I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1995 Advanced Predator Lex Luthor

"Every superhero has an origin story."

The caster glanced at the superheroes in front of him and said: "If your story is written into a script and handed over to a Hollywood director to make a biographical movie, the origin story is often the most exciting and emotionally resonant plot for the audience. "

To answer the question of Jon and Luthor's strange, "sudden" bond, a caster who has read countless Justice League stories would be a better candidate than Harley.

After all, Martian Manhunter is indeed a bit "unpopular". In the past, Harley's relationship with him was just an ordinary friend. He never had any affection for her, and she didn't pay special attention to his life.

At this stage, the mother river of time has collapsed, leaving only one segment of time. The history of this segment is only a few hundred years, and it is impossible to see through Jon's entire life.

For Hallie, her analysis will include many uncertain guesses that may be wrong.

The caster is different.

Not to mention how many parallel universes "New Worlds of Justice" this guy has created, each new world involves the history and present of the heroes of the Zhenglian Alliance.

He also used the main universe as a template to create a sea of ​​ruins composed of countless abandoned stories.

In the process of story experimentation, he studied each hero thoroughly.

Perhaps the analysis of the hero's character and philosophy is different from that of the real hero, but the hero's understanding of the hero's history and past life experiences may not be as good as the hero himself.

It just so happened that this guy was working as a superhero in the main universe again. After shouting, he teleported back and talked to the heroes.

"Superman's origins are in a small town in Kansas called Smallville.

Batman's origins lie in Crime Alley, after two gunshots.

The origin of Wonder Woman began when an American soldier named Steve Trevor accidentally landed on Paradise Island. "

After pointing his finger at the three giants of Zhenglian one by one, the caster sighed: "Mars Manhunter naturally has his own origin story.

He comes from Mars, which is next door to the Earth. The 'Hunter' is equivalent to the police of the Earth people in the Martian civilization.

There are two key elements in Superman’s origin story, ‘Farm Boy’ and ‘Son of Krypton’.

Growing up on a farm, he understood his identity as the last son of Krypton.

Batman's origin story also has two key plots. He witnessed his parents being shot dead in a crime alley, and in confusion, he chose to learn from a distant teacher.

The origin story of Wonder Woman can still be summarized in two points: encountering American Steve on Paradise Island, and leaving Paradise Island to experience the prosperity and filth of the world. "

Bateman frowned and said: "Your Excellency the Forger, you can just tell Jon's story, there is no need to mention us."

The Forger glanced at him and said: "I understand that you don't like to recall the past. Your origin story is full of darkness and pain.

I'm not targeting you.

I use the three of you as an example to help everyone better understand the structure of Martian Manhunter's origin story, and then you will immediately know what Papetua did to him without any further explanation from me. "

Dachao patted the old man on the shoulder, nodded to the caster and said: "You can continue, you can just talk about me and Diana, maybe Harley can be added, Bateman forget it."

"Harley Quinn does not have an origin story. An 'origin story' is equivalent to a model show, with fixed routines and core plot elements. Harley Quinn's experience is unique. There is no other 'Harley Quinn' who has the same experience as her In life, it is impossible for anyone to repeat her story." The caster said solemnly.

"We are also unique. Even if our stories are repeated in countless parallel universes, we are still the only fireworks in the multiverse." Diana said.

"You can think so, but I don't want to argue with you. To be honest, I don't want to talk nonsense either. I want to tell the story of Martian Manhunter immediately." The Forger said.

"Hey, stop talking nonsense and let Xiao Zhou finish his words. We are not idlers and have no time to waste." Harley said impatiently.

The heroes looked at the forger in silence.

The Forger continued: “The origin story of Martian Manhunter also has two key factors: the destruction of the Martian race, and the accidental travel through time and space to the Earth.

After the Martian race was destroyed, he was the only Martian left, so the Martian Hunter regarded the earth as his second home that must be protected with his life.

This is a bit like Dachao.

The accidental crossing of the earth was the direct reason for his bond with the earth.

Krypton and the Earth are incompatible with each other, so why is the last son of Krypton on the Earth?

Because Superman's father chose the Earth, Superman's father's choice was the direct reason for the bond between Superman and the Earth.

No matter which timeline you choose, the destruction of Martian civilization is hundreds of years earlier than the superhero era.

Before Final Crisis, in countless parallel universe stories I have seen, Martian Manhunter was hit by an energy beam after suffering genocide as an adult, and traveled hundreds of years to the modern earth.

That energy beam came from Dr. Elder from the United States.

When he was studying ancient Martian instruments in modern times, he accidentally pulled Jon from hundreds of years ago to the present.

Later, he helped the Martians get out of the pain of genocide, gradually adapt to modern life on earth, and eventually became a superhero. "

The Forger raised two fingers and waved them in front of the heroes, "The two major plot elements of Martian Manhunter's origin story, the destruction of Martian civilization and being pulled to Earth by Earth scientists, all happened after Martian Manhunter came of age.

And this core element has never changed.

The change comes from the early childhood period before the main story, when Martian Manhunter was still a 10-year-old child. "

The heroes had thoughtful looks on their faces.

"Papetua is very shrewd. She barely changed Jon's origin story and kept the main plot of the story completely intact, so even Harley didn't notice that Jon had been tampered with."

The Forger glanced at Harley, "You don't have much contact with Martian Manhunter on weekdays, right?

The plot of the Martian Manhunter movie remains completely unchanged and has little impact on anyone else.

But the addition of "Mars Manhunter Prequel" will definitely have a big impact on Martian Manhunter himself.

Even though Papetua tried his best to reduce the changes in him in the "Prequel" story and erased a small part of his memory in the story.

If Martian Manhunter were Batman, you would most likely have noticed the anomaly. "

Harley said helplessly: "Luthor's life has changed even more, and I haven't noticed it either.

My own life has been greatly rewritten in the Martial God King Era, how can I pay attention to everyone?

It was not me who restarted the fifth world, but Dachao. "

She could sense that Bateman's life was distorted by Barbatos because she met Bruce himself in the era of the God of War.

Moreover, Barbatos was too active and directly developed beliefs among human tribes, which conflicted with her "Belief in the God of War".

"As the saying goes, you only have a thousand days to be a thief, but there is no thousand days to guard against a thief. The entire Martial God King era lasted for tens of thousands of years, during which countless lives appeared. Harley herself also had big things to do, so she certainly couldn't cover everything and pay attention to every one. People." Oliver also said something fair for her.

In fact, in the Age of the God of War, Harley was already careful enough.

Each of them, a group of human warrior gods and demigods, has a patrol mission. They have to patrol the major tribes on space motorcycles to look for any abnormal "evil god beliefs".

Even if Harley went to the Ocean of Entropy for training thousands of years later, Oliver did not completely give up his patrol routine.

It was not until 10,000 BC that Oliver completely stopped routine patrols because he was worried that the human warrior god would interfere with the human history he knew well.

But human martial artists can still "ascend" to the world of martial gods.

Those martial arts masters are the inheritance left by Martial God Mountain in the human world, and they are still wary of the "evil god".

However, Pappetua did not develop her faith like Barbatos. She did not come out to do anything, and no one noticed anything unusual.

"Oh, it's my fault too." Dachao sighed: "After the final crisis, the fifth world was restarted, and the material universe was also affected. It was the restart of the fifth world that I led, and I didn't even notice anything unusual about Luther and Jon."

Hal shook his head and said: "Even if you knew that their history had changed at the time, you wouldn't care too much.

None of us would care.

Because every time it restarts, someone always has a 'new memory'. Their reality has not changed, but the past has been affected by the restart. "

Diana looked at the Forger and asked, "Do you know the story of Little Jon and Little Luther?"

The Forger nodded and said: "In the normal timeline before the final crisis, Luther's father was a successful entrepreneur with a genius brain and a relatively normal personality.

In the Age of the Valkyrie King, Wandal Savage received a Synthesis."

He tilted his head and looked at Harley, "Savage got two total pieces in total, and Harley discovered the first one as soon as he got it.

Harley re-sealed the complex into the Origin Wall.

But after Harley entered the ocean of entropy, Papetua quietly sent a synthesis to the earth.

The first complex landed in the back mountains of Savage's tribe, attracting many tribal savages at that time.

When releasing the second complex, Papetua learned from the lessons of the previous failure and dropped the complex into no man's land.

That is, in the ‘Finisterre’ lava pit in Antarctica. "

Hawkgirl said in surprise: "Savage's 'Fortress of Doom' is located in the Finisterre lava pit."

“The totality has existed in the lava pit for many years, making it a strange place where the phase space can constantly change.

It is difficult for ordinary people to discover its strangeness without getting close to the aggregate.

Antarctica is rarely visited, let alone in the lava pits inside a volcano.

But Savage had been radiated by the energy of the total body, and he sensed its existence and took it out. "

The caster looked around at the Zhenglian heroes and said, "You should already know the story that follows."

Neptune said helplessly: "It's too late to know. We won't know all the secrets of the synthesis until Luther takes away the synthesis from the Veterans Club, after the negative base power is unsealed, and after we capture Black Manta."

The Forger was noncommittal and said: "After Savage got the Synthesis, he went around looking for the smartest people in the world to help him decipher the secret of the Synthesis.

Decades ago, he found Luther's father, rewriting the lives of Luther's family and the first half of Martian Manhunter's life.

Under the Kansas Veterans Club, Old Luther built a large laboratory.

The experimental funds and instruments were all sponsored by Savage. Old Luther traveled across time and space to capture a small Martian from hundreds of years ago.

He is the 10-year-old Martian Manhunter.

Everyone in the laboratory regarded the Martian as a guinea pig, except Lex Luthor, also 10 years old, who felt pity for him.

In the dark years of experimental subjects, only little Luther was with him.

In the end, it was little Luther who rescued little Martian Manhunter and sent him back to his own time, back to Mars.

Because of the researcher's inhumane human experiments or the influence of time travel, the little Martian Manhunter was traumatized and developed a stress disorder. This painful experience was sealed by instinct.

Luther Jr., along with his father and other researchers in the laboratory, were brainwashed by Savage.

Little Luther just lost a memory, but old Luther fell from a smart scientific research genius to an alcoholic.

Of course, these plots are all the result of Papetua's design.

If one of Little Luther and Little Martian Manhunter retains his memory, the entire reality will be rewritten, and everyone will notice the anomaly. "

Hal asked: "Luthor and Jon awakened their memories at this time. Is it because Papetua set a memory trigger switch for them respectively?"

The caster nodded and said: "Yes, the switch that allows Luther to restore his memory is the total body. When he gets the total body, the memory sealed by Savage will come back.

The factor that touches Martian Manhunter's "psychic trauma" is negative base force.

When the first negative base power was unsealed, some illusions began to appear in his mind.

The vision was vague, but the emotion in the memory was deep in my bones.

How dark and helpless his life was when he became a guinea pig, how great the light and hope little Luther brought him, and how complicated his feelings towards Luther are now.

More importantly, Martian Manhunter is unable to determine whether the memory of this sudden awakening is true or false.

The two core plot points of Martian Manhunter's origin story are both intact.

When he was 10 years old, he traveled to the earth hundreds of years later and was used as a laboratory rat. He was eventually saved by little Luther.

Little Luther sent him back after his heart was traumatized. The little Martian just thought that he was sick, grew up normally, got married and had children normally, and finally experienced the terrible genocide of Mars.

The adult Martians, who fell into endless pain and despair, were hit by an energy beam and pulled into modern times by Dr. Elder.

did you see? If "Mars Manhunter" is a movie about the origin of Martian Manhunter, the plot of the movie will not change at all, and "The Prequel" is just a supplement to the main story, and there will be no plot conflict. "

"No wonder Jon seems to be possessed by a demon." Eagle Girl's mood was complicated, with a look of surprise and pity on her face. "It's not that Jon is stupid. It's not that he's a psychic who can't tell the truth from false memories. In fact, Pape Tua is too cunning, and the plot of "The Prequel" is set up too cleverly, with almost no loopholes!"

Dinah nodded gently with approval, "If Harley and the Forger hadn't made it clear that the plot of Little Martian Manhunter was faked, even now, we wouldn't be able to find any flaws in the 'prequel'."

Harley said: "If it weren't for the General Assembly, just looking at Jon's story, there would be no flaws at all."

The caster said: "The plot of the world storyline is originally true, and there are no flaws or loopholes.

For example, The Age of the Martial God King sounds ridiculous, but every story in The Age of the Martial God King actually happened.

You've even experienced it yourself, haven't you?

The story of Martian Manhunter and Luther takes place in the era of the God of War, and is equally true.

Martian Manhunter was really saved by Luther Jr., this cause and effect is real. "

Harley lamented: "The Age of the God of War is really just a joke, it was my pretense in Crisis on Infinite Earths.

Who would have thought that a mere pretentious joke could actually contain the shocking plan of a super boss, and there were more than one boss.

The reality is too absurd, even more absurd than the story. "

Diana frowned and said, "I don't like the restart of this story line that randomly manipulates the lives of all living beings.

Harley, can you reform the rules of universe restart just like you reformed the rules of magic? "

"How to change it?" Harley asked.

"No one can change the world story that has already happened and the destiny of the future." Diana said.

The Forger said coldly: "If there was no crisis of annihilation, no one would be able to restart the world.

If there is a world-ending crisis but there is no world restart mechanism, the story will have ended long ago, and the characters in the story have no right to care about the plot of the subsequent story. "

Diana was a little excited and said: "As long as you, the creator, don't mess around, no one else has the right to trigger a large-scale crisis that destroys the universe.

Except for the Creator, others who want to write the story of the world have no chance and cannot afford the price. "

The Forger said calmly: "So the new rules you want are just to restrict the Creator?"

"Shouldn't there be restrictions?"

The Forger said solemnly: "Every ability of the Creator is linked to his responsibilities. Restricting abilities is equivalent to reducing the content of his work.

The universe has been developing normally for the past billions of years, all thanks to the three major creators performing their respective duties and working conscientiously.

You have seen the world melting pot of the sixth dimension. Have the Dragon of Barbatos and I slacked off?

Although crises are continuing one after another, the problem is not the Creator.

Attributing responsibility to the Creator's too much power will ultimately only lead to two consequences:

Or the work that should be managed by the Creator cannot be completed because of the limited ability of the Creator, resulting in frequent failures in the universe and more frequent crises.

Either the 'Mother of New Creation' is nepotistic and inserts her relatives and friends into the 'team of creators' to produce more creators and share the power and responsibilities of the original three major creators. "

When he said the last sentence, the caster turned his head and looked directly at Harley.

"You don't need to make insinuations here. My future lies in the Almighty Universe. My relatives and friends are following me to the stars and the sea, and they will not compete with you for the position of 'high-ranking village official' in my hometown."

Harley looked around and said: "Everyone already knows the story about Jon and Luther. There is no hope of tracking down Luther and saving Jon. Let's all disperse and do what we have to do."

Even if the worst happens and Jon is killed, don't worry.

Heroic souls remain after death.

When each superhero becomes a hero, his name will be entered into the "God List", and his soul will automatically go to the Hero Island outside the gate of heaven after death.

Jon will be no exception. "

The so-called "Fengshen List" is the superhero registration list and patriot list of the Sky Eye Society.

As long as the person is registered, his soul will have another place after death. This is the agreement between heaven and Harley.

Heaven is immortal and the promise remains.

No matter how cruel Luther is, can he still drive Martian Manhunter to death?

Even if his soul is shattered, Martian Manhunter can still retain a trace of "last obsession" because he is a heroic giant.

The hero giant also has special benefits besides the "Gods List" - Harley's reincarnation mark is imprinted on his soul.

Of course, the seal of reincarnation of life and death is not eternal.

The seal of reincarnation comes from the ninth-level life defense expertise and the ninth-level death defense expertise.

Mastering the law of death and life at level 10 or above, and specializing in death-defying moves for the soul, you can erase Harley's reincarnation mark.

In its heyday, Pappetua probably had the above conditions, but now, the wall of origin has not collapsed yet!

Therefore, Harley was only a little upset about the fact that Martian Manhunter was abducted, but was not very irritable or upset.

"Even if we can't find the Doomsday Fortress immediately, we can't do nothing!" Dachao said.

Bateman said solemnly: "We should increase our search efforts in the Sky Blood Domain. Mr. Forger, you are the greatest forger in the multiverse. Can you build more blood domain spaceships?

Whether it's to save Jon or hunt down the Legion of Destruction, strengthening control over the Blood Realm has no harm at all. "

The forger shook his head and said: "No matter how many blood spacecrafts are built, they are useless in controlling the sky blood realm. There is no space in the sky blood, and there is no way to pull a net to capture them."

Firestorm looked at him and complained: "Since you know everything about Jon, why didn't you tell us earlier?"

The Forger glared and shouted: "Didn't I make it clear enough before? Before Martian Manhunter's accident, I didn't find any problem with his story at all.

There are no 'loopholes' in his story that distort reality.

In the story simulation, I just extracted information related to him from the mother river of time.

It was completely copied and pasted, and I didn’t read the specific content of the information at all.

Even if I were to study each superhero's character in detail, it would only be their origin story.

But there’s nothing unusual about Martian Manhunter’s origin story.

Aren’t you friends who spend time with him day and night?

You haven't noticed anything unusual, but now you're blaming me, an outsider. What's the point? "

Now the mother river of time has collapsed, leaving only a section of the river. The history in the river section is too short to see Jon's childhood.

Therefore, Harley cannot restore the details of the story by looking through the mother river of time.

Forgers are also now unable to extract information from the Mother River.

But when he conducted story experiments in the past, he extracted complete information about everyone in the main universe except Harley from the mother river of time.

At that time, the mother river of time had not yet collapsed.

That information was still stored in the story, but he didn't read it carefully at the time - in fact, he didn't read it at all, because the story of Little Luther and Little Jon was not in the "origin story".

"Origin story", as its name suggests, is the beginning story, or where the hero's legend begins.

Casters don't look at older stories.

Although I haven’t watched it, the plot of Little Jon and Little Luther is still in Jon’s personal timeline and in the story database.

Now if necessary, you can check it frame by frame.

"Harley, Lord Forger, how will Luther treat Jon?" Diana asked.

Harley looked to the Forger, and the Forger looked to Harley.

The two looked at each other with helpless expressions and shook their heads slightly.

Harley said first: "The 'abominations' spoken by the giant stone statue on the Origin Wall were probably aimed at Jon.

But the monolithic statues also hate us Earthlings.

Considering that Mars is also in the solar system, it is possible that the Martians are related to Papetua.

As for why Papetua planned Jon, I can only guess that it may have something to do with Luther. "

The caster said: "Only the people on Earth are the direct creations of Papetua, this is certain.

When people on Earth were born, Martians had not yet appeared.

Hundreds of millions of years passed after Papetua was sealed, and life began to appear on Mars.

But Papetua didn't just create people on Earth.

She didn't accidentally encounter a planet and then stay on that planet called 'Earth' to create life.

She 'ploughs' first and then 'sows'.

The earth and even the solar system are the 'experimental bases' she created.

It cannot be said that the Martians have nothing to do with her.

Martian civilization was born in the experimental base of Papetua.

In fact, we can now be sure that the Martians must have been in Papetua's plans and were a very important part of her plans.

But even the Creator cannot fully understand her dark thoughts. "

At the same time, hidden inside the Doomsday Fortress in the Skyblood Realm, a group of super villains also gathered together.

"Why take the risk to capture Martian Manhunter, the most low-key and inconspicuous Zhenglian giant?" Luther was very proud at this moment, with a smile on his face.

He stood in the test area below, surrounded by the villains in the ring on the second floor, as if he was the brightest star in the center of the stage.

He enjoyed their concerned and eager gazes, and was even more excited about the "Great Transcendence" that was about to begin.

"Because Martians are our answer, the final piece of the cutting-edge predator puzzle!"

Luther's face was red, he looked around, pointed at the green liquid that was squirming in the box and said loudly: "He is the key to unlocking our cutting-edge predator talent.

I told you that we are all children of Papetua, the apex predator of the almighty universe created by her.

We have the most noble genes in the multiverse. Kryptonians, little blue men, and Koru devils are all rubbish. "

"Lex Luthor, you can be smug, but you can't humiliate the Koru people in front of me!" a green-skinned alien shouted from the stands on the second floor.

"Brainiac, I collected materials from Brainiacs in countless parallel universes to resurrect you, not just to make you argue with me on trivial matters." Luther said displeased.

"Stop talking nonsense and get down to business. I want to know what the relationship is between the cutting-edge predators and the Martians." Gigantamax yelled.

Gorilla Grodd also said: "Brainiac, you must have the bearing of a super villain, patriotism is too narrow for us.

You see, the earth is my home planet, but no matter how you call the people on earth rubbish, I don't have any mood swings at all. "

——You are not from Earth at all, so of course you don’t have any mood swings.

Brainiac cursed in his mind, but pursed his lips tightly and did not continue to argue with them.

Luther coughed twice and continued: "We humans on earth have the most noble and powerful genes, but our genes cannot be activated alone.

We humans are even despised as the ‘sick man of the earth’ by ​​the extraordinary beings in the universe.

Only we earthlings, even if we become gods, still cannot withstand too powerful magic power. We must transfer the essence of life, soul, and divinity into our natal artifact.

The most typical example is Naboo, the most powerful human mage ever.

But we are by no means ‘sick men of the earth’!

We can manipulate any energy as long as we awaken the apex predator genes.

Just as a DNA chain is made from two single strands, our apex predator genes had to be a fusion of humans and Martians. "

"You mean, as long as we fuse with Martians, we can become cutting-edge predators? Isn't it too simple?" "Bone Setter" Bain shouted.

"Idiot, the Martians are all dead now, and there is only one Martian Manhunter left. He can probably only help one Earthling become a top predator." The clown stared at the box where Jon was kept, his eyes flickering, and he felt a little eager to try.

"Fuck, I forgot that there is only one Martian left!" Bain cursed and said anxiously: "Luthor, don't tell me that one Martian hunter can only satisfy you? I also want to become a cutting-edge predator. This is your promise to me."

"There is only one Martian Manhunter in the main universe, but there are countless parallel universes." Deathstroke said.

"If the Martians from the parallel universe are useful, would Luther still need to take the risk of returning to the earth in the main universe?" the clown said with a smile.

All the villains looked at Luther below.

Luther looked calm, with a confident and cheerful smile still on his face, "The Joker is right, only the Martians in the main universe and ours share the same universe frequency and can integrate with each other.

Words about parallel universes"

He hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said: "It's better not to try parallel universes, because there are too few 'sources' in parallel universes, and even if they can be successfully integrated, they will still be incomplete.

It is better to wait for the return of the Mother of Creation.

Don’t forget, both Martians and Earthlings were created by Papetua.

In fact, she didn't need to recreate the Martians.

As long as I transform into the first apex predator, she can extract genetic data from me and transform everyone into apex predators. "

"Why is it so complicated? Why not just snap your fingers and awaken your cutting-edge predator talent?" The clown smiled and snapped his fingers.

Luther asked instead, "Have you ever thought about why the Martians were exterminated?"

"I heard that the Martians encountered a spiritual plague?" Cat Man said.

"Their race was destroyed because the Martians had exhausted their destiny. The specific reason is not important."

Luther sneered: "You must understand that although Papetua created the world, the world betrayed her!

The world has also been distorted by the Origin Judge into a hypocritical universe of justice.

The universe of justice hates and rejects everything that destroys.

If Papetua exposed the secret that Martians are the "key" to the top predators, the Martians would have been wiped out long ago.

In other words, if you snap your fingers, the people on earth can awaken the talent of cutting-edge predators. People on earth. Not to mention people on earth, even the solar system has been directly wiped out by greater beings.

Even if the Martians did not reveal their identity as the 'key', they were still rejected by the origin, eventually lost their destiny, and were exterminated early. "

"But the identity of the people on Earth has been exposed a long time ago. Why are we still living better and better without annihilating our species?" Dr. Neuro asked doubtfully.

Although this guy is a "chivalrous man" who often robs the rich and gives to the poor, and even sells villains' fake medicines to help the common people, he is still not turned away by Luther.

Luthor believes that Dr. Neuro's actions are consistent with the path of destruction.

"Our lack of annihilation is due to many reasons. In any case, Papetua is the mother of creation, and her children are always the protagonists.

We are also mixed with many ethnic groups such as the God-created race and the humans in the Garden of Eden. The blood of the original earth people is very weak and can be considered to have been exterminated long ago.

Well, earlier than the Martians. "

Luther sighed: "Even if I am very conceited, I have to admit that the pure human blood in my body is less than one billionth of the original human blood. So before merging with the Martians, I have to be reborn."

He looked at Brainiac, unwillingness and annoyance flashed in his eyes, and his voice was a bit muffled, "The task of blood exchange and rebirth will be completed under the leadership of Brainiac.

You may not see me for the next few months. "

"It doesn't take a few months. I have mastered all the information you gave me." Brainiac raised a finger and said proudly: "After my improvements, you will get one in a week at most." A pristine human body of unparalleled purity.”

"It's too complicated to have to exchange blood for rebirth."

Gorilla Grodd lowered his head to look at his majestic orangutan body, a look of hesitation appeared on his fluffy black face, "Do I have to become a human? Humans are so ugly."

Luther pointed to the box containing Martian Manhunter and shouted: "Think about the ability of Martian Manhunter. He has the most powerful transformation ability in the universe. Not to mention a chimpanzee, he can even transform into a dragon and possess the characteristics of a dragon. strength.

The cutting-edge predator is formless and has no fixed shape or appearance. Its power has no upper limit and can use any power, even the power of creation.

You can exist in the world in any form and exhibit all the powers of that form.

Even if you think shit is cool, you can become a stinky piece of shit at the level of a creation god, and you can still use the 'power of shit'. If the power of shit really exists. "

"Invisible and formless, with unlimited power. The cutting-edge predator really makes me look forward to it." The clown licked his tongue and said.

"You will be able to see the real cutting-edge predator in a week." Luther looked at Brainiac, "Can you help me clone a new body in a week?"

“In a week I will not only clone your pure-blood original human body, but I will also complete the cloning of the great Mother of Creation.

Luther, I am the smartest person in the world today. You can be jealous of me, but you can also completely trust me. "Brainiac raised his chin slightly and said proudly.

Luther gritted his teeth and said: "There are specializations in the art industry, and everyone has strengths. You just accumulated more knowledge in biotechnology, that's all."

Copperhead glanced around the two tit-for-tat bosses and asked doubtfully: "Didn't you just talk about blood exchange and rebirth? Why do you still need to clone?"

Luther first withdrew his sharp gaze at Brainiac and said calmly: "It's called cloning, but it's actually extracting all the original human blood essence from me and cultivating it into a complete body.

The whole process looks like cloning, but it's not really cloning. "

"What are we going to do when you are reborn? There has been a lot of cooperation recently. We only lost one Martian Manhunter, which has no impact on them." Calculator said.

Luther smiled proudly, "You don't have to do anything. You will naturally understand in a week. Once I transform into an apex predator, the overall situation has been determined, and no matter what they do, it will be useless."

A week later, the Fortress of Doom.

The villains are together again.

"Don't worry, I never fail in the field of science." Brainiac smiled slightly and pressed the switch seemingly easily.

"Buzz!!" The hatch opened, and the green culture fluid flowed out.

Everyone was staring closely at the interior of the white-filled culture tank.

Although Brainiac had a smile on his face, his left hand hanging by his side was tightly clenched into a fist.

He has cloned countless races, but is about to transform into a cutting-edge predator "original earthling", which he meets for the first time.

"Pap tap tap." Sticky footsteps came from the culture tank.

Everyone can imagine that there is a pair of big feet stepping on the sticky liquid at this time.

"Luthor, you have turned white." Leopard Girl called out first.

"Other than the pale skin, there seems to be no difference from before." The villains were a little disappointed.

The primitive earthlings did not bring them any psychological or life-level pressure.

Luther Chiguoguo came out, looked around, and fixed his gaze on the box containing Martian Manhunter.

"The original earthlings are also earthlings, very weak and powerless, but" he walked to the side of the box, pressed his hands on the window, and shouted with excitement and fanatical expression: "Witness the miracle, I will be able to do anything!"

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