I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1930 Chaos VS Order

It is the early spring of 2025.

March is about to begin, and the weather is still relatively cold. Xiao Zhan wears a white chest-wrap vest underneath and a light blue cashmere coat on the outside. His long black hair that just reaches his shoulders is tied into two bunches and hung behind his head.

After absorbing the magic power of chaos, her appearance changed.

The change in breath is obvious and predictable.

But she even changed her appearance.

The black hair suddenly doubled in length, almost reaching her hips, and the volume seemed to have increased several times. The thick long hair hung down on the back of her head and fell on her chest, completely blocking Xiao Zha's eyes. On the face, only the mouth and nose can be seen at this time.

The direct cause of this change is the Ruby of Life.

She really fully activated and controlled the ruby ​​of life, and now the gem is embedded in... There is something wrong with the inlay. It should be hung directly on her forehead.

The long black hair covers her forehead and face, and the ruby ​​​​extends blood-red tentacles like a hair ornament hanging on the top of her head, and the gem falls just in front of her forehead.

The hair is close to the forehead, and the gems are close to the hair.

The original light blue woolen coat has also become a long windbreaker with black outside and red inside, exuding the same chaotic magic aura as the Demon Governor.

Her skin seemed to be covered with a layer of fluorescent powder, giving off a light gray-white glow.

Chaos magic power penetrated directly through the body, emerging from the pores of every inch of skin.

Finally, there are the sound and light special effects around her. Purple chaos magic surrounds her, just like the ruby ​​energy condensed in blood boiling on top of the chaos magic.

Xiao Zha seemed to be standing on a purple and red lotus platform, and there was a magic smoke column rising into the sky above the lotus platform.

Very unconventional, but also very domineering.

"Xiao Zha, how come your appearance has changed?" Zha Kang stood a few steps away and asked worriedly: "How do you feel now?"

"I feel great and full of power." Xiao Zha lowered his head and looked at his hands. The light purple chaotic magic power gathered obediently into his palms, forming two balls of light.

"The world in front of me suddenly became so fragile, as if it were a thin veil floating gently in the breeze. If I pulled it gently, the reality would be torn off."

"Can you still see the world in front of you? I can't even see your eyes." Harley said strangely.

"Eyes." Xiao Zha dispersed the magic light ball in his palm and fumbled with his right hand in front of his forehead for a while, his expression became a little weird, "Do I look weird now?

Don’t get me wrong, I have normal tastes and I didn’t mean to become this unconventional.

The whole process is not entirely under my control.

The life ruby ​​is an artifact. The artifact has a certain self-will and its own characteristics.

Hanging on the forehead like an ornament is the characteristic of the ruby ​​of life. "

"What about the messy hair covering your eyes? Your eyes are completely blocked by your hair, doesn't it affect your vision?" Xanadu asked.

"It doesn't affect me at all. In fact, I can now see clearer and more detailed than usual. I can even see directly through the 'veil of reality', because the Life Ruby is also an eye, but it is far more useful than eyes."

Zatanna smoothed her long hair in front of her forehead. The life ruby ​​hair ornament caught her hair, and she could never move away the black hair that covered her entire forehead.

"This is the best state. Exposing my eyes will affect my control of the Ruby of Life.

Well, human vision and senses will distract me from the ‘ruby perspective’. "

She tried several times, trying to reveal her eyes that emitted white light, but in the end she still maintained her unconventional look.

"Appearance is just a trivial matter, the key is the power itself. Can you now control Chaos Magic freely? What effect can Chaos Magic plus Life Ruby, plus your Irony Magic produce?" Harley asked.

"Effect." Xiao Zha looked up at the sky and said hesitantly: "Simply speaking of strength, I feel stronger than ever before.

As for how strong it is, I have limited knowledge and cannot accurately tell its combat effectiveness at this time before actual combat.

But I have a feeling that I can open the barrier between reality and the strange motherland.

Well, I can open a space passage to the depths of the strange motherland, and even find my father directly. "

Harley's eyes lit up, "Are you sure?"

If Xiao Zha's feeling is not an illusion, this ability alone is worth the price of the deal with the Demon Governor.

"I'm very sure!" Zatanna nodded heavily and said seriously: "I just explained why I should immediately absorb the chaotic magic power of the Life Ruby.

I'm not doing it for the profits I can make from my father's plan, nor am I doing it to completely resolve the magic debt crisis - this is Harley's responsibility, and Harley has done a good job.

I just want to save my father.

I think there may be a redeeming part of his plan.

After absorbing the magic power of Chaos and controlling the Ruby of Life, the first and biggest obsession in my subconscious was to save my father.

When I think this way, an instinct seems to awaken in me.

This instinct is like a newborn duckling that immediately knows how to swim when it comes to the lake. It is like a baby bird that does not need anyone to teach or remind it after jumping from the nest. It naturally knows how to flap its wings. "

Harry thought thoughtfully and nodded slightly: "It seems that this is also a part of Master Zatara's plan."

Irony magic + chaos magic + life ruby ​​can directly locate Zatara in the strange motherland. It sounds incredible, but considering that all this is Zatara's plan.

That guy even resolutely entered the strange motherland more than 20 years ago.

It is only natural that Xiao Zha, who follows the plan, has this ability.

At the Zatara Theatre, Zatara is a world-famous master of escape magic.

The core secret of escape magic is to prepare a safe and reliable escape route for yourself in advance that is difficult for others to guess.

This time, Lao Zha returned to his old job, but he did it very well, and Ha Li was a little surprised.

Well, it was both a surprise and a surprise.

"However, it's not that I can't or can't. It's not the right time to open the transmission channel into the strange motherland. When I thought like this, a great ominousness and great fear immediately appeared in my sense of crisis, which made me instinctively Afraid to continue thinking." Zatara hesitated again.

"Now that the plan has just begun, we definitely can't enter the Weird Motherland to rescue your father right away." Zha Kang glanced at Harley, "If it weren't for Harley, if you go to the Weird Motherland at this time, you will definitely be a meat bun beating a dog. There is no return.

If you want to save people, you must complete your father's complete plan.

Only by obtaining the achievements and benefits promised in the plan can you come to the strange motherland with strength. "

Xanadu hesitated and said: "By the strong gesture you are talking about, do you mean seizing magical power? Does Giovanni have such great ambitions? (ps)"

"In your mind, what kind of person should Giovanni be?" Harley asked with a smile.

A look of memory appeared on Xanadu's face, "He is handsome, graceful, gentle and considerate but has an independent and strong sense of self. He is a very charming and characterful man."

——Why does it sound like you are eating hard food, but you still eat it very happily?

Harley looked at Xanadu a little strangely.

She knew that Xanadu and Lao Zha had a love history.

Xanadu is already a big shot in the magic world, an old master and fairy who has lived for thousands of years.

Back then, Lao Zha was still Xiao Zha. He had just debuted and had not yet become famous. He was just a magic apprentice, a pure and innocent young man.

The two dated for a long time, until Xiao Zha became "Zhong Zha" (middle-aged Zatara) and was promoted to a magic master, and then he dumped the old fairy Xanadu with a strong personality.

Well, that's right, it was Lao Zha who dumped Xanadu, not Xanadu who found a new love.

Although the old fairy Shangdu is very unruly and has had many men and women in her life, she rarely abandons her partner unless the other person is a mortal who has passed her youth and is getting older.

It seemed that Lao Zha felt that Shangdu had interfered too much in his personal life, making him feel suffocated and unable to breathe.

However, the old fairy Shangdu did not turn against him, and they remained friends later.

From her evaluation of him at this time, it can also be seen that she may have a little resentment in her heart, but there is no hatred or malice at all.

"What you said - being handsome and charming doesn't seem to have anything to do with personality, right? Being personable can also be ambitious, there is no contradiction at all." Harley said.

"Giovanni is an artist, a literary and passionate young man of justice"

As the old fairy spoke, hesitation and uncertainty gradually appeared on her face.

In her impression, Zatara was not only as clean as a blank sheet of paper, but at least he had no chance of being cunning.

But now even the famous legendary wizard Demon Governor is involved with him.

The dignified Demon Governor is even just a part of his plan.

The former "young-faced little Zha" vaguely had the image of a super boss.

"I still think what John said is a bit exaggerated. Magical power is not something a magic master should think about. Giovanni should just want his daughter to get through the magic debt crisis safely.

If he knew that Xiao Zha had Harley's protection, it's hard to say that he would happily give up his plan and disappear into the strange motherland with peace of mind. "The old fairy is still making her last struggle.

"Super boss Giovanni" really did not meet her knowledge and expectations of him in his life.

Zatanna's lips moved a few times, then she finally frowned and fell silent.

Harley said: "Do you think what will happen to Xiao Zha after he enters the strange motherland without magical power?

In other words, as long as he enters the strange motherland and sees Master Zatara's soul, he can be rescued?

I have actually entered Hecate's mind space.

But how much effort did I waste and how much risk did I take when I rescued Xuanlan, Enduo, and Diana?

In order to successfully fish out the dusk, I even had to compromise with the grudge. "

Diana nodded gently and said: "We who fell into Hecate's mind space have been swallowed by Hecate and become part of her soul.

If you want to save us, you have to cut off the flesh and harvest the mother of magic.

In the same way, Master Zatara has been harvested by the Upside Down, even for decades.

To save him is not a matter of rescue and disaster relief in the material world. You can take people out of danger as long as you see them.

Master Zatara is already part of a strange collection of dark consciousness. To save him, he has to cut off the flesh of the upside-down person.

That is to say, counter-harvest and turn people upside down. "

Zatanna hesitated and said: "We are not speculating. When my father was swallowed by the magic power of the little black bean, he completed the magic infusion. His soul was imprinted with the magic mark of the little black bean, and his own magic power was also transformed into the attributes of the supreme power of darkness?

Maybe it's not that troublesome.

During the battle in Hecate's mind space, it was quite easy for Harley to save Diana. Although Diana was digested and absorbed by Hecate, she suffered from indigestion and became a tumor growing in Hecate's collective consciousness.

Although tumors grow in the body, they seem to be part of the body, but they are not controlled by the body. "

Diana said: "Master Zatara's situation is definitely much better than that of ordinary mages who are harvested.

But relying solely on my own strength, there is a high probability that I will not be able to escape from Hecate's spiritual space.

Harley can save me easily because she is very capable.

You don’t have to have the same strong thick skin as Harley.

But you have to at least activate the little black bean magic mark on your father's soul like Harley did, or something similar. "

Zha Kang raised his chin towards Xiao Zha and said, "Now that you have complete control over the Ruby of Life, can you find any information about your father's next plan?"

Xiao Zha raised his head and glanced at Diana, his eyes a little strange.

“It’s true as the Demon Governor said, with the magic of chaos and my own irony spell, I found a ‘mark of life’ at the core of the ruby ​​of life.

The mark presumably belonged to Master Sargon, without his personal will, and was simply a brief message. "

Diana wondered: "What do you think I am doing? Is the information related to me?"

Xiao Zha nodded and said: "My father asked me to find you, Xuan Lan, Endo, and Wu Huo, and cooperate with you, a group of witches who have been entrusted with magical power, to deal with Hecate.

Of course, my father did not name you directly. He only knew that Hecate hid soul fragments in some witches, and suspected that Diana was one of the 'Witch Fires'. He was not sure about all 'Witch Fires' specific identity.

In fact, I wasn't even born when he was making this plan.

Xuan Lan and Enduo are about the same age as me, and Wu Huo is several years younger than me. It is impossible for him to predict their identities in advance. "

"How does he know that I am the target chosen by Hecate? My father, God Zeus, and Queen Hecate don't know, nor do my mother and I." Diana frowned.

"I don't know. The information in the Ruby of Life is very concise."

Zatanna shook her head, then pointed to the life ruby ​​on her forehead and said: "The gem stores a large amount of chaos magic power.

The Demon Governor gave me half of his power, a total of 163 ‘Kui’s units’!

Even if the magic of chaos does not corrode the human body and soul like the magic of light, I can only control one or two tenths of it.

But so much Chaos magic won't be wasted.

According to my father's plan, the chaos magic power will be distributed to you.

I join forces with you to fight against Hecate. "

Xanadu was surprised: "You mean, if blessed by the magic of chaos, Hecate can no longer seize the magical power in the body of the 'Witch Fire'?"

"I guess that's the case." Xiao Zha turned his gaze to Harley, "You talked to the Demon Governor alone, and he said that you also verified his chaos magic.

His chaotic magic has been approved by you, and it is indeed effective on Hecate and the Upside Down.

Do you think there's something wrong with my father's plan?

Can the magic of Chaos help Diana retain her magical powers? "

Harley gently pinched her chin and thought: "It is a new idea to use chaotic magic to activate or even take away the magical power in the 'Witch Fire' body.

I have checked the chaos magic power. Although it is not the original chaos magic power, it lives up to its name. It has a bit of chaos flavor.

It's just that I'm not sure what effect Chaos Magic will have when facing Hecate and the Upside Down.

You'll have to try it to find out. "

"It's a pity that we don't even have the chance to experiment now." Xanadu frowned and said: "Now that Diana, Enduo, Xuanlan, and Wu Huo have all been harvested, the ruby ​​​​appeared too late. If it had been a few days earlier.

Alas, Giovanni failed to run out of ideas and took the best and last chance. "

Xiao Zha shook his head repeatedly and said: "Although my father is not perfect, he has also considered the possibility of missing the best opportunity. He also has a remedial plan. In fact, it is not a remedial plan, even if Diana has not been forced by the grudge. To activate the Seal of March, I still have to find the last participant of the plan.

She will be our mentor and guide us through the final practical plan. "

"Is there still one last person?" Harley raised an eyebrow, "Has your father played too many single-player games? Even life-or-death life-saving plans have been turned into a series of tasks. You have to find NPCs one by one and activate various conditions to pass the level."

Xanadu muttered: "I must have read too much "Lord of the Rings". I remember that Giovanni liked Tolkien's novels very much. We are now very much like Gandalf in forming the "Lord of the Rings Team"."

"Who is Gandorf, Zak?" Harley asked.

"Xiao Zha should be a hobbit, and Gandalf is Giovanni himself. Everyone and all actions are in his plan, and they can only follow his plan." Xanadu said.

"It's not as exaggerated as the Lord of the Rings Squad." Zatanna said awkwardly: "In total, there are only three key elements, me, the Lord of the Rings, and the last person.

It is said that the series of tasks have been passed. After all, this plan is aimed at the magic debt crisis.

It would be abnormal if just one or two people could solve the crisis. "

"Who are we going to find next?" Zha Kang asked.

Zatanna turned her gaze to Diana, opened her mouth and spoke a name, "Cersei the Witch."

"It can't be that Circe, right?" Diana said in surprise.

"That's her, your witch Cirsi in Greek mythology, your lifelong enemy," Zatanna said.

Every superhero has his or her own fan base.

Among the fans, the most capable and capable of causing trouble is the superhero's "lifelong enemy".

The witch Circe is one of Diana's "lifelong enemies".

"Cersei hasn't given me any trouble for many years." Diana made an estimate in her mind and said, "It's been almost three years, I haven't seen her in three years, how come she has become a part of Zatara's plan? Or is it the last link?”

"I have to find Circe to find out," Zatanna said.

She looked around everyone, focusing her eyes on the faces of Diana and Constantine, and asked: "We should do the same as before, first inquire about the news in Gotham, maybe Diana, if you are familiar with Circe, can you lead us directly to her?" At the door of your home?"

Diana sighed: "I told you, I haven't seen her in 3 years. I don't know how she plans to survive the magic debt crisis."

"Sister Harley, help, come and help!"

At this moment, a tree root as thick as a bowl emerged from the ground in front of Harry, piercing the marble floor directly and splitting in the middle in an instant, opening a two-meter-high portal.

People nearby looked up at the portal cracked from the middle of the tree roots, and could directly see the brightly lit bar, and the orangutan detective BoBo standing on the bar waving excitedly.

"Sister Harley, BoBo has sent news again, asking you to go help! Go quickly."

"Hari, Nur plane!" BoBo waved and shouted.

Harry was just about to step into the door frame of the tree root, when suddenly something moved in his heart, he stopped, turned to Zatanna, and said: "The job of finding Circe can be left to John, why don't you try the effect of chaos magic plus defensive magic? "

Seeing the door of tree roots that suddenly emerged, only Xiao Zha and Zha Kang were stunned for a moment.

Diana, Xanadu, Selina and others are already used to it.

As soon as Harley started to hang the World Tree upside down, a door was placed in front of her, and the door was always open.

If the Forgotten Bar receives news that the magic plane has been harvested, whether the reaper is the Upside Down, the God of Order, or Hecate, BoBo will immediately call Harley, who will end the upside down and rescue immediately.

Later, Zatara sent the Life Ruby into reality, and Harley had to devote some of her attention to the safety of Zha Kang and others.

The task of communicating with the forgotten bar door was left to Yggdrasil.

Harley also gave the World Tree two points of magic power, allowing her to repair the alienated half of the tree herself, and told her to stay connected to the Forgotten Bar with confidence.

So in the past two days, Xanadu, Selina, and the others often saw the roots or branches of the World Tree emerging from the ground or walls, instantly transforming into a wooden door for Harley to instantly reach the Forgotten Bar or the target plane.

"Are you too hasty?" Zatanna swallowed and said nervously: "I'm not ready yet. If my rescue fails, the lives of millions or tens of millions of people on the plane -"

"Harry, what are you waiting for? Hurry up!" BoBo shouted anxiously.

"Go ahead, I'll leave a little bit of my mind on you and capture the formation for you."

Harley comforted her through a mental message, and told BoBo about the substitution through a mental message.

"Diana, come with me." Zatanna said quickly: "I will give you part of the Chaos Magic Power. According to my father's plan, we are teammates, and the Chaos Magic Power should not cause any harm to you."

"But the magical power in my body has been taken away by Hecate." Diana hesitated.

It's not that she doesn't want to save another world.

Just like Zatanna had worried before, there were at least millions of people on one plane, and no mistakes were allowed.

Diana was not sure whether she, who had obtained 5 points of magic power and only had thick-skinned divine power left in her body, could deal with the aliens harvesting the magic plane. If she only faced the God of Order, she was somewhat confident.

It's just a bit of confidence. It's not difficult to save your own life. The difficulty is to save the entire plane and prevent the people from being harmed.

"Chaos magic can at least enhance your strength and improve your chances of winning when facing aliens and Hecate." Zatanna said.

Diana turned her questioning and expectant eyes to Harry.

Harley nodded and said: "At least the magic of chaos will not harm you."

If it were anyone else, Harley might still hesitate.

Will it be impossible to adapt to the power of different attributes in a person's body, causing the opposite effect of one plus less than one?

Diana didn't need to have such worries.


Just like Zatanna just now, the infusion of chaos magic power was not a trickle process, just like the transformation of "Thunder Shazam", with the purple-gray magic power hitting all directions, the huge chaos magic power instantly entered Diana's body.

Diana is also like Thunder Shazam, and like Zatanna before, she completes a transformation in an instant.

"Uh, Diana, you've changed too, why have you become so weird?!" Harry was shocked.

The Zatanna before was already unconventional enough, but the Diana at this time has become weird beyond the category of unconventional.

She turned into a big bald head!

The original thick black hair was gone, and the head and face had lost their previous graceful roundness and had become excessively angular.

"Angular" can now be used to describe Diana's face and head shape.

If you just lost your hair and your head became angular, you might just find it funny.

But her skin also turned gray-white, glowing with a faint purple light, and she looked a bit fierce.

Ugly, ugly, ugly.

"I don't know, why do I have no hair? My hair was originally thicker than Xiao Zha's, but her hair became thicker, but I lost my hair. Could it be that my hair was transplanted onto her head? "Diana stroked her bald head with a strange expression.

Although her appearance has become ugly and fierce, her momentum has increased more than ten times now.

Before, Houpi's magical power was restrained, and she looked like an ordinary Amazon female warrior; now the magic of chaos came out of her body, and she declared to everyone straightforwardly and violently: Even though I look fierce, I have the ability to be fierce. !

"Harley Diana, Xiao Zha, the alien army has descended on Nuer, and people have already begun to die!"

BoBo, the orangutan detective behind the door, was so anxious that he almost burst into tears.

"Stop talking nonsense and go quickly." Harley also urged.

"!Ernu is here to send the transmission"

Zatanna crossed the door frame and appeared at the entrance of the Oblivion Bar. As she shouted, purple-black light covered her and Diana, and then the purple-black light suddenly shrank to a point, and the two disappeared in the Forgotten Bar instantly.

It is Weirdness, not Hecate, who harvests the plane of Nur.

Because an army of alienated and deformed zombies has arrived.

After sending an army of aliens to invade the world, the God of Order first hid in the dark and watched. After Harley killed the two Gods of Order, it became a fixed routine for weirdly harvesting the magic plane.

"Don't panic, we are here to help you."

In the capital of Nuer Magic Kingdom, the most powerful knight team and magic legion in the entire plane have gathered.

Starting from arranging secret outposts to monitor the safety of their own plane, they were ready to face the Reapers.

Perhaps their power is not worth mentioning in the face of weirdness, but at least they can eliminate the alien and deformed living corpses, and can fight against the inverted dogleg - the God of Order.

Diana and Zatanna descend directly into the center of the kingdom, the center of the crisis.

The prelude to harvesting the magic plane is to kill all the owners of the magic plane, or those who control the power of the law.

Killing the master, the origin of the plane is like crab meat that has been peeled off the shell, allowing the weirdness to swallow it.

As long as the master is here, the plane itself is like a living crab with claws and teeth. It can't kill anyone, but it makes Weirdness difficult to swallow.

Therefore, the God of Order will throw alien living corpses into the king's capital instead of slowly nibbling away from the edges.

"Who are you? Shouldn't it be 'Saint Harry, the Great Merciful One who rescues those in distress' who comes to rescue us?"

The Nur plane has no owner. It is not a plane created by gods, but formed naturally.

But the strongest person in Nuer is a female wizard at the main god level. She controls the power of the basic laws of the plane and is equivalent to the "God King of Order" in the Nuer world.

In fact, she is indeed the God King Nur.

Not a divine king in the realm.

Establishing a god system and becoming the master of the god system can also be called the "god king", a god king in terms of status.

"Great compassion, help those in distress." Diana's mouth twitched, and she was also confused in her heart, "Nur is not a remote and isolated plane. How come you don't even recognize the witch Harley?"

A look of embarrassment flashed across the divine and majestic face of the Nur Goddess Queen, "How could I not know about 'Witch Hallie'? Now if we want her to rescue those of us who are about to be harvested, we must respectfully call her 'the Great Merciful, the Holy One who saves the suffering and the suffering. Lee', or 'Holy Mary'.

She said she was the God of War in Heaven, and also named the ‘Mother of Heaven’. If she was not the Virgin, why would she save us? Will ‘Witch Harley’ do good deeds for no reason, save the world, and save all people? "

"It's really hard to refute." Diana's expression was a little twisted.

“I am Diana from the Justice League, she is Zatanna, the master of irony magic from the Justice League Dark, and Harley asked us to come over for a trial.

As you know, the weirdness and that woman are getting more and more rampant. A large number of planes are being harvested every day, and Harley is a little busy alone.

If we perform well, we will join the rescue team in the future and be able to save more people. "

"I understand the truth, but what if you don't perform well?" Goddess Queen Nuer asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, we are self-aware. If we are not capable, we will not show off." Diana comforted.

The Nuer Goddess Queen was not comforted at all, "You are self-aware, but our Nuer world does not have another chance!"

"Well, I think you can trust us and let's give it a try."

"I only believe in witches. Ahem, I only believe in Saint Harry."

"!Burn Yan Yan Lie"

While Diana was still talking to the Goddess King Nur, Zatanna could no longer suppress the impulse in her heart and used fire magic on the alien living corpses that were rushing towards the city like black clouds.

"BOOOM~~Boom, boom, boom~~~~"

The magic flame itself did not explode, but the sky and the earth within a radius of dozens of miles were filled with flames, and the air suddenly heated up, triggering a natural gas explosion.

"Nur, sir, what kind of irony magic is this?" The goddess queen Nuer was shocked.

Within her sight, all space was filled with bright red flames, the ground was covered with flames, and the earth could not be seen.

The air in the sky seemed to have turned into some kind of powerful fuel. When you looked up, you couldn't see any place without flames.

"Saint Halle is watching us from outside. She will definitely not let the situation completely collapse."

Diana was stunned for only a moment before she came to her senses. She left a sentence and immediately came to Zatanna.

"Xiao Zha, your magic seems to have been enhanced countless times." She said in surprise.

"I seem to be able to see. Everything in this realm is created by magic. I can see the magic of everything. It's so beautiful." Xiao Zha raised his right hand with a confused look, his fingertips flashed with purple-gray chaotic magic, and murmured in his mouth. : "Even a breeze or a flower has its own magic power and rules, but I can directly destroy it, destroy all rules and all magical things.

I can even see the orderly rules behind the magic itself.

They are the laws of the Nuer world. Controlling these laws is equivalent to controlling the power and power of the world.

Now I can destroy them all with just a twitch of my fingers and put the power under my control. "

"Perhaps you are right, you can easily do what you said. But Xiao Zha, your current condition is not good. The excessive power has made you a little out of control and lost control of your power." Diana said seriously .

"No, Diana, you don't understand. Of course, you are right. Power beyond control will make the mage lose himself. I understand this, but my situation is not about how strong the power is, but about the magic of chaos itself."

Zatanna lowered her head and thought for a few seconds before continuing: "I have been serving the magic of order since I came into contact with magic.

I follow the existing rules of magic.

Understand, leverage and utilize the power of rules, and follow them, just like other mages.

But deep down in my heart, there is always a slight confusion. I feel that I am not the same person as Order Magic.

Sometimes I can feel a terrifying and powerful force approaching me and roaring at me.

But I would rather go against my heart than go against the rules and order. I am afraid of it, reject it, and reject it."

She took a long breath, her voice was still calm, but there was a firmness in her tone, "Now I understand that irony magic is not order magic at all. From the beginning, I have been on the path of magic that is opposed to order.

Perhaps the reason why my ancestors created irony magic was to adapt to the magic of chaos, so my father regarded the magic of chaos as the most important part of the plan.

Even though the Demon Governor's chaotic magic power is not the real original chaotic magic power, it still allowed me to complete a sublimation and awakening.

I didn't lose control of my power.

The powerful magic of chaos did not distort my mind, I just didn’t know who I was until today. "

After Xiao Zha finished speaking, without waiting for the stunned Diana to respond, he took a step forward, controlled the void out of thin air, and walked up step by step.

The reality is like a painting painted on silk. The silk is blown by the wind and the reality rolls in waves under her feet.

Xiao Zha had been standing on the crest of the wave, being pushed to a high altitude by the waves rolling diagonally above.

Then she stopped.

When she stopped, the rolling silk cloth of reality immediately returned to its original shape and became stable.

"What is she doing? Is she really that ironic magical princess Zatanna?"

Queen Nur came to Diana's side with a tremor in her voice.

She covered her forehead and turned her head with a pale face.

Just now I had been staring at Xiao Zha being pushed up by the painting silk of reality, which was very mentally draining. Now I feel dizzy and a little nauseous.

"Didn't you hear her talking backwards?"

"But she is very weird, very strange, and unreasonably strong."

Diana continued to stare at Xiao Zha and said casually: "If we don't get new power, how dare we come here to rescue you?"

"What kind of power? No matter what kind of power it is, it can't improve its realm in a short time." Goddess Queen Nur was surprised and confused.

"Chaos magic does not require a realm, because chaos magic does not obey the laws of magic at all."

As soon as Diana finished speaking, Xiao Zha spoke again.

"Naboo, come out, I've seen you."

Her voice is very soft, but it penetrates time and space, penetrates people's hearts, and even penetrates reality.

No one responded to her.

Xiao Zha stretched his hands forward.

The sky became a painting on silk. When she grabbed the center of the scroll, wrinkles visible to the naked eye appeared on both sides of the painting.

"Stab it!" She pulled gently, and the sound of the silk being torn was heard in everyone's hearts.

With this sound, the painting silk of reality was completely torn off. The scene was extremely strange, as if the Nuer world was an animation painted on the silk. Now the painting silk was torn off by the person in front of the picture, and it was directly connected with the person hiding in the screen. The people behind the canvas came face to face.

Zatanna was still holding the Silk of Reality in her hands, and there was a blank space around her, with a group of confused Gods of Order above the blank space.

"Zatanna, have you received the Chaos magic power of the Demon Lord? Are you crazy?" Nabu said in shock.

"Without the magic power of chaos from the Demon Lord, how can I sense you hiding behind the veil of reality? Without the magic power of chaos, how can I lift the veil of reality and pull you out?"

Although "evil smile" sounds very embarrassing, Zatanna's smile at this moment can only be described as evil.

Even Diana feels that she is a bit strange now.

"I always thought you were a smart person, but I didn't expect you to be so stupid. Are you still you now? You are no longer you, so what's the point of having great power?" Nabu also had the same idea as Diana. .

"I'm not me, then who am I?" Zatanna squeezed her hands hard, purple-gray light flashed, and the veil of reality she held in her hands shattered inch by inch.

Reality was simply shattered into pieces and gone.

The empty nothingness is littered with fragments of red and purple-gray reality. In each fragment, countless images flash past quickly. Each fragment seems to be ignited by flames as it falls, burning up quickly.

Xiao Zha acted very relaxed, like an ordinary person crushing an egg shell.

"Uh..." The goddess king, who holds the power of Nuer's basic laws, holds her head and howls miserably, blood spurting out from her mouth.

"Xiao Zha, you are crazy. We are here to protect Nuer. You have torn Nuer's reality to pieces. You have killed King Nuer before he went into battle to kill the enemy." Diana supported Nuer Goddess Wang Da. Call.

"It is better to cut your flesh and vomit blood than to contaminate your whole body and soul." Zatanna was very calm. She pointed at Nabu and said: "These gods of order have polluted the order of this world. They have polluted the laws of order with their power to reverse people. , so she can deliver alien living corpses to any location in the world at will, but God King Nur knows nothing about it. She is obviously the controller of this world."

Then she looked up at Nabu and said sarcastically: "I can say these words and make such a decision. Do you still think that I am no longer me and that I have been taken over by the Demon Lord?"

Nabu said in a deep voice: "The real Zatanna respects me as a god and would not be as crazy and rebellious as you. You have not been taken away by the Demon Lord, but your soul has been contaminated by the magic of chaos. Your words and deeds are... A departure from order and into chaos.”

Zatanna was silent for a while and said: "I used to be in awe of you, even if you betrayed humanity——"

"I didn't betray humanity, I just embarked on a path you don't understand." Nabu shouted.

"Even if you betray humanity, the awe of you in my heart still cannot be completely dissipated." Xiao Zha ignored his excuse and just said to himself: "Maybe you are right. The Demon Lord did not take away my soul, but the magic power of chaos It made me undergo some kind of transformation.

I just told Diana that this transformation is sublimation and awakening.

Strength and consciousness can be awakened, but some changes in personality should not be.

When I come back with your helmet and Kent's body, I have to ask Harley to check it out for me. "

"Mortal witch, you just gained the power of the Demon Governor. The Demon Governor himself would not dare to speak such nonsense when facing us." The golden cloaked god couldn't help but scolded.

"Tearing reality apart is just a magic technique. Just because you can tear reality apart doesn't mean your power has surpassed the world's limit." Golden Breastplate also said.

"Xiao Zha is not the only one who possesses the magic power of chaos!"

Wonder Woman turned into a beam of purple light, and the sword came to Naboo earlier than the sound.

PS: In the original comic, Lao Zha did not completely hide his plan from his superiors. Shangdu doesn't know the whole plan, but he knows that Lao Zha is not an innocent little white flower. When Lao Zha left (was burned to death and entered the strange motherland), Xanadu also helped him execute part of his plan. This includes the training of Zha Kang. Well, Zha Kang was targeted by Lao Zha very early on. The comics show that when Zha Kang was still hanging out in Newcastle, Lao Zha regarded him as a target.

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