I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1956 Such a stupid scam, who else can it deceive except you?

Luther said slowly: "What you are saying is that I did not directly do anything great in the year 1,000,000 AD. I have not lived to this day at all.

The reason why you worship me and even provide me with a lot of faith, which will interfere with the reality a million years from now, is just because your archaeologists dug my 'grave' and found me from my grave. ideas and spread them.

My thoughts triggered a new 'Renaissance' in a future society without Harley and the Justice League. People were tired of the hypocritical 'Era of Justice' created by the Justice League, and began to worship me, accept my ideas, and use me to Conquered the world in the name of? "

"You generally understand it correctly. It is your idea of ​​destruction that affects our era, not what you have done directly, so you are called the 'Sage Master' and the 'Great Sage' by us. You are just a teacher. , you are the sage, you taught us what to do.

You are not our King, let alone our ‘Messiah’.

You have not led us to do anything in the past, and you will not lead us to directly participate in certain activities now and in the future.

We respect you, worship you, and provide you with faith, but we will not obey you or look forward to your visit.

In addition to exciting us, your arrival has no direct impact that can change the course of society. "

Said a young man with the same pale cheeks as the Joker and the same split-ear smile.

"Now that you have told me the history directly, aren't you afraid that the future will be affected?" Luther asked.

"It is a fact that you have come to 'Lex City', and it is inevitable to understand the history and culture here. Perhaps it is because you have been here that you can create a perfect concept of destruction in the future.

Ask yourself, do you have the will to destroy now? "

The woman in red uniform stared into Luther's eyes and smiled: "I dare say that at this time, you don't even agree with the theory of destruction we are talking about.

Different stages of life have completely different views and acceptance of the same thing.

When you are 20 years old, you look at your 15-year-old self and wish you could travel through time and punch him to death.

When you are 30 years old, you look back on the stupid things you did when you were 20 years old, and you are equally ashamed.

The person we admire is indeed you, Lex Luthor, yes, but not you at this time.

You are smarter than all of us, you are the smartest wise man in the history of mankind.

So you can definitely understand that with 20,000 years of accumulation, you have witnessed the Justice League era from rough roads to glory and decline, and you are very different from who you are now.

Now that you are still living in the shadow of Harley Quinn, you even begin to doubt everything you have insisted on in the past.

You fantasize about changing the track and joining the Justice League, gaining people's admiration and recognition as a hero, and then gradually realizing your ideal of finally becoming the leader and ultimate hope of human civilization.

I'm not mocking you, Luther. Each of us has studied "The Mind of Lex," "The Trouble with Young Lex," "The History of Lex Stone," and "Lex and Harley Quinn." These books are just like you "Nature and Society" of the times is a required course for children today.

We know you very well.

You only know who you are now, but we know who you are now and who you will be 20,000 years from now. "

Luther frowned and thought for a while, then said, "Can you take me to your history library?"

The clown young man showed a clown-like smile and said happily: "As long as it has nothing to do with the 'key', you can know it, history books, culture books, philosophy books, science and technology books. Whatever you want, we will satisfy you." , after all, you are Lex Luthor, our most holy master!"

As he spoke, he activated the green "half-length Luthor mecha" and flew into the air. The mecha fired out a tractor beam and enveloped Luther, taking him with him to fly away.

The companions around him can also fly, and they are arranged on the left and right of Luther, like guards, protecting him in the center.

Luther was a little confused at first, but when they took off and got higher and higher, Luther saw more aspects of "Lex City".

The technological civilization in Lex City is very advanced and even more sci-fi than the main planets of Keru and Rann civilization in the 21st century.

The building and the street seem to be an integrated structure, forged from glass-like transparent metal, with almost no gaps visible.

Although like the interstellar metropolis of the 21st century, the buildings are built very high, almost reaching into the stratosphere, they do not affect the lighting at all, and they do not appear crowded or depressing. Instead, they have a sense of freedom and freedom that reaches straight into the sky.

This world is really developed, but this world is also really chaotic.

When pedestrians saw Luther on the street before, they just stopped and watched, not doing anything else.

When Luther flew high into the sky, he saw the normal "Lex City people" who had not seen him. They were all committing crimes, robbing pedestrians, or fighting with others in public.

The extreme chaos reveals a strange order: an absolute order that absolutely does not need to obey any order.

During the flight, Luther clearly heard the "whooshing" sound caused by stray bullets in the air next to him.

The energy bullets, artillery shells and explosives that approached him were all blocked by the people guarding him.

They were indeed protecting him and were his guards.

"Can you tell me about the 'Lex Theory'? I'm really curious. The current city of Lex is not the utopia in my mind. I don't mind committing crimes, but they must have a purpose.

Moreover, I can commit crimes against others, but I cannot tolerate others destroying the order I have established. "Luthor couldn't help but said.

"The first sentence of the introduction to "Lex Theory" is - the world is fooling us, and people have always been educated to desire to become a false 'better self'.

The stupid world not only requires us to be "better people" according to other people's standards, but it also distorts our thinking and forces us to regard this expectation as our own ideal.

Some people say hope for the best. I remember it was said by Superman.

But since 'hope' is the best, why should you pollute your own 'hope' with other people's will?

Why should the beautiful hopes expected by others be imposed on us, and why should we clap and cheer, and regard them as our own thoughts from the bottom of our hearts?

Why can't hopes and ideals, as our best personal possessions, be determined by our own nature and essence? Why should we be required to use unified standards? Why should we distinguish between good and bad?

The standard of good and bad itself denies ourselves and suppresses us.

Because the standard of good and bad is determined by the most powerful people in society, and in your day it was determined by Harley Quinn and the Justice League.

That was the beauty they expected.

How cruel and domineering they are, imposing their own standards on everyone, and calling themselves 'heroes' and 'guardians'.

They hold high the banner of freedom, but do not allow others to freely express their own nature and pursue their own hopes.

The social order they established is maintained entirely by lies. Sadly, the "better world" built on lies and absolute hegemony has always been the ideal pursued by mankind collectively.

Even without Harley Quinn and the Justice League, the world is repeating the events of the past generation after generation.

The universe fell into a frost-coated spiral of despair until the man named ‘Lex Luthor’ awakened.

Under the guidance of his theory, we choose to embrace our own nature, whether it is ugly under the 'standard of justice' or not, and we no longer pretend to be 'good people' and 'heroes'.

When everyone is the same and sincerely faces and accepts their true selves, there is no need to pretend. No one will discriminate against you, criticize you, or want to transform you. "

The clown young man looked at the thoughtful Luther excitedly, "You can understand, right? You can understand that the world now is truly free and beautiful. Everyone has their own hopes, and everyone's hopes are beautiful but not beautiful." It's a perfect world to be violated by others.

This is not bragging on our part.

After completing the New Age Renaissance under the guidance of Lex's ideological theory, we immediately dominated the entire universe.

In your name, we destroy all planetary civilizations in the universe that deny us and refuse to surrender to us.

Now the entire earth and the entire universe regard you as their mentor and have accepted the baptism of Lex’s thoughts and theories. You are the sage teacher of all civilizations in the universe! "

"I kind of understand. This seems to be a theory that I can tell, but this theory should not be 20,000 years later, but 10 or 20 years ago. At that time, I was still young and had no knowledge. Can see the earth and humans." Luther hesitated.

The young clown said: "Let me give you an example, 'It feels so good to go home.' Everyone will say this sentence in every grade. Different ages will have different feelings and emotions when saying this sentence.

For a 12-year-old school student, if he is bullied by his classmates at school, home is his refuge and his weak parasol.

For a 30-year-old single worker, returning home means leaving the office and no longer working. Home is just a place of rest and tranquility.

For a 40-year-old father, he can see his wife and children when he returns home, enjoy his wife's dinner and the affection of his children. Home is his destination and an ideal that has been realized.

When you were young, you were able to say some words in "Lex's Theory of Thought", which shows that you are worthy of being the most holy teacher, and you really have talent and destiny.

But if you say the same words 20,000 years later, the feelings and meanings will be completely different.

Twenty thousand years later, you are no longer confused. You understand the nature of the world. In your youth, Harley Quinn, who you thought was a representative of high-end character, is nothing more than that. You will smile contemptuously in front of her. Not even bothering to raise a middle finger. "

"Smiled contemptuously at Harley and raised the middle finger." Luther imagined that scene in his mind, with an intoxicated smile on his face.

If he could do those things from his heart instead of pretending to be awesome, how high would his ideological realm be!

Just thinking about it in my heart makes me extremely satisfied and excited, if it really happens one day.

"Harley is not that lowly. I really admire her talent, ability and pursuit." Luther ended his fantasy, suppressed his smile, and said slowly: "I really can't imagine that a person who only limited his vision to How can people in the multiverse laugh at Harley, who is now determined to become the overlord of the universe?"

The clown young man asked: "You have been the commander-in-chief of the United States, right? Although you only succeeded in the election, you haven't had time to take office yet.

Abao Tesla is your competitor. You have the same ambitions and goals, but are you of the same level?

The Almighty Overlord of the Universe is just another bigger ‘Commander of the United States’.

The reason why you think it is high-end is just because you have not got the key and there is not enough power to motivate you to have the same ambition.

When you get the key to unlock your own talent, you will find that the "Almighty Overlord of the Universe" is like the "PhD Graduation Cap" when you first entered college - you will not have any doubt that you will reach that point.

Put on your doctor's hat and get your doctorate, it's so natural that it's not worth leaving many good memories for you. "

"What is that key that can allow me to undergo such a huge transformation?" Luther murmured.

"You also said that it can make you undergo a huge transformation. We can tell you the history and technological knowledge one million years from now, but we can't let you know what should have been yours twenty thousand years later but was stolen by Harley Quinn. 'Key'." The young clown said seriously.

Suddenly a tall and lanky young man on the side intervened: "We can't tell him the secret of the key, but we can show him the pattern painted in the center of the 'key', which is also the totem of our era of destruction."

"Well, I guess he has seen the pattern. After all, it has become a totem of our civilization."

The woman in red uniform raised her right hand, letting Luther see the gold ring on her middle finger.

Luther had indeed seen the ring.

Almost everyone wears a ring on their middle finger. The color and style of the rings vary, but they all have an umbrella-shaped pattern in the center.

It looks like an umbrella with ribs, but it is obviously not an umbrella.

"What is this?" Luther asked curiously.

"We call it 'Destruction'."

"Destruction?" Luther frowned and said, "You keep talking about 'destruction', but all I see is self-destructive chaos.

There's crime happening everywhere in the city, you're fighting each other, it's unscrupulous, people are getting hurt and dying all the time, and I don't like that. "

"Chaos is just a symptom, a price, not the goal we pursue. Absolute freedom without any restraints, and the destruction of all existence that restrains us, is the core of 'Lex's Theory of Thought'.

We are a society, not a person.

In a person's society, no matter what that person does, there is absolute order.

How can a large society composed of many beings with independent wills, each with different essences and ideals, have the power to express their essence and realize their ideas, not be in chaos?

You are the smartest human being, you can't possibly not know the simple truth that 'everything has a price', right?

The key is that we look chaotic on the surface, but we are unified under the "Lex Luthor Thought Theory". We are actually very orderly, and our society is in order. "

Luther looked at the chaotic world around him and was speechless.

"Luthor, Luthor"

I don’t know how much time passed, but the world 1 million years in the future in front of Luther quickly became blurry. The voice of the robot explaining scientific and technological knowledge suddenly became infinite. On the contrary, his sister’s noisy shout got closer and closer, seeming to enter behind his ears. , and continued to drill in, all the way to the depths of his mind.

"Stop yelling, I'm studying 'Lex's 1008th Universe Theorem', you-"

Luther turned over and sat up, shouting angrily, but was shut up by the sunlight that penetrated his eyes.

"What's Lex's 1008th Theorem of the Universe? Are you confused by your sleep? Get up quickly. We already sequenced Rebecca's gene yesterday. Today it's time to study the flaws in it carefully," Lina said.

Luther took on his slippers and came to the window, feeling the warm sunlight coming in through the window and falling on his skin. He said softly: "All the previous plans are invalid. I will redesign the treatment plan for her."

"What did you say? Didn't you say before that you would use all your wisdom to shock Sister Harley once? Isn't the current plan the limit of your wisdom?" Lina asked in surprise.

"It is the limit of my wisdom yesterday. Today." Luther lowered his voice so that almost only he could hear it. "Today I want to verify the new technology and new knowledge learned from one million years later. If new technology and new knowledge All are useful, then the world one million years from now——"

"What did you say? Don't mutter to yourself, Luther, are you still awake? Why don't you go wash your face first and then take a cold shower." Lina looked at her brother. There was a trace of worry.

"I'm fine and sober. Lena, please do something for me." Luther turned around, looked at his sister and said, "I will still focus on Rebecca's treatment in the next few days. You put the company's Leave it to Mercy (Luthor's female secretary) to help me assemble a time machine as quickly as possible."

Lex Luthor is a scientific expert, and his sister Lena Luthor is only slightly worse than him.

The time machine was a high-end "miracle creation" 20 years ago.

Now let alone the bad streets, and there is no longer a technical barrier. We only use mature technology to assemble the time machine, which is much simpler than treating Rebecca.

"You want to travel through time?" Lina looked confused and worried, and said: "Which time period do you plan to go to and what will you do?

Different travel distances have different requirements for the materials and energy of the time machine.

If what you want to do threatens the timeline, in the river of time there are the 'Time Council', the 'Linear Human Race', the 'Time Trappers' and many Gods of Time who are loyal to the Big Daddy of the Endless Family.

Even Sister Harley will not allow anyone to interfere with the reality of the main universe through time travel.

In front of them, you are as fragile as an ant. If you are killed by the powerful divine power, it will not attract the attention of the person involved. "

"I'm going to go one and a half million years in the future."

Luther blurted out, preparing to tell the truth to his sister, but midway through the words, his spiritual sense was triggered again. The last time he told Harley about the dream, his spiritual sense was triggered once, although there were no accidents or accidents at that time. It is unknown, but in the history books a million years later, it is clearly recorded that his "key" and his miraculous talents were all stolen by Harley.

If the world one million years later is real, and that period of history is also real, it is very necessary to keep Harley strictly confidential.

This thought flashed through his mind quickly, and Luther's words changed as soon as he came to his mouth.

"I am just observing and will not change the reality of the past, present and future."

He was even a little upset, maybe he shouldn't have let Lena help assemble the time machine. Because he is really just going to check whether the world one million years from now exists, he will not even enter it, and will not change any stories on the timeline. It is theoretically impossible to alert the Time Council and the Linear Human Organization.

Harley has a lot to do, and she won't pay attention to time travel that has no impact on the timeline.

But now the words have been spoken

"Observe what?" Lina asked.

"Observe future technology to further improve Rebecca's treatment plan."

"You are not confident in your own technology and want to study the technology of future people?" Lina had a strange expression and her eyes were a bit suspicious.

"You can understand it this way. I am very confident in my skills, but I have to keep improving." Luther nodded awkwardly, and then seriously warned: "Remember, you only need to know this yourself, don't tell outsiders. Especially Harley.”

Lina struggled: "Sister Harley has helped us so much in the past, and this time we can finally repay her. No matter how serious and solemn our attitude is, it is not an exaggeration.

You want to show your face in front of her, shock her, and make her praise and marvel at your work. Your thoughts and feelings are not surprising, and I can understand it.

I thought the same thing.

After all, you and she have been old friends and acquaintances for decades, and she has always been the one to rescue you from your downfall. Now that it's your turn to be awesome, you definitely want to perform well.

Not to mention you, her appreciation and recognition of you will also make me very satisfied, very happy, very proud, and very fulfilled.

Is it too unreliable to travel through time and space to steal technology from people in the future?

If you are really excited and excited about helping Sister Harley, and you are still worried and fearful, so that you are not confident, then you might as well go to the Kolu people or the Lann people and use your existing technology to exchange with them Some biotech. "

Luther endured it for a while, but finally couldn't help it and shouted: "Lena, what do you mean? Harley and I are friends, and we have the same thoughts and style as her.

Why can just a word of appreciation from her make me very satisfied, very happy, and very fulfilled?

Still feeling scared, uneasy, and even beginning to feel unsure about what nonsense you are talking about?

Let me tell you, treating Rebecca is a small thing. No matter what Hallie says or how grateful she is, I don't feel anything.

Just like when she casually helped you save me, she didn't take it seriously or think about it all the time. She was so excited that she regarded saving me as very important. "

His voice was loud, with obvious shame and anger in his tone.

Lina shrank her head and said weakly: “But you were really excited when you received a call from Sister Harley and heard that she wanted to ask you for help.

After you put down your phone, you jumped three feet high, clenched your fists, and shouted excitedly, "Oh, yeah, that's great." "

Luther's forehead turned red with embarrassment, "I was indeed very happy at the time, but the reason why I was happy was not that I could finally help Harley, but that I could make her surprised, shocked, and grateful to me.

I am happy only because in terms of genetic technology, Harley bowed her head and admitted defeat to me.

She even admitted that her 'magic of creation' was not as smart as mine.

That's the witch Harley who has never surrendered to anyone. Shouldn't I be happy? "

"Sister Harley just said that there is a child with a congenital genetic defect, and I want you to help me find out how you can think of so many self-interested contents in your mind?

In other words, if you don't care about Sister Harley's approval, why are you thinking in this direction? "Lina said strangely.

Luther dared to swear to his mother who was far away in Paradise Mountain: If Lena were not his sister, she would be dead right now, and he would beat her to death with painful force!

Seeing that her brother's face and bald head were both red and swollen, and there was still shame and anger that could not be wiped off her eyes, Lina did not hesitate, slowed down her tone, and persuaded softly: "Lex, don't get me wrong, I didn't Shame on you.

Sister Harley's recognition is indeed worthy of anyone's excitement.

Being entrusted with such an important task by her is worthy of anyone's anxiety.

Sister Harley is indeed our friend. She has never deliberately looked down on us or treated us as inferior, but we do not need to deny her dignity.

She is the strongest person in the multiverse, and even the gods and demons have to bow before her.

We can help her, which is indeed worthy of our excitement and even happiness for a lifetime.

If we really show excitement and excitement, there is no shame in it. "

If it was before traveling to Lex City, Luther would not accept his sister's words on the surface, but he would not react too violently.

At most, he could make a serious statement, "This is your idea. I'm not as lowly as you. The only difference between me and Harley is our strength."

Now he couldn't accept the words "Harry's gentle nod was worth his excitement and panic".

"Lina, let me tell you, Harley is my friend. I respect her and recognize her, but this does not mean that she is superior to me. Not only will I not be overwhelmed with excitement about her appreciation and gratitude, I will face her in the future Smiling contemptuously, not even bothering to raise a middle finger, it was completely genuine and not artificial at all.”

"Are you crazy?" Lina asked in shock.

"I'm not crazy. I'm not saying that I'm going to give Harley a contemptuous smile and raise my middle finger now. What I mean is that in the future, when I fully awaken my talent, my knowledge and realm will far exceed Harley's."

Lena's face was filled with worry, "Luthor, I'm sorry, I didn't know you cared so much about this, I shouldn't have made fun of you, I'm sorry, we are going to the hospital now -"

"I told you, I'm not crazy." Luther grabbed his sister's shoulders and said seriously: "I should apologize to you, I just lied to you.

I'm not going to steal biotechnology from a future world 1.5 million years in the future.

I'll tell you the truth, but don't tell anyone.

I may not be dreaming, at least not a normal dream.

My consciousness traveled through time and space to the earth 1.5 million years later. "

"Are you serious?" Lina's eyes widened, worry evident in her eyes.

"I ask you, if someone believes in me, regards me as the Holy Master, and chants my teachings and name loudly, can I feel something?" Luther said.

"I don't know, are you a god? If you are a real god, you may be able to sense it."

"I have divinity, and I am the ancestor of the Pain Pain people. Most gods are inferior to me. The earth 1.5 million years later regards me as the 'New Jesus'. The entire earth, the entire universe, and all life with self-awareness, regardless of the people on the earth or Aliens all believe in me and worship me.

Their belief was so strong that it affected me at this time, and a ray of consciousness traveled 1.5 million years into the future through the dream dimension. "

Seeing the absurd expression on Lina's face, Luther sighed: "I admit, this sounds ridiculous, so I plan to take a time machine to personally visit the future world 1.5 million years later to have a look."

"Lex, I don't want to hit you, but everyone in the entire universe admires you." Lena's expression twisted, "How could someone as smart as you be deceived by such a clumsy lie?

I swear, if we look at all the people on the planet who have been deceived by telecommunications fraud, not a single person will believe this nonsense. "

Luther said displeased: "Don't talk nonsense. I didn't say it must be true. It is precisely because I am not sure that I asked you to help me build a time machine. When I cure Rebecca, I will go there in person and just take a look." Take a look and confirm the authenticity.”

Lina said thoughtfully: "Did you learn the Lex 1008 universe theorem you mentioned before 1.5 million years later? The reason why you have the urge to drive a time machine to check it yourself is because you can't find that knowledge and technology. Something went wrong?”

"Well, the theory is perfect and there are no logical errors. I will verify it through practice." Luther said.

Lina's brows furrowed, and a look of worry appeared on her face, "It's okay if it's fake, but if it's true, then it's probably a scam targeting you. But if the world 1.5 million years later is real, who can Leading such a grand scam?

Lex, let's go find Sister Harley. Sister Harley is sitting at home, and her thoughts span infinite time and space in an instant.

No matter who is plotting against you, if you meet Sister Hallie, you will fall into a trap and die. "

Luther said angrily: "If you can't find the world 1.5 million years ago, you say it's a lie and I've been deceived; if you really find it, you say it's a scam specially prepared for me.

Why must you question my wisdom and judgment? Do you think I'm as stupid as those idiots who got scammed over the phone? "

"It's not that I have to question you. In fact, the fact that 'the whole universe worships you and believes in you, treating you as the most holy teacher and the contemporary living Jesus' is an insult to my wisdom.

It just rubbed my wisdom and judgment on the ground.

Don't blame me, anyone with a normal mind will feel that their intelligence has been insulted.

That's you, you are arrogant enough to believe such nonsense.

No wonder others say that telecommunications fraud is not afraid of your high IQ, but is afraid of specifically targeting you. "Lina sighed.

Luther said impatiently: "I asked you to assemble a time machine, why do you talk so much nonsense? You are still a scam, think about it carefully, who can set up a scam on the mother river of time?

Harley can't even do it!

Moreover, what do I have that is worthy of being deceived? Should I deceive my smart sister away? "

Lina was speechless.

Although she still does not believe that her brother can become the "Holy Master" 1.5 million years later, what he said is right. The world on the mother river of time cannot be easily created. It must be closely connected with the current reality. .

Whether Harley could pull it off, she wasn't sure.

But she was very sure that her brother had nothing worthy of being remembered by someone of that caliber.

"I'll help you build a time machine, and you can treat Rebecca with peace of mind," she said.

"Remember, don't reveal this to anyone." Luther warned sternly.

"Don't worry, I don't have the shame to say this kind of thing. Others will laugh at me too." Lina sighed helplessly.

One day is definitely not enough to complete the construction of the time machine, but Luther has basically determined that the world one million years from now is real, at least the real world on the mother river of time, not his dream or fantasy.

Because the knowledge and techniques he learned from "Lex City" have been proven to be real and effective.

After returning home that night, Luther called a number he had not contacted for a long time.

"Hello, is this Luther? I'm a calculator." Although we haven't contacted him for a long time, he just finished dialing the number and the other party answered the call.

"Without contact for so long, I thought you had changed your number." Luther smiled.

The Calculator is the "inquiry" among super villains, but his job is not just about collecting and selling information.

He is also a super broker, introducing criminal tasks to super criminals and providing information and technical support to super villains in criminal activities.

“I did change my number, but things like my mobile phone number and social media account don’t mean anything to me.

As long as you want to find me, you can summon me by calling my name anywhere online.

Especially you, the former secret society boss, the super giant among super villains, and my biggest sponsor, you don’t need to dial up at all, or even find an electronic device with a network.

As long as you call me, I will come out immediately to listen to your instructions, even if you changed your job to a superhero some time ago. "The calculator said with a smile.

Luther curled his lips, "I'm afraid it's useless to just call you. You can't enter any of Lex's hosts without my permission.

Even the electronic chip in my rice cooker has the best firewall in the universe. "

"Okay, you're awesome. I can't even hack into your rice cooker, but you're definitely not looking for me to chat, right? If you want to chat, you should go to the Hall of Justice. Now you're a hero of justice, and so must your companions. A bright and majestic superhero, right?"

"Are you laughing at me?" Luther's tone turned cold.

"I'm laughing, but I'm not laughing at you. Ahem, let's get down to business. What do you want from me?"

Luther hesitated for a moment, took out his phone and drew an image on the screen, "This is the 'Destruction' totem, have you seen it?"

"What is the Totem of Destruction? I think it looks like an umbrella." The calculator asked strangely.

What Luther showed was the mark of destruction he saw in Lex City one million years later.

"It's not an umbrella. If you look carefully, I can be 100% sure that it must exist. It's still around me, on some object, or on someone. In short, this pattern must be on something that I can touch. superior."

If he doesn't have access to it, the people in Lex City won't worry about telling him the truth, and he immediately changes history.

The calculator carefully recorded the pattern and sent it to the database for matching. He said doubtfully: "Since you are sure it is around you, why don't you look for it yourself?"

"You are asking a very stupid question. Of course I am looking for you. The reason why I am looking for you is because you are also 'people' around me." Luther said calmly.

"Oh, I see, secret societies were part of your history, part of your life.

I haven't found any clues yet, but I will expand the scope of my search. I promise you, I will search the bodies and homes of all super villains. "

"Very good, you have to put this work first. As long as you can find it, the reward will be beyond your expectation." Luther said.

"I'm looking forward to your reward, but I have a question. In addition to the pattern itself, are there any other clues? You know, I am a calculator. Comprehensive information, analysis and decryption are also my specialties." The calculator said.

Luther hesitated for a moment and said, "That pattern should be related to destruction and crime. That's why I'm looking for you."

"Uh, can you be more specific? Is it a living thing, an object, or a virtual thing that holds a theory?"

"I can't be more specific, and I don't know what it is." Luther said.

The calculator hesitated and said: "Luthor, have you ever thought about a problem? As if it represents destruction and crime, you as a superhero are almost completely opposite to it.

I mean, it's not around 'Superhero Luthor', it's around 'Supervillain Titan - Lex Luthor'. "

"What difference does it make? Even if I announce the end of my superhero career now, it will not affect my current daily activities." Luther said.

Calculator said: "To be honest, I, we all miss you. If you return to the secret society, become our boss again, and lead us to fight, maybe that thing will appear on its own."

"You are so sensible, but you actually say such nonsense. It seems that you really miss me." Luther smiled.

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