I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1996 Goodbye Laughing Bat

"Luthor, don't do this!"

As Luthor touched his hands to the box's window, the voice of Martian Manhunter's mind reappeared in his mind.

The fluctuations in his mind were very weak, and his voice was extremely weak.

"This is not you. Luther, you said that my idea of ​​saving you is a kind of self-satisfied selfishness and a manifestation of the path of destruction.

Assuming you are right, even a righteous hero still has a destructive side in his heart.

But you helped me, comforted me, sympathized with me, and finally saved me. You even shed tears when you saw me being tortured by the researchers.

What does this mean?

Even if you are a super villain, even if you are a super villain, even if you choose the path of a super villain now, there is still a righteous side in your heart.

But this is human nature. Human nature is very complex and difficult to evaluate by simple good and evil.

As early as the Trisomy Crisis, we already had a unified answer: no one can be purely evil, and no one can be absolutely righteous.

Holding Pandora's Box in hand, even Superman will burst into evil thoughts, and even Savage will shed tears in repentance for his past sins.

Humans are complex and multifaceted, but if you take this step and become a cutting-edge predator, you may gain great power and you will no longer be you.

You are not even naturally human anymore.

You will transform into an unnatural monster, becoming a mere tool in Papetua's hands, just like the robots you used to mass-produce. "

Luther's face as white as a white wall showed a complicated expression, "At this time, you still want to 'save' me. I can hear that you are not afraid of what will happen to you next. You are real." worry about me.

However, have you ever considered the possibility that your emotions are unnatural?

You were able to be lured to Mars by me because you had doubts about your suddenly awakened memory.

You suspect that the story of Young Jon and Young Luther is a side effect of the world restarting.

You came to me looking for answers, and I gave you answers.

You can't tell whether a story is true or false, but I can. As long as your story intersects with mine, my story is false, and your story is naturally a script edited on the timeline.

I can’t remember my life before the restart, but I know that my life must have been rewritten.

By the same principle, when I can't tell the truth or falsehood of a story, I will look for someone with whom my story intersects. If his life is restarted, my story will naturally be changed.

Your frame of reference is me, and my benchmark is Savage.

So, the result is a bit cruel to us, but it is what it is. "

“Since you understand that your life has been tampered with by Pappetua, why do you continue to follow her path?

She is the conspirator, and you are the victim of the plot. The victim should rise up and resist, so that the conspirator fails miserably!

You have also made countless conspiracies yourself. Which one is really good for the victims?

Such a simple truth, why can't you understand it with your wisdom? "Jon said eagerly.

Luther smiled softly, "Jon, I'm not telling you this to persuade you to turn around.

I'm actually trying to persuade you to give up and persuade me to turn around.

Your idea of ​​saving me is too pure, too pure to be normal.

Do you understand what I mean?

Such abnormal thoughts and emotions do not come from your own heart.

You were affected by the storyline.

To put it simply, it’s not me who follows Pappetua’s script, but you.

The biggest abnormality is that you didn't go to Hallie immediately after your memory came back to life and you received my first message.

You feel that you are insignificant to the overall situation, and the worst outcome is to sacrifice yourself without affecting anyone.

You also think that my sudden contact with you at such a critical moment must have nothing to do with the overall situation. It must be that I am also recalling past stories and have complicated emotions and want to talk to you.

It's like you have complicated moods and are very eager to meet and chat with me.

I'm sorry, but this idea of ​​yours is entirely unnatural.

Alas, I can’t blame you. The Mother of Creation’s methods can’t even withstand the three major creators. They all fell into the trap, and you are not Harley.

But I'm different from you. I've seen through everything and jumped out of the script.

Now, I am more awake than ever and I know exactly what I am doing and what I am going to do.

The road in front of me is no longer hazy. "

"But Pappetua lied to you!" cried Jon.

Luther tapped the window lightly with his fingers and said with a strange smile: "You are right, I am a veteran villain, I am used to conspiracy, I should be very familiar with Pappetua's methods.

But you are wrong. It is precisely because I understand that I can accept the reality more.

Who is Pappetua?

She is the mother of creation and the mother of destruction.

To us who believe in the ways of destruction, she is ‘God’.

Since she is the God of destruction, of course she must practice the way of destruction.

To achieve the goal by any means is the way to destruction, and to tie oneself up with false moral values ​​is the way to justice.

All her plans for me are in line with the path of destruction, which is normal and natural.

As the incarnation of destruction, I can certainly understand and accept her arrangements.

If she learns from Zhenglian Heroes and is honest with me and treats me with sincerity and enthusiasm, it will be unnatural and make me uncomfortable. "

"You are crazy. Maybe I was affected by her whispers and became confused one after another, but you are by no means awake. Luther, you have been brainwashed by her!" Jon's soul screamed full of despair.

There is only a small amount of despair about what will happen to him next, and more despair comes from worry about the future of Luthor and the world.

"It's now like this, why are you talking nonsense to him?" Brainiac said impatiently.

He has psychic power comparable to that of Martian Manhunter, and can detect the conversation between Luther and Jon. He cannot hear the content of the conversation, but he knows that they are communicating mentally, and their mood swings are extremely intense.

Because Luthor and Jon communicated spiritually very quickly, the time outside did not actually pass very long, and the villains around them were not very impatient.

"Alas, although the story was written by others, the experiences, memories and emotions are all real."

Luther shook his head slightly, then pressed his palm down.

"Buzz~~~" It was as if the door made of glass shone with blue light, allowing his hands to pass through without any hindrance.

His palm did not touch the green Martian that was twisted into a liquid state, but it was like a super vacuum cleaner, exerting a strong suction force on the Martian.

Wisps of green flew out from the Martian's body, stretched into countless thin threads, sank into Luther's palm, and then integrated into his body instantly.

Green crawled up his arms and down his body, then disappeared.

"Ahhhhh~~~~" Jon felt a pain even more terrifying than Lingchi's, and his shrill screams spread outward through the power of his mind, giving goosebumps to all the villains around him.

"Luthor is really eating Martians. This fusion is so terrifying." Leopard Girl looked excited.

Well, although Jon's pitiful wailing affected the surrounding villains, it didn't make them feel pity. Instead, they all became excited and watched it with relish.

The more the Martians screamed, the more excited the villains became.

"It's only scary for Martians. Look at Luther, he's so happy that his face is turning green. I dare say his expression has never been so exaggerated when he was in court." Earl Dizzy said.

"Shouldn't your face turn red after you get excited?"

"A normal person's face should turn red, but it is strange that he is absorbing the green Martian. Why is it that the Martian's body is filled with a ball of green liquid inside and outside, with no white bones and no bright red blood flowing out."

"The strange thing is that you are right. Martians are inherently changeable and can transform into any form or race."

In just half a minute, Martian Manhunter disappeared completely, leaving not even the bones and scum left.

"Ah!!" Luther clenched his claws and raised his head and roared.

Well, his fingers became sharp and elongated, like claws.

Not only were his fingers slender and his palms elongated, his body also expanded to two and a half meters tall.

Although tall, he is neither burly nor majestic.

Every part of Luther looks extremely long, slender and very thin.

But the appearance of this thin dog does not lose its majesty at all.

In fact, the surrounding super villains didn't even dare to take a breath at this time.

It's not like they haven't seen strong men before. They have faced Harley at full strength, and they have also seen the Creator and the Demon King.

Luther's aura is not so strong that it can crush Harley.

In terms of aura strength alone, the pressure on them is not as great as that of the God King.

But Luthor possesses a very special attribute that can exert extreme restraint on all life, making all super villains feel as if they have become prey of predators.

Luther stood there without moving, but their hearts and souls were pinned to the ground by an invisible claw. The saliva that slipped from the opponent's sharp teeth was still dripping on themselves. They were unable to resist, so they could only Can tremble.

"Is this an apex predator? It's so majestic that it almost scared the shit out of me."

The clown was the first to recover. The surprise and shock on his pale cheeks quickly disappeared. Although he was praising him, there was an obvious look of disappointment in his eyes.

"Luthor, in addition to this temperament of hunting ferocious beasts, do you have any more fundamental changes?" he asked curiously.

"More original?" Luther pinched his claws with sharp dagger-like nails and said with a smile: "I can tear the sky apart now!"

He spread the palms of his hands, and then slowly held them empty. Colorful energy gathered at the fingertips. The space above the palms was like a gauze in the wind, and it began to shake violently and was very unstable.

"Stab~~~" He tore open the space in front of him as easily as tearing through an A4 paper.

Then Luther took a step forward and came to the top of the Fortress of Doom.

The villains did not follow him, they could only see him on the surveillance screen.

But they can hear Luthor's voice. His psychic power is more powerful and domineering than Jon before. It goes directly into everyone's heart, and even Brainiac can't stop it.

"It's time to unblock the Sixth Note."

Luther chuckled, stretched out his hands above his head again, and then pulled them left and right, as if opening a curtain.

"Boom!" The sky collapsed.

A dark crack with a dark red aura appeared in the bright red sky blood field.

The cracks were still spreading rapidly. In the blink of an eye, the length of the cracks had exceeded their field of vision, and the end could not be seen at a glance.

Gradually, the villains in the Doomsday Fortress felt that time and space were shaking violently.

It is as if the empty space in front of you has turned into a substantial transparent glass wall.

When the glass wall encountered a major earthquake, cracks appeared along with the shaking, the glass wall turned milky white, and their vision began to blur.

There was no object suddenly appearing in front of them, but space was cracking. In fact, a more accurate statement is that space was collapsing, and the concept of space was disappearing.

"What happened?" Leopard Girl swallowed, unable to help but panic.

She didn't understand what happened, but she knew that something big had happened just now.

The reason why it is "again" is because similar feelings appeared before when stasis, wind of nothingness, and tears of death were unlocked.

"Luthor directly tore open the sixth-dimensional barrier, and another negative base force is unblocking it." Brainiac stared at the dark red inside the huge crack, swallowed hard, and murmured: "Luthor It seems that the passage to the World Forge is opened directly, and behind the crack is the World Forge.”

"Whoosh!" The next second, the space blurred, and Luther's blurred figure returned to the Fortress of Doom.

"Hahaha, have you all seen it? The rules and energy are like children's toys in my hands. It's easier and more comfortable for me to play with them than for children to play with toys." Luther laughed proudly.

"I can't even see your face, and your voice is a little blurry. Damn, this feels so uncomfortable." The clown yelled.

Luther smiled slightly and said: "After the stasis force was unsealed, the Speed ​​Force space collapsed, and the Speed ​​Force was dying rapidly.

Unblocking the tears of death, the mother river of time collapses and dies.

When the wind of nothingness is unsealed, the divine power will be completely destroyed, and the creation star and the apocalypse star, which are the divine power and divine law, will die.

Now that the sixth annotation is unsealed, the structure of the universe will definitely collapse.

As I showed you the multiverse structure diagram before, our multiverse is like a three-story building.

The fourth physical universe is our birthplace and belongs to mortals.

The fifth dimension and the fifth world above the fourth material universe is the second floor, the domain of the gods.

The realm of the Creator above the fifth dimension is the most special. It appears to be the third level, but is actually the master control room of the multiverse.

The main control room plays a more important role in stabilizing the building structure than the foundation.

Without discussing the seven basic forces that create the world, a complete world should be composed of matter, energy and soul.

The three major creators represent matter, or the sixth annotation is the concept of matter. "

Brainiac's heart moved, and he blurted out: "The 'matter' of the multiverse is the three-story building itself. Unblocking the sixth annotation destroys the structure of the building, not directly targeting the space.

The structure of the three-story building collapsed, and the space in the building was gone and dead. "

"Bah, bang, bang!" Luther clapped softly and praised: "Booby, you are worthy of being the second smartest person under me."

The anger in Brainiac's heart rose three feet high, but he quickly suppressed it.

The cutting-edge predator coercion in Luther reminded him: It is best not to have unnecessary arguments with Luther at this time.

"Fake, Luther, I don't want to hear your explanation. I just want you to solve the problem immediately. We are like puppets sealed in transparent glass. Now the glass has been smashed. I can't see or move. It's so uncomfortable. ." Bain shouted.

Luther raised his eyebrows, stretched out his right hand, and wiped the front a few times as if wiping the glass in front of him.

The surrounding space, which was hazy and seemed like cracked glass, became clear again.

"Has the entire multiverse turned into cracked glass?" Copperhead moved his hands and feet a few times and said hesitantly: "Honestly, I now understand more and more the principle of 'if there is no skin left, the hair will be attached'.

To destroy the multiverse is to destroy ourselves.

Without the multiverse, we simply cannot survive, and even if we survive, it will be very painful. "

"Ignorant views!" Luther pointed at his chest and shouted: "Look at me, no matter what kind of environment I am, I am like a fish in water.

And I am your ultimate form!

You have to take a long-term view. You are feeling uncomfortable now because you have not yet gotten rid of the mortal body that needs to depend on the world to exist.

When everyone becomes a cutting-edge predator, the omnipotent universe will only be our hunting ground. "

Copperhead stared at Luther's tall and pale body expectantly, nodded heavily, and said: "Seeing you, I have no doubt about my future.

What a terrifying power it would be to be able to gently tear open the barrier of the sixth dimension!

It is said that under normal circumstances when the world does not begin to collapse, Harley Quinn would also have difficulty breaking through the sixth dimensional barrier. "

Luther smiled proudly and said: "At this time, I am still in the primary state and have not absorbed any extraordinary power. I am equivalent to a 'child predator'.

When I absorb the Speed ​​Force, I can run like The Flash.

When I absorb the emotional energy, I can become the 'Greatest Lantern of All Time' for any Color Corps.

If I master the seven basic powers...haha, I will transform into the cutting-edge predator that Papetua expected, able to compete with the God of Creation and win. "

The expressions and eyes of the villains became more and more fanatical.

"That's it? You didn't even laugh." The clown suddenly spoke, with undisguised disappointment on his face and tone.

"Didn't I laugh just now? No, it was for no reason. Why should I laugh?" Luther frowned and said: "I have now become a cutting-edge predator and can defeat the God of Creation. It is equivalent to a different kind of detachment. How can you still What’s wrong with you?”

"Luthor, you disappoint me even more when you say this." The clown shook his head, his face was sad, his head drooped, he looked very depressed and in a very low mood, "You are already a cutting-edge predator, I I think your vision can be broadened, you can infect us through laughter, and bring us real enlightenment.

But you seem to be no different from the previous human Luther except that you are stronger. You don't even have a real laugh from the soul, alas! "

"What does it mean to laugh from the heart? Did my smile just now look fake?" Luther was very unhappy.

"Just like this, hahahaha, hahahahaha!" The clown opened his mouth and let out a laugh that made the villain even feel scared.

Well, his laugh was so contagious that they all felt like their minds were tainted with filth.

Hearing the Joker's laughter, they also somewhat understood the meaning of what he just said: None of Luther's actions after becoming an apex predator gave them the same sense of insanity as the Joker's laughter.

But no one likes a clown’s laugh!

It comes from the soul and inspires even clowns. How terrifying it would be to laugh like that!

Gorilla Grodd's eyes flashed with surprise, and he said in an anxious tone: "Joker, are you sure that Luther is really no different from before except for his strength?

I feel that he is a lot stranger, although his laughter is not as contagious as yours. "

“Obviously, he only increased his strength, not even his intelligence.

Your strangeness is most likely just a fear of his powerful power.

Before he was a normal guy with no power, now he can kill you easily so you feel different. "The clown sighed.

Grodd said excitedly: "This is a good thing! I don't want to become another person, I just want power, and Luther is just right!"

"Yes, if Luther's personality and behavior are significantly different from before, I would still be worried about the side effects of being an apex predator.

Now that Luther's character has not been distorted, even if there are still unknown side effects, it is worth it to become a cutting-edge predator. "

Even Deathstroke, who had the most calm and calm personality, now looked at Luther, the top predator, with more fanaticism in his eyes.

The clown glanced at the excited or laughing companions and frowned: "The cutting-edge predator is the embodiment of destruction!

I didn’t see a richer meaning of destruction in Luther, and he didn’t laugh.

The embodiment of destruction in me should laugh loudly, infect everyone with laughter, and make everyone laugh together.

Think about it, if God came to earth, how would Christians feel when they saw Him? "

He seemed a little excited and began to wave his hands widely, and his voice gradually became louder, "God's teachings make Christians pious and obedient like sheep.

When God comes, they will spontaneously become more like devout sheep.

This is called the incarnation of ideas and doctrines.

But Luther, look at yourself now. How can you have the magnanimity to destroy the incarnation?

Seeing you now, I don't want to laugh at all. Your laughter only contains the complacency of your new power, without showing or enlightening the way of destruction.

What’s even sadder is that you don’t even realize your problem! "

"You failed us!" he yelled at Luther.

The villains were stunned.

Luther's expression was a little distorted, "Joker, the way of destruction is just an idea. No matter how strong or rich the idea is, it will not be visible to your naked eyes.

What’s more, the path to destruction cannot be equated with laughter.

If you want to hear laughter, I can laugh so loud that all sentient beings around the world can hear it.

But what's the point?

Laughing is how you express your emotions, not mine.

In fact, in my heart that you cannot see, my thoughts of destruction have indeed been sublimated.

My knowledge of the path of destruction is as clear as the scar on your lip. "

The clown touched the scar on his face and said, "You did not bring me the shock I expected. There is a high probability that Papetua will also disappoint me."

He shook his head, put his hands in his pockets, and his back was a little rickety. As he walked out of the hall, he muttered, "Oh, I'm so boring, I really want to go back to Gotham.

I regret it. Joining the Legion of Destruction and facing a group of ignorant and boring people all day long is really boring. I haven't laughed in a long time. "

"This guy" There were dozens of villains present, more than half of them gritted their teeth with dissatisfaction, and the other half were indifferent, only staring at Luther.

Leopard Girl said: "Luthor, you should never have invited the Joker to join our team.

Don’t call the group clowns, this is a practice that the Secret Society of Super Villains has adhered to for many years.

There is a reason why there are rules like this.

He has no superpowers, just a chattering mouth that talks annoying things.

What's even more annoying is his laughter.

Not only does he laugh to himself, he also wants us to giggle with him. "

"In addition to disrupting the atmosphere and affecting team harmony, the clown has no benefit to our overall situation." The giant woman also said.

"He's even dragging us back," Black Mask said.

Luther shook his head slightly, stared at the passage where the clown had lost his back, and sighed: "I didn't recruit him to find a powerful thug.

Everyone knows that he has no superpowers, but I still went to Gotham to find him myself.

I'm for his brains and talent.

After understanding the nature of the Way of Destruction, I discovered that the Joker is the most superior expression of human intelligence.

Didn't you notice?

Completely amoral and like the most cunning predator.

This is the clown, and he is also an apex predator! "

All the super villains present, including Brainiac, were stunned.

"Luthor, are you serious? One clown has given us a lot of headaches. If the end of the road of destruction is that everyone is like a clown, what will the world be like!" Leopard Girl swallowed, and a leopard appeared on his face. A little bit of fear.

"Luthor, didn't you say that in the future, when the world is destroyed, everyone will be like a dragon? Everyone is like a dragon and everyone is a clown. They are completely different concepts! Everyone is a clown." Count Dizzy shuddered, " Hell isn’t that scary, right?”

"I heard that the Joker has died more than once. The reason why he can return to the world is because the devils in hell can't stand him (ps)." The puppet master from Gotham whispered.

"Well, although the clown's words don't sound nice, his position is completely fine. All he complained about was that I didn't show a clear enough and rich concept of destruction.

This shows that he has a deep understanding of the concept of destruction and very high requirements.

He was disappointed because he failed to go further.

This strong enterprising spirit of pursuing progress”

Luther looked around and said seriously: "I won't ask everyone to laugh like a clown.

To be honest, I can't learn it either.

But we should really learn from his persistence and purity in the way of destruction. "

Luther is a man of understanding and, like the Joker, has pure faith in the way of destruction.

While other villains only see the power of an apex predator, only the Joker completely ignores power and only pursues a more inner essence.

Thinking of this, Luther felt more and more that his decision to invite the clown to join his gang when he visited the thatched cottage was very wise.

He even began to think: Should he go to a parallel universe and invite a few more clowns to join the Legion of Destruction? The Joker can be allowed to form "political commissars" to educate other villains on the path of pure destruction.

Just like the Justice League allows Superman to preach to everyone and improve the level of absolute justice thought of the heroes of the Justice League.

"Didi-di-di, di-di-di"

Just when Luther was thinking wildly, alarms sounded inside and outside the test area. The piercing whistles and flashing red lights told all the villains: something happened.

"What happened?" The villains reacted quickly and immediately put up a defensive formation.

"Luthor, and everyone, an outsider broke into the Doomsday Fortress, and the intruder triggered the fortress alarm system." The eager voice of the mathematician reached everyone's ears through the loudspeaker.

"Who can break into the Doomsday Fortress quietly? Is it the Witch Harley?" Brainiac exclaimed.

The Doomsday Fortress is the lair of the villains, and they are still in the realm of Heavenly Blood.

It is almost impossible to find the Doomsday Fortress. You have to break into the fortress to trigger the alarm.

"Ah, run quickly, Witch Harley is here!"

As soon as Brainiac shouted, the villains who had been in a joint defense posture were no longer able to maintain their formation. They all turned pale and panicked, running around like headless flies.

"Don't panic, it's not Harley, come out, I see you." Luther said solemnly, facing the door.

His voice was also accompanied by powerful spiritual power, which forcibly calmed everyone's panic.

"Hahaha, Luther, you are so powerful. You can see me hiding behind the door. You are indeed a cutting-edge predator."

Familiar laughter, familiar tone and voice came from outside the door.

"Joker? Falk, what the hell are you doing with your plane?"

"It turned out to be a clown. He almost scared me to death."

"Computer, you're so smart. You're obviously a clown, but you still talked about an alien intruder, making us think it was the Witch Harley. Damn it!"

The villains in the testing area immediately relaxed after hearing only sounds and not seeing anyone.

Some people cursed and wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads, while others let out a long sigh of relief.

"He's not a clown, at least not our fellow clown."

Luther snorted coldly, stretched out his right hand, and the invisible spiritual power turned into a physical giant hand, and forcefully caught the "Joker" a few corners away in front of everyone.

The pale cheeks, the bright red scars from the corner of the mouth to the base of the ears, and the crazy smile with a split mouth are indeed the style of a clown.

But he wasn't wearing the Joker's purple suit, he was wearing a long black leather trench coat with large buttons on the front.

What's more, he wears a metal collar that covers his eyes and is studded with finger-long spikes.

He also has a Batman cowl!

"Fuck, this is not the Joker, this is the Laughing Bat?!"

"Shit, isn't the Laughing Bat dead? How could he find our headquarters and sneak in quietly?"

The villains were shocked and suspicious.

Kuangxiao looked at Luther and chuckled: "I'm also very strange. I was obviously enjoying myself in my own world, but suddenly a huge crack appeared in the sky, and I screamed 'Wow wow wow' and was sucked into it.

When I came to my senses, I was already at the edge of the Doomsday Fortress.

I thought I was still in the Dark Multiverse!

Do I have 38 or 39 doomsday fortresses myself? Alas, there are too many to remember.

I am so familiar with this place that I came to you before I knew it.

Are you partying?

Why not laugh? Or am I disturbing you? "

"Go to hell with your laughter, Luther, crush this bastard to death! Anyway, he is not a clown, nor is he our companion."

Grodd got angry when he heard "laughing", and did not think about why the Laughing Bat could resurrect from the dead. He just wanted to immediately erase the twisted laughter in front of him from his sight.

Luther frowned and said, "I just tore apart the barrier of the sixth dimension and indeed touched the core area of ​​the sixth dimension.

Moreover, it is not impossible that the Sixth Note is unsealed, the three-story structure of the multiverse collapses, and people from the Dark Multiverse fall into the fifth dimension.


"It's just that everything is too coincidental? Why did I happen to appear next to your headquarters?" Kuangxiao took his words and tilted his head as if thinking.

After a while, he grinned wildly again, "Hahaha, I understand, you and I are destined. What kind of party are you holding? Count me in."

Luther stared at his twisted smile and smiled slightly, "It's not impossible for you to join the Legion of Destruction——"

"Absolutely not!" A loud shout came from outside the door, and the clown who had left before was seen striding back to the experimental area with an unprecedented serious expression, pointing at the laughing bat, and said in a deep voice: "Luthor, kill it He, this is a conspiracy against you, against the Legion of Destruction.

If you don't want to regret it, just listen to me and immediately use the most powerful means of a cutting-edge predator to completely erase him from body to soul. "

The Laughing Bat showed a pitiful and resentful expression, "I know you don't want to see a second clown, especially a clown who is better than you.

me too.

But when they met, they started shouting and killing each other. Was Xiang Jian too anxious? "

Then he turned to Luther, and the resentment on his face immediately turned into a grin, "Hahaha, the great incarnation of destruction, the apostle of Papetua, it's time to test your courage and wisdom.

Should he give up another fellow destroyer for his beloved general, or should he make a decision that satisfies everyone? I’m looking forward to it~~”

He turned his head to look at the clown again, "Hey, dear brother, do you have a paper trumpet? On this occasion and in this atmosphere, it's time to blow the paper trumpet to add to the fun."

The clown had cold eyes, said nothing and showed no expression.

"You are really the most boring clown I have ever seen." He laughed wildly and curled his lips.

Luther frowned and asked, "You seem to know a lot of things?"

"What do you mean? Papetua, the mother of creation, or something else? My former master, the Dragon of Barbatos, is the fourth son of Papetua!

Speaking of which, our Dark Knights are actually the predecessors of the Legion of Destruction, and we became believers of destruction earlier than you. "The Laughing Bat said with a smile.

"But you have already died in the Dark Night Crisis. You are completely dead. No one can fake death in front of Witch Harley." Leopard Girl said.

Laughing wildly shrugged, "As long as Batman is alive, I will always exist. It doesn't matter how many times I die."

He squinted at the Joker with a provocative look, "Because I am Batman's eternal nightmare."

"Even if that bastard Batman dreams of becoming the Joker again, you shouldn't have the memory of the previous one laughing wildly," Bane said.

He tilted his head while laughing wildly, making a cute thinking gesture, and said with a smile: "Okay, I'll confess, I'm not actually a clown, I'm Batman!

Bateman always has his own backup plan, and he always likes to think about what will happen if he fails.

Alas, even though I have become a laughing person, I still can't go against my instinct to make plans B and C. "

Bain looked back at Luther and said hesitantly: "Old Bat really likes to prepare various plans to deal with emergencies."

The villains from Gotham nodded together, "That's his style."

Luther said: "Laughing wildly, please let go of your mind and let me check your memory."

"Does it have to be like this? I don't like having others get into my head." Kuangxiao made a crying face.

Gorilla Grodd was surprised: "You can't forcefully invade his brain?"

Luther said calmly: "Jokers all have special talents to prevent psychic prying - as long as I am crazy enough, no one can follow my train of thought.

The Laughing Bat is no exception.

Of course I could strengthen his soul, but I didn't want to turn his brain into a mush. "

"Don't strengthen me, I surrender and surrender!" the Laughing Bat screamed.

Luther's psychic power successfully entered his mind.

Then his cheeks turned visibly green.

"vomit~~~" Half a minute later, Luther trembled, leaned over and vomited, vomiting out a large puddle of yellow water.

"What's wrong with you? Have you suffered a mental backlash? You are a cutting-edge predator!" Grodd was shocked and confused.

The other villains also looked confused.

Luther wiped the filth from his mouth and cursed: "I did suffer a mental backlash. What came back to me was not the power of my soul that exceeded my endurance limit, but the disgusting memories in his mind.

Farke made me vomit.

I am a top predator!

If it makes me feel psychologically uncomfortable and exceeds my endurance limit, I will give up the position of leader of the Legion of Destruction to you. I am not as good as you. "

The Laughing Bat looked aggrieved, "Don't say that, I'm just an ordinary clown, not as authentic as other clowns!"

The authentic Gotham clown next to him, his face also a little green, said coldly: "Luthor, I say it again, kill him immediately. He is not a friend of destruction, he is the enemy of destruction."

Luther comforted: "Any doubts you have about him are justified. There are indeed many things about him that are questionable.

I have checked every bit of consciousness in his mind. Oh, look at my face. If I didn't pay too much attention to details, how could I not be able to bear it? "

He sighed and continued: "But the Laughing Bat is really okay. He is the leader of the Dark Knights and the deputy of Barbatos. He received part of the creation power of the sixth dimension from Barbatos.

He once traveled through the Dark Multiverse and helped Barbatos search for the Dark Knight.

In the process of recruiting members, he transferred his memories to a vegetative Batman.

When his body dies, his mind will be resurrected in the vegetative Batman.

After that, he continued to travel through the Dark Multiverse and learned about the Legion of Destruction from the nightmares of the heroes of the Alliance.

Well, every time we unblock a negative base power, the heroes in the main alliance will worry and fear, and then have nightmares. "

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you. You have to make a choice between me and him. If I stay, he will die; if he stays, I will leave." The clown said seriously.

ps: The devil couldn't stand the clown's madness, so he drove him out of hell and let him return to Gotham. I really wasn't making this up.

There is such a plot in the comics,

It’s just that the Joker is not qualified to make big news in a world with Harley, so this story was not written.

In addition, the Joker is a model of destruction, which is also said by Luther himself in the comics. The editor used Luthor's words to give the true image of the incarnation of destruction.

If you have any doubts about the way of destruction, you can directly bring in the image and character of the Joker.

The concept of absolute justice refers to Dachao.

Luther and the Legion of Destruction are also weird enough. In the past, they would avoid clowns and not play with clowns during any big events.

The clown was very angry because they didn't take him to play.

For example, when Luthor was under great pressure and pretended to be Luthor, he refused to allow the Joker to join the secret society, and was later tortured and killed by the Joker and Luthor.

Super villains don't like the clown, and are a little afraid of him, but they are pursuing the path of destruction where everyone becomes a clown.

It’s the end of the month, so I’d like to ask for a monthly pass, thank you all.

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