I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1955 The Holy Master

"Luthor, Luthor, Luthor!"

The ground was full of people, and there were countless people floating in the sky, either with the help of mechas, or using supernatural powers and magic to fly. Thousands of people, covering the sky and the sun, all of them with fanatical faces, facing the great being in the center, calling excitedly his name.

"The most holy teacher, the greatest sage, Lex Luthor, the only hero, forever!" They shouted in unison, even more powerful than when millions of magicians raised the "Magic Star" for Harley in Gotham. Be spectacular.

Luther held his head high, raised his arms high, and waved to cheerers from all directions, above and below with excitement and pride.

"I finally proved that I am the real hope of mankind and the composer of the poems of human civilization. I -"

"Luthor, Luther, Luther."

Luther was filled with emotion when a vague voice suddenly came to his ears. It was very familiar, like Lina?

Just as he thought this, the picture of the crowd cheering in front of him suddenly became blurry, and their voices quickly faded away, as if an invisible big hand grabbed him and pulled him away from the future that belonged entirely to him.

And his sister Lina's voice became clearer and closer to him, as if she was shouting in his ear.

"Luthor, Luther, why are you still sleeping? Get up quickly, Luther, get up quickly."

"Don't make any noise, I'm-" Luther waved his hand impatiently, but was suddenly pulled up, and there was a hazy picture in front of him again: his sister wearing a light blue women's suit, dressed elegantly. Lina was holding his hand, with a look of anger and anxiety on her face, and she was still mumbling something.

For a while, Luther blinked his eyes several times. There were lumps of eye droppings stuck to his eyelids and eyelashes, and the eye droppings were crusted, making his eyes hurt when he opened his eyes.

He felt pain and rubbed his eyes a few more times before he finally woke up.

".What's the matter with you? In the past, you often stayed up late to work, and I had to go to the studio to find excuses and drag you back to the bedroom before you were willing to rest for an hour or two. Now, why do you sleep so late every day and still sleep so deeply?

Are you sick? Do you want to go to the hospital for a check-up? Could it be that the nano-defense system in your cells has affected your physiological functions? "

The sister next to him was still chattering. Luther pushed her away impatiently and said, "I'm already awake. I'll wear my own clothes. I haven't washed up yet. What clothes should I wear?"

"Do you know what time it is?" Lina asked, standing beside the bed with her hands on her hips.

Luther turned his head and glanced at the window. It was already high in the sky and it was indeed very late.

"It doesn't matter what time it is! Isn't the reason why we squeeze those 996 workers so that we can have more time to enjoy our lives?"

Lina said: "That's not what you said before. You said you enjoyed your work, thought 996 was a blessing, and were upset that you couldn't do 007. You didn't want to waste even a second on meaningless sleep.

I advise you to get more rest like a normal person. You also say that sleeping is a human weakness and a sign that human evolution is not perfect. "

Luther walked into the bathroom, brushed his teeth and said through the glass door: "In the past, I loved scientific research. Discovering scientific truths and creating technologies that promote the advancement of human civilization satisfied me and made me happy, so I wished that humans did not need sleep.

What I said is also true.

Now that the earth has entered the interstellar age, look at other aliens and advanced civilizations. Which one has not overcome and controlled sleep?

Even if their bodies need rest, they will learn knowledge and culture in their sleep.

But I have never denied that sleep itself is a kind of enjoyment.

Sleeping is a pleasure for lazy people.

Now I don’t want to work. The magic debt crisis has made me frightened and my days are like years. Finally, the crisis is over, but I still can’t relax?

Even Halle summoned all the goddesses and fairies to have a party at home all night long. It’s true that Halle didn’t even call me during the party. "

Lina thought about it and realized that her brother did become sleepy after the magic debt crisis ended.

The biggest news in the material universe recently is the end of the magic debt crisis.

Countless media outlets on Earth and other planets are broadcasting this news.

The news media also interviewed many magical magicians. They all said that during the magic debt crisis, their bodies and minds were under great pressure. They were on tenterhooks every day, afraid of being visited by strange or resentful people, and they did not dare to sleep or could not sleep. After a few months, I was exhausted both physically and mentally, and I almost couldn’t hold on anymore.

Luther should be in the same situation as them. He needs to vent under long-term mental pressure, and Luther's way of venting is just sleeping in. Thank God, his brother is finally more normal than a normal mage.

Thinking of this, Lina not only no longer worried about Luther's health problems, but also felt sincerely happy and relieved.

"It's okay if you want to sleep in. Didn't I bother you before? But last night, Sister Harley called our house and made an appointment with you to meet at Lex Technology Building at 1:30 in the afternoon.

We have been troublesome for Sister Hallie in the past, and she finally asked you for help. If you overslept and missed the date, what would Sister Hallie think? "Although she was still blaming, Lina's tone slowed down a lot.

"Shit, we have a date with Harley, and we almost forgot about it. You should have woken me up earlier."

You can clearly hear the faucet in the bathroom draining water faster.

"Don't be too anxious. It's only 11:30 now, enough time for you to have breakfast and lunch." Lina said.

"I don't have time for lunch. I have to go to the laboratory immediately to prepare the equipment so that it can be used immediately when Harley comes."

Luther left the bathroom in a hurry, just changed some clothes, and hurried to the Rikers Building.

After arriving at the Rikers Building and eating a sandwich, Luther pulled his sister into the office with a troubled expression, "Lena, I'm a little hesitant."

"Why are you hesitating?" Lina was a little confused.

"What are you going to do to Sister Hallie?" She started to get nervous.

"Not to Harley." Luther waved his hand and said hesitantly: "Have you ever wondered why I have fallen asleep and been unable to wake up these past few days?"

"Are you dreaming, trapped in a dream?" Lina said in surprise: "I thought you were too tired."

"I am the ancestor of Pain Pain. Now with the help of nano-robots, I almost completely control Pain Pain's power. Do you know Cain, the ancestor of vampires? He is on the same level as me. How can I be physically and mentally exhausted?" ?" Luther's tone was filled with pride.

The magic debt crisis lasted for several months, and he had been hiding in Gotham, hiding in the "Lex Galaxy Villa" closest to Lishan.

Well, when house prices on Arkham Island began to skyrocket, Luther saw the opportunity, spent a lot of money to buy a piece of land, and built an "alien community" specially leased to alien businessmen and travelers.

During the period of avoiding the magic debt crisis, he did not dare to use the power of miracles and could not practice the power of pain. Only scientific methods to study the talent of pain would not attract weirdness.

After struggling for several months, he finally got rid of the can-bottle-like "mecha survival capsule" and was able to move around in a normal human form.

"What are you dreaming about? Is it a repeated dream? Sister Harley knows Mengjun. Go find her." Lina said.

"It seems to be a repeated dream, but the content and scene of the dream are different. For example, I dreamed about the metropolis. The metropolis has many areas and many people. I dreamed about the metropolis repeatedly, meeting different people in different areas, and experiencing "The matter is also" Luther thought for a moment and said: "The specific content of the matter is different, but it is probably the same theme.

I originally planned to tell Harley about this, but when I thought about it, I felt uneasy.

There seems to be something wrong, I haven't found it yet.

But if I think about it carefully and judge with reason and logic, what can I not say to Harley?

I have never done anything to feel sorry for her. Even in the days when I was the boss of the secret society, I only targeted Superman and the Justice League.

What's more, I haven't been the boss of a secret society for a long time. I'm a superhero now, and I plan to join the Justice League. "

Lina's cheeks twitched slightly, "You can insist on being a superhero. I fully support you, but joining Zhenglian. Don't be too demanding. Don't feel resentment because of being rejected. Let resentment and anger corrupt you. heart."

Luthor glanced at his sister, "Lex Luthor is not a loser and would not have such a low mentality."

Lina nodded and asked, "What did you dream about?"

Luther had a thoughtful look on his face and said: "I dreamed about the future world, which is very science fiction. Of course, with my knowledge and wisdom, the 'Future City' did not shock me.

What really puzzled me was the people in the city. They all respected me and loved me.

It is as if a great man with perfect virtues and unparalleled achievements in history traveled through time and space and came to the present. People now respect him, worship him, and cheer for him.

They also seem to have built a giant statue of me, Lex Luthor, and no one else.

When they saw me, everyone stopped what they were doing. The ground was full of people, and countless people were suspended in the sky, covering the sky and the sun. They shouted in unison, "Lex Luthor, the most holy teacher, the most great." Sages, real heroes'. "

Lina's expression was distorted and she said: "Obviously, you are thinking about it day and night! You saw the news that millions of divine magicians paid their highest respect to Sister Harley. You were deeply shocked and will never forget it for a long time. .

You start to imagine in your heart - how wonderful and wonderful it would be if they respected me as much as they respect Harley!

There is no doubt that the honor that Sister Hallie enjoys this time is exactly what you dream of.

She may just be happy for a while, but you regard it as your highest ideal.

But the reality is too cruel and there are too many helplessness. Only dreams can satisfy all people's unrealistic delusions. "

Luther said angrily: "If you were not my sister, just by these humiliating words, I would let you taste the power of the painful ancestor!"

As he spoke, he patted the table lightly.

The 10-centimeter-thick alien red peach wood was just lightly patted on the table, and the two-meter-long and one-meter-wide table turned into powder.

"Powder" is not an adjective. The table really turned into powder that was so finely divided that it was difficult to distinguish.

Lina was a little frightened, took two steps back in panic, swallowed, and shouted: "If you were not my brother, I wouldn't bother to pay attention to you, let alone give you straightforward advice."

"What do I want you to advise? I just had a symbolic and prophetic dream. I want you to analyze it. Do I need you to give me some advice?" Luther shouted.

"Okay, you're right. You don't need persuasion to dream. No matter how domineering you are, you can't prohibit others from being self-satisfied in their dreams. I apologize. Please continue. In addition to the cheers of the crowd, are there any other details?"

"I'm too lazy to pay attention to you." Luther's interest was ruined and he had no intention of talking anymore.

"what are you guys saying?"

There was almost no space fluctuation, but a space door slowly opened in front of the brother and sister, and Harley pushed the wheelchair out.

Luther's expression changed slightly, and a small amount of sweat broke out in his clenched fists. He suddenly became very nervous and resisted the contents of his dream being known by Harley.

He was just hesitant before, but now that he really met Harley, all hesitations disappeared.

He didn't want her to know his dream, and this thought suddenly became extremely firm.

But his thoughts were not known to his sister Lina.

Seeing Harley coming over, Lina's face showed a look of joy; upon hearing Harley's casual inquiry, she immediately walked over and Barabala completely revealed her brother's secrets.

“It’s not strange to have such a dream, but I can’t wake up from the same dream for several days in a row.”

Harley used her mental power to examine Luther from head to toe, from soul to body, and found nothing abnormal.

"Your body is normal, but your dreams are abnormal." Harley thought for a while and said to Luther: "Come to Gotham later and ask Rachel to check it for you. She is the Lord of Dreams and a master of dream interpretation."

"No, I'm fine." Luther forced a smile, then quickly changed the subject, pointed at Tian Can Di Que in the wheelchair, and said, "Is that her? Who is she to you? Why have you never heard of her before? Did you say that?"

Harley could sense Luther's emotions and knew that he was changing the subject, but she didn't pay much attention.

"She used to be my friend, but now she is my apprentice. Have you heard of 'Witch Fire'?"

"Ah, it's Rebecca, the Witchfire, who has the fragment of Hecate's soul stored in her. Isn't she dead? How come she became a disabled child?" Luther asked in surprise.

He didn't know Wu Huo originally.

Witchfire is well-known in the Earth mage circle, but Luther does not belong to the Earth mage circle.

When the magic debt crisis broke out, when Witchfire was harvested, and the secret of Hecate's soul fragment was exposed, even though Witchfire was dead, she still became one of the most famous figures in the supernatural world of the multiverse, and Luther also knew it.

"Witchfire has indeed been harvested, but the grudge and I have a war that takes place in the spiritual space."

Some time has passed since the Battle of the Soul Space on the Moon Exterior, but the news was only known to people inside Lishan and was not spread out.

Harley did not tell the story of the battle in the spiritual space in detail at this moment. She only said that in the process of saving Diana, she unexpectedly met Wuhuo, Xuanlan, Enduo and her teacher. She did not reveal anything about Twilight.

Mu Mu's identity is so special that her affairs must be kept secret until she naturally awakens and returns her past life memories.

"Rebecca has completed one reincarnation. Unfortunately, she was unlucky and ended up like this."

As for the reason why the witch fire was "extremely broken", Harley didn't go into details.

"It turns out that reincarnation is such a big risk."

Luther had a thoughtful look on his face, "They were still whispering behind their backs before, saying that you might deliberately murder them, and even I was doubtful about it.

It seems that they all overestimated your reincarnation gate, underestimated your integrity, and completely misunderstood you. "

"Who are they and who did I murder?" Harley asked.

"Back then, the Amodra Flu killed many alien VIPs, and the upper class of the metropolis was wiped out. Hundreds of business, political, and military leaders died from the flu virus.

When they were alive, they shamelessly quietly added their names to the list of patriots. After their death, their souls went to the Island of Heroes and were given a chance to enter the Gate of Reincarnation and be reincarnated.

As a result, they each had their own dissatisfaction after reincarnation.

Basically, they all died a bad death, and their souls were sacrificed to evil gods. It was very miserable.

Although their family members said nothing on the surface, and other political, business and military leaders did not comment publicly, when they whispered behind their backs, they expressed a suspicion that you were behind the scenes and had done something to those reincarnations. "

Luther looked at Harley and said, "Didn't you notice? In recent years, there have been a lot fewer politicians and wealthy businessmen from Earth going to Hero Island through the back door.

They would rather spend huge sums of money to sacrifice to the evil gods of other worlds than go to you to pray for reincarnation.

There is more than one belief in God in this world. If Christians want to go to heaven after death, they must either be a good person or sincerely repent before death.

Smart people are often self-aware, and it is impossible for them to do bad things without realizing it.

Having done bad things and not sincerely repenting, they are destined to go to hell.

Everyone knows how miserable it is to go to hell. Louise, the famous star of the universe, has even done a show.

Since believing in God is doomed to hell, it is better to change your beliefs. There are so many evil gods in the multiverse, and there is always one suitable for them.

Their behavior is in line with the evil god's teachings, or they spend money to prepare sacrifices to please the evil god. If they receive the evil god's approval and blessing, they can put aside their worries about their afterlife and enjoy themselves. After death, their souls go to the evil god's kingdom and continue to enjoy the gods. National welfare, or other evil gods can also send people to reincarnation. "

"It doesn't matter what they think. If they don't come to me, I will still be in peace." Harley did not explain the real reason why Wu Huo became the "Heaven and Earth", nor did she explain or cover up the speculations of the upper class dignitaries.

There are idiots in this world, but not everyone is an idiot.

Even if you don't have enough knowledge or realm, you can see that everyone has a bad ending, and you will definitely murmur and have doubts in your heart.

But hearing that those bastards changed their beliefs and worshiped evil gods in order to change the ending of hell, Harley was a little confused.

"How do you know so clearly? Do you also want to change your faith?"

"Can I still change? Didn't you say that my soul is tainted with the magic of hell from the inside out, and I must go to hell after death?" Luther said.

"God is merciful. No matter who he is, he has a chance to be saved, as long as his heart is sincere and his intention is strong enough." Harley said.

"I was once their hope, the most promising 'evil god' in their minds. When I ascended the throne of the Dark Lord, I almost became their best hope."

After a pause, Luther continued: "Even if there is no such thing as the Dark New God Clan, I know their thoughts and the darkness and depravity behind them. It's just that you don't care about this kind of thing. All the powerful and famous people in the upper class know about it. .”

Harley thought for a moment and said: "If you hadn't reported it, I wouldn't have discovered this loophole. Very good, now no one can escape the final judgment by converting to the evil god."

"Why did I report it? I was just chatting with you, I didn't mean anything else. If you feel uncomfortable and want to punish them, you can do it yourself. Don't use me as an excuse. It's not that I'm afraid of anything, I just don't want to take the blame. ." Luther shouted.

Harry said: "I am the invincible God of War in heaven, the Holy Sister of Mercy, an archangel in human form, and a living miracle of God in the world. You can just talk about Christians converting to evil gods in front of me. ?”

Seeing what he wanted to say, she reached out and patted his shoulder, and said in a slower tone: "I'm actually helping you and awarding you a medal of merit!

You found a small hole in the Christian faith, which is a good thing and a legendary event worthy of being recorded in the Bible.

In the future, when I fix the loopholes and remove the bugs, you will also be able to share a lot of merits in heaven, which can greatly reduce your sins. "

"Recorded in the Bible? What do you mean?" Luther asked in surprise.

Harley said: "Have you not read the Bible? In the Bible, what someone said is what God answered; what someone did was what God said; what God said was what someone said. do what.

God never punishes without warning or punishes without teaching.

When I fix the loopholes, I will definitely tell the public.

The Bible is the most authoritative notice and law.

So, when I fix the loopholes, a new version of the Bible will be released.

An article will be added to the new "Bible" titled "Lex Luthor Meets Saint Aunt in Metropolis".

The new ‘Luthor Chapter’ contains the general process and content of our conversation.

For example, Luther said - the powerful are cunning, fearing the punishment of hell and converting to believe in evil gods. They follow the evil gods' favor, spend huge sums of money, violate human ethics, and trample on morality and law. It is really terrible.

The holy aunt was horrified - she only found out about this today, and the rules of faith and reincarnation will have to be revised in the future.

So, the holy aunt made the following rules in the name of God."

Luther opened his mouth wide, and after a while he came back to his senses and murmured: "Are you serious, my name and what I said are going to be recorded in the Bible?"

"What, you don't want to?"

"Yes, of course I do." Before Luther could speak, his sister Lena said excitedly: "This is indeed a great honor, Lex, your story will be told by future generations of believers for hundreds of millions of years!"

Luther's expression was tangled and his mood was complicated.

To be honest, his name and deeds were recorded in the Bible and became a classic for educating sentient beings in later generations. This was beyond his expectation and surprised him.

But the big thing that should have surprised him was just Harley's casual remark, and she put him on the stove to bake. Although he was not afraid of those bastards and powerful people, as he said before, not being afraid did not mean that he was willing to take the blame.

"Harry, you can record my original words in the Bible. I am fully worthy of it, but please don't change the original meaning of my words. I never said anything like 'it is terrible to trample on morality and law'."

"There is too much nonsense in your original words. It needs to be streamlined and the meaning is almost the same. And I have not changed your original meaning. What does the 'evil god' represent? Everyone knows that the activity of sacrificing evil gods does not trample on morality. And the law, how could it not be scary?" Harley said.

"You mean, I said so much, but in the end it was condensed into one sentence, and I only said one sentence after I appeared on the stage?" Luther was a little dissatisfied.

"It has a name, a surname, and a complete line. It's pretty good." Lina advised, then looked at Harley with some expectation and anxiety, and asked: "Sister Harley, where's me? I'm here too At the scene, I actually knew everything Lex said.

Those powerful people once invited me to attend their gathering of evil gods and asked me to help deliver a message to Lex.

I only helped spread the word and never attended any cult meetings.

I have always had a strong faith in the Lord.

I also take the Archimedes airship from time to time to visit my mother in Paradise Mountain, and pray with her and other believers facing the Silver City. "

"You also want to be in the Bible?" Hallie asked.

"Is that okay? You don't need to go into too much detail. Just say that Lex Luthor and his sister Lena Luthor welcomed the holy aunt together, and then compared me with them, and used my piety to contrast their shallowness." Na's eyes were shining.

Luther glanced at his sister and wanted to say: You are more ambitious than me. I only have one line, and you not only appear on the stage, but also become the villain. This is the rhythm of being a "sage in the Bible". !

Harley thought for a while and said, "I can help you add some more content. For example, we will continue to talk about the new beliefs and rules of reincarnation in a question-and-answer manner."

Lina nodded repeatedly, "Okay, okay, I was just about to ask! Sister Harley, how can we prevent Christians from converting to foreign evil gods out of fear of crime and punishment?"

"Do you know what I've been busy with these past few days?" Harley asked.

"I heard that Lishan held a super festive banquet, and the heavenly goddesses and fairies danced and sang to add to the fun." Lina said.

"There was indeed a banquet, but the banquet ended early. I drank a few glasses of wine at that time, and I was not very happy at all. In the past few days, I have been recycling the magical power in the chaotic sea of ​​magic. I promised the Mantian God Magician that one month later, Outside the gates of heaven, clear your debt.

Do you know why it is one month later?

One month is enough for me to refine all the magic powers and formulate new magic rules. "

Lina suddenly realized, "You have to rewrite the rules of magic from the most fundamental level, and belief and reincarnation both belong to the category of magic.

Now the magical power is in your hands, and the rules are made by you. Naturally, whatever you say is what it is.

Those evil god believers are finished. It’s so satisfying. Sister Hallie, you are so awesome! "

Luther quickly asked: "Harry, how do you plan to change the rules?"

Lena said displeased: "Lex, why are you stealing my lines? Sister Harley obviously wants to have a question and answer session with me."

Luther said calmly: "Lina, you can be more majestic than anyone else, but you can't be more majestic than me, even if you are my sister."

Then he turned to Harley and said, "Harry, please remember, I asked you this question."

The corners of Harley's mouth twitched slightly and she said, "The biblical story of 'The Luther Brothers and Sisters' ends here. I haven't thought of the specific rules yet. I will announce them in public when the Heaven's Gate Magic Conference is held."

"Now, help me take a look at Wu Huo." She pointed at Tian Can Di Que in the wheelchair and said.

"Is she still deaf and mute?" Luther asked.

"I can speak and my ears are useful. Just change my eyes and add limbs." Wu Huo said.

"You were silent just now. I thought you were deaf-mute."

"I'm in such a miserable state now. I'm exhausted physically and mentally, and I'm completely disheartened. I'm not interested in any topic other than getting back to my original state." Wu Huo said with a wooden face.

"Don't worry, I will definitely help you regain your vitality and become healthier than normal people. Harley has found the right person when she comes to me. There is no one in the multiverse today who is better at gene therapy than me. No matter how disabled you are, I will help you." I will definitely cure you."

Luther pushed the wheelchair and said as he walked: "The laboratory instruments are ready. Let me do a comprehensive examination for you first."

Lina asked curiously: "Sister Harley, why don't you use magic treatment? Is it because the new magic rules haven't been compiled yet?"

Harley said: "All magic has a price. She has not yet awakened the power of her bloodline. She has been subjected to creation magic that is too powerful and has too high a level, which will affect her future in magic."

"Well, high-level magic will forcibly infiltrate her body and soul." Lina nodded lightly.

"In terms of the effect of treating congenital genetic diseases alone, magic is not as good as genetic technology." Harley said.

Luther stared at the test screen and said: "Witch Huo is not only genetically defective, she also carries a variety of incurable viruses including AIDS. It is strange that the virus has not broken out and is in the incubation period.

In addition, her internal organs are severely underdeveloped and she has at least 10 congenital diseases. Shit, it is a miracle that she can survive to this day! "

Harley sighed: "Her mother was a prostitute, gambler, and drug addict all her life. She didn't even know which man she had conceived with. She was still unruly during the pregnancy. She had an accidental miscarriage at seven months and aborted the fetus, but it didn't die." She was born with a disability, and then... well, you help her completely repair it."

Harley didn't stay at Lex Tech Tower for long.

Luther said that it would take at least half a month for the Witch Fire to look new and return to normal.

Harley still had many things to be busy with now, so she only asked Luther to take good care of Witchfire before returning to Lishan.

Luther also lived up to his promise to Harley. All affairs in the company were handed over to his sister Lena, and he devoted himself to Witchfire's genetic therapy.

At 1:30 in the afternoon, Harley brought the Witchfire to the Lex Tower, and Luther did not leave the laboratory until 3 in the morning.

He only ate two slices of sandwich during this period, and it was Lena who called to remind him before he left the laboratory and returned home.

Luther thought that he had been exhausted physically and mentally after working hard all day, and that he must have had a dreamless night, and his consciousness fell into a deep dream.

He was wrong.

Not long after he lay down, he returned to the "city of the future" again.

If there is any difference from before, this time the dream is clearer than ever.

It was as if I was not dreaming, but traveling through time and space.

"Luthor, Lex Luthor? Destruction from above, it's really you!"

When Luther was standing on the street looking around, there was a whistling sound in the sky. A man who looked like a clown and wore a green Luther armor flew over and landed in front of him, shouting excitedly at him. .

"Joker?" Luther blurted out.

"Joker? Destruction above, I have been recognized by Lex Luthor." The young man was stunned for a moment, then showed ecstasy, and shouted excitedly to his friends who landed next to him: "Did you see it? Listen to Are you there yet? Luther called me 'Joker'!

What does this mean?

Not only do I look the same as the clown in the "Seven Giants of Destruction", but I also have the same evil and crazy temperament, hahahaha! "

"You are not a clown." Luther frowned and shook his head: "The clown never takes other people's approval seriously, even my approval."

After a pause, he looked hesitant, "Maybe Harley's recognition can excite him for a while, but only for a while."

The excitement on the young man's face was like a shoddy project encountering an earthquake. It immediately collapsed and was replaced by depression and melancholy. "After all, I might as well 'destroy the Seven Giants'."

The woman beside him holding a golden cane and wearing a red uniform said loudly: "Great Sage, you can't belittle yourself! You are a greater being than Harley Quinn, at least you will definitely surpass her in the future. Yours Approval carries more weight than her approval, you can even approve of her!”

A smile appeared on Luther's face, "Even if it's a dream, hearing this sentence is a big sweet dream."

"Lex Luthor, you are not dreaming!" The young man was no longer depressed, and said with a serious expression together with the woman: "You are in a real world, still the Earth, the Earth of the main universe, but one million years later .”

Luther was stunned, "Have I traveled through time? I do have the ability to build a time machine, but I don't remember when I traveled through time."

The young man in clown makeup said excitedly: "You traveled through time, but you didn't rely on a time machine.

Great Sage, you are not the mortal Luther you were so many years ago.

Mortal Luther can only rely on technology. His wisdom cannot transcend the scope of science and he is almost ignorant of miracles.

Now you have served as the Dark Lord and fought for the new race of gods. You have also understood divinity and completely mastered the power of pain. "

He pointed to the sky at the end of the street, "Look, that's your statue. The entire universe believes in you and your way of destruction.

Do you understand it?

You are God, your power surpasses that of God, and your spirit can follow the thread of faith across time and space. "

Luther's eyes widened and he said in disbelief: "I really feel the power of faith. There are so many, too many. Such huge faith can really make my thoughts travel through time and space. Am I really not dreaming?"

"Information can deceive people, but faith and power cannot deceive people." said the woman in red uniform.

"But why did I become the most holy teacher and the greatest sage? Even surpassing Harley. Although I am confident, I am not an arrogant fool. Now, my reputation in human history is not even as good as Superman." Lu Se murmured.

The clown young man sighed: "Of course you are not worthy of becoming the greatest sage now. This is the universe one million years from now, and you have to wait many years to get the key.

You have been a miserable failure in your own time, and in our history books you have even been called the 'Great Tragedy'.

Greatness is your essence, tragedy is a description of your ups and downs in life.

You have seen the truth and mastered the truth, but throughout your entire era, you have missed the key to unlocking your own great nature. "

Luther was doubtful and asked: "What key?"

The clown young man and the woman in red uniform looked at each other and shook their heads slightly.

"Luthor, even if you haven't awakened your great nature now, you still don't lack the wisdom to find answers."

Luther thought for a moment and said in surprise: "Are you afraid that I will rewrite history after knowing the answer? If history changes, the future will also be rewritten, and you, as a part of the future, may disappear?"

"Yes, we respect you very much, but we cannot go against our own survival instinct. I'm sorry, please be patient. You will eventually find the answer in about 20,000 years." said the woman in red uniform.

"Twenty thousand years, I can't wait twenty thousand years. If you didn't lie, this is really a million years from now."

Luther looked around and saw that many pedestrians stopped on the road and looked at him with excited expressions and admiration.

Perhaps the clown young man and the woman in red uniform were of different identities. They were just excited and neither approached nor made any noise.

They showed even more excitement when his eyes fell on them.

"You first prove that you are not the phantom in the dream, and prove that this is a million years in the future." Luther turned back to the two of them.

"How to prove it? The world is right in front of you. You can see it with your eyes and feel it with your body, but you don't believe it is real. What can we do?" said the clown young man.

Luther thought for a while and said: "Tell me the history of this world first. Where is the Justice League? When I mentioned Harley just now, I didn't mention her full name. You guys one million years later will know me immediately. Who are you talking about? It's strange! If her influence already exists, why can I surpass her?"

"Luthor, before you got the key, you were just dust in front of her. When you see your true nature, you can at least be on an equal footing with her.

The reason why we know who the ‘Harley’ you are talking about is because we are too familiar with your history, and know too well your knots and wishes. You want to surpass her, right?

Even if you keep praising her, your heart is actually full of unwillingness and jealousy. The unwillingness seeps into your heart, and your jealousy is deeply suppressed at the bottom of your heart. "

Luther frowned and said, "Don't talk about these. Tell me the historical details. You can make up a lie, but you can't fill the entire history book with lies."

"It's hard to tell the details. Your ending is not good." The young clown hesitated.

"I don't even believe you are telling the truth, so why would I care about the ending you say?" Luther sneered.

"Now that you say so, you died miserably. You can be considered dead at the hands of Harley Quinn, even though she didn't kill you directly.

In your era, you have always been the loser. Harley Quinn and the Justice League are the winners and the protagonists of the era.

Their glorious era lasted for twenty thousand years, and you lived in their shadow for twenty thousand years, until you found the key and unlocked your true gift.

It's a pity that you are always what they call a 'super villain'. You committed a crime and offended the Justice League and Harley Quinn, but you also opened up new talents and mastered new supreme powers.

You know, Witch Harley, greedy and cunning.

She didn't kill you, she just took away all the miraculous power from you.

Your supreme power is her main goal. The talent of hurting people is not important to her, but it can deprive you of the talent of eternal life.

You ended up dying alone in Belle Reve Prison. "

"Nonsense, if I had died of old age, how could I become the true god of this era?" Luther said angrily.

The woman in red said: "Although you are dead, your stories and ideas have been passed down.

Do you really think Harley Quinn will stay on earth forever?

Luther, this is one million years from now, not 100 or 1,000 years from now.

During the long years of peace, she had long since grown tired of it, and she didn't know where she had gone. Some people say that she went to Silver City to become a king, while others say that she left the multiverse and wandered around in the Omniverse.

Anyway, her story ended 800,000 years ago.

About 100,000 years ago, archaeologists discovered your research results and made them public. Your ideas spread widely and became the guiding ideology of the times. We ruled the entire universe in your name.

What we believe in is not you, but your ideas. This belief connects you to who you were millions of years ago.

If you don't understand, you can go to experts in your world and ask whether dead gods can be believed by future believers. "

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