I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 2064: To pacify the country before fighting against foreign enemies

Harley did hesitate.

If there was no external threat from the Giant Hand Clan, she would not have any delay after entering the Creation Galaxy. She would rush towards Kuangxiao as soon as possible. Regardless of whether Pam was saved or digested completely, she would just go up and give her a heavy beating.

At this time, the Crisis Universe was shattered and the multiverse was completely structurally disintegrated, leaving her with nothing to worry about.

But laughter is only one of the elements of the crisis, not even a key element. The Giant Hands are the ones that bring the greatest pressure to Harley.

Harley's hesitation lies in how to deal with Crazy Laughter, rather than whether to join forces with him to fight against the enemy.

Even if she agreed to form a temporary alliance with Crazy Laughter with a smile on her face, she was just deceiving him, intending to use him as cannon fodder to delay and contain the giant-hand transcendent. Crazy Laughter must have the same idea.

It is impossible for them to cooperate sincerely, and everyone knows this in their hearts.

But if they had a conflict now and fought in front of the Giant Hand Clan whose true strength and bottom line were unknown, and the Giant Hand Clan laughed at them or even took advantage of them, that would be too shameful and stupid.

It is very possible that the Giant Hands originally had concerns when seeing Harley's showdown, and finally reached a compromise with her.

As a result, when I saw her and Kuangxiao only focusing on "internal strife" at the critical moment, I suddenly felt that she was an idiot, and immediately determined to harvest the DC multiverse, never compromising with idiots or idiots.

Moreover, Harley already knew from the recorder that at this time, many eyes in the Almighty Universe were paying attention to the changes in the DC multiverse.

She was embarrassed and stupid in front of countless almighty powerful men in the universe, so where could she put her face?

Another reason is that the structure of the multiverse has completely fallen apart, but the three creators and she are all working as framers, trying their best to protect most of the structure.

Just like the hidden reminder of Crazy Laughter: If Harry puts more power into him, there will be less power to save the parallel universe, and many worlds and lives will die as a result.

In the process of mutual confrontation, whoever has more worries in his heart will easily fall into the disadvantage.

But no matter how many reasons Harley had not to fight with Laughter at this time, she had even more reluctance to let Laughter get his way.

Her hesitation was not about considering the possibility of compromise, but about how to solve the problem with the lowest impact and lowest cost.

Or, now take Kuangxiao to meet the Giant Hands outside the universe and see if they can talk. If not, sell Kuangxiao to create an opportunity for her to win over a Giant Hand clansman.

As long as she can capture a Giant Hand clansman, she can gain the true origin of the Giant Hand clan. If they have new and stronger powers, she can also activate their defensive expertise.

She had countless thoughts in her mind and her thoughts were very complicated, so she showed some hesitation.

Kuangxiao and the people around her could also see her hesitation.

Seeing her hesitating and laughing wildly, she would only feel proud and happy. The heroes of Zhenglian were helpless and miserable. Luther gritted his teeth and refused to laugh wildly. His plan was successful again.

But besides them, there were also Superboy Prime and the Legion of Destruction!

Laughing might have accounted for everything. The development of the situation had always been within his prediction and plan, but he never predicted Superboy Supreme's reaction.

In other words, he didn't consider Superboy-Prime's reaction at all and didn't think Superboy-Prime could affect his plan.

Therefore, Superboy-Prime's current outburst was completely not part of his plan.

Superboy Prime was already hesitant to save Pam. As the villains around him said, Pam was never qualified to demand their loyalty because she herself had no character of loyalty and trust.

He no longer paid attention to the weak and pitiful pleas for help from the Laughing Bat, and began to think about whether to leave the Legion of Destruction and fly solo again, or to accept the identity of the Laughing Bat as the "Father of Destruction", continue to contribute to the cause of destruction, and continue to work with the Laughing Bat. Justice League and Harley Quinn.

After all, Witch Harley came here with Zheng Lian.

To fight against her, you need the power of the God of Creation. If the Legion of Destruction wants to survive, they can only rely on Laughter, or at least let Laughter create opportunities for them to escape.

As a result, the next moment, Kuangxiao said that he wanted to serve a new goddess. The new goddess was the Holy Aunt of Heaven, the witch he hated most, Harley.

——Male Gobi, you are treating me like a monkey!

He was shocked and angry.

Laughing wildly wants to serve Witch Harley, and is joining forces to support him. Witch Harley also shows obvious hesitation. They may really reach a cooperation, and by then, he will be dead.

If that's the case, then he should strike first.

"Laughing wildly, I'm going to kill you."

Superboy-Prime suddenly added a role to himself, from a minor supporting role on the margins to the protagonist in the center of the stage, even more dazzling than Harley.

Harley was still whirling with thoughts, and faster than his thoughts, his fist had already hit the smiling face.

"Traitor, you betrayed the Mother of Creation, and you still want to serve the Witch Harley. You are a shameless, despicable, faithless monster, and continue to laugh wildly!"

He actually punched Kuangxiao away!

Crazy laughter fell on the Creation Star, smashing the continental plate into a deep crater, with spider web-like ground cracks covering thousands of miles.

Before Laughing could shake his head and get up, Superboy-Prime pounced on him again, punching Laughing again and again, hitting Laughing on the head and chest.

There was no howling in the maniacal laughter, but his manic laughter did stop.

"Idiot, what are you doing?" He was still a little angry, "Do you know what the God of Creation is? Your fists can't hurt me at all!"

"Who cares about you, God of Creation, I'm going to beat you to death!"

Superboy-Prime ignored him and continued to punch and laugh wildly.

Crazy Laugh summoned up his divine power and tried to raise his hand to block, but he couldn't keep up with the movements of Supreme Superboy, and was punched in the chest. In an instant, the energy in his body surged, and endless brilliant golden light (the power of Pamu's connection that had not yet been fully digested and mastered) penetrated the dark surface of his body and burst into this pale blue Creation Galaxy.

"Asshole, you can't hurt me at all, but you ruined my plan!" There was uncontrollable anger in Crazy Laugh's low voice.

"Crazy Laugh still has a plan? What is he planning?" Superboy in the distance was surprised.

Harley said strangely: "Trash Superboy didn't let him lose blood, but tore off his sacred coat, so that we, mainly me, could see the ugly nature under his full-fledged appearance."

"What did you see? Crazy Laugh is ugly?" Superboy had already stimulated his super vision to the limit, but he could only see a bright and dazzling light.

Not only did the Supreme Xiaochao beat Kuangxiao so hard that his body radiated divine power, but their fight also broke through the crust of the Creation Star, causing rolling magma to burst out.

The Creation Star was created by Mother Pa and is the foundation of the Creation Galaxy. The magma in the center of the earth is not the solid or liquid minerals of ordinary planets, but pure energy. The erupted magma is brilliant enough to condense into colloid creation energy.

Now the battlefield between Xiaochao and Kuangxiao has been wrapped in a frenzy of energy light, and even Superman with super vision can't see it clearly.

The other heroes who stared with wide eyes and watched hard were also stimulated by the divine power and their eyes were red and tears were streaming.

Luther turned his head and stopped looking at the battlefield. He just smiled strangely and said, "Harley means that before, Crazy Laugh suddenly attacked and devoured Papetua, and also absorbed all the crisis power, so she couldn't figure out the depth.

Considering the Giant Hand Clan outside, she was not sure how to deal with Crazy Laugh.

Should she temporarily form an alliance with him, or fight with Crazy Laugh in front of outsiders?

This is a tangled choice.

The situation is special at this time. If you make a wrong choice, the price you pay will be very high.

Once you want to fight with Crazy Laugh but can't take it down cleanly - it's best to take it down in one move, you will show your weakness to the Giant Hand Clan watching outside, and even cause the Giant Hand Clan to sneer and look down on you.

Originally, Harley might be able to scare the Giant Hand Clan by pretending to be tough, but the result is that showing your face becomes showing your butt, and the Giant Hand Clan will definitely become tougher and meaner.

It is precisely because Harley's situation and possible reactions were considered in advance that Crazy Laugh confidently came up with an 'alliance' Plan'.

Even if Papetua died and the location of the Genesis Galaxy was exposed, it was still in his plan. He bet that Harley would not tear him apart immediately when she saw him. "

Luthor glanced at Harley with a smile on her face, and then looked at the heroes who were thinking, "Laughing's plan is almost coming true. I don't know what Harley thinks. Anyway, you have been intimidated by him. You instinctively want to put the overall situation first. Deal with the crisis of the Giant Hand Clan outside first, and then consider how to deal with Laughing.

As a result, Laughing calculated everything, but he didn't expect that the madman Prime Superboy.

Superboy Prime is not only stupid, but also crazy and unpredictable.

He was able to sneak attack his boss, Anti-Monitor, at the critical moment of the battle of the Color Light Corps, which led to the loss of the good situation of the Yellow Lantern Corps. Today, he was furious and beat Laughing, which was a normal reaction.

Haha, it's a pity that Laughing didn't expect it. "

"Harley said that Superboy Prime didn't even let Laughing lose blood. "Diana said.

"When the gods start bleeding, they are no longer gods. I don't have super vision to see the truth behind the brilliance of the divine power. But we are sure that the mysterious halo on the Laughing Bat has disappeared."

Luthor looked at Harley again, staring into her eyes, and said confidently: "Harley, you are ready to attack the Laughing Bat, right?

A mere Superboy Prime can make him helpless, and we have hundreds of "Supermen" here!

Harley doesn't need to do anything, just rely on you heroes, there is hope to take down the Laughing Bat."

Harley neither admitted nor denied, just said: "The Laughing Bat was just a little caught off guard, he still has the mind to pay attention We can hear your analysis. "

Luther sighed: "I am not showing off my wisdom in front of this group of righteous heroes.

I am just saying something that Kuangxiao already knows - when he was successfully attacked by Supreme Superboy, you will definitely not tolerate his plan.

Didn't he just roar at Supreme Superboy angrily that he couldn't hurt Him, but ruined His plan?

Supreme Superboy ruined Kuangxiao's plan to force you to accept "first fight against foreign enemies and then stabilize the country", he has this awareness-"


The shrill scream of Supreme Superboy interrupted Luther's words, and then everyone saw the golden and red energy covering half of the continent of Genesis Star suddenly exploded.

Supreme Superboy was like a meteor, losing control of himself and flying into the void outside.

"Ah, Supreme Superboy was defeated!" Big Superboy exclaimed.

Supreme Superboy was not only defeated, he almost lost his vitality.

Before, he had been wearing dark blue anti-monitoring armor-which could continuously provide him with yellow solar energy and was immune to most magical damage.

At this time, the anti-monitor armor was broken into pieces, with only a few fragments hanging on the body.

The muscles and skin exposed outside could hardly be seen in their original appearance. They were eroded and atrophied, as if the essence of life had been drained, and they were burnt and dripping with oil, as if they were roasted on a stove until they were 80% done.

Harley could see something that ordinary people could not see: Xiaochao's soul was smashed into powder by the attack of the laughing existence field.

If the original soul was a transparent gelatin, now his soul has become a granular mist.

"Xiao Chao, wake up and cheer up!" Da Chao had already rushed over and held Xiao Chao in his arms.

"Superman." Looking at Da Chao's familiar face and the genuine caring expression on his face, Superboy looked back on his life almost in an instant.

He thought of his love for heroic comics and his admiration for Superman when he was a boy.

"Superman, I actually want to be a hero." A tear rolled down from the corner of his eye, and Superboy Supreme cried.

"You are a hero. No matter what you have done before, you are a hero now. If you dare to shake your fist at the laughter, you have lost your way."

Seeing Xiao Chao reveal his true feelings when he was dying, Da Chao also had red eyes and choked up his voice.

"Thank you~~" Superboy Supreme murmured, and with a tilt of his head, he was about to have a satisfactory ending. At least he was satisfied at this moment.

"Xiao Chao~~~~~" Da Chao felt the disappearance of life in his arms and let out an excited and sad cry.

"Don't scream. He hasn't accepted the 'Multiverse Adultery Trial' yet. How could I let him die so easily?"

Harley floated over like a ghost and slapped Superboy on the head. Scarlet light flashed. Superboy's soul that had turned into powder condensed into shape again, and his broken body quickly returned to its original state.

Not only did Harley use her defensive feats to dissipate the Manhattan quantum energy damage from his body, but she also activated the recorder's fire elemental bonding power.

Use the power of connection to repair your soul.

"Witch Harley. You saved me." Superboy Supreme woke up in a daze.

"Papetua is dead, and Luther almost got the atonement. But the crisis of destruction is so big, and someone has to come out to quell the people's complaints. Therefore, you will accept the 'Multiverse Traitor Trial' as the leader of destruction. You must not die before the trial is over," Harley said.

Superboy-Prime's confused mind quickly came to his senses, and his "superman-like face" that had just lost his surly temper became distorted.

"No, I don't want you to save~~" He pushed Dachao away hard and watched Harley hesitate for 0.01 seconds, then turned into a beam of light and rushed towards the Laughing Bat on the Creation Star again.

Crazy Laughter was sullenly calming down the magma explosion on the Creation Star when he saw Superboy Super rushing over, raising his right hand and shooting out a beam of golden and blue energy lightning from his palm.

"Boom - crackle~~~"

Superboy-Prime's entire body almost exploded from the inside out, and his muscles and bones were broken, but he just howled miserably, and did not directly turn into a pool of blood mist like an ordinary person during the "Manhattan Existence Field Attack".

Harley said in surprise: "'Superman' is indeed the protagonist. After the explosion, he can even resist physical attacks naked."

Superboy-Prime had at least one set of "anti-surveillance armor" before, but now he's almost naked as he charges towards Laughing.

The existence field attack can break down the living body into the tiniest particles, but Superboy only had broken bones and tendons, and a large amount of blood oozed from his skin. It would be even worse for him not to die than to die.

"Ah, it hurts so much, it hurts me to death~~~" He was in too much pain, his body was twisted into a knot, and every muscle in his body was trembling.

"Trash Superboy, don't be afraid. With me here, you will never miss being watched by hundreds of millions of viewers - including your hometown folks and parents Luo Li (his girlfriend) who can all receive the live broadcast signal of the multiverse. The ultimate rape trial'.

Harley once again helped him dispel the remaining quantum energy in his body, and also used the power of the fire element to repair his soul and body.

"Witch Harley, don't force me!"

Superboy-Prime roared at Harley, but turned around and rushed towards Laughing Man in the classic Superman flying pose.

"Laughing wildly, I will beat you to death. If I beat you to death, I will be the hero who saves the multiverse!"

This time, he actually withstood the on-site attack and rushed to Kuangxiao, and punched Kuangxiao away.

"You crazy, idiot, it's the Witch Harley who wants to judge you, go and beat her up!"

Crazy Laughter was completely irritated, gave up his presence attack, and struggled with Superboy-Prime.

"You are the idiot. Witch Harley can even bring me back from death. If I go to find her, won't I definitely be sent to the 'rape trial stand'?

If you have the guts, beat me to death completely so that Witch Harley can no longer tease me. "

Superboy Supreme didn't scream as "boldly" as before. His scream was a bit vague and not very loud. He seemed to be afraid of being heard by others, and his tone was also a little aggrieved.

"As you wish!" Kuangxiao understood a truth: At this time, Witch Harley saw the internal strife between him and Superboy Prime, just like the Giant Hand clan saw the internal strife between him and Witch Harley. It was a condescending attitude towards watching the show.

In order not to be laughed at by the giant-hand clan, the witch Harley would rather make peace with him.

He will only be prouder than Witch Harley.

"BOOOOM!" The maniacal laughter was like a detonated nuclear bomb, erupting with enough creation power to submerge less than half of the creation star.

"Ah~~~" Superboy-Prime's body is like firewood in a stove, "burning" and decomposing into nothingness at a speed visible to the naked eye - "Whoosh!"

Before he could be completely decomposed by the power of Manhattan, a beam of golden light, like a fairy from the sky, stood in front of him.

Although his body was completely bruised and his muscular body had been shrunk, Superboy-Prime was not completely dead and could still be saved.

"Xiaochao, please step aside first and leave the laughter to me! Hallelujah~~~"

Superboy-Prime looked forward with his eyelidless and bloody eyes, and saw Wonder Woman holding up the "thick-skinned shield" and already entangled with the Laughing Bat.

"I don't need you to save me, get out of the way, Crazy Laughter is mine" His lips turned into minced meat and disappeared, still struggling and murmured.

"Little Super, you have done your best, retreat first, Harley, you save him."

Big Super also flew over, took him away from the battlefield quickly, then called out to several Justice League giants, and rushed towards Crazy Laughter together.

"Fuck, I don't want to participate in the trial of traitors, I am not a traitor, I want to be a hero"

Looking at Harley who was laughing maliciously beside him, Supreme Little Super cried again, crying desperately and sadly.

"Witch Harley, I know what you think. You think that a mere Supreme Little Superman can fight with me for a few moves. If you arrange a few more "supermen" and add your thick-skinned gods, you can kill me. Even if they fight hard, as long as you don't make a move, the giant hand tribe outside will still not laugh at you, and may even look up to you.

But you underestimate me too much. With just this group of trash, you will never hurt me at all.

I will make you regret it and let you see your friends being beaten to death by me with your own eyes."

The Laughing Bat is more frustrated and angry than the Supreme Little Superman at this time.

The Supreme Little Superman can only bear it when he is angry, but the Laughing Bat has the supreme power to vent his emotions.

At this time, he has lost his flesh and blood body and completely turned into a black shadow of thought. His face can't be seen clearly, and only his eyes and mouth with energy light can be seen.

The black shadow is erratic, shuttling back and forth among the heroes, avoiding the fists of the supermen, but he himself holds the blue and golden-red power of creation, and presses hard on the chest and head of the heroes.

The blue quantum energy connection force comes from Dr. Manhattan, mainly the existence field attack; the golden red energy comes from Palmer and the Crisis Force, which can control the fourteen basic forces of the universe like Palmer, showing all the effects he wants.

The laughter at this time is indeed very strong, but the performance of the heroes of the Justice League is even more unexpected.

They actually blocked part of the laughter's attack.

Superman, like Superboy Prime, was hit by the existence field attack. He only let out a painful howl and was not decomposed into the most basic particles.

Hal Jordan even blocked the attack of the Creation Force with his invisible light.

Obviously, the heroes exploded as usual.

Harley looked at the battlefield not far away calmly, but her tone was not calm, "Recorder, do they have reached the transcendent realm with their current performance?"

The recorder said in a complicated tone: "They are indeed amazing, worthy of being the original power, and the protagonist of the fairy tale of the eternal universe.

However, whether they can transcend depends on whether the 'source' favors them.

If they are favored by the 'source' and their own power is sublimated into the power of connection, they will be transcendent.

If they can't sense the 'source' and can't get a response from the 'source', even if they are enough to defeat the transcendent, they are still not transcendent.

Now they can't even sense the 'source', so it's difficult to judge the specific realm."

In the DC multiverse, the realm is simply the realm of magic and mind, but in the omnipotent universe, magic is just one of the countless ways to transcend.

The recorder will not think that the heroes have no realm at all because they don't understand magic.

Like the previous Supreme Little Superman and the current Superman, he feels that they are really on the verge of transcendence.

It's just that their realm is very unstable, and the state of "on the verge of transcendence" cannot be maintained for a long time.

In just a few words, Superman and several Supermen from the parallel universe were defeated by Crazy Laughter and fell to the ground in the distance like a meteor.

If it weren't for Diana, Aquaman, Dinah and other thick-skinned gods who were holding him back, Crazy Laughter would have killed a lot of people by now.

"The one with the greatest potential for transcendence should be Wonder Woman. No wonder the Eagle Judge chose her." The recorder commented: "Others only rely on their passion. They are strong at first, and after a few waves, they are exhausted and their minds are withered. They become weaker and weaker.

Only Wonder Woman is an exception. She has a special fighting talent. She never admits defeat and becomes stronger and stronger.

This trait is the root of her approach to transcendence, not her own magic realm and combat strength."

"What specific aspects of transcendence are transcendent? Superman and Wonder Woman's magic realms are not high, but you think they all have transcendent postures. Do they have a high state of mind?" Luther asked in confusion.

The recorder said: "The transcendent state has little to do with the actual combat power displayed. It is mainly reflected in the sublimation of a certain spiritual quality into a state of mind.

The spiritual quality of a magic practitioner is divinity.

When divinity is sublimated into a concept of thinking, it has the initial qualification of transcendence.

Only the divinity of thinking can withstand the power of the 'source'.

You ordinary cosmic people, even the gods you call, are not qualified to face the 'source' directly.

You should understand this. I remember that in the giant beast crisis and the recent resentful woman crisis, the gods were directly attacked by the breath of powerful beings.

Even the breath of the giant beast and the wretched woman can turn your gods into a ray of energy. The ‘source’ is obviously far superior to the giant beast and the mother of magic.

Non-thinking cannot exist in the omnipotent universe, and non-thinking cannot communicate with the powerful ‘source’.

Next, communicate with the ‘source’, and the thinking divinity will communicate and blend with the ‘source’, and the divine power will transform into the power of connection. ”

“So that’s it, divinity is the development of the magic path of characteristics, but it is not the only manifestation of characteristics-ah, Harley, Wonder Woman was also knocked away by the laughter, and she is vomiting blood!” Luther exclaimed.

Harley pondered: “It seems that the heroes of the Justice League alone cannot solve the laughter. ”

She quietly activated the defense force field and spread it to the battlefield below.

The already 11th level of the power of connection defense force field is a natural counter to Kuangxiao.

"Witch Harley, stop deceiving yourself."

Kuangxiao immediately felt the powerful suppression effect of the defense force field and knew that Harley was playing tricks.

"You can deceive the ignorant cosmic people, but you can't deceive yourself, you can't deceive me, and you can't deceive the sacred and great giant hand tribe outside - you have now personally participated in this battle, and your God's force field is your hands and your feet."

"Your enemy is us, don't desert!" Superman came to him like lightning and punched him away.

Before Kuangxiao could get up, Diana and several other heroes rushed over again.

The situation reversed for a while, and Kuangxiao began to be beaten by the heroes.

Within the range of the defense force field, although the heroes did not get any buffs and their own strength did not increase, they had a qualitative change in defense and were almost completely immune to Kuangxiao's energy attack.

Even though the energy attack from Crazy Laugh was a creation power attack, it was still weakened by the force field to the point where the energy structure almost collapsed.

"Hahaha, Crazy Laugh, where's your plan?" Luther was extremely excited and mocked loudly on the side, "Don't you like to make all kinds of plans in advance? Did you expect this ending?

Harley didn't even get off the field, and you couldn't hold on.

I said it long ago, 'Crazy Laugh's Plan' is a piece of shit in front of the great power that can overturn the chessboard."

Harley frowned and said, "Luther, where is your belief machine? It can be activated now."

"What?" Luther was stunned for a while before reacting, "The situation is just right now, Crazy Laugh will be beaten to death by them, there is no need to activate the belief machine at all."

Harley sighed, "It's just a good scene. If this intensity is maintained for 10,000 or 100,000 years, Crazy Laugh will not die. But Crazy Laugh is not a wooden man, he has a temper and the ability to leave the battlefield.

I think he can't bear it anymore. If he doesn't activate the belief machine, he will run away."

"But you haven't made a move yet! Even if Crazy Laugh wants to run, you won't let it go, right?" Luther said.

Harley changed to voice transmission and said, "The Giant Hands outside are watching. I can almost see their figures. They are just outside the second ring. There are at least five of them (ps).

In the shadows, I saw five huge figures. It is not clear how many people came.

Each of the five people alone has a breath ten times stronger than the recorder.

Obviously, I must maintain my status now. I must not personally go out to let outsiders see through the truth. I can't let them think that we are idiots who "fight internally before fighting against external enemies."

If a mere hero can take down Kuangxiao, it is not an internal fight, but "pacifying the country before fighting against external enemies."

The key is that we are calm in this process.

The more we behave, the more The stronger and more impressive we are, the more they will respect us and treat us as ‘people’ of equal status.

Do you remember your ‘ant theory’?

Only if the Giant Hand tribe treats us as people rather than ants, there will be a possibility of negotiation and compromise. ”

“At least five? !” Luther’s scalp tingled, “It’s just a multiverse, is it necessary?

You said that the core members of the Giant Hand tribe may not be many, so they don’t care about efficiency?

Even if we are completely harvested, the story power of a universe is enough for their travel expenses and lost wages from afar? ”

Not to mention that the strength of a single member of the Giant Hand tribe is ten times stronger than that of the recorder, even if there are only five recorders, he doubts that Harley can’t beat them.

Taking down the recorder by surprise and being besieged by five recorders are completely different concepts.

“What the Giant Hand tribe does is not something we can decide, and it is not something you should care about at this time. Hurry up and start the belief machine.” Harley said.

(ps: There is no tough character like Harley in the original comics, but there are five omnipotent universe transcendents. The giant hand tribe does not follow the setting of "invincible in the world, enemies come from the sky, just enough for the protagonist to show off".

They don't use any tactics to add fuel to the fire. According to the giant hand tribe's way, the DC protagonists have no chance to survive.

Alas, foreign authors don't understand the basic setting of our online novels that "the new BOSS is strong but enough for the protagonist to show off".

By the way, the battle between Supreme Xiaochao and Kuangxiao in the original comics is a bit like the Eight Gates Kai vs. White Spot in "Naruto". Eight Gates Kai almost kicked out a big ending. Supreme Xiaochao. Uh, although Xiaochao beat Kuangxiao to a pulp, he didn't hurt Kuangxiao at all. Kuangxiao was furious and killed Xiaochao with one move.)

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