I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1928 The Secret of Chaos Magic

"You really found the Demon Governor, so quickly? Where did you find it in just two days?" Harley asked curiously.

"Don't you know?" Diana asked.

"What you said is really strange. I didn't join your team, and you didn't tell me. Why should I know?" Harley looked confused.

"Harry, that's not what we said before!"

Constantine shouted with an excited expression: "You said that even if you leave Gotham and leave the range of your God's force field, you will leave a trace of consciousness on us.

If something strange happens, or if Hecate sets her sights on us, you will immediately appear to protect us. "

They had asked the Justice League to help contact the Legion of Super-Heroes in the 31st century.

Da Chao went there personally and met Karate Kid who was no longer Karate Kid (he was Karate Kid in his previous life, but now he has reincarnated into someone else in another world).

Val told Dachao that in the timeline before the last restart, the Demon Lord was the biggest enemy of the Super Hero Legion, but in the reality of the 31st century at this time, the Demon Lord had never existed.

Fortunately, the three-person team of Zatanna, Zacon, and Diana searched Gotham and found a lot of information related to the Demon Lord.

But all information points to the Demon Lord being outside of Gotham.

Without Gotham's protective circle, their safety could not be guaranteed, so the three of them found Harley and asked her to protect them at all times, and Harley wholeheartedly agreed.

Harley said: "Leaving a trace of consciousness on you is not using mental power to monitor your every move at all times.

You sometimes leave the natural environment and enter the mage's magic tower or Limbo. How can I always use my mental power to monitor you?

At most, in the river of destiny and the mother river of time, I can devote a little attention to your timeline and destiny line.

I can't even keep an eye on your timeline and destiny line.

Only when your timeline and fate line themselves experience major fluctuations can you alert me.

After all, I have my own job.

I have to pay attention to Gotham at all times. Gotham is the base and the core.

Then I'm going to keep an eye out for the oblivion bar.

In the few days you have been searching for Demon Governor, I have saved 12 different worlds.

Although they failed to catch the Order God who had become cunning, they killed dozens of weirdos, wiped out thousands of 'alien armies' that slaughtered other worlds, and saved hundreds of millions of people.

The name of ‘Sacred Hari, the Great Merciful and Compassionate One who saves the suffering and the distressed’ spreads throughout the heavens and the world.

I also promised the Justice League that I would keep a little bit of my attention on the Hall of Justice and some of the top superheroes.

Oh, by the way, I also promised to protect the White House and the alien embassy on Star Street. "

"Well, I don't want to say that I am too great now, but the fact is that the lives and well-being of hundreds of millions of people are all tied to me.

But I can't blame others. If I want to blame, I can only blame me for being too capable.

The safety of the world and the future of the universe have no one but me!

Being invincible is also a kind of helplessness!

However, you probably won’t understand that you are too far away from this realm. " Harley sighed.

The expressions of the three people opposite were distorted to varying degrees.

"Stop talking nonsense, we have found the Demon Governor, let's get down to business." Constantine said.

"Where is he? Now that he has been found, why don't you bring him to see me?" Harley asked.

Diana said strangely: "He doesn't dare to come to see you, and he doesn't want to continue Master Giovanni Zatara's 'plan to overcome the tribulation'."

Harry smiled lightly and said: "Although I haven't talked to him personally and don't know his specific thoughts, I can tell you with certainty that if he says he doesn't want to continue with the old plan, it's absolutely nonsense.

I really don’t want to continue Lao Zha’s plan. First of all, he won’t hide outside Gotham.

When he gave up on his original plan, it was impossible to find a better way to survive the disaster than to take refuge in Gotham.

This is not my boast. The 'Mage Councilors' who participated in the Earth Mage Alliance that day all gave up on the method of overcoming the tribulation that they had planned for decades or centuries, and quietly moved to Gotham.

Secondly, if you really give up Master Zatara's plan, you won't be able to find him in such a short period of time.

If he doesn't want to see you, you will never find him in your lifetime.

By the way, how did you find him? "

Zha Kang nodded and agreed: "I have the same idea as you, and I also feel that the Demon Governor has not really given up on Master Zatara's plan."

Then he added: "Although we didn't find the Demon Lord directly in Gotham, we heard a lot of news related to him.

The latest news from this time was 10 days ago.

At that time, the Legion of Heaven and Hell had been destroyed for more than a week, and the battle in Heaven had not yet begun.

Phoenix Faust was seen chatting happily with the Mage in a bar in Sweden.

This was the latest news and should be the most useful, so we went to Faust first. "

"Was that Faust guy assigned to the suicide squad by Waller?" Harley asked strangely.

"Well, if Faust dares to blow up the headquarters of the Eye of the Sky, Waller will definitely not let him go. Originally, he was imprisoned in Belle Reve Prison by the Eye of the Sky, but later on, didn't you show mercy and grant amnesty to the world?

You allow mages to bail out of jail and let them figure out their own way through the magic debt crisis.

Faust is free again.

But he can't escape the surveillance of agents.

We found his magic tower based on the address provided by the Sky Eye Society, but found that the guy had become an idiot. "

"Idiot? What do you mean, harvested?" Hali asked.

Zha Kang said with a strange expression: "His magic tower does show signs of being harvested.

The magical animals he kept in the mage tower have turned into deformed and alien corpses.

The core power furnace of the mage tower also lost its magic power and became a broken earthen pot.

But Faust is not dead, and certainly not alive.

He was like an imbecile who had suffered a stroke. He was paralyzed on the bed, salivating at the corners of his mouth, and his crotch was filled with smelly feces and urine.

It can be said that he has no harvest value, but he is not dead after all.

In fact, this is his method of overcoming the disaster.

Before the Upside Down or Hecate came for him, he sensed the crisis and harvested himself in advance.

It was not that he harvested himself, but that he allowed the Demon King of Hell to harvest all his soul, life force, and the miraculous power in his body, leaving only his physical body lingering on.

That bastard even used the agents of the Sky Eye Society.

After he was paroled, he had to send survival information to the Sky Eye every three days.

If no message is received by the time, it means that the mage has been harvested, and agents will come to clean up the alienated corpses.

But Faust did not die, he was just paralyzed and became a dementia without intelligence. Therefore, after receiving the news, the agents of the Sky Eye Society sent him to the best hospital in the metropolis and invited the best doctors and nurses to take care of him. His physical body.

He has a lawyer and billions of dollars in savings, and the hospital will not give up caring for him until the savings are spent.

Now Faust's soul has become a guest in the inner dragon's palace, feasting and enjoying himself every day, so happy.

When the magic debt crisis is over, that bastard plans to return to the world again, and his soul will return to his body, Fake! "

"As expected of an old master who has lived for hundreds of years, this method of overcoming tribulation is so insignificant."

Even Harley was filled with emotion and a little admiration in her heart.

It's obscene, but this method of overcoming calamity is indeed effective!

"Not only is he vulgar, he is also very vicious." There was disdain on Zatanna's face, and there was also hatred through gritted teeth, "The devil will never help a mage for no reason, let alone be nice to a mage for no reason.

If the inner dragon is willing to help Faust complete this method of overcoming the tribulation, he will definitely gain huge benefits.

No matter what benefits Faustus promised Neilong, he would not sacrifice his own interests.

In the past, in order to repay the debt of his soul, he sacrificed his son's soul to the devil.

This time I simply can't imagine how many innocent people have to pay a heavy price for his benefits. "

When he was in college, Xiao Zha had a relationship that almost entered the marriage stage.

The man is Sebastian Faust, Faust's son.

Sebastian was even more famous and talented than Nick back then.

Nick, who comes from an ordinary working-class family in Gotham and has never gone to college, is almost a loser to Sababi, the "well-bred young man".

If nothing else happens, Sebastian will become the first generation of "the number one wizard of the young generation".

The time for Faust's debt has come, and his soul will be taken away by the demons of hell. Then he sacrifices his son and uses his son's soul to repay his debt.

Since then, Sebastian Faust has become a zombie.

"Do you know the details of Faust's method of overcoming the disaster because he later channeled his soul?" Harley asked.

Her reaction to Faust's method of overcoming the disaster and the possible price was far less intense than that of Xiao Zha.

Because of the mage's integrity, she didn't have much expectations.

Randomly select 100 mages and shoot them one by one. There may be some who are wronged, but 99% of them will die innocently.

Some seniors who seem to be well-known and upright are no exception, such as Xiao Zha's father, Lao Zha.

Zha Kang is indeed a scumbag, and he often cheats his teammates, but in the mage world, with the support of a group of mage green leaves, he turns out to be the most upright, sincere, brave, and responsible one.

Don’t blame the reality for being too bullshit, it’s just that bad things come out of bad things.

In the DC supernatural world, which is tightly bound by various magic prices and debts, there will never be an "immortal" who is pure in heart and has no desire to protect the common people.

"We did channel his soul, but he also left a 'suicide note' in advance with his lawyer, roughly explaining his situation."

Constantine looked at Harley with a complicated expression and said, "You will never guess where the Demon Lord is hiding."

"Hall of Justice!" He gave the answer directly without any hesitation. "He has been under our noses these days, right inside the Hall of Justice in Metropolis."

"In the Hall of Justice? No way. I've been to the Hall of Justice and didn't sense anything unusual." Now Harley was really shocked.

"No matter how clever his disguise is, he can't hide it from me."

Her tone was certain, with doubt in her eyes.

"It's not the Hall of Justice you went to, it's the exhibition area of ​​the Hall of Justice." Diana said.

"In the 'Superhero Theme Park'?" Harley said.

Diana seriously corrected: "That is not a theme park. It is an exhibition area for heroes and their stories, abilities, achievements, and trophies. It is also an educational base for the concept of absolute justice."

Each official member of the Justice League has his own exhibition area in the Hall of Justice.

There is at least one statue of a hero in uniform in the exhibition area. There is an introduction to his life and almost all his stories, including but not limited to how he became a hero, why he chose to become a hero, what crises he participated in after becoming a hero, and how great he was during the crisis. deeds

If the hero captures a more powerful weapon, he will put it all in the exhibition hall in the most conspicuous position.

The content is richer and more exciting than the theme park.

Now it has become a patriotic education base in the United States.

There are hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of tourists every day, some from the United States and some from abroad. Even the Alien Travel Agency has listed the Hall of Justice as a "Galaxy 8A-level scenic spot."

The place where Zhenglian heroes work and train is right behind the exhibition area.

Zha Kang said with emotion: "The Demon Governor lived up to his name. He actually quietly opened up a small space world in the exhibition area under the noses of all the heroes.

The area is only two hundred square meters, enough to house a beer house.

When we found him, he was sitting leisurely at the bar drinking beer.

Apart from him, there is only one ghoul bartender inside.

It should be the temporary magic house he built. "

"Does it live up to its name? I'm a little disappointed in him."

Harley disagreed in her heart, and her face actually showed some disappointment, "He is obviously using the Justice League as a shield, and he is also indirectly using my power to enjoy my shadow.

He understands that if something strange or Hecate comes to the Hall of Justice, I will definitely come to my aid, and compared to other areas, the exhibition area is the safest. "

"You can't expect everyone to be like you and be able to confuse people and Hecate." Zha Kang said.

"If you don't have the ability to fight the Disruptor or Hecate, why should he be your hope?" Harley said.

Xiao Zha said seriously: "If he can fight against the Upside Down and Hecate alone, there is no need to discuss any plans with my father.

The Demon Governor is very strong, but his power is only an important part of the plan. It must be combined with other factors to produce a qualitative change. "

Harley nodded and said: "Anyway, you have found the Demon Governor now, and I won't waste much time meeting him. There are many useful things, I have met and talked with him, I will naturally know."

Diana, Zha Kang, and Xiao Zha looked at each other with hesitation on their faces.

"Why, he doesn't want to come to Lishan? I can go see him," said Harry.

Zha Kang smiled bitterly and said, "What's the difference between you going to see him and him coming to Lishan to see you? He just doesn't want to see you."

"Do you don't want to or don't dare?" Harley sneered.

"It makes no difference. No matter how strong the Demon Governor is, he will definitely not be stronger than the Creator. Even if he is as strong as the Creator, he will still be plundered by you one by one. If the Demon Governor has no worries and carelessly comes to see you, then he is a fool.

Obviously, it is impossible for a fool to become a legend, let alone survive until now. "Zha Kang said.

Harley asked: "What are his conditions?"

Zha Kang touched his chin and said thoughtfully: "I feel that he is not completely lying. It's just that he intends to give up the agreement with Master Zatara and just stand quietly on the sidelines to watch your performance and your show.

You weren't even born when they made their original plans.

No one could have predicted the "Witch Harley" who would ride in the multiverse in the future, and naturally they would not include you in the plan.

Now you have become the strongest pole in the multiverse.

It is almost impossible to implement the original plan without your influence.

No matter who you are, no matter what your plans are, as long as you have thoughts about the Upside Down and Hecate, or are slightly ambitious about magical power, they cannot completely avoid you.

And once you get involved, the changes in the situation will be difficult to predict and control. "

Harley asked: "You have met him, you should have felt his power, right?"

Constantine understood what she meant and said hesitantly: "Not only did we meet, we also fought against each other briefly.

He is very domineering and does not tolerate disobedience from others. He was the first to use chaos magic on us.

His magic is indeed very powerful and full of chaotic will that is completely opposed to order and rules.

But I'm not sure if his magic is the original Chaos magic you want. "

"I don't want the original chaos magic power. I just want to know where he got the original magic power from and how he controlled it," Harley said.

It is better to teach a man to fish than to teach him to fish. A small fish cannot eat enough, but a good fisherman will have a round belly.

No matter how legendary the Demon Governor is, he will never be stronger than the God King.

As Naboo's "lifelong enemy", he doesn't even go much beyond the God of Order.

With his little bit of origin, he was not worth Harry's concern at all.

It was the means by which he became the Lord of Chaos that Harry was curious about and had ideas for.

If the power of chaos of the Demon Governor is really the original chaos magic, no matter how much he dodges, it will be useless, she will definitely catch him.

"Have you asked him directly?" she asked again.

Zha Kang laughed awkwardly and said: "He thought my words were ugly, so he used chaos magic to seal my mouth. He only had one thought, and my mouth disappeared directly."

He touched his mouth and further explained: "It disappeared completely, as if I shouldn't have the organ 'mouth' in my body."

"He also used chaos magic on me. It felt very strange." Diana thought for a while and said, "It seems that his magic power is not disturbing the rules, but disrupting them.

For example, if an ordinary mage wants to cast fire magic, he must use magic power to leverage the rules of fire in the basic elemental rules.

The magic power, combined with his experience and magic spells, touches the rules of fire, allowing the power of the rules to produce the magical effects the mage wants.

The Demon Governor's Chaos Magic uses chaotic magic to disrupt the rules in this area, making the rules of fire ineffective.

Without the constraints of the basic laws of the universe, he can create any magical effects he wants. "

Seeing Harley lost in thought, Constantine added: “Diana’s analysis is basically the shared feeling of several of us.

If we compare the basic rules of the universe to the legal provisions in human society.

Ordinary mages, like lawyers, are familiar with and use legal provisions to achieve their own goals.

The Demon Governor destroys the laws and regulations and makes them invalid in his own casting area.

Like a chaotic community on the edge of society, the law loses its authority and power, and the personal will of the gang leader is the law.

The so-called 'Lord of Chaos' is probably the gang leader in the magical world. "

"This seems to be more of a magical method than a special energy. Diana, you fought against the Demon Lord. What was the result?" Harley asked.

Diana raised her chin slightly and said proudly: "His chaos magic was almost ineffective against me. I punched him, but his chaos magic cover was directly smashed.

He was obviously frightened, his expression became extremely solemn, and he became more and more afraid to come with us to Lishan to see you. "

"It's almost ineffective. Does that mean it's still somewhat effective?" Harley said.

Diana said disapprovingly: "It's very buggy to be close to magic immunity. After all, the opponent is the Lord of Chaos, a legendary wizard who surpasses most gods and demons."

"What does the Demon Governor want? I swear not to take away his origin, not to threaten his personal safety, not to restrict his freedom, is that enough?" Harley asked.

"You don't know whether it's enough or not? In today's multiverse, who dares to bet your wealth and life on your credibility?" Zha Kang said calmly.

Diana said: "He wants magical power. He said that if you give him magical power, he will directly give you half of the origin, and his origin is the key to the next plan."

"Magical power." Harry didn't change his expression, but just fell into deep thought.

Zatanna said nervously: "Harley, you don't have to feel embarrassed. My father's plan had nothing to do with you in the first place, and no matter what the Demon Lord's request is, it shouldn't involve you.

He should ask for things from me. He should not want things that I don’t have. He should have this kind of awareness and understanding. "

Harley shook her head and said: "It's not that I'm embarrassed, I just think his chaotic magic is very chaotic.

Real chaos magic should owe no magic debt to anyone, at least it should not be imprinted with Hecate's magic mark.

Since he needs magical power, it means that he also needs to pay off his debt.

If he also needs to repay his debt, then his magic power must come from Hecate, not the ownerless source of chaos. Even if the source of chaos has an owner, its owner is only a creditor of the omnipotent universe and cannot come to the multiverse, let alone The debt should be offset by Hecate's magical claims. "

"No matter how much we analyze now, it is better to meet him in person." Diana asked: "At this time, we have already intersected with him on the timeline. Can you divine his location?"

Harry just glanced at the three of them casually, then shook his head and said: "At this time, the mother river of time is chaotic and blurred, and the river of fate is turbid and turbulent. However, the cause and effect between him and me is still too small to be divined.

He should have left you his contact information, right? Tell him that I can give him a magical power. "

"Harley~~~" Xiao Zha was moved and worried at the same time.

Harley waved her hand and said, "This is my own choice, you don't have to feel uneasy.

The premise for me to give him magic power is that his chaos magic is really useful.

If it is useless, you will no longer be obsessed with Master Zatara's plan.

If we can really threaten Hecate, the benefits we will gain will not be less than the magical power we have paid at this time. "

Magic power is a treasure that is difficult for anyone to give up, especially for mages, especially at this time when the magic debt crisis is at its highest, but Harley made the decision with little hesitation.

Therefore, less than an hour after the Demon Governor, Zha Kang, Xiao Zha and the others parted ways, they received news from them again.

Half an hour later, Harley saw the Demon Governor.

He has a Central Asian face, with long black hair tied behind his back, and a strand of snow-white hair on his forehead. The beard on his face is not as thick as that of Central Asian MSL, and is trimmed neatly and fashionably.

Well, that's normal. Even if he was really from Central Asia, he couldn't be MSL. He existed too anciently.

The clothes are a bit like Damian's old grandfather Lei Xiaogu, all of whom are ancient Central Asian-style costumes.

At first glance, Harley's temperament and appearance reminded Harry of Wandall Savage, as if the words "I have lived for a long time, my heart is cold" and "My hands are stained with blood and I regard human life as nothing" are clearly plastered on his face. "Mess with me" and "I'm arrogant and awesome, you are all low-level ants" are huge labels.

Normal people, even superheroes, will feel a huge pressure when facing him.

He is really the same type of person as Savage, not only in terms of personality, but also in his attitude towards Harley: extremely cautious, as if he is avoiding her.

He did not come to Lishan to meet Harley in person.

In fact, it was Harley who left Gotham and video chatted with him in a private room at an Internet cafe in Metropolis.

He chose the Internet cafe and designated the private room. The computer in the private room was manipulated to ensure that Harley could not track his location through the network cable.

But the moment they met, Harley locked his position through the "Great Cause and Effect Technique".

But that Demon Governor was just an illusory consciousness clone that was cut off from the main body.

Harry's disappointment was more than her contempt for him.

Because the Demon Governor's caution is absolutely right. If she were really allowed to capture his true form, she would not talk to him at all. She would grab him directly and drain the source of his magic power first, then slowly torture his soul and squeeze out all the secrets in his heart. .

"Hello, Witch Harley!" The Demon Governor opposite gracefully touched his chest with one hand and bent down to salute.

Harley said calmly: "Demon Lord, let's go straight to the point. I can give you the magic power, and there is no need for you to doubt my sincerity.

Sincerity is nothing in my eyes, I only care about real benefits!

And my vision will not be limited to just staring at the power in my hands. I have greater ambitions.

As long as you help me in my ambition, I won't hesitate to give you half the benefit.

Do you understand what I mean? "

"Understood, I am not a narrow-minded person, otherwise I would not cooperate with Zatara." A smile appeared on the devil's shrewd and experienced face.

"OK, now take out your magic power and let me test its quality. If it is really useful, we can complete the transaction immediately." Harley said.

Upon hearing this, the Demon Governor simply raised his right hand, holding a ruby ​​between his index and middle fingers.

The life ruby ​​passed down from the strange motherland by Lao Zha.

"There is a trace of my magic power in it." He tossed it gently, and the ruby ​​turned into a line of red light and suddenly disappeared from the screen.

The next moment, a red light flashed in front of Harley, and the Ruby of Life landed firmly on the table in front of her.

Harry picked up the ruby ​​and felt it for a moment, then the expectation in his heart dissipated.

"What kind of chaos magic is this? Do you really know what chaos magic is?" Her tone was unhappy, and her eyes were a little contemptuous.

The magic in the gem is indeed an extremely chaotic and evil force, as Diana and Zha Kang analyzed. It is not about leveraging the rules, but about disrupting the rules, making order become chaotic, and then taking control of power in the chaos.

If he were simply chaos opposing order, the Lord of Chaos would be worthy of his name.

But his chaotic magic was far from what Harry expected.

The Demon Governor was calm, he just raised his eyebrows and said calmly: "Witch Harley, I admire your strength and knowledge. You are a super strong person.

But chaos magic shouldn't be your specialty, right?

I have been immersed in the Tao of Chaos for billions of years, and I am the only Lord of Chaos in the entire multiverse.

I don't think anyone has a greater authority on the magic of chaos than I do. "

"The real chaotic magic is the chaotic energy in the center of endless darkness outside the multiverse. The hand of creation extracts light magic from chaos, and chaos turns into yin and yang. There are two in one life, and the yang is light.

Light magic is the material of creation, bringing the concept of miracles to the multiverse. The self-will born in light magic is the original Hecate.

The dark side corresponding to the light magic is the dark magic, and the consciousness born in the dark magic is the Inverted Man.

There is a very strange "twisted light magic" in your chaotic magic. It is light magic, but it is extremely twisted and darker than darkness.

There is also a weird dark magic power that seems to come from the Upside Down Man. I don’t know what you did to it. It has completely changed its flavor, becoming black and white, and yin and yang.

Originally, magic power was the most integrative miraculous power and could be integrated with any miraculous power.

You also use this characteristic to fuse the 'distorted light magic' and the 'strange dark magic'.

It is indeed extremely subversive and disruptive to the basic laws of the universe.

But it does not have the energy level and characteristics of the magic mark.

It is not the magic power of chaos that is higher than the magic power of light and darkness, nor is it the chaos of yin and yang. "

"Papa papa~~" The Demon Governor clapped his hands lightly, his eyes full of surprise and admiration, "As expected of the Witch Harley, the master of magic power appreciation, she found out my details almost as soon as she got my Chaos Magic Power.

That's right, this is not the original chaotic magic you mentioned.

You expect my chaos magic power to be the original chaos magic power before light and dark were divided, because you think that only the original chaos magic power is more advanced than both light magic power and dark magic power, and can fight against Hecate and the Upside Down.

To be honest, we had similar thoughts.

Without the fear of losing our magic, we would not betray Hecate.

After we betrayed Hecate, we merely suspended our worries about losing the magic of miracles.

The magic debt crisis will eventually come.

So we tried our best to find ways to counter Hecate's magic mark and magical power.

It was no secret to us at the time that Hecate was the opposite of the Inverted Man.

Hecate once possessed all human virtues, such as frankness and trust. She did not hide the existence and origin of the Upside Down from us.

So we, like you at this time, fantasize about being able to master the original chaotic magic power and thereby get rid of the magic debt crisis.

Everyone, all attempts failed, but I persisted until now.

I am the wizard who knows the magic of Chaos best in the multiverse, and my name as 'Lord of Chaos' is worthy of my name. "

"But as you said, my chaotic magic is still not pure enough."

The Demon Governor sighed deeply, and the pride on his face turned into helplessness and bitterness, "The Origin Wall protects us, but it also blocks our exploration of external forces.

I've only heard of raw magic, never seen it.

If you haven't sensed and tasted it, how can you combine yin and yang to create real chaotic magic?

I dare to swear that as long as you give me a trace of primitive chaos magic, I will definitely become the true master of chaos.

I even have the confidence to break through to the realm of God King with this and become the first transcendent person in the multiverse!

I will break away from the multiverse, swim in the sea of ​​primitive chaotic magic power, and become its master. I will also become the master of countless multiverses that extract light magic power from the sea of ​​chaotic magic power to forge miracles. "

He spoke with renewed vigor and passion.

"I wish you success, but what we are talking about now is reality, not dreams." Harley said lightly.

"Witch Harley, you, like everyone else, have also entered a misunderstanding." The Demon Governor cheered up, with a confident smile on his face, "As you said, we need to face reality, not discuss dreams.

What is the reality we face now?

Is it the combination of yin and yang that rebels against nature and creates the original chaotic magic?

No, we just have to deal with Hecate.

Whether the original chaos magic can resist Hecate, to be honest, you can only guess, not sure, right?

But I can guarantee that my chaos magic can take care of Hecate. "

"My guess at least has a theoretical basis. Where does your guarantee come from? You haven't even had a public battle with Hecate." Harley said.

The Demon Governor looked hesitant and said, "Do you know why Zatara came to me? He was the one who organized the plan to get me to join the gang, and he was the leader.

He is not ignorant and thinks that I am the Lord of Chaos who controls the original magic of Chaos.

Leonardo da Vinci is the direct ancestor of the Zatara family. He is a super genius.

The secret of the ‘Witches’ Moment’ was discovered by Leonardo da Vinci hundreds of years ago.

Oh, the moment of the witch means that the grudge hides the magical power and soul fragments in the witch's body, and then recovers the power one by one after escaping the seal, and finally changes the plan of magic to harvest the world. "

"Did you know that Diana, Wuhuo, Xuanlan, and Endo had magical powers hidden in their bodies?" Harley asked in surprise.

The Demon Governor nodded first, then shook his head and said: "Da Vinci discovered the secret of the Witch's Moment, and also tried to invent a magic compass to find witches, but I don't know if he succeeded.

Zatara said that Da Vinci failed, but he may not lie to me.

That cunning mage is very difficult to deal with.

In short, although Zatara told me this, I don’t know who the witch is who stores the fragment of Hecate’s soul.

Even if he knew and told me, it would be useless.

When Giovanni Zatara came to me to discuss the 'method of uniting to overcome the tribulation', Wu Huo, Xuan Lan and Endo were not born.

His daughter Zatara was not born either, and neither of your parents are married, only Wonder Woman Diana.

But Diana is the daughter of Zeus, so Zatara dares to take advantage of her? "

He looked at Harry who was lost in thought and said, "What I want to say is that Zatara didn't do it on a whim, he came prepared.

He was certain that my Chaos magic would aid his plans.

It took him a lot of effort to find me. I was drinking at the time, so I peeled off his skin, peeled off the whole skin, and peeled him off alive. Don't get me wrong. I have no hatred against him, and I am not targeting anyone.

I just plan on using his blood and pain as a side dish.

Of course, even without Zatara, without the words and the plan he told me, I still have this confidence - my chaotic magic is a very special power for Hecate. "

He smiled, a smile that was one-third proud and one-third evil with an aftertaste.

"No one has dared to be so presumptuous in front of me for a long time." Harley's voice was a little cold.

"Presumptuous?" The Demon Governor was stunned for a while, then hesitantly said: "Witch Harley, I respect you very much, what do you mean by presumptuous?"

Harley stared into his eyes for half a minute. He was serious and really didn't know which words offended her.

"Go on, talk about the important points, don't talk nonsense, I don't want to hear your nonsense." Harley said.

There was obvious anger on the Demon Governor's face.

If the one facing him wasn't "Witch Harley", if it was Harley who hadn't defeated the invincible opponent a few years ago, he would have gone crazy.

"If you don't want to listen to my explanation, we can complete the deal directly, or we can break up and Zatara's plan will be invalidated. Anyway, you can survive the magic debt crisis without his plan."

"What kind of explanation is this? You still don't know who I am? Do you think I will completely trust Zatara, and you can use his absolute trust in you to prove that I believe you right?"

What I want is practical information, reasons that can be used to make logical arguments. After all, what I want to give away is magical power.

Don’t you know how precious magical power is?

If you want to get my magic power just by talking nonsense, I dare to give it to you. Do you have the guts to ask for it? "Harry said calmly.

The Demon Governor's expression softened slightly. Since she said such words and her attitude was so solemn, she was probably really planning to use her magic power.

Asking the greedy witch Harley to use her magic power is like stabbing her in the heart with a knife. She will definitely not be willing to give up a reason that makes her 100% convinced.

"Do you know the details of the gods' betrayal of Hecate? In addition to the gods, human mages were also involved.

The ancient human race and the ancient gods of the earth have the same creator.

We are not created by God, we are brothers of God, born only hundreds of thousands of years later than them.

But the gods are very jealous of us for some inexplicable reason.

It seems that we who were born later are more perfect than them. This is nonsense. Their power is much stronger than us humans. I would rather give up my identity as a human and become a 'less perfect' ancient god. "

Seeing the impatient look on Harry's face, he immediately stopped, "Sorry, I thought you were interested in that ancient history."

"I know the history of humans and ancient gods very clearly, please be more direct." Harley said.

The Demon Governor nodded and said: "The gods do not regard us humans as brothers. They oppress and enslave us on weekdays, and make us take the blame when danger arises."

He roughly described the process by which the gods tempted them to betray Hecate and led Hecate into a trap.

Told from a human perspective, it's a bit different from Hades' story told from the gods' perspective.

The gods only treat humans as slaves and don't care about human life or death.

Human beings, as participants, have too much fear, hesitation and despair to describe.

"I didn't expect you to live for so long and personally participate in that incident." Harley said.

Those ancient human mages who were treated as death squads knew everything, they knew the price of magic, they knew how powerful Hecate's magic power was, and they also knew that they were cannon fodder for the gods. But they had no choice. They could still die by becoming cannon fodder. Seeking life, dare to refuse life or death.

"Not only me, but also many brothers from the Order God System."

A look of sorrow appeared on the Demon Governor's face and then quickly faded away, "Do you find it strange that the majestic Lord of Chaos and the enemy of Order actually calls the God of Order his brother?"

"Naboo doesn't seem that old," Harry said.

"Is this strange? Aren't there new people joining the ranks of the God of Order in recent years? However, the basic law system of the earth today was indeed established under the leadership of Naboo.

There are talented people from generation to generation. The older you are, the stronger and more powerful you are. Aren't you the most obvious example? "

"I used to be as close to them as brothers, and I used to be a member of the magic of order, until I saw with my own eyes that the magic of order eroded their bodies and souls from the inside out, and saw them howling and melting into the magic one by one.

This is the consequence of obeying the rules, the reward that order brings us! " His tone became excited again.

Harley stared at his face and said in surprise: "You seem to still retain your original body."

The Demon Governor looked down at himself and was surprised, "How did you tell?"

He only has one consciousness clone now, which is still separated by the computer screen.

"Feeling." Harley said.

"Feeling." The Demon Governor frowned and did not continue to ask. He nodded proudly and said: "Yes, I am a human being, but I have more magic power in my body than the God King.

The magic of order follows the rules and begs for power from the universe. 'Origin' says that your body cannot bear too much magic, so you can only transfer your consciousness into the magic artifact.

Chaos has no fixed spells, runes, formations, or even magic books. I don't need to beg for power from the universe. I can take whatever I want. The Origin is also trembling in front of me. "

"You can brag, but my time is limited. I still have Gotham to guard, and I can't leave for too long." Harley said.

"Okay, let's get to the point. I was one of the group of human mages who betrayed Hecate. I was not their leader. On the contrary, I was asked to do the dirtiest, most tiring, and most dangerous work.

The gods regarded humans as cannon fodder doing chores, and I was forced by human mages to be Hecate's executioner.

They didn't dare to get close to her, so they forced me to go over.

Hehe, you don’t think that after we trapped Hecate, we just sealed her without doing anything else, right? "

He started laughing again, with a strange expression and evil eyes.

Harley frowned and said, "What did you do?"

"They asked me to 'convince' her to hand over all magical secrets and magical powers. It was just me and her in the cave, and I tortured her day after day and night after night.

I have done everything a man can do to a woman.

Not only have I done all the things that an executioner can do to a prisoner, I also innovate every day.

Hehehe, her screams are definitely 10,000 times more pitiful and 10,000 times more desperate than the harvested mage at this time. Even now, I can still recall her screams endlessly——"

"Click——" A crisp sound interrupted his endless aftertaste and eloquence.

The Demon Governor stopped and looked at Harley in confusion, "What's the sound?"

Harley glanced at the corner of the computer desk that she had unconsciously crushed, and said calmly: "You talked too much, and I was so angry that I smashed the desk."

"Witch Harley, I swear, I will definitely not say any nonsense this time. Hehehehe, the secret of chaos magic is hidden in it." He said with a proud smile.

"Really? Then you continue."

——Keep talking, your name has already been listed in the first place in "Harley's Little Black Book".

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