I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1908 The price of absorbing power

Harry had to admit that hanging upside down under the World Tree, he could indeed see an extraordinary scenery.

Especially when she saw the world from the perspective of "world reflection" for the first time, the impact and shock were even greater. In just a moment, she had countless new understandings of the rules and theories that she had not understood in the past, and she felt like an inspiration. The joy and excitement of diabetes insipidus.

It can be said that she has been practicing magic and martial arts for tens of thousands of years, including the era of the Martial God King, but she has never been as active, sensitive, and clear as she is now.

All kinds of epiphanies popped up like mushrooms after rain.

But she soon encountered an extremely embarrassing problem: Her miraculous power and miraculous elements had just been taken away by Hecate, and now she almost became a pure "superpower".

Her connection with the Sea of ​​Laws was severed, her divinity and the Laws of the God King were missing, and she lost her senses. She was unable to comprehend the laws, practice magic or martial arts skills as before.

At this moment, she had all the inspiration and epiphany, but she couldn't put it into practice, or even make the next deduction in her mind, because Hecate had deprived her of the power of the God-King from the "root of magic".

Her original training experience in defensive magic and thick-skinned martial arts has now become a "fake secret book".

Just like "famous" martial arts secret books such as "Yi Jin Jing", "Dugu Nine Swords", and "Nine Yang Magic" sold on real-life e-commerce platforms.

They are only famous in novels, and their names are very deceptive, and the contents in them are all the same, but whoever really plans to practice these secrets and become a master is a big fool.

Harley's previous martial arts experience and magic experience no longer conformed to the rules of multiverse practice, and were abolished by Hecate. Then use those useless experiences to deduce new skills and insights, and naturally it will become a castle in the air.

Of course, Hecate only touched the foundation of Harley's practice and did not change the laws of the universe that Harley had realized.

For example, Harley has a very deep understanding of the laws of space and time by virtue of her defense expertise, and even comprehends her own laws of time and space.

Hecate cannot modify the laws of time and space in the multiverse.

If she can even change the laws of time and space, then she is not the mother of magic, but the mother of creation.

That's not to say that Hecate is completely unable to modify the laws of space and time.

In fact the power of miracles can do anything.

The God-King can create a world and adjust the laws of his own world according to his own wishes. How can the majestic Mother of Magic modify the laws of the world with the power of miracles?

She can, but she cannot change the fundamental laws of the multiverse.

Modifying the rules of a certain magical world or the Kingdom of God is not the same concept as modifying the basic rules of the multiverse.

Perhaps Hecate can try to use the power of miracles to tamper with the basic laws of the universe, but when she does, the Endless Family will first become her enemy, and "Origin" will react violently.

If Harley is just an ordinary mage in a certain divine realm or magical plane in Limbo, and what she understands is the rules of the plane or divine realm, when Hecate distorts the rules of the magical plane where she is, her experience of the laws is only Some of it will be reduced to useless junk information.

But Harley lives in the main universe, and what she realizes after becoming the God-King is the basic laws of the multiverse.

Unless Hecate completely abolishes the basic laws of the multiverse, she will still have the experience of the laws, which means that her skills will be abolished, but her Taoism will still be there.

Well, Hecate only abolished her power, but could not take away her moral conduct.

Taoism is the understanding of the great road of heaven and earth, and it is a crystallization of wisdom. Hecate can use magic to easily erase other people's memories and extract other people's wisdom, but her magic is ineffective against Harley.

But Taoism requires skill to drive and deduce.

Lao Tzu, who was able to write the "Tao Te Ching", was absolutely profound, but he couldn't even use the simplest fireball technique.

Now that she has no skills, Harley is hanging upside down in the World Tree. Countless inspirations and enlightenments pop up in her mind like popcorn, but she cannot verify the practice and cannot tell whether those inspirations are true or those inspirations are just useless self-excitement after the thoughts have gone astray. .

"Don't study the rules and techniques. Your current problem is that your power has been abolished. Your top priority is to find your own power of the God King. Use this as your goal to think and gain enlightenment. Once you have enlightenment, you can immediately verify whether it is effective." World Tree suggested after understanding her situation.

The old tree was a little timid when facing Hecate, but in terms of experience and insight, she was indeed the only one in the multiverse.

Under her guidance, Harley quickly put aside distracting thoughts and focused her energy on the current predicament, with many ideas popping up in her mind.

One idea was more of an instinctive impulse: to examine the loot from the battle with Hecate and see if I could find anything useful.

The so-called trophies are the space fragments, consciousness fragments and chaotic magic power that exploded when Hecate's "regularized, unique will, and pan-consciousness aggregate" was punched.

Harley blasted time and space, and her defense expertise followed the force of the attack and the cracked time and space deep into Hecate's consciousness, causing considerable trauma to her, exploding on her forehead, temples and other parts close to the sea of ​​consciousness. Huge potholes.

At that time, Hecate was a conscious body and her form was very huge. Even if a huge crater was blown out of her forehead, it was not a fatal injury. Even if you only look at the surface and don't listen to her pitiful wails, you might think that Harley's attack is similar to popping a pimple on Hecate's forehead.

At that time, a large amount of chaotic magic power and consciousness fragments exploded from the giant pit. Harry didn't have time to distinguish, so he opened his mouth and sucked in fiercely, along with the broken space-time fragments and heavenly debris around him.

The ninth-level gastric acid mist was splashed over, making a "stinging" sound like a spicy stick. After the sound, the fragments of consciousness and the source of magic power immediately calmed down and stopped struggling and roaring.

Well, consciousness and magic came from Hecate, which contained her powerful will. When she recovered a little from the severe pain, she began to threaten and curse Harley.

The digestive function of the gastric acid mist is to completely remove all the will in the fragments of consciousness and chaotic magic, turning them into pure soul power and the source of magic.

The power of the soul, the source of magic power, and the power of the digested space were all placed in the stomach dimension in categories, and Harry did not absorb them immediately.

When the battle was over and Hecate left, Harley also checked the trophies while walking in the ruins of the sky, and also tried to absorb the magic source. The result was very disappointing to her. Hecate's magic source did not exceed level 9.

Hecate's magic power level is very high, almost the highest level of magic power that Harley has ever seen besides the Upside Down.

If the levels are subdivided within level 9, the magic power of God King Zeus is 9.1, and the magic power of Hecate is 9.9999, which is infinitely close to level 10. Harley has a feeling that the reason why it cannot reach level 10 is because it is blocked by the rules of the multiverse. Restricted and weakened.

But even if Hecate's magic power is four or nine pure gold, she still cannot enter her level 10 divine power (magic) defense expertise experience jar.

Her motivation for beating Hecate as hard as she could was not to punish evil and promote good, or to save the common people in the world - those bastard gods were not worthy of her pity.

Harley's purpose is to reap benefits.

At least bring up the divine (magic) defense expertise that is still 20% short of reaching level 10.

With level 10 expertise, even if she still can't find the magic debt, she can still be proud of the entire magic debt crisis - this was her idea at the time.

Now that she has seen and experienced the horror of Hecate's infinite manipulation of miraculous rules, she will most likely not be able to laugh or be proud.

When it comes to disappointment, Harley is really disappointed, but when it comes to shock and surprise, Harley is neither too surprised nor too shocked.

Hecate has a multiverse registration and is a life in the multiverse. If she has magic power higher than level 9, she is a transcendent.

It seems that after the creation of the Origin Wall, there are no "normal" transcendents in the multiverse.

Even God has to break up his power so that the energy level of a single scattered individual does not exceed level 10.

The origin of Hecate's magic power made Harley a little disappointed. She only took a casual look at the rest of the loot and threw it into the corner of the stomach bag dimension and ignored it.

Over the years, she has digested many conscious bodies and soul bodies, and obtained a lot of purified soul power, but she has never absorbed other people's soul power to increase her own soul strength, even if those soul powers have completely shaved off her personal will.

Having experienced nightmare demonization, she understands the importance of keeping her soul pure.

In fact, not only her, but other mages in the DC multiverse rarely swallow or fuse other people's souls or consciousness.

Even if hell demons like to eat the souls of evil people, they only absorb the sin and fear emanating from the souls, and do not integrate other people's souls into their own core consciousness.

If nothing unexpected happens and the magic debt crisis ends in the future, Harley will treat Hecate's "purified consciousness" as garbage and throw it into Limbo as usual. Let it dissipate naturally in Limbo and eventually return to the multiverse system of life and death.

The reason why we had to wait until the magic debt crisis was over instead of spitting it out when we were in the ruins of Heaven was because we were worried that Hecate would sense it and recycle it into her body.


"Hahahaha, it turns out that this is the magic debt, and the magic debt is actually hidden in Hecate's soul!"

When Da Chao, Bateman and others arrived at the top of Lishan Mountain, Harley had jumped down from the World Tree, holding a transparent bead in her hand and laughing heartily.

The bead was smaller than a quail egg, like a transparent water ball, but emitted a faint blue light, which was mysterious and eye-catching.

It was obviously not big, and Harley smiled openly, but they noticed it first, not Harley's smiling face.

"Harry, what is this?" Mrs. Xanadu's eyes were confused, "It seems delicious. It's strange. Why do I want to eat it?"

The extraordinary beings on the magic side of the scene all nodded slightly in agreement upon hearing this.

Harley held the small transparent bead and shook it in front of Xanadu, causing Xanadu's eyes to follow the bead.

"Want to eat? Do you know what this is?" She said with a proud smile: "This is the magic debt that countless extraordinary people in the legend long for and dream of!"

"Are you sure this is a magic debt? How can a magic debt be an entity?" Diana licked her lips and asked repeatedly.

She also has an unquenchable desire for it. Her heartbeat seems to be speeding up, and the blood in her veins is heating up? Diana wasn't sure if it was psychological, but she did feel a little dry.

Harry looked around and said with a smile: "Everyone with magic power should be able to sense it, right? You already have the answer in your mind as to whether it is a magic debt.

What is the specific magic debt? To be honest, even if I hold it now, I am not sure. I have to absorb it to understand it carefully.

The current water drop entity is just an appearance.

Essentially it is a small blob of soul imbued with magical power.

Just like the undead you see, they are the existence patterns displayed by the spiritual body after entering the material universe. "

The orangutan detective Bobo was surprised: "Could it be the fragment of that woman's soul, and the magic debt is hidden in the fragment of her soul?

Why didn't you find out before? You must have had her soul fragment for some time, right?

The god who escaped from the heaven said that you punched Hecate's spirit body on the forehead several times, shattering the void with your fists, and blasting a big hole in her spirit body, and you swallowed all the fragments.

You didn't realize it at the time, but until now, you suddenly lost your composure and looked up to the sky laughing like crazy."

Harry touched the big smile on his face and said awkwardly: "Actually, I didn't lose my composure, nor did I mean to laugh wildly.

Didn’t I arrange for Happy Fantasy to talk nonsense with you?

The Happy Phantom Man still behaves no different from me, right?

That’s because the Happy Phantom Man temporarily occupies part of my main consciousness and is in a state of ‘joy activation’, so I can’t help but laugh happily when I encounter something happy. "

"Look at me, am I completely different now than before?" She pointed to her face again, the smile on her face was still bright, but she no longer laughed continuously, and her laughter was still very loud.

The happy illusory person turned into a stream of light and disappeared long before everyone came to the top of Mount Li, and reintegrated into her soul.

Bateman wondered: "I can guess the attraction of this bead to the mage just by looking at everyone's expressions. Why didn't you notice it before?"

"This is the state after activating the power. Although I haven't swallowed it yet, my mental power is already connected to it, otherwise I wouldn't know the magic of Hecate's soul fragment."

After explaining, Harley continued: "After I obtained the fragments of Hecate's consciousness earlier, I had no intention of integrating them into my soul.

If they are not absorbed, the power within the soul will not be activated and the special characteristics of the remnant soul will not be discovered.

Not to mention that the seemingly ordinary ‘Hecate Soul Fragment’ actually contains magical debt hidden inside!

After returning to Lishan, I hung the World Tree upside down and my brain was very tired. When I was thinking about Hecate's existence, I suddenly thought that there might be something fishy in her soul. After careful inspection, I found the magic debt.

Hehehe, I didn’t expect it at first, but now it’s a big surprise. "

Xanadu moved his eyes away from the bead with difficulty, looked at Harley's smiling face, and asked: "What's so fishy about Hecate's state of existence?"

Harley asked: "What condition do you think she is in?"

Shandu was stunned and said: "You said it yourself, she is the only complex pan-consciousness collection of will. She is also similar to the Omega Titan, who has regularized herself and enveloped the entire heaven with the body of magic rules."

Harry smiled and said: "This is the big question. Why does the majestic mother of magic, the ancestor of magicians, fuse the souls of harvested mages and make her own soul complex and huge? Why is it not a pure and refined self-awareness?"

Xanadu pondered for a moment and said: "Maybe it has something to do with her way of existence. She is not a life raised by her mother and father.

She was born from magic and was the first pan-consciousness born into the magic of the multiverse.

After the pan-consciousness took the form of a human, it lived with the ancient gods and gradually evolved into 'Hecate' with independent will. "

Harley asked again, "What does this have to do with her harvesting and integrating the souls of other mages?"

Xanadu frowned and thought for a while, then said: "She was originally the pan-consciousness born in magic. For those harvested mages, everything belongs to magic, and their souls are also integrated into magic.

Magic cannot transform the witch's soul into new magic, it can only form a new pan-consciousness."

A thoughtful look gradually appeared on her face, "If Hecate does not merge with those pan-consciousnesses, those newly born pan-consciousnesses may form new independent individuals.

Because they are born from magic power, the new individuals, like Hecate, are the magic power itself. They will dilute Hecate's power, so it is better to merge with it.

Harley, is that so? "

Harley shook her head and said: "Magic is the source of miracles. I'm not sure whether it can transform soul power into new magic power, but Hecate can definitely do it by stripping away soul power and refusing to form new pan-consciousness.

The indestructible nature of the soul is only valid in heaven and hell.

If put into Limbo Hell, or if the rules in Limbo Hell are triggered, the soul can dissipate into the most basic spiritual essence and re-enter the cycle of life and death.

Magic can certainly achieve similar effects in the form of 'magic of miracles'. "

Everyone was stunned.

Diana couldn't help but said: "Stop being pretentious and just tell me directly, why did Hecate want to fuse the mage's soul?"

Harley smiled and said: "When I was hanging upside down on the World Tree, I didn't think about this issue directly. Instead, I thought about the nature of magical debt from Hecate's state.

Magical debt is not unique in the world, and it does not belong only to Hecate.

Every mage with magic power has a magic debt.

It can even be said that every mage possesses some magical power.

The gods in the heavenly realm can fight against the resentful women because they have 100% power in their own kingdom. This power is essentially magical power.

Since every extraordinary person on the magic side has magic power, then if everyone joins together and the power is superimposed, can it be equal to magic itself?

In other words, if there is only Hecate left in the world without a magician, does magic really exist in the world?

This idea is very idealistic, but magic is an idealistic thing. "

Diana frowned and said: "So, you think the mage himself occupies part of the magic power, and Hecate merges into the mage's soul to enhance his magic power?

But didn’t you say that she already has 100% power? It’s already 100%, how can it be increased? "

Harley sighed: "Maybe 'absolute power' is also relative. No matter how awesome Hecate is, no matter how important the concept of miracles is to the multiverse, magic is always just one of the basic forces of the multiverse.

It is Hecate who belongs to the multiverse, not the multiverse which belongs to Hecate.

Hecate brings magical miracles to the multiverse, and the multiverse gives her the power of miracles, allowing her to formulate magical rules according to her own will.

This is the origin of magical power.

It cannot be said that magical power is entirely the creation of the multiverse, but it is true that 'Origin' handed over the power to Hecate, so that she can be so awesome.

So, did the 'Origin' leave some power to be shared with the mages and gods in the universe who use the power of miracles and create miraculous landscapes?

The part of power given to Hecate by 'Origin' belongs to Hecate 100%, and may account for more than 51% of the total power, but it is not impossible to increase it.

I guess Hecate fused the mage's soul in order to seize the power that was not given to her by 'Origin'. "

Bateman wondered: "No matter what you do, you need a reason. Hecate is an Avenger. Her only purpose after releasing the seal and returning to the multiverse should be to seek revenge from the ancient gods, right?

She possesses absolute power, enough to crush the gods, and even crush you by at least half.

Why do you want to fuse the mage's soul and seize power that is not inferior to your own?

Why is she so eager to enhance her power and strength and turn herself into a monster with mixed soul power? "

"Have you noticed that today's magic debt crisis is not limited to the two forces of the Avenger Hecate and the Divine Mage." Harley said quietly.

"And that strange 'Inverted Man'!" Dachao blurted out, and then said with a puzzled expression: "I don't understand, isn't the magic debt crisis just Hecate's revenge battle?

Why did a third-party "weird" suddenly jump out, and their power is extremely weird? "

Harry said slowly: "The Upside Down is only a strange 'intruder' to you Muggles.

Most extraordinary people on the magic side don't know that there are upside-down people in the world.

But in the circle of ancient gods, the existence of upside-down people is not a secret.

As early as when I first became a magic apprentice, Teacher Asal told me the secret of the Upside Down - it is the reaper of the souls of male mages, and Hecate's March Seal is responsible for harvesting witches.

Of course, she didn't directly call him the "Inverted Man" at that time.

She called it 'Hecate's Dark Reflection'.

The Upside Down is her reflection in the Enchanted Lake and her enemy. "

"Uh, I don't quite understand, how can her shadow be her enemy?" Da Chao looked confused and said: "And you said earlier that the Upside Down came from outside the multiverse, and the multiverse refused to accept its existence. Just now You also said that Hecate is a being in the multiverse and has the same 'local' household registration as us."

Most of the others had similar expressions, looking at Harley with confusion.

Harry was about to explain in detail when he suddenly noticed the golden trunk and silver pattern of the World Tree beside him. His heart moved and he asked: "Little tree, you are older than the ancient gods. You should also understand the relationship between Hecate and the Upside Down." ?”

World Tree said proudly: "Not just the relationship between the two of them, all the stories in the world will eventually sink into the realm of night.

The realm of night is like the fertile black land under the multiverse. The world and the people in the world are just trees, flowers and grass growing on the black land. Eventually, the stories of the world and all living beings will return to the black land like fallen leaves. "

"Very good, you put the 'Story of Hecate' directly into everyone's minds." Harley said.

"My way of delivering stories is a bit special, don't struggle." World Tree said, and slender branches as thick as a thumb grew from the branches above.

Those branches grew rapidly downward, like ropes, tying the ankles of everyone present except Harry, and then suddenly lifted up, hanging everyone upside down under the tree.

At first, some people opened their mouths and wanted to scream, but the moment they finished hanging upside down, their souls seemed to be separated from their bodies and quickly traveled through time and space to the chaos before the birth of the universe.

"This is before the birth of the multiverse. Except for the Mother of Night and the Father of Time, nothing has yet been born. Look ahead."

As World Tree explained, they all "saw" large waves of darkness coming in front of them. The darkness contained huge and chaotic strange energy.

"That's the original magic, but it's not the magic of participating in the creation of the multiverse. Keep reading."

They only feel that a moment has passed, but they know in their hearts that tens of millions of years have passed.

A beam of light shot out from the endless darkness coming in front. The light was extremely dazzling and bright, and it also contained infinite energy.

The beam of light came "in front of" them, and then suddenly exploded. The endless light spread in all directions, the starry sky appeared, the universe was born, and in the center of the light slowly fell a woman whose beauty and purity could not be described in words.

She had no clothes on, every pore on her body was shining, her hair was as messy as seaweed, and her graceful body fell slowly.

There is a crescent moon mark between her eyebrows, which represents the newborn.

Her body is not only beautiful and pure, but also exudes the aura of divine majesty, which is a power of creation and imagination.

If they hadn't known that they were watching the story of Hecate, they would have almost shouted "Creation Goddess" the moment they saw this scene.

She is full of creative and imaginative power, indeed much like creation itself.

She fell into the solar system and toward the earth. Because of her arrival, the moon appeared next to the earth. She fell on the moon, opened her eyes, and woke up.

Those clear and pure eyes, just looking at her, made everyone's hearts flutter with excitement and fascination.

Even if you are as loyal to love as Dachao, you can't help but feel admiration.

That is not the love of desire, but simply the original love for beautiful and pure things.

Yggdrasil’s voice-over sounded again, “This is how Hecate was born.

The darkness you saw before was the chaotic magic power outside the universe. The Mother of Creation extracted a beam of pure light from the chaotic magic power. That beam of light is Hecate, and it is also the basic force that constitutes the multiverse.

The Mother of Creation used that beam of light to mix with other basic forces to create a complete multiverse. Not long after the birth of the earth, consciousness, that is, Hecate, was born from that initial beam of magical light.

You also feel the essence of Hecate, the bright light of creativity and imagination, the miracle itself.

She is also the moon, the mother of magic.

When she created the moon and settled on the earth, her light spread all over the earth, and the earth became magical.

The light continues to spread throughout the universe, and the universe becomes magical and miraculous.

At that time, everyone on the earth was afraid of her. Her power was too strong, almost infinite, and intimidating.

But everyone longed for her and loved her. "

Time passed by, and everyone felt that many years had passed, and Hecate's image had changed.

She changed from an absolutely pure "light person" whose skin glowed just by standing there, to a mortal woman with flesh and blood and emotions.

She has skin as white as milk, black hair as smooth as the wind, and her slim and graceful figure is wrapped in a simple robe.

The Xuan Yue mark on her eyebrows lit up, growing a little more than before.

She was still on the moon, standing by the water, closing her eyes and seeming to be meditating.

Gradually, darkness floated like ribbons from all directions, she was enveloped in darkness, and a dark reflection of her head and feet appeared in the pool below her, her reflection.

World Tree sighed: "The yin cannot grow alone, the yang cannot grow alone, balance is the most basic rule of the universe.

Hecate is the purest light in the magic of chaos. As bright and pure as she is, the rest is dark and chaotic. When she neutralizes it, chaos emerges.

It's not necessarily that the darkness grew in her heart, or that she had a special connection with it. In short, she attracted the darkness.

The dark side of magic emerges and begins to make its way into our multiverse. Remember the tide of darkness first seen in Chaos?

The ultimate light was born from the magic of chaos, and for balance, an equal amount of extreme darkness appeared.

That darkness was Hecate’s shadow, and what we today call ‘weird’.

Yes, weirdness is not a special case of the magical debt crisis, nor is it an unexpected disruptor.

It has existed for a long time and has already tried to enter the multiverse.

Hecate at that time may not be as pure as she was at first, but she is still beautiful and kind.

She discovered the dark reflection and has been fighting it. "

The picture changed again, and they felt that time had advanced tens of millions of years.

Hecate turned into a black girl with afro hair, and the moon on her forehead had completely grown into a full moon.

The black girl Hecate used the magic of earth, water, wind and fire to defeat the reflection in the spring.

As time passed, the scene changed again, and Hecate turned white again. It was not the creamy white she had before, but a little darker. She was a standard ancient Greek beauty.

Diana almost blurted out: Hera is on top, is this the Queen Hera? !

At this time, Hecate was very similar to Hera in terms of temperament and dress. She wore the same dark blue dress, the same brown curly hair on her head, and a similar golden belt. The key was temperament. It was difficult to tell them apart, and no one knew it. Who is imitating whom?

This time the full moon mark on Hecate's forehead was brighter, and she had the aura of Olympus power that Diana was very familiar with.

She joined the Olympian pantheon and became the god of the moon and roads.

After possessing divine power, her power seemed to be even more powerful. Not only did she defeat the black shadow, she also placed a seal to completely isolate it from the world.

The picture flashed, and everyone's eyes lit up, and they returned to the bright top of Lishan Mountain. The branches disappeared from their ankles, and they landed firmly on the ground.

After being stunned for a while, they slowly came back to their senses.

"I didn't expect that Hecate was so pure and beautiful," Da Chao sighed with a complicated expression.

Harley glanced at Hal Jordan. This guy used to either stay at the Green Lantern Corps headquarters or repair the holes in the Origin Wall, but after the magic debt crisis started, he could often be seen on Earth.

"Hal, do you think the Moon Goddess is familiar to you?"

Hal understood what she meant, shook his head slowly, and said: "I'm sure she is not Dusk, her temperament and style are completely different.

She is pure only because there is nothing written on the white paper.

Mu Mu has gone through many vicissitudes of life, and the paper has been filled with stories, even one layer upon another, but the stories only increase her experience and do not change her kind nature.

No matter how many stories are drawn on the paper, the paper remains clean and unstained by the ink of the story. "

After a pause, he sighed again: "However, it is indeed a pity that the once beautiful and pure Hecate has turned into the resentful woman she is now."

World Tree said: "I also have a complete set of love stories between Hecate and the gods. People over 18 years old and mature in outlook can watch it. Do you want to experience it personally?"

"I'm already over 18 years old and I want to try it!" Damian immediately raised his hand and said eagerly.

The boys and girls next to him all looked ready to move.

Harley said calmly: "Now let's get down to business! Don't forget why we watched the story of Hecate and the Upside Down Man."

Dachao nodded slowly and said: "Now I understand what you mean. In addition to seeking revenge from the ancient gods, Hecate also has to fight against the Upside Down.

Revenge doesn't require additional strength enhancements, but the Upside Down is significantly more powerful than he was back then.

It was unable to enter the material world back then, but now it can move freely and even easily kill the legions of heaven and hell. Hecate felt the pressure. "

"Harley, can we unite one against the other?" he asked.

Harley asked: "Who do you think we can unite with?"

"Join Hecate, she is a 'local'." Dachao said hesitantly.

"If you listen to the advice, you will no longer be a complainer." Diana shook her head.

Xanadu added: "Hali has just taken away some of her power. Will the Resentment forgive her? Or does it expect Harley to return her origins? Even if Harley agrees now, when she sees the Resentment in person, she will not be able to help but break her oath and secretly give her She strikes hard and snatches more origins.”

Harley said with a dull face: "You really understand me."

"All extraordinary beings understand you and will not 'seek skin from a tiger.'" Bobo muttered in a low voice.

Bateman said slowly: "Even if Harley is sincere, she will not give up the harvest magician.

The conflict of interests between us and the complainer is too great, and there is no basis for cooperation.

Now that she is at a disadvantage at the hands of Harley and has had some of her power taken away, I am afraid that more attention will be cast on the people around Harley. "

He glanced at Damian, Jason and the others.

They were beside the World Tree, whispering to her, and seemed to be discussing watching "Ancient Forbidden Stories".

He frowned, raised his voice, and said: "Yggdrasil, until the magic debt crisis is over, we should not watch Hecate's story directly.

The better we know her, the more profound the impression is in our minds, the harder it is to forget her, and the easier it is to attract her attention.

Although martial arts masters have no magic power in their bodies, their transformed bodies are also soaked in the power of miracles, and they can be considered to be more or less extraordinary.

We weren't even mosquito legs before, so she probably didn't bother to waste her energy on us.

But we recall her over and over again in our minds and miss her, and she must have felt something. "

"Well, that makes sense. Now is indeed not a good time." World Tree said.

"Ah, I can't forget her anymore, what should I do?" Damian shouted.

The friend next to him also looked worried.

"Oh, if I had known earlier, I wouldn't have watched her story immersively. The original Moonlight Goddess was so beautiful, pure, and unforgettable." Dick, the veteran driver, had a troubled face.

"This is a small matter, don't worry." Harley said to Yggdrasil with a relaxed expression, "Let them experience the story of the resentful woman harvesting the heaven."

"Isn't the grudge just a bit cruel? How can she still make us forget about the Moon Goddess?" Dick doubted.

Jason also said: "Will watching The Grudge help us understand Hecate more comprehensively? Will it be more difficult to forget?"

Harley said: "You will understand after you try it."

A moment later, still under the World Tree, everyone ended hanging upside down again and landed on the ground again.

This time, they didn't look stupidly lost in emotion and couldn't extricate themselves. They woke up completely before they landed. Their eyes were wide open, their expressions were horrified and twisted, their mouths were gasping for air, and their pale cheeks were filled with fear.

Many people's legs were weak and their bodies were trembling after landing.

Harley smiled and said, "How does it feel?"

Damian wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said with a complicated expression: "I will probably never forget that woman in my life, but I will never actively think of her again in this life."

"Well, fear keeps me from remembering her." Dick agreed with a wry smile.

"That twisted and horrifying face and the mark of March on her head will become my lifelong nightmare." Jason said.

Dachao began to sigh again, "The girl who was once as bright as the moonlight has transformed into an ugly old woman with hatred and resentment. What a sin!"

Hal Jordan worriedly said: "Harry, is there really any 'kindness' in the body of the resentful woman? I can't see any shadow of Twilight in her."

"You have to believe in Dusk, she has completed her sublimation and become the highest level, everlasting kindness." Harley comforted her.

"Why don't you try to wake Dusk?" Diana asked.

Harry rolled his eyes at her, "I clearly have the advantage, why would I use a trump card that may only be used once?

I advise you not to easily try to wake up Dusk after encountering a grudge.

Unless it comes to a critical moment of life and death. "

"Not everyone is as fierce as you. When we encounter a grievance, it is probably a critical moment of life and death, unless..." Madam Xanadu's eyes fell on the "Pearl of Power" in her hand, and she swallowed. , said: "This bead is quite big, can you lend it to us? It's just an instigation, okay?"

It doesn’t matter how much power we have, we just need to ensure that our own miraculous power is not deprived of us.

Of course, everything puts you first. You are the core of fighting the crisis and our backbone.

After you take back your god-king power, if there is any left, please let us instigate and lick it. "

Harry lowered his head and glanced at the beads in his hand and said, "Even if there is some leftover, if I give it to you, can you take it? I'm afraid that as soon as I go out, I will be captured by the God King and the Demon King, and my soul will be taken out and eaten directly, or put in oil." Slowly simmering in the pot.”

Xanadu's expression changed. "Could it be that we can't turn over and become masters in the end? We just changed masters, from Hecate to 'Witch Harley'? Just thinking about it makes people unwilling and desperate."

Harley said angrily: "Are you thinking too far? We haven't won the war yet, and we haven't even gotten out of the dangerous situation.

And, even now, I am your ‘big sister’.

You eat mine, drink mine, use mine, and enjoy my protection. Are you unwilling and desperate? "

Xanadu smiled and said: "Of course I hope that 'you will be the eldest sister and I will drink soup with you'.

I just brought in other extraordinary identities, and they are indeed a bit pitiful. "

"You should pity yourself. Now that I have taken away part of Hecate's power, she will definitely hate me to the core. She will always keep an eye on Lishan, looking for opportunities to retaliate against me. But she can't defeat me, so she can only take out her anger on you." Ha. Li said.

Xanadu sighed and said helplessly: "All miracles have a price, and this is probably the price for us to enjoy your shelter."

Bateman asked: "Harry, why don't you swallow the power immediately? Only after it is integrated into the body and fully exerts its effect can it be possible to regain the power of the god king you once had, right?"

They stood under the World Tree and chatted for a while, but the aura on Harley's body showed no change.

Harley stared at the bead, looking a little hesitant, "I only want Hecate's power, and I don't want to fuse her soul.

There is only one bead today. In order to gain all the power in the future, will I have to eat all her souls?

With her incomparably huge soul body, after it is completely absorbed and fused, will I be me, or the new Hecate, or the ‘Mother Harley’? "

Xanadu said: "Are you thinking too far? Now that you have lost all your strength and you have been crushed by that woman, the key is to get your strength back first and save your own life and ours."

"Don't worry, even if I lose the power of the God King, I am still confident in protecting you in Gotham." Harley said.

Dachao looked at the bead and said, "If you don't absorb it and don't use it, seizing it will be meaningless."

Harley said: "I will try to separate the power from the remaining soul."

"Inseparable." The next moment, the voice of the Voice of Heaven came into her mind, "Power is the soul of Hecate. You can only absorb it or give it to heaven."

"Did you start staring at me with tears in your eyes from the time I took out the beads?" Harley said calmly.

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