking Sutra", and some souls completed thinking, which was only the prototype of thinking.

Do you know his current ending?

Of course, I'm not talking about the part of Hades that stayed in the multiverse. That part of Hades was very miserable and was tortured by the grievances until he could not die.

Hades, who had gone to the next universe, betrayed me.

In other words, they have parted ways with me.

He abandoned my followers and took a new partner. Now he rules the world, studies the laws of other worlds, and lives a very comfortable life.

If our multiverse survives this calamity, there is no way that Hades will stage a drama where one day in the future, "if wealth does not return home, it is like walking at night in brocade clothes".

Return to our world and show off your transcendent power in front of old friends who are still down and out.

You are much better than Hades.

There is no need to practice the "Thinking Sutra" at all, your consciousness has already been transformed into thinking.

It is equivalent to leaving your body and soul behind, and your pure thinking and will successfully escape from the shell. "

"What you said made me feel a little excited, but you are the witch Harley, who dares to believe you?" He laughed wildly and laughed again, and he smiled in a relaxed and comfortable manner.

Harley understood that this guy was a little tempted but had too many concerns. What she had to do was no longer to persuade him to agree to her plan, but to dispel his worries.

"Does my credibility still need to be doubted? Think about it carefully, when have I ever made plans for ordinary people who have no origin at all?

All your origins have been handed over to me, and only a blank slate of consciousness is left. Why did I betray my oath?

Do you think that I, like you and the clown, don't care about real interests and only do things to satisfy my own deformed desires? "She said seriously.

Laughing wildly, he had no words to retort.

Harley shouted: "You make a decision quickly, I don't have time to waste, and you don't have much time left.

The Eagle Judge has taught the basic skills of using anti-crisis power to restart the world, and Diana may explode at any time.

She doesn't need to kill you first to activate the anti-crisis power.

When she breaks out, you will be like Papetua back then. You are still alive, but the source of your life and soul is being crazily squeezed out to nourish the broken universe.

As a smart person like you, you must understand that the only reason why I cooperate with you is that you can still struggle a few times.

You are dead, the difference is only in whose hands you die and by what method.

I'm talking nonsense with you because I may not be able to defeat you with one move. Your struggle will delay my time and opportunity, giving the Giant Hand Clan the opportunity to interfere.

My concern is that the Giant Hand Clan is not your struggle.

Once you continue to hesitate, waste time, and eventually lose the ability to struggle, you are not qualified to trade with me. "

Kuangxiao also felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart.

He has the power of Manhattan and can directly observe his future across time, but he has no future.

He thinks beyond time, looking into the future and seeing only the gray void that represents death.

This was the real reason for his fear.

It wasn't Diana's fist that frightened him, it was the result of not being able to see the future that frightened him.

The more Diana pounded him, the closer he saw the gray blank future to himself.

He still didn't understand before, but now after listening to Harley's call, he felt like he had a sudden enlightenment and an epiphany - his crisis came from the Eagle Judge rather than the Witch Harley.

"Witch Harley, I am different from you. When you see my tragic death, your thoughts will flow freely, but the thing that makes my thoughts flow freely is not your tragic death.

Laying out the multiverse, letting fate flow according to my will, and revealing the absurd and ridiculous nature of the world to the world are the achievements that make me happy.

The creator god of the Giant Hand Clan created this world, created us, and planned our destiny and story line.

That's why they are my enemies. It's a pity that you never understood or understood me before.

Forget it, I agree to your request for cooperation.

I am willing to help you one last time to help you deal with the Giant Hand Clan. "

"Then shall I start?" Harley was not too surprised, her tone was more eager.

"Wait a minute, although I would rather see the Giant Hand Clan being humiliated, I also care about my own interests." He said with a laugh.

"I'm going to send you away. You're out of the transcendent battlefield and liberated. What else do you want?" Harley said.

He laughed wildly and said: "First of all, I was worried that you would break your promise and get fat. Didn't you first send away a ray of thinking consciousness from Hades?

You also send away a ray of my consciousness first.

When my consciousness leaves, I will completely hand over my power and wisdom to you.

With a glimmer of consciousness gone, even if you betray your promise later, I will at least survive. "

"Okay, if you gain some consciousness, I'll send you away immediately." Harley said immediately.

"Don't worry, I still have a request. If you send me to a Dharma-ending world where my power is exhausted and my origin is not revealed, wouldn't I be like a dragon wandering in the shallows and have no future at all?" He laughed wildly.

"Are you still planning to make a comeback and create greater glory?" Harley said.

"Well, Pluto Hades can return home in glory. I hope that your defeat of the Giant Hand Clan will at least give me a chance to come back and check the outcome of this battle. Is it you who relies on my strength to win, or is it a waste of money for Adou, who can't hold up the wall with mud?" My expectations.

To come back and check, you must at least have the power of detachment.

Obviously, in a Dharma-ending world without the power of miracles, it will be difficult for me to regain my strength even though I have great talents. ” said with a wild laugh.

"You're quite thoughtful. Okay, I'll send you to a world with powerful origins." Harley still didn't hesitate at all.

"Just send me to the next universe." He laughed wildly.

"No, there are my believers in the next universe. We can't let a madman destroy the world." Harley said firmly.

He laughed wildly, "Now I kind of believe in your integrity."

Going to the next universe is actually his temptation.

He knew she put a lot of effort into the multiverse next door.

Some time ago, she also sent messages to the first and second rings to recruit extraordinary people to form a team of law analysts, which caused a sensation in the entire extraordinary world. Of course, Mad Laughter understands this.

She must also know his style.

He will certainly not remain content.

If she didn't hesitate at all and directly agreed to let him go to the next universe, there was probably a conspiracy.

Now that she refused, he let go of some of his worries.

"You have to help me choose a world whose origin is not weaker than the universe next door. Maybe we can continue to cooperate in the future. I am familiar with the Harley Bible and can help you develop your faith." He said.

"Then thank you first."

"In fact, the process of driving the divine power of creation to resurrect your multiverse is not complicated. Even if you cannot fully understand the techniques of using the power of connection, you only need to follow your own thoughts, imagine what kind of world you want in your heart, and then activate With your divine power, the world will instinctively be reshaped according to your will.”

After briefly introducing the outline of the "Basic Textbook of the Creation God Training Class", Judge Eagle said this.

If there was opportunity and time, He would of course prefer Diana to complete the basic tutorials of the God of Creation training class, but at this time there was not enough time and the occasion was not suitable.

"Diana, you only have one chance, and the chance is in your hands. If you cannot rely on your own power to save this dead multiverse, if we end up personally. The task given to us by the Hand of Creation is to destroy all matter and life."

He emphasized one last sentence.

"Thank you, Judge Eagle, for fighting for this opportunity for us." Diana said with gratitude.

She could feel the Eagle Judge's sincerity just as she could see through the Laughing Bat's fear.

As Stranger said before, Judge Eagle was gentle and somewhat kind in his attitude towards them.

If anyone among the Giant Hands cared about them, it was probably the Eagle Judge.

After all, the previous positive basic force DC multiverse was basically created by him.

If He is not the Mother of Creation, then He is at least the “Adoptive Mother of Creation.”

"But you haven't talked about the side effects of the anti-crisis force. Will it erase the present? Do we have to ascend?"

Even though she felt the kindness of Judge Eagle, Diana did not forget about her "ascension".

Judge Eagle said: "I have learned about your thoughts from the Essence Association.

Some of you think too badly of us.

Ascension is your reward, a rare gift in the Almighty Universe.

Since you don’t like it, forget it, you can continue to stay in the new world and new story. "

Diana was pleasantly surprised: "Can the story of me and the rest of the Justice League continue? Wouldn't the anti-crisis force dilute the importance of the 'current story'?"

Judge Eagle said: "The story cannot always be in the high stage. The story will always end. Your story will continue, but it will no longer follow the previous trajectory.

In the new world, you and everyone you care about live safely and happily together.

But you will be far from the truth - information about the Almighty Universe, about the Power of Creation, and about the Transcendent One.

In the new world, you are young again.

The Justice League did not usher in a second generation successor, but an overall new look.

You are full of vitality, full of hope and good wishes for the world. You dance to the beautiful music and in the warm and bright ballroom, enjoying youth and prosperity. "

"Everyone is happy and full of life"

Diana still had questions, but she couldn't help but be immersed in the Eagle Judge's description, subconsciously imagining that scene in her mind.

She herself didn't realize that when she began to imagine the scene of the "new world", the creation power in her body had already begun to have an impact on the dilapidated DC multiverse.

The monitors and anti-monitoring kings who were still working as paper framers in the sixth dimension suddenly saw a bright light in front of their eyes, and they were completely white, and they almost lost their perception of everything.

They can't even sense their own existence.

"Damn it, she's going to start a big reboot of the multiverse now." Laughing wildly was surprised, angry and scared.

Harley didn't lie to him. Judge Eagle really did it himself and was actively guiding the "Third Revelation".

In the real "Third Revelation", there is no room for him to resist. The origin of Pam and the crisis force in his body are not under his control at all. They all boil and burn with the will of the "Eagle Girl", and the next moment they will It is necessary to inject every fragment of the DC universe together with his Manhattan origin, and to rekindle the dead "origin".

"Hey, Laughing Bat, you have sinned so much that your death has come!"

A loud shout shook the first and second rings, and the huge God's Palm was already moving toward him.

——Alas, her plans are often improvised and improvised, very rough and crude. They are not as precise and clever as my plan, but the on-the-spot plan will definitely surprise the enemy and work wonders.

Kuangxiao sighed inwardly, not only did he not dodge, but he also broke away from the entanglement of the "Eagle Daughter" and took the initiative to send all the origins into the palm of the "God's Divine Palm".

When the "Giant Palm from Heaven" grasped him, every last drop of his body's essence was transferred to Harley.

"Witch Harley, the time has come to test your integrity." He handed over his soul, memory, wisdom, and even his thinking and will to her.

"You're going to test 'Witch Harley' with a pure thought and will without origin or wisdom? When can 'Witch Harley' be unable to withstand this kind of test?"

Feeling the abundant but extremely docile Manhattan essence in her body, Harley was in a happy mood. With a bold fist, she formed the Laughing Bat's thinking will into a story and sent it out in an instant.

"Okay, Witch Harley, you are indeed true to your word. Goodbye!"

This is the last message left by Crazy Laughter in the DC multiverse (ps).

"What happened?" Dachao blinked a few times, his expression a little confused.

"Harley doesn't have martial ethics. She laughed wildly, having already fallen into a disadvantage in the sneak attack, and succeeded with one blow." Hal Jordan was also in a daze.

Previously, Golden Diana and Crazy Laughter were having a heated fight. They were watching attentively, but without any warning, Harley suddenly made a move with God's Palm. Looking at Golden Diana in the distance with a blank look on her face, she didn't even come back to her senses!

"As expected of Witch Harley, she struck so decisively and ruthlessly." The caster sighed with emotion, and then asked hesitantly: "Did you feel anything unusual just now?"

"What's abnormal? Harley's sneak attack on the defeated Laughter like a strong man is indeed very ungrateful, but it's not abnormal. It's completely in line with her style." Luther said.

"I'm not talking about Harley Quinn, I feel like the multiverse is like..." He turned around and looked in the direction of the multiverse, his tone was very uncertain, "It's like reshaping the 'Origin'. In just a moment, I felt There seemed to be a white light flashing before my eyes, and then time seemed to have passed for a long time. The world was empty, and I was about to lose my sense of existence. As a result-"

"Harley, what are you doing?" Golden Diana shouted to Harley: "I am about to ignite the 'Origin' and restart the dead multiverse. Why are you grabbing my head and disrupting my rhythm? "

"Ignite the 'Origin' and restart the multiverse?" The heroes were a little confused. "Diana, what are you talking about? Aren't you fighting the Laughing Bat?"

The caster was shocked and murmured: "It's not an illusion. My senses are correct. 'Origin' was almost resurrected. It was just the prelude to the great restart of the multiverse."

"Diana, can you restart the multiverse? Are you sure?" Harley quickly digested the source of the crazy laughter, while flipping through Pam's creation skills and the inside information of the Giant Hand Clan, while staring at Diana intently. Anna, "When did you master the skills to restart the multiverse? Are you going to restart the multiverse now without consulting us?"

Golden Diana was stunned for a while, and her rationality gradually returned, with a bit of confusion and a bit of regret on her face, and said: "I received a revelation from the Eagle Judge, and I can concentrate the anti-crisis power in my body and the crisis power in the laughing body to restart Multiverse.

The Eagle Judge promised me that we could choose to ascend or stay of our own free will.

The stories of those left behind will continue in the new world. "

"Did Judge Eagle convey a revelation to you? When? Can we really reshape the world according to our own wishes?" Dachao and a group of heroes came closer, feeling both happy and surprised.

"While fighting the Laughter, the Judge's will suddenly came to my mind."

Now that she had completely regained her senses, Diana's golden face also showed some surprise, "It's amazing to think about it now. I was immersed in the battle and was completely unaffected by the judge's revelation."

"What did the judge say? Can you restart the multiverse now?" Hal Jordan said.

Diana looked at Harley, feeling the power of connection rapidly rising in her body, and a glimmer of understanding flashed in her eyes.

——Harley knows that the Eagle Judge has conveyed the revelation to her, and also knows that the Eagle Judge is guiding her step by step to use herself and the origin of Laughter to restart the multiverse. Harley disagreed and was unable to object openly, so she could only resort to secret tactics at the critical moment and raided the Laughing Bat.

At the same time as she understood, she still had a little doubt in her heart: it was clear that Crazy Laughter still had the power to fight against her. Even the Eagle Judge told her that she should follow the method he used to deal with Papetua, and seal Crazy Laughter in the "Origin" to slowly extract the origin of life and the origin of the power of creation. Why did Harley succeed in one move and completely kill Crazy Laughter in just one move?

When the God's Palm appeared and pinched Crazy Laughter, the Eagle Judge in her mind had anxiously shouted: Stop her, don't let Harley Quinn take the Laughing Bat——

The Eagle Judge used telepathy, and the speed should have been very fast, but he stopped abruptly before he finished a sentence.

Because Crazy Laughter's life breath disappeared almost instantly.

He died completely in an instant, and the Eagle Judge was stunned.

The "Eagle Revelation" in her mind ended here.

Just as she could sense the sincerity and kindness of the Judge, she also sensed the Judge's loss, disappointment and anger at the last moment.

——The Judge's third revelation ended completely.

Diana had this realization, and felt disappointed, so she subconsciously shouted to Harley.

"If Harley gives me the source of her laughter, mainly Papetua's connecting power and crisis power, maybe we can try to restart the multiverse." She looked at Harley and tried.

"What's the price?" Harley asked.

Diana thought for a while and said, "We will become younger and lose some memories. It's probably a restart with the world. The new world of the future will still have us and the Justice League."

"What's the difference between this and ascension?" Superman said disappointedly.

"It's better to ascend. I love the vitality and vitality of my youth, but I already have six children now, and my eldest son is in love, and I'm going to be a grandfather!

You want me to give up everything, give up a big family, and return to the golden bachelor age of 30?" Aquaman said.

"Compared with completely restarting into another person, retaining my own will and 'ascending' to the Giant Hand Clan is indeed a gift." Hal Jordan sighed.

"It seems that everyone is not satisfied with the arrangement of the Eagle Judge." Harley looked at Diana and said.

Diana remained silent.


Suddenly, the earth and sky shook violently.

Although they were outside the universe, with no space and matter around them, everyone still had a strong feeling of the world turning upside down.

"What happened?" Everyone was in doubt.

Harley's face suddenly changed, and she cursed: "Fuck, the Giant Hand Clan is too mean. Seeing that the deception failed, they didn't even give us a chance to negotiate, and immediately became angry and killed us!"

(PS: Crazy Laughing will not have a good end. His ending will be after the main story is finished. I will send you a free chapter in the extra chapter.)

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