I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1953 The Apostle of the Mother of Creation

Circe is different from the other "residents of Hecate's soul fragments".

As a "legendary" evil witch in the ancient Greek mythology era, Circe's magic was even recorded in mythological poetry.

Her power is feared by legendary demigod heroes in mythology.

But initially as a princess of a Greek city-state, before marrying the heir of the Kingdom of Colchis in the Caucasus, she was just an ordinary woman. At most, she learned the sword skills of ordinary people, and did not master the magical magic as she did later. Even the Greeks Heroes can also turn into small animals.

Her powers came later.

Circe was a ruthless person. Even though she did not have powerful magical power at the time, she still killed her husband on the day after their wedding, and also cut the body of the Crown Prince of Colchis into thousands of pieces, a famous legendary hero in the Caucasus. Send it to the barbecue restaurant and hang it up.

She didn't know what evil the crown prince had done, or how she had offended her, for Circe to be so cruel.

After killing the crown prince, other people in the Kingdom of Colchis must not pretend that nothing happened.

They exiled her in disguise,

Perhaps because of a guilty conscience, there must be something wrong with the crown prince, otherwise Circe would not have married her husband on the second day of their wedding. It may also be because Circe has a noble status and is famous in Greece, and is sought after by male heroes. People from Colchis They only shouted to kill her, but they didn't really catch her or kill her. They gave her a chance to escape secretly in a small boat.

During the days of drifting on the sea, Circe was tired and hungry, and the resentment in her heart became deeper and deeper, and finally attracted the resentful woman.

Her prayers for strength were also answered by the complainer.

When she was still a "Greek God" in Olympus, Hecate's responsibilities included the moon, the watcher of roads and crossroads, the goddess of magic, and the guardian of women.

Before being deceived and sealed by the gods, she did fulfill her divine duties.

She would answer the prayers of women in distress and help them out of their troubles—usually by directly granting strength.

Hecate is the master of magic and magic. What she lacks most is strength, so she is very generous.

Diana, Wu Huo, Endo, and Xuanlan didn't know that they were being targeted by the Resentful Woman, and they didn't know that the Resentful Woman's soul fragments were hidden in their bodies.

Circe received the witch's seal from Hecate while she was awake.

But at that time, she thought that she was just like the countless women who had been saved by "female guardians" in the past. They were just gifted with magic power, and there was nothing special. Although the "female guardian" who had not appeared in the world for countless years suddenly appeared, this event itself was very special. .

Circe's abnormality also alarmed the gods, but they also believed that it was simply Circe's resentment and absolute hatred of men that attracted the resentful woman.

They examined Circe's body and soul and found nothing unusual.

It is impossible to find any abnormalities, because the fragments of the resentful woman's soul are hidden inside the Seal of March.

Diana had met Zeus many times, but Zeus had never noticed anything unusual about his daughter.

The gods cannot break the March Seal, nor can they decipher the secret of the March Seal.

The gods are even more frightened: the resentful woman can already form an illusory projection to give Circe power. The day when she breaks through the seal is not far away, and the magic debt crisis is coming.

This is true.

Circe is just a mythical figure from thousands of years ago. Thousands of years are a long time for the history of modern human civilization. For the gods who have been waiting for dozens or nearly tens of billions of years, thousands of years are just a few large-scale god-king banquets. A few hangovers at a time.

After receiving the power from the resentful woman, Circe didn't think much, and immediately turned the ship around and returned to the Kingdom of Korsch, where she bloodbathed the palace, turned a group of powerful palace guards into sheep, and then slaughtered them like real sheep.

She became famous in one battle, from the famous "Daughter of the Sun" (the Greeks praised Circe's beauty at that time) to a "monster witch".

For thousands of years afterwards, Circe did not find anything special about his power.

She herself found no abnormality, but in the process of using the power given by the Resentment for thousands of years, her spiritual will has been continuously affected by the Magic of the Resentment.

"As expected, you have fused with Hecate's soul fragment." Hearing Circe call out her identity, there was an inexplicable smile in the mysterious woman's voice, "What you just said is not wrong. The Mother of Magic is also Not dead, not really dead, Witch Harley was too proud, the crisis is not over now, it is just an intermission, the real crisis will come soon, and I will bring it."

Circe is not an idiot and understands what the other party means.

Her expression was not very good, and she pursed her lips and said: "The former Mother of Magic is completely dead, and I, the newly appointed Mother of Magic, am still here. I will launch a new magic debt crisis, and the crisis will be under my guidance." into a real climax."

The Mother of Creation chuckled and said: "You are very ambitious, but very stupid. I don't care whether you insist that you are completely 'Witch Circe' or you accept the fact that you are the reincarnation of Hecate's consciousness. What I want to tell you is - —”

Before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by Sersi excitedly, "No, you are talking nonsense, I am me, the real me!

I know my own nature very well. I just stole Hecate's power and wisdom, and I was not affected by her at all. I am not a reincarnation of Hecate's will. "

"Do you know who you are talking to?" The voice of the Mother of Creation became cold, and the vicious will almost instantly penetrated and froze Circe's soul, causing her body to tremble slightly and unspeakable fear in her heart.

She was instinctively afraid of her.

She clearly wanted to muster up the courage to activate her "Magic Master" level power and tell the other party loudly: No matter who you are, you can't threaten me. I am the Magic Master, and the next is my era!

But she couldn't open her mouth, and even when the thought of disobeying the Mother of Creation just came into being, she immediately extinguished herself.

"Even if you are the mother of creation, you cannot humiliate me or deny my existence and significance." She said.

The voice was not quiet, it seemed like he was shouting, but he was a little out of breath.

"If you can't even recognize your true nature and don't even dare to admit the facts, then you are a waste, and waste is of no use to me."

The Mother of Creation was not angry, and her voice was not loud or harsh, but her tone was very cold and biting, like a scalpel uncovering scars and revealing the truth.

"I am Circe, this is my essence, why do you have to deny me?" Circe's cry contained deep grievance and a touch of fear.

"You are Circe, but you are not entirely Circe. Have you ever thought about why you have been safe and sound when other witches were harvested by Hecate?

Not to mention that you are hiding well, you are not as ostentatious as Wonder Woman, Endor, and Rebecca, so Hecate cannot find you. " said the Mother of Creation.

Circe opened her mouth, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Because I am very special. I am a believer of Hecate. Over the past thousands of years, I have been quietly sacrificing to her and serving her. She regards me as her absolute admirer."

"Haha, do you believe this? Gods may be deceived by the words of believers, but they will never fail to see through the believers' piety. This common sense is known to even new magic apprentices.

It's really hard for you to convince yourself with such a poor reason, but you actually believe it. "Mother of Creation mocked.

"She didn't take action against me just because it wasn't necessary. After harvesting Enduo, Diana, Wuhuo and Xuanlan, she already has enough power to modify the foundation of magic."

Circe was excited again, clenched her fists and shouted loudly again, her expression a little distorted.

The Mother of Creation ignored her expression and said rudely: "With enough strength, you were punched several times by Witch Harley until you screamed, and you were suffocated by the Upside Down?"

Circe shouted: "That's because the Chaos Irony Magic restrained her, and the Chaos Irony Magic re-stimulated the magical reaction of the fusion of the Grudge and the Upside Down.

Hecate was supposed to be a pure symbol of light. When she was full of resentment, gradually falling into darkness and becoming darkness itself, her essence was also slipping into the Inverted Man, and the two were approaching and merging with each other.

The 'Origin' prevented the fusion process back then.

Now the Chaos Irony magic has revived the dead, and it has nothing to do with how much power Hecate has in her body.

Even if she harvests me, she can't stop what should have happened long ago from happening.

If Witch Harley does not snatch Hecate's basic law system of the earth, if she has enough time, if she can complete the collection and rewriting of all the basic laws of magic, no one in the entire world will be able to resist her.

It's a pity that Witch Harley knows that she is incorporating the basic law system of multiverse miracles created by the gods of the sky.

Witch Harley will never allow her to control the power of the basic laws of the multiverse in the same way she controls the power of the laws of the earth.

I understand this, so I don’t need to do anything but watch the show leisurely. Witch Harley is the sharpest knife in my hand, helping me destroy Hecate.

When she dies, the soul fragments and magical power in my body will lose their master, lose their restraints, truly belong to me, be absorbed by me, and activated by me.

I just absorbed the power from the soul fragments and plundered Hecate's tens of billions of years of wisdom.

With Hecate's wisdom, strength, and insight, so I can recognize you.

But I had absolute control over the entire process of absorption and digestion, and she did not reincarnate in me.

It was me who harvested her, not her who used me as a backup plan for resurrection!

This is the truth, it is the fact!

Even if you are the mother of creation, don't try to distort this fact. "

The Mother of Creation was silent for a while and said: "I don't care about the fact itself, but I need you and Hecate.

If you refuse to accept reality, you will never realize the true power of your magical powers.

I am the Creator of the Multiverse, and no one understands the nature of magical power better than I do.

Let's put it this way, the same amount of magical power can be exerted 100 points in the hands of Hecate, but it will be reduced to 80 points in the hands of the Grudge. The Upside Down can only exert 60 points, so it has clearly reached the peak of power. , but was defeated by the Witch Harley.

Now you can exert about 70% of your power, which is worse than the Inverted Man, but not as good as the Grudge.

For other mages, such as Witch Harley and her friends, the score is 65 at most, which is not as good as you.

The 5 points more than the Upside Down is just that the multiverse recognizes them more.

The reason why you are all inferior to Hecate is because the magical power itself was prepared for Hecate.

This is just like how others, even if they carefully study the method of thick skin, their thick skin power is not as powerful as the Witch Harley herself.

There is only one mother of magic in this multiverse, Hecate, and the rest are all fakes.

Only you can become the true second-generation mother of magic, but you reject the fact that you are Hecate, and the magical power is also rejecting you.

You who are rejected by magical powers are not the true mother of magic.

Not the Mother of Magic can't help me, it's almost useless to me.


I don't want to stimulate you or deny you, I just hope you can have some value.

You are worthless and not worth wasting even half of my strength or half a minute of my time. I don’t want to waste my time and energy.

You know who I am, and you naturally know how much I have sacrificed just to tell you the truth. "

Circe's face changed several times, and finally she lowered her voice and said coldly: "I'm sorry to disappoint you. Dear Mother of Creation, I really can't help you. You don't need to waste time and energy on me."

"Helping me is also helping yourself. Even if you are not smart, don't you know the truth of the universe that 'those who oppose Witch Harley are never lucky'?" said the Mother of Creation.

"She won't let me go, and I won't let her go easily! Now she is in the open and I am in the dark. My means and strength may not be enough to kill her, but it is easy to destroy her family and ruin her reputation. ." Circe said confidently.

"Do you know why I chose this time to come to you? If I don't come out to dissuade you, your destiny will be ended when you return to Earth.

You want to harvest a group of magicians who cheer for Witch Harley and sing her praises, not only to vent their grievances, but also to announce to the world that the magic debt crisis is not over, so that Witch Harley will be publicly slapped in the face.

Let me tell you, Witch Harley wants you to do that more than you do.

People who have not reached that realm will never know how terrifying Witch Harley is. "

Circe asked: "Are you afraid of her?"

The Mother of Creation was silent for a moment and said calmly: "I will try to avoid her until I fully recover my strength.

Ask yourself, compared to me, how much does Hecate weigh, and who do you think you are now?

I have to avoid her sharp edges, but you are still stubborn and want to arm-wrestle with her. What else is it if you are not stupid? "

Circe was very angry and embarrassed, and wanted to sneer: You are as timid as a mouse, so don't think that everyone is as courageous as you.

When she thought this, the great terror of death immediately came to her sense of crisis.

She had a vague realization: Even now, the Mother of Creation could easily take her life.

"Your Majesty, Mother of Creation, what is your situation now? What Witch Harley said was 'the giant thing that is sealed in the wall of origin and is about to escape'. Is that you? When will you be able to escape? What help do you need from me?" Se Xi's tone became much more respectful.

"Yes, I am sealed in the wall of origin. As the Witch Harley said, I will soon be able to break the wall of origin and escape completely. What I want you to do, you can't do it now, and it's useless even if you say it. ." said the Mother of Creation.

Circe was curious, "Your Majesty, you also hate Witch Harley, right? I am indeed not sure of taking Witch Harley's life. At most, I will bring her pain.

But I’m not satisfied with just letting her family be destroyed—”

"You can't do anything to destroy her family."

The Mother of Creation was very short-sighted and could not hold back anything she had in mind, so she immediately spoke out, "Without me, today would be the day you die.

Even if you listen to my words and hold back today, if you do nothing in the future, you will be eaten alive by her sooner or later.

Don't forget, you only control one-fifteenth of Hecate's power and soul.

The magical power in your hand is less than 10% of the total. When Witch Harley gets the remaining 90%, where will you escape?

No matter where you hide, the magical power and Hecate's soul in you are like a signal tower, constantly transmitting your location information to Witch Harley.

When the time comes, it will be easier for her to harvest you than it is for the grudge to harvest the soul fragment depositors such as Wonder Woman. "

Circe's face turned pale, and she shook her head repeatedly: "Impossible, she cannot have all the remaining magical powers.

Just now, the tide of chaotic magic washed away the upside-down man's nest.

The upside-down man and its dark magical will were all dissolved in the extremely high-energy chaotic magic.

The magical power in the consciousness of the upside-down person will naturally disappear into the chaotic magic.

At this moment, I have the most magical power in my hands.

If the magical power that disappeared in the magic of chaos can slowly return to the multiverse, it will definitely be attracted by my soul, my magical power, and eventually absorbed by me. "

The Mother of Creation sneered: "You think beautifully, but there is a certain truth to it.

As the reincarnated body of Hecate, if you can accept your identity, the dissipated magical power may really converge on you.

It's a pity that you have been resisting your identity and resisting the fact that the Hecate soul fragment absorbed your soul.

In addition, the simple truth that you can understand, Witch Harley will naturally understand.

She would not allow magical power to slip away from her.

As long as she absorbs the chaotic magic that melted the Inverted Man's nest, she can refine her magical power again. "

Circe's face turned even paler and she exclaimed: "That is the tide of chaos, which is almost annihilating the reality of the multiverse. Can she absorb it?"

"Change the question, can I withstand the high-energy annihilation reaction of those chaotic magic powers?" the Mother of Creation asked.

This question requires little thought.

The Mother of Creation can even separate the light magic power from the sea of ​​chaotic magic power. It is impossible that she cannot withstand the erosion of chaotic magic power.

"She is not you." Circe said.

"She makes me afraid," said the Mother of Creation.

"The reason why you are afraid of her is because God loves her too much, and the God who gave her is too powerful." Sirsi said.

"Maybe, maybe she is just powerful. No matter what the reason, her power cannot be denied. As an enemy that I also attach great importance to, don't use your knowledge to judge the limits of her abilities.

Although I really don’t want to admit it, there are many things she can do that even I can’t do and am amazed at. "The mother of creation said in a complicated tone.

For example, stealing the connection power of the Origin Judge.

Papetua didn't know the specific effect of "God descending to earth".

But she is very sure that "Witch Harley" stole her and the Eagle Judge's "creation power" from the origin wall.

This behavior of "Witch Harley" shocked her.

The Eagle Judge used his own creation power to seal her.

If she could steal the origin of the eagle like "Witch Harley", she would be able to break free from the seal without anyone's help.

In other words, if she could steal the origin of the eagle, she wouldn't have been sealed at all.

She comes from a "Creation God Organization". There are many creation people with the power of connection in the organization. The Origin Judge, as the name suggests, is the manager and the judge of the Creation God who has committed crimes.

She has lived for so many years and has never seen anyone steal the Eagle Judge's origin.

For this reason alone, she must take "Witch Harley" very seriously.

What's more, stealing the origin of creation is just one of the many amazing things "Witch Harley" has done.

"Even if her god's magic power is powerful and can withstand the erosion of high-energy chaotic magic power, can she absorb so much chaotic magic power?" Circe murmured.

There was obvious impatience in the tone of the God of Creation, "Isn't it obvious? Don't use your knowledge to judge her ability. You should at least treat her seriously as the 'enemy of the God of Creation'. "

Circe was silent for a while, then said in a seductive voice: "How do I recognize my own nature? I really feel that I am who I am. It was me who absorbed the fragments of the soul that Hecate left in my body, and it was not that she borrowed my body to be reborn.

If she really wanted to do that, even if I couldn't resist, I couldn't possibly not have the consciousness and process of resisting.

And my perception is very clear and unmistakable, I am me, not Hecate.

If I were really her, how could I have this knowledge? I should have just woken up from a dream. "

"How many years ago did Hecate give you power? Over thousands of years, her soul and will have subtly changed you.

You are not pure Hecate, nor pure Circe. It was Hecate who took the initiative to merge with Circe.

10,000 soul power is fused with 1 soul power. The owner of 10,000 soul power does not need to emphasize that he is the real owner of the fused soul power.

On the contrary, in order to cover up the traces, she will even take the initiative to let the fused soul express your cognition and thinking.

The essence has changed, Circe only remains in appearance.

She is not complete. She plus the wretch is the complete Hecate, do you understand?

Incomplete and weak in self-will, she needs Circe to express her own characteristics.

Her purpose is simple, to survive.

You think Hecate is stupid. She almost came close to the Upside Down and fused with it countless years ago, but she was unprepared countless years later.

Even you and the Upside Down can use this to plot against her, so why isn't she prepared at all?

Her preparation is you.

You think you have plotted against her, but you don't know that she has already plotted against you.

When Circe was the outlawed princess of the Kingdom of Colchis who murdered her husband, the resentment she showed fit perfectly with Hecate, so the grudge took the initiative to find you.

If you recall carefully, did you call her name back then? "

Circe's expression changed.

She seemed to remember that she didn't call Hecate or any god to protect her, she just kept resenting.

"You are indeed Circe. The soul fragments that Hecate left in your body did not have a strong personal will.

Your personal will is all in the body of the resentful woman, and all that is left to you is your survival instinct.

If Hecate needs to live in Circe's body and identity, it means that the grudge has already failed and Hecate has become a thing of the past.

It was the best choice for her to completely break with the past.

Over the past billions of years, the Resentment has harvested the souls of countless witches.

The souls of the witches were digested and absorbed by her, and the witch's self-will dissipated. Only hatred and resentment remained and merged with the resentful woman.

In Circe's case, it's just a change of soup without changing the medicine. The essence remains the same. It's all about harvesting and absorbing the souls of witches.

Circe's soul was harvested, but all of Circe's consciousness was preserved, but Hecate herself did not have a strong ideology. "

After a long time, Circe asked in a hoarse voice: "How can I recognize my true nature?"

The Mother of Creation said in a strange tone: "You have completed self-understanding, who are you now? Are your answers still the same as before? Is the magic power in your body different from before?"

Circe closed her eyes and opened them again after a moment, without any confusion in her eyes, "You are right, I am not Circe at all, Circe is just my coat.

Dear Mother, now that my magical powers have been reactivated, I would like to serve you. "

Her appearance has not changed significantly. She is still wearing a bright red gown, with the March Seal on her chest shining golden magical light. The red hair on the top of her head is like a bonfire, and a large number of magic elements gather on the top of her head to become an entity like a fluttering flame.

But her aura became more reserved.

Before, Circe was like a blazing furnace, but now the furnace is extinguished, just like an ordinary person.

"What I asked you to do is very simple. Help me bring back the dimension of the Wind of Nothingness." There was a hint of smile in the voice of the Mother of Creation.

Circe's expression changed drastically again, and she said in surprise: "Mother, are you talking about the prison where the gods sealed Hecate?"

"Haha, for people with magic or divine power, it is a cage and a place of destruction. But for me, it is a box of nutritious cans, and the wind of nothingness inside is a great tonic." Creation Mother said.

Circe heard a most twisted excitement.

"You need the Wind of Nothingness? Mother, I don't quite understand what the Wind of Nothingness can do? Isn't your top priority now to collapse the wall of origin and regain freedom?" she asked doubtfully.

The Mother of Creation muttered: "You are from Earth, so have you heard of the story of "Journey to the West"?

The origin wall is like the Five Elements Mountain pressing on Sun Wukong, but there is also a six-character mantra of Tathagata Buddha on the Five Elements Mountain. "

——Although I am an earthling, earthlings may not have read the Oriental's "Journey to the West"!

Circe murmured softly in her heart, and suddenly said on her face: "There is also a six-character mantra Buddha sticker in the origin wall?"

"Well, if it was just the origin wall, I would have been able to break it long ago. The key is the 'Seven-Character Mantra'. They represent the seven basic powers of the universe. I need to use the corresponding counter-power to break the seal.

Light magic is one of the seven forces of creation, and the basic force that opposes it is the wind of nothingness.

Except for the time when Hecate's seal was about to be broken and part of the Wind of Nothingness leaked into the heavens, triggering the Twilight of the Gods in Asgard's domain, no Wind of Nothingness has entered the multiverse in the past tens of billions of years.

The wind of nothingness that sealed Hecate was outside of reality.

If the multiverse is the earth, the veil of reality is the surface, the interior of the earth's crust is the reality of the multiverse, and the wind of nothingness is the big mushroom growing on the earth and inside the atmosphere.

You should be able to understand Hecate's hatred and fear of the Wind of Nothingness.

She regarded the wind of nothingness as her greatest threat and fatal weakness.

She didn't want to be sealed by the wind of nothingness again.

So, when the resentful woman broke free from the seal, she directly cut off the roots of the big mushroom, trying to push the mushroom completely out of the atmosphere. "

Circe nodded lightly, "Mother, I understand. I will stick close to the veil of reality and use my Hecate soul and power to sense the place where the resentful woman's residual aura is strongest.

That is the place of sealing and the place where the big mushroom is cut off.

After finding the place, I will use my magic power to repair the dimensional scars caused by the original grudge and bring the 'big mushroom' back. "

"You are very smart, but don't worry. Even if you find the 'Big Mushroom' now, you will not be able to release the wind of nothingness into the multiverse? Didn't you find that, except when the Heaven Realm encounters the Twilight of the Gods, even if you complain about it later? Even if the seal is completely broken, no wind of nothingness will enter the multiverse." The Mother of Creation said.

Circe said thoughtfully: "The great being who sealed you must not be stupid. He knows that you need seven negative basic powers to uncover the 'Seven-Word Mantra', so he prepared a countermeasure."

"You are quite smart even when you don't want to seek revenge from Witch Harley immediately." The Mother of Creation praised her.

Circe was not very happy when she heard this.

The Mother of Creation continued: “The original multiverse was created almost entirely from negative fundamental forces, which could be seen everywhere at that time.

After I was sealed, the multiverse was modified, its construction materials were replaced with positive basic forces, and negative basic forces were instinctively rejected.

Therefore, positive basic forces such as the Speed ​​Force, emotional spectrum energy, and divine power (magic) are very common, but non-artificial, natural negative basic forces are rare. "

Circe didn't understand how the multiverse could be created with negative basic force, nor did he understand the essential difference between the worlds created by positive and negative basic force. He simply said: "What are your plans? Just tell me directly, and I will work hard to complete it!"

"Leave the main universe and go to the parallel universe to hide your identity. When the time is right, my apostle will go find you." The Mother of Creation said.

"What? You put so much effort into finding me and convincing me, instead of arranging important tasks immediately, you just let me hide?" Circe was confused and shouted loudly.

The Mother of Creation said angrily: "The reason why I am looking for you now is because if I don't look for you now, you will burp soon!

I didn't fool you before. Now if you dare to enter the main universe and get close to the earth, you will be immediately discovered by the Witch Harley and easily crushed to death.

You are the best person to open the Wind of Nothingness space. If I don’t bother to find you or convince you now, it will only be more troublesome and laborious for me in the future. "

Circe pursed her lips and said doubtfully: "Besides me, is there anyone else who can open the Wind of Nothingness space? Didn't you say that I am the only 'Hecate' left in the world?"

The Mother of Creation said calmly: "You have been a super villain on Earth for decades, so you must be familiar with Hal Jordan and The Flash.

They are the embodiment of emotional energy and the embodiment of the Speed ​​Force respectively.

By the way, Neptune Arthur can barely be considered the embodiment of life connection power.

The superheroes in the Justice League can almost find a complete set of incarnations of the seven positive basic powers.

There are incarnations of positive basic force, and naturally there are also incarnations of negative basic force.

Without you, I would find the incarnation of the wind of nothingness.

Just like the Flash opens the Speed ​​Force space and provides the Witch Harley with the Speed ​​Force.

The incarnation of the Wind of Nothingness can open the door to the Wind of Nothingness and provide me with unlimited amounts of the Wind of Nothingness.

Even with your help now, I will still look for the incarnation of the wind of nothingness in the future.

You are only suitable for looking for the 'big mushroom'. You cannot guide the power of the wind of nothingness. The wind of nothingness is too dangerous for you. "

Previously, Circe firmly denied that she was the reincarnation of Hecate and was not willing to serve the so-called Mother of Creation.

Now that she recognized her true nature, she felt very disappointed and unwilling to hear that she was not the only choice for the Mother of Creation.

"Mother, you just said that your apostle would come to find me? Who is your apostle? Can you tell me?"

After a pause, Circe gritted her teeth and said, "Why don't you choose me to be your apostle? Is he more powerful than me, the mother of new magic?"

"You cannot be my apostle." The Mother of Creation said flatly: "To be my apostle, the most basic thing is that you must be a pure earthling.

You are a descendant of ancient Greece, a remnant of the Iron Age created by Zeus.

On the surface, there is no difference between the people created by God and the original humans on earth, but they are completely different in nature.

Even the gods who created you are just leftovers from my process of creating humans, and you, the divine creations, are even more rubbish among rubbish. "

Circe wanted to be angry, if the other person was not the Mother of Creation.

Now that she has been completely surrendered by the "whisper of the Evil God of Creation", there is no trace of anger in her heart. All the anger is immediately transformed into unwillingness and grievance before it is born.

"What's special about the humans you created? They are so weak that they can't even withstand magic power. After becoming divine wizards, their bodies cannot bear the influence of powerful magic power, and they can only transfer all their spirits into their natal artifacts."

The Mother of Creation sneered: "You stuffed the fighter jet with low-quality diesel used to drive a tractor, ruined the fighter jet, and you still complained that the fighter jet engine was rubbish?

Magic is just rubbish energy that you, a group of ants who have never seen the world, are just trying to snatch away.

The human beings I created are not prepared for low-level energy at all. They have their own exclusive energy. "

"What energy?"

"The lowest creation power, the highest. There is no upper limit." The mother of creation said lightly.

"There is no upper limit to creation-level power."

Circe was horrified, knowing that both humans and the ancient gods were created by the same master.

The ancient gods were created before humans and were substandard products. Only humans are perfect.

Once upon a time the ancient gods were very jealous and fearful of humans.

They do not admit that they are "blood brothers" with weak humans, and they try their best to suppress humans.

But they knew very well that the creation of their existence could not have been in vain. Human beings must have some special talents that they did not know or understand.

Circe dared to swear that even the ancient gods could not imagine that human beings were prepared for the power of creation.

She murmured: "There are so many humans on earth."

"There are so many humans, but that's not enough for me."

"But, every human being uses the power of creation. Is there so much power of creation for them to use?" Circe asked doubtfully.

The mother tongue of creation was impatient and said: "This is not what you should care about. Go ahead and randomly choose a different world to hide in Wantianyi. Don't stay in Limbo Prison before my human apostles find you. Show your face, and don't reveal your identity in the material universe.

Witch Harley is not alone. My three sons and three creators are all her helpers.

Before I destroy those three traitors, they are a huge threat to you and my apostles. "

"Mother, I will be your good daughter and listen to your words."

Circe expressed his attitude respectfully, and then asked cautiously: "Can I know the identity of your apostle?"

Then she immediately added: "I don't mean anything else. I just thought that knowing the apostle's identity would save him a lot of trouble when he comes to see me in the future."

"There is nothing that cannot be said. His fate has been determined and no one can change it. Neither can I."

There was a hint of helplessness in the last words of the Mother of Creation.

Seeing that the Mother of Creation was not impressed, Circe immediately asked: "Who is he?"

The Mother of Creation sighed silently and said, "Lex Luthor."

"Lex Luthor?" The identity of the apostle was so unexpected that Circe couldn't help but exclaimed, "The Mother of Creation is actually Lex Luthor. He is just an ordinary person - eh, that's not right. "

"Mother, Luther is not a pure human!" Circe's expression became very strange. "He may have been a pure human before, but in the past two years he joined the New God Clan and served as the Dark Lord for a few months. .

Even now."

She frowned and thought for a while, her tone a little uncertain, "I heard that he awakened his divinity and became the 'God of Thrash'? I haven't paid much attention to him, but he is definitely not a pure human now."

"Joining the new god clan is not a big problem. Becoming a new god will not distort his human nature.

Well, I mean the first people on earth, created by my own hands.

When ordinary humans become the new gods, their essence will definitely change, but the origin of the new gods is not enough to distort the essence I gave to humans.

It doesn't matter even if he becomes an old god, as long as his body is still there and he hasn't turned into an artifact with a will of his own. "

Having said this, the Mother of Creation couldn't help but sigh silently, "The key is Luther's 'Pain Man Talent'. He was twisted by the power of Witch Harley and became the first generation Pain Man.

Witch Harley soaked his soul and body with pure heavenly holy power, and also added her unique way of thick skin. If there is a second choice, I will definitely replace Luther. "

"Why not change? Luther has a close relationship with Witch Harley. He may be in the Cao camp but his heart is in the Han Dynasty, and he has betrayed your trust and training." Circe said.

"As my apostle, he will only serve me wholeheartedly. My will is his mission. There is no need to worry about this. No matter who it is, I will not worry."

The voice of the Mother of Creation was light, without any obvious arrogance, but with an absolute sense of confidence.

Then her tone turned helpless, and she continued: "It's just that my 'Apostle Plan' started in the era of the God of War fifty thousand years ago, and now it's just one step away from being completed. It can't be changed."

"The era of the God of War fifty thousand years ago." Circe's heart moved and she asked in surprise: "The dark demon god Barbatos from the sixth dimension is also yours?"

"It's not really a human being, it's just a dog I raised."

Barbatos, who has always regarded himself as the "fourth son of the Mother of Creation", would be heartbroken if he heard these words from his old mother.

"Mother, when did Bateman Luther appear on the stage as the protagonist of the Age of the Martial God King?" Circe asked softly.

"Haha, Bateman is just a pseudo-protagonist. He, Barbatos, and even the subsequent Dark Night Crisis are just cannon fodder for the king's vanguard, and they are all covering up for the real protagonist and the real story.

If not, how could I arrange the "Apostle's Story" under the nose of Witch Harley?

She knew my identity and my status very early on, and she had already discovered me during the Martial God King Era.

Hehe, in the Age of the God of War, I was exposed on purpose.

Including myself, I am only a supporting character in the real story.

I asked her to find my will to break away from the Origin Wall in order to completely dispel her wariness.

The idiot Barbatos has been exposed, and she has doubts and vigilance in her heart.

Only my complete failure can reassure her.

After she threw the fragments of my will back to the Origin Wall, she happily went about her own business, not knowing that my plan had just officially begun. "The mother of creation said proudly.

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