All superheroes who participated in the Heroes' Paradise meeting, whether from the main universe or the parallel universe, once they understood the current situation in the multiverse, they had the consciousness to face all dangers, even at the expense of their lives.

But after entering the three crisis universes, the scenes they faced still left them at a loss.

According to the original plan, they should nip the crisis in the bud, because Harley clearly told them that ending the crisis would not stop Papetua from absorbing the crisis power. As long as the crisis occurs, the crisis power will be generated.

Just like the main universe in the past few decades, the main universe encounters various large-scale crises from time to time. In each crisis, everyone can work together to overcome the difficulties, but Papetua inside the Origin Wall still gains crisis power from the crisis.

"Stand firm first, and then plan slowly. In short, safety comes first, don't be blindly impulsive."

This is Harley's last warning before they enter the Crisis Universe.

They feel that crises occur in sequence. After one crisis ends, it is as if the drama changes scenes and then enters the next crisis.

They think that the biggest danger is to get caught in an emerging crisis and be in a hurry.

As long as the immediate crisis is solved, they have a chance to prevent the next crisis before the scene changes.

Even if you fail once or twice, it doesn't matter. There are countless crises that are reincarnating.

They are wrong.

When they enter the crisis universe, they do not enter a conventional world where there is sky above, earth below, and time flows normally.

There was no ground under their feet and no sky above their heads. There were only rapidly flashing time frames around them, and familiar or unfamiliar crisis figures roared towards them.

There is Darkseid, there is the Dark Elite, there is General Zod, and there is Doomsday. In addition to the world-destroying "elite bosses", there are also traditional small bosses such as the Joker, Mr. Freeze, and Reverse Flash.

In short, all crises that occur in the multiverse of light, whether from the main universe or parallel universes, are staged simultaneously in the crisis universe.

That's right, time is not a continuous line, and crises do not occur one after another. Instead, they are juxtaposed at multiple points in time, and all crises occur almost at the same time.

The heroes fell into the time vortex, surrounded by countless crisis scenes and crisis characters.

They did not fall into the encirclement. They seemed to have countless time clones, and there was one of them at every point in time. In other words, they felt that they existed at many points in time at the same time, facing countless crisis scenes at the same time, and fighting countless enemies at the same time. A battle of wits and courage.

They didn't even have time to breathe and think, because they were not at the beginning of the crisis. The crises at countless points in time were at their most intense and turbulent stage.

For example, when Super Chao saw Doomsday, it was not when Luther or the U.S. government had just used the Kryptonian incubator to incubate Doomsday. Instead, he appeared directly on the streets of a broken metropolis. Doomsday was roaring and destroying everything in front of him, including just now. Dachao appears.

Dachao didn't have a chance to prepare a plan, the bone spurs of Doomsday had already poked him.

At the same time, Dachao was also facing the crisis of Kryptonian invasion. At another parallel time point, he also appeared in Metropolis. Zod led the heavily armed Kryptonian warriors to kill the earth's army. He suddenly appeared on the battlefield, Become a target of fire.

At another parallel time point that happened at the same time, Dachao encountered Darkseid's invasion of the earth. At another parallel time point that happened at the same time, Dachao encountered the crisis of a giant ferocious beast. The giant ferocious beast did not have the momentum and power of Little Black Bean at all. Power is just a copycat demon made up of hell's magic power. Another parallel time point happened at the same time. Dachao heard Bateman calling him, saying that the clown had kidnapped Louise and told him to calm down.

There were countless crises, some big and some small. Dachao almost held his head and howled, "Ahhhh, too many, too many!"

Countless crises did not occur sequentially, they occurred simultaneously, and he seemed to be cut into countless pieces by time, participating in each crisis at the same time.

He cannot understand this phenomenon, but he can clearly perceive the information of each crisis.

Countless information gathered in his mind, and he almost went crazy.

Dachao is not the only one, all the heroes who enter the Crisis Universe are in a similar situation to him.

They only know that they are caught in countless crises at the same time, and they only instinctively fight the crisis boss in front of them.

They failed to realize that at this moment, a massive amount of crisis force erupted around them.

But they also knew that the situation was not good, because they heard the maniacal laughter of the black laughing bat.

He couldn't hear it clearly, but it seemed to be saying, "It was his plan to enter the Crisis Universe to stop the crisis."

Although they couldn't hear it clearly, the pride and joy in the laughter of the Ridiculous Bat was so strong that they could feel it.

It's going to happen!

As soon as this idea arose in their minds, the next moment, the "countless parallel time points" taking place in front of them fell into a lag at the same time.

It's like time is slowing down, but time slowing down does not reduce the frame rate. Instead, they feel that the natural world in front of them suddenly becomes stuck in a PPT, with serious frame drops and the picture is obviously no longer continuous.

"Ka, ka ka ka~~" Immediately afterwards, the space and time around them was like transparent glass, with cracks appearing.

"Witch Harley, you have to think clearly. Neither you nor your friends can bear the consequences of what you do." It was the Laughing Bat's wild laughter.

Although he was laughing, his laughter was full of solemnity and shock.


They finally heard Harley's voice.

They had been trapped in the time vortex and had not heard Harley's call before.

At this time, the river of time was shattered by Harley's slap.

The "multi-point parallel time vortex" arranged by Crazy Laughter broke into pieces.

The picture in front of the heroes had already been stuck in a PPT, and now even the screen was directly shattered.

Super saw with his own eyes that the fake Darkseid, Doomsday, Zod and other enemies in front of him flashed a few times and disappeared.

It was as if they were not real people, but holographic projections.

But Super was now bruised and swollen, the cape behind him was tattered, and his hair and face were covered with dirt.

They were not holographic projections, they were all real fakes, and he and the world they lived in were completely real.

"Okay, very good, Witch Harley, you are ruthless, but your act of smashing the crisis universe is still in my plan, hahahaha~~~ We'll see you later, you should quickly stabilize the multiverse structure, now countless parallel universes are collapsing! Every second of delay will cause countless lives to die. You must focus, and if you are a little distracted, you will save countless worlds."

The laughter gradually faded away, and the "fragments of the world screen" in front of Superman gradually faded and disappeared like broken ice in a hot spring.

After the fragments of the crisis universe dissipated, he only slightly adapted to the void environment, and then he saw more.

"Oh my god!" Superman shouted.

He first saw the dark multiverse like a high-rise building with its foundation blown off, and it collapsed rapidly in front of him.

One dark universe after another was like a gorgeous firework, he seemed to hear countless lives howling, and seemed to see countless worlds falling apart and heading towards destruction.

"The Laughing Bat didn't lie. After destroying the three dark crisis universes, the entire nightmare dimension cannot maintain a stable structure. No, not only the dark multiverse, but also the light multiverse--"

Superman was anxious and terrified. He quickly widened his eyes and turned his head to look around, trying to see the scene of the Wan Tianyi "below".

He is now in the dark multiverse, and the dark multiverse is in the sixth dimension, which is "higher" than the four-dimensional material universe, so he subconsciously lowered his head to look "below".

Even if he is Superman and can quickly adapt to any environment, he still can't see the Wan Tianyi at this time across multiple universe dimension barriers.

However, he can feel that the world is shaking violently and falling apart rapidly.

He didn't see it, but he can imagine what a tragic doomsday scene the light multiverse is at this time.

"Swish!" When he was emotionally excited, his eyes suddenly blurred and he had returned to the peaceful world furnace. Harley and the three creators were in front of him.

Superman looked around and saw hundreds of heroes of the Justice League. They were all people who entered the crisis universe with him.

Like him, their faces were filled with shock and worry, and their eyes were filled with fear and confusion.

They probably had many questions to ask, but they just looked at Harley in the distance and didn't speak.

Because Harley didn't stand there in a daze, she and the three creators had serious expressions, and they stimulated vast magic and creation power. The energy radiance on their bodies spread to the "downward", like a huge net bag, to hold the collapsed and split multiverse.

"Luther, what's the situation now?" Superman looked around and only found Luther with a serious expression.

Harley and the three creators were obviously stabilizing the collapsed multiverse structure and could not be disturbed.

The Essence Society was still praying to the Eagle Judge on the Meteorite Star at the End of the World. Only Luther was left at the scene. Although he had nothing to do, he didn't look confused.

"You have fallen into the plan of Crazy Laughing again." Luther didn't mock, his voice was muffled, and his face was not very good.

The heroes were defeated, and he should have laughed happily, but Crazy Laughing once again proved his wisdom, which made him even more upset.

Moreover, when Harley mentioned the "Laughing Plan", he always opposed the over-deification of Laughing and the "Laughing Plan".

Harley disagreed with the heroes entering the Crisis Universe to stop the crisis.

He felt that with Harley watching over him, he could give it a try. At most, he would fail, but he would not lose.

"The Eagle Judge cheated us." Luther quickly added, throwing the blame on the Eagle Judge who was far away in the universe.

"That damn 'third revelation' seriously misled us, it's even less reliable than the first and second revelations.

The first revelation at least confronted Papetua head-on, if it weren't for my conspiracy, you would have won at that time.

The second revelation was slightly inferior, before it could confront head-on, Papetua's clone disintegrated the faith of the 'second generation Eagle Daughter'.

The third revelation failed miserably before it even sprouted. Alas, it seems that the Transcendent is only more powerful, and cannot really control the unpredictable fate."

"What is the plan of the Laughing Bat? Why did Harley brazenly take action and blow up the three crisis universes?" Hal Jordan of the main universe stepped forward and asked Luther.

"I don't know the specific reason, but as soon as you three entered, the three crisis universes shone brightly, and endless power suddenly erupted.

The bright light even penetrated the dark universe and illuminated the world furnace here.

Obviously, this is a manifestation of the outbreak of the crisis. You have caused some unknown qualitative changes in the crisis universe.

It's like pouring gasoline on a pile of dry wood.

You originally planned to pour water to put out the fire, but you didn't expect to pour gasoline. A huge amount of crisis power was born. Seeing that the world story was about to be squeezed dry, Harley made a prompt decision and destroyed the three crisis universes."

Luther explained what he knew and asked the heroes about their experiences.

They talked about their feelings and experiences after entering the crisis universe.

They were roughly the same, experiencing countless crises at the same time, and had no time to think and understand the local situation.

"Time should be sequential, like a line, a river." Luther pondered, "But the Laughing Bat has the power of Manhattan, plus the power of creation of Papetua.

They cut a line of time into countless short but complete time periods, and the time periods are parallel and occur simultaneously.

You have entered the 'parallel timeline', as if divided into countless parts by time.

Its essence is still Dr. Manhattan's 'River of Time'.

Dr. Manhattan exists at every time point on the timeline.

Suppose countless crises are connected in series and occur sequentially, after event A ends, event B occurs, and after event B ends, event C takes its turn. This is the experience of a normal person, but Dr. Manhattan can exist in events A, B, C, etc. at the same time, and experience countless events at the same time."

Superman's face was pale, "It means that only one round has passed, and countless crises have occurred in the three crisis universes? The crisis forces generated by countless crises are superimposed together."

All the heroes looked ugly.

"Didn't you say that the time in the crisis universe flows very fast and there is no 'time parallel'?" A hero from a parallel universe asked.

"Yes, Harley Quinn has captured the River of Time, and has teamed up with the Creator to adjust the overall speed of time in the sixth dimension, thereby affecting the Crisis Universe."

Batman looked back at them and said, "Obviously, we have fallen into the plan of the Laughing Man."

Luther said, "'Time parallelism' is just a popular explanation for your convenience.

In fact, the Laughing Man did not really take a pair of scissors, cut the long River of Time into sections, and then connect them together.

He doesn't need to do that, he can let you enjoy the feeling of crossing time.

Didn't you experience countless crises at the same time, with so much information that your brain can hardly react?

Maybe that's the feeling of crossing the river of time and experiencing everything at the same time. .

Or, he used the time folding method to fold a timeline into countless segments, but he only folded it in another dimension that you cannot understand. In our sight, the river of time is still a line.

In short, as long as you understand Dr. Manhattan's ability, you can understand that your experience must be related to the laughter. "

He said bitterly: "Although I don't want to admit it, the laughter did plan us again, and we fell into the trap.

You should listen to Harley and blow up the crisis universe cleanly and neatly, and don't follow the idea of ​​laughter. "

"Okay, the laughter is Batman, and everyone understands Batman's plan, but I don't understand why when we enter the crisis universe, the crisis force will be squeezed and the power will soar. What is the principle?" Dinah asked.

"Because you are all original forces." Harley opened her eyes and sighed helplessly, "If you want to blame me, I was careless.

I only considered that the main universe and the node universe have a heavy weight in the multiverse structure, but ignored the reason why they are heavy is you.

Without you, even if the Dark Crisis Universe is constantly in crisis, the crisis story does not contain much power, and it cannot squeeze out too much crisis power.

But once you participate in those crises, the artificial 'copycat crisis' immediately becomes a 'simulated crisis' that is indistinguishable from the real thing.

Except for the lack of 'trademarks' and brand effects, it is almost exactly the same as the crisis events that really happened in the main universe.

This causes a large amount of crisis power to leak out."

"Why can we produce this effect? ​​The Crisis Universe can copy Darkseid, Zod, and Anti-Monitor, and it can also copy us." Dachao said.

"You are original forces, and you are the reason why the world story is important. Copycats are not original forces." Harley said.

"What is the original power? By the way, what is the current situation of the multiverse--"

Before Superman finished speaking, a scream that pierced his eardrums and shattered the void spread throughout the multiverse.

"Ahhh, monster, you dare to betray me~~~~~~~~"

Not only did the people in the World Crucible hear it, but ordinary people in the surviving universe also covered their ears in pain and squatted down.

When the scream passed through the void, it was even like a real force squeezing the void, producing tiny space cracks.

Countless space cracks spread from one direction, and the closer to the center, the more obvious the space-time fragments.

"Is it Papetua? Shouldn't she be laughing triumphantly? Why is she howling? And so miserable, like the last wail before dying?" The heroes were in doubt.

Harley's face changed, and the next moment she took the heroes away from the World Crucible.

She didn't take the three creators with her.

The three brothers of the Creator still burst out all the power of creation and the power of mind, trying to be a paperhanger, sticking together the shaky and fragmented "multiverse building".

The next moment, Harley passed through numerous space-time cracks and dimensional barriers, and came to a vast and lonely but prosperous "under the starry sky".

This place is extremely empty, except for a large planet under the feet, there are no other stars around.

There are no stars, no planets, and even no meteorites. It is empty and clean.

But looking up, you can see a dense field of stars.

This is a dimension "under the starry sky".

The dense stars are in the dimension, and the so-called "stars" are not real planets, but universes.

Even with the naked eye like Bateman, he could see the "stars" vibrating violently, and the "stars" colliding with each other, bursting out with bright light.

And this "starry sky vision" is exactly the display of the true state of the multiverse at this time.

"Hey, it's so strange here, there is no vibration." The Flash in the hero team said almost in unison.

"There is no vibration at all, zero vibration frequency," Barry added.

"This is the Creation Galaxy! It is equivalent to another multiverse dimension, but you can see the scenes in our multiverse. Every star above your head is a universe in the multiverse of light.

Shit, the overall structure of the multiverse has really collapsed, and many universes collide with each other and are annihilated. "

Luther first raised his head and sighed with emotion, then immediately lowered his head and pointed at the big star "below" and shouted excitedly: "That's the 'Creation Star', where Pappetua's lair is!

The creation galaxy is hidden in an independent multiverse dimension, but you can look up and see the stars transformed into parallel universes. What's the matter with being able to reach any location instantly? How could there be an explosion?

Harley, please take us there to see what happened. Why is the Legion of Destruction headquarters in such chaos?

Papetua's mothership, the Divinity, seems to be crashing? "

The Creation Galaxy itself has no stars, but the stars "overhead" make this dimension shrouded in light blue light, making it not appear dark.

Not only is it not dark and spooky, but it has a mysterious and dreamlike feel.

Beauty, fantasy, and tranquility are its original characteristics, but at this time, bright and strong energy fluctuations broke out on the only big star "Creation Star".

It's like a nuclear war.

The Divinity is the "omnipotent spaceship" created by Pam's mother. It is a jujube-shaped shuttle with eight sickle-shaped wings. It has a very cool shape. Looking forward from its tail, it looks like two "X"s. Added together.

At this time, the Shenxing had two wings broken off, and brilliant fire appeared at the broken parts, and it was slowly falling to the ground.

There are also buildings on the ground of "Creation Star", which are magnificent and continuous, with a beauty and neatness that transcends science fiction.

They are all home to members of the Legion of Destruction.

When Luther was still the leader of the Legion of Destruction, he recruited millions of ruthless characters in countless parallel universes. They would come back to repair after completing their mission of invading the universe.

Many buildings on the ground were now on fire, and Superman's super hearing heard countless screams and curses.

"Hahaha, you actually chased me here. It's a pity that you arrived too late. Our internal strife has ended."

The heroes were still looking at the planet of the Legion of Destruction's headquarters in confusion. A giant black shadow gradually rose up on the planet - like Bateman's shadow. You could see the bat hood, and the big mouth that was split to the base of the ear, flashing red light. eyes and bulging cheeks.

It seemed to be laughing wildly while using both hands to stuff something into its mouth.

"Ah, traitor, monster, you actually devour me. You swore to be loyal to me forever~~~Legion of Destruction, save me, save your mother~~~"

The thing in the mouth of the Laughing Bat was struggling and screaming.

You can see signs of bulges and depressions on the cheeks, throat, and chest of the maniac.

"Oh my God, that's Pappetua, the laughter and the internal strife between Pappetua?

Why? Are you laughing so hard that Pappetua is going to be eaten? ! "The heroes were shocked and in disbelief.

Not only did the heroes not understand, but the Legion of Destruction on the Creation Star was also confused.

At least Superboy-Prime looked confused, "Mother, what happened, Laughing Bat, what are you doing?"

He was the only one who rushed to Laughing. The rest of the Legion of Destruction were either struggling to survive the accident, or their eyes flickered, or they were watching from a distance with indifferent expressions.

"Superboy Supreme, save me! The Laughing Bat has taken away all the crisis power." Pam shouted in pain.

"Didn't Laughter give you the crisis power?" Superboy Supreme was puzzled.

"The crisis power has been stored in the crisis universe until the crisis universe was beaten to pieces by the Witch Harley. He laughed wildly and returned to the Divinity with all the crisis power. He pretended to be respectful and knelt in front of my throne to offer me the crisis power.

When I reached out to get it, I started brazenly and destroyed my throne (modified from the Divine Power Engine of Creation), severely injuring me. Come and save me. Don’t let it devour me. Only I can save you and protect you. ! "

Even though spiritual sound transmission can transmit a lot of information in an instant, Pam couldn't say a complete sentence at this time. As she spoke, she began to cry for help miserably.

It can be seen that her condition is really very bad.

Superboy-Prime clenched his fists and looked at the Laughing Bat's eyes, already filled with scarlet light.

He laughed wildly and said: "Superboy Supreme, as well as all the companions of the Legion of Destruction, the current situation is very obvious, the Lord of Destruction has to be replaced.

You are all the top villains in the universe, so you should be familiar with this phenomenon.

Changing the king's flag on the city wall is a common sight in the villain world.

The throne will always belong to the strongest, and the strongest leader will always be united. This is the old rule of the secret society, isn't it?

Look at the sky in the west. Witch Harley is coming with hundreds of justice heroes. Smart people know how to choose.

Dear friends, you are all smart people, at least don't be stupid. "

"Save me, Superboy Supreme, Crime Syndicate, come and save me~~~" Pam's cry for help became more urgent and weaker.

Super Super turned his head to look in the direction of the heroes of the Justice League, then turned back and shouted to Crazy Laugh: "Let go of mother and give her the crisis power. Now only she can deal with the witch Harley and the giant hand tribe!"

He also shouted to his companions in the distance: "Super, what are you doing there? Come and help me, help mother!"

"Don't be silly, Crazy Laugh is right. The strong are respected. It is the foundation of the way of destruction. Loyalty and faith go against the concept of destruction. Now Crazy Laugh is stronger and can easily suppress Papetua. Of course, he is the boss and Papetua is eliminated." Super said disapprovingly.

"Yes, Crazy Laugh is stronger. Even if the Legion of Destruction does not disband, it should listen to Crazy Laugh now. Papetua has become a thing of the past." The villains of the Crime Syndicate agreed.

No one in the surrounding members of the Legion of Destruction spoke, but they all nodded.

"Assholes, you are my children, my servants, how can you be so rebellious and unfaithful?" Pamu, who had been swallowed by Crazy Laugh, roared in grief and anger.

Before Chaoba and the others said anything, Luther in the Justice League team in the distance got excited first.

"Hahahaha, Papetua, you have come to this day, hahahaha, you are treasonous, disloyal and unjust." Luther laughed too much, his eyes were red, tears came out of his laughter, his body and voice were trembling, "You idiot, when you betrayed me, you should have thought about today.

Even a loyal dog like me would be abandoned at will, how can you let them be loyal to you?

Isn't the purpose of loyalty to gain trust and preferential treatment?

Even a secret society composed of super villains must pay attention to integrity and loyalty.

If loyalty is only exchanged for betrayal and contempt, they are not fools, why should they be loyal to you?"

"Don't add drama to yourself, this is not your stage, and Papetua's experience is not your masterpiece." Harley said.

"Harley, why did Crazy Laugh betray Papetua? Do you want to stop him?" Dachao said.

Harley sighed, "It's too late. Before we arrived, Papetua had already died completely.

The soul and body were all devoured by Crazy Laughter.

The only thing that was still struggling at this time was the remnant of her mind and will. Crazy Laughter was still integrating her mind and will."

The first scream they heard from Papetua was the wail of Papetua before she died.

After all, she is the mother of creation and the creator of the DC multiverse.

Even if she died in the Creation Galaxy, even if the multiverse has been broken like this, the heaven and earth still feel it and all spirits grieve together. If Papetua did not commit sins and the multiverse was complete, the heavens would really cry blood and tears and all living beings would grieve.

Now, the only response of heaven and earth to her death is to pass her wail to everyone, so that everyone can feel a little of the pain of her death.

"It was also because Papetua was dead that the barrier between the Creation Galaxy and the multiverse was cracked, and then the position was exposed.

In the Creation Galaxy, there was no super-level war at all. Papetua was directly killed by Crazy Laughter without struggle or resistance." She added.

"How could Crazy Laugh be so strong that he didn't even fight?" Superman said in surprise.

"Didn't you hear Papetua's wailing? Crazy Laugh stole her crisis power." Diana said.

Superman said: "He attacked her when he was offering the crisis power, and he didn't digest the crisis power at that time. Why can Crazy Laugh use the crisis power?"

Harley stared at the black shadow in the distance, her face not looking good, "Crazy Laugh's plan is not only to use you to extract the crisis power, but also my anger to blow up the three crisis universes is also in his plan.

Papetua used her own will and the power of the Mother of Creation to gather the origins of the parallel universes that entered the Year of the Villain to create three crisis universes.

The three crisis universes were destroyed, and the multiverse was naturally torn apart and disintegrated, but Papetua was not feeling well either.

She would inevitably enter a state of weakness and vomiting blood.

He has not recovered his full strength, and is not as strong as the complete 'Blue Laughing Bat'. Now he has suffered a serious injury and was attacked by Crazy Laugh shamelessly."

"Harley, don't let others' ambitions destroy your own prestige." Luthor shouted excitedly: "Forget about me and the Justice League. We are not as good as Dr. Manhattan. We deserve to fall into Crazy Laugh's plan again and again.

But you have the power to kill Crazy Laugh with one hand, and you can flip the chessboard at will. Why does he plan against you?

You can beat him to death now!

He and Papetua are fighting each other, and you are the fisherman who benefits. "

"Hahaha, Luthor, you are so smart. "Crazy Laugh has been paying attention to their movements.

"You're right. How can I plot against Witch Harley? I'm just trying to survive and act according to circumstances.

For example, this time, once I start using the heroes of the Justice League to extract the crisis power, everyone knows how the 'decisive and resolute galactic admiral' will react.

She will definitely not compromise with me, nor will she be at a loss and waste time in entanglement.

Once she blows up the crisis universe, it is equivalent to overturning the chessboard, and my alliance with Papetua will come to an end.

I have no choice but to abandon that stupid and unfaithful ally and choose to serve the new goddess~~"

His tone began to become fanatical, and his attitude was as flattering as a dog, "Papetua left, and the new one was not the black laughing bat, but the great Saint of Heaven!"

Luther was stunned, and the heroes were also in doubt.

What is the crazy laugh going to do?

Harley sneered, "You are not fantasizing about joining forces with me to fight against the giant hand tribe outside?"

"Saint, you are wise!" Crazy Laugh tried to make his laughter gentle and humble, "Saint, you have sensed it, right? Although their breath is looming, their thoughts and will that lock us tightly are very clear.

They really came and are looking at us now!

Maybe my act of eating Papetua and taking away her creation wisdom made them furious.

But they still didn't come in. What are they waiting for? Hehehe.

With your wisdom and broad mind, you definitely don't want to stage a "real infighting" drama with my fellow countryman under the gaze of a group of malicious eyes, so that they can smile proudly, as if the noble Roman emperor was watching the duel of barbarians."

Luther and the heroes fully understood the plan of the Laughing Bat.

Even if Harley came to the door, it was still in his plan.

He was very confident that he could convince Harley, because the conflict between them was only a secondary conflict in front of the Giant Hand Clan.

Crazy Laugh may get what he wants, because Harley brought them to the Creation Galaxy and saw Crazy Laugh, but did not act immediately.

"Kuangxiao, I'm going to kill you!"

In the midst of silence and confusion, Supreme Xiaochao exploded.

He was like a cannonball, hitting Kuangxiao hard.

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