I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1929 The Ironic Magic Princess Who Masters the Power of Chaos

Even crisis spiritual awareness does not appear out of thin air.

There must be a real source of information that cannot be detected by the five senses that touches the crisis sense.

In the DC world, there is no such thing as harmony between heaven and man, but there are similar phenomena, or rules.

People are closely connected with the world, and their emotions are perceived by the world. Then another person who is in "sympathy with heaven and man" in the world receives other people's unfavorable emotions, so the sense of crisis is triggered.

The world is like the Internet, and individuals who are "connected to each other" are like individual hosts connected to the Internet.

Through the interaction between heaven and man, host A can sense the murderous intention of host B on the other end of the network, thus creating a sense of crisis.

The Demon Lord is undoubtedly a bastard, and can compete with Vandal Savage for "DC's most evil person" (PS).

A bastard who has lived for billions of years must have a very keen sense of crisis. In fact, the sense of crisis is extremely rare among ordinary people, but it is common among superheroes and super villains.

Without a strong sense of crisis, it is simply impossible to survive in such a chaotic "superhero era".

But Harley won't show any emotion.

Even "God" cannot sense her emotions, even though she can "sympathize with heaven and man".

After completing the demonization of the perfect nightmare, every emotion was absorbed by the corresponding emotional illusion as soon as it appeared. She has a kind of emotional illusion that nourishes her own emotions with the emotions she generates every day, and finally achieves the "internal training" of continuous self-strengthening of the soul and spirit. "Effect.

On the outside, she is "networked" with the world, only accepting information, and will not transmit "data" outside her control.

She can relate to others and may not need to relate to her at all.

No matter how subtle other people's emotions are, they will touch her emotional fantasy, allowing her to directly understand the other person's emotional changes.

In short, the Demon Governor has a very powerful and keen sense of crisis, but he is completely unable to sense the murderous intention in Harley's heart on the other side of the screen.

On the contrary, even across the screen, Harley's emotional illusion could sense the elation in his heart.

Not only was he proud of his extreme torture and humiliation of Hecate.

He was also proud that he could use this "glorious and great achievement" to shock, frighten and disgust Harley.

Well, although the murderous intention in Harley's heart cannot be sensed, some emotions do not need to be sensed with the mind, and experience and wisdom can also be thought of.

For example, if you put a poop in front of your neighbor's house, even if the neighbor hasn't come home from get off work yet, hasn't found the poop, smelled the stench, or yelled at you, you would guess that the neighbor would be furious.

This bastard was not only showing off his "achievements", but also deliberately making Harley uncomfortable.

After getting Harley's permission, the Demon Lord continued to talk eloquently, showing off his glorious years and brilliant deeds.

“Even if the trap left by the gods really trapped the woman and made her extremely weak, the gods still did not dare to face her.

They worry that her magical power will activate the magic mark in their bodies the moment they meet.

They were so cautious because they knew her so well and knew her power and power so well.

Hundreds of thousands of years before that betrayal, they began to carefully study the limits of her powers and weaknesses.

They had been preparing for that betrayal for hundreds of thousands of years, or even earlier.

Hecate was called the 'Queen of the First Day' after marrying Hades.

Zeus's wife Hera was just her little follower.

At that time, Hera used to imitate Hecate's clothing, hairstyle, and arrogant way of speaking that was domineering but pretending to be compassionate. She seemed to have forgotten that her husband Zeus was the first god-king.

They hold Hecate in their hands, of course, to please her and get more benefits from her.

Well, Hecate was very generous to them, satisfying their need for magic almost without limit.

But they elevated her status in the Olympus pantheon and among the gods, and more importantly, they allowed her to absorb more faith power and convert more magic power into divine power.

Isn’t there a saying that faith is both power and poison?

Faith is the worship of gods by believers and the forced distortion of gods by believers.

Even if the power of faith is integrated into magic power and combined with divinity to transform into divine power, the price of power still cannot be avoided.

Magic originally belonged to Hecate.

She possesses and uses magic power at almost no obvious cost, but divine power is different.

The power of faith is added to divine power, and all miracles have a price.

The huge divine power allowed Hecate to face the traps of the gods——"

At this point, the Demon Lord suddenly stopped and asked: "Witch Harley, do you know what kind of trap the gods used to deal with Hecate?"

"The wind of nothingness."

"Well, even though you are young, you are no stranger to ancient secrets!"

A look of surprise appeared on the Demon Governor's face at first, and then quickly dissipated, replaced once again by an evil smug smile.

"So, do you understand why the gods spent millions of years praising her and hailing her as the 'Queen of the First Day'?

even so.

Even though Hecate already possesses huge divine power that is many times greater than that of the God King, even if she does fall into a trap and finds it difficult to even move, the gods still dare not see her or face her questioning and anger.

The gods also gave the tasks of interrogation and torture to human wizards.

The original Lords of Order had already promoted themselves as agents of order, guardians of the human race, and noble bastions of morality and justice.

By the way, the Lord of Order I am talking about now is not the current God of Order.

Order is the opposite of chaos.

All gods and mages who abide by the rules of the universe and stand on the opposite side of chaos are slaves of order.

Ordinary mages and gods certainly do not deserve to be called Lords of Order.

Only the original and oldest group of human mages are the masters of order.

I would even call them 'brothers'. "

When calling "brother", the Demon Governor showed some warmth and reminiscence.

But soon the sarcasm and evil smile crept onto his face again.

"I regard them as brothers, but they regard themselves as noble moral models and don't bother to engage in villainous behavior of humiliating and torturing women."

The Demon Governor turned his attention to Harley again, pointed at his chest and said, "After listening to what I have said so much, you may think that I am a bastard who likes to torture people.

This is a fact and I will never deny it.

I'm also proud of my will to be absolutely chaotic.

But torturing an ordinary person who is less powerful than me is completely different from torturing the trapped Hecate.

There is joy in bullying.

Torturing the Mother of Magic with a mortal body is a dangerous job that could kill you at any time.

The gods did not dare to do it. My brothers, the Lord of Order, used disdain to cover up their fear, and used morality and justice to cover up their cowardice and incompetence. In the end, I was forced to become a thug.

Well, I was extremely reluctant at the time, I was cruel, but I was afraid of death.

I'm not afraid of your jokes. When I walked into the cave where Hecate was imprisoned, my legs were trembling. My face must have been as white as a dead man, and my forehead was covered with heavy cold sweat.

I was so scared.

Who can not be afraid?

Who would dare to imagine being a debtor and torturing a magic master in modern times?

Until I heard her begging me, hey hey hey, she was more frightened than me, crying so hard that her body was trembling. Maybe it was the effect of the wind of nothingness.

In short, her fear gradually dispelled the fear in my heart, and also inspired in me an interest that had never been developed, and made me excited.

The task given to me by the gods is to 'persuade' her to hand over magic to us. Well, it is them, the power of magic belongs to them, and we can also drink the soup and obtain endless magic power from Hecate.

This is not a big benefit. If you have captured the mother of magic, who will still lack magic power?

Didn’t I say before that my brothers and sisters died in large numbers and were dissolved into magic in front of me?

It was during that time that I didn't gain any magical power from the torture, but I gained a lot of magical knowledge and magic power.

My Lord of Order brothers appear to be sanctimonious on the surface, but they are actually more greedy than me.

As an interrogator, I only cautiously absorbed the magic power, half full.

But they gobbled it up without restraint.

I have to admit, I was scared when I saw them howling and melting into the magic one by one.

I was originally also a mage of order who abided by the rules of the universe.

Even though I have begun interrogating and torturing Hecate, and sensing the power of Chaos from her painful howls, I am still just a human bastard, without the courage to spit on the rules of the universe or raise my middle finger.

Until my brothers died tragically one by one due to the erosion of magic."

The Demon Governor was silent for a while, and his voice became deeper.

“Among them are my friends and real brothers and sisters, brothers and sisters.

My family and my woodcutter were dying quickly in front of me. The despair and hatred made me almost go crazy. I tortured Hecate like crazy.

While I was torturing her bruised body, I called her a cousin and a spoiler. She was the one who killed my lumberjack and my brother.

My extreme fear and pain brought her extreme humiliation and pain, and her spirit and will began to become distorted. Probably from then on, the resentful woman began to replace the Hecate we were familiar with.

I didn't know it at the time, and even if I knew it, I didn't care. I didn't care about anything anymore, because my brothers and I were tired of logging, and because I gradually found the true meaning of magic - I discovered the magic of chaos! "

“Hecate is the magic of light separated from chaos by the hand of creation, a pure and brilliant light.

So when she turns into darkness from the inside out, what will be the result of that light? "

The Demon Governor raised his head again and looked at Harley, asking meaningfully.

Harry frowned and said, "You are saying that under your torture and humiliation, the essence of Hecate's soul was distorted, and the light magic power in her body began to change abnormally, a change that goes against the innate and the anode and the yin?"

"The Yang pole is born from the Yin pole?" Demon Governor shook his head, "I understand the Yin Yang theory of the sages of the Celestial Dynasty, and my way of chaos draws a lot of nourishment from their theories.

But Hecate was not born from the yin and yin.

The birth of anode and yin is a natural and orderly evolution.

When the light reaches its limit, a trace of Shaoyin is born, and Shaoyin grows into Taiyin. If Hecate had this state, I would be eaten directly by her, and the history of the gods would have ended billions of years ago.

At that time, Hecate could only be regarded as "yang falling and yin coming out".

She was not as bright as possible. It was not that the sun's shadow moved westward after noon. She never reached noon.

Her appearance is like the morning sun rising in the east, and her ending is that the sun has set before the morning glow has dispersed.

She did not give birth to the original chaotic magic power that you hoped for, and in fact, I also very much expected.

She is simply transforming into her dark side. "

"I saw the Upside Down behind her, as if there was a layer of frosted glass, and the frosted glass gradually became thinner and disappeared."

The Demon Governor clenched his hands into fists, and his voice was trembling, which sounded like fear and extreme excitement.

"The shadows of her and the Upside Down almost overlap, that kind of situation"

There was a look of reminiscence and thought on his face, "The situation is very strange! The Upside Down is hanging upside down, with his head and feet, but Hecate has a normal appearance with her head and feet.

At that moment, the reality they both lived in seemed to turn into a roulette wheel, both spinning.

Hecate is the hour hand pointing to 12 o'clock, and the Upside Down is the minute hand pointing to 6 o'clock. They themselves do not move, but the dial they are on begins to rotate, and the hour and minute hands are about to overlap.

The situation at that time was really weird. I just stood there shaking in a daze, my heart filled with emptiness and uneasiness as reality was torn apart. "

After being silent for a while, his emotions recovered and his expression returned to normal, and he continued: "It should be the 'Origin' that stopped that process.

Hecate and the Upside Down, who were about to completely reunite, were separated by a barrier of reality. Back then, I was at a low level, and I saw a hazy scene in front of me, and I didn't know why.

Later, as my realm improved, I kept recalling that scene and feeling.

I understand that when the two of them overlap, the barrier of reality becomes transparent, and when the overlap is interrupted, the barrier of reality becomes stronger again.

I can't think of anyone else but 'Origins'.

The gods did not dare to approach the cave at all. I was the only one in the cave, and there was not a lord of divine power and order within a thousand miles.

They all huddled in the small plane of Limbo.

But at that time, I didn’t have such complicated thoughts as now.

I just woke up from the panic and seized the opportunity to crazily absorb the distorted light magic and the weird dark magic projected into the cave through the barrier of reality with the Upside Down. That was not normal dark magic, it was almost fused with Hecate, Weird energy that reacts with her distorted light magic.

Later I used the two energies to create my own chaos magic.

Now you understand why I am so confident that the magic of Chaos will be able to suppress Hecate and the Upside Down, right?

I stole the power of the stillborn "Fusion of Hecate and the Upside Down". "

"Well, saying that stealing is a bit derogatory to myself. Maybe the magic power comes from the 'died fusion person', but the magic power is only the beginning of the path of chaos."

Harry's face was unimpressed, but in his heart he recognized his confidence.

If there was no "origin" to stop it, if Hecate had completely fallen into darkness in humiliation and pain that day in the cave connected to the Wind of Nothingness space, and merged with the Upside Down, its power should have been the magic power of the Demon Lord at that time.

Of course, the Demon Governor is not a "fused person" after all, and Hecate and the Upside Down are not fused either.

The devil's chaotic magic power is definitely quite different from the magic power of "the person who died in fusion".

This is probably the difference between the complete version of "Sunflower Collection" and "Evil Sword Manual".

Well, "Evil Sword Manual" seems to be a bit flattering to the devil's chaotic magic.

The devil's chaotic magic power can only be regarded as the "Star Absorbing Technique" evolved from the fragments of "Beiming Divine Art", or the Star Absorbing Technique of the Tianlong period.

The anti-evil sword manual can at least dominate the world, but the devil can only dominate the supernatural world on earth. Whether it can enter the top 100 in the multiverse is still a question mark.

Seeing Harley's silence, the Demon Lord added: "The existence after the fusion of the Upside Down and Hecate must be higher than the existence of the Upside Down and Hecate, don't you deny this?

I consider myself to be far more talented and intelligent than the Upside Down and Hecate.

The same chaotic magic power will only become more powerful and closer to its origin in my hands. "

Harry said: "What's the use of 'self-recognition'? You can brag about yourself and flatter each other while talking, but we are not just talking about it now, we have to face Hecate and the Upside Down directly.

It would only be a shame to brag, but it would be a loss of life to fail in the battle between Hecate and the Upside Down. "

The Demon Governor frowned and said, "I've explained so much, but you still don't believe that my chaotic magic can help you?"

Harley pondered: "I believe your Chaos Magic must be of some use, but it's just that it has never been used in actual combat, so it's hard to be sure of the specific effect.

What is Zatara's plan?

He regards your magic as the core of his plan. How does he plan to use it? "

"Zatara's plan is simple, let me give the magic of chaos to her daughter."

The Demon Governor pointed to the life ruby ​​in her hand and said: "Just fill this life ruby. As long as I fill the ruby ​​with chaos magic and give it to his daughter Zatanna Zatara, my mission will be completed." ”

"But Zatanna told me that not only is your power the core of Zatara's plan, but you will also tell her the follow-up of the plan." Harley said.

The Demon Governor stared at the ruby ​​on her fingertips and said with a deep smile: "You don't know about the ruby ​​of life, do you? Zatara's plan is in the ruby, and I can't completely open the bottom seal. I can easily destroy it, but My powers aren’t quite suited to it.”

"The ruby ​​is the iconic magic weapon of the Sargon family. It is related to the natal curse of Sargon wizard and is cast with vitality. Are there any secrets that I don't know?" Harley asked.

"What you said is basically the truth, but have you ever thought about how a mere grandmaster and the vitality of a mere grandmaster can penetrate the barrier of the strange motherland and pass through the veil of reality?"

Harley frowned, "You don't have to be shy, just say what you have to say directly. I can't be omniscient, but at least I have my own judgment."

“I said before, in addition to you, my brothers and I also considered fusing Hecate’s light magic with the Dark Magic of the Upside Down to create the original chaos magic.

As long as any school of thought is established, it will leave behind theoretical doctrines and related research records.

The Life Ruby is the original ‘Chaos Magic Artifact’.

Of course, as the only Lord of Chaos in the world, I personally do not agree with this statement.

At most it is a dark magical artifact.

Except for me, none of them are true masters of chaos magic.

They haven't even understood the characteristics of light magic and dark magic, and haven't really begun to fuse the two powers. Just putting the two energies together and letting them devour each other does not count as fusion.

To fuse the magic of chaos, you must at least master the magic of light and the magic of darkness at the same time.

In the process of studying the dark magic of the Upside Down, the first forerunners of human magic came from the plane of Cole - do you know the plane of Cole? "

"Gem world?" Harley asked.

“Well, billions of years ago, when Hecate was still highly sought after by ancient gods and humans, not only the earth, but the entire multiverse enjoyed the beauty of the miracles led by Hecate.

The ancient gods of the earth developed various major gods and gods, and the Cole people in the earth's affiliated plane also created the great Cole magic empire.

At that time, the Cole Empire was full of capable people, almost on an equal footing with the Earth at that time.

In fact, at that time, the attached planes of the earth were very powerful, even more powerful and developed better than the pantheon established by the ancient gods of the earth. "

Harry's heart moved, "Including the ancestor of white magic and the world of white magic?"

"White Magic World, Ipok? Yes, they are also very powerful, and humans on Earth are far behind.

Although there was no concept of the fifth world at that time, and the eight divine realms were incomplete, it was indeed easier to develop a miraculous civilization in Limbo in the fifth dimension.

Of course, the poor development of human civilization on earth is also related to our Creator. "

There was dissatisfaction and confusion on the Demon Governor's face, "We were created behind the ancient gods of the planet, and we should be more perfect than the ancient gods.

But we humans have huge congenital defects, and our bodies are so weak that we cannot even withstand slightly powerful magical power.

Theoretically, the talent of humans on earth is greater than that of ancient gods on earth, and the talent of ancient gods on earth is much higher than that of humans and innate gods and demons on the earth's affiliated planes.

But the actual talents shown by us humans are not even as good as those created by gods from the attached planes.

In the era when I was born, the saying that 'human beings are the most perfect creation of the Creator, more perfect and more talented than the ancient gods' was widely circulated among the human race.

Not only do humans older than me say this, but the ancient gods also think so and are very jealous of us humans.

The first generation of humans and the first generation of ancient gods all met our Creator, and these words were spoken by the Creator himself. "

"The Creator did not lie, and the first generation of humans and the first generation of ancient gods heard and understood correctly. The reason why humans do not show perfect talents seems to be because they lack a program to activate talents." Harley said.

"How do you know?" Demon Governor asked in surprise.

"I have met the creator of humans and ancient gods on Earth. She told me personally. She also wanted to use the activation talent as bait to seduce me into serving her. I slapped her twice, kicked her twice, and told her to get away. ." Harley said.

The Demon Governor opened his mouth wide and his expression gradually became distorted.

He really wanted to suspect that she was telling lies, but he knew the identity of the first generation of human creators, and also knew the "shocking secret" that everyone in the wizarding world knew today: Witch Harley said that the origin wall was about to collapse, and "old monsters" were going to pop out of it. , if you hang the Origin Wall now, you may not be able to easily survive the magic debt crisis with better luck in the future.

To be honest, the Demon Governor did not know the details of the origin wall where the Mother of Creation was sealed.

Not only did he not know, but neither did the ancient gods.

They didn't participate, they didn't see it with their own eyes, and no one even heard about it from hearsay - only the three brothers of the Creator knew what was going on inside, and they never talked nonsense to outsiders.

But they know that before the Origin Wall appeared, the Mother of Creation was very active in creating life on Earth.

After the Origin Wall appeared, no one saw the Mother of Creation again.

The Origin Wall is an obvious time dividing line.

Even if they don't know the truth, they can still make associations and conjectures.

When Harley told them that the "old monster" was sealed in the Origin Wall and that the old monster was going to see the light of day again, they immediately recalled and confirmed their suspicions from back then.

But before, they were just guessing, but now Harley is saying it with certainty. What does it mean?

It means that she probably communicates with the "old monster".

So Harley's words sounded very much like bragging. The Demon Governor was still suspicious, but couldn't question it.

It took him a while to calm down and asked tentatively: "What is our perfect talent?"

"I don't know. You should continue talking about the Ruby of Life." Harley said.

"Life Ruby Well, there are many strange gems in Cole's Magic Empire, and among them is a ruby ​​that contains the power of blood and life.

It is not the Ruby of Life, but it is the material used to create the original Ruby of Life.

The reason why Cole's Ruby is mentioned is that it has a characteristic that is compatible with and assists in controlling dark magic.

The original Ruby of Life was a dark artifact contrary to the magic of light.

After its birth, the Cole Empire was furious, the Lords of Order were terrified, and the Nomo brothers who created it were executed.

Nomo is the first ancestor of the Sargon family.

Like the House of Sargon, Zatara is descended from that era.

Giovanni Zatara's ancestors were also researchers of the Dark Magic and Chaos Magic of the Inverted Man. "

Harry's heart moved, "Is the 'Irony Curse' inherited by the Zatala family actually a dark magic?"

"You finally found out!"

The Demon Governor nodded and sneered: "The reason why the Upside Down Man is upside down is because Hecate is not upside down.

This sounds like nonsense, but it illuminates the nature and connection between Hecate and the Upside Down.

The Upside Down Man is Hecate's reflection on the 'lake'.

They are just reversed in 'orientation', there is no difference in essence.

And this is the theoretical basis of irony magic.

It was no coincidence that Zatanna used irony magic to summon the Upside Down.

It is not an accident that Giovanni Zatara is still alive and kicking in the strange motherland after decades of death, and can also use magic to send the Life Ruby to the world. "

Harley thought thoughtfully, "Your chaos magic is only one of the keys. The other key element is irony magic. Even the life ruby ​​may be a key prop."

"Yes, my Chaos Magic is only part of Zatara's plan. He didn't elaborate on his plan, and I didn't want to hear it.

Back then, the gods used humans as cannon fodder, and humans as wizards forced me to torture Hecate.

Although I have enjoyed the benefits of grinding Hecate, I no longer want to be a pawn on the front line.

Now it's my turn to take the seat of the gods.

I produce Chaos Magic. As the master of Magic, I will leave a mark on anyone who uses Chaos Magic. If they dare not share the greatest benefits with me, I will directly harvest them.

This is what I thought decades ago, and it's also the reason why I didn't inquire about Zatara's full plan in detail.

There is no doubt that he is playing with fire.

I don't want to get angry. If he wins, I will benefit the most. If he loses, it has nothing to do with me. I don't even know his plan. "

"You have indeed mastered the essence of the shamelessness of the gods." Harley said lightly.

"Just think that you are complimenting me. After all, in terms of shamelessness, neither I nor the gods are as good as you."

The Demon Governor shrugged indifferently and continued: "But the times have changed too fast. In just a few decades, you have risen strongly and become a huge variable that cannot be ignored in the Zatara plan.

It is impossible for me to continue to store the chaos magic power directly into the Life Ruby according to the original plan and let Zatanna handle the chaos magic power inside at will.

If you really do that, she will hand over the ruby ​​of life to you and let you absorb the magic power of chaos, and I will completely become the biggest fool in the world. "

"Well, I understand your concerns, and I agree to directly exchange magic power for Chaos Magic Power, but I have to know Zatara's next plan in order to fully evaluate the true value of your Chaos Magic Power," Harley said.

The Demon Governor muttered: "The Ruby of Life is a dark artifact used to study the magic of chaos. As long as she gets my chaos magic, Zatanna should be able to truly control it through irony magic.

Unlock the innermost seal and find out the next step of using the magic of chaos to deal with the magic debt crisis.

But as I just said, times have changed.

If I put my magic power into the Ruby of Life according to my original plan, I might lose all my money.

Of course, I also understand your concerns.

Even without Zatara's plan, you are still sitting on the Diaoyutai, and you may be able to slowly kill Hecate and the Upside Down over a few years or decades.

As long as you can persist, you will definitely win.

No one knows the true effect of Zatara's plan now. If you exchange your magical power for my chaotic magic power, there is a certain chance that you will lose money.

I don't want to lose my wife and my troops, and you don't want to lose everything.

The key is, after listening to me explain so much, to what extent does your confidence in the Zatara plan increase? "

Harley thought for a moment and asked, "How much magical power do you want?"

"I will give you half of the Chaos Magic Power, and you will pay off my magical debt for the other half of the Chaos Magic Power. No more, no less, just enough for me to survive the disaster."

Harley asked again: "How much chaos magic power do you have? How many units are you using the average magic power of the Demon Duke as the standard unit?"

The Demon Governor's pupils contracted for a moment.

"The majestic Demon Duke, here is just a standard magic unit. I have about three hundred magic points."

"To be specific, around three hundred."

——This bastard is really fat. The average God King only has 100 points.

A human body can actually contain more than 300 points of magic power, which is almost comparable to that of the First Fallen.

A trace of greed arose in Harry's heart.

"Three hundred two, three hundred three, I won't be sure of the specifics. Let's do this, you give me magic power based on half of 325, which is 162.5 points of magic power.

If I have extra Chaos Magic Power, I will give it to you directly; if I don’t have enough Chaos Magic Power, let Zatanna take the extra Magic Power back.

In short, you can take advantage of me a little, but I will never take advantage of you. "The Demon Governor said with great awareness.

Half an hour later, Zha Kang, Diana, and Xiao Zha completed the transaction and returned to Lishan.

"Pah!" Harley slapped Mrs. Xanadu's right hand in front of her and opened it, "What are you doing?"

Shangdu rubbed the back of his red hand and muttered: "I just want to check whether you are a real person."

"I'm not a real person, am I still someone's disguise? You're so smart, who dares to pretend to be me, who can pretend to be me?" Harley said.

"Your clones and projections can disguise your true body, and then your true body will quietly follow Xiao Zha, find the hiding place in Modu, cramp and skin him, and drain out his true nature." Shangdu said.

"Who do you think I am? I am standing at the gate of heaven and swear by Brother God's love for me - this transaction is absolutely honest and honest. As long as the Demon Governor does not take the initiative to violate the rules, I will never make any mistakes. Any way or any reason to hurt him."

Harley has a frosty face and a cold voice. Anyone who is not familiar with her will see her and hear her voice and think of her as a righteous and noble person who regards honor as her life.

Even though Xanadu was very familiar with her personality, he was still a little intimidated.

"You gave away two points of magic power!" Her expression was a little exaggerated and her tone was a little excited. "You only used two points of magic power to redeem all the debts of the monarch's power. Now you will use two points of power. If it is handed over to others, this is an unprecedented massacre of flesh!"

Xiao Zha's expression on the side was a little unnatural, and he corrected: "It's not as much as two points. Harley keeps her promise, and the Demon Governor naturally doesn't dare to take the initiative to cause trouble.

Although he was a little reluctant and had a crazy look in his eyes, he did not dare to offend Harley after all.

According to the principle of giving back more than he needs, he returned the excess 0.45793 points of magic power. "

As Xiao Zha spoke, he opened his mouth and spit out a bright ball of holy light.

A ball of light the size of a ping pong ball floated gently toward Harley.

"It's actually accurate to five decimal places. It seems that the Demon Governor is really honest." Harley nodded lightly.

"He actually only wanted to be accurate to two decimal places and give us 0.45 points of power. John recalculated to five decimal places after carefully checking the total magic power in the ruby." Xiao Zha said.

Zha Kang said: "If you give me another half hour, I can be accurate to nine decimal places. If you give me two days, I can continue to be accurate to 30 decimal places."

Selina's mouth twitched and she said, "Why is this so?"

Zha Kang said sternly: "Don't be influenced by Harley. Harley is a glutton for stealing magic. She has robbed too many sources. She is rich, so she uses an unusually large magic base unit.

By the standards of a normal mage, the most common Demon Duke has a combat power of up to 1 billion and 1 billion points of magic power. Only in this way can their own magic power have dozens or dozens of points.

If it were all according to Harley's standards, the magic power of ordinary mages would be almost zero. There would be too many zeros after the decimal point, which would be approximately zero. "

The emperor was stunned and said: "So Harley lost 1.54207 power points this time. It seems like a small amount, but it is actually a lot. For an ordinary mage, it is an astronomical number?"

"The astronomical figure of 1.5 sounds weird." She added in a low voice with a strange expression.

Xiao Zha and Zha Kang were both silent.

The uneasiness in Xiao Zha's heart showed on his face again.

Harley said: "I am who I am, so why do I need ordinary people's standards? Could it be that when you make money, you use U.S. knives, and when you spend money, you use Rann coins, so it suddenly becomes more expensive?"

Xanadu nodded slightly, "Well, although the 'Kui's standard' is exaggerated, Harley spends a lot of money and makes a lot of money. Spending money is Kui's standard, and making money is also Kui's standard. This is also an ability that is difficult for ordinary people to achieve. Bar."

Diana said impatiently: "Now that the deal has been completed and we have obtained the Chaos Magic Power, let's stop talking nonsense."

Xiao Zha flipped his right hand, took out the life ruby ​​and handed it to Harry, saying, "This is the chaotic magic power given to us by the Demon Governor. It's all in the ruby."

The ruby ​​that originally shone with blood-red light has been dyed purple-grey, and the light is strange, and there is an aura of chaos and ominousness lingering on it.

Xanadu stared at the purple-grey gem for a few seconds, then couldn't help turning his head, holding his forehead and saying: "The magic power of chaos is too evil, but the fluctuation of magic power makes me dizzy and inexplicably panicked."

Harley did not answer and said: "According to your father's plan, you absorb the chaos magic inside, and then use irony magic to completely control the Ruby of Life."

"Should I absorb it directly now?" Xiao Zha asked.

"This is your father's plan."

After a pause, Harry whispered again: "If you feel uneasy, we can temporarily shelve Master Zatara's plan.

To be honest, although the magic debt crisis is gradually entering a climax, the overall advantage still lies with us.

We are far from the point where we must use the magic of Chaos to find a way out of the situation. "

"I" Zatanna's face quickly flashed with hesitation, entanglement, worry and other emotions.

Finally, she let out a long sigh, her face calmed down, and her voice was soft but firm, "I want to implement my father's plan immediately, not to realize the grand purpose of the plan.

I just want to save my father from the dangers of the strange motherland.

I believe that Harley can solve the magic debt crisis and deal with Hecate and the Upside Down with her current power.

But to save my father, the most direct and safest way is probably this - to continue following my father's plan. "

After saying that, she closed her eyes, held the life ruby ​​dyed purple-grey, and prepared to absorb the magic power of chaos with all her strength.

"Wait a minute!" Selina stopped her, turned to Harley and said, "Would you like to add some insurance first? Has your thick-skinned way been integrated into the Heavenly War God's Seal? Can you give Xiaozha the thick-skinned War God power? , let her become your divine favor first?"

Both Xiao Zha and Zha Kang looked at Harley with expectant eyes.

Harley frowned and said, "I tried to integrate the Thick Skin Way into the Heavenly War God's Seal before, but the effect was not very good. The compatibility of the two is very problematic."

There can only be one God in heaven, and there cannot be other gods and miraculous elements that symbolize gods.

For example, divinity, divine kingdom, and divine personality are symbols of the identity of gods and are not allowed to exist.

But in addition to being symbols of status, godhood and divinity also represent power and realm itself. Angels in heaven may not be gods, but they cannot be without power.

Then the unique "divine seal" of heaven appears.

It possesses almost all the attributes of the Kingdom of God, divinity, and divine personality, but it has nothing to do with the divine elements of the gods.

Harley first received the Seal of Heaven which was the Seal of the Holy Mother given by the former Mother Zed.

The Seal of the Holy Mother is not suitable for Harry, and Harley cannot be the Holy Mother.

In fact, the Holy Mother's Seal was dyed black by her.

Originally, she planned to give the Holy Mother's Seal to her pet dog Duoduo. Duoduo happily accepted it, but Duoduo's son Yebi firmly disagreed.

The dog actually disliked the Hui Seal for being contaminated with too many dirty thoughts and beliefs belonging to Harley.

Duoduo couldn't take it, so Harry kept the Holy Mother's Seal for himself.

She also plans to develop the Holy Seal of Glory once she is completely free.

If you go to other multiverses in the future, you can also disguise yourself as a "white-faced black Guanyin from the West, which is more Western than the West."

Later, Harley made great achievements in battle, and asked Heaven for credit, and obtained a Heavenly God of War Seal that belonged entirely to him.

Silver City only gave her a blank seal (equivalent to godhood) that could not bless any holy power (divine power), and only named her the "Arkham God of War from Heaven" instead of the God of War in Heaven.

Harley herself understood the divinity of battle and filled up the radiance seal in the era of the God of War, making it truly a battle godhead with heavenly attributes.

At that time, she was still the Arkham God of War, and she didn't strive for a higher title herself.

When Hecate stripped her of the miraculous elements, the thick-skinned power from "Origin" was completely gone, and the divinity was nowhere to be seen, as if she had never practiced at all.

The "God of War Seal" from heaven is only sealed, not taken away.

Others cannot take away what belongs to the old God.

When Harley gained the power of the Great Lord, the Seal of the God of War was quickly relit.

Its essence is combat experience and divine power. The God of War experience (divinity) has not been lost. With the blessing of the power of the monarch, there is no lack of the power of the holy light of heaven, so it is restored to perfection immediately.

Therefore, in the previous battle in Hecate's spiritual space, Harley would try to fuse the God of War's Seal with the Thick-skinned Way, imprinting the mark of the "Thick-skinned God of War" on the souls of the four women.

At that time, the only powers that belonged to her were the War God's Seal and the Way of Thick Skin, and she had no other choice.

She later thought about regularizing the "thick-skinned God of War", but the Heavenly Radiance Seal was too repellent to "foreign forces".

In addition to the holy power from heaven, the God of War Huiyin refuses to accept any miraculous power or miraculous elements.

"There is only one GOD in heaven, and there is only God's power in heaven. It is absolutely pure and absolutely sacred. It cannot be mixed with external power, even if that power belongs to me."

Harley first explained in detail the reason why the "thick-skinned war god" was difficult to achieve, and then said: "In addition, I was sealed by Hecate with the miracle element, and I can no longer leverage the Shazam Contract Law to develop the God's Favored One.

Also, Xiao Zha must now completely follow Master Zatara's plan. The more and bigger the unexpected factors are, the greater the probability that the plan will go wrong.

Obviously, Master Zatara did not expect that the world-shattering thick-skinned power would appear in the future.

With the intensity of thick-skinned divine power, there is a high probability that it will seriously interfere with the purity of ‘Chaos Irony Xiao Zha’. "

Xiao Zha nodded heavily, "You are right. At least before I absorb the magic of chaos and know my father's next plan, there cannot be any interference factors that are unexpected by my father."

After saying that, she relaxed her mind and drew the chaotic magic power into her body.


Instead of being absorbed slowly like trickling water, Xiao Zha exploded directly on the spot, as if what she was holding in her hand was a magic nuclear bomb. The nuclear bomb was a bit exaggerated, probably the effect of an aerial bomb.

The powerful purple-black magic light wave obscured everyone's sight, piercing their eyes to tears.

If Harley hadn't activated the force field and taken control of the scene, the shock wave would have blown away most of the manor buildings.

The faster the explosion comes, the faster it goes.

The purple-red light flashed away, and a new Zatanna appeared on the spot.

"Uh, Xiao Zha, how do you feel? The way you look now is a bit unconventional."

ps: DC comics did not say who is the most evil person, but in the crisis of Pandora's Box, Da Chao represents the kindest person. He was the first one selected by Pandora, and Pandora planned to hand over the box to Da Chao. overtake.

The villain corresponding to Da Chao is Vandal Savage, which is equivalent to saying that he is the representative of evil and an extremely evil person.

In addition to this reason, there is also the "record" of Vandal Savage and the Demon Lord. Other villains also kill people without blinking an eye, but these two people not only kill people at will, but also like to commit massacres and genocide. "I once Massacre of millions of people" was a common phrase used by the two men when they showed off their achievements.

They are not bragging, they have really killed so many people.

In fact, Lei Xiaogu also killed people and destroyed many famous cities in history (he said it himself), but he at least had the concept of "burning the rotten things so that new shoots can grow."

Vandal and the Demon Governor purely enjoy the process of killing.

However, at the beginning of the comic, these two people did not kill many people.

It's not that he doesn't kill, it's that he's not as active in killing as other villains.

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