The door to heaven is closed, but heaven itself is not hidden. A shallow vortex of elemental power is still left in place. The voice of heaven cannot maintain limited omniscience and omnipotence as before, but at least it can have a single line of contact with Harley and can check The small area near the gates of heaven.

That is to say, if Weird knocks on the door again, the voice of heaven can immediately call Harley to rescue him.

Therefore, when Harley took out the "Pearl of Power", the Voice of Heaven could detect it immediately.

After being deprived of "miraculous powers from the DC multiverse" by Hecate, Harley's defense expertise is still there, as is the force field automatically formed when her expertise reaches level nine.

If Harley activates the level 10 God's Defense Power feat, the Voice of Heaven will not be able to extend its power to her whole body.

Similarly, if Harley turns on the level 9 divine (magic) defensive force field, when she speaks the true name of "Hecate" to the people around her, Hecate may be affected, but Hecate's perception will be suppressed. lowest, and unable to know who is talking about them and what they are saying.

Harley had promised Heaven's Voice earlier that she would never live up to her authority as "Heaven's Gate Guard", at least during the magic debt crisis, and she would not deliberately activate the God's force field to restrict the connection between Heaven's Voice and herself.

Her God's Defense Field was not completely shut down, but only slightly reduced in effectiveness. It still formed a "defense network" with other defense fields to limit the prying eyes and perceptions of Hecate and the Upside Down.

Unlike Bobo and Sertin, she only refers to Hecate as "that woman" and never calls her by her real name.

Not only Harley, but also the people around her kept saying "Hecate", as if Hecate's perception ability was not as good as that of the old gods in the sky.

Of course, Xanadu, the Bat Family, and Rachel around Harley are not stupid.

They knew that Halle had to turn on "God Comes Down to Earth" to speak and act unscrupulously.

If they leave Lishan, they must be as honest and cautious as Bobo and the others. They will not even talk about "that woman", try not to talk about related topics, and try to clear their minds of memories and thoughts about "that woman".

"If the power in your hands is enough to meet the needs of Silver City, I may be salivating and longing for it, but it may not satisfy you. Why should I be excited?" "Voice of Heaven" said directly in Raphael's tone said.

In fact, with the state of heaven being completely closed at this time, it is not easy for him to communicate with Harley in the material world, and it consumes a lot of money.

Raphael would not contact Harley unless necessary, nor would he specifically follow her.

"Did you know that the power was in Hecate's soul?" Harley asked.

Tianzhi Sheng was silent for a while, and then said: "I have some guesses, but I am not completely sure. The key is that, like you, I have never seen magic power before.

Power was not given to Hecate entirely by 'origin'.

Power is Hecate's natural gift.

‘Origin’ simply ‘secondary processes’ it into a format suitable for our multiverse.

Like a big tree growing in the wild land.

Now we need to cut down the trees to make pillars and build furniture.

The structure and size of the house are different, the style of the rooms is different, and the dimensions of the pillars and furniture are different.

You have seen previously how the magic of Miracles is involved in the construction of the multiverse.

The chaotic dark power outside the universe is like a primitive forest full of unknowns and dangers. The Mother of Creation has laid the foundation and is about to start building a building.

She extracted a beam of light from the chaos, which was equivalent to selecting the largest and strongest tree in the wild forest.

That beam of light is the magic of miracles. It represents thought and creation, and will lead the concept of miracles to the 'building'. It is equivalent to trees being made into beams and furniture. The beams support the structure of the house, and the furniture carries daily utensils and clothing. .

It is the responsibility of wood to support the structure of the house and carry daily objects.

Responsibility is power.

The 'origin' is at most the making of wood into beams and furniture suitable for a house.

Becoming a pillar and a piece of furniture is actually a talent that the tree already possesses.

Therefore, ‘Origin’ cannot cast a ‘Tiger Talisman’ or seal, and then point at it and say, ‘This is the power of our multiverse’s magic power, it can only be used unchangeably’.

Power belongs to Hecate's gift!

How she wants to show off her talents is beyond the control and control of others.

She can integrate it into her soul, or she can condense the power into a point and hide it in the core of her soul.

The key is how she chooses.

But no matter how she chooses, her power should be within her body. As long as she is taken down, her power can always be found. "

Harley sneered and said, "It's so easy to say, just take her down. Did you see my previous battle with her? Where do I have the chance to win?"

"I believe you. You were 6-4 with her before, and you were 6-4 with her. Now you have some power. Even if this part of the power cannot fully restore you to the power of the God King, you will get stronger as you fight and eventually defeat her completely. "

Tianzhi's voice seemed to be encouraging her gently, but there was something awkward in his tone.

Considering that it was Raphael who controlled it behind the scenes, it was normal for him to behave like this.

He definitely doesn't wish Harley well, but at this moment, Silver City's hope of gaining magical power rests entirely with Harley. If she's not good, they can't even think about it. Uriel and other angels who have been harvested will be completely destroyed.

"After I exploded her spirit body and snatched some of the soul fragments, is it possible for her to change her form and hide her power?" Harley asked.

The voice of heaven hesitated and said: "It should not be completely hidden. The power you obtained came from the 'pan-consciousness collective'. At that time, Hecate's spirit body was huge and messy, and the soul fragments you obtained were also confused.

If she can really acquire the miraculous powers given to wizards by the rules of the multiverse by devouring the souls of wizards, then the powers you obtain are likely to come from the miraculous powers that exist in the multiverse outside of Hecate.

Hecate can freely control her talents, but that part of the power from the multiverse is likely still within her consciousness, fused with the power of her soul. "

"Are these just your guesses? You are the 'all-knowing' Voice of Heaven, why can't you give me some conclusive and useful information?" Harley frowned slightly.

In just one paragraph, Tian Zhi Sheng has already used multiple "if" and "possible" words that represent uncertainty.

"If I knew everything, do you think the Angel Legion would still be destroyed? Will the hope of the entire Silver City still fall on you alone?" Tianzhi's voice slightly increased his volume and speaking speed.

Harley despised the fact that the "Voice of Heaven" could not even achieve the most basic "omniscient" at the critical moment. In fact, Raphael himself felt aggrieved and dissatisfied with the function of "Voice of Heaven".

He firmly believes that God must be omniscient and omnipotent regarding the "mere" magic debt crisis.

Otherwise, why would the "merely" witch Harley's "god descend to earth" kill the Upside Down first and then defeat Hecate?

She is so fierce because of a little blessing from God!

But since the magic debt crisis began, the dog god and Chris, the "original sin three-body god" who purified the eclipse master, have disappeared.

Obviously, Chris had been living on Long Island as a mortal before, living with his original family.

It’s okay if God doesn’t want to end up in person himself. He will at least hand over some of the key powers to them, the “Silver City Representatives”, and let them work hard!

How could we watch Uriel and the Flame Angel Legion destroyed?

Well, the grievances of the Archangels of Silver City are not small.

The better Harley's performance with "God Comes to Earth" becomes, the more miserable he becomes to Uriel, and the more they feel that God is partial.

"You don't understand magic debt and Hecate, can you at least solve my problem at this time?" Harley retreated to the next best thing, hoping that the voice of heaven could provide her with some help at this time.

"Obviously, I can't help you restore the power of the God King. If I can fight against Hecate's magical debt, Uriel and the angel army will not let the upside down people slaughter them." The voice of heaven said dullly.

Harley said: "I'm talking about the power of heaven in my body. Give me some more of the origin of heaven and the power of angels, so that I can fully display the majesty of the 'God of War in Heaven'."

"Didn't you get some of the magic power? Don't you really intend to absorb it? As far as I know, you have purified it to an extremely pure level with almost no side effects." Tianzhi said.

"Almost no side effects doesn't mean there are side effects?" Harley said.

"If you don't use it, just give her to me. We'll have a private deal. You give me the beads, and I'll give you part of the angelic origin in my body. How about that?" Raphael said.

"Stop thinking nonsense. I just don't absorb and fuse it, but I don't give it up completely. Today I am willing to give up a bead, but tomorrow I have to give up Hecate's magic debt forest?"

The Voice of Heaven was silent for a while and said: "Simply replenishing the power of Heaven for you has no practical significance.

You are deprived of the right to use miraculous power. If you get the power of heaven, you can only strengthen your body. You cannot use the power of heaven to drive the laws, and you cannot regain your authority as a god-king.

After you use the stolen magic power of Hecate and regain the authority of the God King, you no longer need the power of heaven and the authority of the archangel. "

Harley asked: "In the previous battle in heaven, Hecate deprived me of my miracle power and erased my authority as the God King. At that time, I could only rely on my own body and the power brought by the key to the door of heaven in my body. Blessing.

How much worse is my physique than the multiverse extreme? "

"It's a lot worse. Your power hasn't even reached the extreme value of the material universe after downscaling. It's still far behind." Tianzhi said.

After the battle with Hecate, Harley was already level 147, with a pure physical defense of 147 points, which was very powerful.

But the body without any power or divine power is not even half of 147.

Even if you add the power of Heaven's Gate guarding, the effect is greatly reduced because it is too far away from Heaven's Gate. The physical strength is about 85+, and maybe it can reach 90 by exploding in a critical moment.

It's only 90 points, which is a long way from the 100 points of the extreme power of the material universe. It's not even as good as the elite Kryptonians.

Tian Zhisheng vaguely understood her thoughts, and then said: "But you are the King of Martial Gods, the God of War in Heaven, and your combat experience has not disappeared.

The combat power you have exerted cannot be underestimated, and with God coming down to earth, you can still break time and space and severely damage Hecate. "

The strength of the body is not equal to the strength of the fist, and the strength of the fist is not equal to combat power.

Even the combat power is not equal to the actual combat effect.

Even if the power of miracles and the power of the God King are abolished, Harley can still achieve an attack effect of more than 110 with her experience and defensive force field.

Most god-kings only have this kind of actual combat power, and they cannot guarantee that every move and style will have an extreme value of 120 points.

Harley said: "I don't ask too much, just give me the origin of angels and the power of heaven, and ensure that I still maintain the ultimate physique of the multiverse when naked.

When the magic debt crisis is over, I can return my origin and power.

You are a smart person and you must understand that this is beneficial to everyone.

If you want a horse to run, you must first feed it.

Make the cake bigger so that it won't roll inward and won't be too messy for a mere pillar.

I have strength and run fast. The more magic debt I capture, the more generous dividends I will give to heaven. "

Tianzhi said: "Please wait for a moment, I will discuss it with them."

Harley waited for about 5 minutes before Tianzhisheng contacted her again and said: "Two days later, you come to the Gate of Heaven, and I will reopen the Gate of Heaven and give you the power of the Lord of Silver City. ."

Harry was not overjoyed, but was very suspicious, saying: "Did I have auditory hallucinations, or are you confused and want to hand over the power of the king to me?

I'm just ensuring that my body reaches its peak, why should I use the power of the king? "

She dared to swear in front of the Dog God that this time she really had no intention of "taking advantage of the bandits."

He never thought about taking advantage of Silver City's reliance on him at this time to ask for benefits.

Not to mention the authority of a great king.

"You are not hallucinating, and I am not confused. It's just that we are more courageous and have a better overall view than you expected. Since we have to do something, we must do the best. The monarch has the highest level of power. When facing Heka The effect is best when you use it to turn people upside down, and you have the best chance of winning." Tian Zhisheng said calmly.

Harley was really taken aback.

"Oh, I apologize. I underestimated you. I didn't expect that you would even hand over the authority of the acting king for the sake of the overall situation of Silver City. I am convinced, completely convinced; I admire you so much that I am speechless and speechless. !” she exclaimed.

Tianzhi's voice was still indifferent and ethereal, "No need to talk nonsense, remember to come to the Gate of Heaven in two days."

"Why not now? Are there still complicated preparations before the transfer of authority from the King?" Harley asked.

Tianzhi Sheng was silent for a few seconds and said: "I need time to separate the 'acting monarch's authority'."

"Split the authority? How to split it? Why split it?" Hali asked.

Tianzhi said indifferently: "You just need to use the power of heaven to exert the ultimate power of the multiverse.

To put it bluntly, it is just to use the power of authority to strengthen the body.

Once the body reaches the limit allowed by the multiverse, no amount of authority is useless.

Therefore, I will divide the authority of the Maharaja into many parts according to the streets and districts of Silver City.

I will hand over my authority to you piece by piece until your authority is just enough, without wasting any of it. "

The authority of the "Lord of Silver City" is certainly not limited to Silver City itself, but Silver City does represent the most important part of the authority. The streets and blocks that make up Silver City all represent smaller parts of authority, and they add up to the authority of the entire Silver City.

According to the meaning of Tianzhi's voice, Raphael will only hand over the "overlord's authority" in a certain area of ​​Silver City to Harley, rather than the complete "acting overlord's authority".

Harley had no idea that Raphael could pull off such a trick. Hearing this, he was stunned for a while, and then said with a distorted expression: "In other words, I might become the 'King of Silver City 13th Street'?

Shit, it should be Street Fighter, Silver City 13th Street Street Fighter. I’m really sorry you figured it out! "

Tian Zhisheng said: "Silver City 13th Street is the main road, and the authority it represents is too great, so it may not be used that much.

I estimate that the 'Little Cross Alley' on the east section of 13th Street is almost enough. "

"Cross Alley. Not even a street fighter." Harley had a thousand things to complain about in her heart, but in the end she only said one sentence, "As expected of you, you are still you! I apologized too early."

When she apologized to him earlier, Harley thought she was going to become the "Lord of Silver City".

Unexpectedly, he turned out to be just the "Little Alley King" in the end.

While complaining, she was secretly shocked.

Raphael was a fool, but he also promised to meet her needs: using only the power of heaven, he would raise her body to the extreme value of 120 points.

According to what he meant, just one alley in Baiyin City would be enough to manifest the power.

The Voice of Heaven cannot know everything about Hecate. Doesn't it mean he still doesn't know his own power?

So everything he said at this time was true.

So how vast is the power of the complete "king's power"?

On the top of Lishan Mountain, under the shade of the World Tree.

Harley looked around at the crowd and said: "Da Chao, Hal, Bateman, you should stop paying attention to the magic debt crisis in the future.

In this crisis, your responsibility should be to maintain the social order of the mortal world, rather than personally participating in the battle between the extraordinary and Hecate. "

Then she turned to Bobo and Sertin in the Forgotten Bar and said: "You just stay in Lishan. There are still a lot of empty rooms at home, including a few of you. When the magic debt crisis is over, we will consider rebuilding the Forgotten Bar." "

"What did you just say to Tian Zhisheng?" Bobo asked curiously.

Harley can do two things at once, dealing with everyone while wrangling with the Voice of Heaven.

However, when Tian Zhi Sheng communicated with her, her expression inevitably changed. Not only were they not stupid, they were also observant, and she did not hide anything from their inquiries.

They didn't bother her before, and it wasn't until she was about to end the conversation and signal everyone to disperse that Bobo took the initiative to ask.

Harley smiled and asked: "Bobo, do you know what is most important when you come out to hang out?"

Without waiting for Bobo to answer, she said triumphantly: "When you come out to hang out, personal strength is very important, but you must also have power and background. After all, the foundation of the organization is always stronger than the individual.

Now that I can fight and have background power, I get the king plus four twos.

Haha, even if Hecate is good at beating, maybe beating her is useless, but she is still just a little loser in front of me! "

Bobo's gorilla face was a little distorted, "What benefits did the Voice of Heaven give you that made you so complacent?"

Mrs. Xanadu complained: "No matter how many benefits there are, it is of no use. Just think about it and you will understand. The old incident of the 'Tongues of Fire' Uriel Legion has only been in the past few days?"

"The power of the King!" Harley revealed her trump card straightforwardly and said proudly: "The Voice of Heaven took the initiative to hand over the power of the King of Silver City to me. Isn't that enough for me?"

"Hiss~~~" Everyone was really shocked. They looked at her in disbelief and shouted: "Harley, you are not bragging? The Voice of Heaven actually handed over the power of the Lord of Silver City to you? The original acting Lord. What should Raphael do?”

"How can you brag about this kind of thing? Can bragging blow Hecate to death?" Harley said with a smile.

Isn’t the “Little Alley Maharaja” a prince anymore?

She really didn't feel that she was bragging. At most, her description was inaccurate and caused some minor misunderstandings.

"Silver City has really spent a lot of money this time." Diana looked at the "Pearl of Power" between her fingers and said thoughtfully: "The voice of the sky is like a rabbit, but it will eventually fly away! You can seize a ball with your bare hands." A 'Pearl of Power', if I hand over the power of the king to you, won't you completely defeat Hecate next time?"

"To have such awareness and courage is worthy of the voice of heaven."

Dachao and Hal were also filled with emotion, with relaxed smiles on their faces.

After Mrs. Xanadu looked at Harry up and down, she asked doubtfully: "You don't seem to have changed much. Hasn't the power of the king been given to you yet?"

Harley said matter-of-factly: "The gates of heaven are closed, how can you hand over authority to me in an instant?"

Without any pause, she continued very naturally: "We have to wait a few days, wait a week. It will take at least a week to reopen the gate of heaven and separate the power of the king."

"One week is a bit long, but you have an advantage in the material world compared to when you were in Limbo. Hecate won't dare to knock on the door in a short period of time.

When you get the power of the Lord of Silver City, you don't need enemies to come to your door. You can take the initiative and be invincible. "World Tree analyzed optimistically.

"Harry, what should we do in the Forgotten Bar? Why don't you go and check, maybe someone is still alive." Sertin hesitated: "Bobo and I can escape, but others may not be able to. I remember that many people used their methods at that time. , scrambling to escape from the Forgotten Bar, and the woman’s main target seems to be Wuhuo, she doesn’t pay special attention to us, and doesn’t chase us one by one.”

Harley said: "We don't need to care about the people who escaped. Those who didn't escape at the time will definitely not survive now. Even if Hecate's purpose is not to clean up the wizards in the Forgotten Bar, she won't mind taking the opportunity to do it after the business is done. Clearance."

Bobo frowned and said: "There is definitely no chance of saving people, but I think it is necessary to go back to the Forgotten Bar to investigate the scene.

We need to understand Hecate's reasons for targeting Witchfire.

Think about it, Hecate just suffered a big loss at the hands of Harley. What does she want to do most after leaving Heaven? "

Bateman said slowly: "Under normal circumstances, she would want to increase her strength as soon as possible, or in other words, find a way to deal with Harley.

Harley will not feel honored if she is driven from the battlefield using World Shift.

On the contrary, it was still a great shame for her to avoid confronting Harley.

Moreover, her goal is to harvest the mages of the multiverse. Today, Harley blocks her from harvesting the heavens, and tomorrow it will also interfere with her other actions. "

Bobo nodded and said: "Yes, no matter what the considerations are, Harley is a thorn in her side that must be dealt with as soon as possible."

Sertin murmured: "So, Hecate came to the Forgotten Bar to find the power to deal with Harley, and to occupy the body of Witchfire to increase her power?"

Bobo sighed: "Although we are not sure of the reason, this is probably the fact. Our top priority now is to find the reason.

Only by finding the reasons can we formulate solutions.

If she can really improve her strength quickly, we obviously can't let her do whatever she wants.

And if you want to find the reason, you can't help but return to the Forgotten Bar to investigate the scene. "

Selena asked: "Will the Oblivion Bar be drained of miraculous energy and turned into a blackened stone like the Heaven Realm?"

Bobo touched the long sword "Night Blade" hanging on his waist, shook his head and said: "The Forgotten Bar, like the Night Blade, is bound to my soul. If it disappears completely, I will no longer be able to sense it.

I can still feel its presence now.

However, it seemed so ominous that I didn't dare go back alone. "

"I'll get the power of the king in a week, and we'll go there to check it out together," Harley said.

"Can you still observe the timeline and fate line now? Can you divine the situation of the witch fire?" Bobo asked.

"The realm is still there, but without the blessing of the power of miracles, the effect is much worse." Harley lowered her head and glanced at the beads in her hand, "I will take advantage of this week to make use of the magical power in my hand."

Bateman asked: "Is magical power different from magical power? The Upside Down has the power of magic energy, while Hecate has the power to control magic."

Harley said: "There is indeed a difference, but in the final analysis, they may just be different manifestations of the same power.

Hecate joined our multiverse with magical power, and the power was converted into magical power. The Upside Down still holds the original power and power.

Therefore, they have different methods of harvesting magic debt.

Hecate has all kinds of forbidden curses and divine spells at her fingertips. She even dislikes the weak attacks and slow casting of spells by directly manipulating the rules to show miraculous attack effects.

The Upside Down has never cast magic once. It has power but cannot use complex magic.

It has not been recognized by the multiverse, and has no magical power at all. Well, that guy has absorbed the souls of countless wizards, so it may not have no power. Maybe the power is used to maintain its own existence. After all, its existence is not 'origin' allow. "

She looked at Batman, who was frowning in thought, and warned again: "Don't worry about Hecate's affairs. If she really sets her sights on you, your small body will be refined with just a slight breath." It turned into a puddle of burnt, smelly corpse oil."

"Listen to her, this crisis is really not suitable for you to participate in." Selina immediately persuaded her with worried eyes.

"Don't worry, I usually control my thoughts and don't think about this matter. It's only now that I'm face to face with you that I let my thoughts fly and speak freely." Bateman said.

Harry opened his mouth and wanted to say, "Even if you let your mind wander, you can't come up with any constructive way to overcome the disaster."

In the end she didn't beat him mercilessly.

For Bateman, not thinking about ways to solve the crisis when encountering it is more uncomfortable than dying directly in the crisis.

In the evening, Jason Blood came over.

"What are you doing?" he asked curiously, looking at Harley hanging upside down under the tree.

Harley didn't go down the mountain to meet him.

Ever since Dachao and the others left, she had been hanging upside down under the World Tree again.

When Jason reached the top of the mountain, he saw Harley's left foot hooked on the tree trunk, her body hanging straight, her skirt dropped, even covering her head, and only half of her white calf and a pair of safety pants could be seen. Very weird.

"I'm practicing, what do you want from me?" Harley asked.

Jason raised his head and looked at the half-alien World Tree. He did not continue to ask questions and said directly: "It's not me who is looking for you, it's Etrigan. Etrigan, come out!"

He shouted low, and immediately spewed fire from his seven orifices, transforming into the demon prince Etrigan with fin ears and tawny skin in the flames and black smoke that smelled of sulfur.

"I heard that you will gain the power of the Lord of Heaven in a week?" Etrigen squatted down and asked softly.

Harry was really shocked, "Who did you listen to? I just revealed this confidential information to the public this afternoon, and half a day has not passed, and the news has spread to hell?"

She wouldn't be surprised if Etrigan asked about Heaven and Hecate.

But he actually told the specific time when she was about to gain the power of the king, which was too fucking bad.

Etrigan said: "Don't you know that the 'Wayne Galaxy Hotel' on Arkham Island is already overcrowded? It's full of mages and gods and demons who dream of enjoying the cool air under the big trees.

Wu Huo is your friend, right?

She died in the Oblivion Bar this afternoon. Within two hours, her inheritance, the property opposite Arkham Asylum, was taken over by some extraordinary boss with connections, and he has probably moved in now.

Even the hotels and real estate on Arkham Island are so popular and have attracted the attention of countless extraordinary beings.

You should have some idea of ​​how many people should be watching your door at all times, right?

When Superman, Bateman and others left, everyone saw it.

They certainly wouldn't dare to take action directly, but the extraordinary ones have the means and ways to get information from them.

For example, let a magic hero who has a close relationship with the supernatural world go directly to the Hall of Justice to ask him face to face.

For example, eavesdropping on a conversation between Superman and his wife.

Superman is not a talkative person, but his wife seems to be very curious. Now she is even secretly collecting information, planning to produce a complete set of "The Upside Down Series", "The Hecate Series", "The Ancient Gods of Heaven and Hecate" in the future. "Carter's Grudges and Enmities". Ordinary gods and demons cannot eavesdrop on their conversations, but if it is a professional counterpart, the First Fallen, the result will be different. "

The skirt covered Harley's head, preventing Etrigan from seeing her somewhat twisted face.

"Fortunately, I saved my time and turned two days into a week." She said with emotion.

"Two days?" There was doubt and disapproval in Etrigan's eyes, "I'm afraid it's just two days, isn't it a lie? Others don't know how long it takes to open the door to heaven, so don't those who first fall from hell know?

As long as Silver City is willing, it can open the door in an instant.

The so-called 'a week later' should be a smoke bomb you threw out deliberately.

When the Upside Down or Hecate rushes over to eliminate the hidden danger, they will fall into the trap of you and Silver City. "

"Etrigan, you are so smart. You have completely seen through my plan. However, why did you come to me this time? Do you want to join my ambush plan?" Harley said.

Etrigen hesitated for a while, then asked softly: "Have you turned on God to descend to earth now, blocking outsiders' perception and prediction?"

"After the magic debt crisis started, the masters of prophecy in the multiverse almost lost their jobs collectively. As the Upside Down and Hecate arbitrarily twisted the rules and continued to act in reverse, the river of destiny became more chaotic and prediction became even more impossible," said Harley.

"I came to you this time because of my father, Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies."

"Oh, I almost forgot, your father died not long ago, Etrigan, please give me my condolences. There is no sadness on your face, no sadness in your heart, but you are a little anxious. Why?"

As soon as Harry casually comforted her, she immediately realized that her sadness had not been touched at all.

There is no sorrow in Etrigan's heart!

Etrigan's voice was even lower, "I have no father-son relationship with that bastard at all. I will only be happy when he dies. How can I be sad? In fact, I was the one who killed him."

He said the last sentence very freely and proudly.

"You mean, at the Alliance Conference, you ran around for Beelzebub just to let him die and be killed by the Upside Down?" Harley asked in surprise.

Etrigan said with a proud smile: "That's right, I asked you to intercede and ask you to help him remove the weak seal of the waist-cutting sword, just to make him the leader of the Hell Legion.

He didn't even have the ambition to participate in the magic debt crisis at the beginning. It was me who stimulated him with "worries" such as "The inner dragon will seize the magic debt and become the only Satan", which made him greedy for the magic debt.

Hey, stimulate his ambition, restore his strength, and then bring Heaven into the game, and eliminate his last worries with the competing Angel Legion, and he is indeed eaten by the Upside Down, haha, what a joy! "

Harley was a little surprised, but not too shocked.

When the Magic Alliance Conference was held earlier, she felt that Etrigan behaved strangely.

However, she also had some doubts in her heart, suspecting that Etrigan was bragging, "You are bewitching your father, I believe it, but can you still instigate Silver City to form an angel army?"

Etrigan said triumphantly: “I definitely can’t make Heaven do what Heaven doesn’t want to do.

But it is not too difficult to take advantage of the situation and push the situation to push Silver City to do what they desperately want to do but are a little hesitant.

During the exchange with the angels who came to discuss the 'Magic Alliance', I guessed the determination of Silver City, so I deliberately said - the benefits of magic debt are too great, and the position of Satan has been unresolved, hell will definitely spend all its money to form a permanent alliance. Super legion.

The Angels immediately stated that they had long had the idea of ​​forming a legion.

Then I turned around and told my dad that Silver City was going to form a legion, and the Archangel would personally lead it.

He immediately put aside his worries and put everything on the line, including himself.

After that bastard was severely injured and weakened by the waist-cutting sword, he always wanted to eat me to replenish his body, but now he was killed by me, hehehehe."

"Etrigan, you are such a bastard." Harley said.

"Thank you. Being praised by Witch Harley is the greatest compliment for my conspiracy." He smiled even happier.

If you praise the devil as a "good person", the devil will be very angry, because in hell, saying that the devil is a "good person" is a curse.

On the contrary, calling the devil a "bastard" is a compliment.

"Now that you have successfully deceived Dad and completely regained your freedom, what else do you want to do with me?" Harley asked.

If a human kills his father, no matter how repeated the reasons are, Harley will feel a little uncomfortable.

The devil had a different story.

First of all, she has relatively low requirements for demons.

After all, he is already a demon, and if you still ask him to be of noble character, isn't it like asking for fish from a tree or making fire from a lake?

Secondly, the ethics of hell demons are completely opposite to humans. Humans pay attention to fatherly kindness and filial piety, while demons ruthlessly squeeze and exploit.

Rather than saying that Etrigan is killing his father, it is better to say that he is getting over his own magical debt crisis.

To Etrigan, a hundred Hecates plus a hundred Upside Downs were not as scary, abominable, and hateful as his own demon king father.

"My father is only dead, but not completely dead." Etrigan looked at her with complicated eyes and said, "Without you, he would probably be completely dead.

But first you beat up the Infernal Man, and today you made Hecate howl in agony.

Coupled with the power of the king in heaven, I think you will overthrow the Upside Down sooner or later, rush into the Upside Down's home domain, seize its magic debt, and rescue the angels and first fallen who were slaughtered by it. "

Harley smiled and said: "Your father and I are not close, you know this, I will not save him."

"If you go by your own will, not only will you not save my father, but you will not save Uriel, but I dare say that heaven will definitely let you save Uriel and the angels.

Fallen angels are also angels.

When you have the ability to attack the 'Weird Mother Realm', the 'Voice of Heaven' will let you fish out the fallen angels by the way.

Of course, it is also possible that after you hand over part of the magic debt to Silver City, they can go to the 'Weird Motherland' to fish for people without you having to do it yourself. "

Harley stopped laughing and sighed again: "You're such a tall guy, but I didn't expect you to be so thoughtful and think so far.

Okay, I understand your request. When I enter the 'Weird Mother Realm' one day, I will definitely kill your father, and then hand over his origin to you, so that you can become the second 'Rachel'. "

A look of surprise appeared on Etrigan's yellow face, "I originally expected you to take me to the Strange Mother Realm with you, but I didn't expect that, Harley, you are so kind. I really don't know how to thank you."

"Alas, saying thank you is too superficial, just killing your dad casually, a trivial matter.

If you feel sorry for yourself, you can do me a little favor.

I offended the Upside Down and Hecate successively. They couldn't do anything to me, and they might take it out on my little brother.

Please help me make a trip to bring back all the priests and priests from the Paradise Mountain sect from the alien planet and place them on the Hero Island at the gate of hell.

I cut off a small piece of my stomach bag earlier to place it on Ark Continent. That piece of stomach bag is hidden on Hero Island.

You tell those priests that if you feel that life on Hero Island is boring, you can use the teleportation spell to enter the Ark Continent. "

"I will complete the task perfectly!" Etrigan assured him, patting his chest.

Whether it's helping to kill the father, or letting the devil protect the priest, it sounds strange and weird, but the atmosphere at the scene is very warm and heartwarming.

After talking about his father, Etrigan did not leave.

He still stayed on the top of the mountain to continue discussing with Harley the defense deployment of the Gate of Hell and the plans of the First Fallen from Hell.

"After my father was eaten by the Upside Down, he is now the first fallen person in hell to follow the lead of the inner dragon.

Neilong basically agrees with your request.

When the Upside Down or Hecate approaches the gate of hell, the First Fallen will unite all the demons with titles in hell and fully activate their own hell power to help you limit the enemy.

Just like what the Mother of Night did in the Battle of the Night Realm.

But after today's battle between you and Hecate, Neilong and the others have new ideas. "

Etrigan gave her a strange look, "If you are willing to completely join Hell with the magic debt and share part of the magic debt with them, they can serve you as the new Satan. Don't worry about your sincerity, the devil's words will definitely not mean anything. , but they also absolutely obey authority.”

"Nonsense! I am Brother God's 'Harley sister', how can I fall into hell and become Satan? Tell them to stop daydreaming, let alone share the magic debt. Even if they give me the magic debt in return, I will not I will betray Brother God, and I will always be His most well-behaved and loving sister." Harley refused righteously.

"Are you really not moved at all? The Satan of Hell is almost equal to the King of Silver City. As for God's 'Harley Sister', haven't you seen through the nature of heaven and hell yet?

Light and darkness are two sides of the same coin. God, that bastard takes both black and white! "Etrigan said with disdain.

Harley asked back: "You have been living in hell for all these years, which demon has enjoyed the 'protection of God'? In the system of heaven and hell, the authority of the king or Satan is not the most important.

The most important thing is always God’s love.

With His care, one can still be the boss without any authority at all. "

Etrigan mused, isn't she the most obvious example?

Well, Harley's "god coming to earth" was just a hoax, a disguise for her defensive force field.

Strictly speaking, Harley has never really enjoyed "Brother God's love". It's not like she has no love at all. If God didn't like her, she would have been kicked out of heaven long ago.

It can only be said that His love is not as good as everyone guessed, and it surpasses the three angel kings.

And what she said was not a shirk.

God only needs fallen angels, but he will never love fallen ones.

Etrigen said: "If you don't want to be Satan, you can also——"

"Harley, Harley, something big happened!"

Before the Demon Prince finished speaking, Madam Xanadu ran over panting.

Without saying hello to Etrigan, she said urgently: "Amanda Waller called, Dr. Mist was harvested by the 'Magic Envoy'!

Harley, Tim has fallen, and he has become the evil enchanter predicted in the original prophecy. "

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