I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 2002 Complete lmjpfhyu

Chapter 2002 Complete lm'jp'fh'yu

Before the wisdom-enlightening black apple was unsealed, Harley already had 14 defensive feats (ps).

Among them, the fourth and sixth annotation defense expertise, the sixth emotional spectrum, the seventh speed, the ninth life connection and death, the tenth belief in divine power (magic), and the eleventh belief, a total of six basic powers.

The Eleventh Faith defense feats are Force of Righteousness and Year of Villain Defense.

In other words, a few years ago, when Harley was level 110, she had already absorbed the Year of the Villain and activated the corresponding defensive expertise.

On the eve of the multi-restart crisis, Alexander Luthor Jr., Superboy-Prime, and even the old Superman in Heroes Paradise all had evil thoughts of injustice.

Heroes' Paradise is an independent dimension created by the power of justice, higher than the fifth dimension and close to the sixth creator dimension.

It can be said that the Hero's Paradise is a world, and after the Crisis on Infinite Earths ended, the only ones who entered the Hero's Paradise were old Superman and old Lois, little Alexander Luthor and Superboy-Prime, a total of only four.

In the early stage, they were relatively normal. Even little Alexander Luther was a kind and good boy. Four kind people can ensure that the world's beliefs are absolutely biased towards justice.

Then the destiny of multidimensional restart arrived, and little Alexander Luther took the lead in awakening the monitor consciousness in his mind, and he became the first Fallen.

He first seduces Xiao Chao, causing Xiao Chao to fall quickly.

The fall of the two of them caused the hero's paradise created by the power of justice to be polluted by evil beliefs, and the perfect environment absolutely suitable for anyone to survive was distorted. Old Louise was dying and her life was not long.

Luthor Jr. and Superboy seduced the old Superman into corruption by treating Lois, and finally the "Year of the Villain" came to the hero's paradise.

Well, it's ironic that the Year of the Villain first arrives in the Hero's Paradise, which is regarded as a sacred place by the heroes of justice.

There are only four people in the entire Heroes' Paradise, three have fallen, and one is about to die. It would be strange not to usher in the Year of the Villain.

In short, the first generation of Heroes' Paradise was polluted by the Year of the Villain. When the multi-reboot crisis was over and Harley was preparing to rebuild the second generation of Heroes' Paradise, she ate the broken first-generation Paradise.

And absorbed the power of justice and the year of villains from it.

The power of pure justice is used to rebuild a new paradise of heroes, which is the temple of justice that is extremely glorious at this time and where countless heroes from parallel universes often come and go.

The Year of the Villain definitely could no longer fit into the Hero's Paradise, so she activated the Year of the Villain defense specialty at that time.

It's a pity that her level was not enough back then, only 100+, not 110, so she could only save enough in advance to start the Year of the Villain, a level 0 specialty.

But in any case, she does not need to wait for the Year of the Villain to gather the seven basic power defense specialties.

After the black apple was unsealed, she had activated the 15th defense specialty of the power of wisdom and enlightenment, and used seven basic powers plus the power of connection, a total of eight defense specialties to form the "DC Joint Defense Network".

This combined joint defense network was not only intentional by Harley, but also the natural evolution of the seven basic defense specialties. In other words, it was an evolution.

Now that she knows that the DC multiverse is composed of seven basic powers, Harley has of course long ago fantasized about the effect of combining all seven basic power specialties.

Before gathering all seven negative basic powers, she began to try to unite the basic powers.

The effect is good, the effect of the connected defense network is better, not against certain energy attacks, but against all attacks - not limited to physical attacks and energy attacks, the effect is better.

When the Black Apple was unsealed, the seven basic powers were gathered together, and before Harry could do anything, the seven basic power defense specialties plus the connection power defense specialties, the eight specialties began to merge themselves.

The eight specialties are not merged into one, but are automatically combined into a connected defense network.

"Where is Harley? That huge black ball that looks like a black hole, is it a black vortex of thorns? Damn it!"

Before Sam Lane could finish his words, he suddenly lost his temper and shouted, "Has Harley devoted herself to the path of destruction? Why is there the destruction mark of the Legion of Destruction on the surface of the black vortex of thorns?"

Dick glanced in the direction of the black vortex of thorns and saw golden lines lighting up on the surface of the dark vortex.

It starts with a circle, and then outlines horizontal and vertical lines within the circle. The lit lines form a straight-handled umbrella.

But the straight-handled umbrella is not the end. In the lower half of the circle, horizontal and vertical lines continue to light up. They are almost mirror images of the patterns in the upper semicircle.

"That's not the mark of destruction. Sister Harley is trying to integrate the black vortex of thorns with the seven basic force connection defense networks.

The Mark of Destruction is only half of the pattern. The other half represents the positive basic force universe. The combination of positive and negative forms a circular multiverse structure diagram. ” Dick explained.

"Multiverse structure diagram?" Sam Lane stopped shouting, and the shock on his face was replaced by confusion, "It looks like two destruction marks merged."

Dick said: "The mark of destruction is actually the structural diagram of the negative basic force universe. The positive basic force and the negative basic force have opposite properties, but the functions of constructing the universe are the same.

Therefore, the positive basic force universe structure diagram is the reflection of the mark of destruction.

Instead of two destruction marks merging, the upper half is the destruction mark, and the lower half can be called the justice mark. The combination of the two becomes the 'cosmic mark'.

Sister Harley calls it the ‘DC Seal’.

‘DC’ is what the comics of Superboy-Prime’s home universe call our multiverse. "

"What is the Basic Force Connection Defense Network?" Sam Lane asked.

Dick pondered: "A month ago, when Black Apple was first unblocked, Sister Harley's thick-skinned ways began to evolve.

She has been practicing in the cracks of the Origin Wall these days. Isn't she just practicing the Black Vortex of Thorns?

The Black Vortex of Thorns is also part of the Thickhide Path.

Sister Harley’s idea is to create specialized defensive magic for seven basic powers. The seven basic powers combine to form a complete cosmic structure, and the seven defensive magics combine to form the ‘Cosmic Shield’.”

He picked his head, looking a little confused and embarrassed, "Ask Sister Harley for details. She didn't explain it clearly at the time. I still don't understand it now.

In short, she has developed a "connected defense network" for basic power and merged it with the thorny black vortex.

There is no doubt that when Sister Harley is finished, her defense will be raised to another level. "

"Harley's Thick-skinned Way is already good at defense. If she improves her basic strength to a higher level." Sam Lane showed a delighted smile on his face, "With God's Divine Palm and Super Thorny Black Vortex, even the Transcendent can't beat Harley. Bar?"

Waller beside her said thoughtfully: "She is probably not sure whether she can defeat the Transcendent of the Almighty Universe.

But the Nexus Defense Network combines seven positive basic powers and seven negative basic powers, which sounds like it is particularly capable of restraining cutting-edge predators and origin wall monsters.

At least we don't have to worry about crises in the universe. "

Dick said: "That's right, although Sister Harley did not explain the connection defense network in detail, she made it clear that the defense network is particularly capable of restraining giant objects.

When the giant thing gets out of trouble, she must let it know that getting rid of the Origin Wall is not the end of the disaster, but the beginning of a greater disaster. "

The smile on Sam Lane's face became even brighter, "Haley is so prepared and so confident, we have nothing to worry about."

"Isn't our multiverse a positive fundamental force universe?" Animal Man pointed to the clearly uncertain circle pattern on the surface of the black vortex of thorns and wondered: "If it is a multiverse structure diagram, only the lower half should be retained!"

Dick shook his head and said: "No, our multiverse is not built purely with positive basic forces.

The giant created the original universe with negative basic force. Later, the judge from the omnipotent universe did not completely destroy the negative basic force universe.

He just carried out a great restart of the negative basic force universe. The negative basic force is sealed outside reality, but it is still part of the universe.

It can only be said that our current universe is more biased toward positive fundamental forces. "

Animal Man nodded suddenly and asked again: "That image is very abstract. How can you distinguish the various parts of the multiverse?"

Dick shrugged and said: "I only know that it consists of 14 lines, each line represents a basic force, and I am also different about the principles and structural details.

Sister Harley said that the overall structure of the multiverse has six dimensions.

The current two-dimensional graphics are the result of compression of the six-dimensional "architectural map of the universe". It is almost impossible to explore the specific structure of the universe through it, and we can only understand it roughly.

Well, the outermost big circle represents the origin wall, the innermost square grid is the Wantianyi, and the eight small blocks between the grid and the circle are the eight divine realms. In short, the seven basic forces are like the floor tiles and pillars that make up a house. , walls, tiles, each line represents a basic force, and fourteen lines outline a complete universe.

The appearance is indeed very abstract, and we don’t need to understand it. It is just a natural external manifestation of the basic power, and Sister Harley herself doesn’t care much about it. "

After a pause, he added: "Actually, Sister Harley wants to hide it, because it is directly exposed, and knowledgeable people will immediately know that it is related to the 14 basic powers, and then be careful and vigilant.

If the 'DC mark' is erased and only the black thorn whirlpool is exposed, the giant creature and Luther will be caught off guard. "

"This is Harley's style!" Animal Man nodded repeatedly.

Sam Lane stared at the connection defense network pattern and said: "Although the structure of the universe cannot be clearly understood, I can sense that its aura is obviously different from the mark of destruction.

The mark of destruction makes people feel very uncomfortable, but the cosmic mark on the surface of Harley's black vortex of thorns has the aura of grandeur and majesty. "

"Do you still know the aura of the Mark of Destruction? Have you ever seen the combination?" Dick asked in surprise.

Sam Lane shook his head and said: "I have definitely never seen the real Totality, but Waller extracted the consciousness of the Totality from the memories of the Joker and Black Manta.

Reading that memory allows us to intuitively feel the appearance and atmosphere of the totality.

She also digitized her memory and passed it on to the Justice League, which all superheroes should know.

Only by being familiar with the aura of the totality can you not miss the fragments of the totality when the origin wall collapses.

Why don't you know? "

"Oh, the memory retrieval must have happened recently, right? I have been here a long time ago to practice God's Palm in seclusion." Dick said.

Sam Lane glanced at Damian in the distance, who was still shirtless and humming and practicing martial arts, and said, "Isn't Robin the only one who has been practicing God's Palm with Harley?"

Dick looked at him again with a surprised look, "You really know us well. He came here first. I heard that the practice here is very effective. He has made some achievements. He couldn't help but ran over. It's not too late. ."

Sam Lane smiled and said: "I don't care about you. Especially now, my daily work is almost the Nth power of everything. Even Superman and Batman are not worthy of my investment.

But I can't let go of my focus on Harley at any time. "

Animal Man curled his lips and said to Dick in a low voice: "The Commander-in-Chief urges us to contact the Green Lantern Corps almost every day and ask the Lanterns to check on Harley's condition. Even after receiving the news, he still urges us several times a day. "

Sam said calmly: "Now even the intermediate civilization 'Yon', which is 5 billion light years away from the earth, has made a request to me, asking the Earth Lantern to deliver more news related to the Galaxy Admiral to their planet. Even if she eats for lunch today Any news about things is fine. In short, it is necessary for them to know that she is with them so that they can feel at ease.

How can I feel at ease if I don't care about Harley's situation?

I don’t feel at ease. How can important officials from various government departments feel at ease? Can the people of the United States and the earth feel at ease?

Without understanding her situation, how could I answer the questions that the leaders of the major civilizations in the universe would ask after meeting me?

If I can't answer their questions, how can they feel at ease in such troubled times?

If they can't feel at ease, how can the people of the universe feel at ease? "

"Now, Harley is our backbone and the anchor of all civilization in the main universe!"

Sam Lane pointed to the silent Lantern Simon Baz beside him, "I suggest you discuss with your Green Lantern partners and arrange for a Lantern to stay here at all times and use the Lantern Ring to broadcast Harley's training to the civilizations of the universe. process."

Simon frowned, looking at the thorny black vortex that had returned to pitch black, and said: "The inside of the crack in the origin wall is originally dim and the visibility is extremely low. The thorny black vortex is like a black hole. You can't see anything. What's the point of live streaming? ?”

"What is live broadcast is not the picture, but the confidence and belief. Even if the thorny black vortex is like a black hole, the light of hope in Harley shines brightly and can warm the hearts of all people who look directly into the black hole." Sam said loudly.

Simon couldn't listen anymore, but he had a dull personality and only lowered his eyes without speaking.

Animal Man couldn't listen anymore and taunted directly: "Commander, please save it, Harley can't hear anything you say now.

If she hadn't reached a critical moment in her training, she would always have left a part of her consciousness to pay attention to the martial arts field here.

If she finds a visitor coming, she will stop practicing and come over immediately.

Now that she is not here, it only means that she is at a critical moment and has no time to care. "

Sam Lane said in embarrassment: "What do you mean? Are you mocking me for praising Harley? You are my bodyguard, and what I see and hear is also yours."

Do I need to go out of my way to praise Harley? Am I not telling the truth? "

Animal Man's expression froze.

Sam Lane's words were indeed a bit disgusting, and it sounded like he was trying to flatter Harley.

But when he met with the alien head of state, the other party did talk about "Galaxy Admiral" at all times. It was not that the Justice League was not mentioned, but not as often as Galactic Admiral.

"Sam, Simon, Buddy, and Waller, why are you here?"

Harley was like a phantom, appearing in front of several people out of thin air without passing through the defensive golden film.

Sam Lane looked at her, then turned his head to look at the "black hole" before. It was still pitch black, but the golden circles and lines were gone.

Waller first said: "These days, the Grand Commander is almost too busy to leave the earth, and has been traveling around the capital planets of major civilizations in the universe.

Green Lantern and Animal Man are only responsible for handling large-scale security incidents, and daily security is handled by agents from the Eyes of the Sky and the Bureau of Shadows.

So now I am also a member of the Grand Commander’s alien visiting group. "

After a pause, she added, "Since Luther took away the Legion of Destruction, our earth has become much more peaceful, and I don't have much to do at the Belle Reve headquarters.

Instead, with Earth becoming a no-go zone for villains, the Legion of Doom may set its sights on alien planets.

Letting the earth fall is only the best shortcut to the fall of the universe, not the only way.

I can use my identity as the advisor accompanying the Grand Commander to investigate the criminal activities in the capital stars of major civilizations. "

The earth is the core of the universe. As long as the earth falls, the entire universe can enter the Year of the Villain.

In parallel universes outside the main universe, the Legion of Destruction does this.

But there is Harley in the main universe. Harley's reputation is too loud, she has too many glorious deeds, and she is too powerful. The Legion of Destruction's tactics are not very effective for people on earth.

Another point is that the DC multiverse has experienced many major reboot-level crises in recent decades.

Once the parallel universe is restarted, everyone will be affected, and all stories and memories will be refreshed.

When a god bleeds, he is no longer a god; once a person fails, he is no longer deified; if he fails too many times, no matter how awesome he was before, he will lose his ability now.

In the main universe, everyone's memory has not disappeared. They all remember Harley's awesomeness and Luther's various low-level failures. Even if the faith of all sentient beings does tend to be destroyed in times of crisis, everyone doesn't trust Luther very much.

After comparing with the awesome Harley, I feel that Luther is even more inferior, and even his concept of destruction has become inferior.

If in a parallel universe, there is a big reboot, Luther's failure in the previous crisis will be forgotten by everyone, and he will be known to everyone again as the "first villain in history".

Also because it is too difficult to promote the way of destruction on Earth in the main universe, Luther may turn his attention to other civilizations outside the earth and use alien civilizations to surround the earth to bring the Year of the Villain to the main universe.

Because of this concern, Waller decided to join the Grand Commander's delegation.

Sam Lane has recently become the number one political star in the universe, and almost all advanced civilizations have extended invitations to him.

Following Sam Lane, Waller can look around to see if the mainstream civilization of the universe has any traces of being infiltrated by the Legion of Destruction.

Harley asked: "Have you ever seen any signs of the Legion of Destruction's activities on alien planets?"

"No." Amanda Waller shook her head.

"Yes!" Sam Lane said almost at the same time.

Harley and Waller looked at him at the same time. Harley's expression was relatively calm, but there was obvious confusion on Waller's face.

Sam Lane's eyes flickered and he said, "I have important national affairs that I need to discuss with Harley alone. Can you guys go wait for me outside first?"

Animal Man and Simon Baz hesitated for a moment, then led Dick to the opposite side of the golden film platform, followed closely by Waller.

After they left, Sam Lane did not continue to lie, saying: "Luthor does intend to bring the main universe into the Year of the Villain by contaminating alien civilization.

The reason why there was not much noise was first of all because the universe was too big. If a certain planet was turned upside down and fell into complete chaos, it would not be able to affect the surrounding galaxies in a short period of time.

The alien planet is not the earth.

If the earth is in chaos, the universe will fall; if 11 million alien planets fall into turmoil, it will be insignificant to the overall situation.

Secondly, the higher civilized government’s control over the country is more powerful than the US government’s control over the United States.

Luther may have the highest intelligence on earth, but he still underestimated the leaders of advanced alien civilizations.

I have read Justice League's comprehensive analysis of the fallen earth. Luthor has many tricks, but he basically has one unified feature - disrupting the situation and winning in chaos.

The more technologically advanced a civilization is, the more difficult it is for it to change from stability to chaos.

Unless the ruling class falls first, it is difficult for modern civilization to completely turn to destruction.

Take the first fallen Earth 44 as an example.

The shoemaker Luther first corrupted the financial giants through fear, obtained huge investments, and then took over the entire earth step by step. "

Having said this, Sam Lane sighed helplessly, "Although I don't want to admit it, it is indeed not the people who rule the United States, but the capital giants.

The fact that shoemaker Luther can receive huge investments means that his concept has been recognized by big capital.

After that, a series of his plans were carried out unimpeded. People with power did not stop him, and even secretly helped him. People without power and ideas could not stop him.

In fact, his tricks are also very effective in the main universe.

Papetua is the Mother of Creation. When choosing between her and the Justice League, most powerful people believe that the Mother of Creation is the real future.

And the concept of destruction that releases instinctive desires is not completely unacceptable. For many people, the concept of destruction is even more desirable to them.

Fortunately, the main universe has you.

When the "mysterious man incident" began to appear on the earth, I immediately brought together government officials and business giants for a small meeting, and I revealed your final plan to them.

Even if the worst happens, we can escape from the multiverse, and every person on earth has a ticket to board "Noah's Ark".

Everyone has been to the stomach bag dimension more than once, so naturally they have no doubts about the ‘Last Ark Plan’.

If you surrender to destruction, even if you get benefits from Papetua, how will you face the detached organization that seals Papetua in the future?

Of course, government officials and business giants are all smart people, and I don’t need to tell you too much about the disadvantages of surrendering to destruction.

After carefully studying the path of destruction, major think tanks have come to a unified conclusion - the outcome of ordinary people taking refuge in Papetua will most likely be very miserable.

Because every villain who practices destruction is more cunning and cruel than politicians and capitalists. "

Harry said: "With all the nonsense you have said, do you want me to open a back door for the dignitaries of advanced alien civilizations and give them a ticket to Noah's Ark?"

There was no trace of embarrassment on Sam Lane's face, and he smiled and praised: "Harley, you are so smart! The Legion of Destruction has indeed begun to move frequently on outer planets, and has caused quite a commotion.

But the higher-ups in civilization knew your attitude, and they immediately suppressed the riots, completely eliminated criminal activities in the area, and even arrested villains and suspected villains on a large scale.

They actively control public opinion, prevent such incidents from becoming public news, and downplay the impact of unrest on other regions.

So even Waller didn't notice anything unusual, and thought the main universe was always singing and dancing in peace!

In fact, most people's years are peaceful, thanks to the rational and decisive leaders of major civilizations, who secretly do their best to maintain the justice beliefs of their civilizations.

But they are also a little worried.

If the world is destined to be destroyed and their civilization will eventually come to an end, is there any point in the current efforts?

Now I have to visit at least 10 higher civilizations every day, and at most I meet with 50 higher civilization leaders.

Every time we meet they ask similar questions and I try to reassure them.

I work hard, but no matter how hard I try, I can't live up to your promise. "

"You said that during the great escape, the dimensions of the stomach bag could easily hold an earth, right?" He looked at her eagerly and asked cautiously.

"It's easy to fit the earth, but you meet dozens of civilization leaders every day. How many civilizations are there in total? How many tickets does each civilization need? No matter how big the world is in the stomach, it can't fit the entire universe." Harley frowned. .

Not to mention the Earth, if the Endless Family is willing to take refuge in her and actively invest in the stomach dimension to become the basic law of the universe, her stomach world can accommodate a galaxy.

But even if it is as huge as the Milky Way, it is only an insignificant dot on the map of the universe.

Sam Lane gritted his teeth and said, "Harry, do you still remember the plane of Ipok?

During the magic debt crisis, Tim Hunter degenerated into a 'magic messenger' and harvested the Ipeki plane, causing tens of millions of Ipeki people to enter the earth.

The Epochs were the first wave of refugees, before the Earth experienced the subsequent wave of magical refugees.

You also let me settle them.

When you rebuilt the major magic planes, you did not rebuild Ipeko. They are still distributed in various countries around the world.

If you help them rebuild Iperce now and let them leave the earth, you should be able to free up a lot of places, right? "

Harley shook her head and said: "We can't drive them away. Do you know why Tim Hunter also harvested many extraordinary beings, but in the end he was not tried in public like Naboo?"

"Because he was your friend, but he died in the end? He died miserably and was eaten alive by the complainer." Sam Lane said.

"Tim is indeed my friend, but that is not the reason why he has not been tried." Harley sighed: "Tim harvested all white magicians who used 'pure natural magic', and only harvested part of them.

In his previous life, he was the ancestor of white magic. Like my teacher, the goddess Asal, he was also a servant of Hecate.

The reason why he created Ipece was to create a perfect world without magical debt.

He succeeded and failed.

Iperce's white magic civilization did avoid magic marks and magical debts, but Hecate's mark could not be removed after all.

Tim Hunter transformed into a magic user to harvest Ipok and other mages, all in order to pay off debts.

Most of the mages he harvested were people with evil intentions.

He would not have died if he had been working as a 'magic messenger' to collect magic debts for the resentful woman.

He didn't continue to serve the grudge and risked his life, so how could he be judged? "

After gaining magical power and becoming the master of magic, Harley knew Tim Hunter's final outcome.

His ending made her a little sad, and it also made her feel pity for the last Ipok.

When the crisis of destruction is over, when she sends away the Transcendent Organization, and when peace is restored to the multiverse, she will rebuild the world of Ipeko for them.

Right now, it's safer to stay on Earth.

In the final escape plan, the Ipok people on the earth will have a ship ticket, but this may not be the case in the magic plane Ipok.

Sam Lane wondered: "Since he is innocent, why don't you publicly explain and clear his name?

There are still extraordinary people who whisper in private, saying that the reason why the Great Trial did not judge the magic user is because you secretly opened the back door for your friend and saved his last face. "

Harley said: "I have explained to you now, and I have told my friends a long time ago that this matter is not a big secret in the supernatural world.

There was no public explanation. First of all, it was unnecessary. I didn’t even bother to attend the big trial, so I made a public statement just for this trivial matter?

In addition, he had been a magic user after all and had killed many people.

It can only be said that he has a clear conscience, but it doesn't matter how innocent he is. "

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