I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1931 Naboo’s Thoughts (please vote for me at the end of the month, thank you)

From the beginning to the process, and even the final result, the battle between Zatanna, Diana and the God of Order was a bit beyond Harley's expectations.

First of all, she didn't expect Zatanna and Diana to find the God of Order.

The God of Order must be hiding around the harvested magic plane, she knew this.

She could even vaguely sense that they were hiding behind the veil of reality.

But determining their exact location and finding them was something Harley couldn't do.

They were not wooden stakes, and even if Harley could lock onto their original location, they could quickly move elsewhere, or leave the plane, before or after she smashed reality.

In the dozens of previous rescue operations, more than 80% of the time, as soon as Harley showed up, the God of Order would immediately retreat, leaving only an army of alienated zombies on the scene.

Although the Earth's government and agents have been carefully supervising and cleaning up the corpses of mages who were strangely harvested, the multiverse does not only include the main universe and the earth, but there are countless magical planes in the heavens and the world.

Harley has rescued dozens of magical worlds and achieved extraordinary results.

But at the same time, the world saved by her was far inferior to the world harvested by Weird and Hecate.

Some magical worlds have not received news from the Forgotten Bar at all, and are unaware that Hecate and the Upside Down are harvesting the magical plane.

Or they know that the magic plane is being harvested, but they don't know that "Witch Harley" is transforming into "Merciful Virgin Harley" and is responsible for being everyone's protective umbrella.

They don't know how to "register" at the Forgotten Bar, so they can't send a rescue signal to BoBo in time when the plane encounters a disaster.

There are countless mages and knights in those harvested magic planes, as well as magical animals that possess magic and can use magic. Their souls and miraculous power were harvested, and their corpses became the remains to continue to fight for the Upside Down Man in all the worlds. of alienated living corpses.

There are too many alienated zombies, so the God of Order does not care that they are wiped out by the arrival of Harley.

But this time Harley did not come, and the only rescuers were Xiao Zha and Diana. The God of Order did not abandon them and run away immediately. Instead, they stood there and let Xiao Zha pretend to be a big dick and lift the veil of reality. Pick them out directly.

Harley also didn't expect that after they were found out, not only did they not escape immediately, but they stayed there to fight with Diana and Zatanna.

During the battle, the gods and mages of the God of Order and the Nur plane were shocked: Diana and Zatanna VS the God of Order were actually able to fight to a draw on the scene.

Harley, however, had no feeling for the battle scene. It was all kinds of magic light waves blasting each other, the golden power of order, the black power of the Upside Down, the purple-grey magic power of chaos, and the golden thick-skinned power. A group of people were like stars. Brilliant meteors, meteors "bumper cars" in the vast sky.

You fired magic light waves at me, I slashed at you with my sword, and the reality of Nur Sky was torn to pieces.

Well, their fighting power is very strong, and their methods are also very sophisticated. Every move and every move can shatter reality.

As a God of Order said before, tearing reality apart is mainly a magical technique and does not mean that power breaks through the limits of the multiverse.

After mastering the magic of chaos, both Zac and Diana can easily tear apart reality.

It's as if the magic of Chaos has lowered the standard of skill for tearing reality apart a thousand times.

The battle lasted for about half an hour, and the Order God System was slightly suppressed. The main reason is that Diana is too fierce, and Zatanna pretends to be a big dick at the beginning, but her advantage is not obvious in the actual battle later.

The thick-skinned divine power allows Diana to ignore any attacks, and the chaotic magic allows her attacks to truly damage the God of Order.

Xiao Zha's magic skills were beyond words, far superior to Diana's sword moves, but she still needed to dodge, but Diana didn't dodge at all, and just chased Nabu and charged and slashed.

The final result surprised Harry, even a little surprised.

After being unable to attack for a long time and unable to gain any advantage in the battle, the God of Order has already shouted to Naboo to evacuate.

Nabu was still hesitating. I don't know if it was because Xiao Zha had cast a magical spell or for some other reason. He suddenly stiffened, and a gap opened in the center of his helmet, and a bright light came out of it.

Diana was already fighting with him. When she saw this, she immediately turned around, came up behind him, hugged his helmet with both hands, stepped on his shoulders with her metal boots, and pulled Nabu's helmet as hard as pulling a carrot.

As if he had been prepared, Xiao Zha opened his mouth and spat out the fire of chaos. The flames centered on Naboo and Diana, covering the sky, temporarily forcing back the God of Order.

The crack in the center of Nabu's helmet was seen getting bigger and bigger, and the golden light became brighter and brighter. Finally, a beam of holy light poured out from the crack, and a big living person jumped out of it.

Turns out to be a stranger!

After the Stranger appeared, he immediately held down Nabu's body to prevent him from struggling. With Diana's sudden pull, he actually pulled Nabu's helmet out of Kent's head.

But just pulling out the helmet doesn't end the fight.

Kent is just the host of Naboo, not the source of power. The real source of power is the helmet itself.

Naboo's helmet was about to summon other artifact parts to form the "Complete Order God King" form. Zatanna jumped out from behind him, her hands flashed with the purple light of chaos magic, and she pressed hard on the helmet, knocking it unconscious.


The helmet fell to the ground, and wisps of burnt-smelling smoke came out of the helmet's eye sockets. Naboo became silent, the gods of order dispersed, and the battle to defend Nuer was over.

"What's going on? You actually captured Naboo? And Stranger, why are you hiding in Naboo's helmet?"

A ray of holy light flew from the sky, landed on the ground and turned into Harley, who exuded a faint divine light.

"Nabu led the God of Order to surrender to darkness. I noticed something strange and went to stop them. Not only did I fail to persuade them, but I was sealed in the helmet by Nabu.

His helmet is his body, and it also contains all the miraculous power and life force of his divinity, godhead, and kingdom. "

The stranger explained first, then stared at Harley with a surprised look and asked: "What's wrong with you? This is a projection of holy power. How come there is such a powerful pressure that makes my heart tremble? It seems to be from the Lord of Silver City. strength"

"You have been sealed for a long time, and you are out of touch with society and have become a primitive person."

Harley used mental telephony to wrap up the recent events into a piece of information and stuff it directly into his mind.

"Harley, are you not your true body now? Is your true body going to hunt down the God of Order? There is no need to kill them. We have captured Naboo. They will be useless and will no longer be able to help the Upside Down harvest the magic plane. " Zatanna persuaded.

"I sensed a strange aura, and the main body is still in Gotham."

Harley looked at Zha curiously and said, "It's really beyond my expectation that you were able to capture Nabu. Just now, Nabu's body was stiff and his helmet was cracked. Is it related to you?"

Zatanna smiled proudly and said: "I can't say that it has nothing to do with me, but now this result also surprises me.

I heard the God of Order calling Nabu to leave, and I felt a little anxious, so I planned to wake up Kent, whose body was occupied by Nabu.

Didn't Little Kent say before that Kent refused to compromise with Naboo, that he could see what was happening outside and resist Naboo's will?

I was just hoping that Kent would struggle a few times, giving Diana a chance to trap Naboo.

I used Chaos Magic to drive Irony Magic and did not shout out directly. I was worried about alerting the other Gods of Order.

——All consciousnesses bound by Naboo and the Helm of Order are immediately liberated!

I shouted this sentence in my heart.

Of course, even the inner words must be spoken in reverse.

Hahaha, the effect was unexpectedly good. Not only did Kent's will break through the Naboo blockade, but the Stranger was also awakened.

I didn't know that the Stranger was also captured by Naboo. "

Harley looked at the stranger.

Stranger nodded and said: "There is indeed a powerful chaotic magic power that disrupted the chain of order that sealed me. My somewhat muddled consciousness was also stimulated to wake up suddenly, and my subconscious began to resist."

Old Kent lay in Diana's arms, pressing his forehead with a painful expression, and groaned: "If I am the only one who resists Naboo, he will be sluggish at most and will not lose strength in a short time."

"Kent, how do you feel now? I feel that there is a dark and corrupt energy in your body. It has lost control and is now eroding your body." Diana frowned.

"I feel very uncomfortable." Old Kent's face was pale and his expression was a little distorted.

The holy light flashed in Harry's eyes, and she glanced back and forth on his and Nabu's helmets several times, and sneered: "Now I finally understand why the Order God System has given up on the body of the artifact, and everyone has merged with the God's Favored One.

What a bunch of beasts.

I have enjoyed the benefits of reversing people's dark origins, and all the side effects remain in the body of the God's Blessed One. "

Zatanna was surprised: "Are you saying that Naboo himself has not been infiltrated by the origin of darkness, and that he is only using Kent's body and soul to control dark magic?"

"Well, Naboo's helmet is still as clean as before, and has not been contaminated by the power of darkness at all. On the contrary, Kent has been almost assimilated into an 'alien life'.

Similar to those alienated living zombies, except that the living zombies are animated by dead things, Kent is a living alien that is rejected by the multiverse.

Fortunately, Kent is already the reserve’s ‘golden right foot’.

If they were ordinary people like the Shazam family, they would probably have become living corpses. "

As Harry spoke, his eyes towards Naboo's helmet were filled with murderous intent.

"Naboo and those gods of order are so sinister." Diana and Zatanna were also very angry.

"Harry, what are you doing!" Just as Harley was walking towards the Naboo Helmet, the Stranger suddenly grabbed her and said, "You want to destroy the Naboo Helmet? Naboo did something wrong this time, but Isn’t it too much to kill him?”

Harley pointed at the Nur Goddess Queen and others who were standing in the distance, looking hesitant about whether to come and disturb them, and said: "You go ask them, or go to the Forgotten Bar or the Earth Refugee City to ask those who have recently lost their hometown. Refugees with relatives and friends, ask them if Naboo and the pantheon of Order deserve to die.”

The Goddess Queen Noor saw Hallie pointing at her, and quickly came over and expressed her gratitude to "Holy Hallie", Diana and Zatanna with respect and gratitude.

"Let's go back to Earth first, and then we'll talk about it later." Zatanna said with a smile on her face and quietly transmitted her message mentally.

Harley ultimately failed to get what she wanted.

According to her idea, the Naboo helmet should be smashed, and all the essence of Naboo's life, divinity and wisdom should be extracted to compensate Old Kent. From then on, the God of Order became history, and Naboo became a despised and cursed person in history. of scum.

But even Old Kent himself chose to forgive Neb to a limited extent: a little punishment was definitely necessary, as long as Neb changed his ways and apologized to them; as long as they could ensure that similar incidents would never happen again, Nab could be forgiven. , the God of Order will not become history, Naboo also has merits and demerits in history, and if he knows his mistakes, he can improve a lot.

Even the victim said so, and there were a group of superheroes who could kill but were determined not to kill, trying to dissuade them. Harley could only out-of-sight and out-of-mind, driving them all out of sight.

"Actually, there is no need to eradicate Nabu. Even if he and the God of Order can survive, their reputation will be ruined and they will be spurned by mages and gods from all over the world. Human mages will definitely no longer follow their lead.

There is no need for you to return the basic law system of the earth that was taken back from Hecate to the God of Order.

If others know about it, they will not gossip about you behind your back. Instead, they will take it for granted that your destiny is yours. Xanadu comforted Harry.

At this time, Xiao Zha, Constantine, and Diana once again formed the "Chaos Team" and left Lishan.

They first inquired about Circe's information within Gotham, and then verified each one personally until they found Circe.

The stranger also left.

He took away Naboo's helmet, saying that he would persuade Naboo to change his mind, and eventually lead the entire Order God System to rein in the precipice and turn around.

After all, only Naboo was captured this time, and the other dozens of Gods of Order can still cooperate with the Upside Down to harvest the magic plane.

If you persuade them to surrender earlier, you will be able to commit fewer crimes, which indirectly saves the world and lives.

"Do you think I wanted to kill Naboo just to eliminate hidden dangers after taking over his property? I killed him just because he deserved to die. If he didn't die, it would not be enough for the people to be angry. Killing him made me feel free, and the joy in my heart was far greater than obtaining the basic law system itself. ." Harley said.

Xanadu said: "Naboo is not as damnable as you say, I mean compared to those super villains who are full of evil.

First of all, he didn't kill the stranger, right?

The stranger had already been sealed by him at that time. As long as he was truly ruthless and righteous, he could offer the stranger to the Upside Down in exchange for great benefits.

But he didn't.

After all, he has no intention of betraying humanity, betraying his friends, or betraying the order.

Secondly, he has no activities on the earth and has never harmed the people on the earth. Except for you, he has never actively harmed his old friends on the earth. Of course, I am not saying that people in the magic plane are not human beings. "

Xanadu sighed, "Naboo and the God of Order are not murderers. They harvest the magic plane, which does no good to themselves, but harms the way of order.

Alas, Naboo's biggest mistake was probably betting too early.

When the magic debt crisis first came, all the gods were in trouble and went their separate ways.

No one can help anyone, everyone can only embark on their own 'path to overcome the tribulation'.

When he took refuge in the Upside Down, the Upside Down hadn't even entered reality. You hadn't even defeated the Upside Down and Hecate from creditors to debtors. You had harvested the magic power of two large units and more than fifty points of magic. power.

If he knew that you could achieve such a feat, Harry, believe it or not, he would definitely lead the Order God System to join you.

It's a pity that no one could have predicted this situation.

To be honest, even though I have full confidence in you, I still provide myself with psychological counseling when I am alone - this life is already very exciting, and it would not be a pity if my life ends at this time and I am harvested with you, Harley. "

Xanadu sighed with emotion, and then said: "The situation of Naboo and the God of Order is worse than us.

From the information revealed by the Demon Governor, it can be seen that the Demon Governor and the Lord of Order are the people that the resentful woman hates the most. They are the "most wanted criminals" on par with the ancient gods. "

"Stop washing for Nabu. Now you can stand in Nabu's position and wash the floor for Nabu, just because you are not a victim." Harley had a look of impatience on her face.

Xanadu looked at her hesitantly and said, "I didn't mean to clean the floor with Nabu, I was just worried about you.

Now that the Naboo helmet has been taken away by the Stranger, it has become everyone's consensus not to kill Naboo.

Your thoughts are not smooth and your mood is not smooth.

If I convince you that Naboo is not mortal, you might feel better. "

Harry rolled his eyes at her, "You haven't figured out why I have such a bad idea and am still worrying here."

"Didn't he fail to destroy the Naboo helmet?" Xanadu asked doubtfully.

"Have you ever thought about it, I have rescued the magic plane dozens of times, and except for the first time, I never met Naboo again.

He and the God of Order are very cautious. As soon as they find that this plane is locked by me, they will immediately move the battlefield.

They have many targets in the world. I can rescue one, and they can harvest 10.

But this time when Diana and Zatanna rescued Noor, they seemed to have changed. Not only did they not move away immediately, but they stayed at the scene and fought with the two women to the end of the world? asked Harley.

Xanadu wondered: "Isn't this natural? You make them afraid. Diana and Zatanna are not enough to make them run away.

Even though Xiao Zha and Diana exude the chaotic magic aura of the Demon Governor.

The Demon Governor is very strong and legendary, but the Lords of Order do not need to fear him. "

Harley looked at her strangely.

After watching for a long time, she seemed embarrassed, and then she asked softly: "You mean, seeing Xiao Zha and Diana rescuing Noor, Nabu and the others can put down their worries and have a good time with them. A big war?"

"What's the problem? Don't look at me like a fool. If you have anything to say, just say it." Xanadu was still a little angry.

Harley sighed: "I was just skimming the formation. Either he died or there was no time to rescue Nuer, so I had to send Xiao Zha and Diana over.

When Nabu first met Diana and Zha, out of curiosity and confidence, it was normal for him to fight with them.

When they find that they cannot be taken down within one or two moves, and that there is even the possibility of a fight, a normal person should tighten his grip.

As a result, Naboo and the others refused to leave, and the fight was so dark that it lasted half an hour!

Aren't they afraid that I will suddenly attack from behind and capture them in one fell swoop? "

Xanadu's eyes were a little confused, "Maybe. Naboo was promised by the Upside Down to contain you in Gotham. Didn't you just stay in Gotham and not hunt down the escaped God of Order?"

"I tell you, if Naboo is not captured, if Naboo is among the scattered gods of order, I will take action against Naboo.

Not chasing down other Gods of Order is only a secondary reason, and the main reason is that it is not cost-effective.

Naboo was captured and the Order pantheon was almost finished. It wasn't worth the slightest risk for me. "

Xanadu sighed and said helplessly: "Just say what you want to say, I'm a little confused by you."

Harley glanced at her and said calmly: "Naboo was captured on purpose! Seeing that I was killing everyone and tending to become the final winner, he may have regretted it for a long time.

But he didn't dare to surrender to me. He was afraid that I would blow his helmet off with a slap.

If it falls into the hands of two heroes of justice, Xiao Zha and Diana, the result will be different.

Everyone in the universe knows that Zhenglian heroes do not kill people. "

"Are you thinking too much?"

Harley said: "There is no need to act, as long as he stays where he is and doesn't run away immediately after the crisis sense is sensed.

In fact, the strong performance of Xiao Zha and Diana strengthened his determination to surrender.

I have faced Hecate and the Upside Down alone and have won many battles. Now with the help of Chaos magic, my chances of winning have greatly increased.

He might have been a little hesitant before, but when he saw that he couldn't even match the combination of 'Chaos Zack' and 'Chaos Wonder Woman', the last bit of unwillingness and delusion in his heart was extinguished like a candle in the rain. "

"This is just your guess." Xanadu said.

Harley said with a gloomy look on her face: "You think this is conjecture, but I think this is the truth.

The truth is that Naboo has used your compassion and non-killing philosophy to trick everyone, including me.

We appear to be the victors, but he is smirking from behind his helmet.

This truth, this fact, is the main reason why my thoughts are not flowing smoothly and I feel depressed. "

Shangdu thought for a while and then said: "After Bateman heard about the 'Zatara Project' before, he immediately came to warn us - it was strange that the ruby ​​of life landed at the door of Xiao Zha's house. It might be a conspiracy to reverse people.

You say it doesn’t matter, even if the ‘Zatara Project’ is good for the Upside Down, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s bad for us.

You also secretly analyzed us behind Xiao Zha's back. Most of the upside-down people want to be fishermen. The target of the "Zatala Project" is Hecate. We can just sit back and watch.

Obviously, if your analysis is correct, Upside Down should be doing well at this time and will be even better in the future.

Since the Upside Down has a bright future, Naboo shouldn't regret it!

Little Kent also said that one of the reasons why Nabu persuaded the God of Order to join the Upside Down earlier was that even if the Upside Down and Hecate lost, the final winner might be you.

It is unacceptable for them to have magical debt fall into your hands. "

Harley had already guessed that there was something unusual about the Ruby of Life accidentally falling freely to Zha's doorstep.

She suspected that the Inverted Man was secretly promoting Lao Zha's plan, but she only kept her thoughts in her heart and did not intend to tell others.

Saying that Xiao Zha's face doesn't look good doesn't do Harley any good either.

Unexpectedly, Bateman also discovered something unusual about the Ruby of Life.

Harry had clearly given him numerous instructions not to get involved in this matter and to be a normal person with peace of mind and safety, but he was still probing and analyzing information related to the magic debt crisis.

He ran to Lishan and warned everyone with a serious expression that the Ruby of Life might be a conspiracy.

Everyone was frightened, and Harley had no choice but to tell everything about her analysis to appease people.

Of course, Harley still didn't want Xiao Zha to be in trouble and deliberately avoided her.

"First of all, the God of Order is just a bastard who confuses people. There is no need for the bastard to know all the master's plans.

Secondly, at this time and that time, Naboo was still the god-king of order who was respected by everyone and held the power of the earth, and was qualified to be unruly; now Naboo is a sick man and a bereft dog who is despised by everyone, has lost his power, and even gradually collapsed in his godhead of order.

Rather than competing with me, he probably wants to regain the reputation and power he once had and now has lost.

At least you have to stabilize your own way of order.

If they continue to harvest like this, sooner or later they will sink into darkness and be completely abandoned by 'order'.

Finally, it's no secret now that I give away my magical powers.

The World Tree has received power, Diana has power, and even you and Ivy's trunk have received 0.1 points of power.

It's time for Nabu to understand that I will not monopolize power and be the 'Mother of Magic' who has all the power. "

When Halle delegated power to Diana, she said it in front of the Muse.

They were still shocked and envious at that time!

The Muse knew about it, and the Yingying Yanyans of the "Harley Song and Dance Ensemble" in the back mountain naturally heard about it immediately.

Once it is forwarded on Moments, everyone in the world will know about it.

And Harry was indeed very generous. Within a few days of acquiring more than fifty points of magic power, he gave away more than half of it.

Not only did the people around her gain their own benefits, but even the archangels that Silver City and Harley didn't deal with very much each gained about 1 point of magical power.

The current paradise is still not impregnable, but when faced with the strange rush at the door again, they can hold on for three to five days without Harley's help.

The voice of heaven told her that to complete the redemption of the magic debt of the core characters in heaven and hell at the same time, it would take about 60-80 points of magic power.

60 points satisfy fallen angels and upper angels in heaven.

80 points can satisfy even the ancient demons and the "immigrant demons" (demons and demon kings) who fell into hell.

It would be best to have 100 points, so that ordinary angels and demons with noble titles can avoid the crisis of magic debt.

It's not that the magic power is distributed to all angels and demons with titles, it's just that the power is given to the top bosses.

Even if Heaven really gets 100 points of magic power, only the demon giants and angel bosses will enjoy the miracle of freedom.

The remaining angels and demons are still debtors, debtors to the bosses and giants.

Harley estimated that Hecate's total magical power was between 10,000 and 20,000, which was definitely higher than 10,000. Whether it could exceed 20,000, Harley was not sure.

Considering the size of Heaven and Hell in Limbo, only 100 points of power are indeed not much.

Before getting the power of magic, Harley was very passionate about it and longed for it.

After she really got the magic power, she was a little disappointed and no longer so attached to it.

Because she discovered that the so-called magical power is only the magical power within the DC multiverse and can only be effective within the DC multiverse.

It's a little uncertain how effective it will be after entering the omnipotent universe.

But it is certain that the omnipotent universe possesses higher-level magic.

Harley originally thought that magic power could solve the hidden dangers of magic marks once and for all, but now it seems that defense expertise is more reliable. It is not 100% reliable. If the omnipotent universe also has a "magic" that can peel away the results of practice from the roots of practice. "Mother", defense expertise cannot withstand it.

Specialties can only passively protect oneself from being violated, and cannot prevent the "Mother of Magic" from tampering with the laws of magic.

In the final analysis, the "thick-skinned way" is her true foundation.

Of course, Harley will not completely give up on the "cultivation path" that the world gives to practitioners.

Giving up the way of cultivation is equivalent to giving up the huge benefits brought by the realm of cultivation, such as the golden film defensive shield.

A force field with a gold film and a pure energy field are almost two different things.

Harley only hopes to find an energy related to the cultivation rules and the cultivation system itself in the omnipotent universe, and then activate the defense expertise.

It's a bit buggy to be able to defend even "practice barriers" without requiring defense expertise. It's immune to practice barriers, there are no bottlenecks in practice, and the thought of continuous breakthroughs in realms makes people bubbling with beauty.

As long as she could protect her cultivation achievements from being arbitrarily deleted by others and rules, Harry would be satisfied.

There are countless multiverses similar to the DC world in the Grand Almighty Universe, and each multiverse has a different practice system. Eighty percent of the magic in the DC world will be abolished after it goes to the Oriental Fairy World, just like being harvested by the Mother of Magic.

If the defense expertise of the practice system can be turned on, DC magic will not be completely abolished when it goes to the world of Eastern Xianxia. The operating mode may have to be changed, and the realm and power will not completely disappear.

The night after the "Chaos Team" left, Harley met her "Brother Nereus" (Meela's father) again after many years.

"Nereus, don't worry, as long as there are undersea people within the settlement area, they will receive my protection."

Facing old friends who came to seek asylum, Harley made a bold promise.

Gotham has a seaport, and Lishan, where Harley lives, is less than 10 kilometers from the sea.

Therefore, the defensive force field with a radius of 100 kilometers covers a large area of ​​​​the sea.

As early as the beginning of the magic debt crisis (when Teacher Asal was harvested), Aquaman Arthur had approached Harley to discuss moving the Atlanteans to nearby Gotham.

Harley agreed at that time.

It's just that the people under the sea are spread across the five oceans, and each group has its own familiar ocean environment. Moreover, the people under the sea are not magical creatures, and there are not many magicians among them.

Not many underwater people are willing to take refuge in the waters near Gotham.

They would rather climb ashore and stay in a hotel near Lishan.

This is the first time that a large number of people have migrated to Gotham waters.

"Thank you, hey, I have to trouble you again this time."

Nereus thanked him sincerely, with very complicated emotions hidden in his eyes.

"Arthur told me about this a long time ago, why are you here now?"

Unlike Nereus, who has complicated moods and rigid attitudes, Harley's expressions, moods, and attitudes are very natural.

While talking, she poured a glass of wine for her old friend.

Well, she prepared a nice dinner for them.

Sea King Arthur only sat across from her, but Nereus sat right next to her.

But Arthur didn't have any of the restraints of his old father-in-law. He didn't need anyone else to pour the wine. He ate meat and drank wine by himself. It was very natural and heroic. Just like at home.

Apart from Nereus and Arthur, the remaining guests were Mela and the five children.

They are all the children of Arthur and Mela. There are boys and girls. The eldest is about the same as Xiao Qiao and Helena. They are thirteen or fourteen years old and have reached high school age. The youngest is still being held in Mela's arms. Less than two years old.

"There have been magic harvests in the sea before, and those who were harvested were all wizards with magical powers. Like the Earth government, we regularly check the wizards in the territory and clean up the alien corpses. Although ordinary people were frightened, their normal lives were not affected. , but I heard”

Nereus took a sip of wine, his expression became a little embarrassed, and his words were hesitant and unclear.

Aquaman across from him swallowed a piece of steak and explained for him: "The people of Atlantis dislike the poor water quality and bad environment in the sea near Gotham, and the living and food are not as good as their hometown, but now they feel the crisis.

Not only the crisis from the Upside Down and Hecate, but also the otherworldly refugee crisis. "

"How can refugees from other worlds threaten the people under the sea? Ordinary people without magic among them were taken to alien refugee camps by alien spaceships. The only ones left on the earth are mages or magical animals, and they have no interaction with the people under the sea, right?" Harley wondered. road.

Recently, she has been saving the magical plane that is being targeted by the weird and Hecate every day.

Some magic planes survived and no refugees were created.

There are also magic planes that have their roots harvested, and the world is on the verge of falling apart.

Harley couldn't leave them alone, and Earth's governments alone couldn't save them.

So Sam Lane once again used her banner to "beg" from advanced alien civilizations: to win over "alien friends" to form the "Refugee Rescue Alliance of All Worlds", and let the aliens provide money, spaceships, and transportation Inhabit the planet and resettle the refugees who have been temporarily transferred to the earth.

Because the alien allies are so wealthy, the Earth government even took the opportunity to make a small fortune (they did not resell disaster relief supplies, but the aliens donated money to buy Earth supplies to rescue refugees), and there was no sense of any alien refugee crisis at all.

What the people under the sea said about the refugee crisis now surprised Harry.

"Harry, don't you know? Those mages and magical animals among the refugees from other worlds are migrating to the settlement you designated for the undersea people.

The housing prices in Gotham are so high that even the royal family from another world cannot afford the rent for second-hand rental houses, and the houses are limited and cannot accommodate so many people.

So the wizard and the magical animals began to run into the sea.

Now the waters near Gotham are full of cruise ships, and the cruise ships are crowded with alien wizards.

Magical animals that can swim have even settled directly in the sea, affecting the normal lives of nearby Atlanteans. "

Nereus' tone became excited as he spoke at the end.

Harry wanted to ask: You are just worried that the manhole will be occupied by people who need to poop, so you will occupy the manhole even if you don't poop. What about the people who need to poop?

She glanced at Arthur.

Arthur seemed to understand her thoughts and said: "Atlanteans are not purely magical creatures, nor are they purely human beings. Recently, some ordinary undersea people who have not awakened their magic power have also been harvested and turned into alien species."

Harley said: "Even if the magic power is not shown, it does not mean that there is no magic power in the body. Even if the magic power is hidden in the blood and has not been awakened, it is still a harvest target, just like me."

Arthur nodded and said: "Experts from the Royal Academy of Atlantis also said so, so we are not all migrating to Gotham waters.

The Academy of Sciences has designed an instrument to detect the power of blood, and a large-scale screening is now underway. "

Harley nodded and said: "You don't need to drive away magical animals and alien wizards. You are the masters of the ocean and the masters of that sea area. You should manage them."

Management is just a nice way of saying it, it just keeps people under the sea from getting things done.

"I understand that all we need is order, safety, and clean and pollution-free water quality." Neptune said.

Mela glanced at the young girl Helena who was chatting and laughing with her son, and asked doubtfully: "Harry, this crisis is more serious than before. Why don't you send your family to Heaven Mountain?"

Harry sighed: "The rules of heaven are very strict, and ordinary living people entering heaven have violated the rules.

It is not allowed to send a mage with magic power different from the holy power close to Silver City.

Ordinary people do not need to take refuge in Heaven Mountain, and mages who really need to take refuge are prohibited from approaching Heaven.

Moreover, Heaven has no time to take care of itself and needs me to be on standby at all times and be prepared to rescue Heaven.

I respect and love God, but I will not value the Gate of Heaven any more than my hometown.

Do you understand what I mean? "

Mela nodded thoughtfully.

Everyone in heaven needs Harley's rescue, but the prerequisite for Harley to rescue Heaven's Gate is to ensure the safety of her own home.

The door to heaven is safe only if your own home is safe. If that's the case, why are you sending your family to Heaven Mountain?

Harley's eyes swept over the children of the Neptune family and said: "If you have a particularly important person, and Lishan has no place to place them, you can send them to hell.

The World of Valkyrie behind the Gate of Hell can be considered a relatively safe haven. There is an ocean in it, and Oliver and his family have already moved there. "

If Neptune only puts five children in Mount Li, Harley will have room for them.

But Neptune and Nereus both came from the royal family, and they were not the only ones in the royal family.

For example, Neptune's parents and Neptune's younger brother. I heard that his younger brother also got married and started a business. Neptune also has a prime minister who is like a father and a teacher. Nereus seems to have a sister, and his sister is also a member of the family. There is no way that Harley will let them Come to Lishan.

Neptune glanced at his old father-in-law and said hesitantly: "Actually, I also own real estate in Gotham. Bateman also lent me an apartment in downtown Manhattan."

His parents live in Gotham Apartments.

His father is an ordinary person, but his mother is a magician and a martial artist, and is in danger of being harvested.

Mela and her children often ran to Gotham before.

"You can figure it out for yourself. If you remember to come to me if you encounter any trouble," Harley said.


Two days later, there was good news and bad news from the "Chaos Squad". Circe's location had been locked.

She was not hiding anywhere, she was still on her home island of Aria.

"The bad news is that after we arrived on Aria Island, we didn't see her or find anyone. Xiao Zha and I stood on the island like big fools and shouted her name, but we didn't get any response." Diana said.

"Is it possible that she's not on the island at all?" Harley asked.

"No, she is on the island. She once told people that she would not go anywhere during the magic debt crisis." Zatanna said.

"What do you mean by looking for me? My power is stronger than yours, but I have lost the power of the God King, and my searching magic skills are not as good as the 'Queen of Chaos'." Harley said.

Xiao Zha smiled bitterly and said: "Don't make fun of me. I borrowed all my power from the Demon Governor. Who am I to be the Queen of Chaos?"

"The magic power of Chaos belongs to you. If the Demon Lord dares to come and reclaim your magic power, I will directly let you be the only Lord of Chaos." Harley said.

Diana frowned and said, "Harry, I think Circe doesn't dare to show up because you make her afraid, just like the Demon Lord is afraid of you and doesn't dare to show up directly even if he has his own thoughts."

"What do you want me to do? Stand on the island like you and yell like a fool, promise her and swear to God?" Harley said.

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