Wu Huo stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and quietly looked at the beautiful scenery of early spring.

The scenery is indeed good, with mountains, water, lush woods, and the estuary to the sea dimly visible in the distance, but across the street is Arkham Asylum.

Everyone on earth knows what Arkham Asylum represents: madness, madness, lunacy, irrationality, ultimate depravity, as well as ultimate wealth and dignity.

Well, Arkham Asylum is still on Arkham Island, and Arkham Island is the most high-end wealthy area on earth today.

Being able to own a 30-square-meter apartment on the island is already considered an upper-class person in society.

Wu Huo, on the other hand, occupies an 85-square-meter super mansion by himself.

In other places, 85 square meters can only be considered an ordinary apartment, but here is Arkham Island, where every inch of land is precious!

Although there is Arkham Asylum across the street, standing on the balcony, you can sometimes hear the chants of the "Gotham Heroes" during their exercises. Every once in a while, the "Gotham Heroes" escape from prison and create huge sound and light special effects.

But after all, this place is on the edge of Lishan, less than two kilometers away from Lishan, and less than two kilometers away from Admiral Galaxy. Just thinking about it this way, it immediately makes you feel at ease and high-end.

Wu Huo grew up in an orphanage. He was able to work hard on his own and own such a super mansion at the age of forty. He was considered a winner in life.

But she should have been proud of the spring breeze, but now there was a clear look of sadness on her face, and there was obvious hesitation in her eyes. The cigarettes between her slender fingers had been connected several times in a row, and there were more than ten cigarettes placed in the ashtray next to her. Fresh cigarette butts.

"Should I go?" She hesitated for another half minute, and finally let out a puff of smoke. "At this critical moment, I must at least have first-hand information. Moreover, I promised the Sisters of Skillful Hands and I cannot break the promise."

After comforting herself like this, she threw away the cigarette butt, opened the closet, and picked out a new spring purple cotton skirt from Tamaran's "Fashion Royalty" to wear.

Putting on new clothes, he frowned and turned twice in the mirror. Two bright flames suddenly appeared on Wu Huo's shoulders.

Seeing the magical flames rising three feet high and waving like two flags, her brows relaxed and a confident smile appeared on her face.

"Shoulders with fire" is her trademark, and it started when she met Harley twenty years ago.

"The Oblivion Bar!"

She opened the enchanted door of her home and stepped out into a brightly lit, classic-style bar.

"Hi, Rebecca, you're here!" As soon as she walked down the steps and came to the hall, the cuckold chimpanzee who was sitting behind the bar wiping a tall glass smiled and waved to her.

"Hello, Bobo." Wu Huo walked to the bar and turned around to look around.

Although the bar was a little deserted than usual, no longer overcrowded, and no demons or angels could be seen, it was still bustling with people and noisy. Even hundreds of people gathered around the three floors and three floors in the northeast corner of the hall, and they didn't know what they were doing. Well.

She asked softly: "Didn't you feel the elemental tide that happened in the heaven realm?"

Orangutan Detective Bobo shook his head with a natural expression and said: "To be honest, the Forgotten Bar is too far away from the Heaven Realm, and the elemental fluctuations this time are abnormal. It is not the usual violent spread in all directions, but the elemental power from all directions is rising towards the sky. The center of the scene is introverted, like a whale sucking water. The movement is not small, but the momentum is not huge."

As he spoke, he quickly poured a glass of wine for Wu Huo.

Wu Huo has been a regular customer for 20 years, and he is familiar with her taste and style.

"Thank you!" Wu Huo happily accepted the wine glass he handed over. Before taking a sip, he said doubtfully: "You are right. The elemental storm around the heaven this time is restrained. You didn't sense it." Come on, how do you know so clearly?"

Bobo raised his chin in the direction of the hall and said: "I'm just a talking orangutan, I can't use the most basic magic tricks, and I can't sense the elemental fluctuations in the distant heaven.

But there are many talented people in the bar, including many talented mages and even powerful alien gods.

I understand your doubts - why are there so many people in the bar at this time? Aren't you afraid of being beaten?

In fact, many gods and demons from smaller planes were too frightened and fled here for refuge.

The Forgotten Bar is not a paradise, but it is the 'crossroads' of the supernatural world. You can go to any place with a door, and even 'Weird' and that woman cannot block you. "

Wu Huo showed a look of surprise on his face, nodded slightly and said: "In the multiverse nowadays, apart from Gotham, the Forgotten Bar seems to be the safest place. I thought wrong before."

"Before?" Bobo looked at her doubtfully.

Wu Huo smiled bitterly and said: "Half an hour ago, I sensed the changes in the heaven. I knew that it was the woman who was harvesting the heaven. I was very frightened and almost ran directly to Lishan. Alas, I was very hesitant.

Harley and I haven't seen each other for many years. I wonder if she still recognizes me as a friend, or does she still remember my name? "

Bobo glared and said, "Are you kidding me? Who doesn't know you or remember you? It's like you are a nobody.

If Harley wasn't really perverted, and Constantine and Zatanna were really talented, you would be fully qualified to compete for the title of 'No. 1 of the younger generation' in the last 20 years.

In fact, your overall performance is not as good as theirs.

In terms of the power of your bloodline alone, the depth of your magic power is even greater than that of Zatanna from the mage family.

And you are not only 'the most magical witch of the young generation', you are also a galactic superstar.

The name "Witch Fire" has appeared on the "Lann Billboard" three times. The "Love Galaxy" MV you co-produced with the "Leshen" flute player even became a representative of American pop culture and was played by aliens. Three quadrillion times. "

A confident and happy smile gradually appeared on Wu Huo's face.

"By the way, how are you and the flute player doing now? I heard 'Little Thirteen' (ps) gossiping with people. One moment he said that you were going to get married and form a 'Witch God' music group, and the next moment he said that you guys were frustrated. broke up.

What's nonsense is that she said two different things within a week of each other. Bobo asked with a gossipy face.

The smile on Wu Huo's face disappeared and he said angrily: "You also know that it is gossip. Can you believe the gossip?"

Bobo picked at Fluffy's head and said: "I don't believe in gossip, and I never read gossip, but Xiao Shisan has a nose and eyes. I'm just curious. If it's not convenient to tell, I understand."

"What's not good to say? Who on earth doesn't know about the virtues of that bastard flute player? Don't you know?" Wu Huo's tone was a bit harsh, but it was not directed at Bobo.

"What kind of 'virtue' do you mean? He seems to be a good person now. Ever since he took refuge in Harley and became her god, the flute player has never done anything bad, and he often participates in charity activities.

Ninety percent of the money earned from being a Galaxy Superstar was donated to the Heavenly Mountain Galaxy Charity Fund.

With Harley's temper and ability, he wouldn't dare to lie, right? "Bobo said.

"I'm not talking about his moral character, aren't you asking about my relationship with him? Since it's a relationship between a man and a woman, of course it's the 'virtue' of men and women."

Bobo's orangutan had a strange look on his face, "You mean he was once a Gai Lao?"

"It doesn't matter what it was in the past. What matters is that when he was with me, he still couldn't stand up. He wants to be my sister, do you understand?" Wu Huo said full of resentment.

"I'm just a gorilla, I don't understand your human feelings." Bobo saw another regular customer coming to the Forgotten Bar and walking towards the bar, so he whispered: "Yeying and Spades are here."

Wu Huo turned around and saw two black-haired witches, both dressed very sexy. One was in a hollow fishnet outfit with a spade symbol on her chest, which is also known as "Spade" in the supernatural world; the other was slender and had a bulging lordosis. The back is lifted, the fabric on the chest is extremely sparing, revealing most of the white ball, and only an eye patch is drawn on the face with an eyebrow pencil. He is the second generation "Yeying", a magic hero, a fashionista, and an Internet celebrity with 20 million fans. .

"Hi, Wu Huo, you're already here~~" Ye Ying only said hello, and then said with a nervous expression: "I heard that something happened in Tianjing? What's the situation now?"

Wu Huo asked calmly: "Who did you listen to?"

She understands Ye Ying, and she shouldn't be able to sense the elemental changes in the heaven with her spiritual sense.

"The Shadow Bureau, the Freedom Fighters, and the Justice League all sent me a red crisis warning. They said that the woman was suspected of being in the Harvest Realm." Yeying said.

Bobo mixed a glass of wine for the two guests respectively, and comforted him in a warm voice: "Don't worry, the crisis in the world is over. The woman should have retreated. She even suffered a lot. Harley has taken care of her." .”

Not to mention the two new arrivals, even Wu Huo was shocked, "Are you sure that the woman has retreated and it was Harley who took care of her?"

Bobo said: "You said it yourself, the crisis in the sky started half an hour ago. Do you think the magic debt crisis can last for more than half an hour and not end?"

Wu Huo shook his head and said: "I don't know, the elemental storm coming from the heaven is very chaotic. I don't know what happened in the heaven. At this moment, I only feel that the elements on the other side of the sky are extremely violent. I am not sure whether the fighting will stop. "

Spade held his chin with one hand and said: "Theoretically speaking, even if the Heaven Realm encounters that woman, it cannot last for 10 minutes. After all, the Heaven and Hell Legion is so strong, I heard that it only lasted less than five minutes."

Ye Ying hesitated to speak, with a strange expression.

She is a superhero and knows some secrets that only the top "big guys" in the supernatural world know: Heaven lasted for less than two seconds, "Tongue of Fire" Uriel only lasted 0.5 seconds; Hell was also quietly destroyed in an instant, maybe "Lord of the Flies" Beelzebub persisted longer than Uriel, because based on the analysis of the dialogue between "Weird" and Penny, Beelzebub at least shouted out his plea for mercy in full.

The reason why she knows secrets that many big guys in the extraordinary world don't know is not that she has a close relationship with the Zhenglian giants, but that the Zhenglian giants are very concerned about the safety of the mage heroes and do not cooperate 100% with the "American government" (actually Harley) Concealing the fact that the Heavenly Legion was instantly killed.

Zhenglian announced to the outside world that "the battle should take no more than five minutes," but internally it issued a stern warning: Even Uriel only lasted 0.5 seconds. Shouldn't you be more cautious and more cautious? It's best to completely forget about magic and return to it. Being in Gotham 24 hours a day?

Wu Huo saw Ye Ying's expression was abnormal, but didn't think much, and continued to ask the orangutan detective, "Bobo, who told you that Harley participated in Sky Realm Crisis and got rid of that woman?

Although the elements of the heavenly realm fluctuate violently, and the extraordinary bosses can feel it, they should not dare to go and watch, right?

They also don’t have the ability to watch.

If you get a little closer, you will be affected. If you are affected a little, you will definitely disappear and be harvested. "

Bobo pointed to the northeast corner of the hall and said, "No one dares to go there, but there are people who escaped from the Heaven Realm."

"There are still people who escaped, who are they?" The women were shocked. They stood on tiptoe and looked around, but they couldn't see anything.

There were too many people there, and they were all gathered together, three floors inside and three floors outside.

"Surrounded by people were several Kryptonian gods. I can't remember Ruiou, Rao and Hal. They came very early, half an hour earlier than Wu Huo."

Wu Huo said in shock: "The changes in the heavens just started half an hour ago."

Bobo shrugged and said: "Or, your perception is not accurate, and the accident has actually started earlier? Or, those who can't escape at the beginning will never be able to escape."

Yeying pulled Wuhuo and urged: "Aren't you curious about what happened in the heaven? Go and listen to what the Kryptonian God has to say."

Wu Huo glanced at Bobo and wanted to say: They have been here for half an hour. What should be said has probably been told to Bobo. Just ask Bobo.

"You go ahead, because Harley jumped out in time to 'justice', there should be quite a few gods escaping from the heaven this time.

But if the other party doesn't admit it himself and others don't know his situation, there may be new gods telling his story about his escape. "Bobo said.

"Aren't you curious if there is any latest news?" Wu Huo asked.

"Of course I'm curious, but I understand my identity as a bar owner. And, as long as I sit here long enough, no matter what new news, it will eventually reach my ears." Bobo said calmly.

"Hey, Witch Harley is really a pervert~~~"

As soon as they left the bar, the women heard uniform inhales and exclamations coming from the northeast corner of the hall.

They walked a few steps and found the place where the witches were gathering, and squeezed in as hard as they could.

"Yes, Witch Harley is so perverted. Who would have thought that 'that woman' who scared all the gods in heaven would be beaten to tears by her. Oh, she is so perverted, so perverted."

"That's nonsense, how could that woman cry?" Wu Huo shouted subconsciously.

"Witch Fire is the Witch Fire of the Sisters of the Skillful Hand." A witch on the pin recognized her identity, or smiled, or looked respectful, or was afraid of the high-energy flames burning on her shoulders, and squeezed out a single line for her. people passage.

Wu Huo walked into the crowd and saw that the god sitting at the wine table and talking was actually a forklift. It was more complicated than an ordinary forklift. It had many parts that Wu Huo had never seen before, like a "Forklift Transformer".

"You are." Feeling the vast thundering power coming from the "Forklift God", Wu Huo's heart moved. He looked in awe, spoke softly, and had a cute smile on his face, and asked: "Are you His Majesty Susanoo-no-Mikoto? ?”

The forklift god glanced at her with his "headlight eyes". There was no emotion like contempt in his headlight eyes. He ignored her indifferently and continued to talk to the three Kryptonian gods opposite him with a frightened expression: "I don't Not that the woman cried like a mortal woman.

I mean, His howls are painful and tragic, more exaggerated than tears. "

It was not only Wu Huo who questioned his "bullshit" just now, but also the surrounding audience and the opposite Kryptonian god.

Leo, who was in the form of an old man, frowned and said, "We left relatively early, so we can only be sure that Witch Harley had the upper hand. The woman was indeed beaten to the point of howling miserably."

"About when did you leave?" the forklift god asked.

"Before we left, Witch Harley hit her at least seven times."

"The God of Krypton" Rao has a Chinese-character face that looks very much like Da Chao.

He said slowly: "There were two times when that woman tried to strip away the reality of Witch Harley, but she was brutally attacked.

After the Witch Harley succeeded in her first active attack, she was immediately deprived of all miraculous powers, and that woman could use any forbidden spell that had ever existed in the world at will.

Even non-existent miraculous attacks can be instantly shaped according to her will.

But Witch Harley can still use 'God Descends to Earth'.

She borrowed the power of the woman's space attribute attack and used her own space teleportation. The woman no longer used space attribute attack.

Witch Harley used fire-attribute attacks to perform techniques similar to the 'Fire Escape Technique'. She came to the woman again and gave her a hard blow.

The woman no longer uses elemental attacks, but Witch Harley can still use them to exert force. "

Speaking of this, the serious and rigid face of the "Kryptonian God" also showed an uncontrollable look of wonder, "That woman is too scary, even if it is not a miraculous technique driven by magic, such as color light energy attack and time attack. Before I leave , seemed to sense the fluctuations of the Speed ​​Force, and that woman could even use the Speed ​​Force lightning, which was simply incredible.

Even more incredible is the witch Harley, she is even more terrifying.

No matter what magic the woman used, all the attack effects of miraculous power were ineffective against her.

She seemed to be immune to all miraculous damage, and could in turn seize part of the control of those miraculous powers to use escape techniques to kill the woman. "

"Impossible, color and light energy, the power of time, and the speed force are not magic, and they are not within the control of magic power." Wu Huo shouted again.

Not only was she shouting, but the gods, demons, and wizards around her who had some knowledge of magic were questioning her.

Even the "Forklift God" Susano'o across the wine table was shocked and doubtful, but his "Transformer face" remained calm and collected.

The surprise and doubt in his heart were more about the detailed description of the "Kryptonian God".

He escaped from the heavenly realm after the "Kryptonian God", but he could not describe in detail how Witch Harley fought with that woman.

Especially many of the details, he couldn't read, understand, or understand.

Because of insufficient realm and knowledge.

For example, Susano'o didn't know that the Mother of Magic was trying to separate Harley from the reality of the universe.

When he was at the scene, he saw "Witch Harley" seeming to disappear for a moment, and he vaguely felt the anger and pain of the Mother of Magic, but he didn't understand what happened.

The "Kryptonian God" is obviously in the realm of the Lord God like him, so why can he detect things that he cannot?

The Forklift God had a lot of thoughts in his mind, but he did not stay there in a daze, and immediately said: "You don't have to doubt that that woman is the mother of magic and the 'incarnation of the miracle of the multiverse'.

There are many miracle energies in the multiverse, and magic is just one of them.

Miracle energy can exhibit miraculous properties because it brings the concept of miracles to the multiverse.

Such as the Speed ​​Force.

The most basic Speed ​​Force is simply speed itself, but look at the Flash of the Justice League, how many miraculous things can he do with the Speed ​​Force?

Not to mention the speed force lightning, speed force storm, speed force through walls, speed force phantom clone, speed force breaking the rules of physics and other tricks. The Flash can even easily travel through the timeline, modify the timeline, and restart the universe. Obviously The Speed ​​Force is not the power of time, but it has the same effect as time magic.

With the blessing of the concept of miracles, all miracle energy cultivation reaches the same goal in the end, reaching the final result of "creating miracles at will".

Therefore, that woman is the concept of ‘magic’ and the miracle of the multiverse itself.

She can directly command the basic rules of the universe and use any miraculous energy to manifest any miraculous effects she wants.

Moreover, don’t forget the identity of her creditor.

Mages mainly use magic power, but they are not limited to using magic power. Many mages have also studied and used other miraculous energies.

When they are harvested, the miraculous power in them will also belong to the woman. "

"Then isn't she invincible?" Wu Huo murmured in shock.

"Isn't that woman invincible?"

Everyone was silent for a moment, and someone whispered: "Witch Harley beat her until she moaned miserably. Wouldn't she be even more invincible?"

The Kryptonian god looked questioningly at the forklift god opposite.

The Forklift God muttered: "I should have left later than you. After being beaten violently by Witch Harley many times in a row, the woman used the first 'ultimate killing move' - the hostage threat.

Use the soul of Witch Harley's teacher, the goddess Asal, to threaten Witch Harley.

The woman had three heads and three faces. Suddenly, the face on one of the heads was replaced by Asal. She cried and called for help from the witch Harley, crying and feeling very miserable.

Witch Harley was very sad and angry.

She was so angry that her eyes were red. Well, I guess, I'm not sure whether her eyes were red or not.

I only dared to peek from a distance with my pure mechanical body, but I couldn't observe it too clearly. "

"Go on, we don't care whether her eyes are red or not." A wizard said urgently.

"You didn't immediately run away in panic, but stayed at the scene to watch. You are already the first person in the multiverse." Others praised with awe.

The forklift god secretly smiled in his heart: I have long since disappeared. Now there is only a digital soul in the forklift machine. The digital soul is still copied. There are countless backups. It doesn't matter if ten or hundreds of them die. Of course I dare to watch.

"Ahem, in short, Witch Harley went completely crazy. She went crazy, her eyes were red, she was punching with both fists, and she was yelling, 'Give my teacher my life'. Howling miserably.

She howled miserably while torturing the soul of Witch Teacher Harley.

Hearing the miserable wail of the teacher's soul, Witch Harley became angrier and beat her more and more crazily. "

Someone immediately said: "Is Witch Harley pretending to be crazy? She is not a character who is threatened by others, and she cannot completely care about her teacher's life and death. So she just pretended to be crazy and ignored her, which made the woman turn against him."

At any other time, in other scenes, there would have been a lot of echoes, and then everyone would have fun together, laughing and mocking Witch Harley for her hypocrisy and cunning.

Now everyone just glanced at him and said nothing.

It would be inappropriate to mock Witch Harley at this time.

After all, Witch Harley didn't eat their rice, but that woman wanted to skin them and eat them dry.

The forklift god retracted his gaze and continued: "In the end, it was the woman who couldn't hold on anymore and used the second completely unsolvable trick - to remove the witch Harley from the battlefield.

Witch Harley's "God descends to earth" is really abnormal, but her God descending to earth also has limits.

I don't know how wide the specific range is, it may be several kilometers, dozens of kilometers, or hundreds of kilometers. It doesn't matter, as long as her god's descent to earth has limits, the woman with unlimited power can grind her at will.

With just one thought, she turned tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of kilometers of space around Witch Harley into a small world, and moved the entire space to countless planes.

Even though Witch Harley has enabled God to descend to earth, the 'world' she is in has been removed, how can she resist?

Of course, she can return to the heaven with more effort, but that woman has unlimited magic and power, and can form a sea of ​​forbidden spells that floods the entire world with a single thought.

In fact, after only moving back and forth four or five times, the Heaven Realm was about to be slaughtered by that woman. Witch Harley had no choice but to save a few old acquaintances who shouted "Harry, help". I didn't know what happened later.

After Witch Harley was removed, that woman could deal with all the gods in the sky with all her strength. I was afraid of being targeted by her, so I ran away. "

Leo nodded slowly and sighed: "Witch Harley is indeed very perverted and can push that woman to that level, but that woman is completely invincible.

Witch Harley is so buggy, but we still can't do anything about her. We, alas, really don't know how this crisis will end. "

By the end, his old face could no longer hide the despair.

The "Forklift God" also had a bitter look on his face, "The woman that Witch Harley faced was not even in her prime. In fact, she was so weak that we were very surprised.

My father, queen and mother both said that Hecate should not be so weak.

Maybe she hasn't completely broken free of the seal yet?

In short, after harvesting the heaven realm, she became more powerful.

The more divine magicians harvested, the stronger she becomes.

In the future, if the seal is completely lifted, it can be strengthened again.

Although Witch Harley is growing at an alarming rate, she obviously cannot catch up with that woman this time. "

"Alas~~" The magicians around sighed together.

"Kryptonian God" Rao said slowly: "It's not that there is no chance of winning. This time, Witch Harley is fighting alone. If there is a favorable home court next time, she may not be able to fight.

Just like she used the Mother of Night's domain to completely kill a 'weird'. "

Forklift God Susano'o sighed: "Well, you also said that she has already killed a strange animal with the help of the right place and people. Even we know this news. That woman is not stupid, how can she make the same mistake again? ?

Moreover, now that Witch Harley is passively defensive, that woman has all the initiative.

It was Witch Harley running after her.

Even though Witch Harley has a thousand tricks, that woman ignores her, what can you do? "

"That woman has her own goals! If her hunting targets all obey Witch Harley's arrangements and voluntarily become bait, Witch Harley may not be able to gain home field advantage and completely kill the woman." Rao said slowly.

Susano'o was startled, shook his head and said: "It's too late, now that the heaven has been destroyed, it is impossible for the gods to unite and obey the orders of Witch Harley.

In fact, even before the magic debt crisis broke out, Witch Harley could prove that she had the ability to force the woman, and not many gods would cooperate with her.

When that woman was overwhelming the world, why did Witch Harley rush to the rescue?

Is she kind and kind? Nonsense!

Everyone knows what she wants.

Following her orders and using his own life as bait, if he succeeded, it would only make his family's future more desperate.

With the magical power in the hands of that woman, we at least still have the idea of ​​​​fighting.

If Witch Harley takes that woman's place, hey, then the real darkness will fall and the future will be bleak. "

Rao had nothing to say.

"Alas, even the Heaven Realm has been harvested, what are we going to do next!"

Next to him, the evil god from another dimension drank a glass of soju and said sadly.

"The gods of the heaven have their own way to overcome the disaster. This time it is just the fall of the heaven, but the fall of the heaven does not mean the death of the gods." A wizard wrapped in a black robe chuckled.

He also glanced specifically at the God of Krypton and the God of Forklifts, and his tone was meaningful.

"The magic debt crisis is a disaster for all of us. The gods have their own ways to overcome the disaster. Of course, we don't need to worry about it. We have to worry about our own lives." The evil god refilled a glass of wine for himself and drank it down again. .

It seemed that he wanted to use alcohol to numb the sorrow and fear in his heart.

"Hey, I'm not worrying about the gods in the sky." The black-robed mage's smile did not diminish. "What I mean is that the gods in the sky are the woman's main target. If the gods in the sky are immortal, then the woman will We will always keep an eye on them, so can we sit back and relax?"

"Sit back and relax. You want to eat shit! Every day on the earth, dozens of alienated corpses are found by the 'cleaners' of various governments. None of them are related to the gods of the heaven." There is a blue man who was born with two horns. Mage Pi Yiji sneered.

The black-robed mage said proudly: "I am from Gotham!"

Just one sentence, just reporting the household registration, immediately silenced the surrounding discussions, and made the alien mage's expression stagnant, unable to refute.

Many outside mages also cast envious looks at him.

"I also want to go to Gotham, but Gotham has implemented the 'Earth household registration' in advance, and non-Earth people must obtain an Earth temporary residence permit."

"Yes, today's earth is no longer a place where we can enter and exit whenever we want."

"Hey, handsome guy, are you in need of a girlfriend? Let's get along." There was also a seductive female mage from the outside world who approached the black-robed Gotham mage and pushed his arm hard with the big rubber ball on her chest.

"I'm sorry, I live alone at home now. I can't come and go like a Muggle. I try to reduce the miraculous elements around me as much as possible. I want to be safe and happy." The black-robed mage was unmoved, but he stood there without moving and continued to enjoy the warmth. The beautiful touch of soft and fragrant jade.

The blue-skinned alien mage said slowly: "Gotham is a good place, and Witch Harley has proven that she has the ability to fight against Weird and that woman.

She is also very ambitious. If something strange or that woman appears, she will help her with enthusiasm.

But today's battle in Heaven also proved that she was more than enough to protect herself, but not enough to protect others.

If you really want to sit back and relax, you have to hang it on the origin wall. "

"Tch~~~" There were boos all around.

The black-robed mage even mocked: "Before the news came out, the Origin Wall was definitely a good place to go, but now every Muggle on the street knows that there is a big monster hidden in the Origin Wall.

The origin wall collapsed because the big monster was about to escape the seal.

When the monster sees countless energy-rich gods, demons and wizards hanging on the wall, he will definitely not mind having a feast. "

The blue-skinned alien mage said: "Just because everyone thinks like you, the Origin Wall has become a good place to go."

The black-robed mage was stunned when he heard this, "But there are already tens of millions of Asgardians on the wall."

"Although there are tens of millions of protoss, that is the Origin Wall! Before the Asgard protoss, there were already hundreds of millions of ancient and powerful creatures clinging to it. Tens of millions more protoss would be like adding one hair to the nine oxen. "The alien mage said.

Not to mention the magicians around, even the old gods of heaven on the wine table showed strange expressions, with a gleam ready to move in their eyes.

The black-robed mage asked: "Will you hang yourself on the Origin Wall?"

The alien mage said calmly: "Theoretically, the tens of millions of Asgardian protoss are just a drop in the bucket among the creatures in the Origin Wall, but now that the news has spread, as the situation continues to worsen, desperate mages and gods and demons will definitely choose to drink poison to quench their thirst.

It won’t be surprising if the wall of origin is filled with extraordinary beings.

Therefore, hanging on the origin wall at this time is definitely a narrow escape.

But then again, a narrow escape from death is better than a ten-death encounter with Wei Wei and that woman.

I will first implement my own method of overcoming the tribulation. If it fails, I will go to the origin wall to guard it. If there is any slight disturbance, I will immediately post it on the wall. "

The black-robed mage was speechless, "It's better to be stationed in Gotham and rely on the protection of Admiral Galaxy!"

"If I could go to Gotham, why the hell would I talk nonsense with you here? Damn it, if I were from Gotham, I would directly cut off contact with the supernatural world and wouldn't even come to the Forgotten Bar."

"Witch Fire."

Suddenly, Wu Huo felt someone poked his back with a finger, and there was a shout.

She turned around and saw that it was the "second boss" witch Tracy Surteen (last name was Thirteen) of the Forgotten Bar. "Thirteen, are you looking for me?"

Sertin pointed to the back room and shouted: "The members of the Sisterhood of Skillful Hands are almost here, Wuhuo, do you still want to be a lecturer today?"

Everyone was discussing the changes in the heavens, the witch's metamorphosis, the woman's invincibility, and hanging herself from the origin wall. The sound was so noisy that she had to shout loudly.

Moreover, she has been working as a bartender in the years since she joined the Forgotten Bar, and has a naturally good voice.

"Oh, okay, I'll be there right away." Wu Huo frowned and left the crowd and came to the next hall.

The two hundred square meter room was filled with witches.

They are all real women, half from all over the world, and the other half are otherworldly or alien witches.

Some girls dress fashionably, some girls wear headscarves and dress conservatively, some girls wear wizard robes, and some girls dress unconventionally. They are the "Sisters of the Hand".

There are strata in society, and there are also strata in the extraordinary world. The strata of human civilization society are distinguished by money and power. The extraordinary world is relatively simple, and those with strong power are respected.

The Sisters of Skillful Hands are a bit like the "gang of beggars" in martial arts novels.

The Beggars are poor and low-status, and are at the bottom of society; the witches of the Sisterhood of the Skillful Hand are weak, have no family heritage, were ordinary humans before awakening, and are in a weaker class in the supernatural world.

There are ruthless characters like Gang Leader Qiao in the Beggar Clan, the Sisters of the Skillful Hands. Even Harley was once a member of the Sisters of the Skillful Hands!

Top bosses (female wizards) often come to the Sisters of Skillful Hands to guide new witches, teach them magic knowledge, and help beginners hone their skills.

When Harley first debuted, she also came to the Skillful Hands Sisters to take a few classes.

Compared to other Muggle-born witches, Harley was relatively lucky. She first met Xanadu, and then became a disciple of Asal. She did not rely too much on the Sisters of the Hand during her growth.

Witchfire's talent is stronger than that of "Irony Magic Princess" Zatanna, but her opportunities are much worse than Harley's.

Harley is shameless and very courageous. When she encounters an expert, she will take the initiative to get close to him. If she can't get close, she will deceive him and get a lot of adventures.

Wuhuo followed the growth path of a normal civilian-born witch, and relied on the platform of the Skillful Hand Sisters to grow up step by step and "eat the food of hundreds of families" step by step.

She didn't even get an invitation to attend the Earth Human Magic Conference.

But as a top fire mage, she is already considered a "little giant" in the supernatural world.

As an extraordinary "little giant", she also began to repay the Sisters of Skillful Hands who helped her grow along the way.

Back then, she was a new apprentice who listened to the "big boss" lectures. Now she is the "big boss" who leads the newbies out of the novice zone.


Wu Huo was thinking about something and was a little uneasy. He didn't notice several witches huddled in the corner until they reached the center of the lounge, crying.

"What's wrong?" she asked confused.

"Master Wuhuo, we can't sense the magic power anymore." A girl with red curly hair sobbed.

Wuhuo smiled, "I thought it was something. Don't worry, this is normal for you.

You are just novices, and the magic awakened in your blood is as immature as a newborn baby.

Even if there is just a mage duel in a nearby neighborhood, the small elemental storm formed may cause your magic to malfunction and even lose your perception of magic.

Now is the period of the magic debt crisis, and the world has undergone drastic changes. It may not be a good thing for you to temporarily lose your sense of magic. "

"Master." A blond witch who looked and dressed like an "American girl" hesitated to speak, with obvious fear on her expression.

Her makeup was originally exquisite, but now tears left shallow traces on her face, and her foundation was washed away.

"What do you want to say? The purpose of the Sisters of Skillful Hands is to answer the doubts in your hearts and help you get rid of ignorance and difficulties." Wu Huo smiled gently.

"Master, not only have we lost our sense of magic, we also feel that I don't know how to put it, it's like the original position of magic has been replaced by something else.

Magic makes us feel at ease, peaceful, confident, and happy, but that thing makes us at least very scared. I am very afraid of it, and I am uncontrollably afraid.”

The big American girl started to cry again, tears streaming down her face, as if she had a water factory installed in her head.

Wu Huo was a little flustered by her, and there was a vague shadow in his spiritual sense.

"What is that, what scares you?" She was still laughing, but her smile was very forced.

The American girl recalled carefully and said, "Whose eyes were they? They were scary, fierce, and greedy. They seemed to be looking for something."

Wu Huo met her eyes, and for a moment he seemed to see another pair of fierce and greedy eyes through those frightened blue eyes.

"Ah~~~" Wu Huo screamed in horror, staggering back, her signature "shoulder fire" began to waver, and there was a faint darkness coming out of the flames.

"Wu Huo, what's wrong with you?" Setin showed surprise at first, then hurriedly walked over and asked worriedly.

"Woof woof woof~~" Sertin had just supported Wuhuo when a Dalmatian dog as big as a calf suddenly rushed in from the door. It opened its mouth as big as a basin and bit Sertin's ankles extremely fiercely. They were all bleeding.

"Ah, it hurts~~~" Sertin screamed, and shouted in shock: "Jelly, jelly, what are you doing?"

Dalmatians are not only ferocious, but also so fast that people cannot react in time.

It bit its owner's ankle, kicked its four legs into four hot wheels, and in the blink of an eye, it dragged Surtin out of the room where the "Sisters of Skillful Hands" were meeting, and continued to run towards the door.

Even though it was big and tall, and it used clever force to hold people in its mouth, Sertin still dragged half of his body on the ground, bumping into countless tables, chairs, and guests along the way.

"This dog is crazy, why did he bite Xiao Shisan?"

"Jelly, that's your master, why did you bite her?"

The guests in the hall were all astonished. Some people tried to stop him, but were knocked away by the dog.

Soon a mage with a keen sense of spirituality turned away from the "biting mad dog" and looked at the room of the Sisters of Skillful Hands with doubts. "Why is there such a strong fire element magic power? Who is casting the spell?"

Before he finished his sentence, strong magic waves swept through the entire hall like a tsunami.

Even the most obtuse person would notice something unusual at this time.

"No, no, get out of my body, get out, help~~~" Wu Huo stumbled out and scratched her face with both hands, which was covered in blood and bruised.

The moment she met those ferocious old eyes, her memories that had been sealed for more than twenty years and had never been remembered were finally unsealed.

She seemed to return to that day, when she was still living in the orphanage, and the nuns' chanting of evening prayers could be heard vaguely. Her little head dozed off little by little, and suddenly a tall woman appeared in front of her.

None of the nuns could see her, only she could.

The woman held a soldering iron in her hand and pressed it hard on her forehead before she screamed.

it hurts!

She recalled the pain of being branded with the mark of March, and also recalled the tall woman whispering in her ear: Little thing, I will leave my things with you first, keep them safe for me, and don’t be discovered by anyone, be good~ ~


A blazing white flame rose from her body, but the top of the flame was black, and the Seal of March, emitting dark blue magical light, appeared on her forehead.

"No, please, let me go, please~"

"My child, you belong to me, why should I let you go?"

Only Wuhuo herself could hear the old voice. Her body began to glow white, and the vast magical aura swept through the Oblivion Bar like a tsunami. It also shook Limbo, making the already frantic elemental storm in Limbo even more violent.

"Run, Bobo, Ye Ying, Thirteen, you go quickly, please, don't come close to me, leave here, Hecate will come~~~~~" Seeing that begging for mercy was ineffective, Wu Huo used his last resort The will sends out a cry of blood warning to those around it.

"Ah ah ah~~~~ Don't do useless work, no one can escape." Wu Huo's hoarse and charming voice disappeared, replaced by a rough old tone. Her eyes were dyed "magic purple", dyed with pure magic power. The eyes were blue and purple, and the eyes were cracked, leaving dark red blood from the corners of the eyes. The blood flowed out ferocious traces along the glowing skin.

Everywhere she looked, everything with magic, whether it was life or objects, whether ordinary mages or gods, without exception, began to burn.

"The God of Krypton" Rao looked frantic, pointed at her and shouted in horror: "Hecate has taken over this witch's body. No, it's not just a simple possession. He is now almost more powerful than when he was in the heaven. It's just a great mage." , how could there be such a powerful power in the body? I understand, Hecate actually divided her power, and part of it was hidden in this witch——"

"Boom, boom, boom!" Before he could finish his words, Rao exploded from the inside and exploded into a brilliant firework. The magicians around him were all burning and howling miserably.

PS: Helen Sertin was originally a classmate of Harry. Later, she dropped out of school and returned home because of the bad things about the Holy Advent Crusade. After being introduced by her brother, she went to work as a waitress in the Forgotten Bar and worked as a part-time magic apprentice. Later, she also changed her name to "Tracy Surteen". Because Surteen is a thirty-year-old, she has a nickname of "13", or her elders call her "Little Thirteen".

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