I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1973 God’s Palm

Yggdrasil analyzed thoughtfully: "It is normal that the laws of the omnipotent universe are different from those of the multiverse.

The rules are all different. It's a bit too reckless for you to use the multiverse's "hiding technique" to open up a magic plane in the omnipotent universe.

Maybe you should return to the multiverse with a chaotic magic power that is so huge that your physical body cannot bear it, and create a large internal world close to the wall of origin.

The 'Hidden Technique' is doomed to fail outside the multiverse, but the inner walls of the origin wall still belong to the multiverse, and the success rate is definitely much higher.

If we just protect the multiverse, there is basically no difference whether the 'artificial world' is placed outside the origin wall or inside the origin wall. "

She was an expert at creating worlds herself, and immediately figured out the reason for Harley's failure.

"How come there is no difference? After the origin wall collapses, if Papetua breaks free from it, he will definitely smash the world I created with a slap. Moreover, sticking to the inner wall of the origin wall can only wrap one main universe, and cannot protect other dimensions. Other parallel universes." Harley said.

"But you put the 'artificial world' outside the origin wall to block the Creation family! When they come from the outside and see a layer of magic world blocking the front, won't they smash it with a slap? In the end, let alone the multiverse. , even a single main universe cannot protect it." Yggdrasil said.

Harley said: "I created the magical world not to prevent the Creation family from entering. I am self-aware. I have no power of connection and cannot create a 'big world' in the omnipotent universe."

"The power of connection? What kind of power is that? Is it a key element in the creation of the omnipotent universe?" World Tree asked in surprise.

Harley explained: “The power of connection can be called the power of creation, which is a special energy that connects all energies.

The prisoner in the Origin Wall has the power of connection, the Eagle Judge who sealed her also has the power of connection, and Dr. Manhattan's power is also the power of connection.

The power properties of different connections are different.

Just like the old god-kings all have the power to create the world, but their god-king laws and divine power attributes are different.

The power of connection can be regarded as the "creation power" of the omnipotent universe, which is greater than the creation power in the multiverse.

Dr. Manhattan's power has obvious quantum energy properties.

It stands to reason that the quantum energy in our multiverse is a bit low compared to the magic power of miracles and is not very easy to use.

But in the hands of Dr. Manhattan, quantum energy has increased to creation levels.

There is no inferior power, only inferior people. "

After sighing, she continued: "I just doubted before that in order to create a world in the omnipotent universe, we must have the power of connection.

It's basically certain now.

The power of connection combines multiple basic forces to create a multiverse that can withstand the laws of the omnipotent universe.

Magic is only one of the basic forces of creation and one of the building materials.

Using pure magic power to create the world in the omnipotent universe, there is no connection power yet, so failure is not surprising.

But Teacher Asar's 'Escape Technique' is somewhat special. It was not created with the authority of the God King.

Asar does not have the realm of a god-king, nor does he have the authority of a god-king.

The 'Art of Escape' makes use of the rules of the universe's natural evolution of the heavenly planes, allowing the physical body that stores a large amount of bloodline power to naturally evolve into the magical plane in Limbo.

It was not a fluke that Teacher Asal was able to create the art of hiding.

Like Zeus, she was one of the first ancient gods on earth and lived for a long, long time.

She has spent billions of years carefully observing the magical planes in Limbo, recording their entire evolution from a ball of energy into a magical plane.

You are World Tree, and you must understand that many magic planes come from a ball of energy.

The energy evolved into the world, and the original demon god was born at the same time as the world was born.

For example, the Three Palace Demon.

Asal absorbed a large amount of magic power and converted the magic power stolen from others into the power of her own bloodline, until her ancient god's body could no longer bear it and began to naturally collapse.

She will not prevent the physical body from collapsing, but will only control the process of collapse.

The body filled with the power of blood will slowly expand during the collapse process, like a ball of energy, evolving into a magical plane.

Asal's own will is the will of the world, and the demon god born in the magic plane is herself.

She is equivalent to completing a new life within her own body. "

World Tree sighed: "If her reputation hadn't been so resounding, with this escape technique of concealing the magic mark, it would have been possible to avoid the perception of the upside-down man and the resentful woman, and survive the magic debt crisis."

"If she didn't have a famous apprentice, she would be inseparable from the Origin Wall." Harley said.

She seems to have forgotten that Assal was blown to the origin wall by Dr. Manhattan with a gust of wind. It was also because in the "future world" more than ten years later, Dr. Manhattan learned that the thief who robbed her origin had a teacher named Assal.

At that time, Harley first worshiped Asal on the Origin Wall as her mentor. After robbing Doctor Manhattan's origin, she claimed that her successful robbery was thanks to her mentor's hiding skills.

Dr. Manhattan is an existence above the timeline. He knows this at this time. He also knows that Asal has declined since he met the goddess Asal more than ten years ago.

This is a big cause and effect cycle, but the order is reversed.

Beings like Dr. Manhattan are still bound by the law of cause and effect, but are not affected by the order of cause and effect.

As long as the closed loop of cause and effect is completed, it doesn't matter whether the cause comes first or the effect comes first.

They are all above time, so what does the order of time mean to him?

"So, you want to try, can the world evolve naturally in the omnipotent universe?" World Tree said: "You have seen the sea of ​​chaotic magic, and you have also dived into the ocean of entropy. They are both sources of energy, but they have not been able to evolve naturally. Into the energy plane, you shouldn't be so naive!"

Within the multiverse, if there is an energy source similar to the ocean of entropy and the sea of ​​chaotic magic, it will naturally evolve into an energy dimension.

For example, the Wind Nest of Nothingness that sealed Hecate.

"If we really wait for the power of blood to evolve naturally, do we have to wait until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse? How can I wait, and what I want to build is not a layer of hard armor to protect the multiverse.

Even if a magical world is really created outside the origin wall, it will just be fat meat wrapped in batter and deep-fried, turning it into crispier and more delicious pot-roasted meat, which cannot stop their invasion and chewing.

There are only two things I want. First, create a fog of war that can obscure other people's sight, but I can see through everything.

There is a layer of magical world surrounding the multiverse. Anyone who wants to enter will alert me and let me know.

I myself can hide my traces and presence in the world I created.

Secondly, if it cannot stop intruders from outside, it can at least prevent the energy in the multiverse from leaking out.

The origin wall is like the skin on the human body. Once the origin wall collapses, it is like the person has been skinned, and the blood spurts out, which is terrible to watch.

The leakage of matter and energy will lead to the accelerated death of the multiverse. "

Harley sighed: "The magical world outside is equivalent to putting a bandage on a body that has lost its skin. It may not necessarily heal the injured multiverse, but it can at least relieve the symptoms."

World Tree exclaimed: "I didn't expect that a mere bloodline clone could think so carefully. It's worthy of you."

Harley rolled her eyes, "The bloodline clone just bears the name of 'clone'. In fact, there is no fundamental difference between her and the real me."

The bloodline clone is equivalent to cutting off a section of her body with a knife. The residual body also has her memory and wisdom, and is almost the same as the original body.

Bloodline clones can also gain experience after being beaten. When the experience jar is full, both the main body and bloodline clones will be upgraded.

Bloodline clones are originally cut off from the main body, equivalent to hands or feet. As the level increases, the defense of the hands and feet will definitely increase along with the body.

If the main body is beaten to death, the bloodline clone will become the new main body.

Of course, if the main body really dies, Harley will definitely be severely injured. To what extent she is injured, she has not experienced it yet and has no concrete idea. She hopes she will never know for the rest of her life.

"So what's the situation now? Blood-stained sky means that all your blood is spread on the wall of origin?" World Tree asked curiously.

Harley said: "Every drop of my blood and every cell in my true body of gods and demons turned into huge meteorites, forming a meteorite zone outside the Origin Wall.

Every meteorite is my flesh and blood. For the sake of the multiverse and all sentient beings in the universe, I have truly stained the sky with blue blood. "

"Your flesh and blood are all the power of blood transformed by magic power, and the magic power is all picked up on the street. Even if it is all lost and has no effect, it is not a pity. In fact, you have lost nothing at all." World Tree said disapprovingly.

Harley pondered: "My sacrifice should not be completely wasted. The meteorite cannot stop the Creation family, but it can at least serve as my eyeliner.

If a huge high-level energy source passes by the meteorite, especially energy that is different from magic power, the energy escaping will definitely stimulate the meteorite, making me alert.

The dense collection of meteorites should also act as a filter for the matter and energy escaping from our multiverse. "

Having said this, Harley took off the World Tree from her wrist.

Her body vibrated at high frequency, and another Harley stepped out of her body.

"The current section of the mother river in the main universe has stabilized, and it's time for me to return to Earth. I've only been away for more than a month, and the Earth is about to sink in the sea water."

Harley's newly split bloodline clone held the World Tree, treating her as a long whip, shaking and pulling hard, and pulled out the roots of the tree of death soaked in the ocean of entropy.

The roots of the dead tree were very long and it was not possible to pull them out all at once.

Harley's body took a step forward, holding the withered tree roots, preparing to escape from the end of the mother river of time.

As she moves upstream, gradually approaching the time point of the main universe's reality, the remaining roots will gradually be dragged out of the ocean of entropy.

"Hey, Harley, are you sure my tree roots won't be broken?" World Tree shouted.

"Can't you feel it? After being soaked in the ocean of entropy, it is more indestructible than anything in the world."

Harry lowered his head and looked at the dark brown hard tree root as thick as a bowl in his hand, and squeezed it hard. It was as elastic as a full basketball.

You must know that she has millions of units of bloodline power at this time, and her body has reached the extreme limit of the multiverse.

"When this crisis is over, I will use these tree roots to forge a rope to bind the immortals to ensure that the God King cannot break free even if he is entangled." She chuckled.

The World Tree was not as optimistic as she was, saying: "Under normal circumstances, the tree roots soaked in the energy of entropy must be very tough. But this time you are going to use it to tie up the broken section of the Mother River of Time, like a steel cable dragging The aircraft carrier may collapse at any time."

"If the aircraft carrier struggles hard, it is indeed possible to break the steel cable, but now that I am piloting the aircraft carrier, what are you afraid of?" Harley said.

She first returned to the real time point and controlled the section of the disconnected time mother river before coming to say goodbye to World Tree.

When she is unable to control that section of time in the future, the situation will inevitably collapse. She will be unable to save herself and will be ready to run away with the earth.

At that time, she would take the initiative to cut off the connection between the tree roots and the time river section to prevent the enemy from chasing her along the tree roots.

"After I enter the ocean of entropy, do I want to continue to grow tree roots and accompany your bloodline clone to find high-level entropy in the depths of the ocean of entropy?" World Tree asked again.

Harley was a little moved.

But after hesitating for a moment, she still shook her head and said: "You stay at the edge of the ocean of entropy and don't go too deep into the ocean.

Staying at the edge as an anchor point, you still retain the sense of the withered tree roots that span the mother river of time. If anyone gets close to the roots to cause damage, you can know it immediately, and then twist the ends of the roots to remind me.

If you go too deep into the ocean of entropy, this dead tree root really becomes a lifeless hemp rope. "

The tree roots lost their activity after being immersed in the ocean of entropy, and were basically dead. However, they still grew on the stumps of the World Tree, and the World Tree still had a certain degree of perception.

Previously, the simple message of the collapse of the mother river was conveyed through the roots of dead trees.

Now that the World Tree is soaking at the edge of the Ocean of Entropy, it can still be connected to Harley on Earth through its dead tree roots.

As long as the connection is there, Harley doesn't need to worry about losing the direction of the ocean of entropy.

If the World Tree is taken into the depths of the ocean of entropy by blood clones, the distance will be infinitely stretched, and the dead tree roots will no longer be a message line.

If someone cuts it off in the middle, and Harley doesn't know about it, and Yggdrasil doesn't sense it, that would be terrible.

Harley originally planned to return to the real time point immediately, because at this time, a "super alien tsunami" occurred on the earth. The east coast of the United States has been submerged, and coastal cities such as Gotham and Metropolis have almost completely sunk to the bottom of the sea.

But when passing by the 31st century, she heard the call of her "old apprentice" Val and stopped halfway.

She held the "Tree Root of Entropy" and traveled upstream along the mother river from the end of the mother river of time.

When passing through the time point of the Legion of Super-Heroes in the 31st century, the time section of the 31st century was no longer visible. The river collapsed, fell, and disappeared.

But suddenly there were passionate shouts in her mind: "Hallelujah, God of War Harley, Master Harley, give me strength."

Following the call of faith, she sank into the empty super-time flow for a long time before she found a section of time with no past, future, and no history.

And above that river of time, there is a universe that looks like a 3D holographic projection, a complete but collapsing universe of the mother river of time, the 31st world of the Legion of Superheroes.

Harley's old apprentice Val has activated his thick-skinned power. His beard and hair are spread out, and his muscles are tangled. He keeps roaring and slaps his palms "downward" one after another.

He not only smashed the void with his fist, but also jumped out of the time mother river universe.

He also broke away from the mother river of time and jumped out of the river section where the world of the Legion of Super-Heroes is located in the 31st century.

Although the mother river of time is called a "river", it actually has no specific width.

There is length but no width, or infinite width.

Therefore, even if there is only a section of the river left at this time, it is extremely huge. Compared with it, Val who jumped out of the mother river is like an ant holding up the sky.

But even though he was as small as an ant, he still pointed his feet "up", against the slowly collapsing river section "down", and struck "down" crazily with his palms, trying to use the force of the counter-shock to lift the falling river up again. part.

This is the scene seen from Harley's perspective. If it were an ordinary person, he would only be able to see a vast mass of silver light. He could not see the river section clearly, nor could he distinguish the illusory time mother river universe above the river section.

"Val, you can't save the 31st century by doing this."

"Master Harley?!" Val was overjoyed and looked around. Although he didn't see anyone, he knew in his heart that his teacher was already here.

"I have no other choice. The mother river of time seemed to have been hit by a nuclear bomb. Without any warning, it suddenly broke into pieces. I still don't understand the situation. I can only use the power of martial arts laws to resist the fall. The force can delay the complete collapse of the section of the ruptured mother river.

I have a premonition that if I continue to fall below, the river section in the 31st century will disappear completely.

The universe in the 31st century is built on the mother river. If the foundation is gone, the universe and all living beings in the universe will also be destroyed. "He explained quickly and helplessly.

"The mother river of time in our multiverse is dead! Not to mention that the section of the mother river in the 31st century is destined to dissipate, the section of the real river where the main universe is located will also disappear.

Even if the crisis is resolved in the future, there will still be a big reset.

If there is a chance to restart, the 31st century will definitely come back. "

Even though Harley said this, she felt that there was no need to forcefully save the dead Time River, but she still stretched out her right hand, and with a thought, endless magic power surged in her body.

"God's Palm!" She shouted, and her palm suddenly enlarged countless times, directly grabbing the falling time river below.

It is as easy as an adult bending down to pick up a small piece of bread from the ground.

After grabbing the Time River Section in the palm of her hand, she clenched her fist hard, as if the Time Mother River Section had really become a piece of soft bread, and now it was pinched and solidified, turning it into a smaller lump.

The stretch of the mother river of time has indeed shrunk.

Previously, Val's resistance was like an ant lifting up the sky with his hands, and the edge of the "sky" could not be seen at all within his field of vision.

At this moment, he felt that his universe plus the time span of the universe was the same size as an ordinary person's front yard.

Less than 100 square meters.

He opened his mouth wide and watched blankly as the master's right hand slowly shrank and returned to its normal form.

"Teacher Harley, you are so powerful now, what kind of trick is this? Use the mother river of time as plasticine to knead it!"

If Harley responded to his call, appeared next to him, and pushed the broken river section up with her, her cheeks would bulge during the flight, showing a hard look of gnashing her teeth. It would be better if there were a few drops of sweat on her forehead, He will still feel that she is worthy of being his teacher, she is so amazing, so awesome!

But now her tricks were completely beyond his understanding.

It was too simple, too easy, and it confused him.

"Is there no catastrophe in the 31st century? Is there no legend that I formulated the 'rules of heaven'?" Harley smiled a little proudly.

Val nodded, "Some time ago, there was another small restart in the 31st century. The current people and the current reality have basically remained unchanged. Only history and people's memories have changed.

For example, before the mini-restart, I made an appointment with Clothboy, Saturn Girl and others to travel to Sirius ‘tomorrow’.

After the small restart, they all remembered this agreement, but they suddenly had more memories related to the magic debt crisis.

Even the reasons for traveling have changed.

We have just solved a large-scale cosmic crisis before, the black magic crisis from the 'Third Generation Demon Governor'.

Well, Superman came to the 31st century to find the Demon Lord before. I told him that before the last big reboot, there was the Demon Lord in the 31st century. The Demon Lord was still very active and was the number one enemy of the superhero legion.

After restarting, the Demon Governor disappeared. "

Harley nodded, "The Demon Governor is also an important player in the magic debt crisis. But he is already dead. He died in the catastrophe and should not appear again."

In theory, after the death of the Demon Lord, his story will completely end. But there is no guarantee that "Origin" will be a monster and his story will be rewritten into reality in the big reboot.

Of course, as a being whose power is close to that of a god-king, the Demon Governor has the uniqueness of the multiverse. Even if "Origin" restarts his story, the new Demon Governor will no longer be the original Demon Governor.

For example, in Crisis of Dark Night, Barbatos looted a large group of Darkseid from the Dark Multiverse.

Those Darkseids were all bad fakes.

The real Darkseid is taking his daughter Greer and working on the "Sepulke Project" in the "Prosperous Star Field" at the edge of the universe!

"Where did the third generation of Demon Governor come from?" she asked.

"Decades ago, an archaeologist accidentally entered the Demon Governor's tomb while excavating the ruins of King Wu Shen, and obtained a spar in the Demon Governor's tomb, which contained the Demon Governor's lifetime wisdom and a large amount of dark magic power.

The archaeologist became the ‘second generation devil’.

He sacrificed blood to billions of people on the entire Cantonan planet, and was beaten to death by me.

But his body died, and part of his soul escaped by chance, fused with his illegitimate son, and became the third generation Demon Governor.

Whether it was the earlier generation of Demon Governors, the second generation of Demon Governors, or the third generation of Demon Governors, they all only used black magic, which was a bit different from the 'Lord of Chaos' Demon Governor that Superman said. Val said with a strange expression.

"That first-generation Demon Lord was probably just a shadow on the mother river of time, just like everyone else in the 31st century." Harley said.

"Maybe." Val sighed and continued: "Before this small restart, we were mentally tense during the crisis of the third generation of Demon Governors. After the crisis, we planned to go out and relax.

As a result, after the small restart, the 'Three Generations of Demon Governors' simply disappeared, as if he had never existed.

Even the history of the ‘Disaster on the planet Cantonan’ has also changed part of it.

The planet Cantonan was indeed blood-sacrified by an evil being, but the Legion of Super Heroes had been searching for months but could not find the murderer.

Moreover, in the new historical memory, there are not many magic-side super villains in the entire universe. They seem to have been completely wiped out, or have they given up their careers as super villains and have been living in seclusion? "

Harley said with a strange expression: "Others may be living in seclusion, but the second-generation Demon Governor will probably be killed directly by the catastrophe, and the third-generation Demon Governor will not have a chance to be born.

Dare to sacrifice the blood of billions of people, what a cause and effect!

I suspect that he lost his life before the blood sacrifice process was over. "

"It's very possible." Val nodded, "Although there is an extra memory in my mind out of thin air, I still remember everything before.

I know that the new memories that emerged after the magic debt crisis are false, and that the world has undergone a small reset.

The original memories of Buzi and others have been readjusted, and they only think that the current reality is the real reality. "

Speaking of which, given Val's current state of mind, he couldn't help but sigh, "The reality in the 31st century is too unstable and too easily affected by the main universe."

Harley said: "If a major event happens in the main universe, the major event will definitely be recorded by history, and it will definitely affect the future."

Then she added: "I won a great victory in the magic debt crisis and became the final winner. The magic power and endless magic power all belong to me.

And I have the time power of the entire linear human race.

My own understanding of the rules of time has reached a level that is difficult for ordinary people to understand.

Based on the above factors, it is not too easy to handle the mother river fragments for a period of time. "

On the surface, she just used magic to infinitely enlarge her right arm, big enough to hold the fragment of the Mother River of Time directly in her hand.

But in fact, she manipulated the rules of time and used extremely clever techniques, making the whole process extremely complicated.

"You have given up your magical power. You have not been the master of magic for too long." Waldao.

"Capturing the fragments of the Mother River of Time does not require the power of a magic master."

Harley doesn't need the power of a magical master to enhance her power at all.

As long as she gets her original power back during her time as a magic master, it will be enough for her to dominate the multiverse.

Val looked at the section of the Time Mother River that had been compressed to less than a hundred square meters, and asked: "What should we do now? You shouldn't be able to stay here for a long time, right? What crisis happened in the main universe to cause the Mother River to collapse? .”

"The wall of origin is about to collapse." Harley sighed and explained the crisis of Pappetua in detail.

“The Origin Wall seems to be at the outermost edge of the multiverse, but in fact it is the core of the multiverse. Its collapse is equivalent to the death of the heart of the multiverse.

The universe collapsed, and the law of time perished first.

At this time, the law of time has lost its activity, and the eldest father of the Endless family may be dead, or he may be half disabled, or at least fall into eternal sleep. "

She looked down at the tree roots in her hand and hesitated for a while before using the roots to bind and strengthen the 31st century time river section.

She can control the time period of the main universe, but the 31st century is a bit beyond her reach.

"Val, your martial arts realm has improved very quickly in the past few years, and you have condensed the martial arts laws, including the laws of time and space, which is very good!"

Just now, when Val "strike" downward with both palms, he was using his own laws of time and space martial arts to resist the force of "falling".

Val smiled bitterly and said: "For the main universe, only a few years have passed, but I have spent hundreds of years in big and small restarts, but my life has been repeating itself.

Life is repeating, but my memory and realm will not stand still.

After years of perseverance, I have finally achieved something, and it does not mean that I have insulted your reputation, teacher. "

"I'll teach you another move called 'God's Palm' today." Harley raised her right hand and tapped his forehead with her index finger.

There was a flash of golden light on Old Val's wrinkled forehead. He frowned slightly and felt a pain in his head.

It took him a while to recover, and he said with a strange expression: "God's Palm. It sounds very scary. Master, when did you create it? It seems to be related to the power of God. Where can I get the power of God?"

Harley said: "During the magic debt crisis, my bloodline avatar merged the power of the two gods, light and dark. She realized it, studied it carefully for a period of time, and created a martial law.

You don’t need to learn this ‘God’s Palm’ trick right away, as long as you can use it.

I impart God’s Divine Palm to you so that you can use God’s Divine Palm to hold this piece of time to prevent it from falling again.

You are right, I will definitely not stay here for long. In fact, a large piece of land on the earth has sunk into the sea. I have to rush back immediately to save the world. "

In fact, Harley herself has just "learned" God's Palm.

After the blood clone "sacrificed his life to create the world", his memories and perceptions returned to the multiverse along with the spiritual waves along the cracks in the wall of origin.

The technique about "God's Divine Palm" was immediately accepted by Law Sea.

It was the same process as the way she obtained the Law of Thick Skin, and it was "Origin" who took matters into her own hands and helped her condense the relevant wisdom of God's Palm into a law, making her a dual-system Martial God.

At that time, Harley's body was still in the ocean of entropy!

Only when she returned to the mother river of time and received the mental fluctuations of the bloodline clones gathered did she realize that she had understood another Martial God law.

The laws of God's palm immediately penetrated into her sea of ​​consciousness and became part of her "realm".

What Harley didn't know was that the "Law of God's Palm" that "Origin" helped her condense had already been used by "Origin" in the catastrophe.

The rules she comprehended were not used by herself, but "Origin" used them first.

"If you don't learn it right away, use it first." Val was stunned for a moment, and then showed a thoughtful look, "I understand, I will first borrow your power and use your magic as a part-time believer of your God's Favored One.

First stabilize the fragments of the Mother River of Time in the 31st century, and then slowly study the mysteries of God's Palm. "

To use God's Palm, it's best to learn it yourself.

But now there is obviously not enough time for him to learn slowly.

Even if you don’t have time to study, you can still use it and borrow Harley’s power.

Harley said: "God's Palm involves extremely sophisticated techniques and can produce extremely powerful attacks, but powerful attacks and subtle techniques are not its core.

God's Palm is just like its name. Through the fusion of two opposing sources of power, it allows you to simulate a small part of God's charm.

The best opposing sources of power are the power of the Great King and the power of the Little Black Bean.

But you obviously can't get access to such high-end goods.

The power of ordinary heaven and the magic power of ordinary hell can be combined, and the effect will be greatly reduced.

I am now using the archangel origin and the devil origin to blend light and darkness.

Of course, you don't need to actually master this technique now.

You have a lot of time to explore slowly, and the relevant knowledge has been sent to your mind.

I am just letting you understand the general operation process and core meaning of God’s Palm.

The core mystery is not about strength and skills, but about taking a ray of charm from the 'Omniscient and Almighty God' and blessing it in the palm of your hand.

At that moment, your hand is almost equal to the hand of God.

Do you know what is the most important characteristic of the Hand of God? "

"Omnipotent? After practicing the Palm of God, my hands will be omnipotent, and it will be easy to hold the fragments of the Mother River of Time?" Val was a little excited.

If the current situation did not allow it, he would really like to indulge in the information sent to his mind by his master and carefully study the mysteries of God's Palm.

“No, many powers and many beings can achieve near omnipotence.

For example, the magic of miracles can turn any idea into reality.

As powerful as a creator god, he would definitely be able to achieve a certain degree of omniscience and omnipotence in the multiverse.

In the omnipotent universe, the strong are stronger and more omniscient and omnipotent in the eyes of ordinary people.

What is the difference between God and them? "

Val murmured: "There is no difference. Isn't God just a super strong man?"

Harley glared at him and said seriously: "God is the only one! God is supreme! No one is qualified to be equal to God."

——Except her in the future!

"The greatest characteristic of God is his unique and absolutely supreme power. The greatest benefit of practicing God's Palm and obtaining a ray of God's charm is to bless that supreme power in your body and in your attacks."

Val frowned and said: "Master, I know that God loves you most, and you are also the most devout believer, but I don't understand! Don't be so mysterious, tell me directly how to express the supreme power."

"I'm speaking in plain language."

After a pause, Harley gave an example: "The multiverse has an extreme value of power. Suppose the extreme value is 120 points. The strength of the wall of the multiverse is higher than 120 points. Therefore, under normal circumstances, it is difficult for practitioners to transcend no matter how hard they practice.

It is impossible to grow 101 pounds of muscle by eating 100 pounds of grain. This is the supreme law and no one can violate it.

But my bloodline clone split the wall of the universe with God's divine palm, breaking the limit of power.

The supreme rules of the multiverse VS the supreme power of God, God’s power wins.

If there is a transcendent person entering the multiverse now, he is a level 12 powerhouse, and you only have level 9 power.

Although energy level does not equal absolute combat power, you will definitely suffer when facing him.

It's very possible that if he just uses his power to suppress you, he will suppress you until you can't move.

How can we fight if we can't even stand up?

But God is the only one who is supreme and will not be suppressed by any existence. This is the ‘law of God’!

God's laws are universal and applicable to all visitors from the Almighty Universe. "

Val understood a little bit and said excitedly: "God's Palm is simply an 'explosive skill' specially prepared for leapfrogging!

Facing the existence of higher energy level and greater power, if you take a ray of God's supreme charm, you will no longer be suppressed by energy level and power.

It can even explode its potential, suppress the opponent in turn, and finally break the opponent's power across many realm gaps. "

"Oh, I am already satisfied to be able to avoid the suppression of the enemy's power and energy level, and have the opportunity to fight face to face, fist to fist, on a fair basis. Explosive potential is the talent of your passionate heroes, and it is not suitable for me." Harley sighed.

In the next Papetua Crisis, she will definitely be able to reach level 150.

If the Creation family really entered the DC multiverse, she would even gain experience from them to raise their defense to a higher level.

Without the suppression of special powers and energy levels, both sides fought hard to defend and attack. Even if a group of creation gods besieged her, she was not afraid.

"If there is an opposing force of light and darkness that is stronger than the power of the Great King and the origin of Little Black Bean, the effect of using God's Palm should be better, right?" Val asked.

Harley said: "The original power that drives the divine palm is one thing, but belief and skills are also important.

If you can sense the presence of God when you use God's Palm and borrow His supreme power, you can kill the Creator God with one palm even if you use the power of ordinary heaven or hell.

If the faith and skills are insufficient, even if there is a source of light and darkness stronger than the power of the Great King and the power of the Little Black Bean, it may not be possible to leapfrog the level and fight. "

Val said excitedly: "Master, you are most lacking in skills and faith in God. You will definitely be able to defeat the Creation clan that invaded our multiverse with the help of God's palm."

"Well, I'm very confident." Harley's expression was calm, but she felt very unsure and a little embarrassed.

Because when she received the law of God's Palm, there was a faint anger coming from the depths of her God of War's Seal and Saint's Seal, the anger from the Supreme Will.

The anger was not obvious, and the will seemed to be absent, but Harley felt that it was grander and more sacred than the will of King Michael, which made her a little scared.

Obviously, the old God was not satisfied with her creation of God's Palm and stealing her own "Charm".

"You already understand the core meaning of God's Palm. It shouldn't be difficult to stabilize the fragments of the Mother River of Time in the 31st century. I'll go back first." She planned to say goodbye and leave.

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