I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1994 Who is the abomination?

"Profane, blaspheme the abomination that destroys, the abomination that destroys."

The huge rock statues on the Origin Wall are like the "Giant Wall" in "Attack on Titan". They stand side by side and are stacked on top of each other. Above the giant statues stands another row of giant statues. They almost constitute the Origin Wall itself with their huge bodies.

At least the people standing in front of the giant stone statue will have this illusion.

Because they are so huge, they can only see their bodies when standing next to them, and other parts of the Origin Wall are outside their field of vision.

At this time, countless gaps opened in the origin wall, and these stone sculptures were not spared.

The cracked body surface of the giant stone statue emits an extremely strong golden light with a sacred aura.

The golden light turned the face of Harry who was standing on the side to observe into golden color.

After leaving the maelstrom of the Prosperous Star Territory, they came to the "monolithic statue of the Origin Wall that made the sound".

At this moment, the giant stone statues all had big mouths, and their faces showed anger and murderous intent, roaring "loudly" at Harley, Hal and the others.

There is no air in the starry sky, so sound cannot be transmitted.

The origin wall is half a dimension higher than the starry sky of the four-dimensional material universe.

The surrounding environment is closer to Limbo in the fifth dimension. It is difficult for even non-ideological concepts to exist, so it is naturally impossible to transmit sound.

They can hear loud sounds, which are feelings coming from their spiritual senses.

"How's it going? Did you hear clearly, what are they screaming?" Hal asked.

Harley frowned slightly, "I didn't hear it completely, it was intermittently. They seemed to be very angry and roaring angrily, and the object of their anger was 'abominations'."

It is called an ‘abomination’ because it is blasphemous.

Specifically how to blaspheme and who blasphemed whom."

She was silent for a moment, pointed at the neatly arranged huge stone statues, and asked: "What do they look like to you? Unlucky gods and demons who accidentally stuck to the wall, or ambitious people who purposely got into the origin wall to find the 'origin', or what they look like?" Or a prisoner in the Origin Wall Prison?"

"If the Origin Wall is a prison, they look more like the guards of the Origin Wall Prison." Hal said.

"If they were prisoners like Pappetua, they wouldn't be so majestic." Damian also analyzed: "Compared with other stone sculptures of gods and demons stuck on the origin wall, they look particularly neat, like an army in formation. .

Moreover, they all wore very majestic armor, each held a weapon, and had a very solemn expression.

To say they are prison guards is to belittle them, they should not be prisoners. "

Harry nodded slightly and said: "If it is not the prisoners who were sealed in the Origin Wall with Papetua, but the sergeants guarding the seal, then the 'blasphemy' and 'abominations' in their mouths seem to have corresponding meanings." Target."

"Papetua created the multiverse with unnatural negative base forces. Is it a huge blasphemy to the Origin? Is the abomination Pappetua himself?" Hal asked.

Harley asked: "Papetua has been sealed, what's the point of them still shouting like this?"

"Why does it have to be meaningful?" Damian said disapprovingly: "The origin wall is about to collapse, and these rotten stones are screaming like crazy. It should be normal, right?"

Harley glanced at him and said, "You have also been a 'Robin' with Dad for more than ten years. How come you haven't learned anything about his caution and suspicion?"

"Sister Harley, it's not you who has been educating me and telling me not to learn from him. Being too minded and thinking too complicated not only makes life tiring, but is also not conducive to the advancement of martial arts." Damian shouted aggrievedly.

"I just told you not to think too much, but I didn't tell you to grow muscles in your brain." Harley said.

Hal frowned, "Harry, what problem do you see? If the abomination is not Pappetua, who else could it be? I've never heard of Pappetua having any accomplices! Even her three Her sons are firmly against her.”

Harley pondered: "We have seen similar giant stone sculptures countless times before, why do they never scream?"

"Now the origin wall continues to collapse, and the damage is getting more serious day by day. The bigger and more cracks there are, the smaller the restraints on the gods and demons stuck to the wall. So they didn't scream before, but now they gradually wake up as the cracks increase, and then start to scream ." Hal analyzed.

"What you said makes sense. The collapse of the origin wall should be the main reason why they can roar."

Harley's eyes flashed and she said faintly: "But they can shout any words, such as shouting 'I am suffering', or 'Origin judge is awesome', or 'After countless years, I finally wake up', or 'Finally at the last moment' Is it coming?'. They clearly have a lot to say, so why are they angrily shouting 'blasphemy' and 'abominations'? And they want to destroy abominations."

Hal and Damian almost said in unison, saying in surprise: "Because they saw abominable things, and some abominable things came to the origin wall and came to them?"

Hal's expression changed again, and he continued: "But the Origin Wall has been blocked by the Seven Lantern Corps, and thousands of lanterns are using color light energy to repair the Origin Wall every moment.

If outsiders come, we won't know about it.

And now everyone knows about the terrifying ‘giant thing’ sealed within the Origin Wall.

The seal is cracked, the giant is about to escape, and an unprecedented catastrophe will soon come, and normal people will not take the initiative to come here. "

Damian began to use his brain like his father, and guessed: "Is it Luther? Luther led the Legion of Destruction close to the Origin Wall, was discovered by the guards on the wall, and then yelled angrily?"

Harley stared at the deep cracks in the Origin Wall, shook her head slightly and said, "Although the Legion of Destruction is the most reasonable answer, I don't think Luther dares to get close to the Origin Wall at the moment, and there is no need to come to the Origin Wall.

Because I'm on the Origin Wall and he knows it.

From the time Luther formed the Legion of Destruction to now, he has taken every step steadily.

If there is a need to come to the Origin Wall in person to do something, he will not delay the work until now. He will complete the task while I am still cultivating in the Ocean of Entropy.

Like he was rushing to get the Tomb of the Gods done before I came back.

Once he opened the Tomb of the Gods, he immediately ran away with the Legion of Destruction without even looking at the results. "

Hal thought thoughtfully, "After we captured Black Manta, we asked Jon to search his memory. This was indeed Luthor's plan.

Unless something goes wrong with his plan and he has to visit the Origin Wall, he won't take any chances. "

"If not the Legion of Destruction, who is that abomination?" Damian asked.

Harley looked at Hal and said, "Ask the members of the Seven Lantern Corps if they have seen anyone other than the Lantern near the Wall of Origin recently.

Especially the people who came to the wall half a day before the giant statue started shouting. "

Hal shook his head and said: "I know without asking, there are no outsiders at all."

"I'm talking about people other than the Lanterns who live here, not people you don't know." Harley said.

"You mean the Justice League?" Hal asked, and immediately said disapprovingly: "The Justice League, like you, is very concerned about the state of the Origin Wall and will send people over to inspect it every now and then.

We are also preparing to form a ‘super death squad’.

When the wall of origin completely collapses and Papetua breaks free, a death squad composed of powerful heroes will cooperate with you to anal the mother of creation.

Now that the Suicide Squad has been basically formed, everyone comes over every now and then to familiarize themselves with the environment and practice tactics, just like the Lanterns. "

"I'm not specifically referring to the Justice League, but if there are heroes from the Justice League coming over recently, you'd better tell us carefully who came and what they did." Harley said.

Hal said amusedly: "Harry, you are going too far! What we want to find is the 'abomination'. Even if the abomination is not the Legion of Destruction, it must be related to Papetua.

The Justice League is Destruction’s greatest enemy, how could it possibly be considered the ‘abomination’ described by the cell leader of the Origin Wall?

We should be the cutest people in the multiverse. "

Harley sneered: "Don't mention it, the Justice League is really closely related to Pappetua, because most of the heroes of the Justice League are Earthlings."

"What's wrong with the people on Earth? Earth -" Hal suddenly looked dull and murmured: "The people on Earth are the creations of Papetua, and Papetua must have created the primitive planet for some evil purpose. Earthling.

The civilizations of other planets in the universe are "normal natural people", and only the people on Earth are "evil beings" born unnaturally. So the target of the giant stone sculpture's anger is actually us? "

Damian swallowed, stared at the giant stone statue and asked, "Sister Harley, they are alive now. Can you check whether they have thoughts and memories?"

Harley shook her head slightly, "Most of them are not real physical beings, but are similar to the reliefs of mythical beasts on the surface of buildings, used to ward off evil.

Even if the origin wall collapses, they will not come back to life.

But I can sense their emotions.

To be precise, it is a collection of pan-consciousness formed after the Origin Wall absorbs the scattered thoughts of all living beings.

The anger was real, and part of it seemed to be directed at me.

The emotions of anger and hatred directed at me are very, very weak, and would not be distinguishable at all if I did not incorporate the emotional illusion. "

"How dare you target Sister Harley? Sister Harley, you are the only savior, the benefactor and the only hope of all sentient beings in the universe! These rotten stones are indeed broken and talking nonsense." Damian said excitedly.

Just as Hal was about to speak, a message suddenly came from the light ring on the finger of his right hand.

His expression changed drastically and he shouted: "Harley, something happened to the earth. Luther kidnapped Jon."

"Luthor still dares to return to Earth? Why did he kidnap Jon?" Harley asked in surprise.

"I don't know. Let's go back quickly. Superman asked me to find you immediately. They have completely lost track of Jon."

A moment later, the Hall of Justice.

All the heroes gathered in a circle and looked at Hawkgirl in the center with her head in her hands and a depressed expression.

Harley, who had just returned, also stood by with Damian and did not interrupt Hawkgirl's story.

".I advised Jon not to go there, but Jon seemed possessed. He must understand the whole story.

He also asked me not to notify the Justice League, because Luthor said it directly - if the Justice League knew that he was on Mars, they might not be able to do anything to him, but once Harley was notified, Harley could return instantly. For the sake of his own life, he couldn't stay on Mars to complete the deal with Jon.

Following Luther's instructions, Jon came to the Great Pyramid of Mars, the mass graveyard of the Martians.

The ashes of Jon's family are also said to be stored in the Great Pyramid."

"Actually, the Great Pyramid was built by Jon 15 years ago, and I also helped him mine a batch of nebula stones in the universe." Da Chao added.

Eagle Girl nodded slightly and said: "So Jon is very confident. He said that he is very familiar with the Great Pyramid and there is no way Luther can ambush him.

Once he notices something is wrong, he can run away immediately.

With his ability, Luther would definitely not be able to stop him, and since Mars is in the solar system, once a war breaks out on the surface of Mars, it will definitely alarm the concept of justice. "

"Jon shouldn't be so naive. Luther is not an idiot. Luther must have considered everything he can think of." Diana complained.

Hawkgirl raised her head, looked at her with red eyes, and said excitedly: "Jon is not naive, he is crazy!

His familiarity with the Great Pyramid was not the key factor in him attending the appointment alone.

The key is that he's pretty confident that Luther won't actually hurt him.

He said that he and Luther were old friends from decades ago, and there was nothing about him that Luther should miss.

Luther had saved his life when he was a child hundreds of years ago, and now he wanted to repay Luther. "

"Hawkeye, have you been hit by Luther's psychic attack? Why are you talking so messed up, with no logic or common sense at all?" shouted Dinah, who had just returned from giving birth to a daughter.

As early as during the magic debt period, she became pregnant.

Not long after the magic debt crisis ended, she gave birth to a daughter.

After giving birth to her daughter, she took some time off to recuperate. If the crisis of destruction hadn't suddenly erupted, and the negative base powers were unblocked one after another, and everyone was affected and their lives were threatened, she would have planned to take at least two and a half years of rest to raise her daughter. Able to attend nursery school.

Although she gave birth to a daughter and became a mother, she still dressed up as sexy as before: one-piece briefs that exposed half of her ball and tightly wrapped her buttocks, black fishnet stockings that covered her entire long legs, and black leather trousers boots.

"I know what I said sounds like gibberish, but I am really sober. These words were all told to me by Jon." Hawkgirl looked helpless. "Actually, Jon had already told me a few days ago. Received message from Luther.

Luther himself should not have returned to Earth, but the Legion of Destruction or that group of super villains still has huge forces and supporters on Earth even if they leave Earth.

Luthor delivers a few words to Jon via the 'Firebird'.

Firebird often opposes Jon, but he is only good at setting fires and has no superpowers. He is not favored by the Legion of Destruction. Like most ordinary villains, he was not taken away by Luther.

I don't know what the Firebird said to Jon.

Each hero has daily tasks and will face his own enemies in the city he protects. Other heroes generally will not interfere. "

"Where is the firebird? Have you caught it?" Dinah asked.

Da Chao said: "The Firebird is not important, there are many villains on the earth secretly serving the Legion of Destruction.

They don't know any useful information, they just passively receive orders from the Doomsday Fortress, and then complete the tasks assigned by the Legion of Destruction. "

Bateman added in a low and hoarse voice: "Currently, more than 30% of ordinary villains have been bribed by us and have agreed to collect information about the Legion of Destruction for us."

"Alas, the Firebird and the spy villain are not the point. The point is where is Jon and what did Luther do to him? As long as Jon is rescued, we will naturally know why he suddenly went crazy?" Diana said urgently.

All the heroes turned to look at Harley.

Harley shook her head and said: "Luthor has left the main universe long ago, and I can't trace Jon's traces.

In fact, it was not Luther himself who entered the main universe and abducted Jon on Mars.

All Jon saw was his energy projection. "

"Luthor didn't even show up, how did Jon get kidnapped? A mere energy projection would definitely not be able to defeat the Martian Manhunter who can compete head-on with Superman." Hal wondered.

Hawkgirl exclaimed excitedly: "This is a trap. After Jon arrived at the Great Pyramid agreed upon by both parties, he only had time to talk to Luther for a few words. What exactly he said, I don't know.

Because I was hypnotized by Jon and passed out.

A few minutes later, I woke up naturally.

When I woke up, all I saw was Jon like a plume of green smoke under the range hood, being sucked away by a machine the size of a microwave.

The whole process was very fast, and there was no need for Luthor to take action at all. He didn't even have a super villain accomplice by his side.

Obviously Jon was wrong, Luthor was plotting against him, and he had specially built instruments to target the Martians. "

"Why does Luther want to plot against Jon? They have never had anything in common!" Neptune asked doubtfully.

"I wouldn't be surprised if Luthor came to Superman and planned to kidnap Superman. But Luthor left Superman alone and instead went to plan for Jon, who is almost a stranger. Isn't it too strange?" Diana also looked puzzled.

Oliver glanced at Bateman and said weirdly: "Not to mention, we really have a 'Luthor capture plan' to use Superman to arrest members of the Legion of Destruction."

"Using me to arrest Luther? Why didn't I know?" Dachao asked confused.

Oliver looked at Batman again, and when he saw that he didn't object, he explained: "You have almost become the 'Pope of Justice' recently. Not only do you have to explain the way of justice to the people of the main universe and the earth, but you also visit the major alien planets every day. Tell the essence of the war of ideas to alien audiences and alien media.

Even the Justice League of the parallel universe will play a video of your speech.

It was impossible for the Legion of Destruction to be unaware of such a big move, and it was also impossible for them to not react at all.

With the love and hatred between Luther and you, I will definitely not see you show off in the limelight, and I will definitely not be able to restrain myself and end up personally. I will take action against you or at least destroy your preaching plan.

We are just protecting you and waiting for you. There is no need to interrupt your missionary journey.

The less you know and the more natural you act in your ministry, the more likely Luther is to be fooled. "

Having said this, he sighed helplessly, "I was fully prepared, but I didn't expect that Luther would ignore you, who is so beautiful, and go plot against Jon, who is lurking in the dark and has no contact with him. "

Dachao also looked at Bateman and asked, "Did you make the Luther capture plan?"

"This question is not important. What is important is to find Jon as soon as possible." Bateman said.

He looked at Harley and asked, "Can the details about Jon being seduced and kidnapped by Luther be found in the River of Time?"

"Only a part can be found, and the current mother river of time is not complete." Harley looked suspicious. "Pepatua must have been planning to this day, and even started planning Jon a long time ago."

"Is Papetua plotting against Jon?" The heroes were startled, and then gradually showed a look of surprise, "At this time, Luther is definitely not risking his return to Earth for his own selfish gain.

Even if he didn't appear in person during the kidnapping of Jon, he had made so many small moves, and the possibility of the location of the Fortress of Doom (the headquarters of the Legion of Doom) being exposed would definitely be greatly increased.

He kidnapped Jon only because Jon was related to Papetua's plan of destruction. "

"But how can Jon help them?" All the heroes looked puzzled.

"See for yourselves." Harley spread out her right hand, and the palm of her hand was like a lit firework, spraying out tiny colorful rays of light. The colored rays of light combined in the sky to form a holographic projection that looked like the real world.

Martian Manhunter and Hawkgirl fly side by side over the desolate Gobi Desert of Mars.

Hawkgirl was holding the N-metal warhammer, a little behind Martian Manhunter, and said: "Jon, we at least leave a message to the headquarters. Of course, the best option is to inform Harley. As long as Harley comes, no matter Luther, It’s useless to hide anywhere.”

Standing next to the heroes, Hawkgirl murmured: "This is indeed what happened on Mars a few hours ago."

"Kendra, you don't understand. Luther has already locked onto me. He uses a very special psychic frequency that others can't detect, but I can feel it.

Now he knows everything we say and every action we make.

As soon as we notify the Hall of Justice, he will disappear immediately, completely and never to look back. "Martian Manhunter said with a helpless expression.

"Can't turn back? What do you mean? I don't quite understand." Eagle Girl asked doubtfully.

Martian Manhunter was silent for a moment and said softly: "I firmly believe that Luther still has a kind and righteous side in his heart.

If the key to the war of ideas is to amplify the righteous tendencies in people's hearts, I think Luthor is as much a target to rally around as the rest of the universe.

If we can persuade him to escape destruction, it will be a great blessing for him, and it will be a great blessing for us and the multiverse. "

"You actually want to 'save' him?!" Hawkgirl looked in disbelief and shouted excitedly: "Jon, are you crazy? Use the power of your mind to check your thoughts to see if they have been tampered with. ?”

At this time, many heroes in the Hall of Justice conference room nodded in agreement.

Aquaman even said it directly, "While it's not appropriate to complain about Jon when he fell, something was definitely wrong with him."

"My mind is very clear and my heart has not been disturbed. Kendra, the relationship between me and Luther is very complicated. I can't explain it at the moment, but please believe me, I have known Luther since I was very young. He is worth it." Save, we will definitely save!" The expression on Martian Manhunter's face was very complicated.

Big Chao, who has the best relationship with him, can swear that even when talking about his relatives who died in the "spiritual plague" in chat, Jon has never shown such rich emotions.

"Jon is a very reserved person. He has never been so excited," Dachao murmured. "I don't know how to describe it, but I feel that he is not lying. Luther is really someone he is very familiar with and cares about." .”

Hal said: "We all know that Jon only looks like a middle-aged man, but in fact he has lived for hundreds of years.

The genes and life span of Martians are different from those of us on Earth. He was born very early, before the United States was even established.

So, how did he know Luthor at such a young age? Did Luther travel through time and make friends with him? "

Chao's expression changed slightly, "Luthor definitely didn't travel through time, but Jon——"

"Haha, you're right." Luther's voice suddenly appeared out of thin air, as if it were a telepathic message, appearing directly in everyone's minds, "Of course, I only refer to what you said before - I am using a special frequency of my mind. The fluctuations are following you. As long as you violate the agreement, I will know it immediately and disappear completely. You will never be able to find me again (ps)."

Harley glanced at Hawkgirl, who had a puzzled look on her face, and said, "This was the spiritual communication between Luther and Jon. They were already in contact with each other at that time, but you didn't hear it or notice it."

Eagle Girl puzzled: "But why can Luther blackmail Jon? Listen to what he said - if you don't agree to me, you will lose me forever.

Oh my God, is this what the supervillain Luthor is supposed to say to the superhero Jon? "

Neptune couldn't help complaining again and said: "Meila said similar things to me when she was acting coquettishly."

Oliver sighed: "Dina said it too, but that was twenty years ago, when we were all kids."

Dinah said: "If you miss it, we can find an opportunity to try again."

After saying this, she blushed and said with a smile: "Forget it, at my age, I really can't say it."

Firestorm pointed at Jon in the holographic projection screen and shouted: "The person who said this is not some cute green-skinned Martian woman, but Lex Luthor! God, is it possible that Luthor and Jon are having an affair?" ?”

"Stop talking nonsense!" Dachao shouted.

He looked hesitant, "Jon may have really known Luther since he was a child and formed a deep friendship with him."

"What? Dachao, you-" Huo Fengfeng screamed in disbelief, then his heart moved, and he said thoughtfully: "Dachao, do you know something?"

Dachao glanced at the holographic projection and said, "We will talk about Jon's past after watching this video."

The plot of Martian Manhunter and Luthor meeting at the Great Pyramid of Mars is not complicated.

Luther has Jon completely under control.

Not only did he let Jon go alone without telling the Justice League, he also asked Jon to hypnotize Hawkgirl before arriving at the Great Pyramid.

"If you refuse, you will never get another chance to talk to me. The decision is yours, Jon. I promise you that hypnotizing her is not to hurt her, but to prevent her from interrupting our conversation.

The truth is, I have no interest in hurting any of you.

Now my horizons are broader than Harley's. Do you think Harley cares about hurting a super villain?

She doesn't care.

Just like humans may accidentally step on ants on the ground, but they will never specifically target ants. "

Luther convinces Jon again.

Martian Manhunter puts Hawkgirl into deep hypnosis.

"Jon, you are such a good person. You may be kinder and more pure than the so-called 'incarnation of justice' Superman. I really regret that I didn't pay more attention to you in the past."

Luther finally appeared, his expression as complex as Jon's when he faced him, "You are actually full of doubts about the sudden awakening of memories, right?

You suspect that the stories we shared when we were children are all fiction, or even deliberately forged by some ambitious conspirator.

But the memory appears in your mind, and the old emotions are so real that they affect you.

Even if there is a one in 10,000 chance that the story is true for you, even if the story is false, as long as the memory is still there and the emotion is so real, you will still come to see me.

Even if there is only one chance in a billion that you can convince me to escape from the path of destruction, even if you have to risk your life, you will still not hesitate.

In your mind, your own life is far less important than your only chance to save an old friend. "

Dachao felt a strange emotion in his heart: it seemed that Luther didn't show similar emotions when facing him.

Luther and he had grown up together and had known each other their entire lives, but Luther had never really recognized him and had always misunderstood him.

But for Jon, whom he had "just met", he suddenly saw through his kind nature.

Luthor knows Jon far better than he knows him.

Dachao is not jealous, he just feels weird.

"My memory should not be false." Jon looked at Luther hiding under his large cloak and said: "I once traveled through time and space and came to the earth hundreds of years later. Of course, 'hundreds of years later' is aimed at It is the Martian civilization hundreds of years ago, not hundreds of years in the future based on this time.

Earth scientists caught me and wanted to study the genes of Martians, and you were the only one among those Earthlings who showed kindness to me.

You are kind, sincere and friendly, and we have become good friends.

In the end, you saved me from destroying me as a guinea pig like other experimental materials. "

There was some hesitation on the Martian's green face, "Maybe the memory is true, but the story takes place not in reality, but on the timeline.

I have considered the possibility that the major reboots that have occurred frequently in recent years have affected my life.

The 'now' remembered by Harley has not changed, I am still me, but my history, my past that Harley does not know, is likely to be restarted and rewritten. "

"But you're still here." Luther's expression became more complicated, and there seemed to be a flash of unbearability in his eyes.

"I am not as beautiful as you said. Superman is the teacher and role model of all heroes. I am not as good as him.

But you're right, no matter where the story takes place.

The emotions born in memories at this moment are always real. "

Jon looked at Luther with a very sincere expression, with some pleading and hope in his eyes, "You saved me once, and I want to save you again.

No matter what Pappetua promised you, she was lying to you and using you.

Just like the big villains take advantage of the little villains, the little villains take advantage of ordinary criminals.

You've been the biggest supervillain yourself, how have you used other villains to serve you in the past, have you forgotten?

Do you really regard them as your own?

To put it another way, even if Papetua fulfills all his promises to you, the world will be destroyed and everything you are familiar with will disappear. Even if you own the world, you will lose everything. What's the point? "

Luther smiled slightly and said: "Jon, I admit that you are a good person, but I do not recognize your reasoning.

In fact, everything you say and what you are doing now is exactly practicing my way of destruction.

You took a huge risk and came to Mars to find me to save me, but your thoughts and actions are not to make the world a better place.

You saved me just to feel better and right.

Compared with ordinary people who donate money to charity in order to gain the self-satisfaction of "I am a kind and great person, I am benefiting society, and my life is meaningful," you and your righteous partners are in a higher state.

But you are essentially the same.

They are all to satisfy their own moral values ​​and to make themselves and their actions valuable.

This is a kind of selfishness derived from the instinct of life.

Hehe, the way to destruction is not to encourage everyone to do bad things.

Even if you do charity and try to be a good person, you can still practice the path of destruction.

Because the way of destruction is not to destroy anyone, the concept of destruction is to destroy all shackles and constraints, awaken and show your true self.

Showing one's own selfishness fits the path of destruction.

There is no absolute justice in this world.

Your beliefs are illusory and unreal.

This is why I am loyal to Pappetua.

It's not that she cheated on me, it's that she and I are walking on the same road. "

"I don't agree with what you said." Jon's expression remained unchanged and he solemnly said: "When you look at the world with a distorting mirror, no matter what you look at, it will always be distorted.

I want to save you, even if I don’t consider the benefits you will bring to the world by returning to the right path, you alone are saved, which is worthy of my joy.

The world is made up of countless individuals. It would be true hypocrisy to ignore the suffering of individuals and only focus on the grand whole.

Even if a philanthropist can gain moral self-satisfaction after donating money, it cannot be attributed to selfishness in the path of destruction.

They are just on the road to absolute justice and have not yet reached the end.

Absolute justice is not a word that you can have immediately after hearing it.

Reaching absolute justice requires a process, and even Superman needs to walk the entire journey step by step.

Before reaching the end, everyone's progress will be different, but it doesn't matter. As long as the direction is correct and everyone encourages each other, we can always become another 'superman'. "

Luther smiled and shook his head, "If I have enough time, I will be very happy to debate with you, but we don't have much time now.

Sorry, Jon, you're wrong, I don't need your saving, and besides, you're worth more than you think. "

He pulled out an instrument the size of a microwave and sucked Martian Manhunter into it.

Harley's holographic projection of the mother river of time also ends here.

After a long time, Dachao broke the silence first, "I don't know the details about Jon's history.

There was once an Earth scientific research organization that, after discovering the remains of Martian civilization on Mars, tried to travel through time and bring back a Martian experimental sample before the Martian civilization was destroyed.

The instrument didn't take them back to the past, but brought Jon from the past to the present.

Now it seems that that organization is related to Luther, and they have known each other since they were children——"

Harley waved her hands and said: "No matter what origin story Jon once had, his and Luthor's stories are all man-made and false stories.

Made by Pappetua.

Just like the story of Barbatos creating Batman who travels fifty thousand years.

Papetua and Barbatos have the same purpose, distorting history to create a reality that is extremely beneficial to them.

Not only has Jon's life been twisted, but Luther's past has also changed.

In other words, the protagonist of Barbatos' dark story is Batman, the protagonist of Pappetua's story is Luther, and Jon can at best be regarded as a 'supporting actor'. "

"What does Papetua want to do? Why does she want to distort the history of Luther and Jon?" Da Chao asked confused.

Harley glanced at Hal and asked, "Among the superheroes who went to the Origin Wall recently, is Jon among them?"

The topic span was a bit big, and Hal was stunned for a while before he reacted, "My dear, you mean, Jon is the 'abomination'?"

Then he murmured: "Jon did go to the Origin Wall two days ago, and he was even the first to notice that the giant stone statue on the Origin Wall started roaring. I thought he was a psychic with more keen perception, but I didn't expect to be 'Origin' The blasphemous being of hate is Jon.”

ps: In the comics, Luther actually threatened Martian Manhunter with "I will disappear completely so that you can never find me again."

You can't blame Jon for his unique taste or his funny brain.

The only thing to blame is Papetua's clever methods, or the comic editor's cruelty, which changed the life of Martian Manhunter and created an unforgettable friendship between Little Jon and Little Luther when they were young.

Who could stop Naruto from rushing to Sasuke's date invitation?

Well, the little Luthor in the comics is not only cute, but also very kind. It’s okay to call him Superboy.

However, the comics also give the reason why little Luther grew up crooked from kindness: his native family environment.

Wandering Savage modified the character and abilities of Little Luther's father, turning him from a gentle and genius scientist into an alcoholic and domestically violent idiot.

Of course, the worst thing is not Jon, but Hawkman. In the newly restarted story, not only Jon and Luther have become a bond of friendship that exceeds the limit of love, but also Jon and Hawkgirl have become a couple. The children are all here, and the green grass above Eagle Man's head has turned into a prairie.

After all, in this book, the lovers Hawkman and Hawkgirl were not poisoned or separated.

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