I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1975 Poseidon’s method of overcoming calamity

The Justice League is not completely unaware of the Legion of Doom's activities.

Super villains are roughly divided into three categories. Some are those who have committed crimes and have not yet escaped and are currently serving their sentences in prison. The other are serious criminals who have escaped from prison. The last are idlers or semi-retired villains who currently have no major criminal record. .

For villains serving time in prison, unless they are special beings at the level of Brainiac, the heroes of the main alliance generally do not pay too close attention to them.

If a super villain has not appeared on the front line of criminal activities for a long time, has almost faded out of the circle of villains, and basically returned to the life of ordinary people, even if he has been burdened with many major cases, the heroes will not go out of his way to torment him.

It's not that the heroes don't care about his case.

When villains give up their supervillain identities and become regular people again, they are no longer the responsibility of the heroes, and the regular people are dealt with by the police or government agents.

The vast majority of super villains in society currently fall into the second category. They are guilty, have been in prison, and then escaped from prison. They are still active on the front lines of criminal activities. They may not have carried out large-scale activities that destroy the earth, but they often threaten certain communities. Even the security of the entire city.

Monitoring and capturing such villains is the focus of every superhero's work.

Among superheroes there are "super stars", and among villains there are "super villains", and those super villains are the focus of attention.

To put it bluntly, the fugitive villains such as Leopard Girl, Grodd, and the Joker have been closely monitored by Zhenglian.

The heroes of the Zhenglian Alliance may not be able to find their specific location. If they are found, they will arrest them directly.

But the heroes at least understand their current general status, where they are active, and what they are doing.

On the day of the explosion at the Veterans Club in Smallville Township, Dachao indeed ignored the case in his hometown.

Even if he heard from his old mother Martha that night that the club exploded due to a gas leak, he just sighed with regret and did not become suspicious or vigilant.

It wasn't until he saw the figure of Luther's secretary, Mercy, in news reports that he became alert, and then tried to use his super hearing and super strength to find Luther.

He found nothing, his suspicion of Luther deepened, and he began to actively investigate the Veterans Club case.

To be a superhero, you must first become a qualified detective.

Bateman is a famous detective in Gotham, Superman is a famous detective in Metropolis, Green Arrow is a famous detective in Star City, and The Flash works directly in the police department.

"The explosion at the Veterans Club was not an accident, it was a gas leak disguised by criminal masters. During the day, Luther went to the club and sat down for lunch with the veterans. He even participated in veteran activities organized by the community.

This is not normal!

And I have completely lost track of Luther now. He has not returned home or gone to the company for several days.

Luther is probably the murderer! "Dachao said to Bateman.

"Why did Luther blow up the Veterans Club? What's so special about it?" Bateman asked.

Da Chao pondered: "There is a deep hidden basement under the Veterans Club, which seems to be a laboratory.

When I looked there, it had been emptied out and I couldn't find anything useful.

I heard from the mayor that Luther attached great importance to the things inside and had strictly ordered no one to go down.

But the basement was only discovered after the club exploded, so that shouldn't be Luther's reason for blowing up the club.

Also, the broken wall above the basement is a little weird.

Through atomic-level scanning with super vision, and then simulating the explosion scene with super brain, I found that when the explosion occurred, there was a force field protecting the scene.

It was as if Harley was just standing there, using a defensive force field to resist the blast wave. When she left, the flames began to burn the surrounding broken walls and door panels. "

Based on Chao's description alone, Bateman couldn't guess the secret of the Veterans Club, but he and Da Chao had both determined that there was something wrong with Luther and he must be found as soon as possible.

When Luther went to Gorilla City to find Grodd, and when Leopard Girl also came to Gorilla City, Bateman was alerted immediately.

As Luthor puts it, Bateman is tracking "criminal satellites."

When Leopard found Luther through the projection function of the crime base's satellite, Bateman immediately noticed something unusual.

But there are computers on the supervillain's side that have been interfering with his tracking.

By the time Bateman found Ape City, Luther had been gone for more than five minutes, leaving only the still warm body of Vandal Savage at the scene.

Only one Savage died, and Bateman didn't immediately rally the Justice League.

At that time, he still couldn't figure out Luthor's movements and purposes, and he couldn't do anything by calling all the heroes.

He just ramps up his pursuit of Luthor and the villainous titan.

Bateman then discovered that more and more villainous titans were suddenly disappearing from the cities where they were active.

Even Gotham's Joker is nowhere to be seen.

You must know that in the past, the secret society would deliberately avoid clowns when it came to team building.

They thought he was too crazy and wouldn't let him play with him at all.

During the multi-reboot, because Alexander Luthor Jr., disguised as Lex Luthor, refused to accept him into the secret society, the Joker even hated the "fake Luthor" and later teamed up with the real Luthor to torture little Alexander to death. Shanda Luther.

"Luthor may be rebuilding the secret society, and they are going to cause trouble again!" Bateman came to this conclusion and shared the news with all the heroes, asking them to be careful and notify him immediately if anything unusual was discovered.

In fact, what Luther established this time was not a secret society, but the Legion of Destruction!

But until the stasis force was unsealed, the heroes still failed to catch the secret society's tail.

They couldn't find anyone at all.

But a week after the stasis force was unsealed, Zhenglian "accidentally" received a piece of information: the secret society was looking for the tomb of the first "Sea King" Aryan, because the key to the tomb of the gods was inside the tomb.

"The secret society is looking for the key to the Tomb of the Gods? What are they looking for the key for? Are they going to open the Tomb of the Gods?" Bateman looked at Martian Manhunter in surprise.

He brought the news back.

Since the speed force space collapsed, all superheroes have taken action to find and monitor super villains in their cities, especially the named "villain giants".

Martian Manhunter is skilled in shape-shifting and telepathy.

He can change into any form, disguise himself as anyone, or even turn into a small animal. He can also sneak into the depths of other people's hearts silently, making him the most suitable person to pry for information.

In fact, Martian Manhunter is the top "spy" of the Justice League.

“I entered the Kensington crime stronghold disguised as a supervillain and heard the ‘Puppet Master’ and Copperhead whispering about the ‘Legion of Doom’.

After knocking out the Puppet Master and invading his mind space, I only found basic information about the first Sea King Aryan and the Tomb of the Gods.

The final plan of the Legion of Destruction, the location of its headquarters, and the purpose of finding the key to the Tomb of the Gods are all missing.

I'm not even sure if the Puppet Master is a bait deliberately thrown out by Luther to confuse the audience and mislead us?

Or maybe he can't find the key to the Tomb of the Gods and wants to alert the snakes, asking us to help find them, and when we find them, they will jump out and pick them up? "

After Martian Manhunter finished speaking, he turned his attention to Arthur, the King of the Sea.

If we really want to scare the snake away, the snake can only be the King of the Sea. Among the heroes, he is the only one who knows Aryan and the Tomb of the Gods best.

"What is the Legion of Destruction?" Arthur asked.

Martian Manhunter said: “The secret society has changed its name, from ‘Secret Society of Super Villains’ to ‘Legion of Destruction’.

The conditions for recruiting members of the Legion of Destruction are much more relaxed than those of the club back then.

Even if you don't have a reputation as a supervillain or have particularly powerful superpowers, as long as you are evil enough and can accept Luther's 'idea of ​​destruction', you can join the Legion.

For example, the Puppet Master is just an ordinary murderer with no superpowers. At most, he can be regarded as the "Jack the Ripper" of the new era.

The secret society giants paid no attention to him before, but this time he has successfully joined the Legion of Destruction and passed the exam without any examination.

It's just that peripheral members like him don't understand the core secrets of the Legion of Destruction. "

"Is Luther's concept of destruction something new, or is it the same thing as in the past?" Dachao asked curiously.

"An old bar in a new bottle, with the addition of modified phrases such as 'absolute freedom', 'complete release of nature', 'truly unrestrained', 'everyone is like a dragon and there is nothing impossible in the world', which can better arouse the emotions of the villains" , but it has no practical significance." Martian Manhunter said disapprovingly.

"Everyone, are you all familiar with Tomb of the Gods and the first Sea King Arian?" John Stewart frowned.

The first thing he wanted to do was ask about the Tomb of the Gods and Arian. After all, this was the purpose of the villains.

But several big bosses have been "rambling here and there" and have refused to get to the point.

"you do not know?"

Dachao asked before he realized that when the Atlantis crisis broke out, many heroes today had not yet become heroes at all.

A look of memory appeared on his face, "It was the crisis in Atlantis more than ten years ago, and Arthur had not yet become Aquaman.

In other words, Arthur was crowned Aquaman only after the crisis in Atlantis.

And Arthur can make all the underwater kingdoms surrender, and a very important item is the golden trident. "

Atlanna, the mother of Aquaman, first escaped from her marriage to the human world, and gave birth to Arthur Curry with the lighthouse keeper Tom Curry in Port Mercy. Later, she was found by the people under the sea, returned to Atlantis, and married her original fiancé. Give birth to a second child.

Although within a few years, Atlanna was exiled to the Mariala Trench (the territory of the Trench Tribe), and her second husband and second son became the real kings of Atlantis, Atlanna also had loyal ministers. .

Vico, the prime minister of Atlantis, is loyal to the second son on the surface, but secretly he has been training the boss Arthur, and is also secretly looking for the treasure map of the golden trident, hoping to help the boss usurp the second son's position.

When Vico successfully finds the treasure map, the crisis in Atlantis is about to break out, and Lao Er leads the undersea people to flood the land people's world.

".At that time, Harley, Bateman, and Wizard Constantine were piloting the Archimedes airship and helped Arthur find the Golden Trident.

It is hidden in the deepest subsidiary plane of the Mariala Trench, a place called the ‘Earth’s Inner Sea’.

To reach the sea in the center of the earth, one needs to pass through the territory of the Trench tribe, be chased by countless sea monsters, and then enter the gate of space to reach a beautiful, peaceful and peaceful ocean world.

In the inner sea, Arthur also met his mother, Queen Atlanna.

The golden trident is held in the hands of the corpse of the first generation Sea King Arian. "

Dachao looked at Bateman and Neptune, "I remember you also summoned the dead soul of Aryan, right?"

Neptune said with a complicated expression: "Constantine and Harley summoned him, and Arian told us an ancient secret about the sea god Poseidon."

Ariane, like him, is the embodiment of the power of life connection.

Poseidon tempted Arian, who was hospitable and adventurous, and asked him to blow the horn with the power of life connection to connect all the ocean gods in the universe.

Poseidon is only the earth and sea god, and the earth is only one of countless living planets in the universe.

The earth can give birth to Poseidon, and other planets may also have Poseidon.

All Poseidons are on the same path.

To put it bluntly, there is a dispute between them.

Poseidon planned to trap all other Poseidon gods and make himself the only Poseidon in the universe.

Aryan is just a human being, but he also has a warm and sincere character. He is a good person whose kindness and sincerity can be felt from the slightest contact.

The key is that he also possesses the "power to connect ocean life" that all ocean life longs for.

A passionate and sincere mortal, who still has the power of life connection in his hand, says that he wants to make friends with everyone, and invites everyone to come to the earth as a guest to share the power of life connection. Which Poseidon can't be moved?

All the seas of the universe responded to the trumpet of Arion.

As a result, Poseidon turned around and warned Arrian: Those sea gods are not well-intentioned and want to invade the earth and enslave all living beings on the earth.

Poseidon is the "god" of the Atlanteans.

"God" came in person and told Arian that the alien sea gods were all bad people. How could Arian doubt it?

Poseidon taught Aryan the technique of transforming the power of the Life Connection into the Tears of Death.

The life connection power that connects the sea gods instantly turns into poison that strangles the sea gods.

"Later, Arrian kept repenting outside the Tomb of the Gods, and his soul also went to the Tomb of the Gods after his death.

The ray of consciousness that Constantine summoned came from Arian.

He tells us the secrets of ancient times and warns us never to open the tombs of the gods. "

Neptune sighed and asked doubtfully: "Luthor is looking for the key to the Tomb of the Gods. It must be for the Tomb of the Gods. Is he crazy?

Opening the Tomb of the Gods is tantamount to destroying the world.

First of all, there are a lot of tears of death in the Tomb of the Gods, which will end lives, especially those with divine power.

Secondly, the Poseidon who was deceived by Poseidon did not die.

After Arrian discovered that he had become an accomplice in Poseidon's conspiracy, he planned to make amends.

He spent the rest of his life rescuing the alien Poseidons imprisoned in the Tomb of the Gods, and even opened the door to the Tomb of the Gods to let them out.

But the alien Poseidon no longer trusts him and is full of endless resentment towards the world. Arian has no choice but to seal them again.

It is not directly sealed deep in the Tomb of the Gods.

The ‘Gate to the Tomb of the Gods’ that Arrian guarded back then was not the gate to the Tomb of the Gods in the true sense.

The Earth's Inner Sea is an affiliated plane of the earth. There is a special dimensional gap between the Earth's Inner Sea and the Tomb of the Gods.

Only after crossing the gap can you reach the gate of the Tomb of the Gods.

Aryan released the sea gods from the real tomb of the gods, and later sealed the alien sea gods for the second time in the dimensional gap.

He wanted to atone for his sins and redeem the three sea gods who had lost their minds. Naturally, he could no longer imprison them in the Tomb of the Gods.

At first, Arrian's trumpet attracted thousands of sea gods. They were contaminated by the tears of death, and either died tragically on the spot, or were forcibly dragged into the tomb of the gods.

When Arrian finally opened the Tomb of the Gods and planned to save them, the alien Poseidon had died and only three of them were left, the three most powerful Poseidon.

I remember they called "

Neptune scratched the back of his head and turned to Bateman, "Is there an 'Ocean Admiral'? I remember it's a bit similar to Harley's 'Galaxy Admiral'."

“There is no ‘Admiral of the Ocean’, there is ‘Admiral of the Furious Waves’, there is also ‘Captain Lonely’ and ‘Commander of Zhenhai’.” Bateman said.

"What are these random names?" Dinah complained: "Is this the unique style of the alien Poseidon?"

Oliver glanced at his wife and sighed: "'Poseidon, God of Poseidon' is neat and tidy, but how much price did Poseidon pay to obtain the concise and concise title of 'God of Poseidon'?!"

"The one who paid a heavy price was not Poseidon, not even Arian, but the alien sea gods." Eagle Girl said excitedly.

"Poseidon will definitely pay the price for his actions!" Oliver said with certainty.

Neptune was stunned for a moment, and then he realized something: cause and effect will not disappear out of thin air. "God" remembers everything and will never let Poseidon pass easily.

Then Oliver specifically explained to his wife, who still looked puzzled: "Everyone knows that the names of gods have power. This is common sense in magic.

But it is not an easy thing to make your name powerful.

If you call yourself 'Poseidon so-and-so' and others don't recognize it, then the name 'Poseidon' does not belong to you.

Before the Lonely Captain became the God of the Sea, he must have known the name of the Lonely Captain among everyone long ago.

When he becomes Poseidon, he will definitely want everyone to call him ‘Poseidon Lonely’.

But Poseidon did not approve of it at first, and the sea gods such as Admiral Wrathful Waves and Commander Zhenhai would also sneer at him.

If sentient beings don’t recognize it, the laws naturally don’t recognize it either. Calling himself ‘Poseidon’ has no practical meaning.

When Poseidon kills all the other sea gods, he will be the only sea god in the universe. When all living beings realize this fact, the law will recognize the name "Poseidon".

When holding sacrificial ceremonies related to Poseidon, as long as you call out 'Poseidon', it will definitely touch Poseidon, not other ocean gods.

If Captain Gu Dan calls himself ‘Poseidon God Gu Dan’ and his followers chant ‘Poseidon God’ when offering sacrifices to him, Captain Gu Dan may not be able to gain the power of faith and sacrifice. "

"It turns out that this is the case," Dinah murmured: "It turns out that simple names like 'Thunder God Zeus' and 'Pluto Hades' represent supreme power."

Bateman said: "Captain Lonely, Commander Zhenhai, Admiral Raging Waves, these titles also mean that they are not alone.

They have their own subordinates, who may be gods, and may have a subordinate civilization like Poseidon to Atlantis. "

"Even so, we don't have to be afraid of them! Three ancient antiques that have been sealed for billions of years are not enough to squeeze Harry's teeth." Barry stopped in front of his seat and said something, then ran at the speed of light again, running No trace.

Since the collapse of the Speed ​​Force space, he followed Bateman's advice and ran non-stop.

During the running process, new speed forces are continuously generated to keep the wall of speed power from disappearing.

The King of the Sea pondered: "Arian did not want to kill the three sea gods, he wanted to redeem them. In the sea of ​​​​the core of the earth, Arian even built an altar for them to help them maintain their faith.

And the focus now is not on the three gods of the sea.

What Luther wants is the key to the Tomb of the Gods, and the key must be to open the door.

Why would he want to open the Tomb of the Gods? "

Dachao immediately said: "No matter what he wants to do, we can't let him succeed."

Diana asked: "Since you have already found the Tomb of Aryan, have you found the key to the Tomb of the Gods there?"

"The Earth's Inner Sea was the original territory of the Trench Clan, not Aryan's tomb. Although Arrian's bones were indeed left there." Neptune hesitated for a moment and then said: "Honestly, I'm not sure what Luther is looking for." Arion's Tomb is the inner sea of ​​the earth, or the real Arion's Tomb."

"You mean there is an Arrian tomb beyond the center of the earth?" Bateman asked.

"Maybe. Legend has it that he is the greatest navigator and possesses rare treasures from all over the world. They are all in that super tomb." Neptune said in an uncertain tone, "'Navigator' Arian is in Art. Landis is very famous and there are many legends related to him.

Among them is the story of how he used the ‘Horn of Neptune’ to prevent the alien Poseidon from destroying the world and enslaving the earth.

In the story, he was inspired by Poseidon, the god of the sea, and became a super hero. Alas, when I told Mela and the others the truth, the high priest of the god of the sea severely criticized me, saying that I was blasphemous and wanted to dethrone me!

Both Vico and my mother advised me to apologize to the high priest and to stop 'talking nonsense' in the future.

Therefore, this incident is not recorded in the files of the Justice League.

In order to avoid conflicts on land and sea, Bateman also deliberately reduced the spread of the truth.

Today, only a few heroes who personally participated in the "Undersea Man Crisis" know the story of Arrian and the Tomb of the Gods. "

Dachao hesitated: "What should we do now? Should we try our best to find the key to the Tomb of the Gods?"

"If even Neptune doesn't know where the key is, not actively looking for it is the best way to hide it." Oliver said slowly.

"I agree." Black Bolt nodded and said: "Jon can find out this news, and it's probably Luther's intention to lure the snake out of the hole.

We didn't even hear about the secret society turning into the Legion of Destruction before, but now we suddenly know the core plan of the Legion of Destruction. It's no surprise that there's nothing fishy about it. "

"What if Luthor wants us to think this way?" Cyborg hesitated: "Although not every hero knows it, in the Justice League, the story of Aryan and the Tomb of the Gods is not top secret information.

If Luther is interested in exploring, he should be able to gain something.

Luther knows that we know Arian and Tomb of the Gods relatively well.

If we all search for the key together, we will definitely have an advantage.

Now that we are doing nothing and Luther is going all out, wouldn't we be giving him the key? "

"Victor is right! We just can't find Luther and the others, it's not because we are afraid of the Legion of Destruction.

Don't think that changing their names to something more powerful will change their outcome when they face us.

Nothing has changed! We can still handle them now, if we can find them. John Stewart said confidently.

After the Speed ​​Force space collapsed, there were more and bigger cracks in the origin wall. Hal Jordan didn't even have time to come back to attend the regular meeting, so he had to let Stewart represent himself and Green Lantern.

"Yes, we are not afraid of the Legion of Destruction." A group of heroes immediately responded.

Da Chao looked hesitantly, looked around, and asked: "Baitman, Diana, what do you think?"

Diana said: "Being proactive is my style! If I were to sit in the Zhenglian Hall and wait passively, imagining Luther's possible actions in my mind, I would be anxious to death.

In fact, I'm getting impatient now.

We've been looking for Luther and the others, haven't we?

I couldn't find it no matter how hard I looked for it before. Now I have the opportunity to go head-to-head with them. Isn't it a good thing?

Luther wants to lure the snake out of its hole, and so do we! "

Bateman frowned and thought for a moment, then turned to Poseidon and said, "What do you think about the location of the key to the Tomb of the Gods?

If you can find it quickly, we will take action immediately; if you have no clue, we will stand still and wait. "

Neptune groaned: "Baitman, your idea is fine, but you asked the wrong person.

Although I am the King of Atlantis, I am essentially an American sailor.

In my free time, I would rather go to Cien Port Bar to drink and watch live football than take the initiative to inquire about the legends and allusions of Atlantis.

I have to go back and ask Mela, my mother, and yes, the high priest. If they have no clue, we will stand still. "

Aquaman was right.

He doesn't care about the history of Atlantis at all, and he is even more resistant to Poseidon, the god of the sea, so he doesn't know much about many matters related to Atlantis.

But his mother and wife were both members of the royal family, and his court high priest was a living encyclopedia of history.

"I don't know about the Tomb of the Gods, but the Tomb of Aryan. All the Arrian stories I have heard in my life come from the high priest Heron. If we talk about the royal city of Atlantis, who can be in the Tomb of Aryan?" The one who can give you revelations about the tomb is none other than the high priest."

The "Queen of the Sea", who looked like a certain Hollywood actress, only hesitated for a moment before taking her son to the Temple of Poseidon.

"The Key to the Tomb of the Gods" Upon hearing Neptune's question, the old priest's expression changed slightly.

Arthur didn't particularly know the secrets of Atlantis, but he knew very well the old man who once wanted to destroy him.

The old man's palace is very deep, and except for issues involving Poseidon's belief, he almost doesn't have any extra expressions on weekdays.

At this moment, his expression changed slightly. Either there was something wrong in his heart, or there was something in his chest.

"Do you know the key to the Tomb of the Gods?" Neptune asked.

The old priest frowned deeply and asked instead, "Are you sure the super villain is looking for the key to the Tomb of the Gods?"

"Do I need to lie about this? Don't hide what you know. You should be very clear about the consequences of opening the Tomb of the Gods." Arthur said.

"They're just a bunch of super villains, are you afraid of them? You're afraid, but I'm not afraid yet!" the old priest said nonchalantly.

"Do you know that the speed force space has collapsed? Once the wall of the speed force disappears, parallel universes collide with each other, and the multiverse will be destroyed." Neptune stared solemnly into the eyes of the old priest and said in a deep voice: "Do you understand? This is a A multiverse-level crisis!

The Speed ​​Force Space is just the beginning, Tomb of the Gods is the second step, and they must have other plans next.

Every step you take may lead to the destruction of the multiverse, aren't you afraid? Can you bear it? "

The old priest's face turned pale and his expression changed.

"Queen of the Sea" Atlanna said softly: "High Priest, I know you don't like or trust Arthur, but you shouldn't doubt his love for Atlantis, his justice and courage. !

He is not looking for you to get information about the key to the Tomb of Gods for personal gain.

In fact, he has been patrolling the inner sea for these years to prevent others from breaking the first seal of the Tomb of the Gods. "

The old priest sighed, "I do know where the key to the Tomb of the Gods is, but -"

He hesitated for a moment and said: "King and Queen Mother, you must swear that you will never reveal my next words to Witch Harley."

"What does this have to do with Harley?" Arthur was stunned.

"We swear." Queen Mother Hai pulled her son and signaled him with her eyes not to argue with the old priest.

Queen Mother Hai first swore an oath to Poseidon, and Arthur also planned to follow suit but was stopped by the high priest.

"Your Majesty the King, don't fool me. You don't believe in the great and sacred Ocean Supreme Poseidon at all. If you want to swear, you should swear in the name of God." The old priest said unceremoniously.

Poseidon was a little embarrassed and pointed to the statue of Poseidon beside him, "I am here, in the temple of Poseidon, swearing in the name of God?"

"Swearing an oath to God in the Poseidon Temple is indeed a great disrespect to His Majesty Poseidon, but you have done too many disrespectful things over the years, so it doesn't matter." The old priest said lightly.

Neptune wanted to complain, but considering that he was about to talk about the secret of the "Key to the Tomb of the Gods", he endured it.

After he swore an oath, the old priest said: "Before the magic debt crisis happened, I didn't know that there was a key to the Tomb of the Gods, let alone that the key was always in the hands of the Atlanteans."

He walked behind the statue of Poseidon, formed a seal with his hands, and lit a few sea-blue runes under the base of the statue. A wooden box appeared silently on the floor tiles near the base.

The wooden box is long and narrow, not very big, and can probably only hold a beer bottle.

"It's really a bottle!" When the old priest bent down, picked up the wooden box and opened it, Arthur shouted with some disappointment.

There is a glass bottle inside, probably a liquor bottle with the label paper removed, which can hold 1 liter of wine.

There is no alcohol inside now, just a small wooden boat.

"This is not an ordinary bottle, this is the 'ship in a bottle' that His Majesty Poseidon personally handed to me before the magic debt crisis officially started." The old priest said solemnly.

"Before the magic debt crisis? Why didn't you tell us what he wanted to do?" Arthur was surprised.

Finding the old priest before the magic debt crisis must be related to the magic debt crisis.

So, is this bottle related to Poseidon's method of overcoming calamity?

The old priest glanced at him and said calmly: "His Majesty Poseidon is very clever. He met me before the magic debt crisis and told me some things. But after he left, my memory was like grains of salt falling into the sea. , dissipated in the sound of the waves.

The salt grains don't disappear, they just dissolve in the sea.

When the magic debt crisis ended, and when I heard the voice from heaven, it was like waking up from a dream, and the memory came back to my mind along with the waves. "

"What's the sound from heaven? Why didn't I hear it?" Arthur said.

"The call from Hera, Queen of Heaven, is calling His Majesty Poseidon. I am His Majesty's attendant, so I can hear the echoes escaping from the Poseidon statue."

Arthur fell into deep thought. Hera's call was the key to awakening his memory. If the magic debt crisis was not over, would Hera dare to call the Olympus gods to rebuild the kingdom of God?

Therefore, the ship in the bottle is not directly related to dealing with the magic debt crisis. The ship in the bottle will not be activated until the crisis is over.

Thinking of this, he pointed to the ship in the bottle and asked, "Why did Poseidon give you this?"

The old priest fell silent again with hesitant expression.

"We have sworn an oath, and you have taken out the bottle, what else can't be said?" Arthur said displeased.

"Oh, it's just that you are too close to the Witch Harley! His Majesty Poseidon personally told me not to let the Witch Harley know about it." The old priest sighed helplessly, "But now the Legion of Destruction has set its sights on the Tomb of the Gods. , or a large multiverse-level crisis, I have no choice.”

"Yes, you have no choice, just say it!" Arthur said impatiently.

"You are right about the story about Arian and the alien Poseidon." As soon as he finished speaking, the old priest quickly added: "You are right to a small part!

I dare to swear to the gods and demons in the sky that there must be alien sea gods with malicious intentions towards the power of life connection and our oceans.

There may be innocents among them, but letting thousands of alien Poseidons enter the earth is definitely a stupid and reckless act.

If it were the witch Harley, she would not allow this to happen.

So His Majesty Poseidon did nothing wrong! "

"So you old guy knows everything!" Arthur glared at him and urged: "Don't talk nonsense. I already know Poseidon's vicious plan. Just get to the point."

"That's the point!" The old priest clenched his fists and shouted excitedly at his king, "Arian is just like you, an ungrateful fool!

It was only after I regained my memory that I understood the truth of Arian's story.

He has deceived me for hundreds of years, stolen the highest glory of Atlantis for countless years, and deceived countless poor Poseidon believers.

His Majesty Poseidon only asked him to select a few kind-hearted alien Poseidons to come to Earth to establish the 'Ocean Alliance', but he blew the horn to all Poseidons in the universe.

Do you think all Poseidons are kind and sincere?

He made a mistake and His Majesty Poseidon helped to save him, but in the end he hated His Majesty Poseidon and said that His Majesty Poseidon was taking advantage of him.

Such a blasphemous act could not be punished too much, but His Majesty Poseidon just sighed and graciously forgave him.

The shameless Aryan later found His Majesty Poseidon again and asked for the method to open the Tomb of the Gods. He wanted to release the imprisoned alien Poseidon.

Your Majesty should have stabbed him to death with a trident and hung his body on the beach to be exposed to wind and rain for 10 billion years! "

The old priest spoke with gritted teeth, as if Arian was not the first generation of Sea King, not the ancestor of him and the royal family, but their life and death enemy.

Neptune frowned, wanting to scold him a few words, or even punch him twice.

He held back and asked, "Then Poseidon gave him the key to the Tomb of the Gods?"

The old priest took a few deep breaths to calm down and said, "His Majesty Poseidon told him how to create the key to the Tomb of the Gods, and also gave him a lump of eighth divine gold.

Arrian successfully forges the key to the Tomb of the Gods, freeing three alien Poseidons.

But as I said, His Majesty Poseidon is wise and decisive, and his judgment has never failed.

Those alien sea gods are essentially evil gods and demons, and they want to destroy the world.

Arian sealed them again, and you all know the rest of the story. "

"Where is the key to the Tomb of the Gods?" Arthur asked.

"Hidden by Arian." The old priest looked down at the ship in a bottle in the box and said, "His Majesty Poseidon told me that holding this bottle can sense the location of the key and eventually find it."

"The ship in the bottle seems to be an artifact. It should be usable, right?" Atlanna asked.

"After you find the key, unplug the cork, and the ship in the bottle can take you to the Tomb of the Gods." The old priest looked up at Neptune, with strong expectations in his eyes, "The ship in the bottle is a god-king-level item. The supreme holy object, it can carry the 'Sea King' who has awakened the power of life connection to and from the tomb of the gods and the human world. It is not corroded by the power of death and the tears of death, and is not in any danger."

"You don't want me to go to the Tomb of the Gods, do you? Even if I find the key to the Tomb of the Gods, I will destroy it, lest-" Halfway through the words, Arthur suddenly felt something in his heart, and said in shock: "Shit , that guy Poseidon is hiding in the Tomb of the Gods?

His way to survive the magic debt crisis was to hide in the 'grave' in advance.

Entering the Tomb of the Gods, the gods are already dead, so it is naturally difficult for the resentful woman to track them.

So cunning, so treacherous!

The way to overcome the magic debt crisis is often planned very early. No wonder he deceived the sea gods and still failed to hide all the Aryan birds.

He will also continue to use Arrian to create the key to the Tomb of the Gods.

It is possible that he can adapt to the environment of the Tomb of the Gods and is also related to Arrian.

Aryan is the most outstanding 'Sea King', possessing the strongest talent of life connection in history.

Only the power of life connection can restrain the tears of death in the Tomb of the Gods. "

At this point, his expression suddenly changed, he stared at the old priest and said coldly: "Poseidon still wants to squeeze me. He needs a 'Sea King' who has awakened the talent of the power of life connection to drive a ship in a bottle to pick him up.

He is too weak to come back on his own. How will he treat me when he sees me full of energy?

Did I send him dry food? The dry food is myself! "

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