The strangeness that appeared in the "Morning Star" club at this time was very different from the Upside Down Man.

The upside-down man was hanging upside down in the air. His skin was covered with pale white scales, and there was a thick viscous liquid on the surface of the scales, like the mucus on fish scales. There were flies buzzing around in the mucus. It looked like a fish hanging in a vegetable market. Dead fish.

Although it is ugly and disgusting, it is basically a normal monster.

The "big stew" that suddenly broke into the Daystar Club was filled with more than half a bucket of "organ stew" in a human-shaped glass jar. The water was still sloshing under the mouth.

Its face was as smooth as the surface of a glass bottle. It originally had no mouth or other facial features, and its voice was dull and unclear when speaking.

"What did you say? What is Witch Harley doing?"

The smile on "King of Securities Trading" Penny disappeared and he became a little nervous.

He didn't understand the words of "Canned Stew Man", but he clearly heard the name "Witch Harley".

What he was nervous about was not what the "Canned Stew Man" planned to do to them, but what the Witch Harley quietly did to "Weird".

"Witch Harley, eat me and my companions. She is devouring my origin and wants to eat me dry. But she never imagined that the 'weird' is not just me, but 'us'. We are impossible." Conquered!"

"Big Stewed Can Man" staggered towards Penny, opening his toothless mouth like "Pac-Man" as he walked, "Now she is eating me, I want to eat you too, eat all of you—— "

Before it finished speaking, Penny became angry.

Well, it's not that I'm afraid, but I'm extremely angry, and I'm furious.

"How could Witch Harley do this?! She clearly swore that she would never take action against Weird or the Mother of Magic before the Legion of Heaven and Hell officially announced its abandonment.

I cannot take action against any of you in any way.

She made a sacred oath to us, the First Fallen, in the name of God. Could it be that she was so greedy that she even ignored her oath to God in order to plunder the power of magic?

Isn't she afraid of losing God's favor, being thrown into the nine hells and becoming a fallen angel? "

He was angry not because of what Stew was going to do to them, or because of its rude words, but because Harley had taken action against Weird.

"I want to sue her. I will go to Silver City to report her to God, so that she will lose all God's blessings and her 'god's descent' will become history."

"Coupon King" Penny gritted his teeth and was so angry that he didn't even want to listen to what the "Canned Man" said next.

However, his angry shouting also stunned the "Canned Man" who was moving forward steadily for a moment, "Can you deprive her of 'God coming to earth'?

If you can immediately make her lose the "God comes to earth", I may be able to let you go, but only to you. "

The face of the "can man" has no expression, but there are two big eyes soaked in the "human can bottle", which are floating in the brown-green liquid.

At this time, it glanced around with its smooth face without facial features, "Today, everyone in this room will be eaten by me. I want to vent the fire. I have already begun to vent the fire."

But I'm willing to give you a chance.

You immediately appeal to heaven and ask God to deprive Witch Harley of her "god to earth".

It was only by relying on 'God descending to earth' that she could forcibly suppress the magic mark that had been activated by me.

Without ‘God descending to earth’, all her miracles and essence of life will be swallowed up by me. "

Abao, Doss and others who were huddled in the corner burst into tears at this moment.

In order to escape the crisis of the Omega Titan, they took their whole family and left the earth to Keru.

As a result, Kelu was the hardest hit area by the Omega Titan Crisis, and everyone in the family died.

I thought that the magic debt crisis was completely different from ordinary people, but I and others were finally able to recover. As a result, they once again took the initiative to break into the core area of ​​the crisis.

Why are they so weak?

Now that "Weird" directly said that he would eat them, can they still survive?

They have just received a large amount of compensation from the Kolu people, and have also completed whole-body genetic adjustment. They can live for more than a hundred years!

But facing the "weird" deity, every cell in their body was frightened by fear, and their souls seemed to be frozen in the ice purgatory of the nine hells. It was difficult to even move, let alone cry loudly.

Po and the others were just scared, while Penny was very dissatisfied.

"Weird, I guess you haven't figured out the current situation. We are hunters and you are the prey.

The reason I am willing to talk to you rather than take action directly is because I am the devil of 'dealing'.

I stand for the idea that everything is tradable, so I'm giving you a chance to work with us. "

He pointed to two large wooden doors behind him.

The wooden door is at the top of seven steps.

As if it had been soaked in a pool of blood for thousands of years, the surface of the wooden door was dark red, with a strong smell of blood emanating from it. On the surface of the wooden door, there were densely carved images of howling demons from hell.

"Did you see it? This is the president's office, but it is not the last room of the Morning Star Club. It is not the core."

Penny walked to the bottom of the steps, with his back to the wooden door, a sneer mixed with pride and contempt on his face, "I personally don't think much of you, we are the first fallen.

Those who have fallen for the first time are naturally superior to others!

However, we are determined to win the magic debt and cannot afford to lose anything. In order to ensure that we can win you 100% and not be robbed by a shameless person who dares to betray the oath of God, we have prepared an army in advance.

An extremely large army.

Hehe, I know, you can't sense the energy behind the door, and you may think I'm playing an empty city strategy.

Hehehe, actually we were afraid that you would be scared, so we deliberately used the magic circle to seal the aura. "

He rubbed his hands together and smiled happily, "Even when we fought against Little Black Bean in the early years, there had never been such a huge coalition of First Fallen and Ancient Demons.

In fact, we First Fallen didn't show up at all.

We understand the true nature of Little Black Bean, and we are not in the mood to act with the Dog God, but only encourage external demons to be cannon fodder.

Don’t they want to rebel against the First Fallen? Hahaha”

His eyes flashed with scarlet blood, and he seemed to be very excited, and continued to talk: "But this time is different, last time I was acting with the dog god, it was completely unprofitable, and the first fallen had no interest and no ability to act.

Now, hey, there is no benefit that can exceed the magic debt.

Weird, since you said the words "eat us", you have lost the last chance to negotiate with me and trade with us, but I am still willing to give you a chance, as long as-"

"The Canned Stew Man" interrupted him impatiently. His voice was still muffled and dull, but it sped up a lot, as if he was a little anxious.

"Hurry up and report the Witch Harley to God, and take away her 'God's Desire' immediately. I can't hold on any longer. Hurry up, this is your last chance. Hurry up, hurry up!!!"

It didn't care about Penny's threats at all, nor did it listen to his words seriously. It was only eager to deal with the witch Harley deep in the realm of night.

Penny was a little angry, but also understood, "Witch Harley hasn't succeeded yet? Even if she uses God to come down to earth, she still can't kill you immediately. It seems that the existence of the 'Hell Legion' is really necessary.

However, you are so 'weird' that you claim to be the 'source of miracles', but now you are panicked and helpless in the face of the power of God of miracles. You can only wail and find others to vent your anger on, then"

——Then the "power of the first fallen", which has the same origin as "God descends to earth" but has a different sect, must also restrain the "weirdness"!

Thinking of this, "Coupon King" Penny felt even more relaxed.

"Why are you disobedient? I want you to report Witch Harley to God immediately. Go!"

It was obviously still a few steps away, and the speed of "Canned Stew Man" was also very slow, but in the next moment it had pinched Penny's throat.

Penny dared to swear to the "real Satan" Lucifer who had run away: there were no spatial fluctuations or magic fluctuations.

Moreover, after his neck was pinched, he was horrified to find that the extremely rich "Power of the First Fallen" in his body was completely solidified and could not be mobilized at all.

"Let me go, you bastard, I told you to let me go!" However, although Penny was frightened, he did not show any cowardice, because there was a huge army of nearly 20,000 demons behind him.

"Hurry up and report on Witch Harley. Hurry up and report on her. It hurts so much~~~ She is eating me. I have used my origin to create a body that conforms to the rules of this world, but she is too cruel and cruel. , actually devoured my body bit by bit, turned it back into its original form, and in the end, not even a drop of it was left, plundering all the origin."

The voice of "Big Stewed Canned Man" is still dull and vague, but it has a weeping flavor. It sounds really pitiful. Well, one part pitiful and nine parts terrifying.

While it howled, it shook the "Coupon King" Penny in its right hand vigorously.

Penny looks like the strips of meat that the "Pork Prince" hangs on the stall at the end of "Domestic Lingling Paint".

"You're done, you've completely pissed me off." But he was still shouting arrogantly, "Your Majesty Beelzebub, it has a mental problem, the negotiation has completely broken down, besiege it, annihilate it, and eat it!"

"Creak~~~" The wooden door on the steps opened to both sides.

There was no demonic energy pouring out of the sky, no demon king making a weird "Jie Jie" laugh, not even a single person.

The empty space behind the door was only filled with a yellowish-brown liquid. It was corpse water, putrid and dirty corpse water, with broken bones and black feathers floating in it.


It was like opening a dam to release floods. After the door was opened, the green corpses piled seven to eight meters high immediately poured out.

Penny, who was standing at the bottom of the steps, was instantly submerged in brown liquid.

Abao and others, who were shivering in the corner with tears on their faces, turned into yellow-brown liquid like marshmallows dropped in boiling water.

After all, Penny was a first-time fallen person, and his body did not dissolve so quickly. He could still cry out in a crying voice: "Your Majesty Beelzebub, Your Majesty Beelzebub, where are you?"

Where are our legions of hell?

Your Majesty Beelzebub, please, don’t play with me. Come out quickly and eliminate this weird thing. If you eat it, you can seize the magic debt."

"Beelzebub? You mean that big fly?"

The voice of "Canned Stew Man" was calm, but his words were slurred, and there was no emotion such as joking or ridicule.

"No need to shout, it was eaten by me a long time ago. At first it was as arrogant and rude as you, shouting and killing me, but when I put it in my mouth and chewed it, it immediately cried like it was being eaten by someone. Bullied kids.

It also swore in my mouth that it would be loyal to me and call me 'master'.

I didn't even have time to think about the meaning of being its master. It had already been swallowed by me and became part of my strength.

Alas, it would be great if Witch Harley could be digested as easily as it."

Penny was about to go crazy and yelled crazily: "No, you are lying, it is impossible, absolutely impossible, we are the noble First Fallen, the supreme and holy creation of God.

No one can harm us except Him Almighty!

This is a law, an unchangeable truth of the multiverse. In the tens of billions of years since the birth of the universe, no one has ever broken it! "

"I don't know what 'First Fallen' is. In my eyes, there are only two types of people in this world, Witch Harley and food. If you are not Witch Harley, then you are my food."

Most of the "big can stew man" sank into the yellow-brown corpse water. He raised Penny high with his right hand and slowly used force to squeeze his neck and head out of shape. "My patience is infinite, but my time is limited.

Witch Harley is about to devour me completely.

You must fulfill my request before then - report her to God and deprive her of the 'god descended' from her. "

"We have a First Fallen force field that is comparable to 'God descends to earth', our scales are cursed by God, and we are immune to divine spells and magic just like Witch Harley. There is no way we will be defeated by you.

You don't have time to defeat the legions of Hell either.

You've been talking to me since I walked in the door.

Tell me, tell me quickly, what trick did you use, the real illusion? Thought magic?

You can deceive my perception, but you can't deceive my wisdom! "Penny yelled crazily with a face full of madness.

"From the moment I walked in, I said I was going to release the fire, and I was going to eat all of you to release the fire. Why don't you believe me?

Even if you don’t believe it, why didn’t you notice that I had started to chew you? "

"The Canned Stew Man" opened his mouth like Pac-Man and stuffed Penny inside.

Although you can't see the teeth, you can hear the "click-click" chewing sound.

Penny naturally wailed miserably, crying like a child.

His First Fallen origin was finally no longer solidified.

They exploded in the body, but they completely betrayed him. They seemed to turn into countless cell-level "weirdness", opening their mouths wide to swallow all the miracles and life essence in his body.

His First Fallen force field, his Demon King power, his "Coupon King" demonic nature, and his First Fallen resistant skin. They all seemed to be locked up, making it difficult to move. Facing the "magic" Devouring, completely unable to resist.

The whole process happened very fast, faster than his thoughts. Maybe even his soul and mental power were swallowed up, and his reaction was much slower than usual?

In short, Penny had no time to change his mind and consider whether to beg for mercy from "Weird" before his entire body was swallowed whole by "Canned Man".

"Do I want to go to heaven? The devil in hell can tell on Witch Harley, maybe I can too."

It stood in the sea of ​​corpse water, looking up, as if looking at the Silver City "above" Limbo.

It was a little ready to move, but also fearful in its heart.

Even at this time, its consciousness is not perfect, and its perfect consciousness is "turning people upside down".

It is a temporary new creation.

But even though its consciousness is incomplete and its actions and speech seem a bit stiff, it still has the most basic fear instinct.

It is afraid of "God coming down to earth", and naturally it does not dare to face the real God.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but regret.

I regret being the first to attack the Angel Legion and not leaving anyone alive.

If it comes to the Daystar Club first and knows that it can report Witch Harley to make her lose God's favor, when it goes to the Angel Legion later, it will definitely force them to go to God to report Witch Harley for betraying God's oath.

If an angel complains to God, the effect should be better, right?

Well, the "Canned Stew Man" is a concept of life that was just assembled in the "Weird Mother Realm" and conforms to the rules of this world.

Its thinking and outlook are just like its body at this time, which is "a big mess", abnormal, irrational, and illogical.

In fact, it only gained the ability to speak and think after it was destroyed and absorbed all the power and divine essence of the Angel Legion.

Now that he has swallowed the Hell Legion, his thinking has become a little more mature.

"I will go to the gate of heaven if I have a chance."

"The canned man stewed in chaos" finally muttered and disappeared on the 66th floor of Wall Street underground.

Ten minutes later, deep in the realm of night.

In the mountain of flesh that seemed to be composed of a hundred thousand apple-sized lumps of flesh, there was finally no more disturbing sounds.

The upside-down mouths on the sarcoma were all closed, healed and grew together. Hallie's red lips and white teeth also disappeared.

The meat mountain began to beat regularly, like a human heart, and its surface gradually became flat and smooth, and its volume shrank toward the center.

"Witch Harley, don't forget your promise to me and your oath to God. Before the Legion of Heaven and Hell is completely defeated, you must not rob the upside-down man or the mother of magic's magic source and debt in any way!" Mother of Night shouted urgently.

To be honest, no one has really seen the "most fundamental magical debt" so far.

The Mother of Night also doesn't know the existence and manifestation of magical debt.

But the Night Realm is her domain. During the entire battle, she activated her powers to help Harley suppress the Upside Down Man. She could be sure that the Upside Down Man's aura was gradually weakening, and traces of his existence were being erased. No, he was being swallowed up.

The Mother of Night is also 100% sure that "Witch Harley" is doing what she is good at: robbing the upside-down man of his magical origin.

So she was a little anxious.

As I said before, seeing with her own eyes and doing her best to help Witch Harley gain huge benefits would be more uncomfortable for her than losing a son.

"Witch Harley, stop pretending to be dead and speak!"

Seeing that Harley ignored him for a long time and the meat mountain shrank by half, the Night Mother was angry and anxious.

"I was already dead and was eaten by the Upside Down. The cells in my body and the magic in my blood have all lost their sovereignty and become a part of the 'weird'. Now, I am pulling them back bit by bit."

Mother of Night said: "I don't care about your original magic power and divine essence, I only talk about turning people upside down now.

Its magic source and magic debt, you swore not to embezzle.

If you dare to break your oath, even if I don't publicize it to the outside world or report you to Silver City, God will definitely know about it. "

The lump of flesh continued to squirm and deform, and soon took on the appearance of a human being.

"Sister Ye, let me be honest with you. I dare to swear in front of Brother God that I really haven't seen any magic debt." Harley's tone was a little strange, as if there was some confusion and confusion.

"You mean that the Upside Down has no magical debt, and the previous scenes where it activated the magical mark in your blood and snatched and swallowed your life essence were all false illusions?"

The Night Mother was very angry. She felt that Harley had taken her for a fool.

"The Upside Down has magical debt, and he used it to take away all the miraculous powers from me except for 'God coming down to earth'.

I have never faced such a desperate battle.

It is not the same dimension and cognition at all.

It’s not a competition of hard power between the two sides. Even if you have hard power, you won’t be able to use it.

It directly robbed me of the miraculous element with power debt.

As long as the elements related to the 'power of miracles' and 'spectacle phenomena' will be quickly plundered by the magic mark.

My things cannot be used by me, but become its own. It’s terrible. "

Even though she was now completely victorious, Harley still had lingering fears when talking about the battle, and her voice seemed to have a vibrato.

She had just lost almost everything except her defense expertise. It was really no joke.

First, the magic power in the blood runs rampant.

The magic power instantly reversed, from the power controlled by her to a murderous weapon that was completely integrated into the will of the upside-down person, and then devoured her blood.

Blood is part of blood, but blood is more than just blood.

Blood is the foundation of material life.

After taking away her bloodline, the Upside Down easily devoured her body cells.

Then it used magic as a weapon to attack her sea of ​​consciousness, infiltrating and devouring the power of her soul.

When her body and soul were out of control, her thick-skinned divinity, her wisdom and memory, her divine king's laws, and her thick-skinned force field all fell one by one and were about to be completely lost and became the possessions of the Upside Down.

If she does not have defense expertise, does not upgrade the divine power (magic) defense expertise to level 9, does not upgrade the god defense expertise to level 10, and does not have multiple cosmic basic power defense expertise to form a connected defense network, she will really lose everything.

This isn't a fight at all.

The battle was a contest of strength and skill, and the Upside Down showed no strength or skill.

Its methods are extremely crude, domineering and direct. It is simply a creditor taking the ledger and raiding the debtor's home.

As long as there is a signature of the debtor on the account book, his hands and feet will be immediately chained, and the creditor will be allowed to collect all the precious things in the house. Even the debtor himself will be taken away, and he will be a slave for the rest of his life, and will never be able to get over.

"Since the Upside Down has magic debt on its body, and now that it is dead, the magic debt will not disappear out of thin air, right?" Mother of Night said.

"It seems to have disappeared out of thin air." There was a hint of doubt in Harley's tone, "Sister Ye, there are only three of you and me, and the Upside Down.

I'm pretty sure that the Upside Down is dead, and I'm also very clear that I haven't gotten any of the magic debt.

But both matter and energy follow the law of conservation, so where did the magic debt go? "

The Mother of Night was furious.

Just after the battle, the title changed from "Aunt Night" and "Mother of All Things in the Universe" to "Sister Night". Who is your sister? You shameless bastard.

It's okay to change the title. Anyway, she never expected "Witch Harley" to be filial and polite.

But not only did she openly break her oath, she also dared to accuse her of stealing the magic power debt.

The Night Mother has never seen such a shameless person.

"What is unbearable, Witch Harley, today we -"

Just as the Mother of Night was about to get angry, Harley shouted again: "This is the realm of night, and nothing that happens here can be hidden from you. Take a closer look, does it look like there is a magic debt on me?"

She has gone from being a lump of flesh composed of countless sarcomas to her original appearance again.

After hearing this, the Mother of Night carefully felt every change on her body. There seemed to be no change?

This shouldn't be the case!

"Did you hide the magic debt in your blood? You still don't have any magic power in your body. Don't tell me that you didn't steal the source of the magic power of the Upside Down." Mother of Night said.

Harley said: "Didn't all my previous magic power be taken away by it? My magic power has entered its body and has been integrated with its original magic power, making it inseparable.

So I just."

"But I only harvested part of the magic source, and the magic debt is definitely different from the source."

Harley told at least 70% of the truth.

She must have received huge benefits. At this moment, the divine (magic) defense expertise has reached level 9 and 80%!

But she had never seen the specific "magic debt", let alone kept it privately.

Harley had a suspicion in her mind, "Sister Ye, is it possible that 'magic debt' means subverting a person's will.

If we wipe out its will, the magical debt will also be gone?

Or does the Upside Down actually have no ‘magic debt’? "

"You destroyed the will of the reversed person. What did you get after destroying its will?" Mother of Night asked indifferently.

"I'm not going to lie to you about the source of some magic power. I didn't intentionally try to subvert people's will.

I also plan to capture its soul and find out information about the ‘weird’ and the ‘weird motherland’.

Turning people upside down is weird, but it’s by no means all ‘weird’. "Harry's tone was affirmative, and his expression was very regretful.

From the fact that the expertise was only upgraded to 80% of level 9, instead of directly breaking through to level 10 and being more than enough, she determined that the upside-down man was "weird", but "weird" did not mean upside-down man.

"Before it died, the Inverted Man made harsh words, saying that we would suffer retribution. If its death means the end of 'strangeness', then it is telling lies. At that time and in that tone, it doesn't seem like telling lies." Ha. Li added.

Mother of Night said: "Why didn't you leave its soul and torture it carefully?"

Harry sighed helplessly: "In the end, its body turned into a pool of rich magic power, leaving nothing behind, no bones, no soul.

It seems that its entire body is condensed with magic power, and it is a 'man-creating magic'.

Like the magic of creation cast by a mage.

‘Weird’ is the master of magic and has absorbed the wisdom of countless mages. The mages can use magic to create a little white rabbit, and it can also use magic to create an upside-down man. "

She has a basis for saying that.

When outsiders saw her swallowing the Upside Down Man and turning it into a huge lump of flesh, they might suspect that she relied on the gastric acid mist to eat the Upside Down Man alive.

It cannot be said that Harley did not use the gastric acid mist at all, but the gastric acid mist is really not the main reason.

If the credit for defeating the Inverted Man can be divided into 10%, at least 30% must be handed over to the Mother of Night first.

Only Harley, who had experienced the Battle of the Garden of Destiny, could understand how suppressed the Upside Down was in the previous battle.

Even the Mother of Night suppressed the Upside Down more than Big Brother Destiny suppressed Harley back then.

Because destiny has been disqualified and her authority is incomplete; however, the Mother of Night is doing what "destiny wants". With the blessing of destiny, she can do twice the result with half the effort.

Of the remaining six achievements, Harley's divine power and God's Power defense expertise accounted for 45%, Harley's semi-transcendent soul and enemy experience accounted for another half, and the remaining 10% was for the gastric acid mist.

When Harley activates the level 9 divine defense force field, even if the God King's magic enters the range of the force field, it will automatically disintegrate and dissipate.

Force fields destroy the structure and stability of divine magic.

After the Upside Down swallowed Harley, its body immediately twisted and deformed in the divine force field, the God force field.

Coupled with the digestion and plundering of gastric acid mist, it gradually loses control of the power and cells in the body, and eventually swells into a huge sarcoma monster.

It is also because Harley has clearly experienced this fact that she speculates that the Upside Down is essentially a magical container that contains "weird" will.

"The rabbits created by magic look very spiritual, but they have no real souls. When the magic is lifted, the rabbits will disappear immediately, and there will be no soul left." Harley said slowly.

Mother of Night somewhat believed her words.

"Then why do you say it's possible to turn people upside down and master magical debt?" she asked.

"Alas, it was only after being swallowed by the Upside Down that I truly realized how strong the multiverse's resistance to it was."

After Harley was swallowed by the Upside Down and temporarily became a part of it, she would naturally be excluded from the existence of the multiverse.

That is an all-round negation of matter and will.

It loses its sense of existence and is not allowed to exist in any form, so deformed and twisted sarcomas appear.

“The Upside Down is not allowed to exist by the ‘origin’, so naturally it will not have the authority of ‘magic debt’.

The magical authority permitted by the multiverse should belong to the Mother of Magic, and the Mother of Magic exists legally.

The Inversion Man is illegal and has no power. They are not allowed to exist in the universe, and their authority is also not allowed to exist. They are not allowed to interfere with the normal power of the Mother of Magic.

If you really want to plunder the magic debt, it seems you have to go to the Mother of Magic. " Harley pondered.

"If the Upside Down Man had no magic power debt, how could it instantly rob you and the World Tree of magic power? Even I was deprived of the ability to show wonders." Mother of Night said.

Harley said weirdly: "Maybe the mother of magic is the bank. Bank lending is protected by law, and the Upside Down is equivalent to the Gotham Gang. It has the ability to collect debts but has no legal creditor status.

Once you occupy the Milky Way, you can continue to lend money and collect debts.

But if you kill the leader of the Hey Gang, you will definitely not be able to legally take over the debts he released. "

Mother of Night was silent for a while and said: "Witch Harley, I will always keep an eye on you. Unless you never have to pay a 'magic debt' in your life, I will definitely go find God myself."

Are you trying to drive her away?

"Sister, let's cooperate."

Harley didn't want to leave yet, it felt so good to have the Endless being fully supportive.

She knows the taste after eating the marrow, and wants to continue to work with the Mother of Night to fight "weirdness".

If not for the help of Mother of Night today, Harley would not have won so easily in the first place. In addition, the Upside Down would most likely be defeated and not die. Its consciousness would escape and part of its power would also be taken away.

She didn't get the magic debt, nor did she raise the divine (magic) defense expertise to level 10 or higher?

Her strength has not fundamentally changed, and she still needs help.

"Get out!" Sister Ye was very direct and rude, "I don't want to see you again, so get as far away from me as possible!"

The next moment, the space around Harley began to change rapidly.

If she didn't struggle, she would leave the Realm of Night and return to the bottom of Limbo in the next second.

"Sister Ye, please wait a moment, your friend Ms. World Tree is still wailing!"

Harley struggled for a moment, broke away from the great shift in time and space, pointed to the World Tree below where half of her body had turned into an "alien", and shouted: "Even if the World Tree does not have any merit, at least it has worked hard to attract the upside-down people to take the bait. No You deserve this suffering.

And the only ones who died today were the Inverted Man, and the ‘weirdness’ still existed.

Sister Ye, you definitely don’t want her to be possessed by something ‘weird’ again one day, right? "

"Mother of the Night, save me~~~" The World Tree, which was holding half of the "alien" trunk, cried out sadly: "The Upside Down was destroyed by you and the Witch Harley, and 'Weird' will definitely take cruel revenge.

Before he died, the Inverted Man kept shouting, "You will suffer great retribution soon." The strangeness has set its sights on us, and the "alien" is the coordinate of its arrival! "

Harley nodded repeatedly and said: "Yes, Weirdness will definitely come to the realm of night again with you as the coordinate.

Sister Ye, you definitely don’t want to face the ‘weirdness’ coming for revenge alone, right?

According to the character of 'Weird', who bullies the weak and fears the strong, and is cunning and cunning, he will definitely take action against you first.

I understand that with your strength, you are definitely not afraid of having sex with hundreds or even thousands of "upside down people", but with me helping you, you can at least feel a lot more relaxed, right?

As long as you and I join forces, you don’t have to worry even if the ‘Weird Mother Realm’ opens directly in the Night Realm, I—”

Mother of Night shouted loudly: "You all go, leave my domain!"

This time not only Harley started to move in time and space, but also the World Tree below also moved outside the realm of night.

"Ah, mother of the night, you can't drive me away from the realm of night. Now is the time when the magic debt crisis breaks out. How can I live without your protection!" The branches of the tree of the world danced wildly, shouting. With deep fear and grievance.

——The reason why my body was contaminated by weirdness was because you asked me to help deal with the Witch Harley? Now that I am half paralyzed, half dead, and half of my original strength, you still want to give me shit in the snow. Isn't it too much? !

The World Tree really shouted out the grievances in his heart.

It's just that he didn't shout it publicly, but said it to the Mother of Night alone on the "Psychic Channel".

"Go to Witch Harley. She is a ruthless person and should be able to protect you through the magic debt crisis." The Mother of Night was also a little embarrassed, "If you stay in the realm of night, I may not be able to save you."

It’s not necessarily that it is impossible to protect the World Tree.

If the World Tree falls, the Realm of Night will inevitably be turned upside down by the strange World Tree.

Even she, the Night Mother, might meet the "Second Sister", also known as Burp Fart.

The current Mother of Night also borrowed the magic power of miracles.

If this Mother of Night dies, the newly born Mother of Night will be pure and flawless, without any trace of magic power, and without a dime of magic debt on her body.

"Since you can't fight 'Weird' alone, why do you refuse to join forces with Witch Harley? Although she is a bastard, she is really powerful. Together, you two will be invincible! You may not be able to get a share of the 'magic debt' by then. ." The World Tree advised.

"It is absolutely impossible for me to join forces with Witch Harley again. If I don't fight her, I have to consider the overall situation." Mother of Night said stiffly.

When Harley's body emerged from Zha Kang's mouth, she did not immediately go to the Upside Down for a decisive battle. Instead, she opened a gold-film bubble and transferred Zha Kang and others into it, letting them move towards the Realm of Night. Edge drifting.

The gold film bubble is not a spaceship. It has no flight engine and can only fly forward with inertia.

Naturally, it is impossible to leave the Realm of Night before the battle is over at this speed. If the Mother of Night does not want them to leave, Bubble will not be able to fly out of the Realm of Night for a million years.

When Harley was moved away, she specifically sensed the golden film bubbles released earlier.

If Mother of the Night just told her to "get lost" and planned to detain Zha Kang, Xiao Zha and the others, she would not take the overall situation into consideration.

Perhaps the Mother of Night knew that she would not take the overall situation into consideration, so she was frustrated and took the overall situation into consideration. While moving Harley and the World Tree, she also took the initiative to send the Golden Film Bubble out.

After her second request for alliance was rejected, Harley stopped struggling and allowed the Mother of Night to send her away.

It seemed that only a moment passed, and her eyes flashed. She had left the dark and void realm of night and arrived at the bottom of Limbo, a gray and black void. The golden bubble and the half-alien World Tree were not far from her.

"Sister, what's wrong? Why did you come out too?" Harley had just teased the World Tree when the voice of Heaven's slightly anxious voice came into her mind: "Harley Quinn, come to Silver City quickly!"

Harley was stunned for a moment, thinking that the Voice of Heaven knew about the "Battle in the Night Realm" and wanted to demand "magic debt" or blame her for breaking her oath.

"Voice of Heaven, I swear, I really haven't received any magic debt at all, and I didn't intentionally seek trouble from the Upside Down. Several of my friends encountered the 'Unknown Great Omen in the Miracle House', and I can't— —”

"Come to Silver City quickly!" The voice of the sky interrupted for the first time, "It has nothing to do with what you are doing in the realm of night. It is not completely irrelevant.

Weirdness is now wandering at the gate of heaven, and seems to want to attack Silver City. Come quickly and take care of it! Come on, stop talking nonsense, come here first and then talk. "

Harley is really stunned, Weird is going to attack Silver City? Tianzhi Sheng couldn't bear it any longer and called her back to save her?

She was about to ask a few more questions when she suddenly felt a darkness above her head, as if something was approaching. When she turned around, she saw the World Tree with a sly smile.

Well, the golden trunk of the World Tree reveals the face of a gentle old woman.

"Sister Martial God King, did Mother of the Night tell you? I will follow you from now on."

"Little tree, now that you are paralyzed, can you still help me understand the wisdom of the world?" Harley asked with a smile.

"Little sister, although half of my body has been tainted by strange things, I still retain the complete innate ability of the World Tree." The old woman's expression was humble, but her tone was very confident, "I can not only help you understand the wisdom of the world, but I can also become your stomach. The world’s sea-fixing needle allows the world in your stomach to evolve into a miraculous life.”

——Harley Quinn, what are you still talking about? Come to Silver City quickly!

There was obvious anger in Tianzhi's tone.

--No hurries? There are so many archangels in heaven, but this is just a weird thing. By the way, you should quickly notify the "Tongues of Fire" angel army. Aren't they always looking for weird things?

Harley was disapproving and her attitude was more casual.

Tianzhi was silent for three or four seconds before he said indifferently, "They are finished."

"What do you mean it's over - I'm sorry!"

Harry's heart tightened, and he subconsciously "calculated". There was no trace of Uriel, the Tongue of Fire, in the river of destiny. He hiccupped.

The Angel Legion also encountered great misfortune.

"Xiaoshu, please follow me from now on. Don't call me Martial God King. That's too unfamiliar. Just call me 'Sister Hallie'. With Sister Hallie protecting you, you will surely thrive and ward off all evil."

Harley said casually and prepared to take the World Tree and the Golden Bubble to the Gate of Heaven.

But when she noticed the golden film bubbles, she couldn't help shouting, "Shit, what are you doing? How come my gold film force field is blackened?"

The nightmare nurse was separated by a force field membrane and howled miserably: "Harley, let me out, Constantine is defecating inside, and the bubbles are filled with his defecation."

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