I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1974 The seven basic forces of creation

a month ago.

After crushing Vandal Savage alive with his body, Luther left the Congo Basin with Leopard Girl and Gorilla Grodd in a proud and happy mood.

"Savage can track us, and the Justice League is probably not far away from arriving at the scene. At least Batman can definitely catch us here, I'm sure of it!

Soon we will defeat the Justice League and make them hide and fear to show their faces, but now we have not truly unlocked the power of the collective, let alone released our ultimate belief. We still need our lurking minions to endure for a period of time. "

Luther turned back and assured his two companions: "But the patience will not last long. The faster we act and the more efficient we are, the sooner the day will come when we can confront the Justice League and completely defeat them."

"You said that the Mother of Creation will help us complete our ultimate evolution and become cutting-edge predators. Is that true?" Leopard Girl hesitated.

"Do you doubt the ability of the Mother of Creation?" Luther asked.

Leopard Girl said honestly: "At most I doubt that the Mother of Creation can defeat Harley Quinn, but I have no doubt that she can enable us to evolve into cutting-edge predators, although I don't know about cutting-edge predators yet. What is.

I just doubt how we get her favor and let her spend a lot of power on us.

We are to her what street gangsters are to us.

I couldn't even be bothered to take advantage of street gangsters, let alone help them gain immense power. "

Luther looked her up and down.

The leopard girl has human limbs and torso, and her appearance is that of a human, but her skin is that of a spotted leopard. Although her face can see obvious female features and her appearance is relatively delicate, her head is equally distinct and distinct like that of a leopard.

Like the leopard spirit in the TV series Journey to the West.

"Barbara (leopard girl's name), you are the favored one of the Leopard God, right?"

"Strictly speaking, the Leopard God is just a form of 'him'." The leopard girl hesitated a little, and the leopard's face was still a little confused, "I am not a regular favored person like Thunder Shazam, White Dove and War Eagle.

I obtained the blessings of the gods through parricide and life sacrifice, and then obtained the ‘Power of the Leopard God’.

At first I wasn't sure whether I was one of the gods, or was cursed, or had some kind of strange magical mutation.

Later, extraordinary knowledge gradually spread in the material world, and there were many extraordinary knowledge lectures by magic experts on TV. Only then did I confirm that I was a person favored by God and not a mutant. "

She first killed her own brother with a bow and arrow, then stabbed her own heart with a dagger, giving her life to the gods, and finally "awakened" and became the Leopard Girl (ps).

Luther waved his hand and said: "I'm not interested in your origin. What I mean is that as a favored one, you can use divine power, right?"

Leopard Girl frowned and said, "Isn't this nonsense? Who doesn't know that I use divine power?"

Luther smiled slightly, "Don't you understand what an apex predator is? I'm explaining it to you."

After a pause, he continued: "You can use divine power, but can you use Green Lantern's light ring, can you use the Flash's Speed ​​Force, can you use all kinds of 'superpowers' that you can't even count?"

you can not!

Not everyone is qualified to be a Green Lantern.

In the early years when the Earth first came into contact with the Green Lantern Corps, countless people dreamed of obtaining a Lantern Ring.

Some people even organized a "Green Lantern Training Camp" to train children to become future Green Lanterns.

What happened to those training camps and those 'future Green Lanterns'? "

Luther smiled sarcastically, "If you don't have that talent, no matter how hard you train, it will be useless.

Correct special training can indeed enhance willpower, but the willpower we think of and the willpower required by the green light ring cannot be equated.

What we think of as will is just that the spiritual will is indestructible.

But in fact, the Lantern Ring will select some weak-looking Lusers.

For example, current Green Lantern Jessica Cruz.

She once suffered from post-traumatic stress syndrome and hid at home for several years, afraid to go out! "

Grodd said: "The willpower required by the light ring is the willpower to leverage the green light energy. Only one willpower that can leverage 10,000 or more green light energy is qualified.

An ordinary person's willpower can only redeem one or a few green light energy.

An indestructible will is still a quality that Green Lantern must achieve, but an indestructible will is only one of the necessary conditions for a qualified Lantern.

Willpower can be improved through acquired training. Leveraging the share of green light energy is a unique talent and the only criterion for selecting the owner of a light ring.

This information is in Lois Lane's "Green Light Series" program, and we already know it.

Therefore, all green light special training camps on the earth have been disbanded, and no one is dreaming about getting a green light ring through special training.

If you have any questions, please be direct and don't be too pretentious. "

"I'm not trying to be pretentious, I just hope you can have a more specific understanding of the apex predator."

Luther explained and then said directly: "A cutting-edge predator can break the restrictions of extraordinary professions based on talent.

Become a cutting-edge predator. No matter what power you have, you can have it at your fingertips and use it whenever you want.

Get a light ring, no matter it is green light, yellow light, blue light or any other color light, you can use it as if you have a unique talent.

Not to mention it's better than the destiny bugs like Hal Jordan and Kyle Rayner, but it can definitely surpass Guy Gardner, Stewart, Jessica Cruz and the like. "

Leopard Girl and Grodd widened their eyes and said in shock: "Guy Gardner and John Stewart are not ordinary Green Lanterns, they are now the famous Super Lanterns in the universe.

Guy Gardner even became the leader of the Red Lanterns, leading a huge legion and becoming the super overlord of the universe! "

Luther said proudly: "If you become a cutting-edge predator, the Super Universe Overlord will also bow to you and admit defeat in the professional field in which he is best at.

In the Green Lantern profession, the Lantern is inferior to you. In the field of Speed ​​Force, you can run faster than most "Flashes".

Any force will bow to you, obey your instructions, and become your most loyal slave. "

"Even Witch Harley can't do this, right?" Leopard Girl murmured.

Luther said calmly: "Harley is not a transcendent person, let alone the God of Creation.

The God of Creation can use any energy.

You will definitely not doubt this, and you will definitely understand it, right?

After all, our multiverse is made up of a variety of fundamental forces. If the Mother of Creation cannot use them, how can we use them to create the multiverse?

In fact, creating the multiverse is the most advanced use of fundamental power.

Just like in the multiverse, the most advanced technique for using divine power is to create the world, which is the creation power of the God King!

And the great Papetua promises to help us evolve into a ‘fighting God of Creation’.

The cutting-edge predator is the fighting creation god in the omnipotent universe.

Of course, in the Almighty Universe they are not called the ‘God of Creation’.

Just like the god kings in the multiverse can create the world, but each god king has a different title and profession. "

"Holy shit!" Leopard Girl exclaimed in shock: "The cutting-edge predator is actually on the same level as the God of Creation. Can we all become existences at the level of the God of Creation?"

Luther said firmly: "You don't have to doubt that we already have the potential to become cutting-edge predators.

When the Mother of Creation created us, she gave us the genes to be apex predators.

But later, the 'Yang' God of Creation entered the multiverse, sealed the Mother of Creation, and twisted the originally destructive universe into the current 'unnatural multiverse'.

Fish need to enter the water to display their swimming talents, and birds need the blue sky to display their flying skills.

Only by returning to the normal 'yin' attribute multiverse can we, the cutting-edge predators, restore our true colors and activate our talents of destruction.

So we have to rescue Pappetua. Only by rescuing her can we and the world return to normal.

We don’t need to worry that Pappetua will not fulfill his promise. The talent and genes are already in us.

When the path of destruction replaces the current hypocritical absolute justice, our talents will be like bamboo shoots after the spring rain. We cannot stop them from breaking out of the ground and growing vigorously. "

"When you say 'we', do you mean a few of us, or do you mean all the people on earth, or people in the entire universe?" Leopard Girl asked.

The gorilla's black face changed, "Oops, I was so excited before that I forgot that I was not a human, but a gorilla."

"Barbara, you asked a very good question!" Luther gave Leopard Girl an approving look, then turned to the gorilla and said, "Grudd, your concerns are reasonable.

There are only two races created by the hand of the Mother of Creation.

One is Zeus and Odin, a group of ancient gods born on the earth, and the other is a pure-blooded earth human.

The Mother of Creation planned to create cutting-edge predators on the earth, and it took a long time to create two groups. The ancient gods were failed and defective products, and humans were the perfect finished products. "

"Is the Ancient God a defective product?" Leopard Girl shouted, "Are you kidding me! The Ancient God is many times more powerful than humans.

Lois Lane's "The Gifted" series of special programs clearly stated that the human body is weak and has huge flaws and cannot withstand too much or too strong magic. "

Luther frowned and said, "I just explained the concept of apex predators to you, and you forgot about it in the blink of an eye?

Is he perfect as a cutting-edge predator who is equivalent to a fighting God of Creation, or is he powerful as an ancient god who cannot even survive in the omnipotent universe?

Humans and the Ancient Gods were both created to be apex predators.

The Old Gods, the first creations of the Creation Mother, failed.

Even though it was a defective product that failed in the experiment, the ancient gods created an extremely brilliant god-level civilization.

For a long time, the earth's civilization was inconspicuous in the material universe; but it was formed from the eight divine realms, and the ancient gods of the earth have always dominated the heavenly realm.

But the Ancient Gods were not apex predators.

The ancient god is good at using divine power and magic. He has a strong body and can withstand the power of miracles enough to create the world.

But can the ancient gods freely use any energy?

They can't do it!

Only humans have this potential.

The human body cannot withstand too much magic power, which is precisely the embodiment of human beings' outstanding talents.

Magic is a kind of energy, and we all know that the more sophisticated the engine, the higher the energy requirements.

You poured gasoline into the engine of a planetary spacecraft, but the spacecraft misfired and the engine was damaged and scrapped. Can you blame the aliens for their technological garbage and the hyperlight engine for not working?

Of course, not all humans will be able to become cutting-edge predators when Papetua returns to the world.

The talent of a cutting-edge predator requires special means to activate, and only Pappetua can do it. "

He turned to the gorilla, "Although you are a gorilla, it is easier for the Mother of Creation to transform you and add cutting-edge predator genes to you than for me to perform a surgical operation on you.

When you become top predators, you will find that the ancient gods who only possess one type of energy are just delicious food.

Even the God King is trembling under your feet.

The gods and demons in the sky are all food for cutting-edge predators.

In fact, from the name "Apex Predator", you can also guess the horror of this extraordinary profession. "

Grodd was relieved.

"It turns out that human beings' true talents have never been developed." Leopard Girl murmured to herself first, then suddenly her heart moved and she said in shock: "Everyone knows that 'Witch Harley is greedy and cunning'. She can absorb any energy. Could it be that she has awakened?" The genes of an apex predator?”

Luther shook his head and said: "Probably not. Although she stole a lot of energy, she didn't show the ability of a cutting-edge predator.

She can use the green lantern, but the effect is extremely poor, not as good as the most rubbish Green Lantern.

I heard she sucked the Reverse-Flash alive, but have you ever seen her use the Speed ​​Force to run like The Flash? "

"Then where did the power she absorbed go? She couldn't use it, yet she was so active in stealing it." Leopard Girl said.

"Probably paying tribute to God, this has nothing to do with you or us." Luther looked around and said: "In order to facilitate the next operation, we need a main base.

Vandal Savage’s ‘Fortress of Doom’ is pretty good.

It just so happens that when he dies, we can receive his entire inheritance. "

Leopard Girl said: "The Doomsday Fortress should still be parked in the Finisterre lava pit in Antarctica, but I'm not sure whether it can be entered.

The lava pit is a strange place. The doomsday fortress can constantly change its phase, and its true position is always changing.

Maybe what we see is just the shadow projected into the lava pit, but the fortress itself is separated from the earth by dozens of dimensions. "

"When I was the head of the secret society, I left a virus in the host of the Fortress of Doom. Savage is dead, and the Fortress of Doom's own feeble-minded artificial intelligence cannot resist my control." Luther said confidently.

"What about after entering the Fortress of Doom? You said you want to find other people, who are you going to find? How can we help you?

If she didn't directly contribute to saving Papetua, I'm afraid she wouldn't have spent so much effort helping me complete the genetic modification of the cutting-edge predator. Grodd analyzed it very rationally.

"Don't worry, you will all be the great contributors to rescuing the Mother of Creation. When she escapes from the Origin Wall, we will all be rewarded."

Luther first gave his promise in a firm tone, and then said in deep thought: "You all heard the conversation between Savage and me earlier.

According to the theory of Yin-Yang theory, the mother of our creation is 'Yin', and 'Yin' represents the way of destruction, which is the concept of free crime that super villains have always adhered to.

Now that she is sealed, the power that sealed her is 'Yang', and the Yin-attributed multiverse has also been twisted into Yang.

To break the 'Yang Seal', we need to find the power of Yin. "

Leopard Girl frowned and said, "I don't understand what Yin and Yang mean. Just tell us what we are going to do and give us a specific goal."

"There are seven basic powers in the multiverse, do you know?" Luther asked, then shook his head and said: "You must not know, I also just got this news from the aggregate.

The Speed ​​Force of the Flash, the life connection power of Aquaman and fish talking, green light and yellow light and other colored light energy, the power of the sixth manager dimension, the spirit of justice displayed by Superman, the power of gods and the magic of wizards, and finally represents knowledge and the enlightening power of wisdom. These seven powers are the basic forces that create the multiverse.

The so-called ‘basic strength’ is like several building materials essential for building high-rise buildings.

Such as cement, sand, stone and steel bars.

But that's just the foundational force of the multiverse at this point.

The multiverse at this time is a twisted, unnatural multiverse.

Tens of billions of years ago, Pepatua had successfully created the world, but the 'yang' God of Creation was dissatisfied. He forced his way into Pappetua's world, sealed her in the Origin Wall, and destroyed the world she created. The 'Yin' universe has been twisted into the unnatural universe it is today. "

"In other words, the universe originally created by Papetua is a negative basic force, a basic force that is opposite to the speed force, the power of life connection, and the divine power? They are all the 'basic force of Yin', and are they our goals?" Rudd said.

Luther gave it a thumbs up, "Grude, you finally got to the core of the problem!

Papetua is yin, and the power that seals her is yang.

To unblock Papetua, you must first unblock the seven basic Yin-attribute powers. "

The Leopard Girl frowned and said, "Why can the seven basic Yin-attribute powers lift the seal? Isn't Papetua the creator god of Yin? She has no shortage of Yin power. If we find the Yin power and give it to her, isn't it superfluous?"

Luther said in a deep voice: "She certainly didn't lack any power in the past, but she was sealed by the Creator God of the Sun!

The Creator God of Yang even distorted the properties of the universe, so how could he not deprive her of her power?

Just like when the Justice League captures us super villains, they seal away our powers.

If the villain still retains his superpowers, how can he be safely guarded by ordinary prison guards? Directly killed and escaped from prison.

Only by breaking the seal and allowing Papetua to regain her freedom can she regain her former strength. "

"Oh, the current Papetua has not regained the power it had when the world was created in the early years." Leopard Girl nodded suddenly.

Then she seemed to remember something and asked hesitantly: "Luthor, have you ever thought about what we should do if Papetua cannot regain his former power after breaking free from the Origin Wall?"

"She is the God of Creation, how could she not regain her former power? Stop worrying so much." Luther's tone became more impatient.

Leopard Girl said seriously: "Under normal circumstances, this is indeed a waste of worry, but now there is a witch Harley in the world who is very good at robbing other people's origins.

Assume that Papetua's combat power is 100 now, it will be 200 after breaking away from the origin wall, and it can reach 1,000 at its peak, while Harley Quinn's combat power is 500.

Harley Quinn will definitely not sit idly by while Papetua searches for strength and increases her combat power from 200 to 1,000.

If she tries to rob her, who can stop her? "

"Papetua is not an idiot. How could he let Harley come to him before he regained his strength?" Luther took out the complex again, shook it in front of her, and said, "This is just a fragment of the complete complex. .

The complete complex is still sealed within the Origin Wall.

I hold this fragment of the total body to absorb the seven basic Yin-attribute powers, and the whole process does not require Papetua to come forward.

When all seven basic powers are unsealed, her power will be restored to at least 50% of her strength.

Only then will she shatter the wall of origin and regain her freedom completely.

Before that, even if she could break away from the Origin Wall, she would not take the initiative to break away from the seal.

In fact, given the scarred appearance of the Origin Wall at this time, Papetua can smash it now. "

Leopard Girl was a little surprised, "Is Papetua so cautious because of her nature, or does she also know the reputation of Witch Harley as 'treacherous, ruthless and invincible'?"

"Although Papetua is sealed in the Origin Wall, it does not mean that she knows nothing about the situation in the multiverse." Luther said.

Leopard Girl asked again: "With 50% of your strength restored, can you beat Harley Quinn?"

The gorilla glanced at her and said, "You can run away even if you can't fight! With the ability of the Mother of Creation, it's too easy to find a place to hide and slowly regain strength. After all, she created the universe, and who can be more familiar with it than her?" Square multiverse?”

Then it turned to Luther and said: "I am very curious, where will Papetua recover the other half of the creation power after regaining his freedom? Or, where is the other half of the creation power hidden?"

"What do you want to do?" Luther's eyes were sharp.

"Nothing, just curious." Grodd smiled.

Luther warned meaningfully: "There is only one Harley in the world. She has been in the industry for many years. Countless people have scolded her, are jealous of her, and want to imitate her. But have you seen a second 'Magic Thief' appear?"

Grodd said strangely: "It's beyond my expectation that you are so loyal to Papetua. I thought you didn't have the quality of 'loyalty' at all."

"I have never lacked loyalty. I have always been loyal to my beliefs!" Luther said.

"Stop talking nonsense! Luther, you should talk about the seven negative basic powers we are looking for! I seem to have never heard of negative basic powers. There are several kinds of 'yang attribute' basic powers you just mentioned. I've never seen it either.

For example, Superman’s spirit of justice, is this a kind of power?

There is also the enlightening power of wisdom and knowledge. What kind of power is this? Does our multiverse have this kind of energy? "Leopard Girl said with a tangled expression.

Luther said with certainty: "Justice is an idea, but the energy of justice can be extracted from the idea!

You must know the ‘Hall of Heroes’.

This is the place where little Alexander Kent took Superboy, Sr. Kent and his wife after the Crisis on Infinite Earths.

After the multidimensional reboot crisis, Harley and a group of superheroes rebuilt the Hall of Heroes, which is now called the "Morning Star of Love" by the aliens.

When a lost person has longing for his lover and pure love in his heart, it will sense it and leave a projection in the material universe, guiding the lost person in the right direction.

The Hall of Heroes is built with the energy of justice.

Justice energy comes from human beings' righteous thoughts and is a power of ideas.

That group of hypocritical superheroes generates a lot of righteous spiritual energy every moment. "

Leopard Girl said thoughtfully: "The power of justice corresponds to the power of villains, so you summoned us to rebuild the secret society, and you want us to provide the collective with the power of villain belief?"

"That's right, one of the seven negative basic powers is the 'Year of the Villain'. Just like its name, the world must enter the Age of Villains in order to generate sufficient destructive power. Just a few dozen or a few hundred of you, Far from enough."

Luther sighed, "Of the seven negative basic powers, the 'Year of the Villain' is probably the most difficult to achieve. I plan to put it last. I will first remove the seals of the other six negative basic powers, and then attack the Year of the Villain with all my strength."

"What are the other six? I feel like the 'Year of the Villain' is easier. Don't be afraid if the quantity is small. As long as the time is long enough, you can always get it together. I don't know what knowledge and wisdom enlightenment are, and I have nowhere to start. ." Leopard Girl said.

“We need half of the people in the universe to choose evil and at least half of the earth to enter the era of villains in order to gain the power of villains.

If justice is higher than evil, the villain's power will be offset by the power of justice, leaving no villain power for you to accumulate slowly. "Luther said.

"Ah, it turns out to be like this. It's too difficult for ordinary people on earth to choose evil." Leopard Girl said in shock.

"No matter how difficult it is, we have to do it! If we can't do it in the main universe, we'll go to the parallel universe!" Luther said.

"It turns out that we can go to the parallel universe. As long as there is no Harley Quinn, I am confident. Maybe, we don't have to put the Year of the Villain at the end, we can start now." Leopard Girl said eagerly.

Luther said coldly: "We can hide it from the Justice League, but it's hard to hide it from the monitors. The monitors know it, and Harley probably knows it too."

"This is really difficult!" Leopard Girl sighed.

Luther glanced at her and continued his previous explanation, saying: "The enlightening power of knowledge and wisdom sounds very mysterious, but to put it bluntly, it is the 'Emperor's Liquid' in Eastern classical mythology.

In Eastern mythology, all things can acquire spiritual wisdom, even trees, flowers, grass, rocks and rivers can become spirits.

Let them transform from soulless non-living things into the 'Essence of the Sun and Moon' with spiritual spirits, which is the Emperor's Liquid.

Think about it, where does the human soul come from? Why is the soul so magical, full of endless potential and possibilities? What makes a soul a soul? "

"I seem to understand, but I don't seem to understand." Leopard Girl looked at the gorilla with some embarrassment, "What about you?"

The gorilla said proudly: "I have super intelligence, so of course I understand.

Suppose the original raw material of the soul is A, of course, it may also be B.

The raw material of the soul doesn't really matter.

There is Nuwa in the East who kneads mud to create humans, and there is God in the West who creates humans from the ribs. What materials are used is not the key.

The key is that the power of enlightenment gives raw materials such as A and B the soul qualities to generate wisdom and learn knowledge. "

Luther immediately raised his right hand and gave a thumbs up, "Great, Grodd, you really have super intelligence!"

The gorilla grinned.

Leopard Girl pouted, "It's not the key, the key is to find the power of enlightenment. It sounds so fantasy, where can we find it?"

Luther immediately said: "You don't need to worry about this, it is my responsibility to unlock the power of enlightenment.

The seven negative basic forces are diametrically opposed to the seven positive basic forces, and the Seven Giants in the Positive Alliance exactly correspond to the seven positive basic forces.

Aquaman is the embodiment of the power of life connection, The Flash is the embodiment of the Speed ​​Force, Hal Jordan is the embodiment of emotional energy, Wonder Woman represents divine power and magic, Bateman represents the enlightening power of wisdom, and Superman represents the spirit of justice. The seventh kind"

He hesitated for a moment, faced the wide-open eyes of his two companions, and said awkwardly: "Who is the seventh giant of the Zhenglian Alliance? Dinah, Cyborg, Green Arrow, Martian Manhunter, or someone else?"

"No one can represent the power of creation in the sixth dimension, right? Are you forcibly gathering the seven giants and forcibly binding the seven positive basic powers to the seven giants?" Grodd complained.

Leopard Girl added: "And why does Diana's splatter represent divine power and magic? Harley Quinn is the master of magic, and she is the only one who can make me unconvinced."

Luther waved his hand, "Representing basic power and having huge basic power are not the same concepts.

Excluding the power of creation in the sixth dimension, we only calculate according to the six giants of Zhenglian, and the six giants correspond to the six masculine basic forces.

So who will represent the six basic feminine forces? "

Leopard Girl was stunned for a moment, and immediately said excitedly: "I understand, I am Wonder Woman's greatest enemy. I represent the opposite of divine power and magic."

Grodd frowned and said, "I represent the opposite of the Speed ​​Force?"

Luther pointed at Leopard Girl and said, "Yes, you can be regarded as the incarnation of the Wind of Nothingness. Next, I will rely on you to locate the Wind of Nothingness."

Then he pointed to Grodd, "The negative basic force that is opposite to the Speed ​​Force is stasis force, which is the power of the Turtle Man, but the Turtle Man has died of old age, and I need you to find his reincarnation.

Then it's up to you to harness the stasis.

You are a telepath. It shouldn't be difficult to control a baby or child, right? "

"It turns out to be Old Turtle." Grodd said with a complex expression, "But he has been dead for several years, and I can't find him at all."

"Let's look for it together." Luther pointed to his forehead again, "You should understand what I represent, right?"

"You are Superman's mortal enemy and represent the power of villains?" Leopard Girl blurted out.

Luther glanced at her and said angrily: "I have the smartest brain in history. Of course, like Bateman from the Zhenglian Think Tank, I represent the enlightening power of knowledge and wisdom!

All of our villains, all of our evildoers, and indeed all of the crimes in the world, can generate the power of villainy without the need for a special representative. "

Leopard Girl asked: "Since you are the incarnation of enlightenment, have you ever found the power of enlightenment? I am the incarnation of the wind of nothingness, but apart from being a little empty in my heart, I have no idea about the wind of nothingness."

"I didn't find it, so don't worry." Luther shook his head and said: "The seven basic negative forces are stasis force, invisible emotional spectrum, tears of death, wind of nothingness, black apple, sixth note , Year of the Villain.

The black apple is the enlightening power of wisdom.

You should have discovered that the positive basic power can be found everywhere, at least it is not a rare thing.

But I have never heard of Yin attribute basic power.

I’ve never heard of it, I don’t know anything about it, let alone seen it.

In fact, it is normal that you have never heard of or seen them, because they have all been sealed by the masculine God of Creation.

When Papetua used the seven basic feminine forces to create the feminine multiverse, the feminine multiverse was supposed to be destroyed.

We, the incarnations of the negative basic power, should be like the giants of Zhenglian at this time, arrogant and proud, blessed with destiny, invincible and invincible.

The heroes of the Zhenglian Alliance are like today's villains, hiding in the gutter and living in a miserable state.

This is why we must save Papetua and get the world back on track! "

"Save Papetua and let this twisted and ugly world return to its original beauty!" Leopard Girl and Grodd shouted excitedly.

They have fully understood and accepted Luther's philosophy, and are full of eager expectations for Papetua and the new world.

Luther smiled with satisfaction and said: "Everyone has reached a consensus and there is high morale, which is very good.

The masculine Creator God came to our multiverse and extracted all the feminine power and sealed it outside of reality.

He uses stasis force to seal the other six basic forces.

Therefore, we can see the turtle man with stasis power, but we can hardly see the other six basic negative powers.

Even a turtle man will age and die quickly as long as his stasis talent is activated.

This is not a side effect of superpowers.

It stands to reason that the reduction of stasis force should slow down aging. Turtle people should live long and stay youthful forever.

But his active time was too short, so short that Harley could only sigh helplessly - he had just revealed his stasis power, and before she could snatch it away, he had exhausted his lifespan and died.

This is the positive multiverse rejecting him.

Just like the magic debt crisis that just passed, reality does not allow upside-down people to exist.

Therefore, if we want to unlock the seven negative basic forces, the first target must be stasis force.

Find the turtle man, use his stasis force to find the 'stasis force cage', open the cage, and 'release' the other six basic forces from the level of rules - instead of opening the cage, we immediately get the seven negative foundations force.

The Yang Creator God's method is very clever. The stasis force cage he created limits the six negative basic forces at the rule level. It does not use stasis force to create a cage dimension, stuffing the other six basic forces into it and keeping it sealed. . "

Grodd said: "I understand. After opening the stasis force cage, the other six negative basic forces are no longer rejected by the universe.

They can be introduced into the multiverse by us, the incarnations of the negative basic force, and absorbed by the totality in your hands. "

Luther was very happy and pointed at the gorilla and said: "Gruder, I declare that you are the vice president of the secret society and my deputy!"

"Hey, Luther, you made the wisest choice in your life!" The gorilla was excited, raising his neck and beating his chest hard.

Leopard Girl felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, "First of all, remove the seal of stasis force. I understand. What's next? In what order should the other six basic negative forces be carried out?"

"The First Stasis, the Year of the Last Villain, can be determined immediately from start to finish. Second."

Luther pondered for a moment and said in a serious tone: "You must understand that the origin wall will not collapse until all seven negative basic forces are unlocked, and the multiverse will die.

When we open the first seal of the negative basic power, the multiverse will immediately undergo drastic changes.

Ha Li and Zheng Lian were immediately alarmed.

When we lift the stasis seal, we can do it secretly.

But starting from the second negative basic power, we have to face Zhenglian directly, and we may even be targeted by Harley. "

"As Savage said, the multiverse must die?" Leopard Girl hesitated.

"Where do you think the core of the multiverse is? What does the 'origin' that the extraordinary mage refers to?"

Luther asked a question, and without waiting for her answer, he said in a deep voice: "On the surface, the Origin Wall is outside the multiverse and is the shell of the multiverse, but in fact it is the heart and core of the multiverse.

So in the past few years, the Green Lantern Corps has been promoting "Save the Origin Wall, Save the Multiverse."

The major colored light armies rushed to the Origin Wall, and they ignored the security of the major sectors of the material universe and only focused on repairing the Origin Wall.

Once the wall of origin collapses, the multiverse will die.

The process of us unblocking the seven negative basic forces is the process of the death of the multiverse.

Every time a seal of the negative basic force is released, and every time the total body absorbs a negative basic force, a pillar of the multiverse collapses. "

"The multiverse is dead, us." Leopard Girl's face turned a little pale.

Gorilla Grodd glanced at her and said coldly: "This twisted masculine multiverse is immortal, how can the great Mother Papetua create a perfect feminine multiverse?

The era of the Justice League will eventually end, and the new era that belongs to us will naturally have new rules and a new world that suit us. "

Luther patted it on the shoulder, feeling extremely dissatisfied with it.

One day later, Luthor occupied Savage's Fortress of Doom and declared the formation of the "Legion of Doom".

The symbol of the Legion of Destruction is the "umbrella" on the surface of the complex.

A week later, the Legion of Doom found Turtleman, an eight-month-old still wearing diapers.

Another week later, they unsealed Stasis.

"Destruction above, the turtle man has not changed at all!" Gorilla Grodd said excitedly, staring at the baby in his arms.

The leopard girl turned her head and looked at the rosy-cheeked little turtle man who was sleeping soundly, and asked puzzledly: "What change do you want? Even if there is a change, it should be Papetua.

Now that we have unlocked the stasis force, the 'Mark of Destruction' on the overall body has lit up a line, and she should have changed a lot. "

"I don't know how much Papetua has changed, but I am very sure that if the turtle people dared to use stasis on a large scale before, they would have aged quickly.

Even if he is a newborn baby, his hair will turn from black to white and his skin will wrinkle.

But look at him, he has just consumed a lot of stasis power, and his vital signs have not changed at all. "

Grodd turned to Luther and said excitedly: "You are right, the rules have changed, the multiverse has begun to accept the negative basic force, and the side effects of the turtle people's rapid aging have disappeared!"

Luther smiled coldly, "Grude, what you should pay more attention to is the Flash. I swear, he must be wailing right now."

At the same time, the Justice League conference room.

Facing the heroes of the Alliance, Barry the Flash screamed with a distorted expression: "No, the Speed ​​Force space is collapsing, and the Speed ​​Force is dying! Go and call Harley back, the multiverse is dying!"

"Don't get excited." Dachao felt a little nervous when he saw his frightened look and miserable cry.

He tried to remain calm on his face and said comfortingly: "Even if the Speed ​​Force space collapses unexpectedly, it does not mean that the multiverse is about to die. What's more, you may have misunderstood. Why did the Speed ​​Force space collapse for no reason?"

"Da Chao, why don't you understand? There are countless parallel universes in Wan Tian Yi, all separated by the wall of the Speed ​​Force. If the Speed ​​Force dies completely, what will happen to Wan Tian Yi?" Barry shouted excitedly.

Da Chao's expression changed, "I forgot about the Wall of Speed ​​Force. Are you sure?"

"What if the earth collapsed into meteorites? Are you mistaken? The Speed ​​Force space has collapsed. It's not a hole, it's completely collapsed. The Speed ​​Force is disappearing rapidly." Barry's eyes were so anxious that his eyes were red.

Bateman suddenly stood up and said: "Barry, run, run quickly, don't stop until Harley comes back!"

Barry was stunned for a moment, and then disappeared without a trace.

"Where did he go?" Dachao and others were confused.

Bateman said solemnly: "Barry is the incarnation of the Speed ​​Force, and he can continue to generate the Speed ​​Force while running.

As long as he doesn't stop, the Speed ​​Force will never die completely. "

"But he can't keep running, we have to find Harley." Diana said.

Bateman's voice was low, "She went to the ocean of entropy, and the speed force space collapsed, so I'm afraid I can't alarm her.

And I suspect a secret society is at work.

Recently, I have been tracking Luthor and several villain giants. Their movements are strange and they seem to be plotting a huge conspiracy.

By the way, Wandar Savage's immortality was broken, and his body is in the Congo Basin, not far from Grodd's Orangutan City.

I think his death was related to Luthor.

If it's just the secret societies that are acting, that's our responsibility.

We must at least figure out what they are trying to do and try to thwart their plans.

I have a hunch that the collapse of the Speed ​​Force space is just the beginning, what will happen next.”

"No matter what the secret society plans to do next, we can't let them succeed!" The voices of the heroes were sonorous and powerful.

after one day.

The Fortress of Doom, the headquarters of the Legion of Doom.

"Very good, very good. It's been a day since the Speed ​​Force space collapsed, and Harley still hasn't come back!" Luther waved his fist excitedly, glanced at the surrounding villains, and said loudly: "I have decided, the second goal is to destroy. tears!"

"Why Tears of Destruction?" Leopard Girl asked doubtfully.

“To obtain the Tears of Destruction, you must open the Tomb of the Gods, and to open the Tomb of the Gods, you must obtain the life connection power of Neptune.

To take down Aquaman, there must be a head-on conflict with the Justice League.

Which one has a greater chance of winning, taking advantage of Harley before she returns to the hard-core show, or waiting for her to come back and plan Aquaman? "

Leopard Girl was thoughtful.

Another half month passed, and the Tomb of the Gods was opened, and the second negative basic power - Tears of Destruction was unsealed.

The mother river of time collapsed.

And with the opening of the Tomb of the Gods, the stiff and immortal gods in the tomb regained their freedom. The three ocean gods with endless resentment returned to the earth, and the earth sank to the bottom of the sea.

Only then did Harley leave the ocean of entropy.

ps: In the original comics, there are several origins of Leopard Girl, including mutating after drinking the African wizard's potion, killing relatives and sacrificing herself to gain "blessings" as mentioned in the book, and relying on God like in "Wonder Woman 1984" Things mutate.

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