I want to have a date with Superman

Harley’s expertise and realm at this time

The first food defense feat, level nine, can completely digest any energy and matter in the multiverse, and partially digest the transcendent matter and energy of the omniverse.

The second cheeky defense specialty (will and mind), 95% at level 8, the will is immortal, the mind is unbroken, the belief is difficult to be shaken by external objects, and the mental power is like an indestructible spear, enough to penetrate the wall of origin.

The third god's defense specialty, level 10, the power of heaven and hell within DC can never harm Harley. Even if she goes to the next universe, she will still be almost completely immune.

Fourth and Sixth Commentary: Defense Expertise (Defense from the Three Powers of Creation), Level 9, a defensive characteristic specifically targeted at the matter that constructs the universe, fully immune to positive matter, antimatter, dark matter, creative matter, etc.

Fifth Nexus Defense Feat (Force of Creation), 10th level, immunity to quantum energy damage, immunity to any temporal threat of any kind, immunity to Judgment of Origin; immunity to cosmic-level restarts; Nexus Force Field: full immunity to multiple Cosmic-level mortal attack effect, partial immunity from the mortal attack of the omnipotent universe, and its own intrinsic field is difficult to destroy (omnipotent universe-level) - these characteristics come from the energy defense of the three creator gods, Dr. Manhattan, Pappetua and the Origin Judge. .

The sixth emotional spectrum defense specialty, life and death, seven-color lamp, invisible light, all nine levels, can be immune to any form of emotional energy erosion at the multiverse level. As long as the energy of human emotional evolution cannot harm Harley.

Human emotions include but are not limited to death, life, anger, fear, determination, and compassion

If you go to the world of immortals, the power of immortals who follow the "sentient path" will be greatly restrained by this specialty.

Seventh, speed defense expertise, speed force level 10, stasis force has not yet been activated. It has a super dynamic perspective that can clearly see any action, and is immune to any speed attack with non-physical attack attributes.

For example, if The Flash crashes into Harley at an extremely fast speed, if he chooses to use his own body as a weapon, he will not be immune to the kinetic energy impact of his own mass multiplied by the square of his speed, but will be completely immune to the rest.

It is impossible for Barry to allow himself to hit Harley in a purely physical state at a speed beyond light, because the force is mutual. No matter how fast he is, when he bumps into Harley, the reaction force he receives will be the same as the impact force Harley received. Big, Harley's defense is extremely strong. Barry's collision with her would be like an egg to a rock, but if Barry uses the speed force to protect his body, Harley will be immune to it.

Therefore, the Speed ​​Force defense feat defeats the speedster.

Eighth, Mother River of Time defense expertise, level 9. The river of time in the DC multiverse is Harley's back garden. She can enter and exit at will and swim on the mother river and any river of time in the single universe. Any being who uses the power of time cannot harm her with the "miracle power" driven by the power of time.

Ninth, life and death defense expertise, Tears of Death level 9, life level 7 65%: Life connection power (energy comes from Neptune) - to life that has a direct life connection with itself (including cells and even any useful genetic material) ), has absolute control, for example, controlling hair or blood as weapons; life that is not directly connected to one's own life can strengthen or weaken the connection with it, for example, allowing all genes in dandruff falling on the ground to self-decompose.

The effect of the Tears of Death defense specialty is opposite to that of Tears of Death. Tears of Death corrupts life, while the specialty greatly increases the strength and stability of life.

The ninth-level expertise allows Harley to regenerate severed limbs with this skill alone. The body can be broken into cells and reorganized quickly. Any damage below the transcendent level can be recovered in seconds.

At this time, Hallie didn't need any holy healing spells from heaven. She already had a source of life that was ready to burst forth.

Moreover, a stable life will greatly enhance her vitality and resilience. This resilience is mainly reflected in the genetic and life mutations in response to abnormal external environments.

For example, if you live in a high-energy environment for a long time, your body and soul will be saturated with power, and then the essence of life will be distorted.

Even without all kinds of magic resistance, Harley is not afraid of being infected by high-level powers.

If one day Harley goes to the world of immortals, assuming there is an immortal with a higher level than her, and she does not activate the immortal power defense specialty, the other party will not be able to use their own super high-level immortal power to "refining" Harley. The essence of life will not change.

If there are Cthulhu monsters such as the Old Ones in the Omnipotent Universe, their power will not be able to pollute Harley - even if Harley did not activate the defense expertise against them at the time.

The tenth "Miracles of Faith" defense expertise (divine power (magic) and wind of nothingness): Level 8 defense of wind of nothingness, level 15 defense of divine power (magic). In addition to the normal immunity to damage caused by divine power and magic, as well as immunity from the backlash of faith, the Wind of Nothingness defense also brings the talent of storytelling to Harley.

Eleventh Faith (Justice and Destruction) Defense Specialty, Level 0 Year of the Villain, Level 0 Power of Justice.

Twelfth, level 9 space power defense expertise.

Thirteenth, entropy defense expertise, level 10, immune to any form of damage from the power of entropy; under the entropy defense force field, one can maintain oneself and the surrounding environment in a state where entropy increases to zero; for a certain price, this can even be achieved Inverse entropy increases.

Fourteenth, level 9 destiny defense expertise, jumping out of the three realms and not among the five elements.

Fifteenth, Black Apple Defense Specialty


Now that we have said this, let me explain why there are 15 specialties in this book, and Harley's level is over 150. Obviously, the limit of the DC multiverse is only 120, and there are only seven basic powers of the universe.

First of all, although there are only seven basic powers in the universe, there are many "miscellaneous powers" besides the basic powers. When Harley's level is low, it is difficult to obtain basic power, especially negative basic power, which is difficult to encounter before the power is unlocked.

In addition, the plot of Papetua has been foreshadowing from the beginning, and Papetua is not the only BOSS, she also has her own tribe.

This is the so-called "after becoming invincible under heaven, there are still visitors from heaven."

In general, the invincible protagonist in novels can be said to be "invincible below the immortals, and one by one above the immortals" is already very impressive, but their plot is still in the middle and late stages, and the immortal who descends to earth is just one level higher than the protagonist, and can leapfrog the level. war.

Not so in this book.

The all-powerful transcendent person who comes to the DC universe will not be just detached, but will be just half a level higher than the strongest person in DC, giving the protagonist a chance to fight beyond the level.

Assume that level 120 is an immortal, level 130 is a true immortal, level 140 is an immortal king, level 150 is a Daluo Jinxian, level 160 is an immortal (sage) and there are higher realms after that.

A transcendent person between level 121 and 130 will not come to DC, allowing the protagonist to "replace one with another". The origin wall will be broken, and there will be no immortal barrier between DC and the omnipotent universe - in fact, the origin wall is It was built by "immortals", so it is meaningless to talk about the distance between immortals and mortals.

Just Papetua is already an immortal, much higher than the highest level of DC.

In Xianxia novels, Pam has surpassed the way of heaven and is definitely the top boss, and can only appear in the finale.

But Pam was sealed by the Origin Judge.

The Origin Judge is at most the steward or the double bonus stick in the organization, not the boss.

When the time comes, the giants who come to DC will not let the protagonist "leapfrog and fight, fight and win" - the protagonist has already suppressed the level 130 Pam, and they are not stupid, so they will continue to arrange for a level 130 to go to DC to pretend to be an idiot?

A group of detached people came directly over, and each of them was a Daluo Jinxian (this was the case in the original comics, after the heroes of Zhenglian defeated Pam, others directly arranged a group of detached people to suppress all dissatisfaction).

I can't let level 120 Harley fight against a bunch of level 150 Da Luo Jinxian and just win - it's unreasonable.

Therefore, the protagonist's level in this book is higher than the DC limit, and Harley's magical expertise also "very suddenly" reaches level 15.

However, these do not affect the combat power system. She only has a defense of 150 points, and is suppressed to the extreme value by the rules of the universe - not only her, but also even if the Origin Judge enters DC, there is an extreme value.

DC is like a small house. People cannot appear larger than it, but people can inhale, shrink themselves, and then get in.

Harley is like a metal sponge. She is very comfortable curling up into a ball inside the DC Universe. After getting rid of the restrictions of the DC Universe, she immediately expands into a super alloy steel plate.

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