I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1957 Constantine’s destiny for three lives

Hallie made an appointment with old Kent to see her "tomorrow" in the morning or afternoon.

Old Kent arrived as promised, but she happened to push Wuhuo to the Rikers Building in a wheelchair.

Although she didn't stay in Luther's laboratory for long, when she returned home, Old Kent was already sitting in the living room drinking tea.

"Kent, you're here. Sorry, I just sent Rebecca to Luther's laboratory."

"It doesn't matter, I've only been here for less than five minutes, and Ivy is telling me about Rebecca!"

Old Kent probably didn't get enough rest, and his skin condition and mental outlook were both in bad shape.

He used to be elegant and vigorous like an old 007, but now he seems to have become an ordinary person when a high-ranking city official met Shuang Kai. A layer of aura has faded from his body. His appearance has not changed, and his clothes are still the same, but they are obviously much darker.

"How is Rebecca now? Can Luther cure her?" His tone was as gentle and sincere as ever.

"There shouldn't be much of a problem. In order to deal with the side effects of his painful talent, Luther has been forced to evolve into the most powerful biomedical scholar in the main universe.

Compared with his previous symptoms, Wu Huo's genetic defects and various diseases were nothing at all.

Initial results can be seen within about half a month.

In a month, Rebecca will be able to jump again and be healthier than most normal people. " Harley said.

Old Kent showed a relaxed expression, nodded slightly and said: "Leather aside, Luther's character is not necessarily the smartest person in the universe, but there is indeed nothing wrong with his scientific research spirit and technology."

"What's going on with Mu Mu? Is she okay?" he asked again.

"Twilight and Rebecca are two different things. When I sent Rebecca to be reincarnated, I had already been deprived of my miraculous cultivation power by the grievances. I lost my realm and lost the power of death. Forcibly sending Rebecca to reincarnate was like illegal immigration.

Stowaways cannot enjoy the welfare benefits of ordinary citizens and will be targeted by society and the police.

Dusk was sent to reincarnation by Lady Death herself.

Lady Death is the embodiment of death and life in the multiverse.

As long as she is willing, she can reincarnate into anyone and any family.

Mu Mu doesn't need wealth and miraculous power, she just needs to live a good life and enjoy mortal life like a normal person.

She is living a good life now, but she is still too young, only half a year old at this time, and the time flow rate of that world is relatively close to that of the main universe.

Before she naturally awakens her past life memories, Hal and I will not disturb her again. "

Old Kent asked curiously: "Has Hal been disappointed or lost? I mean, Dusk is still so young now, and I'm afraid I won't have a chance to be with him in the future, but he cares about her so much."

Harley smiled and said: "The young Hal who just debuted 20 years ago might have been upset, frustrated, and excited, but now Hal is in his forties and a man who is running for five years.

After going through so many things, he has become very mature.

Seeing Bo Mu's living conditions in this world, he was only relieved and relieved, with a satisfied smile on his face without any regret or loss. "

"That's right, he is no longer the impulsive and reckless young man he once was." He said with a sigh and emotion on his face, "Time flies so fast, it has been more than 20 years since the superhero era began.

I am almost ninety years old this year. I was an archaeologist in the first half of my life, and I have been a ‘Doctor of Destiny’ for more than thirty years in the second half of my life.

I have been bound to the soul of the God of Order, completely integrated into the order, and become a part of the order, but now the order collapsed and fell into the endless abyss."

His eyes were slightly red, and he covered his old face with trembling old hands. He sat hunched on the sofa, which was sad to see.

Well, Ivy was a little sad, but Harley didn't feel anything.

The ninety-year-old man is so sad and desperate that he deserves sympathy and makes people cry.

But old Kent is no ordinary old man.

Even after several months of intensive training by Naboo, he still failed to understand the law and was not a master. But if nothing unexpected happened, he would still live for at least three to five hundred years.

The 90-year-old half-step master is in his prime and prosperous in the extraordinary world!

"Kent, what do you think of the former Soviet Union?" Harley asked.

"What, the Soviet Union? Do you mean the Soviet Union in Russia?"

The question was asked in such a confused and strange manner that Old Kent lost most of his self-pity.

"Well, the Russians nowadays say, 'Anyone with a conscience should miss the Soviet Union, and no one with a brain would want to return to the Soviet Union.' What do you think of this sentence?" Harley asked.

Old Kent looked thoughtful.

Harley kept talking about the Soviet Union, but she definitely didn't really mean just the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union was just a metaphor. Is it a metaphor for the God of Order?

What Harley means is that they just need to miss the goodness of the God of Order system. The God of Order system has completely become a thing of the past. No one with a brain should want to return to the era of the God of Order system?

"There shouldn't be any problem with that, right?"

Even though his heart is still hard to break away from order, old Kent also feels that order has completely become a thing of the past, otherwise he would not be so sad.

"Do you know the history of the Chinese people?" Harley asked.

"I'm a historian." Old Kent said.

"How many dynasties did the Chinese people reincarnate in the feudal system? Are every dynasty the same?" Harley asked again.

Old Kent didn't answer immediately, he was lost in thought again.

It was easy to just answer Harley's literal question, and he could just open his mouth and spout a paper without thinking too much.

"Even if the previous dynasty fell, the newly established dynasty will still be a feudal society. People in the Chinese Dynasty may have thought about changing, but the productivity is there. Without qualitative changes in productivity, it will be difficult to truly get out of the feudal society.

But it is also a feudal system, regardless of culture and economy. The feudal system in different dynasties should have been continuously improved, and it almost reached its peak in the Qing Dynasty."

Thinking back to the previous Soviet issue, Old Kent gradually showed a thoughtful look on his face.

Is it really stupid to want to go back to the Soviet era?

If, like the Chinese people, they reincarnate and evolve more than a dozen times under the same social system, they may not be unable to succeed. After all, in theory, the "XX-ism" adhered to by the Soviet Union is the most advanced. At least more advanced than capitalism.

Harley sighed: “It’s not the brainless people who want to return to the Soviet Union, but the people without great wisdom and courage who don’t want to return to the Soviet Union.

Do you really think you can go back to the ‘Soviet era’ if you want?

The Soviet Union brought Russia to the top of the world, to the highest point in history that their nation had never reached.

Its system is certainly not perfect and needs to be adjusted and improved, but that does not mean that this path is completely wrong.

It is human beings who fail, and it is human beings who spoil a good system.

The system of order and laws established by the Order God System itself is fine, and is even very advanced. It will be of great benefit to the earth, human civilization, and even the main universe.

It would undoubtedly be foolish to completely negate the basic law system of Order just because the group of gods of the Order God System made an unforgivable mistake. "

Old Kent's eyes brightened, and his dull old face seemed to be oiled and radiant.

He stared at Harley, nervous and expectant.

Harley didn't pay attention to his reaction and said to herself: "The feudal dynasties in China are reincarnating one after another. It's not that they don't want to change, it's that they haven't found the opportunity.

The same is true now for the basic law system of order.

Have we seen a competitor to the order system?


After the Soviet Union, they could also change the track and switch to the American road.

Let’s not talk about whether it’s a dead end, but at least there is a way out.

Now that we have dug out the old track, where will we go next?

As awesome as I am, I haven't been able to open up a new path for the time being.

To be honest, I think the current order system is actually very good.

Order is better than disorder and chaos anyway.

That being the case, until a competitor comes out and proves that the order system is no longer relevant for the current era, we should say it's you.

What you have to do is to start a new reincarnation and use greater determination, wisdom and courage to improve the past order system and make it more perfect than before. "

"Harry, thank you!" Old Kent's eyes were filled with tears. "Your magnanimity, your mind, and your wisdom are all admirable!"

Harley readily accepted his heartfelt praise and said, "As long as you and Khalid have enough courage and determination, I am actually happy to see the order system reestablished.

I will even provide you with the help I can. After all, the order system serves as the ‘New Order of Saints’.”

As part of your development, it is also good for me. "

The smile on Old Kent's face that was full of gratitude and moved slightly faded, and he stared with eyes that were "overwhelmed" and asked doubtfully: "What is the new order of Saint Aunt? Didn't you say that you didn't open up a new path?"

“It is true that I did not open up a new path, but even if the new dynasty is feudal, it is impossible to completely follow the old system of the previous dynasty, especially after obvious institutional flaws are discovered.

The reason why Naboo committed heinous crimes and greatly harmed the civilization of the earth and the magic plane was because the past order system lacked supervisors.

Isn’t there an old saying in the past, who will watch the watcher?

Without supervision, without checks and balances, Nabu destroyed the entire Order God System with one word, trapped me, and brought disaster to countless magic planes.

If he can't do whatever he wants, even if he has the intention of surrendering to the Troublemaker, it won't ruin the overall situation.

You have personally experienced the magic debt crisis. If Naboo had not surrendered to the enemy, but cooperated with me using the power of the basic laws of the earth, we would have been much more relaxed, and many fewer people would have died in the world.

Therefore, the order system can be restored, but it cannot remain the same.

The Soviet Union remained completely unchanged, so it was better not to go back. "

Old Kent asked softly: "What should the God of Order look like now?"

"Like the life system and the element system, it has become a separate part with parallel status. Under the new order of Saint Aunt, there is the life system, the element system, and the order system. The combination of the three together weaves a new system of basic laws of the earth.

From now on, I will be your boss, the 'Saint Aunt' will supervise you, and Silver City will supervise the 'Saint Aunt'. We will supervise the Silver City together, perfect! "

"So you want to incorporate the order system."

Old Kent wanted to take back what he said before, which was the phrase "magnitude, mind, and wisdom."

Perhaps the “wisdom” can be retained.

He also wanted to hold back the tears of excitement that poured into his eyes.

He was still grateful to Harley, but his eyes were no longer filled with tears.

Although she wanted them to work for her, the order system did not completely become history after all, which was much better than the ending of the former Soviet Union.

Harley sighed: "It's not that I want to incorporate the Order system, but I want to incorporate you and Khalid. Kent, do you think you can still represent the Order system?"

Old Kent frowned and said: "In the past, I never thought that I could represent the God of Order. Only Naboo and Doctor Fate can represent the God of Order.

Now before I talk to you today, I think the same thing as the Russians, that smart people shouldn't want to go back to the Soviet Union.

I thought the order system would be completely abolished.

But since we are talking about who can represent order, besides Khalid and me, is there anyone else? "

Harry said: "Naboo later went to heaven and became an angel of order. You must know that."

"Neither Khalid nor I knew about it before. When we heard from Xiaoza and Khalid about what happened in the strange nest, I was also shocked." Old Kent said honestly.

"It's not important when you know it. What's important is that once you enter the palace gate, it's as deep as the sea. The gate of heaven is not one that you can enter and leave just as you say it. Once you step into the gate of Silver City and become an angel, everything no longer belongs to you. Everything belongs to the Lord, do you understand this?”

Old Kent looked puzzled and said, "I don't quite understand. Harley, don't play riddles. Just say what you want to say."

“It is a fact that Naboo and the God of Order are all dead, but the laws of the God of Order and the network of order established by the God of Order have not disappeared, nor have they stopped functioning.

They are all in the control of Silver City, they all belong to Silver City now, and they will all belong to me soon. "

Old Kent was surprised: "Are you saying that even though Naboo is dead, his laws and godhead have been backed up in heaven and can still be used?"

Harley said: "Back in the Strange Brood, what Nabu showed was the Seal of Order.

Do you know what Huiyin is?

Heaven then awarded me a blank God of War Seal.

Silver City definitely has the ability to fill the empty God of War Seal with the divinity of the God of War. They have no shortage of battle and war divinity.

If one day I die in battle and die completely, and a new "Witch Harley" rises, heaven can issue her a new God of War Seal, which can be blank or filled with the same divinity as me.

My combat experience and skills are learned by myself, but after the information is entered into the Hui Seal, it will be immediately backed up in heaven.

If it were Naboo, he would offer the Law of Order and the Divinity of Order. Silver City would collect and cast a blank Order Seal, imprinting all the Order information obtained from Naboo on it.


What was left in Silver City was not a backup, but the original. The glowing seal in Naboo's hand was the 'copy'.

Therefore, Naboo led the Order God System to a collective death, which had no impact on the Order System itself. It was just a change of leader.

Before Nabu burped, the order system already belonged to Silver City and to the Lord! "

"This, this is so cruel, so unfair, it's simply plundering!" Old Kent exclaimed.

"How can it be considered plundering? It's obvious that Nabu volunteered on his own initiative, but others who volunteered on their own initiative may not necessarily become angels.

Naboo was able to succeed because he had a wide circle of friends and connections in the Silver City. People were dead, and he also had angel friends who helped him make connections.

Do you know that the last time the ‘Holy Aunt’s Victory Return Debriefing Meeting’ was held in Silver City, the Maharaja called me alone to the Holy Sound Tower and specifically talked about letting Nabu go?

What the Maharaja meant was that all the people of Naboo were dead, and there was no need to convene a trial meeting about him. At least it should not be done with great fanfare, and there would be no respect for the dead at all.

Even the Maharaja spoke for him and looked at Naboo's social circle.

How can others have his conditions? "

Old Kent hesitated and said, "Do you agree to what the Maharaja said?"

"You want me to agree?" Harley asked.

Old Kent shook his head slightly and said bitterly: "I don't know, I should try my best to save the last dignity for Naboo.

But I know what he has done to the planes of the heavens, and I know how many victims are now wholeheartedly looking forward to the coming of the great judgment.

They have lost their homes and loved ones, and they deserve a fair and just trial. "

"You are right, we are not qualified to decide on the grand trial at all. I am just an organizer who complies with public opinion and have no right to agree to the request of the king." Harley said.

"Alas, the order system still exists anyway. This is a good thing. I will rebuild the order with Khalid. It's a pity." Old Kent sighed, his face full of sadness and regret.

"What's a pity? I dare say that if you follow Harley, your future will be far beyond that of Naboo, the peak." Ivy said.

"I believe this." Old Kent nodded and sighed: "The gods of order are all human mages. The system of order and law is a solid fortress for human civilization against the gods, and it is the pride and ideal of countless human mages.

It belongs to human civilization and serves mankind entirely.

The collective interests of mankind are the highest program of the order system, and every generation of Doctor Destiny is proud of this.

Now order has returned to heaven. God is not the gods, but after all, He is not equal to human beings.

Human beings can no longer control their own destiny 100%. This is a retrogression and a tragedy. "

"Harley is also a human being." Ivy said.

Old Kent glanced at Harley and said, "When Naboo dedicated order to the Silver City and received the Angel's Seal, he could not 100% represent humanity."

Harley has more traces of heaven than Naboo.

Harry said: "When Naboo served as the guide for the Upside Down, he had not yet surrendered to the Silver City.

According to you, he can 100% represent human civilization.

Since he represents humanity, when he becomes the leader, will all the people on Earth become slaves to the Upside Down?

When the great judgment comes in two months' time, all people on earth will stand on the judgment stand to be judged? "

"Of course not. When Naboo betrayed the human mage group and opened the veil of reality to let the Upside Down enter the multiverse, he was already a traitor and sinner of human civilization and could no longer represent humanity." Old Kent said quickly.

Harry smiled and said: "You only said this because Naboo lost. If it weren't for his bad luck and met me, he might not have been able to succeed.

By that time, 80% of you will not mind what he has done, you will still worship him, regard the God of Order as the patron saint of human civilization, and regard Naboo as 100% the representative of human civilization. (ps)"

She smiled sarcastically, and without waiting for Old Kent to defend himself, she said loudly: "But human civilization doesn't need any 'human representatives' at all.

Placing your destiny on someone else, whether human, divine, or God, is cowardly and irresponsible folly.

Neb has taught you a hard lesson.

What you have to do is learn from this and stop trusting any 'representative'.

Rather than the previous representative dying, he immediately panicked and looked for a new 'representative', and then placed his hope and destiny on the 'representative'. "

Harley made another trip to Silver City, found Raphael, and asked for a brand new "Seal of Order."

Not only is it exactly the same as the Seal of Order of Naboo, it is almost a superposition of the divinity and laws of Naboo and other order gods.

A brilliant seal represents the complete "Order God System".

If Harley is willing, she can immediately become a new "God of Order Body".

And she paid almost no price to get the Seal of Order.

After the acting king Raphael inquired about the reason, he directly handed over the Huiyin without asking for anything.

Harley didn't know if Naboo would be stunned if he knew about this if there was a spirit underground. Anyway, after she handed the glowing seal to Old Kent, Old Kent sat there blankly, confused for a long time.

He is not at a loss for the future, his future is already certain - he is identified by Harley as the new God King of Order.

Well, the Seal of Order was given to him.

He was confused because what he used to regard as life and the ultimate ideal was so cheap for others.

He couldn't accept it.

Especially after he got the Seal of Order, he hesitated for a long time, brewed his emotions for a long time, and finally said with the fearless determination that if I don't go to hell, who will go to hell, "For the sake of order, I can sacrifice my life for charity, give up my human body, and become a "Inhuman Angel", Harley gave him a strange look like "What are you dreaming about?"

"It's not a big deal to ask the Acting Lord Raphael for a Seal of Order. After all, it's to protect the Garden of Eden, the Earth. If you make it clear, the matter will be settled.

But how much time and cost do I have to spend to get you, a mortal, to become an angel?

Maybe it would alarm Michael.

The Brilliant Seal is given to you, not for you to fuse with it.

Don't be so short-sighted. It comes from the past Order God System. The upper limit is there. At most, it will make you another Naboo. But if you follow me, you will have a bright future.

It is only a reference and assistance to help you condense your own laws of order and assist you in controlling the existing network of laws of order.

One day in the future, you will definitely discard it like worn out shoes and throw the glowing seal into the trash without even giving it a second glance. "

Although a little embarrassed, after hearing these words, Old Kent was excited, enthusiastic about his current work, and full of hope for the future.

Helping old Kent is also helping Harley herself.

When old Kent regained control of the earth's law of order network, Harley immediately became the hands-off manager.

She has tighter control over the earth's basic law system, but she barely has to do anything.

He only enjoys the power and leaves the work to others, which is easier than when Naboo squeezed the God's Favored One (Doctor Fate).

Having mastered the power of the basic laws of the earth, Harley's hard power has not had much impact. It mainly strengthens her control over the earth and the material universe.

After finishing the "New Order System", Harley turned her attention to the awakened remnant soul of Zha Kang.

"How do you feel now?"

Zha Kang is not even considered an undead at this moment.

He was equivalent to being harvested completely once. After all, Lao Zha was harvested, Xiao Zha transferred the damage to himself, and Zha Kang finished bearing the entire price for Xiao Zha.

At least Lao Zha's soul and magic power have been imbued with the power of the little black bean, and he can resist harvesting to a certain extent, but Zha Kang has a "white body".

At this moment, all he had left was a wisp of his soul the size of his fingertip, like the flame of a burning candle.

"Are you referring to my mood or state of mind?"

As long as the candle is not placed in a strong wind, the flame is still very stable.

"Talk about your mood and state, it makes me happy." Harley smiled.

"Mood." Zha Kang looked around, "I want to smoke now. If I can still smoke, I will smoke one cigarette after another, at least five boxes of cigarettes in a row, plus 8 bottles of whiskey."

"You drink and smoke, but you're just a little sad. You don't have much resentment or unwillingness." Seeing him so unlucky, she felt inexplicably happy.

This guy has been cheating his friends all his life, and he has never failed. Today he finally got his comeuppance. He was cheated by others, and he was cheated so miserably.

"Who do you resent, you?" There was really a trace of resentment on Zha Kang's face and tone, "You are indeed to blame, you didn't take good care of me in the first place.

With your intelligence, you must be able to sense that something is wrong.

How miserable we were before. We couldn't even find a 'famous master' at the official mage level, but suddenly we were favored by a grand master. Is this normal? "

Harry sneered: "When I talk about this to others, I will blame myself, but facing you, I have a clear conscience and don't need to blame myself at all.

When you were accepted as Giovanni's apprentice, you were so proud and happy, I warned you.

I asked you to be careful, Giovanni is too kind to you, but you still say that I am jealous and don't want to see you well. "

Zha Kang's expression was a little unnaturally embarrassed, but he still said: "Giovanni did something to me during my final stage of transformation. When I regained consciousness, he did everything he should do and shouldn't do. No matter how cautious I am, It's too late.

When I'm awake, I don't need your protection. No matter what happens, I deserve it.

But I fell into the ideological confusion of terminal transformation and couldn't even take care of myself, but you failed to protect me. "

Harley said displeased: "I was not the God King Harley or the God of War in Heaven back then. I was just a magic apprentice at that time, and you even lent me the Grimoire of Truth.

I've been very careful and checked you carefully, but can I see the Grand Master's methods?

If you don't remember it yourself, you can go to Arkham Asylum and look up the records from that year.

Every time Giovanni went to see you, I would rush over and have the doctor examine you.

Honestly, I don't even want Giovanni to touch you.

But he is a master and does not need the consent of me and the mental hospital at all. An irony magic can enter your ward without anyone noticing. What can I do? "

Zha Kang sighed helplessly and was speechless for a long time.

He knew everything Harley said was right.

Harry was only fourteen or fifteen years old at the time, so it was not easy to take care of him to this extent.

She did warn him to be careful of Giovanni, but he never took her warning to heart.

"Giovanni is dead. The key now is Xiao Zha. How do you feel about Xiao Zha? She feels very uncomfortable. She is sadder and more painful than you. She cares about you but hesitates and dares not come to see you. ." Harley said.

"Xiao Zha is a fool. Why does she need to hesitate and worry? The whole thing has nothing to do with her. She is my wife and I am her husband. This is a fact and will never change." Zha Kang sighed.

Harley hesitated for a moment, then said: "The imprint Giovanni left on your soul seems to make you particularly close to Zha, and you regard her as more important than your life.

Therefore, Xiao Zha is very sure about her feelings for you. She loves you very much. There is no curse mark on her body or soul.

But she's not sure whether your feelings for her are partly a magical effect, or whether they are entirely derived from her father's magic? "

Zha Kang was silent for a while and said softly: "Do you still remember that before Xiao Zha and I got married, I told you that if we don't get married now, we may never get married."

His wedding to Xiao Zha came suddenly and was held a bit hastily.

At that time, the magic debt crisis was already taking shape. Heaven and Hell organized an "Earth Magic Alliance Conference". After the conference, the two announced their marriage.

The day before the official wedding, Xiao Zha also summoned the unknown in his farewell magic performance.

Instead of a white rabbit jumping out of her top hat, weird tentacles popped out.

But the wedding date was not postponed.

Constantine did show some unusual urgency at that time.

"Did you already have a premonition at that time?" Harley asked in surprise.

Constantine said: "I still don't know if it is a premonition, but there is a voice in the dark telling me - take advantage of now, hurry up and get married with Xiao Zha, otherwise you may be separated in the future.

Maybe my crisis sense sensed something.

For new magic apprentices, the Grand Master is a giant and an insurmountable mountain.

But I was already a third-line god at that time, and I also understood a law of true knowledge, so it was not surprising to find some clues. "

"I don't want to lose Xiao Zha, do you understand?" He stared at Harley, his expression serious and solemn as never before, "If we had not been married, there would have been no marriage to bind Xiao Zha and I together, and now Giovanni's matter has been exposed. In the end, she and I will probably be finished.

I don’t want that ending to happen. I really love Xiao Zha, so my spiritual sense will have a sense of urgency and will push me to have a wedding with her. "

"Now that you said that, I believe Xiao Zha will be able to think about it soon. But you are dead and look at what you look like now. What are you going to do next?" Harley asked.

"Hurry up and save me, what else can you do?" Constantine said matter-of-factly.

"You can't be saved. You have no body now, and there is only a trace of your soul left. Unless God takes action personally, I don't know who can restore you to your original state without any cost.

Reincarnate, I will help you arrange a world where time flows quickly, and you will be a good man again in a few days. " Harley said.

"Didn't you master all the magical powers and become the new master of magic?" Constantine frowned.

"The magic power is still being filtered, and it will take ten days and a half to extract it all. Even if the magic power is obtained, it cannot resurrect you without any cost!

The price I'm talking about is not just the price of magic itself.

Use your remaining "real knowledge" to think about it carefully, and let a wisp of soul residue suddenly turn into a complete soul with full soul power. How many components of your "new soul" truly belong to you? "

Harry stared into his eyes and said quietly: "You who were resurrected by magic are my magical creations, or are you the original Constantine?"

"What's going on with Xuanlan and Enduo?" Constantine asked.

"They are luckier than you, and their bodies were rescued. The physical body is alive, and the sea of ​​consciousness still exists, and they can slowly warm up their remaining souls.

They will not return to their original state instantly, it will take about three to five years.

Three to five years later, they will at most recover from a serious illness and become weak, but they will not be left with any hidden dangers. "

"The only way is reincarnation?" Constantine looked hesitant and unwilling.

Harley said: "Reincarnation has the lowest side effects. Reincarnation can even cleanse the magic mark."

She sighed softly and said with emotion: "Death is indeed the most basic and core law of the universe.

Powerful magic rules, such as magic price and magic mark, must be bowed and surrendered in the face of death.

No matter how arrogant the debtor is, once he steps through the gate of reincarnation, all debts and karma will be cleared.

Giovanni's method is very clever, and your current remnant soul is very damaged. I don't dare to use "soul surgery" on you at all. I can't find the curse mark he left, and I can't eliminate the troubles.

I'm afraid I'll make you lose your mind. "

"I also know that after reincarnation, all magic debts will be cleared, but I don't want to cut off the cause and effect with Xiao Zha!" Constantine said helplessly: "Even if my memory has not changed, my new life and my growth will definitely affect to my feelings.

Harley, do you understand?

What I want to retain is not the power of cultivation in this life, but the love I have for Xiao Zha at this moment!

I can't stand the fact that my feelings for Xiao Zha will deteriorate in the future, and even hurt Xiao Zha, who has been looking forward to my return. "

"You love Xiao Zha very deeply." A trace of suspicion flashed in Harry's eyes.

Does this love really come from his heart and not the effect of Giovanni's magic seal?

Now she suddenly understood Xiao Zha's feelings of worry about gain and loss, entanglement and pain.

Even if this love comes entirely from Constantine's heart, she will doubt it, and so will Xiao Zha.

If she doubts, she doubts, and Xiao Zharuo also doubts. With Xiao Zha's conscience, she must not be able to bear this doubt. She must feel that she is very despicable for doubting her lover's true love. But when faced with such a pure and strong love from her husband, It was impossible for her not to think about the magic seal. Once she had doubts, they could never be eliminated.

"Giovanni is such a failed father." Harley sighed silently in her heart.

Giovanni was sorry for Zaccon, there was no doubt about it.

But everything he did to Zha Kang was out of love for his daughter. This rich and pure father's love is the basic condition for being a good father.

But the result now is that Xiao Zha has fallen into an unsolvable spiral abyss of pain because of his wrong father's love.

Maybe this is the price of magic?

"John, have you heard of the story of 'Three Lives and Three Rebirths'? There is a domineering god-king in heaven. He fell in love with a little goddess, and both of them died. After reincarnation, they met again and fell in love again. He is more mature and beautiful than his previous life. He has been reincarnated three times and finally achieved success," said Harry.

"Even if I die and become a ghost, you can't fool me with lies." Constantine said dissatisfied.

"I'm serious. Although this didn't happen in Heaven, I'm talking about a 'story'! And what I want to express is not the story itself.

The domineering god king and the little goddess can reincarnate and fall in love for three lives because the cause and effect continues to the next life.

I wonder if I can strip away all the love you have with Xiao Zha in this life and transfer it to your next life, so that you can perfectly inherit the unparalleled love in this life. " Harley said.

"What are you thinking about?"

"I have the seal of reincarnation and have mastered the art of great cause and effect. Now I want to become the master of magic who controls the rules of magic and writes the underlying code of magic. Maybe I can create a 'three lives and three lives'."

As the saying goes, a thousand miles of marriage is tied by a thin thread. Even if we are separated by three lifetimes, my ‘thread’ can bring lovers together. Harley said enthusiastically.

"Maybe? What if I fail and I deserve to be unlucky?" Zha Kang shouted.

"All magic has a price. If you succeed, you will pay the price. If you fail, you don't have to pay the price. You will not lose money no matter what." Harley said.

"Reincarnation is really the only way?" Constantine asked solemnly.

"There are many ways, but in terms of side effects, reincarnation is the best. If you don't reincarnate, it will be difficult to clear away the Giovanni curse mark deep in your soul.

Why do you think he chose to attack you when you were on your deathbed and transforming? And you happen to be undergoing a spiritual transformation. " Harley said.

"I don't want to be reincarnated as another person." Constantine compromised.

"You want to be reincarnated into your own peer? Wouldn't that be too weird?" Harley hesitated.

"I don't want Xiao Zha to feel strange when he sees me again." Constantine said firmly.

"Okay, let me help you look for it and see which multiverse your mother is just pregnant with."

Harley is very lucky. In other words, Constantine is very lucky. That's not right. He can't be considered lucky when encountering this kind of thing, but he is indeed very lucky this time.

Harley found the pregnant "Mother Kang". Her life experience was almost exactly the same as that of Kang's mother in the main universe. She also lived in the iron lady era in the UK when welfare was greatly reduced. Her husband was unemployed and had no money to support the second child (Zha Kang has a sister) ), he forced Kang Ma, a pregnant woman, to have an abortion.

If you don't have money to go to a regular hospital, you can only go to the "old lady next door" to stick the leg of the clothes hanger into your stomach and scrape the fetus out alive.

Kang's mother in the main universe was scraped out of a big fat boy and almost died of pain, but Zha Kang survived by luck.

It turned out that Kang's mother was pregnant with twins, and Zha Kang's brother was particularly fat and strong. He was so thin that he was not noticed by the "old lady next door".

Constantine no longer needs to be reincarnated into his own peer, he becomes his own peer's fat older brother!

Harley followed Kang's script: first help the scumbag Kang's father buy an accident insurance, then kick him down the stairs, causing him to become paralyzed. He would no longer be able to domestically abuse his wife and children, and at the same time get a huge insurance policy. , From then on, the whole family had no worries about food and drink.

Of course, she doesn't need to do this herself, she just needs to fine-tune Dad Kang's fate.

"John, I want to tell you something. After reincarnation, your memory will be sealed for a period of time." Harley reminded before sending Zha Kang into Kang's mother's belly.

"Why seal the memory? I can't forget Xiao Zha!" Zha Kang was excited.

“First of all, you have just been born, and the baby’s brain has not yet developed, and it is temporarily unable to withstand your original huge memory information.

Just like a 10 G USB flash drive cannot hold 10 T file contents, forcing it in will damage the baby's brain.

Secondly, you were the God of Wizards of the Three Lines in your previous life and have memorized too much magical knowledge.

You know, magical knowledge itself is powerful, and just memorizing it will damage your young consciousness.

Don't worry, the seal is a protection rather than a restriction. It will be automatically lifted when you have the ability to master the memory.

I specially remind you of this matter so that you can properly handle the newly acquired emotions and bonds in this life after your memory wakes up in the future.

Alas, all miracles come with a price, and even reincarnation has side effects.

However, your mother will definitely live to be 100 years old in good health in this life.

I helped her change her destiny. You will enjoy the bond between mother and child that you have never experienced in your previous life. I wish you luck. "

It was half a month later that Harley finally sent Zha Kang away, fulfilling her promise and creating "Three Lives, Three Lives".

It was a bit reluctant, but the spell was finally successful.

As for the effect, it will take a few years to know.

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