I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1972 The inheritance of Teacher Asal

Harley asked hesitantly: "Is the collapse of the Mother River of Time directly related to the Origin Wall?"

"Why do you, a shrewd person like you, ask such stupid questions? Why did the Mother River of Time collapse? It must have something to do with the Mother of Creation in the Origin Wall!" World Tree shouted excitedly.

In the ocean of entropy, World Tree does not need to be taboo and directly calls out the name of the "giant thing".

Moreover, the mother river of time has collapsed, and the giant thing has probably escaped, so there is no need to be cautious anymore.

"Of course I know that the collapse of the Mother River of Time is related to Papetua. What I'm asking about is the direct relationship. Did the wall of origin collapse, so the Mother River of Time collapsed? Or maybe the wall of origin is still there, but it's just collapsing rapidly, Papetua. Ah Wei has never escaped, but he has the power to collapse the mother river of time?" Harley said.

"Is there any difference? Since Papetua can destroy the Mother River of Time, whether she escapes or is still suppressed, if she can destroy the Mother River of Time, she will definitely destroy the earth. You should go back immediately to save lives." World Tree said.

Harley sighed: "If possible, it would be safer for me to stay on Earth and not go anywhere.

The reason why he didn't even participate in the Grand Trial of the God of Order and entered the Ocean of Entropy immediately after the end of the Magic Reform Conference was because of some tasks that had to be completed?

My work isn't done yet! "

"Are you still transmitting stories to the universe next door? Do the people on the other side respond to you?" World Tree asked.

She just asked curiously, and then urged: "You'd better go ashore first. The mother river of time is collapsing. If the end of the mother river is completely separated from the ocean of entropy, we will not be able to go back."

“I do deliver stories, but I do more than just that.”

Harley is still looking for a higher level of entropy. At this time, her Entropy Defense Specialty is already at level 10 and 85%!

In a few days, when she finds more level 11 entropy, she can upgrade her expertise to level 11.

Her previous conjecture was basically correct. Just like the Chaos Magic Sea, the closer to the multiverse, the lower the energy level, and the deeper into the omnipotent universe, the higher the energy level.

After entering the ocean of entropy this time, Harley consciously swam away from the end of the mother river of time. She planned to enter the deepest part of the ocean of entropy and upgrade her expertise to the point where she could freely control level 10 entropy.

The so-called free control means that when using entropy to attack enemies within the multiverse, the entropy will not harm the multiverse itself.

Currently, even Hal Jordan, who controls the Demon Sword of Entropy, must stay away from the multiverse and enter a state of "arming the Demon Sword" in a place without cosmic energy, matter, or laws.

All energy, matter, and laws are the "fuel" of entropy. This is the terrible thing about entropy, and it is also the biggest drawback of the Magic Sword of Entropy.

At this time, Harley's control of entropy is not as sophisticated as Hal's.

Simply raising the expertise to level 11 may not be enough.

Currently, Harley's Chaos Magic Defense expertise has been upgraded to level 15!

For a multiverse where the highest energy level is level 9, a level 15 defense expertise is definitely "unbelievable" and "terrifying".

Harley's best wish is to upgrade the Entropy Defense feat to level 15 or higher.

If one can control level 10 entropy with level 15 or 16 expertise, one can probably use a force field to directly isolate it from contact with the energy, matter, and laws of the multiverse.

It's a pity that the world tree is too short.

The World Tree, which can spread its roots to any energy dimension of the multiverse, actually became "short legs" after entering the ocean of entropy.

Her roots cannot spread infinitely into the depths of the ocean of entropy.

If you are too far away from the end of the mother river, even if the tree roots are long enough, the perception of the World Tree will disappear.

The World Tree has its roots at the end of the mother river of time, and its body grows infinitely with Harley. The further away from the end of the mother river of time, the weaker the connection between her and the root system at the end of the mother river. In the end, just like Harley, he completely lost his perception of the mother river of time, and was completely unable to receive information from the terminal root system.

It's a bit like the network cable is too long, the voltage is too weak, and the signal is poor.

The roots of the World Tree are more stretchy than the stretched network cable. The network cable can at least carry electricity. The extended roots of the World Tree soak into the ocean of entropy and die immediately, becoming a dead tree and vine.

This caused Harley to be stuck at an awkward point. She was far away from the end of the mother river of time, but not far enough. There was entropy higher than level 10 around her, but the amount was too small, so she had to sift through it slowly.

The level of the Entropy Defense specialty has not been raised, and it is stuck at a critical moment; the story delivery is also slowly advancing, with results, but not a great success.

Without Hades, Harley herself cannot contact the "thinking Hades" part of the universe next door. She can only continue to perceive her own story.

Her story spreads very quickly in the universe next door, and a huge belief has been born. She is trying to absorb the power of faith in the universe next door, and it is best to obtain information from faith.

Faith comes from life, and the insights and demands of life are mixed with faith, which makes it possible to convey information.

Harley sensed that there was faith in the universe next door, but before she could receive the power of faith, a big change occurred in the mother river of time.

After a while, the mother river of time ends.

"Shit, the mother river of time has really collapsed!"

Harley hesitated again and again, but in the end she still couldn't worry about the earth and stopped her plan to upgrade her entropy defense expertise.

Following the withered vines of the World Tree, she "swished" a few times and climbed ashore from the ocean of entropy.

When she returned to the end of the mother river of time, she found that the mother river of time was crumbling like the "Golden Gate Bridge" in Hollywood disaster movies.

The mother river of time is much grander than the Golden Gate Bridge, and the scenes of its collapse are more shocking than the scenes in crisis movies.

Especially for time life.

Ordinary people cannot accept information from the Mother River of Time. The intuitive feeling of looking at the Mother River of Time is like looking directly at the sun with your eyes at close range. You will not be blinded instantly. However, your eyeballs cannot receive a large amount of light, and your vision is blurry and completely unclear. No details.

The life of time can see the lives of countless people in every drop of the river of time.

Harley can see more than the strongest time race - the "Linear People".

The end of the river of time in front of me is tilted up high, as if a 500-pound fat man was suddenly sitting on one end of the seesaw. The bright silver river water no longer merges into the ocean of entropy, but is as big as the nine-sky Milky Way hanging upside down in the "sky", rumbling. Fly to the "outside". What she saw was not only the death cry of the mother river of time, but also the countless parallel universes that had their roots cut off and completely lost their futures.

Including the main universe, all parallel universes in Wan Tian Yi, all the heavens and realms of Limbo Hell, and all worlds with life in them were uprooted like plants growing on the ground.

Plants do not die immediately, but they lose their source of vitality and their future.

Staring at the river of time hanging upside down in the sky, Harley saw countless earths and countless lives screaming in agony.

Countless pictures are superimposed together, and the scene is extremely shocking.

This is not an illusion, this is the real information revealed in the river of time. In her ears, she can even hear the wailing of the planet's spirits and all living beings.

"Hey, this ray of mental fluctuation."

Harley was looking at the "Doomsday Map of the Multiverse" with a shocked expression, when a strange but strangely familiar mental fluctuation returned to her ocean of consciousness like a baby swallow returning to its nest.

That's her spiritual energy.

The spiritual power of the bloodline clone from the expedition to the strange mother nest.

She was naturally very familiar with her own spiritual power, but receiving the power of her mind from the bloodline clone at this moment made her very strange.

After a moment, a complex expression of surprise, regret, and amazement appeared on Harley's face, "I did a great stupid thing! Teacher Asal, I am truly your disciple now, and I will carry forward your inheritance to the level of It’s an unprecedented level, but it’s a pity that it failed miserably at the last moment, and the sky was stained with blue blood, miserably!”

"What are you doing stupidly? Hurry up and rescue the disaster!" She sighed in her heart, turned around and shouted to the time-trapped person who looked like a wooden stake next to her.

He was supposed to be the last guardian of the mother river of time and the strongest time being.

But he seemed to have lost all his vitality and remained motionless and silent.

"How can we save it if it's like this? The foundation of the mother river of time is broken. Just like the slings above the bridge and the piers below are broken at the same time, it is inevitable that the bridge deck will crack and collapse piece by piece. It is impossible to save it." Shi The voice of the trapped man was full of death and despair.

Harley said: "Even if we cannot save the entire river of time, we must do our best to stabilize the reality of the main universe. The main universe is there, reality is still there, and hope is there.

At worst, we can wait until the crisis is over before embarking on an unprecedented reset.

The collapse of the mother river of time is indeed terrifying, but no matter how terrifying it is, it is not as terrifying as in Zero Hour Crisis, when Hal Jordan used entropy to directly swallow the entire mother river of time. "

The Time Trap finally took action.

He tilted his head, looked at Harley with his eyes hidden under the hood, and said in a dull tone: "This is your job, my responsibility is only to guard the end of the mother river of time."

"Oh, I'm already doing it."

On the surface, Harley stood at the end of the river of time and talked nonsense with the time trappers, but the moment she returned to the mother river of time, she had already tried to override the entire mother river of time.

She wanted to have the same consciousness as before throughout the entire time river, but failed.

The breaking point of the mother river's collapse will cut off her time thinking.

But her main consciousness returned to the current time point of the earth in time, stabilized the violently shaking river of time, and tried to seal and protect the entire river section.

The only thing she was talking about with the time trapper at this time was her consciousness at the end of the mother river of time.

"Do you know who did this? I have confirmed that the Origin Wall has not collapsed, and the giant thing inside the wall has not escaped." Harley said.

"The origin wall just didn't completely collapse. When you traveled in the ocean of entropy, the origin wall cracked countless holes, and it was completely 'dead'.

When the wall of origin collapses, it will be the death of the multiverse.

Guess why the ‘father’ of the Endless family is the master of time? "

It was said that Harry was asked to guess, but the Time Trap had no intention of interacting with her at all, and immediately gave the answer, saying: "Time is the first concept that appears, first there is time, then there is night, and then there are the children of the Endless Family.

Since time is the first pillar of the multiverse, when the multiverse dies and collapses, time will of course be the first to collapse. "

"You mean this collapse of the Mother River of Time is not someone's targeting of the Mother River, but a natural phenomenon?"

Harry frowned and said, "But I think this is a conspiracy against me. It not only alarms me, but also prevents me from practicing the method of overcoming the 'giant' disaster in the ocean of entropy. It also blocks my information perception."

Even the mother river of time is gone, so timeline observation has naturally become a luxury.

Whether collecting information from the timeline or her grand cause and effect destiny technique, the mother river of time is needed.

At any other time, she wouldn't have needed to ask the Time Trap at all.

If she wants to know something, she can find it on her own in the mother river of time and the river of destiny.

Now that the mother river has collapsed, the river of destiny has also come to an end.

Although the river of destiny is not as directly broken as the mother river, it has also lost its "fluidity" and become a pool of turbid and dirty stagnant water.

Without "flow", how to judge the future direction of destiny?

When she said goodbye to her relatives and friends on Earth, she did not hide her purpose.

If it were to be concealed, it would only be for Papetua within the Origin Wall.

With the current level of damage to the Origin Wall, Papetua would have been able to travel the multiverse mentally, and Harley couldn't hide it even if she wanted to.

Now that he knows that she is practicing hard in the ocean of entropy to master the skills to deal with the "giant crisis", Pappetua is definitely not willing to let her go step by step and make her dreams come true.

"Maybe, maybe not. This is your own business and has nothing to do with me. I can't help you, and I have no intention of helping you." Time Trap said.

Harley glanced back at him, "You definitely can't help me, but what about the 'Big Daddy of the Endless Family' behind you? Now that the mother river of time has collapsed, he still refuses to show his face and express his thoughts and feelings. manner?"

"The Time Master is even less likely to be involved in the conflict between you and her." Time Trap said.

"I don't need him to stand up to the Big Thing. I just have a few questions for him."

The time trapper hesitated and said, "What's the problem?"

"What does the ocean of entropy mean to the mother river of time?"

The Time Trap asks rhetorically: "What is the significance of time in the multiverse?"

Harley was stunned, "Time is only meaningful to those who can sense the passage of time."

"The river of time breeds life. The essence of life is the soul, and the soul comes from entropy! (ps)" Time Trap said.

"The soul is born from entropy." Harley was really shocked. "Entropy is absolute chaos, and the soul is unique and absolute order. Order is born from disorder, and the existence of life is constantly creating entropy. , does this count as another kind of anode producing yin, cathode producing yang, and yin and yang transforming into each other?”

The Time Trap didn't speak.

"How is entropy converted into soul? I have a lot of entropy in my hand now. If I can convert it into soul power, wouldn't I be able to become the 'soul master'?" Harley asked expectantly.

The Time Trap shook his head, "This is the wisdom that transcends the multiverse. Maybe you can tell me the answer in the future.

The father of the Endless Family is Time, who first appeared before the birth of the universe.

When the hand of creation rises from the starting point of the river of time, the infinite mother river of time appears for the first time, and the end of the river of time is connected to entropy, drawing energy from entropy.

The next moment, all planes and planets where the concept of time exists have the possibility of giving birth to life.

This process does not require profound wisdom. It happened naturally when the hand of creation built the original universe. "

Although Big Daddy Time is the first rule to appear in the multiverse, this does not mean that all subsequent "universe buildings" were built by him.

He himself is just one of the building materials.

It is normal for building materials not to understand the wisdom of civil engineering.

The “hands of creation” are the real architects.

"Now that the Mother River of Time has collapsed, will the connection point between the end of the Mother River of Time and the Ocean of Entropy disappear?" Harley asked.

If the connection point disappears, it will be difficult for her to find the ocean of entropy in the future.

If she cannot find the Ocean of Entropy, not only will her expertise be unable to be upgraded, but her ultimate trump card will also disappear.

The most terrifying thing in Papetua's crisis is not Papetua herself, but her people, the judge of origin who came to seal her in the first place.

Harley's magic defense expertise has reached level 15!

What does this mean?

She can even access level 15 magic power while jumping around within the multiverse. What about the creation family outside the multiverse, roaming the omnipotent universe at will?

You must know that the chaotic magic power that Harley absorbed came from a sea of ​​chaotic magic power, and that sea of ​​chaotic magic power was "digging" from the omnipotent universe by the giant hand of creation.

If the worst happens, Harley will stuff the Earthlings into the stomach dimension, then leave the DC multiverse and dive into the ocean of entropy.

She was already a little panicked when she heard that the ocean of entropy was the source of souls.

Could it be that, like the Chaos Magic Sea, the Entropy Sea is also a building material dug up by the hand of creation and piled up next to the DC building?

Can you hide in a pile of materials like a mouse or cockroach and avoid being hunted down by construction workers?

But if you can't even find the material pile, wouldn't the ending be even worse?

"I don't know, I will always stay here. This will always be the end of the mother river of time and my territory." Time Trap said.

Harley lowered her head and glanced at the World Tree bracelet in her hand, and said mentally: "You should stay here too! There is now a long section of tree roots that has been imbued with the energy of entropy. It would be a pity to cut it off and throw it away.

It would be better to pull out all the tree roots that previously extended into the ocean of entropy, and use them as a tightrope to stabilize the mother river of time, and let me pull them all the way back to the real point in time.

And you are stationed at the end of the mother river of time, still shrinking in the ocean of entropy, serving as an anchor point. "

When Harley was immersed in the ocean of entropy, the World Tree was split into two parts. One part remained at the end of the mother river of time, sensing the changes in the multiverse, and the other half was entangled in Harley's hands.

Splitting in half is not completely severed, there is an infinitely growing root between the two.

Tree roots can grow indefinitely, but when soaked in the ocean of entropy, the roots will lose their activity and become a withered but extremely strong rope.

Although it is withered and inactive, it is still a part of the World Tree and can convey simple and single information. However, the farther away it is, the more blurry the message becomes.

What Harley now means is that the entire world tree is soaked in the ocean of entropy, pulling out the withered and inactive tree roots that previously connected Harley to the end of the mother river of time, and tying them to the real time point of the main universe.

One end is positioned in the ocean of entropy, and the other end is tied to the real time point, so that Harley will never lose her position in the ocean of entropy.

If something really happened, she could follow the original plan and swallow the earth in one gulp, then jump into the river of time, pull up the withered tree roots and follow the vines, all the way to the mouth of the ocean of entropy.

"Without your protection, I would have died if I were alone in the ocean of entropy." World Tree shouted excitedly.

She understands Harley's previous escape plan, and also understands Harley's thoughts at this time, but she has experienced the horror of the ocean of entropy, and her "infinitely long" tree roots have been soaked to death.

Although she had been forced to imbibe with the power of the thick-skinned God of War, she had a certain resistance to the energy of entropy, but she only changed from being shattered into pieces to leaving a whole corpse.

It doesn't mean that she, like Harley, can swim freely in the ocean of entropy.

If Harley's entropy defense expertise is raised to level 11, or 12 or 13, the situation will be much better.

As Harley's defense expertise is upgraded, the World Tree imprinted with the thick-skin mark will also become more resistant to level 10 entropy.

But now Harley only has level 10 expertise, barely reaching level 11.

"I don't completely ignore you. First of all, I will give you a little thick-skin power to transform you from a thick-skin power-impregnated person into a thick-skin god-blessed one; secondly, I will leave a bloodline clone to accompany you."

Speaking of this, Harley couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "I don't lack the confidence to survive the crisis of the 'giant', but if I say that everything is under my control and there will be no accidents, I would be bragging.

If there is an unbearable accident, for example, if my body is sealed and I am beaten to death by a group of creation gods, my bloodline clone can still take you and flee in panic.

From then on, the two of us depended on each other, and slowly developed as hidden minions in the omnipotent universe. In the future, when we become rich, we will seek revenge from the Creation family. "

World Tree was a little panicked, "You were not so desperate before. Now it's just that the mother river of time has collapsed. You should have realized it a long time ago!"

If a giant object breaks into a small wooden room, it will definitely destroy the beams and supporting columns, causing large areas of the house to collapse. "

Harry shook his head and said: "This is not despair. It is always right to prepare for the worst in everything. I have also prepared 'eggs in the second basket' before.

Do you still remember that I had two bloodline clones before? One only stored the power of bloodline and was placed in the ocean of entropy. Later, I took it back, purified the light magic power in it, and deposited it in the magic bank.

Another bloodline clone took away all my power as a king and half of my mind power, in the sea of ​​chaotic magic. "

"I know, I also reminded you that the broken multiverse wall in the 'Barrel Dimension' is being restored, so you should come back from the Sea of ​​Chaos quickly." World Tree said.

It was only Harley's bloodline clone that followed Xiao Zha and Zha Kang to the strange nest.

After the chaotic magic wave melted the strange nest, the bloodline clone did not return to reality.

She threw Udon into the "Barrel Dimension" built by the World Tree, and then she got out of the hole in the wall of the universe again and came to the chaotic magic ocean outside the multiverse. She wanted to improve her magic defense expertise to the highest level that could be currently achieved. advanced.

If the multiverse is a basketball filled with glass beads, those glass beads are the real world, the basketball shell is the wall of the multiverse, and the chaotic magic sea is a stick of chewing gum stuck to the surface of the basketball.

The strange mother nest is outside reality, in the gap between the glass beads and the inner shell of the basketball, stuck to the inside of the basketball shell.

There is a close connection between the weird brood nest and the chewing gum. The basketball shell between them is almost transparent and thinner than other places. Harley was stuck in the "transparent basketball shell" at the beginning, unable to move forward or retreat. The reverse talent had the energy to toss Zuckerberg. them.

Finally, Harley used the "True Palm of God" that merged the power of the God of Light and Darkness to make a hole in the "transparent basketball shell", and the high-level chaotic magic power in the "chewing gum" outside flowed into the inside of the "basketball".

The barrel built by World Tree with its body is like a small wine glass. It is buckled from the inside of the basketball to the inner shell of the basketball with a hole in it, blocking the chaos magic power.

After some time passed, the basketball shell repaired itself and the holes gradually healed.

World Tree was aware of this process, and immediately notified Harley, asking her to call back the bloodline clone that had re-entered the hole and entered the "chewing gum" to absorb the high-level chaotic magic power.

If we don't return before the hole heals, we won't be able to come back in the future.

Or use the "True Palm of God" to break the wall of the universe again?

"There are not many opportunities to open up and absorb high-level chaotic magic power, and the origin wall is about to collapse. My idea at the time was to absorb as much chaos magic power as possible first. When the origin wall collapses, the bloodline clones outside can come back in any direction."

The wall of origin has collapsed, the "basketball shell" is gone, and the "wall" has been lost, and the blood clones can naturally come and go freely.

Harley added: "But I don't plan to let the blood clone come back immediately, I don't lack that power.

In other words, when facing giants and giant tribesmen, the power of bloodline clones cannot play a decisive role. "

The only thing that can play a decisive role is defense expertise.

She has taken back tens of millions of magic power from the Ocean of Entropy and occupied all the chaotic magic power in the barrel dimension. She has no shortage of physical strength at all.

Of course, "God's Palm" can be regarded as a small killing move, so it would be a pity to give it up. But the previous "God's Palm" came from the fusion of the Great King's power and the little black bean's power. It was the power of "others" (God). Harley wanted to transform it into her own power - to develop the martial arts of the "God's Palm" law.

It's equivalent to old Shazam stealing Zeus's research on divine thunder, and finally creating his own way of thunder, and understanding the law of Shazam's thunder.

World Tree said thoughtfully: "At that time, you had a plan to survive. The blood clone in the chaotic magic sea is like an egg in another basket."

"This is called 'Consider defeat before winning, so you can fight a hundred battles without danger'. It's not just living in an ignoble way!" Harley said seriously.

"Why did you change your mind now?" World Tree asked.

"The chaotic magic sea is too small." Harley explained: "The range is small and cannot be used as a hiding place; the energy level is limited and cannot satisfy my infinite desires.

The sea of ​​entropy is larger than the sea of ​​chaotic magic.

If the chaotic magic sea is an inland lake, the sea of ​​entropy is at least the Mediterranean Sea. "

"How do you know that the scope of the Chaos Magic Sea is very small? Didn't you say that you can't have real-time mental contact with your bloodline clone?" World Tree immediately found a loophole.

There is a cosmic barrier between Harley's body and the bloodline clone that entered the strange mother nest, and it is obviously impossible to always be mentally connected.

Without mental connection and memory sharing, Harley, who has never been to the Chaos Magic Sea, naturally does not know the details inside the Chaos Magic Sea, at least she should not know that its area is small.

Harley sighed: "Actually, it's not me who changed my mind, it was my bloodline clone who made the decision.

She decomposed herself, and just now, I recovered part of my mental power.

After leaving the ocean of entropy and setting foot on the territory of the multiverse, a very familiar spiritual wave automatically converged on my sea of ​​consciousness.

My mental powers with tons of new memories.

It is still gathering slowly now. When I return to the main universe, the recovery speed should be faster.

My bloodline clone has been decomposing itself for some time.

It's just that I have been staying in the ocean of entropy before and was unable to recover the power of her mind, so I didn't know her situation. "

World Tree was surprised: "Isn't your bloodline clone outside the multiverse? She decomposes herself outside, allowing you inside the multiverse to recycle the power of your mind?

And in addition to the power of the mind, she also took away a large amount of the power of the monarch, and also absorbed infinite chaos magic power in the sea of ​​chaos magic power. Can those powers penetrate the origin wall and come back on their own? "

"Self-decomposition is not the same as self-destruction. I'm not stupid. If I really want to return to the multiverse, why don't I wait until the origin wall collapses? Why use extreme means like self-decomposition?" Harley said.

"Yes, why don't you wait a few more days? Now the mother river of time is collapsing, and the day when the origin wall collapses is just around the corner." World Tree said doubtfully.

Harley said strangely: "After the origin wall collapses, our multiverse loses its walls. People inside can leave if they want, and people outside can come in if they want. The future will become very chaotic.

My bloodline clone absorbed too much magic power, and the huge magic power was enough to form a super magic defense shield covering the entire multiverse.

Now outside the multiverse, I am everywhere.

My clone absorbs the endless chaotic magic power, converts it all into the power of blood, and then follows Teacher Asael's 'Hidden Technique' to turn the flesh shell into a magic plane. "

"Mother of the Night is above!" Yggdrasil said in shock: "You mean, our multiverse has been installed in a magical plane created by you using your flesh shell?"

The natal divine spell of goddess Asal is the art of hiding.

The art of hiding is also her method of overcoming the disaster, which is used to overcome the magic debt crisis.

The principle of her divine spell is very simple. She uses her body to absorb other people's magic power, and then converts the stolen magic power into the power of her physical blood.

Although the power of blood also contains magic marks, it is far easier to resist magic harvesting than directly turning into magic power.

Before becoming a magician, mortals also have the power of blood in their bodies.

During the Magic Debt Crisis, few mortals were harvested.

When perverts and grievances harvest extraordinary beings, they often cast their nets over a wide area. The magic marks in the bodies of all extraordinary beings within the range are activated, and the extraordinary beings are harvested in large areas.

But there are still many mortals within this range. They have some bloodline power, but they have not been harvested and have not been affected by the magic debt crisis.

Asal took advantage of the fact that the power of blood can suppress the magic mark.

After absorbing enough magic power, the physical body will gradually be unable to bear it, and it will naturally collapse and gradually transform into the magical world in Limbo.

Of course, Goddess Asal will not let her body evolve naturally.

The plane of Acharas is her divine kingdom and the true nature of her divine body.

After turning the fleshy shell full of blood power into a small world, the magic mark is hidden deeper and becomes more difficult to harvest.

As the master of the small world, Asal can call upon the power of the small world at will.

His own strength has not weakened, and the risk of being harvested is greatly reduced. This is Asal's hiding technique.

Harley's bloodline clone absorbed a large amount of chaotic magic power from the sea of ​​chaotic magic power and converted it all into bloodline power.

How much blood power can be transformed depends on the endurance of the physical body.

Harley lacks everything except defense. How much blood power does a body with nearly 150 defense points have?

At this time, the power of the bloodline has reached its limit, and the physical body cannot bear it, and it will naturally evolve into the magical world.

But it didn't evolve within Limbo, but in the Great Omniverse outside the multiverse.

“Alas, my bloodline clone did have the idea of ​​evolving a ‘super world’, but unfortunately the laws of the omnipotent universe were too grand and weird, and she couldn’t grasp them, so she failed and collapsed.

She failed to create a magical world that contained the multiverse, and ended up staining the sky with blood, and the vast power of blood formed a layer of "blood mist" on the surface of the multiverse. " Harley said with emotion.

ps: The soul is born from entropy, which is not my secondary idea, but the principle was not explained in depth in the original comic, and it was only mentioned in one sentence.

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