"Hera, the gods above, the Eagle Judge did not lie, and my previous intuition was not wrong. The Giant Hand Tribe really intends to destroy us."

Golden Diana looked up at the empty "sky" of the second ring.

"Above" was empty, but her golden eyes showed a shadow. If you look closely at her eyeballs, you can see a huge palm growing bigger and bigger in the pupil.

"What do you mean? What happened?" Dachao asked anxiously.

He didn't understand, but he was panicking, as if a big crisis was about to fall on them.

"The Giant Hand Clan has taken action, and they are directly at the scene without any hesitation or trial. They are controlling the giant hand of creation to directly destroy our world." Golden Diana looked back at everyone, and seeing the confusion on everyone's face, she was also a little puzzled, "Can't you see? The huge giant hand of creation has reached out to us, almost completely covering the universe and the void around the universe."

"Do you think they have completed the "ascension" like you and can see through the universe?"

Harry glanced at her and said, "Take good care of them, I'll go out and meet the giants of the Giant Hand Clan."

She left a sentence and disappeared outside the first ring.

"Harry, I have some friendship with the Eagle Judge, so let me go and talk to them~~~" Golden Diana hurriedly reached out, but had lost Harry's trace.

Just as she took a step forward and was about to follow Harley, Hal Jordan grabbed her golden cape and said, "Share your transcendental perception with us. We were able to besiege Crazy Laughter before, and we may be able to help you and Harley now."

Golden Diana hesitated, "I will try my best to persuade the Eagle Judge and the leaders of the Giant Hand Clan to show mercy, but I am not sure that they will be merciful.

If a fight breaks out, Harley and I may be able to barely save our lives. It is better for you to go back to Earth first.

Mr. Caster, please take them away."

Da Chao said, "The Giant Hand Clan has already come down in person. The final battle is coming. If you and Harley lose, our ending will not be good.

The Giant Hand Clan is targeting the entire multiverse. There is nowhere to hide and no one can hide."

Golden Diana sighed and connected her mind to everyone. The next moment, she followed Harley to the edge of the second ring.

Closer to the Omniverse, the figures of the Giant Hand Clan became clearer. Indistinctly, you can even see a few faint shadows, very tall and slender shadows.

Even the figure can be vaguely seen, and the breath is naturally strong and suffocating.

"Oh my god, this is the giant hand of creation? Isn't the giant hand of creation the 'source'? It is the foundation of the giant hand clan. How did it come to our multiverse? For us, is it worth it?"

As soon as the Golden Diana's mind was connected, the heroes were shocked.

Before, when they were still "mortals", they only felt that the world was like beans on a sieve, shaking violently.

Although there was a feeling of upheaval, they didn't know why and didn't know the source of the crisis.

Now they "see clearly".

In the empty dark void, there is a broken luminous body - their multiverse, with a circle of meteorites around the luminous body. A huge palm fell from "above", just like an ordinary person holding an apple on the table, seemingly slow but actually urgent, holding the luminous body and the meteorite belt in the palm of his hand.

Even if Harley's second ring belt has a large range, it is only a layer of "apple skin", and the "luminous body" - their multiverse, is even smaller than the core of the fruit against the backdrop of the giant hand.

At this time, the huge palm has grasped the "apple", and the five fingers began to close. The giant palm has a clear clenching action, and the "apple skin" began to show marks.

Through Diana's mind link, they not only saw the giant hand of creation, but also felt the thinking will contained in the giant hand of creation, or the will of the giant hand clan leader who controls the giant hand of creation.

He did not hide his thoughts, and his will was directly and clearly revealed. The huge void was filled with the coldness and killing of destroying everything.

There will be no misunderstanding. The giant hand clan really wants to kill them and destroy everything that remains in the multiverse!

Everyone has this realization.

For a time, their chests were filled with countless emotions, including despair and frustration, anger and unwillingness, and deep concern for Harley.

Because Harley, like Don Quixote holding a knight's gun, rushed straight to the giant hand of creation.

Her figure is so small, and her breath is so unbearable in front of the giant hand. Hey, no, Harley's figure is expanding, and her breath is rapidly transforming.

"God, please show up and give me strength~~God~God~God~~~Hand!"

Harry was still shouting, and a sacred, noble, indomitable, resolute and magnificent aura emanated from her.

The originally huge range of the void was already filled with the cold and murderous will of the giant hand clan to destroy everything.

Now Harry also showed her own thoughts and will.

Thoughts and will were originally illusory concepts, but in the omnipotent universe and the void, they are like physical matter, with volume, occupying space, and even colliding and squeezing each other. Harry's sacred, noble, resolute and magnificent, like an escape air cushion for jumpers, quickly inflated and expanded, repelling the cold and murderous thoughts surrounding the DC multiverse to the outside.

After the giant hand clan's destructive thoughts and will were repelled, the coldness, despair, and ice in everyone's hearts disappeared without a trace, replaced by ease and warmth.

But before they could be moved, another giant hand appeared out of thin air, rising from the second ring at a seemingly slow but actually extremely fast speed, like a left and right mirror image of the giant hand of creation holding the multiverse.

The five fingers of the two hands were facing each other, palm to palm, and they collided fiercely.


Everyone seemed to hear a loud noise like a cosmic explosion, but it was actually quiet in their ears, with no sound at all.

The ears could not hear the sound, but the heart and mind sensed the "world-destroying explosion".

The giant hand of creation of the giant hand clan was composed of brilliant white light, with clear and complete details from the palm to the arm.

Harley's God's Palm was golden, composed of God's power and magic power, also from the palm to the arm, very complete, but lacking details, and relatively rough.

But in terms of momentum, the giant hand of creation of the giant hand clan did not have a crushing advantage.

In fact, when watching the giant hand of creation and the palm of God alone, everyone clearly felt that the giant hand of creation was more magnificent, but once the two hands met and touched each other, and compared in the same frame, the palm of God seemed to have the characteristic of "becoming stronger when encountering a strong opponent", and it spontaneously improved its momentum, and the sacred and magnificent aura surged, and began to compete with the giant hand of creation and be on par with each other. Golden Diana even had a premonition that if the two palms continued to stalemate, the palm of God would come from behind and surpass the giant hand of creation in sacred momentum.

No one can be stronger than God, and God's aura is always supreme, which is God's true meaning.

Harley's palm of God is mainly to simulate a ray of God's true meaning.

Even if only a ray of true meaning is simulated, it is enough to compete with the transcendent of the omnipotent universe.

Unfortunately, aura is not equal to strength, let alone real combat power.

After the collision, the giant hand of creation was stable, and the palm of God trembled and collapsed section by section. In the blink of an eye, the palm of God had been completely reduced to dust.

Well, the broken God's Palm was not piece by piece, but every inch and every magic structure was crushed into powder by the invisible transcendental force.

"Ah, Harley~~~" Golden Diana screamed.

Not only did she see Harley's God's Palm being crushed, but she also saw Harley's raised right arm, which spread upward from the fingers, and burst out a scarlet blood mist inch by inch.

It was as if a nano bomb was buried under the flesh, and Harley's right hand was blown into a bloody mess, and the whole person was shrouded in a blood mist.

"Hahaha, you are worthy of being the masters of the Giant Hand Clan, so powerful, I admire you very much!"

Harley was not as panicked as Diana.

On the contrary, she had a happy smile on her face, and her laughter was also very hearty, without any "Jiumozhi-style" reluctance.

While she was talking, the surface of the "meat-minced right arm" that exploded into blood mist was like a mosaic, blurring for a moment and then disappearing in an instant.

The blood mist disappeared, and her arm returned to its original smooth and white appearance.

Only then did Golden Diana and the others feel relieved.

After they felt relieved, they noticed that although the God's Palm was crushed into powder in the collision, the Giant Hand of Creation also "stepped back" two steps in the collision.

Just now, the Giant Hand of Creation had already grasped the entire multiverse and the second ring in its palm, and was about to start kneading it.

It was like pinching an apple with a big hand.

Now the Giant Hand of Creation not only loosened its fingers and no longer held the "apple", but also had a distance from the "apple".

"Eagle Judge, mercy, pity~~~~"

The Giant Hand of Creation was just pushed away, but did not disappear or stop. Golden Diana hurriedly called out to the familiar breath outside.

At this time, they came to the periphery of the second ring, and even the "sharp-eyed" Da Chao could vaguely see a group of tall figures emitting a mysterious and powerful aura.

There is no doubt that they are all transcendents of the Giant Hand Clan, and there must be the Eagle Judge among them. Diana also locked the position of the Eagle Judge through the familiar breath.

However, the Eagle Judge did not respond to the pleas of the "Eagle Girl".

The other giant hand tribe leaders also remained indifferent, like cold robots without emotions.

Harley looked at the giant hand of creation that was pinching the DC multiverse again, restrained her smile, and shouted outside: "Dear guests, can you put away your magical powers and have a good talk with us?"

The giant hand tribe did not respond, and their cold and stern thinking did not change at all. The giant hand of creation firmly slapped "Little Apple".

Harley sighed secretly and said: "Since the guests are still interested, they still want to continue to test our sincerity."

She raised her right hand again, just like the God Palm before.

She did not hold back before, and the God Palm was performed with all her strength, but the God Palm was just a simple God Palm, but now the thorny black vortex and DC seal were superimposed on the surface of the palm.

The golden God Palm seemed to be wearing a black glove, and there was a huge vortex in the center of the palm.

"Bang~~~" The God's Palm collided with the Giant Palm of Creation. The momentum was not as strong as before, but the energy fluctuations that erupted were like a magnitude 18 earthquake caused by the flat ground.

The huge vibration made Golden Diana's head dizzy and her consciousness chaotic.

Everyone connected to Golden Diana's mind to observe the battle situation, and naturally fell into a chaotic mind.

I don't know how long it has been, they heard Diana's exclamation in a daze, "Origin is above, the giant hand of creation is cracked - ah, the giant hand is cracking and breaking."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" A small flame rose on Harley's left shoulder. It was the recorder "Fire Spirit".

It yelled at the torn apart giant hand, "Even if it is not the real giant hand, the projection power summoned by the boss of the giant hand must contain the aura and true meaning of the real giant hand.

That is the giant hand of creation, the true manifestation of ‘Origin’. How could it be broken by a mere cosmic person? "

After howling in shock for a while, the recorder turned around and shouted outside the universe: "Masters of the Giant Hand Clan, please don't be careless and perfunctory!

This is Witch Harley. She easily defeated Papetua and beat the 'Omega Entity' Laughing Bat to death. (ps)

She also kidnapped the Almighty Universe Clerk in a sneak attack.

You must not underestimate her. You must concentrate your efforts and go all out. It is best to attack together and do not use fueling tactics. "

"Pah!" Harry slapped the small flame out and cursed, "What's your name? How do you teach the adults of the Giant Hand Clan how to do things?"

"Dear friends, can we talk calmly now?" She said with a smile in the direction of the Giant Hand Clan.

"Harley Quinn, you still don't understand after all."

An indifferent and undifferentiated voice entered the second ring, and passed into the minds of Harley and the people around her, "When we create the multiverse, we hope that the life in it can follow a correct development path.

We have planned the direction of evolution for you according to the guidance of 'Origin'.

Evolving along the guidance of 'origin', life will sublimate from the initial selfishness and destruction of instinctive desires to selflessness and dedication that can pursue greater truths.

You have failed.

Even though your multiverse has been restarted many times, and you have had many different 'versions' of yourself, you have never seized the opportunity, and you have always failed.

When I persuaded my people and 'Origin' to give you another chance, you did not complete the sublimation as I expected.

Deep down in your heart, you are even extremely disgusted with sublimation. You are intoxicated with the base desires of creatures, and you are unrepentant and hopeless. "

Neptune whispered: "He is the Eagle Judge? Did he eavesdrop on our conversation just now? It seems that the person he said was disgusted with sublimation and indulged in low-level instinctual desires was me.

I don’t want to give up my current family, indulge in personal relationships, and strongly oppose the big restart. He heard this and felt that we had no hope, so he destroyed everything with the giant hand of creation? "

Hal Jordan also said in a low voice: "It must include you, but it is definitely not just you, and it is not just us who are reluctant to let go of memories and bonds.

The Eagle Judge is mainly dissatisfied with our opposition to ascension and the use of anti-crisis forces to reboot the universe into a 'new world' where the 'current story' loses its importance.

The Giant Hands want the newly restarted universe to continue to produce world stories, but we have even defeated Pappetua, so what stories can there be in the future?

The core of the story is heroes and crises.

As long as we are around and we remember, it will be difficult for a world crisis to happen again. "

Dachao became emotional and shouted at Judge Eagle: "I admit that none of us are perfect, but I don't think our world is a failed world.

If human relations, family and friendship are all selfish desires, then what exactly is the great truth?

We must be selfless and dedicated. Who is the target of our selfless dedication? To whom are you being selfless and dedicated to whom? "

He has "super vision" and can vaguely "see" the giant hands outside the universe, and can use his "super hearing" to hear who among the giant hands is speaking.

He spoke subconsciously, and subconsciously felt that he could have a normal conversation with the other party. They could hear what he shouted with his mouth.

Judge Eagle really "heard" his cry,

"You want to know the great truth? But you have been refusing to touch the great truth. The ascension opportunity I provide you is the way to come into contact with the great truth."

The Transcendent One next to Judge Eagle spoke. His voice sounded no different from Judge Eagle’s. They were both ethereal and indifferent, and did not differentiate between men and women. “Eagle, don’t waste any more time on these cosmic beings, the Giant Hand Clan.” We should obey the orders of the great hand of creation and destroy all death worlds that deviate from the path arranged by the 'origin'."

Perhaps it's a characteristic of the giant-hand clan, but everyone's tone and tone are similar.

However, the "voices" of these giant hand clan bosses all have a clear sense of self-will.

In Judge Eagle's voice, Dachao and the others could feel the disappointment, loss and anger, as if they hated the iron for not becoming steel, and the son for not being useful. There seemed to be a little warmth in it.

In this voice of the same tone, there is only indifference, coldness, strictness, rules, strength and other thoughts and wills, but there is no sincerity and warmth of the Eagle Judge.

"Masters of the Giant Hand Clan, please listen to me!" Golden Diana was a little panicked and quickly begged loudly: "I still firmly believe that the concept of absolute justice adhered to by the Justice League is still considered a virtue even in the Almighty Universe.

Only Papetua's path of destruction insists on unleashing selfish desires.

We are enemies of the way of destruction!

If our current behavior is not in line with your 'great truth', I swear, maybe we are not great enough, but we definitely do not lack the pursuit of sublimation into greatness.

We fail to satisfy you simply because we are still cosmic beings who are frogs in the well and do not understand the ‘great truth’ of the almighty universe.

You can teach us the great truths exalted by the Origin.

You can be like teachers, teaching us how to understand and get closer to the great truth.

Everything can be discussed, we have defeated the path of destruction with the idea of ​​justice, right?

Don’t the victors have the right to demand a fair and just conversation? "

"You have no power at all!" the detached person said indifferently.

The thinking and will he displayed did not waver at all.

"I will obey the order of the great hand of creation and erase all worlds that are contrary to the way of 'origin'." He said.

"I will obey the order of the great hand of creation and eradicate all worlds that are contrary to the way of 'origin'."

All the Transcendents of the Giant Hand Tribe, including the Eagle Judge, spoke together, and their voices came from every direction. Their unswerving will to erase everything surrounded the DC multiverse.

The next moment, a bigger and more vast "creation hand" emerged from the void, shooting towards the multiverse with unstoppable momentum.

The heroes were shocked and angry, "The Giant Hands are so domineering!"

"Ah, it's over. The suggestions I just made were accepted by the adults of the Giant Hand Clan! Previously, the Giant Hand of Creation was supposed to be summoned by the Eagle Judge alone. Now, the adults of the Giant Hand Clan worked together to summon a more complete hand. The 'Giant Hand of Creation', with such a strong aura of 'origin', let alone 'God descends to earth', it is useless for your God to come in person. But, rescue me first before taking action! The cunning cosmonauts kidnapped me, and you didn’t even mention it. At least you forced Witch Harley to let me out first, right? Am I so insignificant in the eyes of you adults?”

A bright red flame burst out from Harley's shoulder again, this time on her right shoulder, still the recorder.

Its cry was particularly desperate at this time.

Golden Diana was anxious and panicked, "Harry, don't you want to bloom the lotus flower in your mouth and convince the adults of the Giant Hand Clan? Why don't you speak?"

Harley sighed, pressed down the flame on her shoulder, and said: "Their thinking and will are unabashed and exposed directly to the outside. Their thoughts and moods are clear at a glance, without the need for verbal testing.

You begged for a long time, but they didn't even show any emotion.

Why am I wasting my breath?

At least Judge Eagle really appreciates you Zhenglian. He prefers to listen to what you say. I am exactly what they call a "selfish person who doesn't know how to contribute."

Just watch, even if they want to destroy everything, they will let you go. The one who really wants to be destroyed is me. "

"Then what should we do now? The giant hand of creation is here again, can you stop it this time?" Diana asked.

"It probably can't be stopped." Harley looked at the "Giant Hand of Creation" that was falling quickly and unswervingly, with helplessness on her face, "There are at least 10 giants of the Giant Hand clan outside, and just now it was just the Eagle Judge 'Cleaning the door', the other big guys didn't get involved.

The third revelation failed to trick you into restarting the world, and now it has failed even to clean up the portal. The Eagle Judge may have completely lost the qualification to deal with our universe alone.

At this time, the giants of the giant hand clan teamed up to use the 'Giant Hand of Creation', which was at least ten times more powerful than before.

And my God Palm has exhausted its potential and cannot continue to improve in a short period of time. "

Even the DC Shield is covered in the Palm of God. The DC Shield is specifically designed to restrain the creation power of the Giant Hand Clan, so it can barely break the "Giant Hand of Creation" of the Eagle Judge. It is not impossible to give it a try at this time. , but the probability of success is too low.

"Is our world and our story completely over?" Diana wailed desperately, and immediately discovered that Harley only had a helpless expression, not the slightest bit of despair. She was shocked and said hurriedly: "Harley, you still have What’s the plan? Don’t hide it, tell us now and we’ll take action immediately!”

While staring closely at the giant hand of creation, carefully sensing its power fluctuations and 'origin' aura, Harley said casually: "Don't be anxious, don't panic, I still have a set of 'Pig Tactics' to defeat this." Waves shouldn’t be difficult.”

"What kind of pig tactic?" Dachao's face was full of anxiety and worry, and his eyes were full of hope for the rain.

Harley said slowly: "When the pig is attacked, it will press its butt against the wall, making it impossible for people to grab its tail and making them helpless.

If you are not careful, it will bite hard with its sharp teeth. Once it bites, it will not let go until it takes a piece of meat.

This is the pig tactic.

This tactic has been used successfully by people throughout the ages, and let’s give it a try today.

Look at us, we have no place to run, we can't beat us head-on, and we have no chance to use our strategies. Don't we look like a big fat pig forced into a corner? "

"Bull shit!" Luther spat with a contorted face.

"Well, Luther, what did you say?" Harley said in a long tone and glanced sideways at him.

"Harry, it's time like this, please stop joking." Luther lamented.

"It's now like this, how can I have the intention to joke with you?"

"Boom!" The giant hand of creation has fallen, holding the broken DC multiverse in its palm again, just like ordinary people. At this time, the power of the giant hand of creation is more vast, and its breath is more transcendent. The broken multiverse is in the palm of its hand. , unlike apples in the hands of ordinary people.

It's more like the little apple in the hands of NBA basketball superstar Da Hei, completely covered by his giant palm.

The giant hand grasped the "little apple" and immediately began to squeeze it tightly, and the next moment it would explode with juice.

The urgency and fear in everyone's hearts was like an ordinary person under a collapsed Mount Tai looking up and seeing a giant peak pressing down on him. The despair and oppression could not be described in words.

"Harley, whether it's the Pig Tactics or the Dragon Tactics, use them quickly, don't just stand there and do nothing." Diana shouted at the top of her lungs, her voice and body trembling.

"I'm tall and I'm not in a hurry, why are you panicking? The Pig Tactics have already begun."

Harley still looked calm, staring at the Creator's Hand calmly. In fact, except for the moment when she glanced at Luther with the corner of her eyes just now, she had never turned her eyes away.

"It's started, where? Are you a clone projection, and your real body is executing the Pig Tactics?" Dachao said.

"Harley should be the real body." Golden Diana hesitated.

"Crack, crack, crack~~~~" The Creator's Hand gradually tightened.

Everyone could clearly see that the surrounding meteorite belt was shrinking inwards rapidly.

"Harley, the Creator's Hand is going to crush our universe!" Some heroes lost their composure and screamed.

"I told you not to panic, but you didn't listen, but at least don't disturb me." Harley's tone was a little impatient.

"What are you looking at?" Diana stared at her for a while, then followed her line of sight and asked in confusion, "What are you looking at?"

Harry sighed, "Of course I'm looking at the 'Giant Hand of Creation'. Although it's not the real 'Giant Hand of Creation', it is a projection of a giant hand 'summoned' by the Giant Hand Clan with clever means, and it has the power and true meaning of the 'Giant Hand of Creation'.

If the Giant Hand of Creation of the Eagle Judge only has one point of the true meaning of the real giant hand, the Giant Hand of Creation at this time at least combines the understanding and cognition of the 'Giant Hand of Creation' by ten giants of the Giant Hand Clan.

At least five points of true meaning.

Do you understand what five points of true meaning mean?"

"Almighty Giant Eyes above, Witch Harley, you are stealing the 'source' of the Giant Hand Clan!"

"Bang", a ball of bright red flames appeared on Harley's head, it was the recorder.

The fear on the flame face of this guy was gone, only shock and inconceivable.

"Noisy!" Harley slapped her head again and slapped the flame down.

"Let's take a look. This kind of opportunity is rare even in the omnipotent universe." She said to everyone.

"Just now the recorder said that you want to steal the 'source' of the giant hand tribe. What does that mean?" Super asked cautiously.

He shouldn't be cautious in front of Harley, but what Harley did was to steal the 'source' of the giant hand tribe, which was scary to hear.

Batman said thoughtfully: "Before, Harley created a transcendental meditation method by observing the 'all-powerful eye'.

But that meditation method is only suitable for the 'recorder', maybe Louise can practice it.

Now that the true meaning of the giant hand of creation is depicted, can a meditation method for communicating with the 'giant hand of creation' be created?

The 'giant hand of creation' is the 'source' of the giant hand tribe. If you successfully communicate with it, you can transform your own power into a connection force similar to that of the giant hand tribe."

"Ah, Harley, you are indeed the witch Harley. Even at this time, you still don't forget to steal the 'source' of the giant hand tribe." Everyone suddenly realized and sighed.

Superman frowned and said, "It's not the right time. The giant hand of creation is destroying the multiverse now---Eh!"

He used his super vision to scan the surroundings and said in surprise, "What's going on? How did we return to the inner universe? And is there the origin wall in front?

It should be a wall formed by the meteorites of the first and second rings squeezed together."

Before, they were outside the first ring, surrounded by many meteorites of the first and second rings.

As the giant hand of creation tightened, the second and first rings contracted, and the meteorites gradually condensed together, eventually forming a "cosmic shell" that could not penetrate consciousness and vision.

And the normal universe and starry sky are all inside the "cosmic shell".

Even they returned to the main universe unknowingly.

The vast breath of the giant hand of creation is still there, but it has become much weaker.

The psychological pressure brought to them by the giant hand squeezing the universe is almost gone.

Even ordinary heroes have a feeling: the crisis brought by the giant hand of creation has disappeared.

"Harry, what did you do? What's the situation now?" Superman asked in surprise.

"The pig tactics worked, we blocked the first wave of impact." Harley smiled.

"Gudong gudong." Deep in her soul, the level experience tank was bubbling wildly.

With just this one move, she leveled up three levels, from level 153 to level 156!

(ps: The original comics have the concept of ascension, but there is no "transcendence" or "transcendents".

The comics call the powerful people who transcend the multiverse, such as Palmer, Blue Grin, and Dr. Manhattan, "Omega Entities".

Do you remember the previous Omega Giant God?

Foreigners seem to like to use "Omega" to emphasize the power of energy and strength, and use "Omega" to represent the highest level of power.

Another example is Marvel's Omega Mutant.

If translated according to the original text, it is "Omega Entity"; if translated according to the meaning into a name familiar to Chinese people, it is "Xian", which is "transcendent power", so the concept of "transcendent" appears in the text.

The original comics do not have the word "transcendence", but the meaning is similar.)

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