I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1952 The temptation of debt relief

"Come back so soon?" Selina was a little surprised and nervous, and asked quickly: "What did Silver City say? Did they punish you?"

"Punish me? Hahaha" Harley opened her mouth, pointed at her tongue, and said in an awkward voice: "Look, this is Lord Michael's reward for my outstanding achievements, the tongue of God!"

Selena and the people around her stared at her pink tongue carefully, and sure enough they saw a light golden light shining on the tip of her tongue, which seemed to have a complicated rune.

Not only could they not see clearly, they could not even look at it carefully or stare at it for a long time.

When they stared at it, they immediately felt a heavy power of divine magnificence pressing on their souls, making their consciousness trance-like, their heads swelling and pain, and an instinctive awe rising in their hearts.

Harley waggled her little tongue and said proudly: "You see, this is the reason why the Tongue of Fire became the Tongue of Fire.

He was once the Tongue of God, and now all his legacy is mine.

Including the Heavenly Flame Angel Legion, they also became my subordinates.

I have great merit in saving the Fire Tongue and all the angels, plus one level of merit in completely destroying the strange brood, and preventing the tide of chaotic magic from pouring into the multiverse, and three levels of merit, it is so great.

At this moment, I have reached the highest level of officialdom and have become a real giant in heaven, a kind of 'real power lord' who is bigger than other giants. "

"But Uriel did not return to heaven alive. There are still more than 10,000 remnant souls of angels in heaven, all gone. Didn't the king blame you for your incompetence?" Xanadu asked doubtfully.

"The king is aware of everything and knows that I have done my best. It was just that Uriel was too stupid to kill himself and the lives of more than 10,000 Flame Angel brothers. Just because he made a big mistake, even if he died, he would still be punished. His power, his position, and his title all belong to me, hahaha!" Harley said with a proud smile.

"You inherited the tongue of Fire Tongue Uriel and the Flame Angel Legion, so you are now the new 'Fire Tongue'?" Selena said with a strange expression: "Fire Tongue Hallie? That sounds awful."

"Well, although I inherited everything from him, it does not include the name. My name is not 'Tongue of Fire', I am the sister of God, 'Sweet Mouth Saint'!" Harley quickly corrected.

At first she thought she was going to inherit Uriel's name of "Tongue of Fire".

But before she could object with a look of disgust, Michael took the lead in explaining that although she could inherit the power of the Tongue of Fire, she could not take Uriel's "name" away.

The glory of "Tongue of Fire" will always belong to Uriel. Even if Uriel has completely died, his name can only be retired and cannot be inherited and used by other angels. This is respect for him and memory of him.

Even if angels cannot love each other, they still have to retain basic care and respect.

Hearing Michael's words, Harley nodded hurriedly, expressing that she respected Uriel very much and would never take away his last name and legacy.

She doesn't want to be "Tongue of Fire"!

However, when she suggested that she should still be the "Sister of God" and be a sweet-tongued saint, Michael's expression changed and he didn't even choose a name for her, and just told her to get out of here.

Therefore, she is a self-proclaimed "Sweet-tongued Saint" and has not been recognized by the Maharaja or the other Archangels of Silver City.

If she just calls herself "Sweet-tongued Harley" or "Sharp-tongued Harley", no one will object, but "Holy Aunt" is something they absolutely cannot accept, at least at this time Michael will not accept it.

When Michael leaves Silver City one day in the future, "Holy Aunt" may not become a reality.

"Sweet Mouth Saint? What function does this 'Tongue of Fire' have? It makes you speak better and become a 'Sweet Mouth'? It looks very powerful. Even I feel obvious soul pressure. It is an extremely sacred and pure power of God." Diana looked curious.

"You have some knowledge. This is the 'name' given to me by God. I will imprint it on my tongue. Its function is very simple. All your wishes come true and whatever you say comes true!" Harley looked around, Walking out of the living room, he came to the flower bed in the yard and said to Ivy, the human-shaped tree trunk with green leaves: "I said, Ivy wakes up, regains her previous human body, regains control of her own divine laws, and returns all her divine power. .”

When Harry spoke before, no matter the tone or anything else, it was no different from usual.

This time starting from "I say", the timbre still belongs to her, but the sound seems to fall from the nine heavens to the earth and fall on them, as if it is not an invisible and qualityless sound wave, but enough to bend their knees and spine. "The power of sound".

It is still sound and sound waves, but it has become intangible and qualitative, possessing huge mass and high-level power.

The mass pressed on their bodies, almost penetrating every cell in their bodies, shouting the same voice inside every cell and every thought.

The powerful divine power prevents their souls from having any opposite thoughts.

For example, when Harley said "Ivy wakes up", every thought in their souls was in harmony with it, and they could not have the thought of "Ivy, don't wake up".

Even they didn't originally have the idea of ​​"Ivy waking up". After Harley's voice reached their ears and entered their souls, every thought produced the eager expectation of "Ivy waking up".

Selena, Xanadu and other weaker people only vaguely had strong thoughts of "Ivy wakes up".

Rachel and Diana were stronger. Although they couldn't stop the thoughts that sounded like Harley's voice in their minds, they were able to stay conscious.

When they are awake, they can detect more abnormalities: not only are they, a group of thinking and conscious humans, affected, but the will of the content of Harley's voice is also imposed on the surrounding world.

Heaven and earth are unconscious and have no will of their own.

Now it has been forcibly enlightened with its will, and its will has only one thought: to comply with Harley's words and cooperate with the implementation of her will.

In other words, it is not only the power of Harley's voice itself that makes Ivy wake up and return to her original state, but now even the universe believes that Ivy's recovery and return to her original state is normal. If she does not wake up and return to her original state, it will be a kind of abnormality. Abnormal state of nature.

As they watched in shock with a little confusion and fear, the tree trunk Ivy directly transformed into a human Ivy in a green gauze skirt.

Except for the faint flash of holy light, there was almost no other vision. A big tree instantly turned into a big living person.

Although they all knew that Ivy was supposed to be a living person and had regained human consciousness even after turning into a tree, they were still shocked and surprised to see her return to her original state.

"Harley." Ivy herself was a little confused.

Although she is a tree growing in a flower bed, she is already conscious and can communicate spiritually with others.

But as a big tree, after the sun sets, she will instinctively fall into a tired sleep.

It was already dark now. She fell asleep early and was suddenly awakened. She turned into a living person and all her strength came back.

Harley released her mental power to carefully sense Ivy's condition, nodded with satisfaction, and said: "Although it consumes a lot of energy, the effect is very good. Originally, you still need at least two or three months of rest.

After two or three months, he will return to adulthood, maybe with green hair and green skin, like a tree demon. He doesn't know how long it will take to regain control of the laws of the gods.

It's fine now. It's back to the way it was before. Very good, very good. You can also attend the celebration banquet tonight. "

Harley walked up and gave Ivy a big hug.

Selena also trotted over quickly and hugged the two women.

After a while, they calmed down and returned to the living room.

"Harley, how did you do it?" Xanadu asked curiously.

"As I said before, words follow the law. This is a manifestation of the almighty power of God." Hallie opened her mouth again, showing off her sweet tongue, "On the surface, this tongue still belongs to Me, it's actually the tongue of God.

It is not an ordinary God, it is the tongue of the ‘original God’ who created heaven at the beginning of creation. "

"Why did God give his tongue to you and Uriel? Wouldn't it hurt to cut it off? Even if God is not afraid of pain, cutting off his tongue wouldn't look good," Selina said.

Harley gave her a look of disgust that said, "It's hard for me to understand that you are such an idiot." "Is this a question of whether God is afraid of pain or not being afraid of ugliness?

In other words, have you ever thought about a question, why did the king let me inherit Uriel's power when he rewarded me, instead of choosing a new one? "

In fact, she actually asked the Lord to choose another "name power" for herself because she disliked the name "Tongue of Fire" at the Tower of Holy Sound.

Well, her "name" is different from Uriel's and can have its own characteristics, but the power and authority attached to her "name" can only be inherited from Uriel.

Uriel's broken "name" may be restarted in the next reincarnation of the universe, but his power will most likely change or simply disappear.

Perhaps, in the next reincarnation, Uriel will become the "feet of fire", the toes of God?

"Why don't you choose another one? Are other powers not as powerful as Uriel's 'Tongue of Fire'?" Selina asked.

"It's because I have no choice at all! The original God has been completely split, and each part corresponds to an archangel.

Not only the limbs, but also the soul and mind have been separated in the smallest detail, such as the wrath of God (eclipse before the fall), the spirit of God's vengeance (ghost), the three bodies of original sin (Stranger, Pandora, questioner).

Both angels and humans were created by God, of course, I am talking about humans in the Garden of Eden.

But there are also differences between angels and Edenic humans.

God created each angel from a part of himself, and they represent God's past.

God created human beings with hope and ideals, and human beings have infinite variables and an infinite future.

The growth process of human beings is the evolution of God’s way and is God’s future. "Harry said slowly.

"I don't quite understand." Selina frowned and said, "But I roughly understand what the 'Tongue of Fire' is. God is like killing a new year pig, treating himself as an adult pig. According to different parts and tastes, God will Break yourself into pieces.

Every piece of pork and every pig's organ turned into an archangel, or maybe pig hair and blood turned into ordinary angels?

The original 'Tongue of Fire' Uriel had a pig tongue. Now he is dead and completely dead. You have inherited the power of the pig tongue and become the 'second generation pig tongue', although you are not named 'second generation pig tongue'. "

"If you say these words, you are destined to go to hell after death." Harley said with a wooden face.

"I confess, you used your 'pig tongue', oh, no, it was God's sweet mouth that eliminated my sins." Selena said with a smile.

Harley took a serious look at her, which made Selena feel uncomfortable, as if her soul had been pulled out, and the naked fruit was placed in front of the public for everyone to see.

"What are you looking at?" she asked, shrinking her neck.

Harry said: "I saw the blasphemy in your soul."

"As expected of a true archangel with a 'name' and a 'right of name', he is indeed different from before." She sighed with emotion.

She said seeing the sin in Selena's soul was not a metaphor or a joke, it was a literal one.

There is no need to ask the voice of the sky now. She can discern the sins and piety of the person in front of her in a single thought, and can even distinguish the cause of every "stain" of sin on the soul.

Combined with her own "Great Cause and Effect Technique", she can go one step further and clearly deduce the cause and effect of sin.

But this is not the most awesome thing. It is just that seeing the sin clearly saves the time of going to the Golden Hall to inquire.

What is truly powerful is her ability to redeem them.

As Selena joked, she could forgive her on behalf of the Lord, forgive her sins, and let her soul go straight to heaven.

Now Harley finally understood the gap between herself and the archangel before.

Although she was powerful before and had the brilliance of the God of War, she was given the wings of an archangel, and her status in Silver City was more noble than that of many angels, but she could not represent God or exercise God's power.

At the same time, she also understood why the Archangels of Silver City seemed to have negotiated and formed a very unified tacit understanding: to reduce the influence of Dog God and not to actively acknowledge the identity and authority of Dog God.

Like the Dog God, they are both split parts of the "Original God". They both have the power of God and can also represent a part of God. The only difference is who is currently developing better and who has greater power. There is a quantitative difference, but no qualitative difference. So why should they revere and respect Him as the true God?

It is better to revere Him than to revere Michael. Michael is their brother, loves them, protects their interests, and is the spokesperson of their archangel group.

It was probably the same reason why Lucifer and other fallen angels were dissatisfied with the Holy Son.

They do not want to admit that the Son is far more representative of the Lord and more noble than themselves.

This can also explain why during the coming of the Holy Spirit, Uriel, the "Tongue of Fire", had intercourse with the Virgin and gave birth to the Son.

Uriel was no ordinary angel. He could represent God and exercise God's authority.

"Stop looking at me. It feels like my soul is caught in your eyes. It's very uncomfortable to put it in a big square for people to watch."

Selena was very uncomfortable being stared at by Harley's sharp and gleaming eyes. She finally couldn't help but stretched out her hand to block her sight, and complained angrily.

Harry did not retract his gaze, but used the "Archangel's magical power" and said: "Brother God is quite merciful. Even though you said those words, you had no blasphemous intentions, so you did not add to the sin.

Of course, the speaker is unintentional, but the listener is intentional. Maybe you don’t mean to blaspheme, but others will be affected. It’s better to say less similar things. "

"I have the blessing of my second sister. I will neither grow old nor die," Selina said.

Harry sighed: "Just because the second sister doesn't take the initiative to come to you, it doesn't mean that you won't take the initiative to find her. It's better to take it easy and leave a way out for yourself."

Although she can now redeem sinful souls, she is somewhat repelled by this behavior.

Unless she really encounters someone or something that touches her heart, simply going through the back door will only make her feel disgusted and have bad thoughts.

The Hero Island she created was not purely through the back door.

Only the souls of heroes who die in crisis can receive preferential treatment.

Giving up his life for the human race and the multiverse, whether he really insists on absolute justice or simply thinks heroes are cool and ends up losing his life in a crisis, he deserves preferential treatment.

"Can you really see other people's sins with your naked eyes?"

Harley said: "The Tongue of God gave me the status of 'God's representative on earth'. This status has many benefits. Seeing sin clearly is only one of them. Other archangels who are 'part of God's body and spirit' also have the same ability." .

I can clearly see the purity of the believers’ souls. Raphael and Uriel have been able to do this long ago.

Just like the creation power of the God King, every veteran God King has it, but the divinity of the God King is different.

Only speaking and following the law is the core function of the tongue of God. "

"What's the limit of speaking Dharma Sui? If you say, 'There will be no evil in the world from now on,' how can you speak Dharma Sui?" Diana asked doubtfully.

Harley pondered: "If I really say this, either half of the people on the earth will die, or the entire earth will be destroyed, or half of the people in the universe will die, or the main universe will be destroyed, or the multiverse will be destroyed. As long as I say a word, the multiverse will be destroyed." The universe will face a catastrophe."

"What do you mean? Why do people die on the earth, then in the universe, and then the world is destroyed?" Diana asked in surprise.

Harry said: "This is determined by my will. How to define 'the world'? Even if it is God in the Bible, the 'world' in His mouth is just a place where Christian teachings are spread.

Others don’t know God and have not been exposed to the concepts of God’s teachings. How can you say that others who do not follow the teachings are corrupt and sinful people?

Christianity in the human world is very overbearing, but God himself is not unreasonable and will not punish people without teaching.

Human priests regard those who do not believe in God as heretics. God will not care about "heresies" but will not punish them, just like when we face strangers, we do not pay attention or interfere with them.

Take the world-destroying flood as an example.

Other planets may have experienced great floods, but their great floods had nothing to do with God. When God purified the world, he only evolved part of the earth.

Therefore, if I follow Brother God’s style, I will only ‘purify’ the sins within the scope of Christianity on earth.

Sin is only attached to people. To eliminate sin is to kill, kill everyone who is guilty of sin.

But according to our current world view, "the world" should include alien planets and even the entire multiverse.

More people died.

But death alone does not necessarily purify sin, because survivors have seen sin and may repeat the sinner's sins and become new sins. Therefore, God Brother launched a great flood to wash away the land and restart human civilization in the Garden of Eden.

If I want to imitate Him, I will only be more extreme than Him. He also believes that the human beings born after the cleansing of the earth can be kind and perfect, but I do not have such expectations. The world explodes and people are gone, which is the real sinlessness. "

"What you said is terrible. When I talk about eradicating sins, I don't mean eradicating people. I just mean that people can be perfectly educated and become perfect." Diana frowned.

Selina nodded and said: "Not like normal people, very 'Arkham Asylum' style."

"Harley, you haven't been affected by 'God's Tongue', have you?" Ivy and Xian both looked worried.

Harry sighed: "I just don't want to perfunctory you, I am seriously answering the question 'There is no evil in the world', and explaining the limits of what is said and done.

The key to speaking the right way is not what I said, but what I thought.

God believes in human nature, and He is not sure whether mankind can truly be cleansed of sin after the Great Flood, but He believes that this possibility exists, and He believes that human nature can become perfect, so His "no sin in the world" is just a Great Flood.

I am very realistic and do not believe that human beings can be truly perfect, nor am I naive enough to believe that human beings can be perfectly educated through power.

My thoughts directly affect the specific effect of the words.

God and I said at the same time, "Clean the sins of time." God only caused a great flood, but I wanted to blow up the world and exterminate mankind.

Do you understand what I mean?

I am not discussing ideological issues with you now.

I am just explaining the usage and limits of Yan Chu Fa Sui from a purely academic perspective. "

Some of them looked thoughtful, while others still frowned and hesitated to speak.

"Harry, the limit I'm asking about is just the limit of strength. There must be a price for your words and actions, right?" Diana said.

Harley said: "I have also answered your ultimate question. It can blow up the main universe and destroy most of the multiverse."

"You destroyed most of the multiverse with just one sentence?" Everyone had doubts on their faces.

Harley pondered: "When my blood clone returns, it is theoretically possible. The limit of God's Tongue is my own limit. As long as I can do something myself, I can say it and the result will be immediate.

God's Tongue just gave me an instant boost of my abilities.

I can tell who is guilty of sin, I can kill those who are infected with sin, and my spiritual words can directly become reality.

But if I expand the scope to the entire multiverse, the price I pay will be very high. If I don't die, I will lose half my life, or I will fall into eternal sleep until the end of the universe. "

She glanced at Ivy and said, "Now that I'm back as the king, I am the only 'Master of Magic' among the resentful women and perverts -"

"And Circe," Diana reminded.

"I know, but that lowlife belongs to you. She is your lifelong enemy and your responsibility. To me, she is already a withered bone in the grave, so there is no need to worry about her."

Harley pointed at Ivy and continued: "I am the only winner of the magic debt crisis. I also control the power of the basic laws of the earth. Sooner or later, Ivy will recover as before.

I now use the verbal method to allow her to recover in advance. This only saves the intermediate process, but it still consumes a lot of my energy. It will be difficult to use the same difficulty of the verbal method in a short period of time.

Of course, it's just that for me now, I am not the complete me now. Almost all of my power as a king lies in my bloodline clone.

When my bloodline clone returns, when I completely become the 'new master of magic', when I convert the power of bloodline stored in my body for many years into magic power, I will be the real 'Sweet-mouthed Saint', and I will be able to destroy most of the multiverse. . "

Selena said with a tangled expression: "Listening to what you said, the 'Sweet Mouth Saint' doesn't seem to be very powerful, it's almost an enhanced version of irony magic.

Xiao Zha's irony magic can also be used to express words, she just speaks anyway.

You, like her, have to pay the price of magic, and if you can't pay it, the magic won't be fulfilled.

If the price can be paid, even the dead can be resurrected instantly.

Resurrecting the dead is obviously more miraculous than restoring tree trunk Ivy to her original self. "

Hearing her talk about Xiao Zha, Harry realized that there were many people in the living room. Even Barbara, Cassandra, and Gemma (Zha Kang's niece, Harry's eldest apprentice) had received the news and returned to Lishan. At this moment, she was quietly listening to the "elders" bragging and spanking, but Zatanna, who was originally at Lishan Manor, was nowhere to be seen.

"Where has Xiao Zha gone?" she asked.

"She was exhausted both physically and mentally, so she went back to her home in Long Island to rest. I didn't persuade her to stay. Now that the magic debt crisis is over, she can teleport to her doorstep with a single spell," Selina said.

Harry said: "The magic effect of speaking is a miraculous effect, so it's okay to say it's magic.

The same magic has different magic energy levels, and the rules for leveraging magic are also different.

Normal irony magic still requires the study of basic laws. Even chaos irony magic cannot do without magic rules.

I don't need to rely on magic rules for my words and deeds. God's rules are the rules I need to abide by.

As long as God remains, my power will not fail.

The upside-down man was able to seal Xiao Zha's mouth with higher authority, but he could not deprive me of my ability to speak freely.

The utterance is essentially a truncated version of the 'omnipotence of God'.

Uriel relied on this talent to use the power of the king to forcibly assimilate the dark magic into the holy power of heaven. "

"Ulie, who is more experienced than you, was also killed instantly by the Upside Down, without the ability to fight back." Diana said.

"Ulie was robbed of his holy power and soul power by the Upside Down, not the 'Tongue of Fire' that suppressed Uriel. I just admitted that the sweet-mouthed saint will also have to pay the price.

After being harvested with all his power, Uriel couldn't afford the price and couldn't use God's Tongue. This is different from Xiao Zha who was silenced by the Upside Down and the grudge who deprived us of the 'Tao Xing' of using magic. "

After a pause, Harry continued: "For you, it doesn't matter if you insist on treating the words of the 'Sweet-tongued Saint' as a large-scale irony magic."

For her, speaking the right way is by no means a big irony.

Saint Aunt Tianzui provided the direction for her future spiritual practice.

Even irony magic requires spells to be recited and laws to be manipulated, but the grievance comes out with one thought and can be used by all methods. There is no need to recite spells or study the rules. Isn't it more awesome than "large irony magic"?

But Harley regards the "Holy Aunt Sweet Mouth" as her treasure, and is a bit disdainful of the use of magical power to drive magical rules.

Not to mention discarding it like worn out shoes, at least not cherishing the magical power anymore.

The reason is very simple. Magical power is the digital currency of DC's "Origin" hairstyle, but the sweet mouth of the Holy Aunt is a gold coin cast by God.

First of all, the scope of use is wider. It can play a certain role wherever there is God. It is the "international currency" in the omnipotent universe and can be used in the multiverse next door.

The "Tao Xing" of the thick-skinned God King was easily harvested by the complainer before. Harley was still worried in her heart: After the crisis is over, will she continue to practice this "fake skill" that can be easily harvested by the "higher magic master"?

The saint's sweet mouth also comes from God and can be destroyed by God, but there is only one God, but there may be countless "higher magic masters".

Everyone has different standards and paths, and countless high-level magic masters have countless standards.

Those who adapt to Hecate A today may be Hecate B tomorrow. What’s even worse is that Hecate’s standard can only reach the realm of the God King. There is no detachment. To detach, you have to find a new path of practice. , adapt to new standards.

One God only has one standard and one path. His path reaches the end of the omnipotent universe, and there is no need to change the "track" until he reaches transcendence.

In this way, His ways become the perfect model for imitation.

Only by following God's path to the end can Harley have enough experience to create another path that is exclusive to her and can also reach the end.

Walking God's path first, and then creating your own path, is the spiritual practice plan that Hallie formulated after getting the "Holy Aunt Sweet Mouth".

This plan is still applicable even in the omnipotent universe, or even better.

Her practice plan was not revealed, and there was no need to explain it to others.

To others, the effect of Saint Aunt's sweet mouth is indeed an oversized irony magic.

"Saint Haley, Saint Haley"

Harley was still in the living room, happily and triumphantly telling everyone about her conversation with Michael at the Holy Sound Tower, when suddenly a piercing call came from outside the house.

"Holy Aunt Halle, are they calling you?"

Selena was surprised and said: "It seems that not all the noise at this night comes from the foot of the mountain. How many people must be making such a loud noise!"

Harry smiled weirdly, stood up and said, "You'll know when you go out and take a look."

As soon as they walked out of the courtyard gate, they saw thousands of "stars" lit up in all directions in Lishan.

They did not enter the range of Lishan, not even close to the airspace of the forest behind Lishan. They just lit up colorful magical flames in the surrounding sky and land.

They are all magicians, but there are not only magicians, but also gods and demons from other worlds.

They seemed to have agreed upon it. They held their hands in front of their chests, and the bright magic light radiated from their palms. From a distance, they looked like stars.

Some are standing on the ground, but the ground is already full of people, and more are floating in the air and high in the sky.

At this time, the magic debt crisis has ended, Harley has also removed the defensive force field, and they can use magic.

"They are all mages, extraordinary people who recently lived in Gotham to escape the magic debt crisis." Diana glanced around and asked in surprise: "What are they doing?"

"Ah, Holy Aunt Halle, it's Holy Aunt Halle." As soon as she finished speaking, a chaotic exclamation came from the "stars" in the sky.

The next moment, they once again shouted in unison: "Thank you to the merciful and merciful Holy Sister Hallie for helping us survive the crisis."

"Thank you to the invincible and unrivaled saintly Saint Harley for eradicating the evil Hecate, sweeping away the strange nest, and completely killing the Upside Down."

"Saint Aunt Harley, you are our savior and the guardian of magic and miracles in the multiverse. Thank you, Holy Aunt Harley~~~"

Their screams were so loud and powerful that it made Harry feel a little embarrassed.

"Oh, these guys are so cunning!" Harley said with a cheerful smile.

"Cunning?" Shangdu was a little confused, "You mean they hid in Gotham, relying on your shelter to survive the magic debt crisis without any loss, and only thanked you with lip service?

At your current state, their treasures are of little use to you, right?

Selina nodded in approval and said: "When the crisis is over, they will definitely leave Gotham and the Earth. If they can organize themselves before leaving, they will create a big scene to express their gratitude to you and recognize all your contributions in the Magical Debt Crisis. They already have a conscience.”

Diana also sighed with emotion: "Even if the goddesses and fairies in the back mountain spread information to the outside world, they may still be connected to organize so many people in such a short time. Hera, there are almost millions of people, right?

It almost covered the sky, so rare.

In the billions of years since the creation of Heaven Realm, there has never been such a grand scene, and no god has ever received the sincere thanks of so many magicians. "

There was a hint of sarcasm in Harley's big smile, "You guys are still too naive and don't think as much as these guys."

"What are they thinking?" they asked with puzzled expressions.

"I'm thinking about the new order of the supernatural world in the 'post-Magic Mother' era." Harley said with a weird smile: "They are different from you. The magic in you has completed debt redemption. They just changed the master of magic."

Leaving these words, Harley jumped into the air. The sound did not spread in the air or reach the ears of ordinary people, but fell in the ears of every magician who thanked her.

"Everyone, I like to tell the truth. This crisis is my own show. Killing the resentful people and destroying the strange brood are all my fault.

Of course, I am the god of war in heaven and the benevolent saint. I am just a representative of heaven. My achievements today are all due to the strong support of heaven.

Praise the Lord, praise the angels in heaven. "

Harry made the sign of the cross on his chest skillfully, and continued: "But you are not doing nothing, good and bad are all compared.

Although you did not directly participate in the battle, at least you never thought of surrendering to the enemy and betraying your country.

Compared with some degenerates who betrayed the supernatural world and human beings, by hiding honestly, protecting yourselves from being harvested, and using your own strength to strengthen the enemy, you have already helped me and done what you can in the crisis. contribution.

I have great merit and I reap the spoils.

You have made your own contributions and should be rewarded. "

Harry pondered for a moment and said loudly: "I have decided to hold an extraordinary conference outside the Gate of Heaven in one month. At the conference, I will cancel all of your magical debts."

As soon as the words fell, the whole place fell into deathly silence. Everyone, whether it was the magician living in Gotham or everyone in Lishan, were stunned and shocked speechless.

After a long time, a voice came out and said calmly: "Holy Aunt Harry, you, are you not joking?"

Harry took a closer look and saw that she was a middle-aged witch with an ordinary face and figure.

"In one month, you will see the truth outside the gate of heaven." Harley waved her hand, "Let's break up now, my family is going to have a celebration party, and you have been suppressing it for a long time. As long as you don't cause trouble in Gotham, you can have fun as you like! "

There was a small commotion among the sojourners in the sky and on the ground, but after a few seconds, they shouted together with greater enthusiasm and louder voices: "Long live Saint Aunt Harry, praise Saint Mary, thank Saint Gu Hali, Holy Gu Hali, is a great merciful person, rescues the suffering, is kind to the world, and is respected by everyone."

They shouted for a long time, and they used loud praises to Saint Hali as a way of celebration.

On the edge of the veil of reality, Circe stood in a higher dimension and "looked down" from a distance as millions of magicians worshiped the holy aunt.

"Witch Harley, you didn't win at all, I'm still here, the magic debt crisis is not over at all, the crisis is only now reaching its climax.

Without the troublemakers and grievances, I will rule the magical world and become the true master of magic.

You are nothing. Your magical power is less than one-tenth of mine. How can you qualify to waive other people's magical debts? You yourselves are still in debt and crisis. "

The more Cirsi thought about it, the angrier she became, and the next moment she planned to start teleportation and sneak back to Earth quietly.

Suddenly, a joking voice came into her ears, "Are you going to go back, harvest a group of extraordinary mages again, create panic, declare that the magic debt crisis is not over yet, and slap Witch Harley in the face?"

She was a woman, her voice had a twisted and evil flavor, but her aura of power was almost nonexistent.

Circe froze and said warily: "Who is it? I am Circe, the new master of magic, and I dare to do the same thing even though I am a trivial person!"

"Haha, don't say you are not the master of magic. Even Hecate herself would not dare to say such a thing to me." The woman chuckled.

"Hecate too." Circe's expression changed and she swallowed softly, "You, your breath... seems a bit familiar to me."

"Of course you are familiar with it. I was the one who pulled you out of the magic of chaos and gave you light and personal will. Speaking of which, I can be considered your mother. Oh, I should say this to Hecate, you, barely. A little Hecate."

"Are you the Mother of Creation?" Circe said with difficulty.

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