I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1905 Battle against Hecate

When something happened in Heaven, Harley was sitting cross-legged under the World Tree as usual, studying "The Essence of Archangel's Billion Years of Wisdom".

The World Tree is placed on the top of Lishan Mountain.

There is a "Sword in the Mountain" in the center of the top of the mountain. The World Tree grows on the edge and the sword is in the shade.

At this time, the World Tree is only more than thirty meters tall. The upper half is twisted and deformed, like a monster composed of countless ghosts from hell and mummies. The lower half has glowing leaves and a golden trunk with silver patterns, giving it a sacred and majestic appearance.

Harley once wanted to cut off the upper half of her trunk and burn it to avoid future troubles, but Yggdrasil firmly refused.

She said that the current World Tree is her true body, and the upper trunk contains at least a quarter of her origin.

Well, the trunk and the roots each have half the origin, and the alienated part occupies half of the trunk, so there is a quarter of the origin.

That quarter of the origin, together with a quarter of the "tree soul", has been plundered by the Upside Down and sent to the "Weird Mother Realm". Even if Harley later killed the Upside Down, she didn't get that part of her origin back - Yggdrasil herself had expected Harley to return her origin to her.

But all the magic power that Harley got from the Upside Down was put into the level 10 specialty jar. The jar was not full at all and there was nothing left.

However, Harley was very sure that she had not obtained the origin of the World Tree.

The reason is simple. The magic power that can be put into a level 10 expertise jar must be no less than level nine.

Yggdrasil is very old in qualifications and "very old" in origin, and is very legendary in the supernatural world, but she has not transcended the multiverse, and her origin cannot exceed level nine.

So, is there a possibility that the 9th level magic power is plundered by the Upside Down, and after becoming a part of it, and then snatching the magic power back, can we get higher than 9th level magic power?

Harley's practice test, no.

The extremely rich magic power in her own blood was taken away by the Upside Down, and was later taken back by her. The energy level is still exactly the same as when she lost it. It did not sublimate to level 9 or above just because she turned around in the Upside Down. Transcendent energy.

Also because of the experience of having her magic power taken away by the Upside Down, Harley was very sure that after the Upside Down plundered the magic power, he would not always store the plundered miraculous power in "her" body.

In other words, the Upside Down they saw inside the multiverse was just a personified projection of the "Weird Mother Realm", and the Upside Down Man's body was still the Weird Mother Realm.

That's why Harley took down an Upside Down Man. At the same time, a "Bottle Man" appeared at the Heaven and Hell Legion station, so the magic power plundered by the Upside Down Man immediately flowed into the "Weird Mother Realm".

The Upside Down can be regarded as the "mouth" of the "Weird Mother Realm" extending into the DC multiverse.

Although the mouth is eating, it can only eat, and the nutrients flow into the stomach.

After her own magic was robbed by the Upside Down, Harley clearly realized that her magic was about to flow out of the "Night Realm" and enter the strange mother realm "behind" the Upside Down.

She desperately used her defense expertise to disrupt this process, and the Mother of Night suppressed it with all her strength, cutting off the connection between the Upside Down and the strange motherland, and successfully prevented the magic from flowing out.

And before Harley and the Upside Down confronted each other, a dark gap opened directly above the Upside Down's two big feet. Behind the gap was the strange motherland. At that time, the plundered origin of the World Tree had been sent away and could not be saved. .

Although the loss of the origin and the alienated tree trunk remaining on the body are also hidden dangers, the World Tree is still reluctant to give it up.

It's not that she doesn't know what's good and what's wrong, or that she is blinded by her power.

She followed Harley, hoping that Harley would seize the "magic debt" and help her recover instantly.

Now that the alienated trunk has been chopped off, it will take tens of millions of years to grow the trunk back in the future.

Yggdrasil himself is not afraid of "attracting bees and butterflies" - provoking strange things to attract Hecate, and Harley doesn't mind getting a chance to wait for nothing.

She sat under the World Tree and did not learn from Odin to hang herself upside down.

When Hecate descended into heaven, she and World Tree noticed something strange almost at the same time.

"Something happened in Heaven."

Harley woke up from her "enlightenment". When she opened her eyes, the voice of the World Tree screamed in horror, "It's Hecate. I'm very sure it's her. I have a branch left in the Golden Palace of Asgard. Magic Mother. She finally got rid of the seal and completely descended."

Harley stood up and said, "I'll go to Heaven to have a look."

"Don't—" Yggdrasil screamed nervously subconsciously. When he remembered that although Harley was a debtor, he had the ambition of being a "magic debt hunter," he immediately changed his words and said, "Take me with you. I'll go with you."

Harry lowered his head and glanced at the tree trunk. The ground was shaking slightly because the tree trunk of the World Tree was trembling.

"You are so afraid, why are you going to heaven?"

"Just because I'm afraid, I don't dare to stay too far away from you." World Tree is quite honest.

Harley was speechless, "Don't worry, Lishan is my home base. I have many relatives and friends in Gotham. I want to protect them. It's impossible not to leave a trace of my mind here to be wary of upside-down people."

Hecate is not the same as the Upside Down.

Hecate has long since escaped from the "magic nest" and turned into a real life form.

It is impossible for her to have many "us" like "Weird", with an upside-down person here and a "canned person" there at the same time.

So, Hecate went to Heaven, and the only one who could come to Gotham to steal Harley's house was the Upside Down.

"I can't rest assured that the Inverted Man completely wiped out the Archangel Uriel and the First Fallen Beelzebub in less than 0.5 seconds. I have already lost less than half of my body, and the probability is far worse than them."

As the World Tree spoke, it struggled to get up from the ground, and took the initiative to transform into a small sapling as thick as a chopstick. It swooped into Harley's skirt, penetrated deeply, and entangled itself in the roots of her thighs.

Harry frowned and pulled her out, saying, "With you wrapped around my wrist, if the Upside Down lands on your alienated tree trunk, I can easily slap it to death."

If she were really allowed to hide in her skirt, if the Upside Down came, with his head on his feet, wouldn't he just kick her in the crotch?

Yggdrasil did as he was told and weaved an emerald green bracelet on her left wrist. After finishing it, he said flatteringly: "Sister Harley, if you use your sleeves to block me, you'd better activate God to descend to earth and protect me with God's force field. Don't Let Hecate see or sense me.”

Harley stared ahead and ignored her.

Because she had left the earth in an instant and arrived outside the realm of Limbo Hell.

She could not directly see Hecate, the mother of magic, but her semi-transcendent soul could clearly sense the existence of a huge "regularized consciousness collection" above the heaven.

It's like a rule, similar to the rule of gravity.

The rules of gravity cover the entire world, and everyone is affected by gravity. They can also measure the value of gravity, and even use the rules of gravity, but no one can directly see the physical existence of the rules of gravity.

This seems a bit similar to what appeared in Omega Titans earlier.

But at this time, the "regular entity" shrouding the heaven has its own will, and its self-consciousness is chaotic and unified.

It is like a collection of countless consciousnesses. All consciousnesses are unified under one will. Countless consciousnesses have one and only one will.

Its subject is not a regular entity either.

The collective consciousness with unified will is its essence, and the regular entity is just the form it chooses at this time.

The essence of the Omega Titan is a regular entity, and the armored robot is its combat mode when protecting itself.

Harley only thought for a moment and determined that the "regularized consciousness collection" sensed in her spiritual sense was Hecate.

It should indeed be composed of countless consciousnesses, because for countless years, it has integrated the souls of countless female mages who have been left with the "Seal of March".

Even if Hecate's main consciousness is sealed, there is still the "Shadow of the Resentful Woman" that imprints the mark of March on the female mage's forehead (soul) when she awakens her bloodline.

If those female mages had not suffered the misfortune of being harvested in advance by the gods, demons and spirits from whom they borrowed their magic and divine power, their souls and magic would return to Hecate after their deaths.

Harley had previously thought that the female mage's soul was imprisoned in a hell-like "Hecate Soul Mother Realm".

Now it seems that she guessed wrong. Hecate directly swallowed the souls of those poor female mages, digested them and integrated them into her own soul.

No wonder there is so much resentment.

Harley murmured in her mind and turned her gaze to the sky.

In the "four-dimensional material universe" composed of time and three-dimensional space, there can only be one building on a piece of land, and the buildings are one next to the other, forming an area.

Limbo is a five-dimensional thinking space. In addition to time and three-dimensional space, there is also a "thought dimension".

Just because of the additional "thought dimension", its structure is far more complex and changeable than the urban architecture of the material universe.

It's not even a simple four-dimensional space structure.

The four dimensions of the four-dimensional space structure are, at least, fixed.

The thinking dimension can be changed immediately with changes in thought and will.

Therefore, the Kingdom of God in Heaven can only be entered by invitation.

Without an invitation, he might not even be able to find the Kingdom of God, even if he is a local god in Heaven and has been to that Kingdom many times. Of course, this rule only applies to ordinary people and ordinary gods. A pervert like Harley, who can lock her destiny with the causal chain, will definitely not get lost.

The state of heaven at this time is very special.

On weekdays, the heavenly realm is like an unpeeled pomegranate, and the pomegranate seeds are the various divine kingdoms.

Those pomegranate seeds can also move quickly and change positions at will.

Even if you pass through the pomegranate skin, the dimensional barrier of the heavenly realm, and enter the interior of the pomegranate, you can still see pomegranate seeds. There is a high chance that the pomegranate seeds that are seen are the shadow cast by the Kingdom of God in the thinking dimension, and are not real.

At this moment, the heaven has become the tail feathers of a peacock with its wings spread. Each feather that blooms is a kingdom of gods. Countless kingdoms of gods directly reveal themselves on the surface of the sky.

Not only is there no cover, each divine kingdom, together with the gods within the divine kingdom, also fully stimulates its own origin and power, emitting thousands of colorful scorching radiances to the outside world.

From a distance, it looks like a dream, with dazzling brilliance, myriad atmospheres, sacred majesty, and vastness. It is countless times more beautiful and grander than a real peacock with its tail open.

Such a grand scene made Harry look weird, "That's ridiculous. These trashy old gods actually dared to resist Hecate's harvest. What the heck, they succeeded. At least they succeeded."

There is no doubt that even a humble magic apprentice would not be willing to let his meager magic power be harvested by Hecate. When they are really faced with a magic debt crisis, they will go all out, gritting their teeth and holding a steel knife, and defend their magic power and life to the death.

The problem is that in the magic debt crisis, you can't resist if you want to.

Most people don't even have a chance to lift a steel knife or grit their teeth.

For example, the Angel Legion was destroyed not long ago.

Most of the Fire Angels couldn't even do something as simple as showing an angry expression.

As powerful as "Tongue of Fire" Uriel, he only lasted 0.5 seconds.

0.5 seconds includes multiple processes including surprise, anger, contempt, resistance, struggle, struggling again, shock, gradual despair, hesitation, giving up moral integrity and begging loudly, pain, complete despair, unconscious screams, etc.

And resistance is just one of many processes, far less than 0.5 seconds.

Why do these trashy old gods still have the courage and the opportunity to resist with all their strength?

Harry stared at the sky for 5 seconds. The "peacock tail" was still going on, and the gods were still confronting the resentful woman. Saying "confrontation" might be a bit flattering to the gods.

Although they "peacocked", they could clearly see that the divine light emitted by the Kingdom of Heaven was being rapidly compressed, and was gradually becoming dimmed, with a tendency to wither.

Harley felt like they couldn't hold on for long, but the problem was that they had held on long enough now.

It was so long that Uriel, the "Tongue of Fire", and Beelzebub, the "Lord of the Flies" should have died of shame.

Why can they persist for so long?

"Xiaoshu, come out and take a look, there's something wrong with Hecate." She rolled up her sleeves, revealing the World Tree on her wrist.

"You mean Hecate didn't kill all the gods in the sky instantly like the Upside Down?"

World Tree tightened his body and wrapped around Harley's wrist even tighter, "Actually, Hecate's behavior is considered normal, at least in line with our expectations.

When the ancient gods tested Hecate's magical debt, she was probably at this level. Well, I seemed to have guessed wrong before. "

A golden branch as thick as a toothpick protruded from the World Tree bracelet. There were two sneaky little eyes on the spores at the top of the branch.

Her small eyes stared at the gradually dimming sky, and she said thoughtfully: "At this time, Hecate probably brought all her consciousness and power to the sky, but now she still cannot completely break free of the seal.

She was stronger back then than she is now.

But in theory, she is stronger now that she has broken free from the seal than she was then. "

"So you are saying that upside-down people are aliens?" Harley said.

"Yes, it was unusual for the Upside Down to instantly kill the Legion of Heaven and Hell. It was completely beyond everyone's expectations, and the ancient gods who knew the news were extremely shocked.

I guess the angels in heaven were also shocked and surprised at first, and then began to worry and fear.

In fact, you will understand it if you think about it.

The ancient god had seen, tested, and understood Hecate back then, and Silver City must have had first-hand information.

Since he has ambitions for magic debt, he must have analyzed it internally countless times.

The fact that top bosses such as Uriel and Beelzebubna dare to lead the team in person shows that they have full confidence in the Legion of Heaven and Hell. "

Harley nodded slightly.

Lord Michael also considered Plan B, but Uriel and Raphael must have been so confident at first that they never thought that they might become victims of Plan B.

In fact, Raphael was even more shocked than she was when he heard that Maharaja's Plan B had been completed.

According to Hecate's performance at this time, they had reason to be confident at that time. If "weird" was at this level.

Even the garbage-like gods of the heavens can persist for so long. Even if "Tongue of Fire" Uriel's army is defeated, it will definitely be able to escape intact.

It’s really not that Harley looks down on the gods in heaven.

If they were all real bodies, she wouldn't despise them as "rubbish", but at this time, those who stayed in the Kingdom of Heaven were basically clones of divine power, and their true bodies had long been moisturized.

"Tongue of Fire" Uriel is in his prime.

"It shouldn't be. How can the gap between the Upside Down and Hecate be so big?"

Harley stared at the heaven in front of her, feeling puzzled and a little ready to move.

The performance of the gods in the heavenly realm when facing Hecate was far better than when facing the "weird" legions of heaven and hell, but this does not mean that the gods can really compete with Hecate.

Now Harley was shocked. It was purely because the legions of heaven and hell were destroyed so quickly that the heaven realm persisted for six or seven seconds, far longer than 0.5 seconds. She would also be amazed and puzzled.

In fact, at this moment, the heavenly realm is like a peacock with half its body stuffed into the stove. Its gorgeous feathers are ignited by the fire. Flames are everywhere, sparks are flying, and the ugly blackness of the butt drum can already be seen.

Heavenly Realm is like a huge colorful diamond placed under a heavy press. The gravity compressor rolls down a distance every second. The divine power crystals on the surface of the colorful diamond are broken, the brilliance is shattered, and the light is splashed everywhere. The core About to be completely exposed.

"The gods can no longer hold back, should I take action?"

Harry hesitated both in his mouth and in his heart, but his body couldn't help but move closer to the heaven.

She didn't get the magic debt on the Upside Down, so the magic debt must be on Hecate. Hecate is not at its peak at this moment. If she were to be captured...

World Tree was also very hesitant, "Sister Harley, look around you. When something happens in the eight divine realms on weekdays, gods and demons will immediately come around to watch the excitement, but now the surroundings are extremely empty and quiet.

Not even a mental projection.


During a magic debt crisis, everyone should do their best to avoid creditors.

Any act of approaching creditors is extremely foolish and dangerous.

Therefore, you should go back immediately, hide far away, like an ostrich, hide your head in the sand, and pretend that you don't know anything. It is best to clear your mind of all memories and thoughts about creditors.

But you have high aspirations, and Hecate is not at her peak at this time. If you can do anything now, can you defeat Hecate? "

She regretted a little. She would have stayed in Lishan if she had known that "Sister Harley" was going to fight in person.

If she stayed in Lishan, even if Sister Hallie suffered a misfortune, she would still have a chance to run away with the bucket. Now that she followed her to the battlefield, she would lose two lives!

"Mother of Magic, please listen to me. I am the Kryptonian God Rao! Our Kryptonian God System has only ascended to the heavenly realm less than 100 million years ago. Your grudges and grudges with the ancient gods of the earth have nothing to do with us!"

The various and magnificent divine powers that were inspired by the origins of the various divine kingdoms in the heavens have now all dimmed and disappeared.

The gods are about to come into direct contact with the "regularized consciousness collection".

The shallow pantheon of gods was unable to continue to support them and began to beg loudly for mercy.

Harley first noticed Rio, the God of Krypton, whom she had met several times.

Ruiou was shouting, and Krypton's "God King" Rao was also shouting. In addition to the two of them, there are other gods in the Kryptonian pantheon. Among them, the one that caught Harry's attention the most was the one with a cold expression, bare upper body, and gray-white skin. A "great man" with many scars.

Harley saw that he had near-supreme fighting power. Judging from his divinity, he was probably the "Kryptonian God of War." His name, River of Destiny, seemed to come from a parallel universe. He ascended in a mortal body and was called "Haier"?

What a weird name.

"Goddess Hecate, mercy, mercy~~ We have no enmity or enmity with you. We are a newly born pantheon in the past billion years. We have always served you as the mother of magic, and we are willing to follow your lead in the future."

There are countless civilized planets in the material universe, and countless divine systems in the heavenly realm.

At this time, countless small and medium-sized gods could no longer hold on and began to cry out for mercy.

In fact, it is not only the small and medium-sized pantheons that are begging for mercy. God King Zeus is also calling: "My dear Hecate, my once favorite lover, please calm down and listen to me.

Your love affair with Hades is a tragedy, and the responsibility lies entirely with my useless brother.

I really want to whip him hard for you, but it's a pity that he hasn't appeared in heaven and hell for a long time.

I understand the suffering you have endured and the grievances in your heart. You have hatred that you want to vent.

But please believe me, the ‘resentful woman’ you are now is not the real you.

You are so pure, kind, gentle, passionate, sincere and friendly. You are just blinded by resentment. Please wake up and return to your original beautiful nature, Hecate, the most beautiful moonlight in my heart, the pure and flawless gentleness, is the real you~~~"

Other gods just shout empty words, and at most they add panic, fear and other seasonings to their shouts.

Old Zeus was singing.

Well, he used the ancient divine language as if he were singing. His eyes were full of affection, his face was full of tenderness and regret, and his voice was melodious and full of emotion. He was very special and conspicuous among the crowd of duck-like pleadings.

What's even more ridiculous is that Harley used the illusion of emotion to sense his heart, and found that every word he said and every expression on his face were sincere and unadulterated.

"Could it be that I, the Perfect Illusion Man, was also deceived? It's impossible. Even Constantine, who has the Law of Deception, can't deceive me."

Harley stared at Zeus in shock for a long time before she finally realized: Zeus's emotions and words were true, but this Zeus was fake.

Zeus was definitely not his true form, she was sure of it.

But this incarnation of Zeus's divine power is very strange. He seems to be a life of independent will. Apart from a faint causal connection with the real Zeus, there is almost no connection in energy and law.

In other words, don't try to harm or find the real Zeus by casting spells on "Powerful Zeus".

But this incarnation of divine power, Zeus, has the sincere feelings Zeus once had for Hecate, and has also taken over all the power of the Olympus Mountains.

"How did that old bastard Zeus do it?" Harley was amazed.

World Tree said: "Silver City has the "Essence of Billions of Years of Wisdom of the Archangel", and Zeus must also have the "Essence of Billions of Years of Wisdom of Olympus Mountain". Everyone has their own methods and techniques for overcoming tribulations. It's not worth it. What a fuss.”

"That makes sense, the grudge seems to be disgusted, haha!"

Olympus is definitely the strongest divine system in the Heavenly Realm, and it should last the longest.

But before Zeus could finish his love words, it became the first divine kingdom to fall.

The last layer of defensive barrier was like a solid transparent glass. It exploded suddenly, and the crystal clear fragments of divine power flew in the air, but suddenly turned into blood-colored crescent blades. The moon blades shot towards the Olympus gods below like a heavy rain. For a while, there was a lot of mourning and screams.

The power that was supposed to be a barrier to the Kingdom of God was actually controlled by Hecate and transformed into a moon blade magical attack.

Some gods wanted to use their divine power to cast defensive magic, but the defensive magic shield turned into a huge and ferocious mouth, chewing them alive.

Some gods wanted to fly and escape, but their bodies seemed to have become a rubber band. The lower body flew out, but the upper body remained in place. The upper and lower bodies were stretched to an infinite length. Then, with a "boom", it broke into Two pieces, two pieces of the divine body fell to the ground, blood spurted out, and the howl was miserable.

Some gods wanted to fight back and used attacking magic against the "regular consciousness collection" pressing from above. After the magic flew out, it transformed into another type of magic, which in turn drowned the caster.

One of the gods roared angrily, "Fight with Hecate", and his muscles rose up, and his body expanded into a huge titan. He wanted to compete with Hecate, but Hecate didn't show up directly, and the giant titan was compressed into a two-dimensional one. The painting, whose body was so thin that he could not stand firmly, fell softly to the ground, rolled up into a ball, and was trampled to pieces.

Such a terrifying scene frightened many gods out of fear. They knelt on the ground, kowtowed and howled miserably. But in the next moment, their bodies turned into illusory particles and were sucked into nothingness by the invisible mouth above.

Like being kissed by the dementor in Harry Potter.

The dementors only pulled the soul out of the body, but Hecate sucked the entire body of the god out.

Among all the Olympian gods, Zeus and Hera received the most special treatment. The two of them were torn off the "painting board of reality".

It can be said that Taixu is the foundation and the multiverse is the house.

It can also be said that Taixu is a blank canvas and the multiverse is the painting on the canvas.

This painting is the "reality" of the DC multiverse.

Now the two figures of Zeus and Hera are torn from reality, as if they were cut out of the figures in the painting.

Just like the original comic "I Want to Date Superman", Hecate now breaks the fourth wall, stretches out her hand from the comic page, picks up the comic owner's scissors from the table next to her, and cuts the Hera in the comic page. Cut out with the portrait of Zeus (ps).

Of course, Zeus and Hera were unlucky. They were trapped in a miniature "reality cage" created by Hecate. They were completely unable to escape. They were manipulated and manipulated by Hecate and experienced all the tortures of existence and non-existence in the world.

Harry next to him was also greatly affected.

The other gods were not at a high level and could not see the encounter between Hera and Zeus. Harley was at a high level and kept staring at Zeus and the others to observe. She saw a blank in her "reality", which made her feel like she was missing out on something less important. , but she is too stingy and reluctant to let go of the emptiness and irritability.

"Harley, save me, King of Martial God, please seek justice for us, please~~~"

Harley was still feeling the emptiness and irritability of losing a small piece of "reality" when someone suddenly shouted at her.

She was too close to the Heaven Realm unknowingly, and she didn't know who saw her first. After saying "Martial God King, help me", the voice of "Martial God King, save me" rang out throughout the Heaven Realm and countless divine kingdoms.

Some shameless bastards even shouted, "Grandma, the Goddess of War, who is rescuing the distressed, please do justice for us and drive away the devil Hecate."

Harry only felt disgusted in his heart for 0.01 seconds, and then he looked up to the sky and screamed, "Goddess Hecate, please give me a face. You only need to harvest the heavenly realm, and let go of the ancient gods who have betrayed you and have grudges against you. I haven’t seen those young and old gods of yours!”

She not only screamed (screaming from the soul), but she also jumped directly to the center of the battlefield, standing between the "regularized pan-consciousness assembly" and the heaven. In fact, the joint defense of the heaven and kingdom had been broken, and she It can be regarded as entering the interior of heaven.

"Harley Quinn, who do you think you are, asking me to give you face?"

A huge god came out of nothingness and coldly looked down at Harley below.

Her skin is slightly dark—Egyptian black. She is wearing a blue ancient Greek skirt with a blue ribbon wrapped around her upper body—the material is less and more flesh is exposed. She is normal from the neck down, but there are three heads above the neck. .

The three heads merged into one, with three faces: old, middle and young respectively. The middle-aged and young faces closed their eyes and seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep. At this time, the one facing Harley and the gods was the "Grudge".

The complainer's face is old, ugly, and distorted.

It seems that every pore is spraying out resentment and hatred, which is intimidating and boring to look at. Most people are not qualified to take a closer look at Hecate. Just one look at them will activate the magic mark, and the magic power will burn all over the body, and they will struggle. Howling miserably, it turned into nothingness.

At this moment, Harley once again experienced the feeling of losing control of her bloodline power.

But her situation was much better than the last time she faced the Upside Down.

At this time, she just had countless little mice running around under her skin, and her body was a little distorted. It was like the "Beiming Divine Art" absorbed too much internal force but could not digest it, and the internal force was out of control in the body.

"Sister, you can complain, but you also have to face reality. The fact that I can stand in front of you and talk to you now means that I am qualified to talk to you." Harley said something very reasonable. nonsense.

At this time, Hecate was still a collection of regularized consciousness. The form that appeared in the hearts of the gods and Harley was extremely terrifying. The boundless heaven beneath her was like a 15-inch birthday cake.

Harley was a small piece of dandruff that accidentally landed in the center of the cake, and Hecate was very disdainful.

"Reality? Your reality is gone."

She sneered, and Harry seemed to hear the sound of tearing open the pages of a book, feeling an unprecedented sense of emptiness in his heart.

But the next moment, multiple specialties on her body were automatically activated.

Especially the defense specialty of Doctor Manhattan's Power (Level 10 Connection Power), the reaction was particularly fierce. Harley's "Existence Field" bounced up like a spring compressed to the limit.

"Stab~~~" was the same sound of tearing open the pages of the book, but this time it was not Harley's reality that was torn apart. Only the huge "regularized pan-consciousness aggregate" Hecate was seen, as if it had turned into a painting on the Pictured people on the glass, now with a crack in the glass.

"Uh, ah, what kind of power is this that can cause such a strong backlash to me? Ah, it hurts~~~"

The resentful woman covered her really cracked forehead and howled miserably.

The collective consciousness of hers almost split into two pieces. In fact, it had already separated from left to right.

But the cracked part is still connected, and there are strands of energy connecting the two bodies together, and it is still slowly healing.

Harley was a little surprised.

It's not that I was surprised to see the backlash against Grudge. When she absorbed Dr. Manhattan's quantum power and raised her expertise to level nine, she clearly gained the talent of "the field of existence cannot be destroyed."

Grudge wants to tear her existence out of "reality", which seriously affects the stability of her existence field. It's not too strange to suffer backlash, but the backlash is so strong that it almost tears apart Grudge's collective consciousness. Harley Somewhat unexpected.

“Haha, sister, you have been sealed for so long that you have never seen the legendary ‘number one power in the world’, the power of Manhattan, right?

Take my advice and be kind!

You are also a victim yourself, and of course you have the right to self-defense and revenge, but your rights should not include harming civilians and children.

To an old-timer like you, aren’t these new gods just children? Compared with the ancient god kings and queens in your circle back then, aren't most ordinary gods in the heaven at this time just 'innocent civilians'?

They have never seen you, how innocent you are! "

"Yes, we are still children. Goddess Hecate, you are the mother of magic, the mother of all miraculous lives and miraculous phenomena. You are our mother!" In the sky, a group of old-looking people with long beards The old gods wailed.

"Shut up, none of you will survive today, you will all die~~~"

The resentful woman split into two pieces, and seemed to have two voices when she let out an angry cry.

"Ah, help, Witch Harley, help me~~"

"Mother of Magic, please forgive me. It was the Witch Harley who angered you. You beat her to death first, and then vented your hatred and anger. Just let us go~~"

The next moment, all the barriers of the Kingdom of God that were still holding on in the heaven were shattered. Every god in the Kingdom of God seemed to have encountered a "dementor", and the divine body was about to turn into illusory smoke and be absorbed.

——Xiaoshu, have you discovered where Hecate’s “magic debt” is hidden?

Harley clenched her fists and asked quietly.

She was also enveloped by the "Magic Rules" of the Resentful Woman, and the magic mark in her bloodline shone with the brilliance of the "Seal of March". She wanted to devour her cells and miraculous elements other than magic, but was suppressed by her defense expertise.

"I don't know, maybe on the head? Alas, I didn't even dare to show my head and observe her carefully. She was too scary. Do you know that she is magic itself and has absolute magical power. That power is her instinct and may not be able to Seize.”

Yggdrasil said fearfully and eagerly: "Hecate's situation is completely different from that of the Upside Down. The Upside Down is the master of magic, and it has absolute control over magic, a miraculous energy.

Hecate is the master of the miraculous phenomenon of magic.

She controls miracles and the rules of miracles.

In terms of essence, Inverter is energy, and she is a miraculous phenomenon and miraculous rule.

On the surface, the reverse person is more cruel, but Hecate is truly unbeatable.

Sister Harley, listen to me, let's run away quickly. Even if you are ambitious and have unsatisfied desires, you can continue to stalk the Troublemaker. There is nothing you can do about the Mother of Magic, really. "

"There's nothing you can do." Harley clenched her fists.

The "True Martial God King" status is activated.

The "Heaven's Gate Guard" power with greatly reduced functions is activated.

With the expertise fully activated, a defensive force field surrounds the fist.

"Hmph, let me show you who is the powerless one. Hecate, take a punch from me!"

Harley carried the magic harvest of the "Seal of March", like a launched electromagnetic gun projectile, and instantly arrived at the forehead of the "regularized consciousness collection" at a speed beyond perception.


The space defense expertise combined with the power of the fist directly explodes the nearby space, and then the magic power and God's power defense expertise spread along the cracks in the space along with the strength of the fist.


It was like a basketball that was too full of air and had been left in the sun for too long, exploding from the inside.

The resentful woman's head exploded from her forehead, spewing out a large amount of space debris, chaotic consciousness, and complex magic power.

“Uh ah ah ah ah~~~”

The complaining woman's illusory head suddenly tilted back, her right hand covered her forehead and she let out a miserable and long wailing.

Harry opened his mouth and sucked them all into his belly in one mouthful, regardless of whether they were space fragments, chaotic consciousness or weird magic.

Then, the golden mist of gastric acid was immediately poured over, "Stinging~~~~"

Harry didn't care what he had digested, he roared again, came to the temple of the resentful woman, and "shattered the sky with one punch" again - but the resentful woman was on guard this time.

"Witch Harley, what do you rely on? The blessing of the power of martial arts gods? The blessing of the authority of heaven?"

In one sentence, the Law Sea directly closed the door to Harley. All the rules and powers such as the Law of Thick Skin, the Law of Martial Arts, and the Law of Power and Blessing were like leeks growing on Harley's soul. They were grabbed and pulled out forcefully.

The "True Martial God King" state was forcibly lifted, and the power blessing guarded by Heaven's Gate collapsed and disappeared.

Harley felt as if she had been hit on the head with a golden cudgel. The heart-wrenching pain suddenly spread from the sea of ​​​​consciousness, and her consciousness was blurred for a moment.


The fist she punched out felt like farting. It was soft and weak compared to before, but it still severely injured the resentful woman.

A small crater exploded in the temple of the resentful woman again, spewing out a large amount of chaotic consciousness and chaotic magic power.

The total amount is only about one-tenth of what it was just now.

However, Harley seemed drunk, holding her head in her hands and swaying, without even trying to swallow the loot.

Her orifices were still bleeding.

"Sister Harley, sister Harley, cheer up, don't get dizzy at this time~~" World Tree shouted anxiously.

Harley couldn't hear her words at all, even if the World Tree transmitted the words directly into her mind through telepathy.

Harley's sea of ​​consciousness turned into a pot of porridge, and her consciousness was in chaos.

"Ah, Witch Harley, I want you to die~~~"

Harley fainted, but the grudge was still awake and even more angry. She subconsciously used "reality stripping" on Harley again, trying to strip her away from reality.

She thought that Harley had been stripped of her laws, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, and could no longer use any miraculous power to protect herself.

"Crack~~" Her barely healed consciousness cracked again, and she wailed miserably again.

In addition to pain, there was disbelief in her howl, "This is impossible. I have deprived you of all the miraculous elements. All the rules and powers you can use have been distorted and blocked by me. How can you still Can you resist me?!"

Harley's "field of existence" was stimulated again, and her brain regained some consciousness.

"Old antique, you are out of date. The power of Manhattan is the number one power in the world. Unless you, like me, find Dr. Manhattan's lair from the quantum dimension and snatch a part of the origin of Manhattan from him, you will never be able to kill me."

She only regained a little consciousness before subconsciously digging holes to deceive people.

"Boom!" The space around her collapsed, collapsing towards her from every dimension, squeezing her in the center.

Instead of subconsciously using her miracle power to search for Dr. Manhattan's lair, the grudge gave Harley another hard blow.

"It's useless, all your magic has no effect on me."

Harley held her forehead with her left hand and pushed forward with her right hand. The "space masonry" pressing against her with a "bang" stopped instantly, and then suddenly exploded outwards, "BOOOM!"

The space that collapsed from all dimensions exploded outwards. Harley stood proudly in the void without space. On the contrary, the resentful woman next to her was forced to take a few steps back.

"Impossible, this is not magic. I have cut off all connections between you and the Sea of ​​Laws. Your power as a god-king has been completely deprived of you. You cannot use any miraculous techniques. Why can you still control space? What kind of power are you using? "The resentful woman screamed again.

Harley was almost forced to "factory reset" by her at this time.

The rules I have cultivated over the years, the powers I have mastered, all the miraculous powers from the multiverse and related to the multiverse are all lost.

They were either cut off, erased, or twisted into something that Harley couldn't control.

Except for her own defense, combat experience, and defensive expertise, Harley has no miraculous elements.

But the defensive expertise is still there, and it's enough.

Well, even complaining about the attack on her was causing the experience level tank to skyrocket, and it was almost level 147 now.

"I've told you before, the power of Dr. Manhattan is the most advanced energy. You can only steal it——"

"Shut up! Witch Harley, do you think I'm a fool? You're insulting my IQ by encouraging me to steal the founder's power!"

The resentful woman roared angrily, exposing Harley's little trick, and then countless rule-level magics formed a sea of ​​magic, drowning Harley's figure.

Hecate is magic itself. She does not need to cast spells or even consume magic power. The rules of the universe naturally obey her will and produce various miraculous effects, which is magic.

Harley, surrounded by various miraculous effects, was in an extremely strange state.

She felt like she was an iron egg in an oven. Every heat wave in the oven had a miraculous effect. Countless heat waves bombarded the iron egg, but did no harm to the iron egg itself.

The highest temperature the oven can reach is far less than a threat to iron eggs.

Harley was indeed attacked by the miraculous effect created by Hecate, but the attack was close to the force field around her and first began to distort and deform. By the time it reached her, it had no real effect.

The iron egg has no legs, so it can only stay in the oven and let the heat wave bake.

Harley has legs, and she won't let boring miracle effects bother her.

When her almost split head felt a little better, and when she regained control of most of her consciousness, she reached for the sky with one hand, grabbing the miraculous effect that was coming towards her - it seemed to be a space blade. She was not sure, but the blade was already in force. The field was so distorted that she could only determine that it was a miraculous effect of spatial attributes.

All she needs is the power of space from the miraculous effect of space attributes.

She used the power of space to form a space bridge connecting herself and the resentful woman (previously, there was not even space and space laws around her, so she could not use the space defense specialty to perform space teleportation).

"Whoosh!" She came to the resentful woman again and punched out. The space cracked again, and the power of the defense expertise spread along the cracks again.

"BOOOM!" A hole exploded in the grudge's forehead for the third time, and a large amount of time and space fragments, chaotic consciousness, and complex magic power spewed out of the hole.

"This is impossible, you, you actually robbed me of the space in my magic. I am the mother of magic!" The resentful woman covered her head and howled, her two resentful old eyes full of disbelief and cruelty, "You are so interested in 'space' Your control is very strong, right? I won’t let you touch any power of meaning space again!”

"Boom!" The endless wave of miracles overwhelmed Harley again.

This time, there is indeed no miraculous effect related to space attributes and space rules.

Harley sneered, covered the sky with one hand again, and grabbed the miraculous effect of the fire attribute. The ninth-level magic defense specialty pinched the fire element particles, making them a bridge between her and the resentful woman.

"Whoosh!" She controlled the fire element with her magic defense expertise. In the blink of an eye, she "fired" to the resentful woman and punched him again.

Only her own physical strength and a little blessing from the power of God's door key.

Part of the power guarded by Heaven's Gate comes from Silver City and can be cut off.

But the key to God's door is within her, and its power can still be used by her.

"BOOOM!" Hecate was shot in the head again.

PS: Hecate breaking the fourth wall in this novel is just a metaphor. There are similar metaphors in the original comics, as if the DC comics were torn off by her. What Hecate tore up was actually the reality of the DC multiverse, tearing the characters in the universe apart from reality. It was very buggy and awesome, and this method is the most advanced magic.

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