I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1907 The magic debt is finally obtained

In fact, Harley has not forgotten how stubborn and unyielding the Forklift God and the Kryptonian God described him in the bar.

When the "Grudge" took out the soul of her teacher Asal, she was not ready to compromise.

Teachers are important, but the opportunity to kill the "grudge" is even more important.

And just like their "conspiracy theory", she was deliberately furious, pretending to be crazy in anger, ignoring the miserable howl of Asal's soul, and furiously attacking the resentful women.

In fact, she was very calm at the time, and even before the resentful woman played the "Asar card", she had already guessed that she might be facing the miserable and howling soul of Assar.

After all, the death of Goddess Asal was the beginning of the magic debt crisis.

She will not forget that the goddess Asar and Acharath have been harvested long ago, nor will she doubt that Hecate will one day take the soul of the goddess Asar as a hostage.

Since she had already realized that she was being threatened, she would certainly not be really shocked or angry when facing Asal's soul. Well, the anger was not all disguise.

In fact, besides being a little angry, she felt more at ease: Fortunately, Hecate really wanted to take Teacher Asael as a hostage. Since she was a hostage, she would at best be tortured cruelly, miserable and painful, as long as If your life is still there, you will have a chance to save it in the future.

What if she didn't become furious or crazy, but instead continued to beat the complainer with a cold face and without hesitation.

The resentful woman may have thought that Asal was of no use and could not threaten her, so she took him as a hostage - completely integrated into her own soul, forming a "pan-conscious collection of the only will."

If Harley restrained her hands, the result would be even more miserable. The grudge will first show off her power, smile triumphantly, and push forward every step of the way. While pressing on Harry step by step, she will continue to torture Asal's soul with more cruel methods, laughing at Harley's pain and struggle, and being forced to submit.

Therefore, it is the best choice to simply go crazy, disrupt the rhythm of the complainer, and let the situation enter the "crazy and chaotic rhythm" dominated by yourself.

But after Grudge used the "Great World Shifting Technique" to move the entire time and space around Harley to the infinitely distant and infinitely complex boundary of the universe, Harley gave up the idea of ​​continuing to have sex with Hecate.

After that, it was only her "phantom human projection" that hit the battlefield in the heavenly realm several times. The real body was far away, looking at it from a distance. It was not as perseverant, head-covered and fierce as the gods in the heavenly realm thought.

First of all, it makes no sense.

She couldn't break the "Battlefield Expulsion Technique" of the grudge for the time being, so no matter how many times she tried, it was in vain.

Within the scope of her defensive force field, magic attacks are ineffective, the magic structure is distorted, and the magic power that constitutes the magic effect will be borrowed and manipulated by her, but Harley's defensive force field can only cover a radius of a hundred kilometers.

If she stood there motionless, even if the range of Grudge's space shifting magic was only 101 kilometers, she and her force field would be moved away.

Just like the red-hot iron ball cannot be taken away directly by hand, but the hand can pick up the plate under the red-hot iron ball. If the plate is removed, the red-hot iron ball will also move with it.

Harley is certainly not a dumb, immobile lump.

If I complain that my space moving magic is only 101 kilometers, even if it is a thousand kilometers, she can break away from the "small world" with a radius of a thousand kilometers. The "small world" is moved, but she stays in the same place.

Just like there is a piece of paper underneath a red-hot iron ball, don't try to take the iron ball away by holding both ends of the paper.

If one piece of paper is not carried away, two pieces of paper stacked on top of each other will be burned through by the hot iron ball.

But stacking 10,000 pieces of paper will have the same effect as a porcelain plate that is not afraid of being hot.

In addition to being meaningless, Harley is also worried that she is trapped in a strange dimension, and that she will waste too much time in the process of escaping from the strange dimension, causing her hometown to be robbed.

Just like the last time she was in the realm of night, the Legion of Heaven and Hell was stolen by another weirdo.

However, Harley still arranged for "pure soul body phantom projections" to harass the resentful woman. The soul projections were not afraid of death and continued continuously.

Well, at that time, Harley had been deprived of all miraculous elements by Hecate, and could no longer produce "miraculous special effects" such as energy projection, law projection, and astral projection as in the past.

She could only rely on her semi-transcendent soul to split the phantom person that had previously been integrated into the main consciousness. The phantom person plus part of the pure soul formed the real "phantom Harley".

The phantom Harley is like a warrior carrying a pack of explosives, launching a desperate but not fatal charge against the resentful woman.

She could be forcibly expelled from the battlefield today by the "Great World Shifting Technique" of the Resentful Woman, but she could not be restrained by the same move forever.

Harley wanted to find a way to solve the problem, so she arranged for a phantom person to disguise herself as herself, continue to attack the resentful woman, and continue to experience the process of being removed.

Now, the heaven after being harvested by Hecate.

"It's so tragic. The once extremely bright 'Pearl of Limbo' has now turned into this. Oh, what a sin." Harley shook her head gently and sighed softly.

The Heaven Realm used to be the most dazzling, shining and prosperous divine realm in Limbo Prison.

Countless gods live here, and the countless divine kingdoms themselves are like stars, emitting dazzling divine radiance.

Countless divine kingdoms that are as bright as stars form a four-dimensional structure. How bright and vast should it be?

Silver City also has vast power and splendid holy light, but Silver City is blocked by the bottom paradise, the floating island ring and the "minus first floor" purgatory. Looking from the outside, nothing can be seen.

That's why Tianjing is called "the most beautiful pearl of Limbo Hell".

This reputation can be obtained because the heavenly realm allows extraordinary people to travel freely. Anyone with ability can settle here. There are no household registration restrictions, regardless of race or sect. It is like an "international metropolis" in the extraordinary world.

At this time, there was only a dark stone lump left in the sky.

Like a meteorite floating in Limbo Hell, its surface is pitted and uneven, and its entire body is burnt black, emitting a strong burnt smell.

It was like pouring corpse oil on the meteorite and then setting it on fire, causing black smoke to billow and an unpleasant smell.

The real situation is more tragic and darker than pouring corpse oil and burning it.

When the grudge harvests magic debt, it is like frying the debtor in a pan of oil, treating the debtor as a fat man, squeezing the oil and water out of the body, leaving only "lard residue".

But some lard was fat (god king, main god), and some lard was not enough (low-level god servants). They were put in the same cauldron for refining, and the god king was still sizzling and leaking oil (howling miserably). , the low-level divine servant has been refined into a lump of burnt lard residue, and will continue to be refined. In the end, the burnt residue will stick to the surface of the oil pan, forming a burnt and smelly pitch black.

Even the heaven itself was squeezed and refined like pig fat. Finally, the heaven, rich in the source of divine power, rich in prosperity, and full of flowers, turned into a black, dry meteorite.

However, this meteorite is very large, almost one-tenth the size of Apokolips and Creation Star.

You must know that if the entire earth is dropped into Apokolips, it is just like a drop of water falling into the Atlantic Ocean.

“Xiaoshu, have you noticed that although the Heaven Realm has been harvested, the Heaven Realm’s ‘person’ is still there, and it is still recognized by ‘Origin’ as one of the eight divine realms.

It even continues to support the stable operation of the miraculous elements of the multiverse. " Harley said in surprise.

World Tree stuck out its "head" from her wrist, and after carefully sensing and observing, he said: "If the multiverse is a three-story building, the first floor is the material world, and the second floor is Limbo.

Then Tianjing is one of the ‘eight master bedrooms’ on the second floor.

Now it's just a suite that was ransacked by criminals and set on fire until it was completely white. The room itself is still there.

If even the rooms are gone, it will affect the overall structure and stability of the building.

Just like a certain owner who is crazy and smashes the load-bearing wall of his home, all the owners of the entire building will be unlucky.

'Origin', as the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau and the property management company, would not allow Hecate to smash down the load-bearing wall and completely demolish the 'Heavenly Room' under any circumstances. "

Harley said with a strange expression: "Do you understand what this means?"


"'Origin' will not tolerate Hecate for too long. Now Hecate is very 'powerful', and there will be destiny for her in the future." Harley's eyes flashed and she said slowly: "Origin will not allow Hecate Kata slaughtered all the gods.

Those old gods who have escaped may be protected by Origin in some aspects.

For example, cover their tracks in their destiny.

If the gods are not found, Hecate will definitely be furious with the earth, but in the process of finding the gods, the earth will be peaceful for a while. "

"What benefit does talking about these mysterious and illusory things have in solving the dilemma you are facing at this time?" World Tree said.

Harley walked on the scorched and smoking ground and shouted, "Can you directly tell me how to defeat the grudge now?"

World Tree said: "If I knew, would I still be shivering in your sleeves? I would have started shaking myself."

"You have no idea how to solve the current problem. I at least see an opportunity and a way." Harley said.

World Tree sighed: "Relying on 'origin' is not reliable. It is better to go back to Lishan as soon as possible. It will be better for you to hang on my trunk and comprehend the wisdom of the world."

"Whoosh~~~" Silently, a stream of light flew from a distance, faster than the speed of light, almost the same as the speed of thought. Although it was not teleportation, the actual effect was comparable to teleportation.

The stream of light came to a sudden stop behind Harley, and it turned out to be another Harley.

She looks exactly like Harley, has the same dress and aura, and only has a cheerful and bright smile on her face.

Her smile is very bright and conspicuous, and just looking at her makes people feel happy from the bottom of their hearts.

"Laughing Harley" slowly approaches from behind Harley, like a real phantom, completely overlapping with Harley's body and completely integrated into her body.

A light flashed in Harley's eyes, and she said: "Another 'phantom soul projection' came back, and she was moved to a strange space full of chaotic thoughts.

It's like a garbage thinking recycling center.

There is only chaotic thinking, no space and elements, no time and no laws.

The 'Happy Illusion Man' broke free from the dimensional barrier and returned to the normal Limbo space after using up his strength. "

This is also the reason why she did not continue to attack Hecate after experiencing the "World Shifting Technique".

The time it takes to return from the strange dimension of the "boundary of the universe" is unknown.

The total time from Harley's arrival in Heaven to Hecate's complete harvest of Heaven was no more than 8 minutes, and the return of Harley's "Happy Illusion Man" was already 10 minutes after Hecate left the ruins of Heaven.

So far, all of her phantoms have not returned.

She was currently walking in the ruins of Heaven, inspecting the "crime scene", assessing Hecate's power and methods, thinking about the dilemma she faced, and waiting for the return of the phantom she released.

Ordinary divine clones, or astral projections, are destroyed and their heads hurt.

If the illusionary clone is intercepted or destroyed, there will be an obvious gap in her soul and it will no longer be perfect, which will have a very negative impact on her.

This can be considered the price of using a phantom as a "soul projection".

"The space of chaotic thinking." World Tree seemed to have thought of something, and said: "Show me the memory of the 'Happy Illusion Man'."

Harley did as she was told.

"Well, that is not a thinking space, nor is it a naturally formed dimension. Your 'Happy Illusion Man' was moved into the consciousness of the ancient god of death." World Tree said.

"I didn't see the ancient god's body." Harley said.

"The body rotted and melted, and only the chaotic consciousness remained. I've been there, well, my roots have been there.

In fact, you don’t have to be afraid of getting lost. I am the living map of the multiverse.

I have been to every existing dimension in the multiverse that has existed in the past and is now gone.

My roots used to be everywhere. "World Tree said proudly.

"Have you been to the quantum energy dimension where Dr. Manhattan is?" Harley asked.

"I also said that he was once omnipresent. How old is Dr. Manhattan?" World Tree said confidently: "Give me a million years and let my root system fully expand. I will definitely be able to find him. But I probably dare not go deep into it."

Harry was about to taunt her when he suddenly frowned, turned to look in a direction outside the sky, and said solemnly: "Did you feel it? Another elemental storm is rising, and Hecate seems to be in the center of the storm. What is she doing?"

World Tree sensed for a moment but found nothing, and wondered: "Which direction and what type of elemental fluctuations?

I don't feel anything. Are you nervous and hallucinating? "

Harley glanced down at her, "Unfold the branches, leaves and roots, and then sense them carefully."

Now the World Tree itself has shrunk into a ball, its branches, leaves, and roots dare not spread out, and its range and sensitivity of perception are naturally greatly reduced.

After hearing this, the World Tree not only did not break away from Harley's wrist, but fully expanded its branches, leaves, and roots. Instead, it shrank in a circle, wrapped around Harley's wrist even tighter, and even retracted its "head" that popped out.

"I believe you. Since you clearly sensed Hecate's aura, it's definitely not wrong. Even if you guess wrong, it doesn't matter. If you go there in person, it's just a waste of time." She said.

Harry said that Hecate appeared again and was still causing trouble. If she spread out the branches, leaves and trunk, and even extended the invisible roots to the location where the elemental fluctuations are the most intense, wouldn't it be a "real · insertion of the first bid" and put the The flag "Come here and hit me" was stretched out in front of the complaining woman and kept waving?

Harley hesitated for a while, but finally did not "slowly move" over.

Today is different from the past.

Having been deprived of her miraculous power by the grudge, she could no longer move as she pleased within Limbo.

Not completely immobile.

After all, in addition to the power of the God King and the Law of the God King, she also has the power of the God of War in Heaven, and the power brought by the Key to Heaven and Hell, but it is more troublesome for her to move - she used to teleport, but now she has a very long cast forward, no How flexible it is, not suitable for fighting.

Her space defense expertise is still functioning normally, and she can control the power of the surrounding space to a certain extent. However, Limbo is a dimension of thinking, without time and space.

The previous fight with Hecate was in the heavenly realm.

They were fighting inside the Heaven Realm, and Hecate had already entered the Heaven Realm at that time. If she did not enter the Heaven Realm, she would not be able to harvest the miraculous power of the Heaven Realm.

There is a complete space structure and space power in the sky for Harley to use.

In the past, Harley could instantly reach any location in Limbo that had been marked (memory or calibrated) by her consciousness, not because she had space defense expertise, but because she, as a god-king, had the power of a god-king.

In particular, he has a very deep understanding and control of the laws of space.

Limbo does not have the power of space, but it has the concept of space and the laws of space. She can use the laws of space to travel through time and space.

Now her person has not changed, her knowledge and wisdom are still there, but the power of the God King has been deprived of her by the resentful woman.

Although the space defense specialty exists, in the end the core function of the specialty is still passive defense, and the proactive attribute is weak.

She walked around the ruins of the Heaven Realm, slowly adapting to the current situation, finding out the crux of the problem, and trying to find a way to solve the problem.

However, Harley has not completely turned into a wooden stake that is difficult to move.

Her own miraculous powers were "formatted" by Hecate, but she still had a World Tree on her wrist.

The old World Tree was timid and seemed useless, but she was stronger than most of the old God Kings.

When necessary, the old tree can be used for the ride, and even Harley can summon Yerby. Riding Yerby is also very cool.

But neither Laoshu nor Yebi was suitable to meet Hecate at this time.

Even she had the miraculous elements "formatted" by Hecate, and Laoshu and Yebi were even more unable to withstand it.

The reason why Laoshu survived the "Sorrow of Heaven" was all because of her ability to avoid letting the complainer notice her.

Once the grudge saw her and decided to destroy her, Lao Shu would end up worse than Harley.

"If you don't go over to investigate the situation, it's best to return to Mount Li immediately. Returning to the material world, even if you meet Hecate again, your situation will be much better." World Tree also saw her hesitation and persuaded: " The material universe has its own rules, and even if the God King steps into the material world, the frequency must be reduced.

It is impossible for Hecate to completely strip away the fundamental laws of the physical universe.

Elements, time and space are all basic laws that can be used by you. "

Harley nodded slightly and said, "You can start the space teleportation."


It was a bit worse than Harry doing it himself, leaving a faint spatial fluctuation on the scene, and the next moment Harry returned to the top of Lishan Mountain.

The World Tree fell off her wrist and automatically took root next to the sword in the mountain, opening up the dense shade and covering Harley under her body.

Harry originally planned to sit down cross-legged and scan down the mountain with his mental strength, but found that many people had already arrived at Lishan Manor.

There are not only superheroes on the magic side, but also the gorilla detective Bobo from the Forgotten Bar and the frightened Sertin.

"Little tree, can you really enhance your understanding under the hanging tree?" Harley looked up at a branch on the world tree and asked, "Can you pretend that I am already hanging upside down and transmit all the wisdom in the world? Give me?"

World Tree said solemnly: "First of all, hanging upside down under the World Tree, just using your existing wisdom to understand the solution to the problem, does not allow you to obtain worldly wisdom out of thin air.

To obtain wisdom, you have to pay a sacrifice that is at least twice the value of wisdom. It is a sacrifice to the fountain of wisdom, not to hanging upside down on me.

Secondly, hanging upside down from me does not enhance your understanding.

To be honest, I am fawning over you now and counting on you to save my life. When you were sitting under the shade of the tree, I tried my best to help you open up your understanding. Now even hanging upside down cannot make you better enlightened.

The meaning of hanging upside down is actually to change the perspective of looking at the world and thinking about problems. "

"The world is too mysterious. Every life in the world has its own perception of the world and its own understanding of the great road, but those perceptions and insights are incomplete, just like a blind man touching an elephant.

The story of the blind men and the elephant is not finished.

Blind people are just blind, not deaf, nor mentally retarded. After listening to other blind people's descriptions of elephants, they will be confused, then change parts and continue touching. Eventually, all blind people will be able to form a true image of the elephant in their minds.

Hanging upside down under the World Tree is similar to changing the direction to touch the elephant, but it is not changing the direction where you can touch it normally.

If you touch the elephant's ears, you can touch its thighs, and if you touch its legs, you can touch its trunk. However, no matter how the blind man changes directions, he cannot touch the elephant's reflection.

Not to mention blind people, normal people with intact eyes cannot touch the reflection of the elephant on the riverside.

If you hang upside down under the World Tree, you can touch the 'reflection' that normal people can never touch. Do you want to try it?

It is better to try it once than to hear others say it ten thousand times.

Others have no chance to hang up! "

"Why is the value of the sacrifice to the Fountain of Wisdom twice as high as the wisdom itself?" Harley asked.

"We are talking about Under the Hanging Tree, are your focus wrong?" World Tree complained, and then said matter-of-factly: "I am World Tree, but World Tree is not the fountain of wisdom.

As a matchmaking middleman, shouldn’t we make a profit? "

Harley endured it for a while, but finally did not complain about her.

She jumped slightly, her head lowered and her feet hooked on the branches, and she hung upside down under the tree.

Another Harley fell from her body and skipped back to Lishan Manor with a happy smile on her face.

"Harley is back! Harley, you are finally back!" Dachao was the first to notice her.

As soon as he saw her, the solemnity on his face immediately disappeared. He felt inexplicably relieved and happy, and a big smile appeared on his face.

"As expected of Harley, just seeing her, all the worries and sorrows in my heart immediately disappeared, and I suddenly felt so relieved and happy." Diana also laughed.

"Hey, there has never been a day like this when people feel at ease when they see it."

Selena, Ivy, Rachel, Bobo, Sertin. Everyone in the room seemed to have changed their faces, suddenly changing from serious and solemn to joyful.

For a moment, the living room was filled with laughter and laughter, and the atmosphere suddenly became extremely cheerful, but no one felt strange.

Only Harley hanging upside down on the World Tree felt a bit scary.

——Huan Ren really shouldn’t go out to meet people.

She had a clear understanding in her heart.

Her "Happy Illusion Person" itself is already extremely restrained. She does not vent her emotions wantonly, does not take the initiative to resonate emotionally with others, and force others to fall into the same pure joyful emotions as the Illusion Person.

But just seeing "Happy Harley", who is as powerful as Bateman, Superman, and Wonder Woman, also smiles like a fool.

Of course, it was also because they were unsuspecting of her.

If she were their enemy, they would definitely notice something unusual.

"Harry, that woman harvested the Forgotten Bar." Orangutan Detective Bobo laughed.

After laughing, his eyes suddenly became dull. He touched his grinning mouth with his hand and shouted in panic: "Why am I still laughing? I don't feel very sad in my heart. Could it be that the mental shock I received was too great and my brain went crazy?" What's wrong with him, has he become a schizophrenic?"

"Happy Illusion Man" Harry praised with a smile: "Bobo, you are very good, you are the first to notice the abnormality."

She looked around and explained with a smile: "I am not my true body now, but a pure soul clone formed by my happy phantom and a part of my soul.

About an hour ago, the resentful woman came to heaven, and I had a big fight with her."

She briefly recounted the general process of the Battle of Heaven and her loss of the power of the God King.

"Even if you can't use divine projection, there's no need to use 'Happy Harley' on us!"

After realizing that she had been tricked, Diana was still happy and worry-free in her heart, and the silly smile on her face was finally under control, "How much time can you waste by talking to us, why would you arrange for an imaginary person to come and interfere with our emotions?"

"Happy Harley" smiled and said: "After the Battle of Heaven Realm ended, I stayed at the Heaven Realm Ruins to think about the problem.

If I hadn't suddenly sensed Hecate's aura fluctuations coming from an unknown direction, I probably wouldn't have come back immediately.

My thoughts were not interrupted after I came back.

I don't want to let go of my inspiration and talk nonsense with you.

And since you are all looking gloomy, it would be nice to arrange for a ‘happy person’ to come over and let you relax. "

Ivy said: "Now that the war in the heaven is over and the resentful woman has left, can't you restore the power of the God King?"

Harley pondered: "This change should be permanent. The grudge made changes from the root of magic. Unless she changes it back again, I can only adapt to the new rules again, that is, start from scratch and practice again. "

Diana clenched her fist, and a faint golden light shone from the surface of her body, forming an almost transparent force field film on the surface of her fist.

"What's going on? I can still use thick-skinned divine power, thick-skinned divinity." Diana felt it carefully for a moment and hesitated: "It does seem to be weaker, but it has not disappeared.

The divinity is still there, and I feel the law of thick skin. "

She couldn't sense the Law of Thick Skin at first.

Later, she found that the thick-skinned power was really useful, but Harley refused to prescribe "VIP special effects" for her. She wanted to increase the strength of the thick-skinned power in her body, so she could only study hard and gradually master the thick-skinned method. It would be best if she could condense her own thick-skinned law - if she could condense her own thick-skinned law, then she would become Harley's "saint".

As she mastered the thick-skinned method more deeply, Diana gradually sensed the God-King Law belonging to Harley in the Law Sea.

In fact, this process is conversion, which is not essentially different from "Thick-skinned Priest" Barbara's practice of thick-skinned magic.

Diana's recognition, approval, trust and reliance on Thick-skin's divine power is faith.

"My thick-skinned law will certainly not disappear, but it no longer belongs to me at this time. My ownership of it has been completely stripped by Hecate."

"How to deprive them? Aren't they yours?" Dachao asked doubtfully.

Harley suppressed the smile on her face and said: "What Hecate destroyed was not the miraculous power and the power of the God King that I cultivated.

She just bent the rules, cut me off from them completely, and made them no longer mine.

So my thick-skinned law is still there, and the thick-skinned gods are not affected much.

She is able to do this thanks to her magical power.

The so-called magical power means that all matters related to magic are decided by Hecate.

Whatever she says is what she says.

She introduced the magic power, the rules of magic and the concept of miracles are herself, and she formulated the original rules of practice.

I followed her rules and entered her magic system to practice. All the achievements I made belonged to me in name only, and the final right of interpretation belonged to her.

The system platform belongs to her, and she even set up the legal department.

It's a bit like playing online games. No matter how much money I recharge, no matter how much time and effort I spend cultivating game characters, it can't be worth the deletion of data by the game administrator.

Hecate deleted my game character's data package, and the things in the game system that had intersected with my game character were not affected.

What's even more awesome is that deleting my game character data package is not only not considered a violation by Origin, but it also does not affect the normal operation of the game at all. "

Harley spread her hands, "Everything in the multiverse is running normally except me now, Fuck! Other people's cultivation in the world of immortals is about using the fake to refine the real, and turning the illusory into the real.

It's a good thing that this shabby universe of ours actually practiced reality and fake it for a lifetime, and worked really hard, but everything turned out to be a dream. "

Fortunately, her foundation is not thick-skinned martial arts.

The law of thick skin and the power of the god king are just by-products obtained by adding points to defense.

If she were an orthodox DC multiverse god-king, she would probably have vomited thirty liters of blood by now, belched with a strong sense of unwillingness and resentment, and would still remain dead after belching, with her eyes wide open.

It's so unfair.

"It's so unfair that the mother of magic's power is so terrifying." Da Chao said indignantly.

Harley smiled and said: "It's indeed unfair, but from another standpoint and perspective, maybe it won't be 'too unfair'.

Without game manufacturers developing games, we would not be able to play games.

I can't even log in to the game interface, and I can't create a game character, let alone subsequent training and upgrades.

Without the Mother of Magic to bring magic and miracles to the multiverse, extraordinary professions such as mages, knights, and warriors would not exist at all, and there would be no old gods or new gods.

The world would become extremely boring without all elements of wonder. "

Selina looked at her in disbelief and said: "You have become a Muggle, but you can still laugh and still speak for Hecate?!"

Harley touched the smile on her face and continued to smile: "There is no way, I am 'Happy Harley'. Even if my parents die tragically before my eyes, I will not feel sad in my heart. At most, my joy will be dull, but it will not disappear. "

Selina was stunned and said: "Your illusion has not disappeared, and your mental power is still strong."

"The game GM can delete my game character's data package, but the skills I practice in reality will not be affected.

What Hecate can take away is only the miraculous elements related to magic and magical miracles.

Not to mention being a phantom, I still have the ‘power of the God of War in Heaven’ and the guarding power of Heaven’s Gate in my body! "

Wonder Woman frowned and said: "It's also magic debt harvesting, but Hecate and the Upside Down seem completely different.

When the Upside Down harvests, they don't care what the attribute of the miraculous power in your body is. They harvest it all and squeeze it out instantly. They are extremely domineering, but Hecate is. Hecate is actually very domineering, but she is a bit domineering in a strange way.

Even the gods of the heavenly realm can hold on for several minutes in her hands, and even fight against her with the source of the divine realm.

It seems not as terrifying as the Upside Down Man who instantly killed the Legion of Heaven and Hell.

But the Upside Down was defeated miserably at your hands. You didn't lose anything. Instead, you took away the source of the Upside Down's magic power, but Hecate completely crushed you. "

Happy Harley couldn't show her displeasure, but the smile on her face completely disappeared.

“Hecate didn’t crush me, I crushed her, I beat her until she screamed.

Whether it was before or after she took away my miracle power, she was beaten hard by me, which was extremely miserable.

In the end, she was afraid of me like a tiger and did not dare to collide with me head-on. "

Diana was a little suspicious, "Although you said yourself that you suppressed Hecate on the scene during the Heavenly Sorrow, no one saw it at the scene-"

The orangutan detective Bobo finally spoke and interrupted her: "Someone saw it! When Harley beat the woman violently, a heavenly spirit took the opportunity to escape.

Many of them managed to escape.

I've seen them before at the Oblivion Bar.

They all said that Harley was a pervert and beat Hecate to a miserable state.

After the attack at the Forgotten Bar, the reason why I rushed to Lishan immediately was because I wanted to seek help from Harley.

I thought that if Harley could beat that woman violently, she would be victorious and triumphant like the last time she faced the Upside Down.

I didn’t expect Harley to pay such a high price, alas! "

Harley said: "Hecate and the Upside Down are both creditors, but their 'magic debt' manifests itself in different ways.

The Upside Down is simply the master of magic power and has 100% authority over it.

Hecate is also the master of magic and has the 'supreme' authority over it.

It's just the highest, the highest compared to us, and it doesn't have absolute 100% authority.

This is why the gods can resist a little.

But Hecate is also the embodiment of magical rules and the concept of miracles in the multiverse.

She has nearly 100% absolute power over the root rules of the Miracle Power.

The Upside Down uses his absolute power over magical power to instantly take away control of the miraculous power in the extraordinary body, and then uses the miraculous power he just seized to erode their bodies and souls.

This is a pure path of plunder. If you can't plunder, you will burp. When you face me, you burp.

Hecate does not possess absolute magical power.

Because her introduction of magic power into the multiverse was a responsibility, or an exchange of interests. She gave the magic power to the multiverse, allowing the multiverse to have "miracles" from now on.

The multiverse gave her the power to formulate the rules of miracles, making her the embodiment of magical rules and miracles.

Hecate cannot instantly plunder the magic power from the extraordinary body, but she can deprive the extraordinary person of the ability to perform miracles, making the extraordinary person lose the power to resist and let others slaughter him.

The confrontation between the gods of heaven and Hecate is a battle of power.

Hecate used her absolute power to crush the gods' absolute control over their own kingdom and heaven.

Hecate's absolute power is at the level of the multiverse, while the absolute power of the gods is only at the divine level, so they were crushed. "

"If Hecate uses multiverse-level absolute miraculous power to crush the mere 'god-level' absolute control, shouldn't it be easier than the Upside Down suppressing the legions of heaven and hell? How could it last for several minutes and still keep you on the side? Have you been watching the excitement for a while?" Bateman, who had been listening carefully but not speaking, suddenly said.

"Well, in The Sorrow of Heaven, Hecate's performance was indeed a bit stretched. I guess she didn't completely lift the seal." Happy Harley was smiling on her face, but she was frowning and wondering in her heart.

In fact, she still had a bigger question in her mind: Why could the Upside Down easily destroy the legions of heaven and hell more than a week ago, but Hecate waited until today to "reluctantly" harvest the heavens?

According to her understanding, the Upside Down and Hecate should be mirror images of each other. It's hard to say the actual strength, but in terms of power displayed in the multiverse, Hecate should be much higher than the Upside Down. Her "recovery" speed Much higher than the "progress" of the Upside Down into the multiverse.

Hecate should have appeared first, and then the Upside Down "squeezed" some of its energy into the multiverse. After Hecate's seal is unlocked to a certain extent, enough to harvest the heavenly realm, and then wait for months, or even years and decades, the Upside Down finally accumulates the power to destroy the legions of heaven and hell.

The reality is the other way around.

It’s hard to say which one of the Upside Down and Hecate showed signs of being in the multiverse earlier, but the Upside Down obviously entered the “maturity stage” earlier than Hecate.

Hecate must be impatient to seek revenge from the ancient god of heaven.

She had not attacked the Heaven Realm for a long time, but waited until today, just because her strength was barely enough until today.

The Upside Down Man easily destroyed the legions of Heaven and Hell very early on.

The Upside Down even started a two-line team fight. It destroyed the Heaven and Hell legions with one team, and faced Harley and the Night Mother team by itself at the same time.

If it is said that destroying the heaven realm is more difficult than destroying the legions of heaven and hell, it is normal for Hecate to be slower.

But the gods of the heavenly realm have long since disappeared, and all that is left behind are clones or projections. How can they compare to the heaven and hell legion with all their true bodies and hundreds of god-king-level combat strengths?

Is the Upside Down growing too fast, or is Hecate recovering too slowly?

Of the two of them, at least one is abnormal.

Or maybe both guys have secrets that Harley doesn't know yet.

Harley calmed down her emotions, looked at the employees at the Forgotten Bar, and asked, "What's going on at the Forgotten Bar?"

"Honestly, I don't know very well." Bobo looked at Sirtin.

Everyone else was sitting on the sofa or chairs, but Sertin was sitting alone in the "dog's arms".

A Dalmatian dog as big as a calf was lying on the ground, with the heads of Harley's Duoduo and Sertin sitting on the belly of the spotted dog, like a big sofa.

While stroking the Dalmatian's thick hair, she recalled: "The accident came from the Witchfire. Harley, do you still remember Rebecca, the Witchfire? You were deceived by the Black Witch Cult together at the beginning -"

Harry smiled and nodded: "Of course I remember, Rebecca is a galaxy superstar! I have watched her growth over the years. When she had an affair with the flutist, I even deliberately taught the flutist a lesson and told him that Rebecca Ka is my old friend, he is a gay man, if he dares to play with her feelings, I will castrate him."

"No wonder they broke up suddenly in less than a week." Bobo muttered with a strange expression.

"Bobo, what did you say?" Harley asked.

"Nothing. I mean, Rebecca is very concerned about that relationship. When I talked to her about it today, she reacted a little fiercely." Bobo hesitated.

Harley said: "I am indeed too kind. I should have castrated him earlier!"

"Well, that's not what I meant. I think you shouldn't interfere in their relationship. Maybe the flute player and Rebecca are true love. Oh, forget it, Rebecca is dead. Little Thirteen, you can continue." Bobo waved his hands in a dazed manner.

Sertin carefully recounted the scene he saw at that time.

"Rebecca was suddenly frightened after seeing the eyes of the novice witch, and the novice witch said that her magic power was replaced by a pair of terrifying eyes."

Harry smiled and frowned, "Hecate is looking for a special target, looking among the witches. Well, it should be that her eyes swept across the witches, looking for someone.

A novice witch with keen senses noticed her gaze and was frightened to tears.

Rebecca looked at the girl and saw the afterimage of Hecate's gaze in the girl's eyes, so she backed away in fright.

The end result is that Hecate's will descends on Rebecca, indicating that her target is Rebecca.

But why is Hecate specifically looking for Rebecca? What is so special about Rebecca, who has just been promoted to Archmage? "

Sertin said in confusion: "I was also present and didn't notice any gaze. Those novice witches are not as good as me, so why can they sense the woman's gaze?"

"Have you ever heard of a saying that children can see things that adults cannot see? As they grow older and become older children, they no longer see supernatural phenomena.

Your spiritual sense is sharper than that of a novice witch, but your soul has been soaked in magic and magic for too long, and your spiritual sense has become numb to 'magic itself'.

A novice witch has just awakened her magic power, and her sense of magic power is extremely fresh, and she can distinguish——"

"Hahahaha, hahahaha~~~"

Happy Hallie was talking, and suddenly Hallie's crazy laughter came from the top of the mountain outside the house. The mood was not too crazy, but she didn't control the volume. She was really laughing, and the sound was like thunder.

"Is it Harley? Harley, what's wrong with you?" Some people looked outside the room with confusion, while others looked at "Happy Harley" inside the room with confusion.

"Hahahaha, hahahaha~~~" Happy Harley was stunned for a moment and started to laugh heartily, "It's so big, it turned out to be a magic debt. I finally saw a magic debt.

Hahaha, what a surprise, what a surprise. I didn’t expect that the magic debt is hidden in the soul. I didn’t notice it before. "

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