I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1898 The house was stolen

Many days ago.

New Koru home planet.

Less than 200 meters away from the Cathedral of Paradise Hill is the "Celestial King in Colu" bar.

“Cheers~~~Here’s to A Bao, long live A Bao~~~”

Hundreds of Earthlings packed the bar to capacity.

Everyone was in high spirits, raising their glasses and cheering to Po on the table in the middle of the ballroom.

At this time, Abao's face was glowing and full of high spirits, just like going back to the time when he first became the commander-in-chief of the United States 8 years ago.

"Everyone, respect General Galaxy. We must respect the Martial God King. Without the Martial God King who is so powerful in the multiverse, there will be no compromise from the Kelu government. The Martial God King will always be there~~~"

Abao yelled and drank the starlight purple liquid in the cup first.

"Respect to Admiral Yinhe, and also to A Bao."

Former Acting Secretary of Commerce Hemingway said loudly: "The King of Martial Gods has already shaken up the multiverse, but before, the Koru people had no intention of paying us compensation and wanted to drive us away from New Koru.

If you hadn't led us to fight bravely, Abao, even sacrificing his life to attack the flying car of Kelu leader Yeruni at the gate of the Kelu Academy of Sciences, the Kelu people would not compromise. "

"Yes, Admiral Galaxy is of course the fundamental guarantee for us to dare to argue with reason, but the only one who truly dares to sacrifice his life to fight for the interests of our compatriots on Earth is you, Abao. I want to support you in becoming the commander-in-chief of the United States."

"Why are you the commander-in-chief of the United States? Didn't the Colu people give us compensation for immigrating to Colu and settling in New Colu? We can learn from those elites of the Celestial Dynasty.

After they received the compensation, they immediately purchased a property in Xinkelu, just like Boss Wang of this bar.

In just a few days, they had established a small Chinatown near Heavenly Hill Cathedral.

If all of us on Earth unite and become New Korlu people, we can at least make Abao a city councilor in the capital city of Korlu in the future.

With Po's ability and his reputation as Admiral of the Galaxy, Po may not be able to participate in the election of Colu and run for the supreme leader of Colu! "

"Yes, stay in Coru and be a glorious Coru people. We are Coru people and we can also participate in the election of Coru. As long as we work together, it will be easy for Abao to become a city councilor! Congressmen of Coru can be compared to the mere president of the United States, Mrs. Gao. Too much~~~~"

"Colu Councilor A Bao, Colu Councilor A Bao~~"

The Earth Run people who received a large amount of "compensation for the death of their parents, wives and children" shouted in unison.

Even the bar's boss Wang, who is of Chinese descent and is a Kelu citizen, also joined them in making noises.

A Bao's red "middle-aged face" revealed a look of emotion.

"Thank you for your support, thank you, I will seriously consider it."

The carnival lasted from afternoon to dawn the next day.

When the celebrating EarthRun people dispersed, "RunRen executives" such as A Bao, former acting US Congressman Doss, and former Commerce Secretary Hemingway did not leave the bar immediately.

Boss Wang also prepared a private room for them.

"Doss, Hemingway, and everyone else, what do you think of everyone's suggestions? Some of the people on Earth who survived the Kolu Starburst returned to Earth immediately after taking the money.

But many more stayed.

According to the "Kolu Immigration Act", we can also bring our relatives from far away on earth in the future.

They can also become noble Korru.

In this way, hundreds of thousands of survivors instantly 'reproduced' millions or tens of millions of 'Earth-born Korru people'.

With everyone working together, it is not a luxury to get a seat as a Colu city councillor. "

Ah Bao said this, but there was an obvious look of hesitation on his face.

"There is really no way for a mere city councilor to compare with the commander-in-chief of the United States." Doss mused: "Twenty years ago, all the commander-in-chiefs of the United States combined would not be as noble as an ordinary person with a high level of civilization.

But today is different from the past. You have also seen the treatment that bastard Sam Lane enjoyed on the planet Kelu.

He is not only a distinguished guest on the planet Kelu, he is even a superstar among countless leaders of advanced civilizations.

The number of interviews he has received from extraterrestrial reporters and the amount of news coverage he has given him exceed that of any other extraterrestrial leader.

Countless advanced alien civilizations have also issued formal diplomatic invitations to him. As long as he is willing, he can not return to Earth for the next four years and live under the flashlight of alien media, surrounded and praised by countless alien nobles. On various rich and powerful alien capital planets.

Even if he comes to Earth, he will often receive visiting alien heads of state. Think about the former commander-in-chief Zetas. By virtue of his status as commander-in-chief, he even became the father-in-law of the queen of a high alien civilization. "

“Alas, the world is changing almost as fast as Harley Quinn’s power is increasing.

20 years ago, she was a female gangster who fought with the GCPD on the streets of Gotham with a troll.

20 years ago we didn't even have contact with extraterrestrial civilizations.

20 years later she became the strongest person in the multiverse.

Today, 20 years later, the son of the commander-in-chief of the United States married the queen of a high alien civilization, and the commander-in-chief himself considered him to be a perfect match. "

Hemingway touched his smooth and tender cheeks and said: "If you are just content with being a rich man, it would be more comfortable to immigrate to Colu and become a city councilor.

But now we have completed the 'gene adjustment surgery' that the Kolu people secretly promised.

Although we, like ordinary people, only receive 1.5 million Kolu gold shields for the death of a family member, we have noble Kolu genes implanted in our bodies!

Our lifespan has at least doubled, and we can live at least 200 years!

Ah Bao, although you are nearly eighty years old now, if calculated as 200 years old, you have just reached middle age!

We still follow the original plan and return to Earth to get married, have children, and make a comeback in the political arena. "

Abao nodded slightly, "If we want to go back, we can't just go back with a few of us, we have to bring back all the hundreds of thousands of Earthlings in Kelu.

They were originally celebrities from all walks of life, the upper-class elites in the United States who had the right to speak.

Even though their parents, wife and children were dead now, they also received a compensation that would be considered a huge sum of money in Colu.

The house price outside the third ring road of Cluj capital is only 8,000 Clu gold shields.

If one father dies, it is enough to buy a 200-square-meter mansion. If all the parents die, one can add a shop to the mansion. If one dies of one's parents, wife and four children, one can live in peace and enjoy themselves in Colu. "

"The Corlu star explosion killed tens of millions of people on earth, which is equivalent to 15 trillion Coru gold shields!

If I can get the support of this fund, I will have no problem becoming the 'Commander of the Earth'. "A Bao said with fiery eyes.

Doss frowned and said: "You have a good idea, but Americans were not the only ones who were killed on Kelu. They have little interest in the American election."

"You don't need all of it, just one-tenth of the 15 trillion to return to the United States and fully support me, I am——"

Abao wanted to raise his hands and shout, "I am God on earth."

But when the words reached his throat, he shuddered slightly and swallowed back the rebellious words.

"What they expect from you is to stay in Cluj as a city councilor to safeguard their interests in Cluj." Hemingway hesitated.

"I will convince them, and we will convince them together." Abao said confidently.

Doss hesitated for a moment and said: "Abao, I'm afraid I can't stay in Kelu for too long. Maybe you can return to Earth with me."

Abao frowned and said: "What are you talking about? You are my deputy. We have planned a big fight. You-"

Doss waved his hand and said: "I just miss my daughter, son, and my mother."

His eyes were red and his nose was sore. He covered half of his face with his hands and said gloomily: "Even if I can get married again and have children, I still can't forget them.

Frankly speaking, if I were given a chance to rush in, beat me to death and make me bankrupt, I would not go to Kelu. "

The excitement on Abao's face also dissipated, and he said sadly: "I miss my daughter too, my baby."

He rubbed his sore nose and said helplessly: "But now, what's the use of regretting it? Not even the Galaxy Admiral can rewrite the reality with the participation of the Omega Titans."

Doss hesitated for a moment and asked softly: "Have you heard of 'Morning Star'?"

Several people had strange looks in their eyes, but did not speak.

Abao wondered: "Is it some advanced alien civilization, or is it the legendary 'hero's paradise' that can guide lovers out of the Mysterious Star Territory?"

Doss reached into his pocket and took out a small red card.

He said nothing, only carefully placed the card on the table, and then observed everyone's reactions with a careful look.

The card is about the same size as an ID card, and is red like blood. There is a golden five-pointed star in the center, and "Morning Star" is written in English below. Other than that, there are no other decorations or words.

Although it was simple in style and single in color, everyone who only saw the red card had the terrifying hallucination of blood rushing towards them at the same time.

But it also has an inexplicable attraction that makes people want to reach out and pick it up.

Abao couldn't help but put his hand up.

Before he could pick up the card, Hemingway suddenly slapped the back of his hand.

"Bang!" Not to mention Abao, the other bystanders were also shocked.

"Don't touch it, it seems to be related to"

Hemingway was a little excited, but he shouted and then silenced with a distorted expression.

Sweat could be seen oozing from his forehead.

"Is this a discount card given to you by Boss Wang?" Abaoqiang smiled and said a cold joke.

He also vaguely understood something, but he didn't say it directly.

Doss shook his head and said: "Boss Wang has not even become an Earthling, so how can he use the flag of his mother country as a discount card logo?"

He pointed at the golden five-pointed star and said: "This is not a five-pointed star, but a five-pointed star."

"Pentagram" Abao sighed, "Well, when I was still working as a comedian in Hollywood, I heard my friends talk about the 'Morning Star'.

But "Daystar" only existed for a few years. I never heard the name again in East Coast cities, and my friend committed suicide. "

Abao shifted his gaze from the red card to Doss's face and asked, "I have never figured out the specific situation, and I have never seen this kind of 'Morning Star Card', even though I later became the commander-in-chief of the United States. "

"I was not joking when I said there was a shadow government in the United States! They didn't tell me many secrets," he cursed.

Doss's eyes flashed slightly and he said: "That matter is really complicated to talk about.

Back then, Demon King Mammon gathered people to form a "Witch Hunting Brigade", but the whole army was wiped out. You know, demons are equivalent to Hedao forces in the supernatural world.

If an area suddenly loses a group of big guys, other gangs will inevitably come to plant their flags.

Daystar’s base camp is on the east coast, so it’s a bit over the top.

Later, even "Los Angeles", the city soul of Los Angeles, also wanted to fight for power and profit.

‘Los Angeles’ belongs to the Sitting Tiger, and it is not yet called Los Angeles in Los Angeles. Before our ancestors expanded their territory to Los Angeles, He was the absolute master of the local area and had the power to resume his rule.

But He himself lacks strength or is unwilling to take risks.

'Los Angeles' seduced a genius mage named 'Constantine', who cleaned up the 'Dark Pier' in Los Angeles one by one, and the Morning Star was also uprooted. "

"I seem to have heard of 'Constantine'. Is he a friend of Harley's? Was Harley involved in this matter?" Abao asked.

Doss shook his head and said: "How could the dignified General of the Galaxy care about such a trivial matter?

Constantine was her friend, but when Constantine was executed in Los Angeles, Harley Quinn didn't even show her face. Maybe she didn't know about it. "

"I remember Constantine is not dead," Abao said doubtfully.

"Constantine was betrayed by 'Los Angeles' and sold to the devils. Fortunately, he survived." Doss explained: "'Los Angeles' used Constantine to eliminate the demonic forces in Los Angeles while colluding with the devil of hell.

He is very smart and knows that he, a city spirit, cannot monopolize a prosperous metropolis.

He is just fighting for power and gaining benefits, not a righteous man who exorcises evil spirits and eliminates harm. "

Abao looked at him and said thoughtfully: "You know so much about the affairs of the extraordinary world, no wonder you have an invitation card from 'Morning Star'."

Doss shook his head again and said with a wry smile: "You may not believe it, but I accidentally picked up this card in the hotel suite."

Abao was startled, "Is this the current 'Kelu Travel Hotel'? Oh my God, Daystar's business has expanded to Kelu?!"

Doss pondered: "There is an old saying in the supernatural world, where there is Christ, there must be demons.

While Harley Quinn guides the light of heaven to the planets in the universe, she also casts dark shadows in the sunless corners of the alien planets. "

Hemingway doubted: "If it is said that the Koru people capture demons for scientific research, I believe it, but it can be said that they believe in demons. Even compared to God, they are more willing to believe in science."

Dos said: “I didn’t say the card was placed in my bedroom by the Koru people.

Even if the power of hell comes to Kelu, it will be the people on earth who act as "dark missionaries".

Maybe the person who placed the small card is next to us, or is an acquaintance of ours. "

Having said this, he glanced at the people present with strange eyes, and said with a meaningful smile: "Don't you all know about the 'Morning Star'?

It’s not surprising that there are several hell worshipers among the Americans on Planet Kelu, helping ‘Morning Star’ to distribute small cards and earn ‘Hell Merits’. "

Some people lowered their heads and hid their faces in the shadows, some had wandering eyes and unconsciously touched their noses with their hands, and some smiled in embarrassment.

"Nowadays, the supernatural world is no longer mysterious to ordinary people, let alone us well-informed upper-class elites?"

Abao excused everyone, then turned his attention to the red card and said, "Doss, what can this card do? What are you going to do?

Understanding demons is nothing, but if you want to deal with them. Old friend Doss, I advise you to be cautious, they are not to be messed with! "

Doss looked down at the small card in his hand and said softly: "There was also a line of words on the card at that time, a picture, the words 'Do you want to see your family' on the front, and a photo of them before their death on the back.

Po, I know the horrors of hell and demons better than you do, but I really miss them."

"Moreover, even if we don't look for them now, will we be able to avoid them in the future?" His voice became softer.

Abao immediately thought of his beloved daughter.

He visited Harley last time to inquire about his daughter. If nothing else happened, that cute, beautiful and filial daughter has fallen into hell now.

"What do they want? We don't need to look for them. Black magicians can also help communicate with the souls in hell." He was a little tempted, but he was too afraid of dealing with demons.

In view of the fact that information about the gods, demons and angels of the supernatural world has gradually become known to the public in recent years, heroic groups such as the Justice League and the Justice League Dark have also begun to actively popularize the taboos of the supernatural world and the costs of violating taboos.

For example, the famous cosmic legend Louise once went deep into the supernatural world to collect materials and produced more than 50 issues of "The Price of Staring into Hell".

The 50 episodes listed more than two thousand cases.

Without exception, as long as they are exposed to demons and black magic, they will not end well.

Later, Zaulie became an "Internet V" and warned the people of the earth countless times not to come into contact with demons.

Even though Po is pretentious, he is not so arrogant as to think that he can get benefits from the devil without paying the price.

"It's better to go to the devil than to go to the Galaxy Admiral." He added.

Doss asked: "Didn't you find Harley Quinn last time? Did she help you?"

Abao sighed helplessly: "She probably has no intention of helping, and she really can't help me. If I want her to help, I have to do it before death, at least before the soul sets foot in the realm of death."

"Do you know Robert Queen? The former head of the Star City Quinn Group and the father of Green Arrow's Oliver Queen." Doss asked again.

Abao nodded, "I often saw him in Los Angeles in the early years. He was as handsome as me when he was young, and he was also a playboy like me. Well, even I am ashamed of his dissoluteness."

"I saw him again during the last dark night crisis. He became a member of the Hell Guard House, with 100 powerful demon knights under his command. I saw him touch the succubus knight lustfully with my own eyes. Butt drum. Obviously, even if you go to hell and have a big boss protecting you, your situation will be completely different.

If Harley Quinn really wanted to help, she could bring our family to the Hell Tower.

But not only was she unwilling to lend a helping hand in time during the crisis on Kelu, she was also unwilling to compensate us afterwards."

Abao frowned and said, "I'm not speaking for her, but brother Doss, isn't this the first day you met her?

She is not a superhero and has no philosophy or responsibility to save people from danger. "

"We are not ordinary people! We know her, we are her acquaintances and friends, old friends for many years." Doss said excitedly.

——But she may not know you, even if you have been a member of Congress many years ago and "served in the same court" as her. Even he, the former commander-in-chief, dare not say how much friendship he has with her.

Abao didn't think so, but he didn't intend to stab him in the heart with the "spear of truth".

He had vaguely understood Doss's plan, and began to plan for a good future for his daughter who had fallen into hell.

"Doss, you want to find the big boss of Daystar to support your family? Is he reliable?"

Doss whispered: "My trump card is the more than 20 million corru gold shields in my hand. This money also has a lot of temptation for the devil.

I think the ‘Morning Star’ brand has already reached Kelu Star, so it’s not like there are no rules at all.

If we can agree, we'll talk. If we can't, we'll withdraw.

At least I have worked hard and fought for the "lumberjack" who fell into hell.

Regardless of whether it works or not, I will feel much better. "

He touched his younger and plumper cheeks and said, "This can be regarded as saying goodbye to the past life. Even if you want to start a new life, you must say 'goodbye' to the past decently and easily."

"Tired of logging"

Abao's heart was moved, and Hemingway and several other "Abao Party cadres" beside him were also moved.

"If we go with you and do nothing, will they force me to do something?"

Dos said: "Probably not, the devil's method is to induce, the higher the level of the devil, the more 'tasteful' it is, and the less likely it is to force people.

What they enjoy is the process of our depravity, not the pleasure of killing us. Of course, I do not deny that there are demons who enjoy violence, but they are often just thugs and will not be arranged by the hell boss to be the 'shopkeeper' in the human world.

What we really need to worry about is whether we can guard our hearts and whether we can firmly resist the beautiful temptations offered by the devil. "

"Must go back to Earth? Kelu has a small card, and there is probably a Venus branch." Abao said.

Doss said firmly: "Maybe there is a Morning Star branch in Colu, but I still want to return to Earth. Returning to Earth is the safest place."

“Why would the Earth be safer?”

"Just yesterday, Heaven and Hell held a Magic Alliance Conference on Earth."

Doss gave an overview of the situation at the Magic Conference, "Countless First Fallen and ancient demons have entered the earth without being killed by the witches. Ahem, one of the main conditions for not being killed by the Galaxy Admiral is that the demons are absolutely Behave yourself and don’t cause trouble.”

"If there is such a rule, are you sure that it is indeed safest to go to the Morning Star Club on Earth during this period? How did you know about the Magic Conference?" Abao asked curiously.

Doss patted his pocket, "I have the Paradise Mountain phone, and I still have my old friends in Congress."

After a pause, he hesitated and said: "You should have noticed by now that I know a lot about things in the supernatural world.

In fact, I was responsible for this when I was a member of Parliament.

The government cannot control the extraordinary world, but the government must understand the basic situation of the extraordinary world. "

Abao said with a dull face: "When I became the commander-in-chief, you were a member of the parliament. At that time, you never told me these things, even if I took the initiative to inquire about it many times."

"At that time, I was still Sam Lane's comrade-in-arms and good friend." Doss said with a complicated expression.

He hated Sam Lane for not stopping him at the airport.

But he also understood that Sam Lane really wanted him to stay at that time. If he had listened to Sam at that time, it would not be his fault for not listening to Sam Lane.

It’s just that Sam Lane is unloyal!

Sam Lane knew that the Omega Titan would give priority to the advanced civilization, but he refused to reveal such an important secret to him. He watched helplessly as he led dozens of people in his family directly to the "crisis", the most advanced civilization in the material universe. desert".

Sam Lane be damned!

He was at odds with him for the rest of his life.

After completing the genetic modification surgery, he can live to be two hundred years old. Even if Sam Lane burps, he will not let go of his descendants.

Now, Gotham, Manhattan.


"Are we going to Morning Star now?"

In the limited edition "Wayne Model Z" flying car, Po wiped the hot sweat from his forehead and asked nervously.

"Isn't this why we came all the way back to Earth from Colu?" Doss glanced at him and said calmly: "If you are worried, you can get off the car and go back to the hotel by yourself, and I will go there alone. "

Hemingway and several "senior cadres of the Abao Party" immediately said: "We have no intention of retreating."

Abao also quickly explained: "I'm not worried, I'm just curious about the 'Yanzhong Sword Trials'.

You have also seen that from a few kilometers away, you can hear the noise coming from the foot of Lishan Mountain.

At this moment, there are thousands of alien elite players undergoing the Mountain Sword Trial!

Should we try it? Maybe he can also become a member of the ‘Chaos Legion’.

If we pull out the sword from the mountain, we will become gods in one fell swoop!

Needless to say, power, even the terrifying Omega Titan was chopped up by the Sword of Entropy. As a member of the 'Chaos Legion', Harley will definitely not let the 'Demon Armed Forces', chosen one among a trillion, die in a hundred years. She will definitely help We live forever and stay young forever. "

Although they are greedy, they are not ignorant and impulsive.

Before going to Daystar, I asked an expert about "Daystar" and the red card.

The expert held the red card with envy on his face and explained: This is a rare "senior deacon invitation". The five-pointed star in the center of the red card represents the rank, and the gold color is the highest level.

What the experts mean is that Daystar is recruiting high-level "Hell Butlers" instead of randomly posting small advertisements to attract customers to "come into the store and spend money." A boss from hell took a fancy to Speaker Doss's "unparalleled talent" and wanted to invite him to join his team.

The "Senior Deacon" is comparable to the Cardinal Archbishop of the Heavenly Mountain Sect, very awesome and very rare (ps).

Falling into hell, falling into hell and being oppressed, and going into hell to dominate and oppress others are two completely different concepts for people like Abao.

They are afraid of being robbed and oppressed by demons, but they do not reject them at all. They even very much desire to become "masters of hell".

So Doss suddenly started to show off, and now Abao was a little bit flattered by him. It was clear that he was the great leader of their "Abao Party".

"What the hell do you think? Based on our conditions, we can't even be considered human warriors. Even if Yamanaka Sword is blind, he won't choose us." Doss said disapprovingly.

"Even if you fail, you can still gain a lot by competing with representatives of alien elites." Abao said.

Hemingway shook his cell phone and said: "The alien representatives' trial has ended long ago. No one has passed. The press release has been sent out. Who are you competing with?

Even if you rushed there a few hours earlier, the alien leaders have already entered Lishan Manor. Can you get in? "

Abao muttered: "I am friends with Harley, she will definitely not shut me out."

"So what if we meet the alien leader? Sam Lane was also there at the time. They must have looked at us as if we were looking at stinky shit. Are you willing to be stinky shit?"

Abao stopped talking.

"Get out of the car, we're here."

As he spoke, Doss did not stop.

At this time, the flying car had landed steadily in front of a building on Broadway.

A young white guy in a suit came over and asked. Doss didn't explain much, he just took out the small red card and shook it.

The white guy immediately led them into the underground garage with a respectful expression, and then took the elevator from the second floor to the negative 66th floor.

"Dear guests, please continue walking in. There will be a higher-level receptionist in front of you." The young man stood at the elevator door and extended his hand as an invitation, but he did not leave the elevator.

The corridor outside the elevator was so dark that you couldn't see your fingers, and even if you listened hard, you couldn't hear any sound.

Everyone hesitated and wanted to ask again, but as soon as they left the elevator, the elevator door closed immediately and they left quickly.

"Let's go!" Doss said with a dry mouth and strode into the darkness.

He believed what the experts said. They found more than one expert, and the knowledgeable experts all said the same thing. It was definitely not a scam.

They don't deserve it.

It was strange. There was no sound at all and no light at the entrance of the corridor. But after walking a few steps forward, the sound of music could be heard in front of him, and a dark red light filled the air.

Finally Doss opened a curtain, and the space suddenly became bright.

The wall was as red as blood, and there was a five-pointed star on the wall. There was a counter beside the wall, and behind the counter there was a beautiful woman in a sexy sleeveless dress.

She should be very beautiful, but her facial features look a little strange, mainly because her eyes are too widely spaced.

"Miss, I found this in the hotel suite, and it led me here." Doss didn't know how to greet the other party, so he could only take out the red card and looked at her eagerly.

The woman looked at the card, a red light flashed in her eyes, "You seem to have come to the wrong place."

"Ah, isn't this the Morning Star Club?" Doss looked at the five-pointed star on the wall and wondered.

"This is the headquarters of the Morning Star Club. You should go to Kelu. Please wait a moment." The woman closed her eyes and was silent for a few seconds, and then opened more than thirty eyes at once.

More than thirty densely packed eyes suddenly opened between her wide eyes, and there were ugly and tiny demonic scales around the eyes.

"Ah!!" Dos Abao and others were startled.

"Don't be nervous, I just want you to make sure who you are dealing with." She pointed to the wooden door behind her and said, "Mr. President has been waiting for you for several days and is already a little impatient, but he is still willing to see you.

Now, I want to make it clear to you the basic rules of the ‘Daystar’ Club.

First of all, we are not mortals, and mortal rules are not valid for us. From the moment we step into this door, everything must be according to our rules.

In addition, we do not judge how the powerful have fun. There is no video or written record. You let go of all moral and legal constraints.

Daystar guarantees everyone's satisfaction, and any wish you have can become a reality behind our doors.

But this comes at a cost.

All miracles come with a price, right? "

Doss cleared his throat and said, "Miss, this is a job invitation letter. I'm here to apply, right?"

"That's right, but there are other people around you. Even you yourself have a 'dark wish', don't you?" The multi-eyed girl smiled.

"Well, you continue." Doss said.

The multi-eyed woman shrugged, "No, there is only one rule here. After paying a certain price, you can do whatever you want, including to me."

She pressed her big breasts against Doss' arm.

"I understand, please take us to see Mr. Penny."

Doss would enjoy it better if she didn't keep all her eyes open, and now he just wanted to get away from her.

As she led the way, she kept rubbing his buttocks with her triangular devil tail.

Along the way, Abao, Doss and the others saw many people and many scenes of depravity and horror that were difficult to watch.

Among them are their acquaintances, some of whom are torturing others, and some of whom are being tortured.

Knives, whips, saws, red wine, dollar bills, blood, men, women. It seems that all depraved and sinful things that can be described in words have happened here.

Strangely enough, Abao and the others did not feel fear. Instead, an uncontrollable twisted hunger arose from the bottom of their hearts: to join them, to become one of them, to let go of the moral and legal shackles that have bound their hands and feet since birth, Open your arms to embrace the ultimate depravity and freedom.

The more depraved they are, the freer they are, the freer they are, the more depraved they are, and the more depraved they are, the happier they are. These messy thoughts are like beans covered with warm and moist gauze, quickly growing dense bean sprouts in their hearts.

After entering the "President's Office" in the innermost room, except for the multi-eyed female demon, all the humans who came over let out a sigh of relief.

"Doss, you shouldn't be here." Penny, the First Fallen behind the desk, said calmly.

"Ah, Mr. Penny, it's you!" Doss was a little surprised, "The president of Daystar Club is actually you~~~"

Not only did he meet Penny, but he also met his old friend not many times, and the friendship was not very deep, but they did meet him thirty years ago.

Before today, he had always thought that Penny was just a minority shareholder of a small securities company.

Well, not only was Penny's securities firm insignificant, he himself was not a big boss.

"I have followed your every move on the planet Kelu. Your shamelessness and cunning are as admirable to me as ever, and the darkness and pain in your heart are also endlessly memorable to me.

I planned to let you develop your career on Kelu, but why did you come back? "

"I didn't know you asked me to be responsible for the affairs of Kelu. I was afraid."

Penny waved his hand and said: "Okay, let's make a long story short. Your mission is to corrupt the Earth Run people who stay in Kelu and draw as many of them into the Morning Star Club as possible.

I really looked down on you before, but now you have made a fortune by using the lives of your relatives, and you are still full of seductive depravity. As long as you give them a little push, their souls will be the best assets. Food! "

He pointed at Abao and others, with admiration on his face and greed in his eyes, and said: "Just like them, Abao Tesla, Dom Hemingway, and Gene Carter. Tsk tsk, they are all the best among the Klurun people. !”

Abaoqiang smiled and said: "Mr. Penny, I just accompanied Doss here to apply for the job. I am his friend, that's all."

"Hehe, I have seen through the dark desires in your heart. Abao, you belong to me and to hell. Believe me, you can't escape."

Penny let out a weird laugh, which made Abao's scalp tingle and regret surge in his heart.

"Doss, the second phase of your mission is to use the fallen people of the Earth on the planet Kolu as the foundation to infiltrate my power and teachings into Kolu society. It is best to make the 'Morning Star' the national religion of Kolu.

Like Senagon worshiping the Seven Demons.

In return, I will grant you power and titles based on your merits.

With the title and power, you can take care of your relatives yourself without having to beg anyone. "

Doss turned his head and glanced at his companion, hesitatingly saying: "Lord Penny, I don't even understand your teachings, and I don't know how to do it. Besides me, do you have any other colleagues in Keru Morning Star?"

Penny stared into his eyes and said with a smile: "My teaching is 'securities trading', all you need to do is-"

"Bang~~~" The door was violently kicked open, and two people appeared at the door.

One is the multi-eyed woman who just left the "front desk manager", and the other is it has a human appearance. Its skin is like a transparent and flexible plastic shell. The inside of the plastic shell is haphazardly filled with bones, intestines, organs, body fluids, A complete set of human organs such as eyes and lips.

Its head was still half empty, and its organs were rippling in the liquid like a mess.

At this time, this "weird" monster was holding the multi-eyed girl's head with one hand and lifting her in the air.

"Mr. Penny, I don't want to disturb you. This monster suddenly broke in. Without saying anything, he grabbed me and rushed in until he came here." The multi-eyed woman's voice trembled, and there was a thick look on her twisted face. Deep fear, "I can't resist at all, it's too weird, my strength is completely unable to -"

"Big Monster Stew" seems to be tired of her screaming, and seems to have found its target and no longer needs her.

It squeezed it lightly, as easily as a strong man crushing an egg shell, and crushed not only the head of the multi-eyed girl, but her entire body into a puddle of green paste.

Penny stood up slowly, completely ignoring Abaodos and the others, and only looked at it with his shining scarlet eyes, "Weird? You are the legendary Weird deity, right? It's really weird.

To be honest, I have been waiting for you for a long time. You should come to me as soon as you come to this world. "

His expression gradually became excited, and he looked at it up and down with the eyes of a rare treasure, "We don't need to fight, you have the capital to negotiate terms with us, and we are confident that we can satisfy everything you want.

see it?

This is the Daystar Club. All the guests' wishes are fulfilled after stepping through the door. What do you want?

Neilong speculates that your greatest wish is to replace the Mother of Magic, and we can help you. "

"My greatest wish is to purge the fire. Can you help me purge the fire?" Da Luan Stew Monster finally spoke.

"Fire? Do you need a woman...or a man?"

Penny thought of the girl with multiple eyes who was pinched and exploded. She was very coquettish and could satisfy any man's desire, but she was pinched and exploded.

He glanced at its crotch. It was empty, with nothing on it.

"Men, women, angels, demons, whatever."

"Big Stewed Monster" opened his mouth and slowly walked towards Penny.

"What do you want men, women, angels and demons to do?" Penny asked with great interest.

"Purge the fire, eat them. You purge the fire. If Witch Harley eats me, I will eat you."

ps: The little red card is the original setting of the comic.

"Morning Star" is indeed a very powerful hell organization, and its shareholders are all First Fallen.

The small red card is better than the small advertisement that "draws the air", but it is not as good as the "Archbishop in Red".

It was used by Daystar to recruit human off-line personnel, who could be regarded as a team leader at most.

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