I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 2003 Battle of Taixu

Harley thought seriously for a moment and said, "We definitely can't give up on the Ipeko people.

Just tens of millions of people, and tens of millions of free tickets, have no meaning to the countless advanced civilizations in the entire universe.

If at the last moment, all members of the Endless Family really come to seek refuge, I can take away the most powerful group of civilized planets.

It's not a group of people, it's a group of planets, and the entire planet is taken away together.

Even if we use them to form a new galaxy, there will be no problem.

But if you make such a promise to the leaders of a higher civilization, the news will inevitably spread, causing widespread panic among ordinary people.

I can take away a group of planets, but I cannot take away all the planets. Most of them will be abandoned. "

Sam Lane immediately said: "We are all smart people, and we will definitely not leak the news intentionally to make the world chaotic and the situation out of control."

Harley sneered: "They are very smart, is Luther stupid? He has probably been waiting for you to come to me for a promise.

At this time, the main universe is not to say monolithic, but at least it is suppressed and stable.

It would be difficult to capture the main universe in a short time just by relying on the troops of the Legion of Destruction.

Especially since I'm in the main universe, they don't dare to take the initiative to show up, they can only sneak around, just like scratching the surface, and it's hard to achieve anything.

As soon as I made my promise to the ruling class of the universe, Luther immediately found a breakthrough.

Under his massive propaganda and instigation, what will the middle and lower class people and the middle and lower civilizations think and do?

At that time, the more the alien leaders suppress, the greater the chaos will be.

Even if all the turmoil in society is quelled, how can the thoughts in the hearts of all sentient beings be quelled?

Once faith tends towards destruction, even if the people are as honest as screws in a machine, the Year of the Villain will still come. "

Sam Lane was stunned and asked: "Then what should we do? If there is no promise, even if you will try your best to save the main planet of advanced civilization in the future, the current alien leadership will be suspicious and think that you have abandoned them. It gets messier faster.”

Harley mused: "Don't hide it, don't make private deals, just make a big and generous promise to everyone - when the last moment comes, I will package up their stories and take them away.

When I find a new home in the future, I can restart all their stories and make them a reality. "

Sam Lane was pleasantly surprised and asked quickly: "What exactly does the story mean? Can restarting the story equal 100% resurrection?"

Harley said: "Including the time mother river hanging above our heads at this time, the Sandman's dream library, and the "Book of Destiny" of fate, maybe Ms. Death also has some kind of life record book similar to the "Book of Life and Death" '.In short, I packed and took away everything that recorded their information, trying to ensure the integrity of their stories.

As long as the story is complete enough, restarting them in their new home is no different from restarting them in our multiverse.

It is impossible to say that even their home planet can be restarted together. "

Sam Lane was surprised: "Can you take away all the Mother River of Time? Even if only a section is left, it is still a giant, right?"

"You don't have to worry about this. My God-King power not only includes the basic laws of time, but I have also understood my own laws of time. It is more than enough to control a section of the mother river of time.

If not, why am I able to stabilize the time concept of the main universe and countless parallel universes with just a section of the mother river now that time has died? " Harley said.

The creation power of the God King includes almost all the laws needed to create the world.

But those laws are not the exclusive divine laws understood by the God King himself, but are imitations of the basic laws of the universe. In other words, they are completely copied.

This kind of plagiarism of basic laws cannot produce a godhead. Only the "new laws" that one has understood can become the qualification for promotion to a god.

Harley not only has the power to create the world, but her own understanding of the law of time is also very subtle and her level is very high.

After all, she has activated the ninth-level time defense expertise, "picked up" the time power of the entire linear human race in the Martial God King Era, and practiced it for tens of thousands of years in the Martial God King Era.

Especially defensive feats.

Defense expertise is a passive defense talent. It cannot actively control the corresponding energy, but it is particularly useful in understanding the relevant laws.

Sam Lane said thoughtfully: "The mother river of time records the timeline of all living things in the universe.

There is the most complete story on the timeline. If you can completely take away the mother river of time, wouldn't it be possible to restart the entire multiverse? "

Harley shook her head and said, "It's not that simple. Even when the mother river of time is intact, I can't extract everyone's timeline.

The past timeline will be intentionally hidden or even directly deleted by others.

The future is uncertain, with countless possibilities, and a specific timeline cannot be determined at all.

Even now, I can't find a timeline of Luthor and the Legion of Doom.

Time is dead after all. "

"But you still have the Book of Destiny. If you combine the Book of Destiny and the Book of Dreams, the story should be complete, right?" Sam Lane said.

Harley glanced at him, "It doesn't matter how far I can do it. What's important is that you not only think this way yourself, but you also have to instill this idea into the leaders of alien civilizations."

"Well, no matter how doubtful and anxious I am in front of you, I will definitely be confident when I'm outside." Sam Lane said.

Then he asked worriedly: "Forget the Book of Dreams, can you still get the Book of Destiny?"

"The multiverse has been destroyed. The Endless Family will either take refuge with me or follow the destruction of the world. In either case, what does it matter if you lend me the Book of Destiny or another 'Book of the Endless'?" Harley said.

Even if the Endless Family didn't eventually invest in the stomach dimension and re-evolve the basic laws of the multiverse, they certainly wouldn't mind handing over all the artifacts, treasures, powers, etc. to her before they died because they couldn't refuse her.

“If you are really confident, don’t think about your final escape plan.

You need to instill the belief of victory in every person who has fear.

Not only are you an alien leader, you must also give a public speech to let all the alien people know that justice will prevail, because I stand for justice! "There was some impatience in her tone.

Sam Lane said excitedly: "Of course I have the belief that propaganda will win. Every time I visit an advanced alien civilization, I will hold a press conference.

I am highly motivated to tell the extraterrestrial media about your invincible and majestic history, and your greatest strength in the universe that defeats invincible opponents in the world.

I wish I could hold up a sign and tell everyone - Harley is invincible. You can trust her just like me. With her around, no one can harm our world.

In fact, I not only want to promote the belief of victory to the alien civilizations in the main universe, but later I will also promote the way of victory to the entire multiverse. "

"Do you still want to go to the parallel universe for a state visit as the commander-in-chief of the United States?" Harley asked strangely.

Sam Lane shook his head and said: “I’m going to attend Louise’s show.

I came to you this time, of course, with the intention of using the back door for the alien leaders.

But I didn’t take the initiative to change my schedule and come to you specifically for this matter.

Louise has already made an appointment with me. After I leave here later, I will go to the 'New 52 TV Station' to receive an exclusive interview with her. "

Speaking of this, Commander Ryan's face was filled with a proud smile, and his tone was full of pride and complacency, "There are countless parallel universes in Wan Tian Yi, and only the main universe is the most stable.


The efforts of the righteous heroes certainly cannot be denied.

But an obvious fact is that Zhenglian in the parallel universe is also working hard, but there is no me in their world, and it does not mean that there are no peers of mine.

I mean, as the leader of the American people, I do a far better job than any leader in a parallel universe.

So Louise plans to pass on all my efforts, beliefs and spirit to the civilization leaders of the parallel universe through an exclusive interview with me.

As I said before, Luther's main way of promoting destruction is to disrupt the situation and win from chaos.

As long as the leaders of all civilizations in the parallel universe can be as confident about the future as I am, I dare not say that I have much faith in the concept of justice, but I absolutely hate and firmly resist the path of destruction.

If they can be as determined as me, the parallel universe will definitely be much more stable. "

"Even you have been invited. It seems that Louise has been very active recently." Harley said.

Even Sam Lane got an exclusive interview opportunity, and it can only be said that other more important people have already been on Louise's show.

And there are many more important people than Sam Lane.

"What do you mean by 'even me'? I have now been on the cover of Lane's 'Times Bimonthly' magazine four times in a row, and have been selected as the most influential politician of our time by more than 500,000 civilized mainstream media." Sam Lane said proudly .

After a pause, he added: "But Louise is indeed very busy recently, and I haven't seen her for a long time.

She has been staying in the Qiongji live broadcast room, either busy organizing news materials, or live broadcasting news in front of the camera.

Alas, the New 52 TV station had just been established and she had to create more programming content.

Multiverse breaking news is just a type of program that only broadcasts breaking news and only creates anxiety and unrest.

Emergencies must be classified and then solutions to the problems must be given for each type of event.

Louise is just a reporter. Even if she is very smart and experienced, she cannot give a standard answer by herself.

So there were expert panels and a series of summary programs. "

"Then go quickly." Harley said.

"The time for the exclusive interview has been arranged. It's not time yet. I still have some questions that I don't understand, such as your connection defense network." Sam Lane looked at her with curious eyes.

"Didn't you and Dick talk about it?"

"It's only a general idea, and he doesn't quite understand the details. I will definitely talk about your situation in detail when I give Louise an exclusive interview.

I am very self-aware, and I can become the most influential politician in the universe only because I stand in front of you and you stand behind me. "Sam Lane laughed.

Harley pointed to the darkness deep in the crack and asked, "Do you know why I want to practice in the crack of the Origin Wall?"

Sam Lane nodded, "The closer you are to the Almighty Universe, the faster your cultivation speed will be, and the easier it will be to improve your realm."

After finishing speaking, he asked curiously: "Why does it have this effect? ​​Is it the special function of the origin wall?"

"It has nothing to do with the Origin Wall. Haven't the United States recently introduced a lot of fairy tales from the Celestial Dynasty? The Omniverse is equivalent to the fairy world, and our multiverse is the human world.

There is no doubt that the cultivation environment in the fairy world is better, but there are still realms of suppression in the human world.

Immortals are not allowed in the human world, and there are no existences beyond the God-King in the multiverse. However, there are no restrictions in the immortal world. "

"I haven't watched a movie or a TV series for a long time." Sam Lane frowned, "But I probably understand what you mean.

You want to use the environment of the omnipotent universe to break through the realm of the God King and become a transcendent, right?

Can you please call over more gods and demon kings?

You can take in Nightwing and Robin, and you can take in many more.

Obviously, the cost-effectiveness of training Nightwing and Robin is far less than that of the God King and the Demon King.

If there is a group of gods and demon kings who transcend, we have a greater chance of winning, right? "

Harley said: "Instead of breaking through the great realm, breaking through the realm of the God King will actually harm the Origin Wall.

Breaking the wall of origin is detachment!

Before the collapse of the Origin Wall, it was difficult for people in the 'mortal world' to break through to the realm after the God King.

And what I cultivate is not the realm, but the 'skill'.

The black vortex of thorns and the defensive network are all techniques.

You have practiced for tens of millions of years in the mortal world before you can barely master the power of a god king. In the fairy world, a baby is a god king when he is born, and you can master the power of a god king in a few years.

A surge in efficiency from tens of millions of years to a few years is what I want. "

"Oh, now I really understand. In our multiverse, if you want to upgrade the Black Vortex of Thorns to the ninth level, it will take countless years and endless energy and brain power.

Integrating the black vortex of thorns with the connected defense network is even more time-consuming and laborious.

Now with the help of the rules and power of the omnipotent universe, you can quickly develop peerless magical skills. "Sam Lane said.

Harley nodded and asked, "Now do you understand how I learned to connect the defense network?"

She spent a long time trying to find a suitable excuse for her joint defense network.

The DC mark is really too obvious, which is obviously different from the previous thick gold film.

The key DC shield will have a very significant effect on the Apex Predator and Pam. It will definitely shock many people, attract countless people's attention, and trigger countless discussions.

She didn't want others to think that "Witch Harley has absorbed seven basic powers. Witch Harley has a connected defense network for the basic powers", so she first gave a reason that everyone could accept.

The omnipotent universe! There is no need to be surprised if you create any new skills.

Sam Lane was stunned, "You have gained enlightenment from the rules of the omnipotent universe, but I still don't understand the details of the joint defense network."

"What details do you want to know? Do you want me to hand over the "DC Shield" magic secret book to you?"

Ryan couldn't teach Harley even if he wanted to.

"Well, that's not necessary, I just..." Sam Lane thought for a while and said: "For example, I know that God's Palm can shoot the Death King, but I don't know what the defense network can do.

Louise's interview with me is to be broadcast to the entire multiverse.

It can be said to be the most important moment in my life. I cannot live up to the expectations of the audience. I must analyze your abilities in depth, the more detailed the better.

The clearer it is made, the more at ease everyone will feel. "

Harley said angrily: "The clearer you speak, the happier the Legion of Destruction and Papetua will be."

She waved her hand, "Let's go! You only need to tell them that the 'DC Shield' formed by the fusion of thorns and black vortices and the defense network can solve all problems. There is no need to say much else.

Anyway, the origin wall is about to collapse. When the time comes, let’s speak with facts. "

A moment later, Domeji, New 52 TV station.

Sam Lane looked around. The room was quite spacious, larger than his office in the White House, but there were too few furnishings and it was too spacious.

There are only two chairs and a glass coffee table for drinks.

"Is this the lounge?"

"No, this is the live broadcast room." Louise seemed to understand her father's doubts, and explained: "The Dome is a blood domain mothership built by the Creator, and it is almost the crystallization of the top wisdom of the multiverse.

It is impossible to have a bunch of photography and recording equipment, lighting equipment and the like like on Earth.

In fact, there are only two of us in this room, and there is no camera or editing. The spacecraft master brain will record our holographic images and intelligently adjust the lens. "

"Now the exclusive interview has started? Are the viewers from the multiverse watching our show?" Ryan swallowed, feeling inexplicably nervous.

"The TV station is currently broadcasting the "Giant Object Series", and there will be some advertisements interspersed in the program. They are all public welfare and there are no commercial advertisements.

One of the advertisements is to promote "The Most Powerful American Commander in the Universe—Sam Lane" to warm up for this exclusive interview.

In other words, today's exclusive interview is not a live broadcast. You don't have to be nervous. Just talk casually and say whatever you want. The content of the interview will definitely be post-processed later. " Louise said.

Ryan's face was slightly red, he rubbed his hands and smiled awkwardly: "The strongest in the universe. Isn't that too exaggerated?"

"The word 'strongest in the universe' here emphasizes belief and confidence, not combat effectiveness and governance ability. Isn't today's interview just to promote your belief in victory?" Louise said.

When Ryan heard this, he felt a little dissatisfied again.

“My belief is indeed very strong because I have Harley’s support, but my own abilities are not bad either!

The main universe being so strong has a lot to do with my efforts to stabilize the emotions and beliefs of the leaders of major civilizations.

I visit more than ten civilized planets every day, meet with dozens of alien leaders, and only sleep for half an hour a day. "

Louise looked at her father's rosy and shiny old face with doubt in her eyes, "I think you are in good spirits."

Ryan also stared at his daughter's plump and smooth cheeks, "You are in good condition too. I was worried that you were too tired before."

Louise touched her face and said: "Let's get straight to the point. You are the protagonist in the interview. If you can show other abilities besides your belief in winning, I will only be happier, and the quality of the TV program will also be better." It will be higher and more helpful to everyone.”

Ryan asked: "Is this 'New 52 TV Station' aimed at the 52 node universes including the main universe?

I heard Waller say that the storyline of the Node universe is very different from that of the main universe.

Instead, there are parallel universes outside the node universe, many of which are almost identical to the main universe. "

"This has nothing to do with your interview, right?" Louise said.

Lane explained: “If the show was focused on the 52-node universe, I would downplay the identity of ‘Sam Lane’.

Because the node universe and even the Justice League are very different from the main universe, my peers are even more different from me, and there is no point in asking them to learn from me. I mean, I don’t need to talk about my inner growth.

If we face more parallel universes, and the Sam Lane of those parallel universes have exactly the same personality, habits, and life experiences as me, I can become their role model and template.

I will impart my experience and insights to them so that they can play a greater role in their own world. "

"You are overthinking. I have investigated and found that almost all of your fellow aliens are generals, and none of them has become the head of state except you.

They also have a stubborn temper and like to go against Superman. They have few supporters within the government and behave like super villains. " Louise said.

Ryan sighed with emotion: "I know, that's why I came up with the idea of ​​changing them and letting them evolve toward me."

Louise said: "The TV station is called 'New 52' because the new 52-node universe after the multi-dimensional restart can represent Wan Tianyi.

There are too many parallel universes.

As long as the local Zhenglian contacts Heroes Paradise, our program will be broadcast. "

"How many universes are there?" Ryan asked curiously.

"Nearly a hundred thousand."

"One hundred thousand." Ryan hesitated: "One hundred thousand is a huge number, but the universe currently entering the Year of the Villain seems to exceed one hundred thousand."

Louise nodded slightly and said with a heavy expression: "The 'Belief Monitor' created by the Monitor and the Forger has determined that more than 5 million parallel universes are continuing to slide towards destruction, and more than two dozen people have fallen into the Year of the Villain. million.

These two sets of data continue to grow, and the growth rate is getting faster and faster.

Even now, one hundred thousand and two million are incomparable.

However, there are only so many worlds that come into contact with the Heroes' Paradise.

Many parallel worlds do not know the concept of the multiverse at all, and Heroes Paradise does not have the time or energy to slowly guide them.

We can only work hard to stabilize the main front, which is the node universe.

Fortunately, the main universe is the core battlefield, and the main universe is very stable.

This is also the reason for today’s exclusive interview program.

As more and more parallel universes fall, some superheroes are beginning to have their beliefs shaken, let alone ordinary people.

The New 52 TV station broadcasts news to 100,000 parallel universes. It cannot report good news but not bad news, and deliberately conceals the truth of the matter.

Now when everyone wakes up every morning, they hear that hundreds of thousands of parallel universes have entered the Year of the Villain. How can we not despair?

How to let everyone know that millions of parallel universes have fallen without despair? "

Sam Lane understood, nodded solemnly and said: "I will let them see the confidence of the 'most powerful leader' in the main universe, and I will definitely restore their confidence."

"Do your best, don't put too much psychological pressure." Louise said softly.

"I don't have any pressure. I just met Harley and she gave me endless confidence." Sam Lane said excitedly.

Louise seemed to see the flame of faith in his eyes, and couldn't help but wonder, "Isn't Halle practicing Qiang? What happened to her?"

Sam Lane said: "She has mastered another secret skill - connecting the defense network, which can solve all crises in the universe, but the secret skill is not the key yet."

Louise asked suspiciously: "The 'all crises' you mentioned also include the origin wall giant crisis?"

"That's right, giant beasts and cutting-edge predators are powerless against Harley's new skills."

"Are you sure?" Louise became more and more suspicious that her father was bragging. "Father, Commander Ryan, you should understand that the audience is not easy to fool. Exaggeration will not make everyone feel at ease. Frankness is the cornerstone of faith."

Sam Lane felt a little guilty, but still said: "These are Harley's true words. I believe her. She never tells lies."

Louise hesitated again and again, but she still whispered: "Let's cut this paragraph. Harley doesn't tell lies, she's just bragging in front of her friends. Don't take it too seriously."

"She looked very impatient at the time. It didn't look like she was bragging."

"Impatient, obviously, she is perfunctory with you." Louise said.

Sam Lane was a little annoyed, "Why don't you believe my judgment? Harley is not being perfunctory, she is just too confident."

"Hey, this is an exclusive interview with New 52 TV, so it's better to play it safe -"


Before Louise could finish her words, an unprecedented loud noise suddenly appeared in the hearts of everyone in the multiverse.


Even in the Sky Blood Realm without space and air, even inside the most advanced Blood Realm Mothership in the multiverse, Louise and Sam Lane almost fell off their chairs.

It's not that the "ground" is shaking, it's that all places where the concept of "space" exists is shaking violently.

People often use "the sky is falling" to describe how they feel when something big happens, but there has never been a moment when the feeling and "the sky is falling" are so apt as now.

Innocence is shattered.

Everyone didn't know what happened, but there was a clear understanding somewhere: the world was dead and the sky was falling.

"Beep beep beep~~The origin wall has collapsed, the origin wall has collapsed!" The blood domain mothership sounded the alarm, and the dazzling red light and harsh sound, accompanied by the mastermind's insane scream, spread throughout the cabin.

"What? The origin wall collapsed? But the Year of the Villain hasn't yet—"

Louise was still panicking, but in the next moment, all the hair on her body stood on end, and there was an unprecedented terror and crisis in her spiritual senses.

"Mortal, you are so brave, you dare to openly humiliate me!"

The sharp and murderous voice was like a real sharp blade. Just by entering Louise's consciousness, it had already cut her soul into two pieces.


As soon as Sam Lane got up in a daze, he was once again blown away by a huge shock wave. Like a marble, it hit the wall, bounced back, and landed heavily on the ground.

A large hole opened in the milky white metal wall of the New 52 TV station's live broadcast room, and a huge scarlet hand stretched out from outside the spacecraft.

Just like crushing tofu cubes, he easily crushed the layers of decks, almost instantly piercing through all the ship buildings between the live broadcast room and the blood domain, and came to Louise.

"No!" Ryan spat out a mouthful of blood and wailed in despair.

The palm with slender claw-like fingers exuded a strong aura of destruction and death. Just seeing it made Sam Lane dizzy, his liver and gallbladder trembled, and he almost lost consciousness in fear.

As long as it catches its daughter, it can crush every bone of Louise like an ordinary person crushing shortbread.

He seemed to have seen in advance the scene of plasma shooting out from between his fingers.

"Buzz~~" A beam of dim light lit up in front of his eyes, and a mark the size of a bed board appeared on Louise's body - the dim light was the base, and 14 gold lines lit up on the surface, forming a circular pattern. , the outside of the pattern is a circle, and the inside is composed of horizontal and vertical lines to form a very abstract structure.

"Stab la la!"

The bright red giant hand that could easily penetrate the heavy deck of the Qiongji spacecraft actually made a burning sound like pork falling into a red-hot iron pot after touching the circle mark, and thick black smoke emitted.

If you look closely, you can see that part of the fingertips of the scarlet palm have melted away.

"Ah!" Ryan and all the heroes on the Domeji heard the screams from the depths of their souls.

Their souls seemed to have become a glass structure, cracking open in tiny cracks amidst the miserable screams.

"You are so brave. You know I am right next to you, but you still dare to hurt someone."

Another loud shout resounded through their hearts, but like the warm spring breeze, it took away all the discomfort on their bodies and made them feel warm all over. It was as if the cracks in their souls had never appeared before.

"Harley!" Ryan shouted in surprise.

Harley didn't respond to him.

He didn't even see her shadow.


After Harley shouted, the huge palm that seemed to be condensed with blood suddenly exploded into puddles of sticky scarlet.

Scarlet filled the live broadcast room, but did not cause any harm to the people inside beyond obstructing their vision.

"Louise, Commander Ryan, are you okay?"

At this time, the commander's bodyguards and the heroes on the mothership also rushed over.

"I'm fine. Look at Louise. She--oh, Louise, how are you?"

Sam Lane saw his daughter being helped up by Miraculous Mary. He also saw her bleeding from all her orifices and her face covered in blood.

"I, I'm fine, at least I'm fine now." Louise blinked a few times, then reached out and wiped her face randomly a few times, "My soul was cut in half by Pappetua just now. Fortunately, Harley appeared in time, Not only protect me, but also restore my broken soul to its original state."

"How do you know? I thought you were in a coma." Magical Mary said curiously.

"Harry told me." Louise glanced around with a puzzled expression, "Isn't Harley here? I really heard her voice just now."

"The Origin Wall has collapsed, Papetua has regained her freedom, and Harley Quinn is fighting her at the edge of the Origin Wall." The voice of "Injustice Superman" came from the speakers on the bridge of the Dome.

"Can you see them fighting?" Louise asked quickly.

"The distance is too far to see clearly. If you want to watch the battle, you have to leave the Sky Blood Domain and get closer to the ruins of the Origin Wall." Injustice Superman said.

"Then what are you waiting for? Go quickly!"

Louise urged anxiously, then turned to look at the magical Mary beside her, and said quickly: "Mary, help me, use your magic tricks to clean up the stains on my body."

Magic Mary cast a cleaning spell on her, "What are you going to do?"

"Of course, live broadcast this unprecedented battle. At least record it. If Harley wins, live broadcast immediately; if Harley has a difficult battle, edit the video to make her look advantageous; if she loses."

Louise shivered and shook her head like a rattle, "Harry will definitely not lose. Papetua seemed to have suffered a big loss at her hands before."

Sam Lane nodded and said: "I have seen with my own eyes that Harley's 'DC Shield', which combines the black vortex of thorns and the connected defense network, is really strong.

The huge mark that covered your body before was the DC Seal, and what protected you was the magic shield - the DC Shield.

It overpowered Pappetua completely, and we all heard Him scream, didn't we? "

"That's right, Harley really didn't brag this time, DC Shield is very strong."

Louise glanced at the nanomaterial cabin that was slowly repairing itself, and while running out quickly, she shouted: "It's too messy here, let's move to another place.

The mastermind projected the surveillance screen in front of me. "

"No need for a projection, you can just walk to the window and see it yourself."

While several people were talking, the Blood Territory Mothership had already left the Heavenly Blood Territory and entered the junction of Limbo and the Origin Wall.

"Oh my God, she is the mother of creation? She is so huge, bigger than the universe!"

Louise didn't know what was going on at first, but when she actually arrived in the next cabin and opened the "floor-to-ceiling window", the magnificent scene outside came directly into view.

Pappetua was wearing a sleeveless dress, which seemed to be woven from the cosmic sky. The stars and galaxies on it were slowly rotating as if they were real.

Her skin is very white, like the cold sunlight. It doesn't look beautiful, it just makes people feel cold all over.

She basically has a human form, but there is no hair on the top of her head. There are two tentacles on her forehead, and the tentacles are floating behind her head, like two long black braids.

Ignoring the breath and looking at the appearance alone, except for the two palms with sharp dagger-like nails, there is almost no pressure on them.

But she was just too big.

There is a dark blue ball on her calf. It is to her what a basketball is to ordinary people.

But that dark blue ball is a universe.

"What, that dark blue ball is the main universe? How is it possible? How can Papetua be so big?"

Even though people in the main universe have a special sense of familiarity and intimacy with the dark blue sphere, they still find it difficult to accept it after hearing the real answer from the mothership's mastermind.

Injustice Superman looked at the analysis data of the mastermind and exclaimed: "This is Limbo. Alas, the origin wall has collapsed. This is no longer just Limbo. We have almost reached the boundary of Taixu.

What we see at this point is not physical matter.

In fact, we can't see it with our eyes at all.

The eyes are the windows to the soul. We feel with our heart and spirit.

What can be felt in Taixu is conceptual existence.

In other words, conceptually speaking, the main universe is as small as a rubber ball to the Mother of Creation.

This is reasonable, after all, she created the entire multiverse, and the main universe is only a part of the multiverse. "

"What about Harley? The main universe is so small, how can Harley fight against such a huge Papetua?" Louise asked with a pale face.

She glanced around, but couldn't see Harley. Harley must be too small for them to see.

"Harley Quinn." Injustice Superman murmured in confusion at first, and then shouted, "Oh my God, Harley Quinn is above us."

Everyone quickly looked up "up" and did not see Harley's figure. They only saw a palm falling from the "sky".

The palm was so big that it could almost hold Pappetua in it.

In fact, Papetua raised his hands in a defensive posture at this time, obviously struggling to resist something.

"It's Harley's hand? Oh my god, how is this possible? Harley is so huge that we can't even see it?!" Everyone looked a little dazed.

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