I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1951 Fire Tongue Harley?

"Harry, what happened?" Diana asked nervously.

Harley suddenly stood up and left without even saying hello. She was shouting in a hurry. It was obvious that something serious had happened.

Later, they found that she had returned to the top of Lishan Mountain, and they only watched from the side, looking at her with puzzled and worried expressions, not daring to disturb her.

It wasn't until the solemn look on Harley's face dissipated and she jumped down from the top of the tree and landed in front of them that they asked.

"The Weird Brood is gone." Harley sighed.

"Gone? What do you mean, why is it gone?" Several people asked in unison.

"I don't know exactly what happened inside the Brood. But just now, I felt the river of destiny boiling.

There are signs of the end of the world, just like the alarm clock on the bedside, waking up the ray of consciousness I was immersed in the bottom of the river. "

Harley glanced at Xanadu, "Have you sensed it? I estimate that many diviners have received ominous warnings from fate at this time.

Of course, the crisis is now over.

When they were awakened, if they carefully sensed it, they would only feel as if they were in a dream, as if they had just been jolted. "

Xanadu said: "I am different from you. I will not receive information directly from the river of destiny."

She is a traditional fortune teller. She plays with tarot cards or uses crystal balls to divine fortune every day. She has no special purpose and is just a habitual hobby, just like ordinary people are used to drinking a glass of wine with dinner.

If "God" wants to spread some revelation in the river of destiny, then she can receive the message and predict the catastrophe and uncertainty in the future.

If everyone hears Harry's words now and wants to divine a crisis prophecy, he can't be empty-handed and know it with just a thought. She needs tarot cards, crystal balls and other divination props, and needs to meditate.

It is best to fast and bathe in advance to achieve the best and most pious state for the best divination effect.

Like Harley, who has been sinking a ray of consciousness into the river of destiny, it is like placing a signal receiver in the river of destiny. Not only can it receive information immediately, but it can also accurately sense the smallest fluctuations in the river of destiny. Absolutely Most Destinies can't do that.

Probably only the three goddesses of destiny who had not been avenged by Harley back then could be the same as she is now.

"I had a premonition of something unknown, and followed the unknown to trace the source of the unknown, and successfully found the strange mother nest. I remotely sensed that the chaotic magic power with extremely high energy levels and extremely domineering and chaotic attributes leaked from the strange mother nest.

As the leakage of Chaos touches the reality of our multiverse, the entire veil of reality becomes like a true gauze, and the leaked Chaos magic falls like burning coals onto the gauze.

The entire strange nest is like a gasoline tank with holes everywhere, spraying chaotic magic outward.

Chaos magic is like extremely corrosive concentrated acid. Gasoline cans are only made of iron and cannot resist the corrosion of concentrated acid. Soon the whole tank will be scrapped, and then a torrent of chaos magic will be poured into our world——"

World Tree suddenly interrupted her and said: "Harley, it seems that your bloodline clone has controlled the chaotic magic power in the strange nest.

Only a very small part is left out.

Even without us, the magic of Chaos cannot form an endless tsunami or flood. "

Harley turned her head and glanced at the human face on the tree trunk, and asked, "Have you sensed my blood clone?"

"No, but I can clearly feel that the chaotic magic power leaked is not as much as expected. It does not form an endless and continuous trend. Instead, it feels like it is weak and the oil is exhausted." World Tree said.

Harley explained to the people with confused expressions around her: "The Strange Brood is like a gasoline can hidden in a pile of debris, and the World Tree is the best firefighter.

I had to walk through layers of debris to get close to the gasoline can.

You have to turn the gasoline can over and over to find it, and then you can count the holes in it with difficulty.

The branches of the World Tree inserted holes in every crack, followed the dimensional gaps, and easily came to the gasoline tank. The branches were woven into a large barrel in the shape of a football, and the gasoline tank that was about to collapse was packed up, and the crisis was eliminated.

Her branches and roots continue to travel within the surrounding dimensional space.

Finding the magic of chaos that permeates the intricately structured dimensions, the branches turn into straws and conduits to draw them away.

What's even better is that for those dimensions that have suffered severe trauma, she can also 'secret resin' and deliver nutrients to help repair dimensional barriers and stabilize the foundation. "

Having said this, Harley couldn't help but pat the tree trunk a few times and praised: "Little tree, you are the number one cleaner and firefighter in the multiverse."

World Tree shouted: "Harley, I'm not relaxed. The level of those chaotic magic powers is too high. I swear, they are definitely over level 10!"

Even now, they are still eating away at my body.

I didn't control them, I just built a dam out of my own tree trunk corpses.

In addition, I don’t rely on ‘resin’ and nutrients to repair dimensional wounds.

I am the World Tree, I can directly grow a world, and I can also grow all the materials and energy needed to repair the world.

Finally, most of the strange mother nest has melted away, and the flood of chaotic magic has calmed down. I found some odds and ends at the bottom of the ‘barrel’. Please give me my condolences. "

"What are you mourning for?" Xiao Zha had an unknown premonition in his heart.

A tree root as thick as a bowl's mouth sprouted from the ground in front of them.

A "mouth" opened at the end of the tree root, and a pile of debris was spit out.

There were a lot of things, but they were all very fragmentary. There was a tattered "fishing net" as big as a tablecloth, a small iron bowl that looked like it had been buried in the ground for hundreds of years, and pieces of metal of different sizes.

"I buy it, I buy it." Madam Xanadu looked confused at first, then seemed to recognize something, her face changed, and she became pale and frightened, "It's the N metal suit of the God of Order, the God of Order. They are all dead." , there is only a little residue left, I’ll buy it!”

"It is really the God of Order. Although the divinity and divine power of Order have been completely wiped out, the characteristics of N metal still retain part of the aura of order. The aura of order is very light, but mixed with a strong sense of resentment."

Rachel squatted down, gently touched each piece, closed her eyes and murmured: "They died in pain and unwillingness. I seemed to be able to hear their wails of regret and anger."

Harley can only sense every emotion of others after she has completed the demonization of her nightmare and perfectly merged with the fantasy human.

Rachel is gifted with the ability to sense the strong emotions of others.

Well, only strong emotions can be sensed by her, but Harley can even distinguish the deepest hidden emotions one by one.

Rachel can also transfer the emotions of others onto her own.

But she never steals other people's joy and happiness. She only transfers other people's pain, despair, loss and other negative emotions to herself, helping them reduce their emotional burden.

Now she is using this talent to extract the last and strongest emotion left by the God of Order from the artifact fragments.

If the emotion is not strong enough, it will not survive at all.

Zatanna trembled: "Rachel, are you sure? They are the God of Order, and they have formed the most powerful 'God of Order'. It seems that Nabu also deceived the Upside Down into a very high-level... Very powerful energy.

By the way, Naboo took refuge in Heaven and became a powerful Angel of Order. "

"I'm pretty sure that this thing that looks like a broken bowl is the Naboo helmet." Rachel pointed to the "little iron bowl".

It was like a baby's small bowl, which had gone through hundreds of years of rust and could hardly maintain its shape.

"It has the strongest emotions and the heaviest resentment. There is a kind of extreme unwillingness and resentment that a thousand years of anticipation, a thousand years of hard work, and a thousand years of planning finally succeeded, but then suddenly encountered an incomprehensible disaster."

Rachel looked at Harry hesitantly, "There seems to be hatred and curse against you in the resentment."

Harley knew in her heart that Naboo could still leave behind helmet residue. With her ability and character, and the bloodline clone's control over the tide of chaotic magic at this time, she would definitely rush to the scene as soon as possible, and then see those who could still be rescued. Naboo, but not only did she not save him, she instead made sarcastic remarks.

"Every supervillain hates his or her lifelong enemy, and it's no surprise that Naboo behaves this way.

Although I am not a superhero, and he is not qualified to be my lifelong enemy, he definitely thinks so. "Harry said calmly.

Diana opened her mouth and wanted to say: Doctor Destiny is the real superhero!

But thinking about the bad things Naboo did with the God of Order during the magic debt crisis, she swallowed them back before the words even reached her throat.

Although Harley has not joined the Justice League and has always claimed that she is not a superhero, she has never lost her character. Every time she encounters a crisis, she stands on the side of justice and the people, and Naboo. Even if the God of Order is not dead, The Justice League will no longer trust "Doctor Destiny" as they did before.

Just like after the Dark Night crisis, they no longer trust Shazam Wizard, but are still wary of him and secretly monitor him.

"Perhaps we in the Justice League should strengthen our promotion of the concept of absolute justice in the future."

Diana stared at the last remnants of Naboo's helmet and murmured: "In today's world, new superheroes appear every day, and new hero teams are formed every now and then.

Each hero has his own philosophy, and each hero team also has its own characteristics.

Not all superheroes and heroic organizations accept our idea of ​​absolute justice.

Just like Naboo, he is an 'ancient hero' who has lived for millions of years and has his own concept of justice. His justice is more biased towards practical interests and lacks fairness and absoluteness.

If he could adhere to the Justice League's concept of absolute justice and regard killing as a bottom line that must never be crossed, he would not have reached this point today. "

Harley looked at her, then turned her head to look at Xiao Zha, and finally ignored her, but said to Xiao Zha, whose eyes were red and almost choking and crying: "Even Naboo was broken into slag, Master Zatara It’s bound to be inevitable, Xiao Zha, you can cry if you want, there’s no need to hold it in or endure it.”

Selina scolded softly: "Harley, what are you talking about? We don't know what happened in the strange nest. How can you conclude that Master Zatara was killed?

Maybe you in the brood took action in time to save him? "

"What's the point of false words of comfort? Let Xiao Zha have hope, and finally despair again after a long period of anxiety and expectation?" Harley looked at Xiao Zha and said: "Although I don't know what happened in the weird brood What, but judging from the ending of Naboo, the change happened so quickly that they didn't even have time to react.

As long as they could react, they directly opened the irony magic transmission channel and left. "

"Yes, yes!" Selina's eyes lit up, she patted Xiao Zha's arm and comforted: "Your father has been resurrected, and he has stronger irony magic and chaos magic than you.

If you can teleport away in one sentence, his speed will only be faster than yours, and he must have teleported back by now.

It's just that he is not you and cannot be teleported to Gotham or directly to Lishan.

He has tapped into a lot of magical powers and will deliberately avoid Harley.

Nothing happened to him, he was just hiding in a corner of the universe studying the new power in his hands. "

Seeing the light of hope rekindled in Xiao Zha's eyes, Harley was speechless and helpless.

"Since the N-metal fragments can be preserved, why didn't Naboo persevere?" Diana wondered: "The N-metal blessed by Naboo's divine power will only be stronger and stronger than pure N-metal."

Harley shook her head and said: "If it were pure N metal, it would definitely be able to last longer in the chaos magic.

Because the magic power of chaos is aimed at the magic and spiritual power of alien attributes.

Iron is harder than porcelain. Porcelain can hold concentrated sulfuric acid, but iron will corrode into slag immediately when put into concentrated sulfuric acid.

Pure N metal does not contain magic power, only the 'secondary power of creation' that distorts the rules of the universe. It does not have a strong energy reaction with the chaotic magic power, but can last longer. "

When Little Black Bean crushed Hell, he directly came into contact with the rocks and scorched earth of Hell.

Some of the matter was assimilated by the violent high-energy dark magic and turned into a wisp of dark energy, but more of the land was only "radiated" and did not disappear.

Could it be said that the earth is stronger than the flesh and blood of gods and demons?

The same is true for N metal.

What really reacts is the power and soul of the gods in the N metal artifact.

When all the divine power and soul are assimilated into chaotic magic power, the only remaining pure N metal may remain.

The fragments of the God of Order artifacts that have appeared now are examples of this.

"Hey, Harley, I made a big discovery. I picked up a survivor in the calmed Chaos Magic Haiti.

The Mother of Night is on top, the Thick-skinned Way is on top, and there are still survivors! "World Tree suddenly shouted in surprise.

When everyone heard this, they were immediately shocked.

"Is it Harley's blood clone?" Selena asked.

"It's definitely not Harley. Didn't World Tree just say that Harley and she should cooperate inside and outside to clean up the tide of chaos internally?" Shandu replied, and then guessed: "Is it Uriel who has the power of the king? Dig Among the three people in the mine, Uriel is the strongest.”

"Boom!" The end of the tree root opened its "mouth" again and spit out a bubble the size of a fist.

The bubbles emitted a faint holy light and were a little hazy, making it difficult to see clearly what was inside.

Diana blurted out, "It's the energy of the Holy Light. It's indeed the angel Uriel!"

"It's not Uriel, it's Udon."

Harley stretched out her hand, held the bubble in her palm, and said with a smile: "This is my power, the 'Wandering Holy Light Ball' created by my blood clone using the power of the thick-skinned war god."

Uriel's holy power will be quickly annihilated in the tide of chaos. Her holy power has blessed the way of thick skin, which can resist the erosion of chaotic magic.

"Poof~~~" The bubble burst open, and an angel the size of a palm, emitting sacred golden light, ran out from inside.

"Master Guard, am I back?" The angel looked around and said in surprise: "It's exactly what you said. The World Tree will definitely find me and send me back to Earth."

"You are Archangel Udon, where are the others?" Madam Xanadu asked.

At the earlier Earth Magic Alliance conference, both Xanadu and Xiao Zha had met Udon, and they were not too familiar with him, at least they would not have mistaken him.

"No more. I am the only one alive in the entire Weird Mother Realm." Udon sighed.

"No one teleported away in advance?" Shandu turned his head and glanced at Xiao Zha.

"Yes." Udon in Harley's palm also turned to look at Zatana, "Zatanna is really lucky to leave early with the remnant souls of Master Khalid and John Constantine. You should know Bar."

"Where's Giovanni Zatara? He also has chaos magic and can use irony magic to open portals." Xanadu said.

Udon shook his head and said: "The tsunami of chaotic magic power came so suddenly, even if Master Ulie had a keen sense of spiritual awareness and sensed the crisis in advance, he still had no time to start the teleportation.

The perverts are too ruthless and cruel, and they take the initiative to set off a great flood and perish together with us.

Before the tsunami of chaotic magic approaches us, the rules in the strange nest have collapsed, the will of the upside-down people has died, and the irony magic has lost its special effects.

Not only was Giovanni Zatara unable to open the irony magic transmission channel, Lord Uriel's attempt to forcibly tear apart time and space with the power of the Great Lord also failed.

There is no time and space at all, and no laws of time and space. How can we tear apart time and space?

Unless the strange brood dimension itself is torn apart, not even the defense master can activate the teleportation.

To tear up the dimension is to let the chaotic magic sea flow everywhere, so Lord Guard made a magic boat, put me into the chaos tide, and let the world tree pick me up.

For Master Uriel, he may have the power to tear apart dimensions, but before approaching the dimensional barrier, he must first pass through the tide of chaotic magic.

If he could cross the tide of chaotic magic, he wouldn't need to forcefully tear apart the dimension and escape. "


The hope in Xiao Zha's eyes was completely extinguished, and the big tears rolled down her cheeks like broken pearl necklaces.

Selina looked embarrassed and embarrassed. She opened her mouth, but she didn't know how to persuade her.

She felt a little annoyed: if she had known earlier, she would have listened to Harry and not given Xiao Zha false hope. She cried directly at that time, but there is no need to be so sad now.

Thinking of Harley, Selina couldn't help but glance at her from the corner of her eyes.

Seeing that she didn't look at her, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Xiao Zha." Diana also wanted to say something to persuade her, but she didn't know what to say when she opened her mouth.

Finally, she turned to Harley and asked: "Are you in big trouble this time? Uriel is the 'first angel' among the twelve archangels under the three angel kings. It is up to you to save him from heaven." priority.

Now that only one udon has come back, how are you going to explain it to Silver City? "

Before Harley could speak, Udon said sadly: "It is a great misfortune that Lord Uriel and more than 10,000 angel brothers have completely perished, but this misfortune has nothing to do with Lord Guard.

The defense master has done his best, and if you want to blame him, you can only blame him."

He paused, but after all he did not say anything to blame Uriel for being greedy and stupid.

"It's bad luck," he said.

Xanadu hesitated and said: "If I understand correctly, the tide of chaotic magic power is very powerful, with a very high energy level. It is as powerful as the angel Uriel. They are completely separated and become part of the chaotic magic power in the magic annihilation reaction. The entire strange mother The nest, along with the Upside Down, were reduced to nothing?"

"Yes, the Weird Mother's Nest could not survive the tide of chaotic magic for too long." Udon murmured: "Master Guard, I mean the bloodline clones in the Weird Mother's Nest.

Lord Guard is already working hard to control the Chaos Magic Sea.

Even though the Upside Down was very determined and wanted to drag the entire multiverse with him when he saw something was wrong, Lord Guard immediately came to the front of the first wave to block it from the ninth layer of reality.

But the Weird Mother Nest itself cannot become a dam that blocks the tide of chaos.

The strange brood is also rapidly melting under the magic of chaos.

It is like an iceberg that blocks a scalding flood. The iceberg is very thick and can block the scalding flood for a while, but it cannot completely block the scalding flood.

It didn't take long for the guards to discover that some areas of the strange nest had been melted through.

Lord Guard is really powerful, she is above the tide of chaos, just like Neptune is not the superhero of your world, she is Poseidon. The tides of the sea of ​​chaos are controlled by her. Wherever her mental power sweeps, everything is violent and chaotic. The magic is imprinted with her spirit, almost becoming her magic.

She controls the tide of chaos she can control to form a liquid dam, blocking the tide of chaos behind her that she cannot control with excess mental power.

However, the strange will has long been washed away by the tide, and the strange nest is also falling apart.

Before the Master of Defense can suppress the tide with the tide and push the tide out of the multiverse, a loophole has appeared in the Brood.

Fortunately, Lord Guard had a clever plan. At that time, I was still panicking and shouting, "The world is over." She calmly told me that soon the World Tree would rise up and become a bucket to support the tide of chaos. "

World Tree shouted, "Harley, you have a plan to use me to fill the hole? This is a big conspiracy, you are plotting against me!"

Harley said: "Are you confused? I didn't know where the strange mother's nest was at the time, and I asked you to find the strange mother's nest! When a large amount of chaos magic was leaked, we also discovered the abnormality at the same time, and you know it better than me.' I still need to know the details from you about the severity of the Chaos Flood!"

"But Udon said that you were confident, and before the Chaos Brood was really leaked, you thought of asking me to block the trap. You can't say that you are not you, and that you have nothing to do with you, right?" World Tree said.

Harley said: "If I were connected with her mind, I wouldn't need to ask Udon for the details of the accident.

But she is me, and I can guess her thoughts.

She must have easily witnessed the whole process of the tide of chaos destroying the strange nest.

Long before the strange brood was destroyed, she had predicted that part of the chaos magic would leak out.

She had thousands of thoughts, quickly calculating countermeasures in her mind, and then she thought of my true body.

My body will definitely be able to detect the completion immediately, and only my body can solve the crisis.

Then she continued to simulate my thoughts. No need to simulate. She is me. She knows the limits of my power and knows that your world tree is the optimal solution. "

"Hahahaha!" Xanadu suddenly laughed excitedly like crazy, "Everyone, what are you arguing about? The Weird Brood is gone, Weird is dead! Do you understand what this means? The magic debt crisis is completely over. The crisis is over. It’s over, hahahaha!”

"Yes, the weird ones are dead, the crisis is really over." Rachel and Diana were stunned for a moment, and finally came to their senses.

However, they were not as excited as Xanadu, but instead had an unreal sense of trance.

"Hey, fairies and goddesses in the back mountains, the magic debt crisis is over!" Shang was not satisfied and just laughed excitedly. She ran to the fence, put her hands on the side of her mouth to create a trumpet, and shouted loudly to the continuous woods behind: "Grudge is dead, Weirdness is completely dead, the crisis is finally over, and all mages are free~~~"

Ordinary people may not be able to hear the shouts hundreds of meters away, but the people living in the mountains behind are gods.

"The crisis is over and the Upside Down is dead? Really?"

"The crisis is really over? Hera, am I dreaming?"

The shouts of women immediately sounded from the back mountain.

When Clio and Calliope hurriedly arrived at the top of Lishan Mountain, all the exclamations from the back mountain turned into joyful laughter, and their laughter was even more exaggerated than Xanadu.

Harley didn't dissuade them or laugh at them.

Only mages who have truly experienced the magic debt crisis know how much pressure magic harvesting brings them, and how much the news of "strange death, the crisis is completely over" can stir up the emotions of wizards, gods and demons.

Harley just looked at Zatanna, whose gloomy expression was out of tune with the joyful atmosphere, and sighed softly.

She said no more words of comfort.

In the past, it was her comfort to let her accept the reality early and cry happily.

"Harry, the magic debt crisis has completely ended, and the invisible pressure on our shoulders has suddenly disappeared. No matter what, we are going to celebrate tonight. The manor in the front mountain will celebrate together with the goddesses and fairies in the back mountain. What do you think?" Selena was also affected by the emotion and said excitedly.

"You make the arrangements. I will take Udon back to heaven to hand in the mission." Harley said.

Before leaving, she also deliberately dismantled the defensive force field covering a 100-kilometer radius of Gotham.

When the fairies and goddesses of the "Lishan Song and Dance Ensemble" in the back mountain learned about the end of the crisis, they cheered for the first time, and then took out their mobile phones from Paradise Mountain to post on WeChat Moments. Soon the entire multiverse will know the news of the end of the crisis.

In fact, some areas of Arkham Island are already in chaos at this time, and some mage travelers who have received the news are excited to vent their emotions.

Canceling the defensive force field is also a statement, telling them: Don't go to Lishan to ask for information anymore, the crisis is really over.

The key to the door of heaven is divided into two. The key to close the door is given to Harley, and the key to open the door is still in the hands of the acting king Raphael.

Before the magic debt redemption was completed, the door of heaven was closed, leaving only a gap for the voice of heaven to contact Harley through a single line, and called Harley for rescue in time when there was a strange attack on the door.

After the battle in which the Grudge was devoured by the Upside Down, Heaven received enough magical power, and the door was still closed, but it opened even wider.

The angels are still worried about the strange attack on heaven.

If the door is completely open, the weird may creep in.

At this time, when Harley brought Udon to the gate of heaven, not only was the gate completely opened, but Zaulie, who had not seen him for a long time, also returned to his position as the "gatekeeper of heaven".

"Harley, Your Majesty and the others are waiting for you in the Golden Hall conference room. Go quickly."

Zhaulie's expression was solemn, without any joy at the end of the crisis.

Harry originally planned to chat with her for a few words, but he glanced at the udon in his hand and adjusted his expression to look sad inside and solemn on the outside.

It's true that we should be happy that the crisis is over, but so many angels have died in heaven. Although they died long ago, this time they were completely dead, and they died in a somewhat inexplicable way. They were even more useless than last time. It would be strange if the angels looked good.


As soon as Harry opened his mouth, he was interrupted by Michael raising his hand.

He frowned and said seriously: "Urelian's 'Mark of Name' has completely dissipated. I am shocked and sad, but I am still angry now."

Harry wanted to speak again, "Your Majesty, I——"

He raised his hand again, "What I'm angry about is not that you failed to bring him back, but that you failed to handle the aftermath properly.

Now all the mages on earth know that Uriel is dead, and he died in a very painful and stupid way.

You should not discuss Uriel's death in public.

Everyone knows that the Angel Legion has been completely wiped out.

Even if you fail to save Uriel and the other angel brothers this time, it will not have any impact on the reputation of heaven.

But now everyone is laughing at us. "

Harry glanced around. Just like the last meeting to divide the magical powers, almost all the big guys were present.

They had the same serious expressions as Michael, and there seemed to be sadness and anger in their eyes.

The atmosphere was solemn and depressing, and the pressure fell on her.

"Your Majesty, the Lord Guards didn't even know -"

The Udon in her hand wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Harley pinching her.

"Your Majesty, I always admire you, but this time I have to criticize you." Harley stared at Michael and said seriously.

Udon opened his mouth wide, his expression dull.

The other archangels were also surprised. They didn't expect that not only would she refuse to apologize, but she would also dare to rebuke the king in turn.

This is the real king, not the acting king Raphael.

"Brother Uriel is dead!" Halli shouted at the king: "Our brother is dead, and you are still concerned about the reputation of heaven?

Compared with the Uriel brothers and the more than ten thousand Flame Angel brothers who disappeared in the tide of chaos, what is a mere reputation?

No matter how much reputation I lose, I'm sure I'll make it back.

But our brother will never come back."

There were even glistening tears in the corners of her eyes.

Michael's chest felt tight.

Is he really angry and excited about the reputation of heaven?

He was excited and angry just because Uriel was completely gone, and even the mark of his name had dissipated.

But he couldn't find a reason to be angry with Harley.

Even the Voice of the Sky couldn't know what happened in the strange nest, but when Udon returned, what he knew about the Voice of the Sky knew immediately.

There is no need for Udon to repeat the cause and effect of Uriel's death. Michael and all the angels knew it.

It’s just that Uriel is stupid, greedy, and has nothing to do with Harley.

They had thousands of emotions in their hearts, but there was no reason to vent to Harley.

"Failing to deal with the funeral affairs properly has caused the reputation of heaven to be damaged" is the only reason that the majestic monarch Michael can find to rebuke Harley.

As a result, Harley didn't panic at all, nor did she give in. She defeated him with a backhand.

The reason why she scolded him was far more reasonable and more generous than the reason he had originally found.

He was so shocked that he didn't even know what to say.

But he never believed she was truly grieving Uriel's death.

"Harley Quinn, don't be excited." Raphael advised softly: "The king is not sad. Before you arrived, we had discussed the matter of Uriel and the brothers of the Flame Angels. We were all very sad. .

If he wasn't overly sad, how could the Maharaja lose his composure and blame you for the leak of the news?

In fact, he blames you not because Heaven has lost face, but because the news has spread, and it is shameful for Brother Uriel to leave. "

Harley glanced at him, and he had the same sad and solemn expression as the other angels.

But she felt that this guy was more relaxed and comfortable than she was at this moment.

He must also be sad about Uriel's death, after all, he is an old brother of tens of billions of years.

But in addition to being his brother, Uriel was also the deposed prince, and he was the current prince.

What's even better is that Harley, the suspected "future prince", just had a conflict with the old emperor.

Michael glanced at Raphael, who was a good person, returned to his seat, and said calmly: "Harley Quinn, Udon, in front of everyone, please tell me in detail what happened in the Weird Nest."

Udon said first: "Your Majesty, I swear to the Lord, Lord Guards really tried his best and did his best.

Her arrangements were perfect. As long as she followed her plan, I would have brought everyone back safely. "

His voice became bitter and his expression became painful, "My respect for Lord Uriel will not be doubted by all the angels in Silver City.

But I still have to tell the truth. Master Uriel was really wrong. He made a big mistake.

The Lord of Defense clearly found all the Fire Angel brothers. It can be said that we had already won at that time.

Just because Master Uriel insists on staying there to mine——"

"Udon, don't talk nonsense." Harley scolded.

Udon was stunned, "Sir, I'm not talking nonsense!"

And I'm speaking for you!

Even if I respect Lord Uriel so much, I will clear all suspicions for you. Why do you call me nonsense?

Udon felt a little aggrieved.

Harley said in a deep voice: "Of course Brother Uriel made a small mistake, but you shouldn't put all the blame on him.

Uriel was simply bewitched by Nabu.

If it weren't for Naboo's verbal instigation, would Uriel be determined to mine?

If Naboo had adhered to his duties and insisted on returning to Earth immediately like Zatanna and Constantine, Uriel would not have stayed at all.

I don't want to say that everything is Naboo's fault, but if Naboo had no ambition for magical power, this tragedy would never have happened.

On the other hand, as long as Nabu has ulterior motives, the main purpose of following me into the strange motherland is to gain magical power.

Even if Uriel wants to leave, he will use words or small tricks to make everyone stay.

A very simple principle, if everyone stays, the risks are shared. If he stays alone, I will not let him go, even if he turns people upside down. "

At this point, she couldn't help but sigh, "I was also at fault. I shouldn't have brought Nabu in at all."

Having said that, her eyes were scanning the group of archangels.

She didn't want to take Naboo to the Strange Brood at all.

It was Naboo who used the connections of the archangels and found Stranger as a lobbyist, and then he got a plan to "make up for the mistakes".

So, she was right, and they were wrong.

Wherever she glanced, many archangels' eyes flickered, with a hint of embarrassment and annoyance on their faces.

Harley continued: “As for the main reason for Uriel’s death, we must explain it clearly to the people!

Later, I will find Louise, the famous reporter of the universe, and ask her to conduct an exclusive interview with Udon.

Udon, next time don't be so stupid and subjective and put all the blame on Brother Uriel.

You just need to objectively recount what happened.

Don’t just stay in your and Uriel’s perspective, pay attention to the subtext behind every microexpression and every word of ‘Dr. Fate’. "

"Sir, you are right. I was too stupid. If you hadn't reminded me, I wouldn't have discovered the little calculations and tricks of that bastard of Naboo."

Udon gritted his teeth as he spoke, his expression serious, and he looked at Harley with even more admiration and gratitude.

Michael took a deep look at Harley and sighed in his heart again.

Originally, he had planned to question Harley a little bit about her refusal to save the "Angel of Order".

He had nothing to do with Naboo, the Angel of Order, and he did not participate in the recruitment of Naboo.

But since Naboo has become a real angel and has condensed the Seal of Order, it is always unjustifiable to refuse to save him.

Now he didn't even think about the last two sentences of accountability.

He believed that the archangel brothers who led Naboo to join Heaven would never ask for any posthumous benefits for Naboo.

Well, before the meeting, an archangel came to him and hinted that Naboo was dead and there was no need to damage his reputation. After all, he was already an angel.

What he means is that if Naboo is dead, there should be no more big trials.

Now, Naboo has become the scapegoat for all sins and tragedies. He cannot be completely cleansed, and no angel is willing to do so.

"Harley Quinn, according to the original agreement, when you rescue the remnant souls of Uriel and other angels, and when you hand over the power of the king, we will truly divide a part of the power of the king and give it to you, and it will belong to you completely.

Not only will it allow you to utilize the power of the Great King, but it will also give you a ‘name’.

In addition, your identity will also change, and you will become a formal member of the Angel Council, with the power to participate, supervise, and formulate Silver City policies.

Now Uriel can't be saved, but you did try your best.

The reason you didn't escort them back immediately was because you wanted to prevent the Upside Down from surviving by breaking his arm.

Your judgment is correct.

The Upside Down Man really wants a strong man to cut off his arms, and the part of the strange brood that enters the reality of the multiverse is falling off the real body.

If you had brought them back with you, the Upside Down would have completely escaped and you would never be able to return to the Strange Brood.

You have no fault, but you are wise and decisive, and have made great contributions to the multiverse.

Plus you just blocked the magic of Chaos from seeping into multiverse reality.

For all your merits, I appoint you as the new 'Tongue of Fire'. From now on, the Flame Angel Legion belongs to you. You are the legion commander and their spiritual leader. "

Michael looked at Harry calmly and said, "If you have no objections, today's meeting ends here."

Harry glanced at the group of archangels with different faces around him, and wanted to say: Of course I have no objection, but shouldn't you ask them? They seemed a little excited.

"Your Majesty is fair and just. I am absolutely convinced. However, what is a 'name'? Can I become the 'Tongue of Fire'?" Harley's expression was tangled and she hesitated to speak.

——I just want the power of Fire Tongue. I don’t want to be the "Second Generation Fire Tongue". Can you change the name?

Michael stood up from his seat, looked around, and said: "Today's meeting is over. The magic debt crisis is over. Raphael, you continue to be in charge of the Voice of Heaven and restore normal order to Silver City. The other angels will cooperate with you to act as agents." Maharaja'."

"I will obey your Majesty's orders!" Raphael immediately promised loudly.

The guy seemed a little beaming.

"I obey your Majesty's orders." The other angels also stood up.

Michael said: "Harley Quinn, follow me to the Tower of Holy Sound."

Harry followed Michael up the stairs step by step until he reached the top of the Tower of Holy Sound.

She was about to repeat her previous question when he suddenly turned around and said seriously: "I'm so angry that you didn't even try to save Uriel."

Harley was stunned, a little confused in her heart as to why he brought up old things again, but he was not slow at all and immediately shouted: "Your Majesty, he wants to mine, what can I do?"

Michael spread his right hand, and a strange rune the size of his face lit up in his palm.

It emits a faint white light, with a great aura that only belongs to the complete God, but at this time it is dilapidated and the light is dim.

"What is this?" Harley asked confused.

"The 'name' of Uriel."

The holy light flashed in Michael's palm, the broken runes on his face "buzzed" and vibrated, and a blurry image was projected into the air.

It is the process of Uriel's last remaining thoughts asking Harley for help in the tide of chaos.

Harley felt a little embarrassed. She really didn't know about this, but she wasn't surprised at all.

"So Uriel can be resurrected?"

Michael stared at her flawless face again and again, but didn't see any weakness or shame.

She was simply curious.

"I cannot be resurrected. Uriel will probably return only when the universe comes to an end, when the Lord comes again, when He takes back the name he gave us back then, and when the universe enters the next great reincarnation.

But at that time, he was definitely no longer the Uriel the Tongue of Fire in this world. "Michael said in a complicated tone.

"The Lord is so powerful. After being washed away by the tide of chaos, His 'name' is still indelible." Harley admired sincerely.

"You haven't answered my question yet, why don't you even have the intention to save him?" Michael said.

Harry said: "My lord, you have also seen that there is really no way to save me. My bloodline clone has to stay in the stable magic wave. It is impossible to return to heaven with my 'name' regardless of it."

"I don't blame you for not saving him, I mean you didn't even have the intention to save him.

Don't deny it, I can see that you didn't even think about saving him.

Harley Quinn, I can tolerate the cunning and selfishness of archangels, but I will not allow anyone to harm the lives of angel brothers at critical moments.

I don’t expect each of you to love each other, but at critical moments, you must become each other’s support instead of stabbing each other in the back or secretly committing evil acts. This is the bottom line.

This bottom line is already very low.

If she crosses this bottom line, I will not allow her to stay in Silver City. "Michael stared at her seriously.

Harley thought for a while and said: "Probably because he is too stupid, stupid and bad. Even though I went to save him, even though the strange nest is so dangerous, even if I was careless, I would never come back. Not only did he not be my Rely on me, and even cooperate with outsiders to stab me in the back.

I gave all my power as a king to Udon, but Uriel used my power to save him to do evil things to me.

I really can't stand this kind of bottomless behavior, so I acted impulsively. Your Majesty, I apologize, I repent, and I will at least be a little hesitant next time. "

Michael looked at her steadily and didn't speak for a long time.

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