I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 2065: Battle of Transcendence

"Once the belief machine is activated, it must immediately connect everyone's beliefs. Are Superman and Wonder Woman ready? The key is Wonder Woman. Can she re-establish her belief in the anti-crisis power?

If Wonder Woman cannot convert the faith of sentient beings into anti-crisis power, even activating the faith machine will be useless. "Luthor said.

"If you're not ready now, how long will it take?" Harley said.

Luther said: "I know this is a critical moment. Papetua is dead, and he is about to go out to face the Giant Hand Clan. If we are not prepared, the third revelation will lose its meaning.

But the situation is like this, which does not mean that Wonder Woman has also entered this state.

Contact Wonder Woman and ask her if she has ever reestablished her faith, at least not as resistant to the anti-crisis power as before. "

"I have informed her that she is not completely sure, but if she doesn't give it a try now, it will be meaningless to rebuild her faith later. This is the last moment.

Stop talking nonsense and do what I say. "Harry said impatiently.

"The Faith Machine is with the Forger. They didn't trust me, a super villain, and didn't let me keep the machine." Luther said.

Harley raised her right hand and pulled gently. The time and space around her changed, and the tall caster was already pulled in front of her.

Although the three Creator brothers stayed in the sixth dimension to work as paper makers, they were not ignorant of everything that happened in the creation galaxy.

"Is Papetua dead? We heard her last scream." His expression and tone were somewhat complicated.

Although the old mother rebelled many times, when the old mother finally broke down, the three reincarnated human beings and creators with partial humanity felt an inexplicable sense of loss and sadness.

This time, the mother was no longer sealed. She was completely dead, gone, and would never reappear. They became motherless children.

Through the spiritual connection, Harley stuffed a bunch of information into his mind, teaching him to understand the current situation and the requirements for turning on the belief machine.

The caster opened his mouth and spit out a square piece of metal the size of a can.

It has a six-dimensional structure. Ordinary people can't see it clearly at all. They can only see a bright glow of gold and silver. If you stare at it for a long time, your thinking consciousness seems to fall into a vortex. Below the vortex is a black hole, which can absorb people's mental energy. Drain.

The caster did not activate the belief machine immediately. He hesitated and said: "Have you really thought about it clearly? At this time, the structure of the multiverse collapsed, and many parallel universes encountered a crisis of annihilation.

Even the main universe is turbulent in time and space. Mortals can see the torn gaps in the universe with the naked eye. There are even planets falling into the gaps in the universe and floating directly outside the universe.

Disaster is the biggest incubator of faith and faith. At this time, it is simpler and more efficient than ever to let all sentient beings provide faith.

But this is both an advantage and a disadvantage.

The faith of all sentient beings will inevitably transform the rest of the story’s power into anti-crisis power.”

He looked down at the battlefield not far away and said: "To deal with Crazy Laughter, you don't need anti-crisis power. You can beat him half to death with just one slap.

If you join forces with the heroes, it will only take a matter of minutes to suppress him. "

Harley said: "Papetua is dead now, but her plan to use the dark multiverse card bug to extract crisis power was successful.

A large amount of story power has been transformed into crisis power, and the current world story is very incomplete, probably not even 50% complete.

Now that most of the world stories have become crisis forces, it is no longer a luxury to ensure the integrity of the world stories. We no longer need to worry about the specific existence form of the power of stories.

Crisis power and anti-crisis power are all another form of the power of stories.

Converting the power of stories into crisis and anti-crisis energy makes it more portable.

We will definitely take down Crazy Laughter and drain out the crisis power in his body and the power of connection with Pappetua.

The crisis power of laughter, coupled with the anti-crisis power in Diana's body, combined together, is the entire power of the story of our world. "

To this day, they still have not been able to grasp the essential secret of the power of stories and have not found a way to protect the world's stories.

In this case, converting the world story into energy will be more beneficial to the final escape plan.

Harley doesn't know how to take away the complete world story. The timeline, the Book of Destiny, and the Book of Dreams are not complete world stories.

But she can harvest the anti-crisis power in Diana's body, and when she takes down Crazy Laughter, she can also harvest all the crisis power in his body.

Anti-crisis power plus crisis power equals the power of a complete set of stories.

Of course, reversing the crisis power and anti-crisis power into the story power of the world's story is a high-end technology that she has not yet mastered.

But she was sure such technology existed.

Harley raised her chin and said again: "You see, Pappetua was swallowed up by wild laughter. At first, he was caught off guard by Junk Superboy and his power surged. Now he is basically mastering Pappetua's power.

He hasn't run away yet. Although there are objective factors that the multiverse structure is broken and there is nowhere to escape, he may not have the intention of using the heroes of the Zhenglian to digest and absorb the origin of Papetua.

Why can he use the crisis power to connect the creation of the giant hand clan?

Even without considering the reasons, we can be sure of one fact - as long as I hold the anti-crisis power, I will be able to use it sooner or later. I will reverse it into the power of the story and make our story complete again.

I will reverse the crisis power and anti-crisis power into the power of story. "

She turned her head and glanced in the direction outside the universe, and said quietly: "Besides, we can also give the Eagle Judge some face.

In order to deal with the Pappetua crisis, people started planning billions of years ago and went through three revelations. As a result, the 'Eagle Daughter' became more and more crotchless with each generation.

By this time, even Papetua, the mission target of the revelation, had already burped.

If the ‘Third Revelation’ didn’t even make a splash, where would the Eagle Judge’s face be?

How about we cheer for him and let the 'Third Revelation' become the protagonist in solving the internal crisis of the universe.

It’s hard to say that if we have played this scene well, Judge Eagle can be so generous and let us go with a wave of his hand. "

Luther said: "As you said, there are at least five giant hand tribes close to the second ring. It is not certain whether the Eagle Judge can become one of the five giants.

Even if he is one of the giants, can his personal likes and dislikes affect the overall plan of the Giant Hand Clan? "

The Forger said: "If Judge Eagle is in a good mood, he may not necessarily help us persuade the Giant Hand Clan, but if he has bad thoughts, he will definitely make our situation worse."

He agreed with Harley's idea and immediately sent a message to Wonder Woman, saying: "Diana, Daughter of the Eagle, are you ready? We are about to start activating the belief connection machine."

The title "Eagle Daughter" made Diana very uncomfortable, but she didn't get too hung up on such a trivial matter.

She took two steps back and gave up her wild laughter to the other heroes. After taking a deep breath, she said: "I don't know what will happen, but I am ready to give everything now."

The caster asked again: "Superman, what about you? The belief machine cannot forcibly capture the belief of all living beings. Its principle and function are very simple. It just uses the tenth metal born from the hope and miracle emotions of all living beings to connect everyone's thoughts. Together, share emotions and thoughts.

If you cannot convince sentient beings, they will not respond to you.

Without sentient beings responding, the belief machine is useless. "

"I will do my best." Da Chao said solemnly.

——It’s no use just trying your best.

"Then let's get started. I hope you are all right and can succeed." The caster sighed softly and threw the cubic metal box in his hand.

In an instant, bright white light filled everyone's field of vision, and the entire Creation Galaxy, including the Laughing Battlefield, was filled with white light.

In fact, not only the creation galaxy, but also the broken DC multiverse, every place with living people is illuminated by white light, and everyone's thoughts are shrouded in white light.

Time seemed to slow down ten thousand times in the white light, and everyone's thinking became extremely clear.

Superboy and Wonder Woman's feelings are even more obvious. They seem to have a "white light perspective." They saw and felt everyone as white light enveloped them all.

He also directly saw through the body and soul, saw everyone's thoughts, and saw everyone's trust, doubt and hesitation.

"I am Diana, also known as the 'Second Revelation' to you." Diana subconsciously began to introduce herself, "Now that the Eagle Judge's 'Third Revelation' is here, I need everyone's trust to transfer your beliefs to Leave it to me, I swear, I will fight for you until the end of my life."

A lot of faith surged toward her, but more of it was alienated doubt and vigilance.

Diana was at a loss.

And her embarrassment was directly sensed by all living beings, and the hesitation gradually turned into doubt, and the original doubters did not believe her even more.

The faith that had been entrusted to her was on the verge of falling apart.

"Everyone, listen to me, the situation we are facing now is very bad. The Laughing Bat and Papetua are using the nightmare dimension to obtain a lot of crisis power."

Da Chao stood in front of Diana and explained the situation in a sincere tone.

It works, but it's not immediate.

Dachao felt the doubt, uneasiness, confusion, pain, and despair in the hearts of all living beings. He was in a trance for a moment.

He seemed to have experienced this situation before, more than once.

Time was tight, and he did not waste time to recall carefully. He instinctively rushed to a doubter and conveyed his hope and belief to him.

He succeeded, and success came easier than he expected.

Because Dachao found that he could skillfully and fluently answer all the questions in the minds of doubters.

If the various negative emotions that hinder a skeptic from entrusting his faith are like an exam paper, he seems to have taken countless similar mock exams in advance. Now he went to the exam room and completed it in one go, without any hesitation.

In fact, Dachao even felt that this exam was very, very easy, easier than the mock papers he had done in the past.

He not only infected the other party, but also became more confident in himself, and the light of hope in his heart became brighter and brighter.

Without hesitation, he rushed to the next one, and another one.

Superman is like a ray of light that quickly connects people in the crowd, connecting them one after another. What connects them is a golden light of hope and faith.

This situation also made the caster fall into a trance.

He seemed to have returned to the eve of the crisis of destruction. In order to cope with the Year of the Villain and gain the faith of all living beings, he used timeline stories to simulate the future in the sixth dimension. Countless failed timeline stories accumulated together and became the "ruins of failed stories."

Superman makes a bet with him: He can come back from the ruins of the story.

Returning from the ruins is tantamount to carving a path to victory in the battle of faith.

In the end, Superman won. He turned into a beam of light, struggled through the darkness, and finally hit the sun, passed through the sun, obtained a lot of light from the sun, and also used his own hope to light up the dim sun. sun after sun

"The origin is above, this, this is a repeat of the past, no, this is destiny. Superman created this destiny with his own hope and belief." The caster was both shocked and strongly moved.

There was moisture in his eyes.

"Harley Quinn, have you seen it? Superman is fulfilling his destiny." He shouted excitedly towards Harley: "I simulated the 'Battle of Faith' countless times in the timeline story.

Every time I failed, every time I encountered countless difficulties and setbacks.

I thought that just relying on righteous heroes would never be able to overcome those difficulties and setbacks, nor would we be able to win the battle of faith from the Legion of Destruction.

I have simulated it countless times without success. I am desperate. In fact, countless supermen in parallel universes have failed.

They turned into desiccated corpses in the ruins of the timeline story.

But the Superman of your main universe still doesn’t believe in evil, and he dares to make a bet with me.

He personally entered the ruins of the story and nearly died of exhaustion.

But you cheated - Origin, you actually 'cheated' again! "

The caster shouted, and suddenly saw a thin, illusory golden thread on Harley's forehead.

If you don't look carefully, it's easy to overlook.

The thin golden thread drilled out of Harley's forehead extends infinitely and is connected to Superman's forehead.

And there is not only one golden thread on Superman's head that comes from Harley, but there are more, almost densely packed, they come from.

When the caster looked around, he immediately saw a golden thread floating from the foreheads of many Zhenglian heroes, extending all the way to Da Chao's head.

This is another "yesterday reappearance"!

At the beginning, Da Chao was also desperately struggling in the ruins of the story, almost drained of energy by difficulties and setbacks, and became a desiccated corpse.

Harley cheated, and she did two things. First, she reordered the story setbacks that Chao encountered, from low to high, and gradually became stronger; in addition, she secretly gave Chao a revelation - you are not alone, you are It contains our faith and hope.

She only passed on one sentence, but Dachao really felt the trust that everyone had in him, and took the initiative to bless himself with the light of hope of those who entrusted their faith to him.

Blessing everyone's hope, his fire of hope is extremely bright and will never be extinguished.

On that day, he had exhausted his energy in difficulties and setbacks, and after blessing the hopes of the heroes, he recovered from a mummy to a state of unlimited energy, and finally flew to the "sun" that represented victory.

Today, Dachao also blessed everyone's hopes for himself.

He brings the hope of Harley and the heroes, infecting doubters and despairers one after another, making them full of confidence and hope for the future, and then he adds their hope and faith to himself, and the hope and faith in him The light gradually accumulates and becomes brighter, making it easier to infect the next doubter.

As this continues to accumulate, the stronger the hope and belief in Da Chao, the faster he infects all living beings. He gradually turns into a light that cannot be perceived by thinking, connecting everyone in the multiverse almost instantly.

The Laughing Bat didn't even react.

The excitement in the caster's heart has not yet subsided.

Dachao, already filled with the faith of all sentient beings, came to Diana and poured all his hope and faith into Diana's body.

At this time, the bright white light inspired by the belief machine slowly dissipated. In fact, it was not Dachao's physical body that flew to every person in the universe. It was Dachao's thoughts that made leaps and connected all the sentient beings in the universe. Finally, in Diana's place Form a closed loop.

Dachao gained the faith of all living people, which is equivalent to Diana gaining all the faith of the survivors of the multiverse at this time.

Such efficiency and speed even stunned Harry for a while.

Of course, even if she was in a dazed and leisurely mood, the changes in the situation would not allow her to be distracted.

After receiving the belief in all sentient beings instilled by Da Chao, Diana changed instantly.

She gained the faith of all sentient beings, and the rest of the story's power was transformed into anti-crisis power.

Too much power poured into her body, and time and space around her began to distort.

Not only time and space, Harry saw countless pictures emerging around Diana, and there was another Diana in each picture.

Earth-0 is not the only main universe. Earth-2 and Earth-1 were both main universes.

When Earth-1 and Earth-2 were in charge of the universe, they were like Earth-0 and experienced many crises, which caused the world or time to restart.

If Harley hadn't interfered, every time the main universe was restarted, the heroes of the main alliance would also be restarted.

Once restarted, it will be a kind of Justice League for an era.

When Earth-2 and Earth-1 took charge of the universe, Harley did not interfere. When they restarted, most of the heroes of the Justice League were affected. To put it simply, "Wonder Woman" was restarted many times, and multiple versions appeared in one main universe. 's "Wonder Woman."

Counting different main universes, "Wonder Woman" in DC world stories (non-parallel universes, mainly the main universe) has been updated many times.

Now Diana, the Thick-skinned God's Favorite, is the protagonist of the world's story. Back then, when the other "Wonder Women" were still in the "Main Universe", she was also the protagonist of the world's story.

At this moment, when Diana has obtained all the anti-crisis powers, all the "story protagonist Wonder Women" who have disappeared in the long history have appeared.

Their clothes have a clear "sense of the times".

Some "Diana" look like characters from old Hollywood movies, in the style of the 1960s and 1970s, with very revealing clothing.

The briefs and bras were gone, her thighs, arms, and back were all exposed, and I felt a little ashamed for her. Her hair was still in those big fluffy waves.

"The characters in the story merged into one, and Diana became the only 'Wonder Woman'?" Harley was in doubt.

Then she saw the "protagonists of the story Wonder Women" from different eras merge into the body of "Earth-0 Diana" one after another.

They first met face to face and eye to eye, as if they were communicating in some kind of spirit and thought.

Harley also saw the "ancient Diana" smile with relief and encouragement, and the "modern Diana" was moved and reluctant.

Then the "old antique Diana" and the "modern Diana" shook hands, one of them gradually disappeared, and then replaced by the next "Wonder Woman". From the side, it was as if a person was looking in the mirror. Although they were dressed completely differently, Harley felt that they were the same person.

The characters were dressed differently and had different experiences, but each Diana had the same temperament and the same spiritual core.

One by one, the "Diana in history" merged into Diana's body, and her breath became more and more powerful and ethereal.

That ethereal aura is more transcendent than the recorder.

If you don't know the process of Diana gaining anti-crisis power, and simply put her and the recorder in front of Harley, Harley will think that Diana is the transcendent.

"Gudong." The Caster swallowed a mouthful of saliva and murmured: "Wonder Woman, transcended from the multiverse story?"

He is the creator, but he now feels a suffocating pressure from Diana.

It seems that she alone has surpassed the entire multiverse in size.

"Wonder Woman has become a golden man. Has she succeeded?" Luther asked.

He has mortal eyes and did not see the "Wonder Woman" in the historical story. In fact, except Harley, no one else, including the Caster, has seen it.

Luther could not judge whether Diana's power at this time was transcendent.

In his eyes, Wonder Woman's biggest change came from her appearance, from a sexy female warrior who had experienced war to an expressionless golden man.

At this time, Diana seemed to be cast from gold, even her eyelids and eyeballs were pure gold.

The armor on her body did not change, it was still the Amazon warrior's costume, but like her, it turned into pure gold.

It was not radiating golden light, but covering the entire body with a layer of "gold".

"Of course it succeeded, didn't you feel it? The world story of our universe is completely over." Harley said in a complicated tone.

The recorder lamented: "The world story is marked, and I still haven't left this world, which completely violated the rules of the omnipotent universe clerk."

-Save your life first and then consider other things, Harley Quinn may not let you go!

The caster next to him complained in his heart.

"World story." Luther was stunned and looked down at his hands.

He seemed to be normal.

Everything about him still existed, including memories, stories, and flesh and blood.

But he did feel that he was different from before.

He and this world seemed to become illusory and no longer real.

This feeling is like a normal person waking up from a dream, and it is difficult to distinguish between reality and dreams in a trance, and the sense of existence of the world is very erratic.

"Witch Harley!" The Laughing Bat roared in anger in the distance, "Why can't you accept me? Why must you kill me at all costs?

You once thought of asking Dr. Manhattan to help you deal with the crisis of destruction.

I am stronger, wiser, braver and more responsible than Dr. Manhattan.

He was a coward, abandoning the world and running away before the crisis officially began.

But I have a stronger determination than you to fight against the giant hand tribe, why don't you try to join forces with me?"

When the "Golden Wonder Woman" appeared, he immediately understood Harley's determination.

He devoured Papetua and gained all the crisis power. He has the ability to restart the multiverse, and she understands this.

But she chose to drain all the story power, even if she couldn't restart it, she had to kill him.

This is more determined than Harley's killing intention to attack him personally.

If he took action personally, his situation would be bad, but after trying a few tricks and finding that she couldn't take him down quickly, she might not compromise.

Now the world story has ended, the power of the story has been drained, almost a desperate move. She did not personally go down, but her determination to kill him has no room for reversal.

Crazy Laugh is a smart man. He has understood that the beautiful scene in the "Crazy Laugh Plan" - he forced Harley to "cooperate with the magic bat", each with his own ulterior motives but first fighting against the outside world - will never become a reality. He was extremely angry and even a little desperate.

"Do you think she can deal with me? I will tear her apart in front of you!"

He roared, threw away the other heroes, and instantly came to Golden Diana.


Diana was caught off guard but reacted instinctively, bursting out a powerful creation power. The two super-level powers collided and directly tore the dimensional barrier of the creation galaxy.

The huge impact spread to the DC multiverse outside.

Even mortals in the material universe can see that the sky is broken like a glass dome, revealing the dark, cold, empty and empty outside.

There is no matter, no energy, and no laws in the void. They only use their eyes to see it, and they feel cold all over and their souls tremble.

Golden Diana and Black Laughing Bat, like two wild boars in a wooden fence, directly break through the fence (the cosmic dimension barrier) and rush out of the house (outside the universe).

They rolled several times in the first ring, and their bodies quickly expanded to be larger than the universe.

Without a breath, they controlled their bodies a little, and they wrestled again.

You hit me with your fists, and I hit you with my head as a battering ram.

Laughing Bat's palm radiated brilliant Manhattan quantum energy, and Diana held up a "golden sun" in her palm.

"Alas, it's horrible. These two are almost the worst transcendents I have ever seen. Their fight is the lowest-tech transcendental battle."

Although Diana and Laughing Bat are huge, imposing, and their punches and kicks have unimaginable power, the recorder frowned and shook his head.

"They are all novices and have not yet fully adapted to the power of transcendence." Harley said.

"Harley, should we go up to help? I mean us, you continue to put on a calm expression of confidence and pretend to be cool on the side." Hal said.

Harley hesitated for a moment and said, "You can wait for a while."

"Wait for Diana to adapt to the anti-crisis power?"

"Wait for the reaction of the Eagle Judge." Harley stared at the battlefield and analyzed, "I have now lifted Diana's 'Hallelujah' state.

That is to say, Diana can only rely on the anti-crisis power to fight against Mad Laughter.

Mad Laughter only has crisis power, Papetua wisdom and divine power, and Dr. Manhattan's quantum energy connection power.

Theoretically, Diana will be at a disadvantage."

"Diana is already at a disadvantage." Superman shouted.

Mad Laughter now hugged Wonder Woman around the waist and ran forward like a mad buffalo.

There were huge and hard fragments of the Origin Wall in front of him. Diana's back was like a shield in Mad Laughter's hand, hitting the huge fragments hard, causing meteorites to explode and Diana to scream miserably in pain.

"Diana is not only Wonder Woman, she is also the daughter of the Eagle, the second and third revelation! The Eagle Judge certainly doesn't want her to lose.

After all, now not only are we and them watching, many transcendents in the omnipotent universe are also paying attention to the changes in our universe." Harley said meaningfully.

"What else can the Eagle Judge do now?" asked Superman.

"I want to know too."

Harley has buried a trace of consciousness deep in Diana's soul. No matter what changes happen in Diana's body, she will know it at the first time.

No matter what the Eagle Judge wants to do, once it is done, it will inevitably change Diana.

After about a hundred moves, the situation of the transcendental battle has changed significantly.

Diana not only stabilized the situation, but also began to fight back with Crazy Laughter. From the previous nine hits and one hit, it became a 50-50 split, five hits and five hits.

"Harley, did the Eagle Judge intervene? I feel that Diana's strength has increased a lot." All the heroes saw it.

Harley looked calm and didn't speak, but she was a little surprised and doubtful in her heart.

She also felt that Diana's power was increasing, and the power of the black laughter was weakening at the same time.

Is it an illusion?

"Diana, what's wrong with you?" The consciousness hidden in the depths of Diana's soul asked quietly.

In order to avoid the Eagle Judge's detection, the consciousness did not actively sense the operation of the "Power of Creation Connection" in Diana's body.

"What do you mean?" Diana seemed to be stunned for a while.

Then the trend of her aura gradually growing began to weaken, and even stagnated.

"Is your power growing? It seems to have stopped now. Alas, maybe I shouldn't disturb you." Harley was a little surprised and a little annoyed.

"It doesn't matter. When I get rid of distracting thoughts, I can return to my previous state."

Diana said this, and her aura really began to grow again.

Harley asked in surprise: "How did you do it? Was it the Eagle Judge?"

Diana said: "It should have nothing to do with the Eagle Judge. I don't know the specific reason. At the beginning, I was in a complicated mood. On the one hand, I was annoyed that I had gained anti-crisis power, but I was still no match for Crazy Laugh; on the other hand, I was worried that I couldn't take down Crazy Laugh, which would make your plan of pacifying the country before fighting against foreign enemies fail; on the other hand, I was considering the sense that the Eagle Judge showed to me. The more chaotic my thoughts were, the worse my state was.

Crazy Laugh seemed to see it, and he mocked and tempted me in various ways through mental transmission.

He also wanted me to stop fighting, join hands with him to restart the multiverse, and rebuild a normal multiverse according to my will.

When I punched him in the face and heard his miserable howl, I suddenly understood one thing-I am a warrior, I will never give in in a fight, no matter how much the odds of winning are or what the result is. No matter what, I will fight for the belief in my heart regardless of everything.

My belief is not the glory of winning the victory myself, I carry the expectations of you and everyone, and the belief of all living beings, I want to fight for everyone.

No matter what the Eagle Judge and the Giant Hand Clan think, no matter how strong the Laughing Bat is, at this moment, I just need to fight.

A wonderful thing happened. When I maintained this pure fighting belief, the power in my body began to be as powerful as my arm.

When I started to fight back, I could even clearly sense the emotions of the Laughing Bat.

My counterattack surprised and frightened him.

When he began to fear, I found that the power in his body was transferred to me.

His power of creation weakened, and mine strengthened. ”

Harley thought of the recorder’s evaluation of Diana-her transcendental characteristic is the will to fight without giving up.

The transcendental state has little to do with actual combat power, and it is mainly reflected in the sublimation of a certain spiritual quality.

The so-called "spiritual quality" is divinity in magic practice.

Diana's trait is her fighting spirit that never gives up, so the more she fights, the stronger she becomes. The more she maintains her fighting spirit in battle, the higher her transcendental realm becomes, and the more smoothly she can control the transcendental power.

Crazy Laugh should also have "traits", but his "traits" are probably related to the "Crazy Laugh Plan". He is used to hiding in the dark and plotting, and is not suitable for direct combat.

At least it is not the same as Diana's, which is a trait in terms of fighting spirit.

He cannot improve his transcendental attributes in battle. The more he fights, the more panicked and frightened he becomes, and finally he cannot control the transcendental power. However, Harley does not understand why his power flows to Diana.

Is it because his crisis power and Diana's anti-crisis power come from the same world story? Mutual attraction?

Or is it Diana's own talent? Or did the Eagle Judge do something?

"Diana" just thought of the Eagle Judge, and the "Eagle's Voice" suddenly sounded in Diana's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Eagle's Voice" means literally, the sound of an eagle crying.

"You are... Eagle Judge?" Diana said in surprise.

A huge eagle with its wings spread appeared in her mind, exactly the same as the image of the Eagle Judge she saw in the Creator's memory.

Harry quickly curled up her consciousness and hid it deep in Diana's soul core.

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