I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1927 Lord of Chaos, Demon Governor

"Ah, ah, don't eat me, Witch King Harley, please don't eat me, I'm just a flower, I don't have much life source!"

"Your Majesty Witch Halle, I have always been respectful to you. It is Yu Tangchun who speaks without words, not me, the beautiful and enchanting but submissive rose!"

"Witch Harley, please forgive me. I just kept shrinking my head and didn't speak at all. How can I offend you if I don't speak? You have arrested the wrong person!"

Xanadu, Zatanna and others who were talking in the yard turned their heads to look at the bright flowers struggling and howling in Harley's hands. They were both surprised and a little confused.

"Harry, where did you catch these flower elves? Are they flower elves? They are a bit like flower demons. They don't have the aura of 'fairies' on them, but instead have strong plant vitality. They are the green of all things?" They all said in shock and doubt.

"It's those old guys from the Council of Trees." Zha Kang stared at the horrified and twisted face in the center of the flower, and said thoughtfully: "Hecate rewrote magic, and the basic law system on the earth was also tampered with by her.

However, she did not directly abolish the system of laws established by the Order God System. She just changed the soup without changing the medicine. She changed the skin, from green trees to colorful flowers. "

"Harry, you went to the Amazon jungle to find the Council of Trees? Is this the new elder of the Green Council of All Things?"

Zatanna turned her attention to a dung pile the size of a minivan that teleported over, "What are these rotten leaves and rotten wood?"

"Alec, are you still angry? Come out and say hello to everyone." Harley shouted to the dung pile.

"Hey, Alec the Swamp Monster? How did he become like this?" Everyone was shocked.

"I'm sorry, I'm too weak. The green of all things has abandoned me. My life is drying up quickly. I can't come out to meet you. In fact, what you see now is my true appearance at this time. I am decaying. "

From within the dung heap came the faint, dull voice of the swamp monster.

Although the voice was breathless and weak, it was indeed their old friend Alec.

Zha Kang nodded slightly and said: "Before, you were like a moving vegetable salad, but now the vegetable salad has expired.

If you leave it for too long, it will begin to rot on its own, which is what you should look like now. "

"What are you talking about!" Xiao Zha hit him on the shoulder angrily.

"Your Majesty Witch Harley, wuwuwu, don't eat me, we don't have much life source——"

The three bouquets of flowers in front of Harley still wanted to scream, but when she pinched them gently, they all solidified in a ball of holy light, like bugs trapped in gum, no longer struggling or screaming.

"Harry, you don't need to torment them. It has nothing to do with the Hundred Flowers Council that I am like this.

Hecate took the green of all things and reworked the laws of plant life.

I was eliminated, no longer the incarnation of the green of all things, it was that simple.

It is my destiny to return to dust. I accept this ending with peace of mind. You don't have to do anything else. Alec sighed.

Harley said: "Alec, you are not only the incarnation of the green of all things, you are also Alec Holland.

Alec Holland has the most powerful life magic talent in the world, so he was chosen as the host by the Green of All Things.

When you are abandoned by the green of all things, it does not mean that your destiny has come to an end.

It can only be said that the fate of 'the green incarnation of all things in the previous generation' is over.

You are still Alec Holland, the most gifted wizard of plant life.

Like other ordinary mages, you can study new magic, adapt to new magic rules, create new magic spells, and rejuvenate yourself and show new forms. "

"Yes, magic rewriting is not the end of the extraordinary. Although our current situation is indeed not very good. Hecate can change it this way today and that way tomorrow, but we can always adapt to the new rules." Madam Xanadu also advised. road.

Zha Kang lit a Silka cigarette and said lazily: "Don't worry about that rotting vegetable salad. He is not dead now and can still speak, which means he is instinctively adapting to the new rules.

Even if you and he do nothing, it won't be long before he sprouts again and grows a brand new 'flower salad' from the dunghill. "

Harley knew he was right.

Including "Ivy Trunks", the "Earth Life Mage" who has lost its original form and power due to new rules and new magic can slowly recover.

Because Hecate only took control of the earth's life systems and just changed their vests, but the essence has not changed.

For example, the green of all things, which represents plant life, has changed from green trees to the Parliament of Flowers, but the image it embodies in the human world has changed.

Plant the "Ivy Trunk" in the ground, let it bathe in the sun, absorb rain and dew, and grow naturally like an ordinary tree. It will slowly grow into a human-shaped trunk, with small flowers growing on the trunk.

Flowers will reabsorb the greenness of all things and connect with the green space of all things.

At that time, Ivy regains her miraculous power and transforms from a tree trunk into a human being.

The reason why Ivy turned into a tree trunk was not because Hecate harvested her.

Hecate did come to Lishan Manor at that time, but she couldn't even deal with Diana, so how could she care about other mages outside?

The reason why Ivy turned into a tree trunk is because she is essentially a tree. The miraculous power of the greenness of all things allows her to "transform" into a human being. When Hecate seized control of the earth's life system and changed the skin of the green of all things, Ivy's connection with the green of all things was severed. She lost the blessing of the power of miracles and was unable to maintain her "transformation" state and become her original self again. "trees".

Of course Ivy was not a tree originally.

She just transformed herself from human form into a tree in the process of cultivating the vitality of green plants.

Just like Swamp Monster, like the previous members of the Tree Council, they were originally green plant life mages like Ivy.

The previous tree form cannot connect to the green of all things, but as long as it blooms and grows flowers, it can reconnect with the green of all things, reactivate the green of all things, regain the power of miracles, and "transform" into a human being again.

After Harley returned to Lishan, she has been carrying the "Ivy Trunk" with her and has been studying her. Of course, she understands the reason for Ivy's change. She also knows that as long as she buries it in the soil and plants it, she can slowly adapt to the new rules. Slow recovery.

But at the same time, she also understood a truth: Hecate is now the boss of the earth's life system. She has only adapted to the changes in the greenness of all things and has been controlled by others. She may be unable to control herself in the future and end up miserable.

Harley also has the power of the thick-skinned war god, which can "tarnish" Ivy's body and soul and ensure that she will not be harvested by Hecate, but this is not a long-term solution after all.

She didn't want Ivy to live in fear all the time, always worrying that the evil will of the resentful woman would enter her sea of ​​consciousness along the green of all things and seize her soul and body.

Harley's idea is that since Naboo can cultivate the green of all things, why can't she?

But she didn't plan to tell Zha Kang and the others, at least there was no need to publicize it before success.

The grudge temporarily focused on the more ambitious "Multiverse Harvest" plan, and did not pay attention to the individual lives related to Harley such as Ivy and Swamp Thing.

Hallie hoped that she would continue to be like this and not bother herself and her friends.

"A trivial matter like magic modification shouldn't affect you two, right?"

After setting up the "Councillor Hundred Flowers" and Alec the Dung Heap, Harry returned to the front yard.

"Magic modification is not a trivial matter. We did plan to come to you today to inquire about the situation, but now our main purpose has changed."

Zatanna solemnly extended her right hand to Harley, and slowly opened the palm of her fist, revealing a blood-ruby gem the size of a pigeon egg inside.

"What is this?" Harry didn't recognize it at first sight. After sensing its power fluctuations, he immediately said: "Sargon Witch's ruby ​​of life? What happened to her? Was she harvested?"

"If you look carefully, it's not the Ruby of Life of Sargon Witch, but the Ruby of Life of her dead father.

The original ruby ​​of life was inherited by the Sargon witch, which contains the huge vitality, spiritual power and wisdom accumulated by the Sargon family for decades.

This life ruby ​​is new and not too new. It should have been around for a long time.

But it is a gem made by the Sargon wizard who re-condensed his life force with his natal magic. It was condensed in the strange motherland. There is also a message left by my father in the gem. Zatanna said.

Harley extended her spiritual power into the inside of the gem, but it was empty, with nothing inside.

"It is indeed not the life ruby ​​of Witch Sargon. The breath is a little different, but I didn't see any information."

"You didn't feel it? It shouldn't - well, it's really gone."

Zatanna was surprised and immediately sensed the ruby ​​​​in person. As expected, Zatanna's message was gone.

"Why did it disappear? Harley, I swear to you, I didn't have any hallucinations. John and I are directly connected to my father's will with our souls. It can't be hallucinations," she said excitedly.

Zha Kang frowned and looked around and said, "Even if Harley leaves, she will leave the God's energy field in Lishan, right? The God's energy field will quickly degrade the magic effects within the range."

Zatanna was stunned for a moment before she came to her senses, "Are you saying that the Forbidden Demon Realm that God descended to earth destroyed the magical message that my father left in the Ruby of Life?"

Harry picked up the Life Ruby, with gold and silver spots flashing in his eyes, and asked with hazy eyes: "How did you get this Life Ruby?"

"I picked it up in the yard, I understand." A look of realization appeared on Zatanna's face, "I finally understand now that it is Harley's God-descending force field, and it is also the thick skin that Harley built for us. Golden film' villa.

Although the Life Ruby is a magical creation, it has now been transformed into a material form and is less affected by the Forbidden Demon Realm.

And my father must cast a spell on the gem and let the magic bring it to me.

Once you enter Gotham, the magic will be disabled.

It should have appeared directly on my bedside or even landed on my forehead, but it could not enter the door of my house and was blocked outside the house and landed in the yard.

The Golden Film Villa exorcises evil spirits and keeps out the life rubies from the strange motherland as evil objects. "

Xiao Zhahou patted his chest fearfully and said thankfully: "Fortunately, our home is in a remote location, and I didn't get up too late in the morning, otherwise the ruby ​​might have been picked up by others.

Even if it is not picked up by anyone, over time, the divine energy field covering the entire Gotham will erase the magical information in the gem.

If that were the case, my father's decades of hard work and planning would have been in vain. "

Both Xiao Zha and Lao Zha should be grateful to the upside-down man who "does good deeds without leaving his name".

Why did the Inverted Man tease Lao Zha - the plan was great, but times are changing so fast, and you are seriously out of touch with the times?

If it hadn't interfered slightly and adjusted the "posture" of the Life Ruby falling into reality, the gem would have been blocked 100 kilometers away from Lishan.

Either it falls into the sea or a corner and is never seen again, or it falls on the street and is picked up by someone.

Harley's defensive force field can cover a hundred kilometers in radius, including the sky.

If the gem "happens" to fall from the sky and is located directly above the "Constantine House", even if the missing person magic fails, it will fall freely to Xiao Zha's front yard.

"The golden film villa can block the Ruby of Life, but it cannot block the telepathy between father and daughter.

The ruby ​​came into reality last night and landed in my courtyard. In my sleep, I immediately sensed the fluctuation of my father's will.

It is not a direct spiritual connection, but a more original and essential telepathy. I had a nightmare, dreaming about my father engaging in endless cruel battles with monsters in a desolate Gobi Desert."

Xiao Zha narrated his nightmare in detail, and finally said: "The content of the dream is different from the information in the Ruby of Life. My father only asked me to go to the Demon Governor, saying that I would know his plan if I saw the Demon Governor.

He definitely didn't want me to worry because he didn't tell me about his situation. "

When she stopped, Harley remained speechless for a long time.

They wanted to ask but held back.

Until the gold and silver spots in Harry's eyes disappeared and his eyes moved away from the ruby.

"What did you see?" Xanadu asked curiously.

"I didn't see anything originally. The mother river of time was vast and there was no trace of the ruby. The river of destiny was so turbid that it couldn't capture the fate track left by the ruby.

It wasn't until Xiao Zha told her nightmare that I finally saw a blurry picture in the river of destiny.

It is not directly related to Ruby. The picture seems to come from the fate of Mr. Lao Zha. His fate is not completely over! "

There was a strange look on Harley's face, and her gaze specifically glanced at Zha Kang.

Zha Kang didn't give her the reaction she expected.

"What blurry picture?" Xiao Zha asked.

"It's the same as what you saw in your dream. You should have had a 'real dream'."

Dreams also have a lot to do with fate and prophecy.

Dreams can be roughly divided into two categories, absurd dreams and real dreams.

Human dreams are mostly absurd dreams projected by desires and fantasies.

In rare cases, human dreams can touch the line of fate. The content of the dream reflects the unknown reality in the past or the reality that will definitely happen in the future, which is a prophecy.

"Just seeing the known scenes repeatedly, no more new information?" There was more or less disappointment on everyone's faces.

"At least it is confirmed that the Life Ruby is real, the information inside is real, and Xiao Zha's nightmare is also a real dream." Harley said.

Zha Kang pondered: "Since the news is confirmed to be true, the key now is to find the Demon Governor. As long as the Demon Governor is found, all the secrets will eventually be revealed."

Harley looked at him and asked, "You mean to strictly implement Xiao Zha's father's 'method of overcoming tribulation'?"

"Why not? It's better to have a plan than to squat in Lishan and wait for a turn of events." Zha Kang said seriously.

Harley stared into his eyes for a moment.

There were no other emotions or thoughts hidden in his eyes, and he sincerely wanted to help Lao Zha complete the great plan he had planned for decades, even if they didn't know what the plan was now.

Harley's brows gradually furrowed, something was wrong with Constantine today!

"John, Xiao Zha, do you understand what this life ruby ​​letter represents?"

"You wonder why my father didn't die completely?" Xiao Zha frowned and said: "To be honest, John and I also discussed this issue at the beginning.

After the death of the witch, the soul and magic power will be harvested by the 'Seal of March', and the soul will be digested and absorbed by the resentful woman; after the death of the wizard, the soul and magic power will be recycled and digested by the Upside Down.

The resentful woman absorbs the soul power of the witch to strengthen her consciousness.

The Upside Down extracts the essence of wizard consciousness and forms a variety of heterogeneous individuals,"

Xiao Zha and Zha Kang didn't attend last night's barbecue party, but it didn't mean that they knew nothing about the battle between Harley and Hecate's inner space.

In fact, during the barbecue party, they also had a video connection with Lishan, not only listening to Hallie's personal story, but also participating in everyone's discussion.

They didn't come to Lishan because there was no magic teleportation. It was too troublesome to travel dozens of kilometers from Changdao to Lishan, especially since Constantine's "proctoptosis" was not easy to deal with.

If you prolapse your anus and squirt in public, you will be shameless and don't tell anyone. It will also smoke everyone and affect everyone's appetite.

Xiao Zha continued: "My father and Master Sargon are both wizards. They are not deeply involved with hell demons and evil gods from other worlds like Phoenix Faust.

And when he died, the Little Black Bean crisis was at its peak, and the eyes of the entire multiverse were focused on the gates of hell. Even if my father is in debt to some unknown gods and demons, they will all focus on the little black bean and will not notice my father's death.

In the end, they entered the strange motherland and were harvested by the Upside Down, which was not too strange.

My father and Master Sargon died from the high-energy magic erosion of the small black beans.

Their bodies and souls could not withstand the magic of the little black bean that unexpectedly appeared at the joint channeling site.

John guessed that they took the opportunity to complete the magic infusion during the death process.

The magic mark of the little black bean is imprinted on the soul and magic power.

Therefore, he can still maintain his sanity after being harvested and has not been completely digested by the Upside Down. "

Harley looked at Constantine with her eyes again. This time his eyes flickered a few times. He first gave her a "be patient, we'll talk to you later" look, then lowered his head and avoided her gaze. .

"Can Little Black Bean's magic power really resist the upside down man and Hecate's magic power harvest?"

Xanadu was surprised: "So the theory of the Black Witch Cult is correct, and they are the ones who hold the truth?"

"Theories are only right and wrong, there is no good or evil. Only thoughts and actions can distinguish evil and justice. Even if the theory is correct, it does not prove that their actions of creating black magic tragedies and wantonly killing innocent people and righteous mages are okay." Zha Kang said solemnly. .

Harley glanced at the "decent boss" and the "famous young heroes and heroines" and said calmly: "The theory of the Black Witch Cult is originally correct. Everyone has known it from the beginning. At least I have never doubted it or listened to it. Others have doubted it.”

Xanadu, Xiao Zha, and Zha Kang all participated in the encirclement and suppression campaign against the Black Witch Cult.

They are all old-timers, well-known and decent bosses.

Xiao Zha is a chivalrous girl from a well-known family, and Zha Kang is a young chivalrous man from a well-known family.

Well, at that time, Zha Kang was already the beloved disciple of Xiao Zha's father, the famous master of irony and the acting speaker of the Wizards Council, and he was definitely qualified to become a "famous young knight".

On the other hand, it was Harley, who was looked down upon by the famous men and women, and she had been hanging out with the black magicians of the Dark Witch Cult.

Her first teacher was not Asal, but the elder of the Black Witch Cult, an old lich.

In the world of martial arts, she would definitely not be able to escape the reputation of a "demonic witch".

But even the "devil sect" Harley has never denied that the Black Witch Cult is a huge demon sect and a cult, and all the demon sects including her master deserve to die.

She also personally buried the leader of the Demon Cult and all the elders and elites of the Demon Cult.

But Harley kills people, and she has never questioned the theory of the Black Witch Cult.

"I took back Diana, Endo, Wuhuo and Xuanlan from the resentful woman's mind space, and even poached Dusk from the bottom of the heart lake. I was practicing the theory of the Black Witch Cult." Harley said.

"I know, I'm just."

But now all the facts are proving that their theory seems to be the only correct way to overcome the disaster.

Harry, although you ruined the Black Witch Cult, you are also the only surviving elite of the Black Witch Cult.

Now you are the one who has inherited and practiced the theory of the Black Witch Cult. Alas, what a wonderful fate! "

Selina said: "Since the wizards Zatara and Sargon have been dead for decades, and their souls can persist until now, wouldn't the angels and fallen angels of the legions of heaven and hell be in better condition? Harley's future We could really get them all out.”

"There must be angels and fallen angels who persevere, otherwise Silver City would not arrange a rescue mission for me. But whether they can persevere until the end is not certain," said Harley.

"Elite First Fallen and Flame Angels are not as good as human mages?" Selina asked doubtfully.

Harry shook his head and said: "The point is not the realm of the mage, but the magic mark and magic energy level in their souls.

When Little Black Bean was born, the ghost as powerful as the 'Wrath of God' could not even resist a single move.

In fact, the ghost is only slightly stronger than a hair on the little black bean.

The little black bean is fluffy, like a hairy monster, with a lot of vellus hair on its body.

Ghosts are almost the culmination of heavenly power under the Maharaja.

The peak ghost's combat power is stronger than the archangel in the 'Twelve Angels'.

The ghost is far inferior to the little black bean, which shows that the magic power of the little black bean is far higher than that of the ghost.

The ghost is stronger than the archangel, so the dark magic power of Little Black Bean is not at the same level as the holy power of the archangel.

In fact, you can understand it if you think about it differently.

If the Archangel of Silver City could compete with Little Black Bean, there wouldn't be only one black witch sect in the world.

Obtaining the blessing of strength from the archangel is infinitely easier than receiving the favor of the little black bean.

In every era, there are many holy light magicians who have been blessed by archangels. From the birth of the universe to the present, there is no one who has been favored by Little Black Bean. Well, there is one, the quantum mage Rich, and I helped him find a backdoor. "

Harley glanced at Xiao Zha with a strange look, and then said: "Although Xiao Heidou's magic power is strong, it is not omnipotent.

The higher magic mark itself has no power. It is just a weapon against the Mark of the Upside Down, allowing the person being harvested to struggle a little without losing the ability to struggle.

Just like Diana who faced Hecate's harvest yesterday, she could only struggle and howl, but could not change the outcome.

Master Zatara persisted for decades and remained tenacious and vigorous.

The strength of his spiritual will is simply unimaginable. "

——Without great ambition and ambition, there would not be such great perseverance and determination.

Lao Zha has great talent!

Zatanna murmured: "Perhaps my father is not invincible in spirit and will, but he is just concerned.

He couldn't worry about me.

He hopes that I can carry out his plan on his behalf and thus survive the magic debt crisis safely. "

Harley nodded slightly, "It's very possible."

Zatanna's eyes were bright and seemed to be shining, "Harley, did Silver City ask you to save the souls of angels who were devoured by the Upside Down?

If angel souls can be saved, does that mean my father can also be saved and come back to me? "

Harley pondered: "Theoretically, this is true. If we can enter the strange motherland and rescue Master Zatara, we must have obtained enough magical power.

Otherwise we would have no chance to enter the strange motherland.

How can we dare to leave the real world and explore the strange motherland when there are resentful women stirring up trouble outside?

With enough magical power, any miracle can be achieved through magic.

It's just a small thing to help people whose souls have been saved to reshape their bodies. "

As for the living people who were resurrected after reshaping their bodies, or the living dead, or aliens similar to living people, Harley didn't know.

The path to resurrection for Teacher Asar, Enduo, and Xuanlan has not yet been decided, and they have to wait for Harley to study it slowly.

But Lao Zha and Asal are not quite the same.

They were harvested directly while alive, and their souls seemed to have not yet entered the realm of death.

However, after Lao Zha died, according to the rules of magic price, his soul transferred from the death realm to the strange mother realm.

He was utterly dead.

"Harry, do you support my father's plan?"

Zatanna was full of energy, looking at Harley with anticipation and passion and asked.

"I only support you. To be honest with your father, I don't know him very well. We have only met a few times, and I don't know what his plan is." Harley said frankly.

"Since you support Xiao Zha, it's no problem. Xiao Zha and I will find the Demon Governor next, and the Demon Governor will tell us the follow-up plan." Zha Kang said.

——Lao Zha’s plan has nothing to do with you? What are you excited about? Don't tell me that you still don't understand who is the real culprit of the joint psychic accident.

Harley finally couldn't help it, secretly used the field to protect her mental power, and transmitted messages to Zha Kang's sea of ​​knowledge.

——Alas, I am not stupid. From the moment I received the information in the Ruby of Life, I understood that the murderer I have been tracking for many years is the victim himself. No wonder I have been investigating for so many years, carefully studying and tracking every survivor, but... No clues were ever found.

It turned out to be a trick directed and performed by Zatara.

He is probably a loyal believer in the "Black Witch Cult Theory".

But I have no choice now. From the moment Xiao Zha gets the Ruby of Life, there is only one way left for me: to help Xiao Zha complete her father's plan.

Because I know Xiao Zha very well, even if we are firmly against it, even if we tell her "your father is a conspirator, he must have other plans," she will not listen, and she will continue on alone.

Do you think I can leave her alone, stay alone in Gotham and enjoy peace, and let her search the world for the Lord alone?

Hallie, Xiao Zha is my wife and I am her husband.

I couldn't abandon her, just like she couldn't abandon her father.

Since we can't stop her or abandon her, we can only try to help her eliminate all difficulties and solve hidden dangers until she succeeds or Zatara's plan fails completely.

As I said before, you are just sitting in Gotham and waiting for things to happen anyway, so why not devote a little more energy to investing in Xiaozhao.

Zatara dared to bet his own life, so what if we believe him just once?

Constantine said everything in his heart calmly.

"Have you noticed that something is wrong with you today?" Harley said hesitantly.

"What's wrong with me? Or, what did I say wrong?" Zha Kang asked.

"I just think you are a little abnormal today, I can't say what's wrong with you. Well, maybe this is the change of being a husband!

In the past, you were a bastard who only cared about yourself. Now you have a family, a wife, hope in your heart, and responsibilities on your shoulders. " Harley sighed.

"Then do you support us?" Zha Kang asked.

"As you said, I can't stop you, and I can't leave you alone." Harley said helplessly.

"Thank you! By the way, the case regarding the joint psychic accident is completely over today. Let's forget about it and won't talk about it again in the future, OK?"

"It doesn't matter to me, as long as you still remember that your old father-in-law appears to be decent, but is actually a 'Yue Buqun', and you won't be tricked by him one day in the future."

"Who is Yue Buqun? Oh, forget it, I understand what you mean. But I don't think he will harm me and Xiao Zha.

He is not a villain.

It's just that the magic debt crisis has forced people to have no choice but to make plans. "

There was no trace of hesitation or doubt in Zha Kang's mental fluctuations, and his tone was very firm.

Harley disagreed, "He probably won't harm his daughter. After all, the daughter is his biological son, but the son-in-law can take turns.

And don’t forget, you were not his son-in-law when he died.

From the perspective of people at the time, Nick and Zha were a couple born to be a couple.

You are just a poor magic apprentice.

The value of a diaosi student is much less than that of a biological daughter, even a cheap son-in-law who has never been married.

So, you can only pray to God now - God bless, my old father-in-law did not include me as a diaosi apprentice when he made the plan. If I am not included in the plan, I will not be sacrificed by the plan. "

Zha Kang said seriously: "I will pray, not to God, the old God will not pay attention to me, but it is more useful to pray to you.

You must protect me!

If my old father-in-law used me as a pawn, please protect me, your majesty, the thick-skinned God of War, Hallelujah~~"

After the secret mental communication, Harley glanced at Zha Kang with a strange look, then nodded and agreed to help Xiao Zha complete Lao Zha's plan.

"Where are you going to find the Demon Governor? Can Master Zatala give you any hints?" she asked.

"There is no prompt, and there is no prompt. He has been dead for decades. How can we calculate the details decades later?" Xiao Zha shook his head and said: "But I think the Demon Governor will not be too difficult to find. , after all, he is also a participant in the plan, and he needs me to complete my father’s part of the mission.”

"There are millions of extraordinary beings gathered in Gotham. Are there any Demon Lords among them?" Zha Kang asked.

Harry shook his head and said: "I have only heard of the legend of the Demon Lord, but I have never seen him in person, and I am not familiar with his aura.

Although my mental power and energy field can cover Gotham, extraordinary people are not wooden stakes. Even if they have to rely on my shelter, they will try their best to hide their true nature.

If a certain god puts all his magic and divinity into a 'divine clone' and disguises himself as a mortal to enter Gotham, unless I read his memory, it is impossible to know his identity and details with a casual scan. "

"But you can read the other party's timeline and discover their secrets from the mother river of time." Constantine said.

Harley sighed: “It is only 100% effective on mortals, gods will hide or even disguise their own timeline.

For example, during the Pandora's Box crisis, the Criminal Syndicate grafted through timelines and disguised themselves as ordinary mortals in this universe.

No matter how good your grafting skills are, you can't fool me, that's for sure, but I need to check carefully.

There are millions of people, how can I check them?

Moreover, gods who can disguise and hide their own timelines can sense my ‘inspection’ and observation.

They will fight back, they will struggle, they will disturb the river of time.

It can't backfire on me, but it can make the timeline in front of me a mess and disgust me to death.

In short, using the timeline to find the base of mortals is very effective, but it is less effective with half the effort with gods.

If I really doubt someone, I might as well go directly to him, cover him with a golden bubble, and then give him an irresistible reason and ask him to confess and be lenient. "

Selena asked doubtfully: "I remember that Nick's "Book of Magic" was found in the Tomb of the Demon Lord. There is also the huge corpse of the Demon Lord in the cemetery. Am I remembering it wrong?"

She turned to Xanadu, "It seems you told me."

Selina does not participate in crisis incidents, but she likes to inquire about the details afterwards, listen to them as gossip stories, and then tell Lois Lane.

Louise then turned the story into news and told it to the whole universe.

"You remember correctly, Nick found the Book of Magic in the Tomb of the Demon Lord." Xanadu frowned and thought for a moment, "The Demon Lord is the oldest and most powerful human mage. He is the man of order and justice. Enemies exist in every era of justice and order.

Perhaps his form has changed in different eras.

The Tomb of the Demon Lord where the "Book of Magic" is stored is only the tomb of the Demon Lord, the 'enemy of Merlin'. "

"What do you mean? He has been reincarnated?" Selina asked doubtfully.

Xanadu hesitated for a moment, then turned his gaze to Harley, "Is changing one's form reincarnation?"

"You ask me, who should I ask?"

Xanadu said: "Aren't you the master of the art of great cause and effect, the king on the mother river of time, the King of Martial Gods who has defeated all the unrivaled opponents in the world, and the 'Witch Harley' that no one dares to provoke?

There may be a lot of things you don't know in this world, but that's just because you don't care.

You will definitely not give up studying famous people. "

Harley said angrily: "Do you think too highly of the Demon Governor, or do you underestimate me too much? The Demon Governor may be legendary, as famous as Merlin, and competing with Naboo.

But in my eyes, the God King is also a minion, and the Supreme Being is not worthy of my inquiry and study. He, the Demon Governor, is nothing! "

"You are awesome, you are noble, the terrifying existence that we regard as a legend is not even a fart in your eyes, so of course we are not even as good as a fart." Xanadu said sarcastically.

"I've never treated you like a bastard, but you have to dwarf yourself, and I can't help it." Harley said calmly.

Xiao Zha was a little embarrassed and fidgety.

The core of her father's plan is the Demon Governor, and their only hope is the Demon Governor, but now the Demon Governor is despised by Harley.

Constantine said seriously: "Harry, do you know the title of the Demon Lord? Lord of Chaos!

He is the opposite of order, the embodiment of chaos in the universe.

It is very likely that the Demon Governor is the important key to solving the magic debt crisis. "

Harley raised her eyebrows, "I know he's called the 'Lord of Chaos', but his 'chaos' is just for Naboo's 'order', right? Do you think his 'chaos' can still represent that kind of chaos?" "

"It may not be impossible. If he doesn't have two brushes, what will happen even if Xiao Zha finds him? Now you can definitely be sure that Master Zatara is not stupid. If he is not stupid, his plan must not be random." Zha Kang said seriously. road.

Harry narrowed his eyes slightly, tapped the armrest of the chair with his fingers quickly, and said softly: "If the Demon Lord really masters that kind of power of chaos, it would be worthwhile for me to meet him."

"What kind of chaos is that kind of chaos? What are you talking about? Stop playing riddles." Selena shouted.

Harley said: “Have you never heard Yggdrasil tell the story of Hecate’s origin?

The hand of creation draws a beam of light from chaos, bringing the power of wonder to the universe.

That light was the magic of light that gave birth to Hecate's consciousness.

And the evil and corrupt consciousness was born in the darkness that was opposed to the light, and became the current Inverted Man.

Chaos energy broken down into light magic and dark magic is chaos magic.

If the 'chaos' that the Demon Lord masters is this kind of chaos magic, and if his chaos magic is real chaos magic based on chaos magic, he may be able to compete with the Upside Down and Hecate. "

"Is the magic of chaos very powerful?" Selina asked.

Harley hesitated and said, "I don't know. Magic power has different levels, but if high-level magic power is in the hands of a fool, it still can't beat a mage who uses low-level magic power.

Especially after magic power merges with divinity and belief power to become divine power.

The strength of divinity largely determines the strength of divine power.

Chaos magic is definitely different from ordinary magic.

It’s just that I’ve never been exposed to Chaos Magic and Chaos Magic, so it’s hard to judge. "

"Since chaos magic can be broken down into light magic and dark magic, and Harley, you are not lacking in the light magic from the multiverse and the dark magic from the Upside Down, can you fuse it yourself to create chaos magic?" Xanadu asked.

Harley smiled awkwardly, "Honestly, I don't think there is any difference between light magic and dark magic."

"How come there is no difference? They are obviously not the same!" Xanadu wondered.

Harley thought for a while and said: "There is indeed a difference at the beginning. The dark magic contains the instinctive consciousness of depravity and deformity, almost an embryonic version of the Upside Down.

Not only are they out of my control and unable to be used by me, they will also be rejected by the multiverse.

But I will never use the stolen magic power directly. I will purify and refine it. The purified dark magic power will be no different from the magic power brought by Hecate in the multiverse. "

To put it simply, after being cleansed by the gastric acid mist, there is no difference between light magic and dark magic.

If it is not washed and purified by gastric acid mist, it will not be absorbed at all because there are too many impurities.

Magic is the most perfect "miracle power wine base". All kinds of miraculous energy can be integrated into it, including divinity, spiritual power, vitality, personal will, and faith. It's a big mess and must be purified, otherwise it will be a mess. Li's soul and body will be contaminated by these impurities.

"You can try not to purify them now, and then fuse them into one to see if you can reverse the innateness and achieve the magic of chaos." Zha Kang said.

"Unable to fuse." Harley shook her head and said: "If it is not purified, the dark magic will only swallow the light magic instead of generating new chaotic magic."

"So we still have to find the Demon Governor. If we find him, all questions will be answered." Zatanna clenched her fists and said with firm eyes.

Harley thought for a while and said: "I heard that the biggest enemy of the superhero legion in the 31st century is the Demon Lord.

Maybe you can ask the Justice League to help send a space-time letter and ask the Legion of Super-Heroes to inquire.

While you are waiting for a reply, you can look for well-connected mages and gods and demons in Gotham and ask them for news about the Demon Governor.

If the Demon Governor is really an important part of your father's plan, he can't hide completely. "

"Wouldn't it be more convenient for you to directly separate your consciousness and go to the 31st century?" Zatanna said.

Harley said: "My every move now is being watched by the Upside Down and the Grudges, and there are also many extraordinary people in the 31st century superhero legion. I don't want to bring the crisis to them. I hope the Grudges haven't noticed you yet. "

She didn't mean to turn people upside down.

Because when the Ruby of Life penetrated the gate of the strange motherland, it must have alarmed the Upside Down.

Even when the ruby ​​of life happened to fall on Xiao Zha's doorstep, someone from the Upside Down came to help.

It's interesting that the upside-down people don't object, and even secretly help.

But these thoughts were only running in Harley's mind, and she didn't say them directly.

"I understand, I will ask the heroes of Zhenglian for help and only use pure technological means." Xiao Zha said seriously.

Zha Kang and Xiao Zha were so powerful that they didn't even eat lunch. They called the Hall of Justice first, and then left Lishan with Diana to visit well-informed old friends and acquaintances one by one.

Diana joins them voluntarily.

Since the barbecue party ended last night, she has been staying in the meditation room to use thick skin power to repair the wounds of her body and soul. She also used the 5 points of magic power given to her by Harley to gradually master her existing miraculous power.

By noon the next day, she had completed the basic "magic debt redemption".

Now it would be difficult for Hecate and the Upside Down to continue harvesting her.

Of course, she was naked at the moment, and apart from her thick-skinned power and her own soul, she had no miraculous power that could be harvested by them.

With basic safety guaranteed, Diana no longer wants to stay in Lishan and talk nonsense.

The Hall of Justice is also very efficient. Dachao personally went to the 31st century and brought back bad news: except for "Grandpa Karate", no one knew about the Demon Governor at all.

"Alas, maybe Teacher Harley is right, our universe is just a mirage on the mother river of time."

Val (who was originally Asian), who has been reincarnated as a middle-aged white man, lamented: "Only 20 years have passed in the main universe, and we don't know how many times it has been restarted in the 31st century.

In the past, every time a reboot was completed, the Demon Lord was the deadly enemy of the Legion of Super Heroes, but this time it was also the Dark Night Crisis that had just passed. How many years have you been there? Dark Night, Barbatos, and the Dark Knights must have just passed a few years ago, right? "

"It's less than a year since the end of the Barbatos crisis, but after the dark night, the Omega Titan crisis broke out on our side." Da Chao briefly told the story of the Omega Titan crisis.

Val, the white man, frowned and thought for a moment, then said: "I seem to have the impression that the reality of the 31st century was 'gently rewritten' again a while ago, and the concepts of 'detachment' and 'the omnipotent universe' began to become popular, which seemed to be the same as those of a thousand years ago. It’s related to the Omega Titan.”

Dachao scratched the back of his head and said, "I don't quite understand. I'm here to see the Demon Governor this time."

“After the dark night, we restarted again. It was a big reset, not a fine-tuning of reality.

Alas, only I, the 'remnant' with thick-skinned supernatural powers, know everything, and their lives have been rewritten again.

But I was not forgotten by them this time, I was still in reality.

What to say about the Demon Governor"

Val thought about it carefully and said with certainty: "In this new era, there is no trace of the Demon Governor at all.

No one knows about the Demon Governor except me.

I have now reached the martial arts realm of 'Shattered Time and Space'. I can physically travel the mother river of time and read information on the timeline.

I'm pretty sure that in this era of the 31st century, there is no Demon Governor. "

No trace of the Demon Governor was found in the 31st century, but Xiao Zha and the others soon gained something.

As expected, the Demon Governor was not completely hidden, and many people had seen him recently.

Two days later, Xiao Zha, Zha Kang, and Diana directly met the Demon Governor.

"Plan? Are you talking nonsense? Now that Witch Harley is so fierce, punching and kicking that woman, the old plan from decades ago is still useless?

You go, stay in Lishan honestly, that is the best way to overcome this calamity. "

The person was found, but the Demon Governor had no idea about the "outdated" old plan.

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