I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1976 The Three Poseidon Giants

"You are rebellious, lying, and blasphemous. You bastard is not worthy of being the King of Atlantis!"

Arthur's speculation on Poseidon's method of overcoming the calamity was like a sharp sword stained with poison, stabbing the old priest's heart dozens of times, making him angry, his body trembling, and his face turned white.

He completely ignored Arthur's identity as King of the Sea and the gap in strength between himself and him. He put Poseidon's ship in the bottle aside, raised the Poseidon's staff and hit Arthur's head.

"Buzz-bang!" Arthur didn't move, or in other words, he was immersed in the anger against Poseidon's conspiracy and didn't react for a while. He let the Poseidon's staff hit his head, but the next moment the thick skin inside him Divine power is automatically activated, not only blocking attacks with a golden film, but also absorbing attacks and then rebounding them all back.

The old priest made a sneak attack with anger and used all his strength - if he had the ability to kill Arthur, he would really kill this "sea and land bastard" who rebelled against his ancestors and blasphemed the "Sea God" on the spot - but all his strength rebounded and he was completely defeated. In himself.

"Crack~~~" He was bounced dozens of meters and hit hard against the magnificent wall of the temple. Four or three sternum bones were broken, and blood spurted from his mouth.

"Ah, High Priest, don't—Arthur, don't!"

The "Queen of the Sea" Atlanna on the side was also caught off guard by the turn of events.

In fact, she was still shocked by her son's analysis of Poseidon's method of overcoming tribulation, and she only had time to shout half a sentence before the Poseidon's staff fell on her son's head.

Before he could finish his sentence, the expression of worry and panic on his face was half finished. The son was still standing there in a daze, but the high priest, who was highly respected by the people of Atlantis, was shot out like a cannonball, flying in the air to his chest. A pit collapsed.

"High Priest, are you okay?" When the High Priest hit the wall of the hall and blood spurted out from his mouth, Atlanna hurried over to help him.

"Why are you using so much force? It's not a secret that I have thick-skinned powers." Arthur, the king of the sea, walked over with an innocent look on his face and helped him up with his mother.

"You did it on purpose." The old priest coughed up a lump of black blood with visceral fragments and stared at Neptune, "Thick-skinned gods are not that strong at all!"

"Harley's black whirlpool of thorns is a way to retaliate. No matter how hard you attack her, the black whirlpool will absorb the power and attack the enemy in turn. Don't you know?

And I didn't expect you to suddenly attack me at the time. How could you do it on purpose?

Deliberately irritating you so that you attack me and then get hurt back? "Neptune said angrily.

The high priest wanted to throw away the mother and son's arms, but as soon as he tried hard, his heart felt cramped.

He suffered internal injuries, his organs were damaged, and his heart was probably ruptured.

"Stop struggling and take a good rest." Sea King took the initiative to let go of his arm, turned around and picked up the wooden box containing Poseidon's ship in the bottle, and said: "I will definitely not go to the Tomb of the Gods, I won't even go to the Tomb of the Gods." Will find the key to the Tomb of the Gods.

As long as the ship in the bottle is in the hands of our Justice League, it is impossible for the Legion of Destruction to—"

Halfway through his words, he suddenly froze.

The moment he reached into the wooden box and touched the bottle, the power of his life connection was actively activated, as if his sea of ​​consciousness had become a radar station, sending a signal wave in all directions that only he could feel.

The signal wave spread to the entire earth almost instantly.

An illusory scene of the earth appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness, and at the north pole of the earth, there was a silver-blue light spot flickering.

——That is the key to the Tomb of the Gods, the key is under the Arctic iceberg!

Neptune suddenly understood.

"The old priest didn't lie. If you get the ship in the bottle, you can find the key to the Tomb of the Gods."

At the same time as he realized something, Arthur began to hesitate again.

If the ship in a bottle is the only "map" to find the key to the Tomb of the Gods, he does not need to find the key to the Tomb of the Gods himself, and does not need to risk being followed by the oriole of the destroyed legion.

As long as the "only map" is hidden, no one can find the key to the Tomb of the Gods.

This was his previous plan.

But now he had found the key to the Tomb of the Gods, which was not well hidden.

It may be difficult for mortals to find, but for the Legion of Doom.

Arthur did not dare to look down upon the current Legion of Destruction.

Now that the Speed ​​Force space has collapsed and the multiverse is facing a catastrophe of life and death, but Zhenglian is ignorant, whoever dares to despise the plans and methods of the Legion of Destruction is a fool.

"Arthur, you must open the Tomb of the Gods to welcome His Majesty Poseidon back!" The old priest interrupted Neptune's meditation with a cough.

"I just hit you because you blasphemed the faith of Atlantis. You used dirty and evil thoughts and words to slander our 'Creator God' of Atlantis.

His Majesty Poseidon will never harm His people, His children. Even if you are rebellious like you or Arian, He will never punish you. "

Arthur asked: "Why let 'Sea King' drive the ship in the bottle to pick him up? He knows so much about the Tomb of the Gods that he even forged the key to the Tomb of the Gods and created a side-effect-free way to travel between the human world and the Tomb of the Gods." "Ship in a bottle, why don't you come out on your own?"

"How can entering from the outside and coming out from the inside be the same thing? Even to His Majesty Poseidon, the Tomb of the Gods is still a place of death and silence.

As long as they are gods with divine power, no one can escape from the Tomb of the Gods by their own strength. "The high priest said.

"The Legion of Destruction is looking for the key to the Tomb of the Gods, just to open the door to the Tomb of the Gods. You still want me to take the initiative to open the door?" Poseidon frowned.

The old priest wiped the blood from his mouth and said: "I am not setting off now. After the magic debt crisis is over, I will recover the previously dissipated memories from the waves and understand the arrangements of His Majesty Poseidon.

Why haven't I found you? Even when you found me, I didn't want to tell you this secret at first.

His Majesty Poseidon and I are very patient, we don’t have to rush.

Wait until the Justice League takes down the Legion of Doom, then you can take your time and open the door to the Tomb of the Gods. "

"You have great confidence in us." Neptune smiled mockingly at first, and then his smile turned into self-deprecation, "We don't even know where Luther is or what he wants to do!"

"I don't have confidence in you, I have full confidence in Witch Harley. If you don't have confidence right now, you can think more about Witch Harley. No matter how bad the situation is now, everything will be fine when she comes back."

The old priest looked bad and had a waxy face, but the confidence and worry on his face now made him look a little energetic.

Arthur glanced at him with a strange expression, "It feels so strange to hear such words of comfort from your mouth!"

"What's so strange about this? Who in the world doesn't have confidence in Witch Harley? Just because I have so much confidence in her. Even though I devoutly believe in His Majesty Poseidon and have no doubts about His plans and abilities, considering the Witch Harley Li may interfere, but I will still hesitate and make you swear that you will never tell her about this matter." The old priest said matter-of-factly.

Arthur was speechless to retort.

Atlanna glanced at her son, worry flashing in her eyes.

"High Priest, you should know Arthur very well. He is not a follower of Poseidon, and you have no idea of ​​revealing the secret of the bottle ship to him before. He should not be the pilot of the bottle ship you originally selected, right?"

Poseidon is her belief, and Arthur is her son. If she has to choose one between the two, she will not give up her son.

Even if there was a 1% chance that Arthur's conjecture about Poseidon's method of overcoming the calamity was true - that is, that Arthur would become "solid food" and give himself to Poseidon for "eating", she did not want Arthur to go. adventure.

The old priest nodded and said: "Yes, I originally planned to wait for more than ten years, waiting for Joseph, young Arthur, and Kryak to grow up, waiting for them to awaken the power of life connection-"

"You're dreaming!" Arthur clenched his fists, his beard and hair spread out, and he looked like an angry lion. He roared to interrupt the old priest. "If you dare to challenge them, I will tear you apart and then smash your Poseidon Temple!"

The Joseph, little Arthur, and Creak mentioned by the old priest are all the sons of the King of the Sea.

The eldest "Little Arthur" is already ten years old, considered a young boy, and he will be a "new King of the Sea" in about ten years.

“They and we are all children of Poseidon!” The old priest was even more excited than he was. “Without His Majesty’s blessing from Poseidon, would Atlantis be what it is today?

Even if you don’t believe in His Majesty Poseidon, don’t you even have a grateful heart? "

Arthur said coldly: "The earth has experienced countless crises over the years, many of which have affected Atlantis. When did Poseidon protect us?

When did something happen, it wasn't the 'Witch Harley' you call us who helped us out of trouble?

Just talk about the magic debt crisis that just passed. Where is Poseidon?

Where are you and your Poseidon priests?

Oh, you immediately ran to the Gotham beach house and hid comfortably in Harley's defensive force field.

We still don’t know what big crisis the Legion of Destruction will cause next, and the people under the sea will definitely not be able to survive alone.

When the time comes, will you pray for Poseidon to come, or are you looking forward to me finding Harley again?

If Harley opens the stomach bag dimension, can you enter? "

The old priest was rendered speechless by a series of questions, with a look of embarrassment on his face.

Atlanna pulled her son's arm and whispered: "Harley has helped us a lot, and we should be grateful. This is true, but His Majesty Poseidon has been the faith of Atlantis people for hundreds of millions of years.

If you don't believe in Poseidon, everyone is already very dissatisfied, but everyone respects your choice.

You can’t disrespect everyone’s choices! "

Arthur glared and said, "Are you willing to let your grandson go to the Tomb of the Gods to pick up Poseidon, who has ulterior motives?"

"Of course not," Atlanna blurted out, and then immediately changed her words, "It's not that we can't help, your son is too influenced by you and worships Harley more than His Majesty Poseidon. They are also not qualified to pilot the ship in the bottle.

But ours is not the only royal bloodline in Atlantis, so Hai Shaoxia can bear this responsibility! "

Aquaman Garth, the "Aquaman" in Teen Titans, also has the ability to communicate with sea creatures.

"Gas can't do it!" Arthur and the high priest said in unison.

The two looked at each other, and Arthur said first: "There is no difference between Garth and my son."

Aquaman Garth is to Aquaman Arthur what Nightwing Dick is to Batman.

"Gas's talent is not enough." The high priest disliked the fact that Gas's life connection power was too weak.

Arthur glanced at him and said, "High Priest, you and my mother's great-grandfather are brothers, right?"

"Cousins," the high priest corrected.

"Although the talents of your group are relatively poor, we don't lack time. We can wait slowly. When a genius who awakens the power of life connection appears among your descendants, even if he is not a genius, I will definitely train him well and let him How do you feel about becoming a qualified ship-in-a-bottle pilot?" Arthur chuckled.

The high priest's face turned red and he said angrily: "You think I don't want to? Do you think I am just like you, full of blasphemous thoughts?

I wish I could pilot the ship in a bottle myself!

If any of my descendants awaken the power of life connection, even if you kneel on the ground and beg me, I will not give you and your descendants the glory of welcoming the return of the Poseidon. "

Arthur was stunned. The old priest only showed the anger of being humiliated, without any trace of disguise.

He means it.

If he or his descendants had the ability, he would never reveal the secret of the ship in the bottle.

He truly believed that Poseidon would treat his believers well and would never use them as "solid food" to satisfy his hunger.

He also believed in Poseidon unswervingly and regarded it as a supreme honor to personally practice the "oracle".

Thinking of this, Arthur felt a little ashamed.

He wasn't ashamed of his "dirty" speculation about Poseidon, but he was ashamed of judging others and doubting the faith of the old priest.

He felt that the old priest's belief in Poseidon, the god of the sea, was worthless and ridiculous, but the virtue of sincerity in belief itself was worthy of respect.

"I will keep my promise and not tell Harry about Poseidon's method of overcoming the calamity." After a pause, he hesitated and said, "Even if I don't tell, Harley might notice it when she comes back.

After all, the intention of opening the key to the Tomb of the Gods and freely traveling back and forth between the Tomb of the Gods and the human world is too obvious. I can doubt that Harley is smarter. "

The old priest said anxiously: "You are right, she is very smart, we must not let her know the existence of the key and the ship in the bottle!"

"Even the Legion of Destruction knows that the Tomb of the Gods has the key to open the door, how could it be hidden from Harley?" Arthur rolled his eyes and said thoughtfully: "But don't worry too much, I will persuade Harley not to do anything to her. Poseidon will kill you."

"You just don't want to kill me?" The old priest found a loophole in an instant.

Draining one's divine power and leaving one's life to linger on is also considered a "death-killing act."

Arthur sighed: "I think you are worrying too much. Harley didn't even take action against Hera, so why would she specifically target Poseidon?"

The old priest said excitedly: "It's not that I worry too much, it's that you have a special beauty filter for Witch Harley!

She is the most terrifying source thief in the history of the multiverse, and she will not let go of any opportunity to plunder power.

Moreover, His Majesty Poseidon had done many things in the past that made her unhappy. Although they were all trivial matters and misunderstandings, she would retaliate and would not easily let go of the 'fat' in front of her. "

Arthur glanced at him and said, "What a blasphemy. You treat Poseidon as a 'fat'."

The old priest said hurriedly: "I didn't blaspheme His Majesty Poseidon. I meant that Witch Harley regarded all gods and demons as fat."

"Harry gave away millions of light magic power in vain, and did not retain any magical power that is more important than magic power. Forget it, as long as Poseidon does not take the initiative to provoke Harley and does not do anything outrageous, I will advise Harley Treat him like air and ignore him completely.

Of course, I still keep my promise and will not take the initiative to reveal Poseidon's method of overcoming the disaster to Harley or anyone else. "Arthur said.

The old priest nodded with satisfaction, "Arthur, although you are not the perfect King of Atlantis, you are a qualified superhero.

Go for it! Go and defeat the Legion of Destruction. Don't let them murder His Majesty Poseidon in the Tomb of the Gods. "

Arthur did not delay. After leaving Poseidon Temple, he immediately returned to the Hall of Justice with the ship in the bottle.

"I have locked the location of the key to the Tomb of the Gods. Do you want to take it out now?"

He did not explain Poseidon's method of overcoming the calamity to everyone. He only said that the Poseidon Temple stored a artifact called the Ship in a Bottle, which could help find the key to the Tomb of the Gods.

"Where is the key? Isn't it convenient to get it?" Dachao asked.

"It's on Earth, maybe hidden under the Arctic glaciers, but only the Ship in a Bottle can sense its existence. If the Ship in a Bottle is put away, even if the Legion of Destruction finds the North Pole, they may still be able to find a needle in a haystack and find nothing," said Neptune.

The other heroes were still thinking about the pros and cons. Bateman barely hesitated and said firmly: "Find the key to the Tomb of the Gods immediately."

Neptune was stunned, "Are you sure? The Legion of Destruction is probably luring the snake out of its hole and using us to find the key."

"It's not possible. They must be luring the snake out of its hole, and they have succeeded. As long as you know the location of the ship in the bottle, they have too many ways to make you talk. Arthur, you have a wife, four children, and your father has Mother." Bateman sighed, "Holding a ship in a bottle, the risks are all borne by you alone. Get the key back and place it in the Hall of Justice. We will not be afraid of destroying the Legion."

Dachao nodded heavily, "Arthur, we will accompany you to find the key."

Meanwhile, inside the Fortress of Doom.

"Luthor, as you expected, the Justice League has made a big move. Dozens of superheroes including Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Arrow, and Dark Phoenix (Dina) have left Metropolis and are heading north quickly. Flying," the calculator said excitedly.

Luther smiled slightly, "As expected of the Justice League, we have been searching for so long and only found a few fragments of the Tomb of the Gods from the story of the legendary Sea King Arrian, but they locked the target in half a day, amazing!"

"No matter how powerful they are, they are not as good as you. You only used two small tricks to scare the snake and lure the snake out of its hole, and they became the mantis hunting the cicada. Next, we will use the trick of 'the oriole behind', and we are done!" Leopard Girl said excitedly! .

Luther opened his mouth and was about to speak when he suddenly caught a glimpse of the clown opposite who was sneering.

"Joker, what do you think?"

"Whether we can become Oriole depends on whether we can beat them. If you plan to lead us directly to attack the Zhenglian team, hehe." The clown laughed twice and did not continue.

"I will only lead you to storm the Hall of Justice." Luther smiled.

"The key to the Tomb of the Gods is no longer the Hall of Justice!" The calculator wondered: "They are flying towards the North Pole."

Luthor sighed: "Although I don't want to admit it, if we go head-to-head, I'm afraid we are no match for the Justice League."

"But we are super villains and will never give up our conspiracy." Calculator said.

Luther smiled strangely, "Yes, we will definitely use conspiracy when facing the Justice League."

He stood up, glanced at the villains, and said with a smile: "Now that all the elites of the Justice League are gone, there are only a bunch of crooks left in the Hall of Justice. Do you want to go to the headquarters of the Justice League to run wild?"

"Take down the Hall of Justice!" The villains' eyes were shining, and they were eager to try.

The clown asked: "You found a helper? Who is it?"

"Three super strong men who are close to the realm of God Kings." Luther said.

"Are you asking the gods to cooperate?" The clown frowned, "It's better to believe in them than to believe that the villain has a sense of justice."

"They are not ordinary gods." Luther took out the total body from his pocket and said with a strange smile: "I told you before that the positive link is 'Yang', and the incarnations of the positive basic power are all superheroes.

We super villains are ‘yin’ and are destined to follow the path of destruction. The incarnations of the basic power of yin are all in our team. "

"If I weren't full of expectations for the 'feminine multiverse' you promised, I wouldn't agree to cooperate with you." The clown said.

Luther raised his hand and pointed at Black Manta in the villain team, "He is Aquaman's lifelong enemy. Aquaman is the embodiment of the power of life connection, and Black Manta is the embodiment of the tears of death.

I once used the combined power to bless Black Manta, hoping to find the entrance to the Tomb of the Gods.

We found the Mariala Trench and found a space door in the trench. There is a small world behind the door.

There is a faint smell of Tears of Death there, and following the breath of Tears of Death, we find a door.

Unfortunately, not the gate to the Tomb of the Gods.

Fortunately, there are three ancient sea gods sealed behind the door, and they tell a story.

The story about how Poseidon, the god of the sea, and Aryan, the first king of the sea, deceived them, killed them, and robbed them of everything. "

At this point, he sighed, "We call ourselves super villains, but compared with the ancient gods, we are still not evil enough! They are really ruthless."

"What story?" Grodd asked curiously.

Luther glanced sideways at the surveillance screen, "Computer, where are the Zhenglian troops?"

"Entered the Arctic Circle."

Luther said to Grodd: "The war is about to begin, and there is no time to tell stories.

In short, the three ancient sea gods were sealed between reality and the gate of the Tomb of the Gods, in a place called the 'Blood Reef'.

Their story revealed information about the key to the Tomb of the Gods.

The first Sea King Arrian once used the Key to the Tomb of the Gods to open the door to the Tomb of the Gods. This information is also the basis of our plan today.

Since Arrian once had the key to the Tomb of the Gods, no one knows the clues about the key better than the Atlanteans.

At that time, Black Manta and I had unlocked the seal of the Blood Reef, and the three ancient sea gods became our allies.

We don't need to trust them too much.

But we can definitely believe their hatred for the descendants of Aryan and the earth.

They will definitely help us hold off the Justice League.

Before that, we have to create an opportunity for them.

When we collectively show up in the Hall of Justice, the Justice League from far away in the Arctic Circle will definitely let down their guard.

Seeing us appear, the heroes no longer have to tense their nerves and worry about being "gone behind". "

"Beep, beep, beep." At this moment, Black Manta's watch lit up with a bloody red light and made a rapid beep.

"Luthor, there is a message from Admiral Raging Waves. Sea King Arthur has found the key to the Tomb of the Gods, and they are about to take action."

"So fast? Did they go straight to their destination without any secret exploration or anything like that?" Luther was a little surprised.

"In that case, let's set off. The target is the Hall of Justice." He opened the sonic boom channel and locked the destination directly at the front door of the Hall of Justice.

Arctic, above thick glaciers.

"The key is down there, in an ancient Atlantean wooden ship." Neptune held the ship in the bottle with his right hand and looked down at the glacier at his feet.

"Found it so easily?" Wonder Woman was a little surprised, "I thought there would be at least one secret realm with many monsters."

"It's not simple. Without the ship in the bottle, we would never have found this place." Neptune said.

Dachao's eyes lit up with a faint red light. He lowered his head to search and said, "If it's just hidden in the sunken ship under the glacier, whether it's my super vision, Jon's spiritual search, or other alien technology, Mysterious magic can even turn it—hey, I didn’t see the sunken ship!”

He had activated his super vision and looked through the ice and seawater, deep into the depths of the earth's crust, but could not find a wooden ship.

Martian Manhunter also released his mental power, and after a moment he shook his head and said, "I didn't find anything either."

Neptune tossed the ship in a bottle in his hand and said with a strange smile: "Now you know its function!"

He grasped the golden trident tightly and stamped down hard.

"Boom - click click click." The glacier cracked, and the cracks spread thousands of meters downward. Neptune jumped into the ice crevice first.

The rest of the heroes followed.

"There really is a wooden boat. Why couldn't we find it before? Could it be that it was hidden by magic?"

The wooden boat is one hundred meters long and thirty meters wide.

Even now, it is still a giant.

Although it is dilapidated and has obvious signs of age, its main structure is still intact. The appearance and clothing of the statue can still be seen in the wood carvings at the bow.

Neptune looked around and said, "It should be the surrounding ice that has sealed Arrian's ship."

Not finding the entrance, he stopped looking and raised the trident again. His body was like a cannonball, cutting through layers of wooden boards and crashing directly into the interior of the ship's hull.

"This should be the oldest historical relic, and it belongs to the legendary hero Aryan. Is it okay to destroy it directly?" Diana asked.

Neptune looked back at the broken hull and sighed: "It is not only a cultural relic, but also a divine weapon.

Among the legendary stories of Arrian, this legendary ship is the one that appears most frequently.

It is said that it has conquered countless sea areas in the universe, starry sky and all the worlds, and earned countless treasures for Aryan.

The 'god number' used by Arrian to summon the starry sky and sea god came from an alien conch. "

Diana was startled, "What about you?"

"Bang!" Sea King smashed the rudder in the captain's room with his fist, and wisps of charming golden light emerged from the flying wood debris.

It is a golden key, half a man tall, hidden inside the rudder of the ship.

"Is it the key to the Tomb of the Gods?" Dachao exclaimed: "What a huge fluctuation of divine power, it must-"

Martian Manhunter's expression changed drastically, and he exclaimed: "No, Luther led the Legion of Destruction to appear in Metropolis, ah, he, they are attacking the Hall of Justice."

"Isn't their target the key to the Tomb of the Gods? They are attacking in the east and west, and the real target is inside the Hall of Justice?" Neptune murmured.

"Are they all going out?" Diana asked solemnly.

"It was an all-out effort. All the villain giants were there. Even the Joker was scanning the Hall of Justice with a machine gun. Well, it seems that Black Manta is missing. I didn't see him, but he is not important. What is important is that the Hall of Justice has already The door was breached and a hero died!" Martian Manhunter said urgently.

"Let's go back quickly."

Big Chao took the lead, and Diana, Martian Manhunter, Oliver, Firestorm and others immediately followed.

Neptune looked down at the key to the Tomb of the Gods in his hand, and was about to jump out of the glacier abyss, "BOOOOOOM!"


Accompanied by fierce space fluctuations, a sea monster larger than a mountain peak arched out from under the glacier. It opened its mouth and let out a roar. The sound waves shattered the glacier with a radius of hundreds of miles, causing the hero flying in mid-air to cover the tips of his ears. Call.

What's even more terrifying is that the pink seawater spurted from the mouth caused a huge flood at the scene, and the slower heroes were directly submerged by the red seawater.

"Ahhhh~~~" As soon as the heroes touched the pink sea water, their bodies twisted and deformed, and they howled miserably.

In the blink of an eye, they have transformed from humans into strange fish.

Powerful as Firestorm is no exception.

Superman was the fastest, but when he looked back, his eyes were accidentally stained with some pink seawater, and his eyes turned into fish eyes.

"Ah, Hallelujah!" Diana felt a strange force eroding her body, and immediately activated the thick-skinned divine power, and at the same time, her spirit spread in all directions, "Don't get involved in the red sea water, there is a curse from the evil god in the water. The power, quickly——”


Before she could finish her sentence, a huge wave fell and submerged her whole body.

"Roar!" After the sea monster vomited seawater and flooded the Arctic glacier, it took another sharp breath. The hundred-meter-long Arrian's boat was instantly submerged into its huge mouth like a vegetable leaf in egg drop soup.

The heroes who fell into the sea could not even find their shadows, even the King of the Sea, Arthur.

Neptune was startled at first, then activated his thick-skinned power, held the golden trident in his hand to control the sea water, and shuttled back and forth in the waves, throwing Diana, Super and other heroes into the sky.

Even though the sea monster's mouth is like a black hole and has a huge attraction, he can still struggle to swim out.

But after he swam for a while, time and space changed around him. He had left the North Pole, and even temporarily escaped from the sea water, and appeared on a huge bright red reef.

"Who is doing this?" He looked around with vigilance, "Although I don't know magic, I know this trick is called 'time and space shift'.

Your magic is of no use to me, just transfer the world around me away, I understand. "

"So what if I understand? You are still a prisoner." A cold and vicious voice came from above.

The darkness was dispersed by bright red turbid light.

Neptune vaguely saw three giant sea beasts swimming towards him from the front.

The sea beast looks very ugly, as if it has been deformed by nuclear radiation and mutated.

But they are huge, hundreds of meters high.

The sound came from the top of the sea beast in the middle, and it was a human voice.

"Who are you? You say that I am a prisoner, but you don't even dare to report your name and identity?" Poseidon said sarcastically.

The three-headed sea beasts slowly sank, and the three tall figures standing above the sea beasts came into the sight of Neptune.

There are two men and one woman. The woman with reddish-brown skin looks the most normal, but her skin color is different from the people on Earth.

The right arm of the black-haired and bald man is an octopus tentacle, and the surface of the tentacle is covered with ferocious vertical pupils.

The pale-haired man has blue skin, a face that looks like a skeleton, and a "sea beast's braces" hung around his neck - the upper and lower jaws were completely removed from the mouth of the ferocious sea beast, and the upper and lower jaws were connected together to form a figure. Braces necklace.

"We are the three giants of Poseidon, and I am the lonely captain!" The black-haired bald man with octopus tentacles said coldly.

"I am Commander Zhenhai!" the "braces and necklace man" standing in the middle said solemnly.

"I am Admiral of Raging Waves. Just as Poseidon is the sea god of your earth's oceans, we are the sea gods of other planets in the universe." The brown-skinned woman said.

"Hey, Neptune, are you full of questions?" Black Manta jumped out of the sea with a harpoon, stood beside the three Poseidons, and laughed proudly: "Yes, this is the real plan of the Legion of Destruction. "

Arthur ignored him, just smiled, faced the three Poseidons, and said, "So it's you. I know you. You guys look good?"

He was planning to step forward and get close to them, but after he finished speaking, he met their cold and fierce eyes, and he stopped again.

"If I say that the tragedy of ancient times was a huge misunderstanding, do you believe it?"

Even so, there was no expectation on his face, only deep helplessness.

"No matter what you say, it can't change the outcome of the destruction of the earth and the annihilation of the human race on earth." The man with braces and necklace said bitterly: "To tell you the truth, today's ambush was not an accident. We have been preparing for this ambush for more than a month.

Just as Poseidon is the belief of you Atlanteans, we also have highly civilized dependents on our home planet.

After getting out of trouble, we have sent a beacon to the home planet as soon as possible. "

"They will obey our orders, seal off the solar system and not allow any foreign aid to enter." The bald man said.

"Today, we will flood the continent and wash the earth with blood." Admiral Wrath Tide said coldly.

"Dear His Majesty the Poseidon, no matter what great plan you have, please help me get the key as agreed." Black Manta said.

"Idiot, didn't you hear what they said? They want to destroy the world!" Neptune said angrily.

Black Manta shrugged and said lazily: "Our Legion of Destruction also wants to destroy the world, so we can form an alliance with the three Poseidon Majesties."

——Don’t talk nonsense with him and get the key immediately to avoid long nights and nightmares.

Luther's voice came from Black Manta's helmet.

"Boom!" Black Manta no longer hesitated, and his eyes shot out a scarlet beam as thick as a bowl, directly hitting Neptune's chest.

"Boom!" The next moment, golden light flashed on the surface of Neptune's body, and the scarlet beam as thick as a bowl returned along the same path and hit Black Manta's chest hard.

"Fake—ah, help me, kill him!" Black Manta howled miserably, flew hundreds of meters upside down, and fell into the sea again.

The three alien Poseidons had a tacit understanding and teleported to Neptune's side. One was in front, one was behind, and one was on the side, forming a triangle to surround Neptune.

The female Poseidon in the back reaches out to grab Neptune's trident. The octopus tentacle man in front wraps his tentacles around Neptune's neck. The man with braces and necklace on the side does not move.

"Buzz!" The defensive golden film reappeared, blocking the attacks of the female Poseidon and the octopus tentacle man. The man with braces and necklace on the side finally took action. He roared, his fists were like drums, and continued to beat the golden film regardless of the rebound damage.

"Buzz buzz—chi!" The golden film finally broke. Arthur had just raised his right arm and was about to stab the man with braces and necklace on the side with his trident. Suddenly, his neck was entangled by smooth and flexible tentacles, and he felt a pain in his heart. Poseidon stabbed.

"Ah!" Arthur roared crazily, struggling hard, and the thick skin in his body was stimulated to the limit.

"Boom!" Finally, the octopus tentacle man in front of him was knocked away by his iron mountain.

"This is the key you want. Let's settle the matter." The octopus tentacled man wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and threw the golden key in his left hand to Black Manta.

It turned out that he used the octopus tentacle on his right arm to wrap around Arthur's neck, but his normal left hand took the opportunity to hold the golden key.

When Arthur knocked him away, he took the giant key that was half a man tall.

"No!" Arthur was anxious and angry, but was stopped by three Poseidons. He watched helplessly as Black Manta threw the key into the teleportation window.

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